What are other one off moments that appear for no real reason/don't fit with the rest of the game?

What are other one off moments that appear for no real reason/don't fit with the rest of the game?

They set up the bear for the level but it's just a weird experience that just happens and is never mentioned again.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >They set up the bear for the level but it's just a weird experience that just happens and is never mentioned again.
    tbf I feel like you could say this for most games, but especially Condemned 2. most levels set up a boss, you kill them, and then move on without ever hearing another word about why you just fought like a big tiddy clown girl (who had jiggle physics, god bless).

    • 2 years ago

      I mean at least she fits in the world of Condemned with her being influenced by the power. The bear is literally just a bear with rabies.

      • 2 years ago

        well that fits the world because that level is in the fricking woods moron

        • 2 years ago

          Then why does the bear attack you in the cabin moron? Check mate.

          • 2 years ago

            wood cabin

            • 2 years ago

              Ah frick me, I'm gonna honor kill myself.

          • 2 years ago

            it follows you from out in the forest into the cabin, it's not like it was already sitting inside having a sip of cocoa when you arrived.

  2. 2 years ago

    Condemned 2 felt so different from the first game, still enjoyed it, but it didn't feel the same. To answer your question though, I can't think of anything that 100% fits your question but there's a moment in Psychonauts where you find a secret room hidden at the back of the Millas Dance Party level where you can find a box that takes you to another hidden little hidden room full of her guilt, grief and nightmares about an orphange burning down and her not being able to save the children and they're like screaming and shit and asking why she let them die. Pretty grim moment in an otherwise quite cheerful game. The reason I said it doesn't 100% fit your questiion is because it still kinda fits into the game general theme of the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh and it's never mentioned again, not even in 2.

    • 2 years ago

      >Condemned 2 felt so different from the first game, still enjoyed it, but it didn't feel the same.

      I loved the first one so much that I was really disappointed by the second game. The changes to Ethan were so distracting. He doesn't even have the same VA. It felt like they wanted to do an anthology series but at the last moment were told to keep the main characters so not to confuse the audience.

    • 2 years ago

      Condemned felt like you were playing an exploitation film set in the inner city, as directed by someone going under a full fake American name, something like Johnson McEagleflag while everyone knows he's secretly an Italian.
      Condemned 2 feels like you're playing a Hollywood attempt at creating a sleazy exploitation film, but they can't quite get past the cliches that have to be in every Hollywood picture, the film stock isn't right and the director knows it so he throws in a shitload more over the top stuff to try and balance it out.

    • 2 years ago

      Condemned felt like you were playing an exploitation film set in the inner city, as directed by someone going under a full fake American name, something like Johnson McEagleflag while everyone knows he's secretly an Italian.
      Condemned 2 feels like you're playing a Hollywood attempt at creating a sleazy exploitation film, but they can't quite get past the cliches that have to be in every Hollywood picture, the film stock isn't right and the director knows it so he throws in a shitload more over the top stuff to try and balance it out.

      >Condemned 2 felt so different from the first game, still enjoyed it, but it didn't feel the same.

      I loved the first one so much that I was really disappointed by the second game. The changes to Ethan were so distracting. He doesn't even have the same VA. It felt like they wanted to do an anthology series but at the last moment were told to keep the main characters so not to confuse the audience.

      I really liked the gameplay of 2, but every other thing was a step-down from the first game, and the ending is so utterly awful that it completely killed the IP
      the story could continue, it didn't end on a conclusive point, but NO ONE wants to go back and revisit that shit, because they irreparably damaged the whole world that the game takes place in with the dumb shouting superpower bullshit they added

  3. 2 years ago

    the hive in dnf

  4. 2 years ago

    The last mission where you can play as Master Chief in a Forerunner structure in Halo 5. It's extremely linear in comparison to the rest of the levels.

    • 2 years ago

      man, that applies to everything when you compare 5 and 4 to the rest of the series. shit, I knew 5 was gonna be stupid when I saw this.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't play shitty games like HALO, but this is either a fricking homosexual(1) or a israelite(2) feminazi prostitute dyke(3).
        All three needs to die.

  5. 2 years ago

    Rayman's 3's bog. The game isn't super long anyhow and I assume that's why it's there but unlike the previous or even later levels that had some relation to the story you just...get dumped there piss off two of the residents, find a magic mirror that takes you to the next Doctor location and it's never mentioned again.

    I know you'll say >durr >platformer >story

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, agreed, it always felt kinda weird. Also did the original VA of the bog witch also kept accusing Rayman of being a rapist throughout the level or is that something the overly creative localisation crew came up with?

  6. 2 years ago

    When is this game getting ported to PC? Also is the combat better than 1? That's really the only thing I care about

    • 2 years ago

      I think the melee combat is better than 1, but the problem is that 2 has a LOT of moments where it forces you (or at least HEAVILY encourages you) to use a gun, and overall the pacing of the game isn't as good as 1, all of this is on top of the story shitting the bed

      I doubt it'll ever come to PC at this point, it's stuck in a limbo because Monolith made it with SEGA as the publisher, but now Monolith are stuck in Warner Brothers' pocket and being forced to make trash; Monolith have some of the worst luck I've ever seen with IP rights, it feels like everything they have worked on just gets lost to time because of all this legal bullshit: Claw, Blood, AVP2, Condemned, SHOGO, NOLF, F.E.A.R.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the melee combat is better than 1, but the problem is that 2 has a LOT of moments where it forces you (or at least HEAVILY encourages you) to use a gun, and overall the pacing of the game isn't as good as 1, all of this is on top of the story shitting the bed

      I doubt it'll ever come to PC at this point, it's stuck in a limbo because Monolith made it with SEGA as the publisher, but now Monolith are stuck in Warner Brothers' pocket and being forced to make trash; Monolith have some of the worst luck I've ever seen with IP rights, it feels like everything they have worked on just gets lost to time because of all this legal bullshit: Claw, Blood, AVP2, Condemned, SHOGO, NOLF, F.E.A.R.

      SEGA is just extremely fricking lazy when it comes to porting shit to PC. I'd love to see it happen, but I really doubt it will until someone else buys up the IP and does something with it.
      and F.E.A.R. and SHOGO don't have any legal issues, they just don't care about making FPS' anymore. they've said they're more interested in focusing on RPGs now. I'm guessing most of the good people that made all those classic games left the studio long ago.

  7. 2 years ago

    Resident Evil 4 has a bunch of them. The lake fight, the turret section, some of the quick time events. That game sucks so hard.

  8. 2 years ago

    >"We totally need a horror-themed breather level right before the finale but we have to release the game next week - quick, get me a bunch of store-bought assets and cobble together some shit! Oh, and you have to lose all your weapons again and be down to shotguns and the rocketlauncher."

    • 2 years ago

      they did that shit again? after the fricking TERRIBLE museum level in BFE where they thought putting players in pitch black basements surrounded by giant bugs was "scary" instead of "cliche and frustrating"

    • 2 years ago

      Someone with enough say at the office must be campaigning hard for horror shit. It's the only way to explain why it's half assed, they're just saying frick you to the guy.

  9. 2 years ago

    Ty 3 ended up having a lot of these due to being rushed like the Ridge tasmanian tiger showing up in the intro and doing literally nothing for the rest of the game, the weird cat chick that does literally nothing until she and this rabbit guy show up in the ending

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