what an idiot

what an idiot

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    shut the frick up homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day, stupid shill.

  2. 10 months ago

    I have never seen a switch in public before

    • 10 months ago

      I have

    • 10 months ago

      I did, I even seen 3 people with a Steam Deck

    • 10 months ago

      You have to leave your house first

    • 10 months ago

      Trannies don't go outside

    • 10 months ago

      the only time i've ever taken my switch outside of the house is when i took it to worlds 22

    • 10 months ago

      Only place I ever saw one in public was in a plane

    • 10 months ago

      Came here to say this; no one carries it around except maybe to the toilet, topkek

    • 10 months ago

      Same, but to be fair bringing it outside in my third world shithole is a death sentence.

    • 10 months ago

      That's because it doesn't happen.

    • 10 months ago

      dumb kid at my job got fired in part because he wanted to play with it on the clock

    • 10 months ago

      >firstoids don't bring their Switch out randomly because they're scared of being made fun of for playing vidya in public so the only time a firstie will bring their Switch is if they're playing with friends or if they're going to some Switch-related event
      >thirdoids don't bring their Switch out in public because they're going to get mugged and robbed
      >despite what Nintendo loves showing in their ads, no jetsetter brings their Switch out unless they fly business/first class all the time

    • 10 months ago

      I always see 1 or 2 of them whenever I go out to restaurants

  3. 10 months ago

    fake? link

    • 10 months ago
  4. 10 months ago

    This is the guy who ruined Pokemon, by the way. Pushed for annual releases and multiple generations per console and made Masuda his b***h.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah death to ishiara, madua (for sucking wiener), ohmori, tajiri (for creating this shit to begin with) and tannabe.

      • 10 months ago

        At least Yokoi got out of your shitlist early.

    • 10 months ago

      Nintendo ordered Pokémon 2 for 1997. When Game Freak failed to deliver that ansd Nintendo were demanding a release per their contract, GF told them "we have blue dough". and Nintendo sold that. Then they missed Pokémon 2's deliver date AGAIN and gave Nintendo Special Pikachu Edition because their contract STILL stated they needed to give Nintendo Pokémon 2/GS.
      Nintendo's the root cause of yearly releases (pokémon launch week invariably leads to a doubling of console sales in that same time period) because they get to sell games with a 30% cut and consoles for a 100% cut of revenue.
      But sure, le big baddy bad boogiemans is to blame, because he's been the only autority figure Anon knew, because she was born after TPC was founded as a company and given everything Nintendo and Game Freak didn't want to waste their time with.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          It's amazing. They cry their fricking arses off about the franchise churing out shit constantly, yet fail to follow the money-trail to figure out who has the most to gain from a release a year (and it isn't TPC, their revenue comes from everything but the core games).

          • 10 months ago

            >(and it isn't TPC, their revenue comes from everything but the core games).
            They can put out more merch when there's newer games to capitalize on the release of. Just look at all the new CHARIZARD merch that specifically ties in to SV alone.
            If anything TCPi would stand to gain a lot considering a new Gen means:
            >New material for the anime
            >New material for the manga
            >New plushies, toys, etc
            >New posters
            >New bedsheets and pillowcases
            >New clothes based on the latest gen/games
            >A ton of new Mystery Gifts that can lend themselves to all sorts of time promos
            And that's without going into revenue to be gained via the TCG, the occasional spin-off or the rare animated series that isn't the mainline anime.
            TCPi and Nintendo both gain MASSIVELY, though I'd argue the sheer revenue generated by the merch due to the sheer amount of channels they have compared to the game sales would benefit TCPi most of all.

            • 10 months ago

              There always used to be shitlode of different manga, but why are there so many different animes now?

              • 10 months ago

                Seems to be a promotional thing for the most part. VGC promotion for the most recent one, Hisui promotion at one point, Generations was done for the 20th and Origins was done as a Megazard X advertisement.

              • 10 months ago

                because anme has became mainstream

            • 10 months ago

              >dodging the question
              How much do they get from first-week game sales and console sales again? We're talking why GF release on the schedule they do and the only companies directly profiting off a game a year launch and sales (because as you morons capably pint out daily "they can just NOT release for a year" and TPC would still roll in it, but also requires TPC to actually give a frick and step up with their spin-offs, which only happened when they needed to step up for a delayed Gen 4) are Nintendo and Game Freak (and sometimes they even earn it by proxy - pic very much related).

      • 10 months ago

        It's still Game Freak's fault for entering such a contract to begin with.

        • 10 months ago

          Why, because Nintendo agreed to fund the first iteration, had not had high hopes for its impact and had watched as they almost failed to deliver before Game Boy EoS, only to then see it explode, kid's magazines getting 78,000 entries for just 20 giveaway Mews (where winners needed to send their cart to the magazine, to put Mew on game, then return to the winner)?
          Anyone and their mother starts talking about a part 2, which only gets turned into a contract, when third parties start knocking requesting collaborations, pitching merch opportunities or otherwise looking to partner up to present a message. It was a very particular series of events that led us here and frankly, unless you were of that era, it's hard to explain how progressional it was. When it hit the west, it was fully formed. But in the 9 years between Tajiri starting work on the series genesis and it getting an EU release, it went through a very different birth and formative years in Japan, that allowed it to become the runaway worldwide success it did.

        • 10 months ago

          gamefreak would have gotten nowhere on their own at the time

        • 10 months ago

          They didn't have a choice. Pokemon nearly didn't come out. It was either that, or cancel your game and close shop.

        • 10 months ago

          Nintendo ordered Pokémon 2 for 1997. When Game Freak failed to deliver that ansd Nintendo were demanding a release per their contract, GF told them "we have blue dough". and Nintendo sold that. Then they missed Pokémon 2's deliver date AGAIN and gave Nintendo Special Pikachu Edition because their contract STILL stated they needed to give Nintendo Pokémon 2/GS.
          Nintendo's the root cause of yearly releases (pokémon launch week invariably leads to a doubling of console sales in that same time period) because they get to sell games with a 30% cut and consoles for a 100% cut of revenue.
          But sure, le big baddy bad boogiemans is to blame, because he's been the only autority figure Anon knew, because she was born after TPC was founded as a company and given everything Nintendo and Game Freak didn't want to waste their time with.

          This is the guy who ruined Pokemon, by the way. Pushed for annual releases and multiple generations per console and made Masuda his b***h.

          >It's still Game Freak's fault for entering such a contract to begin with.

          tbf Pokemon Yellow by itself almost sold as well as Pokemon Black/White. It'd have taken a major dumbass not to churn out Pokemon games during Pokemania.

          They quite literally would have been less successful and let the hype cool down if they had spent more time on each game.

          • 10 months ago

            >Bulbasaur used Stealth Rock!

      • 10 months ago

        This picture alone explains so much, it's unreal

      • 10 months ago

        you moron. they're all profiting from it. why can there ever only be one bad actor?

        It's still Game Freak's fault for entering such a contract to begin with.

        >it's your fault for being exploited
        >it's your fault for being sexually assaulted
        >it's your fault for being poor
        >it's your fault for developing cancer
        i can't blame gf for taking nintendo money in the past. but i can blame them now that they keep releasing shittier games and dont try to improve it or finally put this franchise to rest.

        A lot of people buy Nintendo consoles SPECIFICALLY to pay Pokemon.
        That's why a lot of Pokegays are just so ignorant about the state of the video game industry.

        I'm surprised Nintendo didn't slap the absolute shit out of Ishihara for saying that.

        >I'm surprised Nintendo didn't slap the absolute shit out of Ishihara for saying that.
        why should they? it activated everyone's maternal instincts to take out their wallet and protect their their beloved nintendo and pokemon from alleged doom

      • 10 months ago

        Interview makes it seem like GF's fault, joe.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Ishihara and Masuda were part of the OG Pokemon crew.

      Ishihara was an angel investor while Masuda was in charge of music.

      The dudes who are mostly in charge now are their assistants back from Gen 2 and 3. All the OG Gamefreak luminaries and boomers are all bosses/board members now.

  5. 10 months ago

    Huh? he was kinda half right, though.

    I remember when Switch first came on, everyone and their mother played it, even my neighbor couple because I heard them playing it every night. Around 1 year after that, everything went downhill from there.

    • 10 months ago

      So he was absolutely wrong, then, stupid shill.

    • 10 months ago

      I know people who play it more than the previous year before and that cycle repeats every year since 2017

  6. 10 months ago

    I've never seen anyone carrying around a Switch.

  7. 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    >We were THIS CLOSE to getting Mainline Pokemon Games on phones
    Bros.......we lost so hard

    • 10 months ago

      >wanting a mainline Pokemon game with microtransactions
      >wanting a mainline Pokemon game dumbed down further than it already is
      I hope you develop cancer cells.

  9. 10 months ago

    Nintendo themselves didn't trust the console
    >Shit old nvidia gpu
    >Easily hackable
    >Shit garbage ui on release, less functionality than a 3ds
    >No youtube, no browser, no Netflix
    >"The Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild" big game, everyone talking about it, also not switch exclusive, released same day on Wii U for fear of flop
    >Drought of games for the first 2 years
    >Everyone doing ports instead of new games
    >Joycon drift
    >No pokemon games until way later
    They made a very cheap console to test the waters, if it flopped no biggie, they clearly didn't spend 100 bucks on each one, if it succeeded well, course correction, and very late I might add

    • 10 months ago

      >as if they didn't use obsolete chipsets for 3DS, because it was cheaper than buying newer tech
      >the more complex tech gets, the easier it is to find ingress points
      >Nintendo competes with them for attention, unlike MS Snoy, who have no games, but want people using their tech as "Home Media Center"
      >originally developed for WiiU, it was ported to Switch to give it a big release title (which saw it hit a 125% uptake on launch sales of both)
      The rest is clearly just your opinion (especially re: pokémon, as they always take two years to launch something brand-new on any new console) with one good point (drift is an issue, but I don't think anyone would have seen it coming; ports were to make money off dev cycles that tanked Nintendo's performance when added to the shitshow the WiiU was. And given people actually bought the Switch, everything that died got a chance to run, which when you're selling at everyone and not just the gaymers, is more attractive).
      It seems you wilfully misunderstand Nintendo's intents with their consoles - they don't care about being "the biggest, bestest and beefiest" console out there. They're happy to be part of the average person's daily entertainment options though. Shit, they only seem to be coming back to that way of thinking, since people spent two years crying "whaaa, de switch amn't poewrful, reee" when sadly power = gwaffix to those people in most cases and not something to actually celebrate.

  10. 10 months ago

    >no one would carry a game console around
    He was right on the one, people that play the switch in portable mode never used it outside of their home.

  11. 10 months ago

    are people still seriously downplaying switch in this year of the lord 2023

  12. 10 months ago

    A lot of people buy Nintendo consoles SPECIFICALLY to pay Pokemon.
    That's why a lot of Pokegays are just so ignorant about the state of the video game industry.

    I'm surprised Nintendo didn't slap the absolute shit out of Ishihara for saying that.

    • 10 months ago

      This, Nintendronies on Ganker are legit surprised to discover that most Pokemongays bought Gameboys solely for Pokemon

  13. 10 months ago

    smartest TPC employee

  14. 10 months ago

    lol its more like hey know gamefrek is so incompetent and they cant develope console games its too much work for them

    • 10 months ago

      they started out as an indie studio
      japs being japs they doubled down on being an indie studio and never really improved
      any improvement was simply forced upon them externally, whether by changing times, technology or seeing their peers outpace them

  15. 10 months ago

    Did GF announce some platformer game that was multi platform except Wii U and GF’s press report said it was because their poster for the game looked better without the wii u logo?

    • 10 months ago

      Its even worse. They forgot to put the logo on, and they were just like "eh frick it, we just won't release it for the Wii U lol" after someone noticed.

  16. 10 months ago

    he said it after the wii U. Nobody had faith in nintendo back them. And pokemon basically carried nintendo through the whole 3ds era

  17. 10 months ago

    Imagine doubting NINTENDO. Everything they touch is practically a guaranteed success.

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