What am I in for?

What am I in for?
Finally got around to finishing Judgement and I’m about to start Lost Judgment. Is it better or worse than the first one?
Also now that Nagoshi has left the series, what are the chances we finally get Ishin and Kenzan here in the west?

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  1. 3 years ago

    >Is it better or worse than the first one?
    It's way better on the gameplay side of things, the story depends on if you find the subject matter interesting. Has one of my favorite antagonists in the series easily. A lot of people don't like some of Yagami's repetition but if you can deal with that it's fine. I'd say the story of Judgment was overall more interesting but the antagonist is better as a character for sure.

    • 3 years ago

      What about tailing missions? They were my least favorite part of J1 and fricking puyo puyo

      • 3 years ago

        They're still there but they're fairly rare (Main story only has two, I've only seen two in about 20ish substories). They're also much shorter, the npcs are faster, and the major difference is you can hide behind almost anything because it auto-snaps you to corners and objects now if you hover near them in addition to you having a panic button in the form of doing something to act normal until the person moves on. The only real annoyance is people look around more often than they did in Judgment but if you just keep your distance it's fairly alright.

        The bigger annoyances are the stealth bits because the AI isn't really designed around it and they have weird cones of detection or poor placement for distraction throws. They're still fairly fast though and the story has about three while the substories I've done had about two as well. There's also a parkour system but outside of the main story doing them a few times I haven't seen any in substories yet.

      • 3 years ago

        There's like one tailing mission in the main story and that's it. However they introduce stealth missions which are way worse than tailing ever was.

  2. 3 years ago

    Worse story, pacing and setting than the first game but better combat.

  3. 3 years ago

    Expectations for the Kaito expansion?
    Is the season pass worth it?

    • 3 years ago

      I'm afraid it's gonna be as low quality as the Majima parts were in Kiwami 2. Not sure if it's worth it.

    • 3 years ago

      >Is the season pass worth it?
      if you want more stuff, yeah

      • 3 years ago

        Most of it is fluff and cut content and the season pass is more expensive than most AAA ones at 35 bucks instead of the usual 25. It’s a fricking scam. I’ll just buy the Kaito thing separately when it’s out.

    • 3 years ago

      Beating up random thugs in either a prequel to the first game or some random ass side job set during 2 or after it. They said 10 hours of content so I’mp expecting a short story with a handful of side stories padding the playtime with dialogue

    • 3 years ago

      >Expectations for the Kaito expansion?
      Majima Saga but actually fleshed out.
      >Is the season pass worth it?
      Pack 1 is alright mainly for the skateboard, girlfriends, and an Amon fight on demand (Though without any healing). If those sound interesting then yes. The girlfriends are the main attraction here so if you liked them in Judgment then you'll probably like them here.
      Pack 2 is worth it for the Boxing style but according to people who have it on Xbox it's somewhat of a cheat style and deals significantly more damage than it should. The rest is basically minor additions to minigames and not really worth it.
      Pack 3 would be Kaito and it's actually an expansion pack.

      Now, is this worth $35? Hell no, not in the slightest. Unless you're a big Yakuza fan you should really pick what you want out of this and get it separately. Ultimately, pack 1 is entirely dependent on if you like the girlfriends, pack 2 is entirely dependent on if you want the Boxing style, pack 3 is the only thing truly worth it.

    • 3 years ago

      I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

  4. 3 years ago

    When are they going to nerf Essence of Sawa-sensei? That shit has no diminishing returns, you can curbstomp Amon just by spamming it non-stop.

  5. 3 years ago

    How bad is the school stuff? Is the game mostly just how do you do fellow kids? That sounds fricking horrible

    • 3 years ago

      Nah it’s pretty fun and varied in terms of people you mean, half of them don’t even involve teenagers or people at the school itself. The minigames themselves are mostly crap though. I only liked skateboard races.

    • 3 years ago

      >How bad is the school stuff?
      It's actually pretty great. It's basically smaller minigames and Yagami infiltrating clubs or helping people out. The main five are fully fleshed out minigames (Though Death Racing kind of sucks and Robotics Club is pretty boring once you realize a strategy) while the other five are short because they're investigations into one person or just short in general.
      >Is the game mostly just how do you do fellow kids?
      Funny you should say that. Also, no, it doesn't act like that at all. He just acts like a normal guy in a teacher's role or simply helping the kids.

  6. 3 years ago


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