What are some multiplayer games that are slower paced I should try? I'm so tired of the usual popular things.

What are some multiplayer games that are slower paced I should try?

I'm so tired of the usual popular things. I've played so many FPS where you just keep throwing yourself into an EOMM grinder and nonsensically feel like you are 100% twitch nanosecond trigger just to pull off another pointless win. It just isn't fun anymore after a long day. I want something intelligent and relaxing for a change.

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  1. 2 years ago

    What the frick is an EOMM grinder?

    • 2 years ago

      Just search for Engagement Optimized Matchmaking

      Basically most matchmaking games are not fair in any way they intentionally feed you wins and losses to psychologically manipulate you into playing longer. Basically a good chunk of major multiplayer games right now is a casino.

      • 2 years ago

        there are still some games kicking around with community servers if you hate matchmaking that much. Which: fair enough, MM is a horribly isolating and frustrating experience sometimes.

        That being said.

        Their are chill games.
        Their are competitive games.

        There are no chill competitive games. Even chess players are usually timed. Time is always a factor, otherwise the winner would almost always be those that just took the longest to think. You can try games with higher time-to-kill that reward consistency and experience more- but lets be clear. Video games measure your brains ability to process a situation in a set amount of time. If you cant aim at someone, it IS because your brain is slower, older or whatever. Im gettin old too, and it sucks. Also this is a dark path, and youll probably end up playing Sins of a Solar empire or whatever and hanging yourself. If you hate matchmaking, queue with an actual team of people and try to work together. Teamwork is incredibly intellectual, rewarding, and powerful, and you can dominate in games at a much higher level usually.

        • 2 years ago

          Can you name some decent games to try out?

          Competitive FPS just stops being rewarding after playing so many of them. Even playing with a team eventually feels like a drudge.

          Maybe there's a stealthy cererbal FPS out there that doesn't involve you chugging 3 energy drinks in one hour and headshotting people in 0.5 seconds to see a worthless victory screen just to do it all over again like some sort of nightmarish loop where you kill endlessly.

          • 2 years ago

            The games Ive played the most are Natural selection 2, tribes ascend (dead), rust (not really a game, an adventure, but w/e), and dota 2 in that order. 1500-5000 hours in all of em. Objective based gameplay is always much more fun and dynamic to me. I tried r6 siege and it was probably as close as I could get to a pure shooter- honestly not bad but still twitchy counter strike combat.

            I occasionally mix in something like deep rock, payday2, satisfactory or some other mindless rpg but I cant sink more than 250 hours in those no matter how hard I try- they are essentially bad game IMO. Right now Im mostly playing dota 2 as a garbage herald but its fun to learn it. But prior to this it was 6 exhilarating months yelling at people in NS2- easily my favorite game of all time and probably until I die. I keep going back to it.

            Honorable mention MWLL. That is some thoughtful combat, but its too dead to recommend. Radars, callouts of mech positions and damage done, and maps so large people communicate while walking their mechs about.

            • 2 years ago

              >tribes ascend
              I really miss it, such a damn fricking shame what THEY did to it

        • 2 years ago

          At 30+ yes of age I'm still carrying all these kids in rainbow six.. had some little China girl talking shit n we memed back n forth about old gamer vs girl gamers for a bit before match to me carrying the whole team of 16yr Olds while they went silent in chat

          gitgud. Sleep right, eat right, don't abuse drugs while gaming; and anyone has the room to be the best. This "old" meme is getting old as the most notable professional fighters and gamers are all around 25+

          • 2 years ago

            On top of this I steady go up in cs:go (till I get bored AGAIN and uninstall) and constantly have ppl doing me to carry them out of their shit tier... my steam has ppl calling me a hacker in my comments, etc

            You are right tho.. ppl have been ripping these games for a long time, so not only do u have to adapt your knowledge, you also have to educate yourself using meta sources like YouTube, if you really wanna get serious

            Fun, chill, meta as apposed to micro game that is actually a social mmo: Everquest P99... plus I heard people make se good money selling stuff irl. A friend of a friend (who I met, shuttup.. he was on the game when I met him irl lol, didn't say much, was just grinding) paid for his way through business college via selling in-game equips

          • 2 years ago

            Even saying "old gamer" sounds dumb; I'm frickn prime in-game & irl

          • 2 years ago

            you can be competent at any age and there certainly is no excuse for being incredibly bad- experience and health do matter I agree. But they did do those studies on starcraft players, timing how fast they could start making actions after a map location change. People are at their peak skill at about age 24. This goes beyond games and skill and really comes down to trying to deny your own mortality. Your body just decays after age 25 or so, you could have been better when you were younger, and some were, and played at a professional level.

            I also feel like people get upset when you bring up biology because people want skill to be purely learned, purely merit based. Its not. Only a factor.

            this is a good vid on it.

            There are these strategy games that take about a week or more to complete the session like Neptune's Pride, Jupiter's Folly, Subterfuge, Solaris, Blight of the Immortals. They're as slow as it gets.
            They also seem to promote the abilities like teamwork or bluffing over brute force and build orders. Because they're so slow, there's enough time to have proper diplomacy between players.
            However, you should get some friends to play with you, otherwise you're playing against randoms who ditch the game two hours in because they sent their starting units the wrong way. Then you realize you're only playing against bots that take over absent players's empires.

            you forgot to mention how boring all those games are. I would rather play dungeons and dragons if I desperately wanted something more freeform and intellectual.

            • 2 years ago

              I didn't really watch the video but your brain doesn't detoriate until your 50s you don't lose neuroplasticity. That's why you can get accidents where people literally lose half their brain and still recover most functions back with their other half.

              Player deterioration can be attributed to many factors. Burn out, lack of motivation, getting bored, dopamine rejection, etc. I'd imagine if someone told you to do the same thing 1000+ times you'd start phoning it in at some point.

              • 2 years ago

                Im gonna trust a study over your bullshit. Show me a stroke survivor that won a statecraft tournament and Ill eat your shit, until then shut your dumb mouth.

              • 2 years ago

                >medical fact over some youtuber gamer

                Suit yourself

            • 2 years ago

              >people get upset
              See, that's why this can't be discussed
              >u mad???
              This was the same shit the kids were saying before I 11-0'd... it's just a fact that I'm peak performance.

              Those studies positively didn't follow the lives of the players (diet, lifestyle, dedication).. I find, in my own instance: the only thing keeping me from going pro is lack of motivation. Every game I play now due to my skill+wisdom; I effectively learn the whole game in a month and start slowly going up the ranks and it only stops climbing when I quit the game. Alternatively; I think we'd have a lot more great young gamers if they were taught proper diet and training regiments.

              P.s another crew of sweaty gold+ 16 yr Olds last night that dedicate their lives to this game I picked up 5days ago: carried them

      • 2 years ago

        i read that paper. it's astonishing that garbage like that gets published at all.
        the assumptions are dubious, the trained model is intransparent and the "experiment" they use to validate the technique is utter garbage. and by "utter garbage" i mean that i've read lots of garbage empirical software engineering papers in my time and that one takes the cake in terms of being utterly worthless as an experiment compared to all others i've read.
        not to mention that hundreds of clueless and moronic gamedevs will read that paper, not understand its limitations (or even its assumptions) and incorrectly apply the presented method in contexts where the assumptions blatantly fail.
        just absolute cancer.

        • 2 years ago

          >damage control by some seething dev

          Companies literally have public patents for EOMM algorithms. You already been exposed. It is fact that games manipulate you by ratioing your wins and losses.

          • 2 years ago

            what the frick are you even talking about, homosexual? i'm not denying that plenty of games use EOMM, i'm criticizing the paper that introduced it.

            • 2 years ago

              >people can't be socially brainwashed and conditioned with algorithms
              >companies literally spend billions on the technology and analytics that doesn't work

              Is this your conclusion?

              • 2 years ago

                no. my position is that EOMM has plenty of negative consequences and most certainly has an effect that could be considered "brainwashing", but that even the perceived benefits for companies of the technique are most likely non-existent or so marginal that they don't even come close to being worthy of consideration vs the potential downsides (e.g. here player experience). in other words: EOMM is fricked, but not just because it (supposedly) focuses on retention, for the success of which there appears to be no reasonable experimental justification.

                companies like EA, facebook, netflix, spotify, etc spend millions on lots of dumb fricking shit, including garbage research like the paper that spawned EOMM. these moronic apes will ruin any trust that people have in autonomous systems and frick with people's perception of (social) media over some 0.7% benefit in an utterly fricked experiment that doesn't show what they think it does.
                they don't even evaluate their model on real people, for fricks sake. they take historic data and simulate + evaluate it according to the very assumptions made by their churn & skill models, so it's not surprising that EOMM fitted with the same models performs well on the basis of that evaluation.
                i've yet to read a single gamedev research paper from the EA people that wasn't amateurish shit, and this is another one of those. don't be fooled into thinking that these morons know what they're doing, because they don't, and they're fricking up matchmaking for no tangible reason whatsoever.

  2. 2 years ago

    There are these strategy games that take about a week or more to complete the session like Neptune's Pride, Jupiter's Folly, Subterfuge, Solaris, Blight of the Immortals. They're as slow as it gets.
    They also seem to promote the abilities like teamwork or bluffing over brute force and build orders. Because they're so slow, there's enough time to have proper diplomacy between players.
    However, you should get some friends to play with you, otherwise you're playing against randoms who ditch the game two hours in because they sent their starting units the wrong way. Then you realize you're only playing against bots that take over absent players's empires.

    • 2 years ago

      I've played subterfuge and diplomacy and they were great. That said, playing those games nonstop would wear me down until i needed medication.

  3. 2 years ago

    EVE if you like internet space ships. Foxhole if you like war. WOT if you want still to play FPS but slower paced.

  4. 2 years ago


    to all the EOMM tards in this thread. There are people in almost every popular game that smurf and account buy. And we know that because they either dominate or suck ass and have suspicious profiles. There is a skill difference between ranks, so the system DOES WORK whether you like it or not, and I guarantee youve gotten mad at some smurf or account buyer before. Also, the ranks are PUBLIC and match results are listed PUBLICLY, which means the system is already as transparent as possible. Want a scandal? The data is all there.

    Even if matchmaking is stacked for even win/loss (I wont deny game companies have that incentive). The fact remains, a good matchmaking system IS SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. Thats what a FAIR system is. Hard, balanced games where you have to outperform what it ranks you as, to win.

    And if you think you are stuck at some rank because the matchmaking is against you. Please, for the love of god realize that people make actual money (selling accounts to sad frustrated cucks like you) boosting themselves out of that rank, and smurfing right by your dumb ass at 100 MPH in a massive win streak (to be fair they might be hacking lol).

    Its also worth noting win/loss elo is a shitty system that cant account for language, playstyle, and many other factors that contribute to a win, hence why some games just seem unfair. In that way it holds everyone back from playing at a higher level.

    • 2 years ago

      You have no idea how EOMM works. None of it is fair.

      Poor players are given win bot lobbies and high tier teammates so they don't feel like failures even though their skill level sucks. Good players are given hard carry games and handicap teams fighting people above their rank when they should be enjoying their skill attainment.

      It's literally a slot machine that removes player skill

      • 2 years ago

        yah, except you can see what ranks people are, so your shit just doesn parse. The ranks are fricking PUBLIC dude, you can see their accounts, theres a huge and incredibly detailed paper trail. What your really seeing is people having good games, or off games, or people who are better, but still not good enough to carry and escape bronze.

        In ELO systems, there are allowable amounts of skill variation, that doesnt mean Diamonds are playing with bronze players. It means good bronze players are playing with bad bronze players. BIG FRICKAN WHOOP, cry about it. I aint getting butthurt over that

        • 2 years ago

          You're an idiot.

          Also the EOMM intentionally slows you down in ranked because playtime makes investors happy.

          I shouldn't have to spoonfeed you. Just watch one of the dozen youtubes on this. If you are referring to apex you are blind and dense.

  5. 2 years ago

    Gremlins Inc.

    It's a really fun digital board game and it's still active. Just make sure you're playing on euro servers, the ranked matches are usually 4-way ffa, which is more fun (as opposed to 1v1).

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