What an AWFUL fricking game.

>bored as shit, games on sale, what the hell, might as well try it
>Very first side mission
>A thumb drive gets stolen after a fight by a fricking pigeon
>Not a trained pigeon, just a random pigeon
>b***h on the radio: "oh! I know about a pigeon nest in X tree in Central Park, go check it out!"
MOTHER FRICKER, WHAT? You've memorized a specific tree that has a pigeon nest in central park?
>Every single side activity is lower than Ubisoft open world grind tier: just go fetch the shibble dibble
>First suit power you unlock instantly wins all combat for you
>There's a total of 4 different crime types, please repeat each 10 times
>Controls function as intended about 70% of the time

The games kind of pretty. Other than that any reviewer that scored this game above a 6/10 is objectively wrong.

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  1. 5 months ago

    If you're already seething at the first mission, you might want to quit now. It only gets worse from there. You haven't even gotten to the truly awful parts of the game yet

  2. 5 months ago

    There's something wrong with you, OP. Insomniac has apex game design

    • 5 months ago

      >"Stealth" takedown is stabbing a man in his intestines
      >He just starts screaming like a cat with it's tail in a blender

    • 5 months ago

      why would i need knives when I have knives in my hand? why would i need stealth when im motherfricking wolverine? also that "stealth takedown" aint stealth that guy would be screaming like hell

    • 5 months ago

      FFS another 3rd person over the shoulder game?

      • 5 months ago

        Is OTS not the standard by now? Its been the standard for over 10 fricking years and was beat dead by Gears of War. This complaint is by far the most moronic.

        • 5 months ago

          >it's been the standard that is why you shouldn't want more!!!!!!

    • 5 months ago

      why would i want to play a superhero game where i sit in stealth all day? why is insomniac so creatively bankrupt?

      • 5 months ago

        Especially considering one of wolverines defining traits is his berserker rage. A stealth game is the complete opposite of what a wolverine game should be. It should be more along the lines the that classic PS2 hulk game or god of war. You should just be obliterating everything in sight.

      • 5 months ago

        From the leaks. All Insomniac know is "Rip off Batman Arkham with Dark Souls combat and cinematic elements". Now Raven's Wolverine game isn't the most original game in the world. It's a Devil May Cry clone. But Raven added their own style and spin to it that made it feel like a Wolverine game and that you were tearing through enemies like butter with the claws.

      • 5 months ago

        Wolverine literally does stealth in the comics

        • 5 months ago

          no doubt an exciting part of the comics just dying to be adapted into AAA slop "game" format. i wouldn't even mind if they committed to the stealth, but it's always that half-assed stealth that's just a staple of every Sony movie game.

    • 5 months ago

      I am a fricking stealth mark but why would I need stealth when I am playing a someone with super human healing?

  3. 5 months ago

    But it makes you feel like piderman

  4. 5 months ago

    story was so boring. i felt like it was a filler episode of a spiderman show the entire game. then it just ended and i felt no connection to any of the characters. i told my buddy and he was surprised i was bored playing. god i fricking hate gamers that only play console games.

    • 5 months ago

      I've played for about 8 hours and so far it doesn't have a story. The opening tutorial where fisk gets arrested and now it's just unlocking the map, getting backpack tokens and stopping petty crime. I get that I need to do main missions to progress the story, but some sort of plot beat to go off of would have been nice. But as of now it doesn't even have a story.

      • 5 months ago

        the story fricking sucks. it feels like its not a story. its just meeting up with people and nothing really happens. then you go back looking for more cool spiderman constumes.

        • 5 months ago

          in fact the only reason i finished the game was to see all the costumes. didnt give a shit at all about what was happening in the story anymore. played the game on the easiest mode for the story and then i get hit with shit story. really ruined my plan

  5. 5 months ago

    nah, its quite good

  6. 5 months ago

    Spider-Man adaptations always turn him from a weird, but intelligent and clever guy burdened with secret guilt into a complete pushover homosexual who walks back his jokes. Frick the movies and this game

  7. 5 months ago

    >>A thumb drive gets stolen after a fight by a fricking pigeon
    That's actually based and exactly the kind of thing that happens in Spider-Man stories. The shit stuff is everything involving the side characters
    >introduce miles but he doesn't get his own story you just play a stealth mission as unpowered miles after his dad explodes
    >make you play as mj in another terrible stealth mission

  8. 5 months ago

    2nd one sucks and the story is basically non existent, but the first one is great

    • 5 months ago

      This is the first one. It's not great. In fact it's very bad.

      Not even memeing, if you think this is a great game I feel sorry for you. Please go play something good. Please.

  9. 5 months ago

    Just play arkham. Literally every insomniac spider man is the same open world sloppa game with the same plot except the plot gets worse and worse

    • 5 months ago

      >Literally every
      So just the 2?

      • 5 months ago

        No, Miles is the exact same plot too, Three.
        >Spiderman has a close friend/mentor (Otto/Phin/Harry) who discovers his identity and has to fight against in the final battle before someone close to Spiderman (May/Phin/Harry(basically harry)) dies

  10. 5 months ago

    Nice try Jameson

  11. 5 months ago

    I don't have a lot of knowledge about Spider-Man, just watched Spider-Verse, started the Remastered a bit ago, watched the Raimi movies and some random episodes of the cartoons.
    Why does he shoots artificial webs in the game? I thought the spider who bit him mutated him to the point he makes his own spiderwebs

    • 5 months ago

      The Raimi movies are the odd ones out here. He makes his own webs in the comics, TV shows and movies.

    • 5 months ago

      >I thought the spider who bit him mutated him to the point he makes his own spiderwebs
      THE BEST answer i can give are that people are stupid and they constantly change it back and forth to feel like they are doing a unique thing. frick em

    • 5 months ago

      I haven't followed the plot of comic Spider-Man since the late 90s. But from inception to then, no, he doesn't make his own web. He can stick to surfaces, has super speed/strength, and spider senses. His web was always made by him in the lab and was a typical problem for him as such. One of the go to ways writers would put him in a dangerous predicament was to have him run out of web capsules.

    • 5 months ago

      >I thought the spider who bit him mutated him to the point he makes his own spiderwebs
      You would think, but no, it JUST SO HAPPENS that the guy who was bitten by a magic SPIDER and who got a bunch of SPIDER-RELATED superpowers did not get the ability to make web and instead JUST SO HAPPENED to develop his own secret web formula instead. To be honest, I've always preferred organic webbing because it just makes more "sense" rather than the coincidence that the spider superhero also developed a web formula that no one else knows. But yes, as the other anons have said, despite a few instances in the comics of Peter getting organic webbing, his artificial web and web shooters tend to be the standard for the character

  12. 5 months ago

    >videogame has illogical video game quests

    • 5 months ago

      All they had to do was say "check some trees nearby to find a nest" and it wouldn't be an issue. But somebody directly saying that they know of a SPECIFIC fricking pigeon nest in a specific tree in Central Park is next level fricking moronic.

  13. 5 months ago

    nah. I played the first game for a while and the combat was really really good. it had launchers and combos. idk what the frick you're smoking but you don't know shit

    • 5 months ago

      >the combat was really really good. it had launchers and combos
      Shill post. Everyone who's played it knows it's "Press square to win" with launcher just being "Hold square. The press square for an air combo". Shit's like a really really awful Platinum game played on Super Easy.

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, the three enemy types that are introduced in the tutorial, which never change, and have hard counters that must be adhered to is some great combat bro. Remember the time you got behind a shield guy to punch him in the back? How about that time you webbed up a guy with a gun while you took care of the rest of the goons? Oh, geez, wait, was that just the tutorial or was that 20 hours in?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't forget the game is incredibly stingy with giving you meter for finishers and gadgets and wants you to do the same two monotonous combo strings over and over again after you dodge.
        >Muh webs
        Take an age to refill and only just set enemies up for the same canned combo

        >"Remember the time you got behind a shield guy to punch him in the back? How about that time you webbed up a guy with a gun while you took care of the rest of the goons? Oh, geez, wait, was that just the tutorial or was that 20 hours in?"
        Remember the shit people gave DmC Devil May Cry for color coded enemies? It's in this game and it's way fricking worse.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, I really don't get how they tried so hard to rip off Arkham and yet the combat feels 1/10th as dynamic. The Arkham games have some of the same issues: I.E. an enemy with a knife has to be capeswiped before attacking. But the Arkham games used those enemy types sparingly/intelligently. This game has EVERY fricking encounter essentially be paint by numbers. Here's 3 shield guys, you can fight them head on, here's 3 melee guys, you must air launch them, here's 3 gun guys you need to deal with them before the others. It feels like the game has zero actual choice in its combat. No room to improvise/be dynamic. You either do what you're supposed to or you do poorly.

          • 5 months ago

            Because they tried to design combat around crowd control instead of tool utility and actual combo system. As I said you have like 3 combo variations of light->heavy->light and thats it its really fricking bad and game directly tells you to spam AoE gadgets in fact every single gadget apart from first one you get(web shooter) is AoE focused for a reason and why every combat encounter has items scattered you need to throw at enemies to stagger/stunlock them including bossfights. They doubled down on that with second game where every single ability is AoE crowd control garbage that stunlocks enemies so you can mash insanely simple one note "combo" square->triangle->square to do le cool for free or after getting focus bar your finisher animation and thats it. Its insane how much praised that combat system is when its so fricking linear and simple. You can say whatever you want about Bamham but its at least 10 times deeper than both Spider Man games combined.

          • 5 months ago

            Because they tried to design combat around crowd control instead of tool utility and actual combo system. As I said you have like 3 combo variations of light->heavy->light and thats it its really fricking bad and game directly tells you to spam AoE gadgets in fact every single gadget apart from first one you get(web shooter) is AoE focused for a reason and why every combat encounter has items scattered you need to throw at enemies to stagger/stunlock them including bossfights. They doubled down on that with second game where every single ability is AoE crowd control garbage that stunlocks enemies so you can mash insanely simple one note "combo" square->triangle->square to do le cool for free or after getting focus bar your finisher animation and thats it. Its insane how much praised that combat system is when its so fricking linear and simple. You can say whatever you want about Bamham but its at least 10 times deeper than both Spider Man games combined.

            Batman Arkham was at least smartly designed in that if you had a different enemy type like a knife guy, shield guy, sword ninja or titan there was always multiple routes to knock them out. The knife guy for example, you needed to cape swipe from the front. But there are multiple ways around him. You can dodge over him and hit from the back. You grapple gun him and knock the knife out of his hand. You could even use an explosive gel shot and the explosion would knock the knife out of their hands and of course you could just dodge over, combo off the regular goons and burn a finisher on the knife guy to take him out from the front. While Batman is simple. It's not locking you to a single path to defeat enemies outside of bosses which constantly makes you think in fights on what you can do next instead of just locking you to one path. They give you a bunch of tools and say "Go nuts". It's simple but it's not treating you like a moron.

            With Spider-Man they just have one golden path. Either use the same combo over and over or web them. There's no clever use of gadgets (Which all mostly do the same thing that amounts to AOE splashes). No DMC styling on enemies to open them up. Just insanely basic and insultingly linear combat that assumes you are a moron who rolls the square button on the pad in your face.

            I heard the second game ramps up the "Cinematic" cutscenes in battle as well so it doesn't sound like Insomniac learned anything from the first game.

            • 5 months ago

              I wouldn't mind if the combat worked like it does on the easiest difficulty. Superhero games should be easily enjoyable for a young child. But the fact that even on the highest difficulty it still treats you like a moron is simply not fun.

              • 5 months ago

                Its even worse on high difficulties because combat and AI is not designed around that at all lol. When you have soulslop games then those games work well because they are designed around that but when you have cinematic button mashers like nu GoW and Spider Man then it becomes tedious and just bad. In both games enemies become damage sponges while you are getting one shot so you quite literally have to cheese through encounters with some corny ass bullshit and ofcourse in both games its about abusing AoE abilities to stunlock and stagger enemies. nu GoW was insane with that especially with how it sponged enemies on give me god of war plus the camera FoV so majority of encounters was pure cancer with getting one shot by something you cant even see. Then after a bit you go with runes and build that has highest AoE and makes said aoe ability cooldown shorter and game just becomes stunlock spam where you just mash shit on staggered enemies but then you have valkyries and some other enemies that have armored moves so you need to know not to mash too much and you need to give up damage and theres reset from stunlock/stagger and its like that over and over and over until finish.

    • 5 months ago

      First game didnt had combos. Air combo has literally one(single one) variation and you can go from it to finisher,use a gadget or web kick and thats it lmao. Ground combos also have only 3(!) variations if you dont take usage of gadgets and throwable objects including enemies. Spider Man is not a combo game but more focused on crowd control through gadgets and environment interaction. People who say that game is like bamham are fricking moronic but no Spider Man does not have varied combo system anon.

  14. 5 months ago

    Black personman, Black personman
    Stealing and looting as fast as he can
    Black personman, Black personman
    Running away from the Klu Klux Klan

  15. 5 months ago

    for me it's the on-rails web swinging that magically cancels and grants momentum in a split second so the moronic zoomers who buy this trash don't have to actually try.

  16. 5 months ago

    The worst thing about this game is how Yuri Lowenthal is always saying "fast".
    >I gotta catch this pigeon, fast
    >I gotta relieve the steam pressure, fast
    >I gotta defeast Doc Oc, fast.

  17. 5 months ago

    The optics secondaries such as the devs of this have of Spider-Man is so puzzling to me as a fan. Where are they taking any of this from? Yes, yes, I know, Slott and Gage were deeply involved in the conceptualization and the choices definitely show, but what about the gaps Insomniac had to fill on their own? What was their basis for Peter being an unlikeable emasculated pushover with no temper issues going through Ricky and Morty or whatever other manchild TV show situations? Even if that had any basis in reality, why would anyone even like that? Absolutely baffling.

  18. 5 months ago

    So what would be the future dlcs for the second game though

    >Carnage and Wraith
    >Chameleon story
    >Free dlc of Miguel for the movie

    Possible ones or it would be for the next game
    >Last chapter with Octopus and Green Goblin

    • 5 months ago

      The fact that this game has 8-9/10 review scores across the board while being as shit as it is means I'm never going to try the second game. It may very well be improved, but I'm not gonna bother. This is shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Open wide, movieshitter.

      The fact that this game has 8-9/10 review scores across the board while being as shit as it is means I'm never going to try the second game. It may very well be improved, but I'm not gonna bother. This is shit.

      Don't worry, it's even worse.

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