What are some RPGs genuinely worse than FF13

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  1. 3 months ago

    Every PS2 sequel to 16 bit or ps1 franchises that couldn't keep up with 2000s production values
    Just shitty looking 3D downgrades of their pixel art and insanely brutal load times

    • 3 months ago

      I bought pic related in a large electronics and games physical store, paid full rrp. Got home, put the disk into my PS2 and 45 minutes later I was on my way to that same store to get a refund. Funny thing is the clerk had that knowing look didn't even ask me why I wanted my money back, he just straight away refunded it.

    • 3 months ago

      It might be why I like games that were honest about their budget and stuck to it. Like Atelier Iris trilogy, for example.

    • 3 months ago

      In general I feel the 2000s is a bit of an overhated era for JRPGs but several of the big names from the Nineties really bollocksed up their adaption to Gen Six consoles and/or handhelds
      >Unlimited Saga (PS2)
      Imagine a bad tabletop RPG boardgame badly translated to a console port and just... executed badly. The whole experience feels really staggeringly clunky and there are just two few good aspects to meaningfully compensate.
      >Dragoneer's Aria (PSP)
      Looks good, is staggeringly... meh. Like it was written by committee. Coma-inducingly mediochre. Nothing about it has anything to do with the PSP's strengths or weaknesses or whathaveyou it's just really bloody dull. Most other people on this thread will talk about the worst of the worst but I swear this just got utterly forgotten with zero defenders
      >Lunar Dragon Song (DS)
      Revives Luna after a decade of inactivity to kill it stone cold fricking dead again. Genuinely the most disappointed I have been on spending money on any Nintendo purchase ever. How quality control didn't take it out and shoot it is beyond me. I hadn't played any of the Sega era Luna games before but I knew they had a good reputation, so this was also pretty disappointing

      I bought pic related in a large electronics and games physical store, paid full rrp. Got home, put the disk into my PS2 and 45 minutes later I was on my way to that same store to get a refund. Funny thing is the clerk had that knowing look didn't even ask me why I wanted my money back, he just straight away refunded it.

      Remember buying this, I think I played it a few times over the long weekend and then forgot about it's existance completely.
      Golden Sun Dark Dawn was another belated sequel that was fairly good visually for a late DS game but the overall design still felt pretty old-fashioned by that point, DQ IX had really upped the standards of Nintendo handheld RPGs enormously and DD felt like a reskinned GBA game

  2. 3 months ago

    The majority of them.
    FF13 is a fine game.

  3. 3 months ago

    Why don't you just talk about ff13-2? It kept the combat system and added all the grind one should expect from a proper jrpg. If you mostly ignore the story it's fun. I still play every now and then.
    FF13 was a lot of things but it's sin was the length. Previously if you played X or 12 you expected hundreds of hours of post-game content. These games are all about having an excuse to grind.
    Yet, in FF13 you beat the campaign, kill like 14 adamantoise and that is it you've finished the game 100%. For that reason, I have never had a desire to replay ff13 for the 4th time.

    • 3 months ago

      >If you mostly ignore the story it's fun
      The story itself is fun. Caius is one of the best villains in the series

    • 3 months ago

      13-2 sucks because if you don't autistically plan your level ups for the entire game from the very beginning, you'll end up with like 5k lower max health than you would've, and there's no way to fix that other than restarting completely. And the monster party members suck ass, it was a fun idea but they're all so shit.

  4. 3 months ago

    >mfw skills on items, but you don't even have to engage with the system at all
    I get it they're there for min-maxers and higher difficulty, but why are so easily able to ignore a big part of character progression? It's something like upgrading items in FF13.

  5. 3 months ago

    pretty much 95% of WRPG's

  6. 3 months ago

    Jarpigs are for sub-humans with underdeveloped brains.

  7. 3 months ago

    > What are some RPGs genuinely worse than FF13

    pic related

  8. 3 months ago

    Cross Edge

  9. 3 months ago

    >What are some RPGs genuinely worse than FF13
    FF12 and FF15

    • 3 months ago

      I would not consider ff12 to be a final fantasy game but as an rpg and a game on its own it wasn't bad at all.

      • 3 months ago

        >FF12 not a final fantasy game
        >Despite being in the same setting as several other of the best final fantasy games

        every time theres an autist claiming "its not a final fantasy" its never for a good reason, even here, where youve said it wasnt bad. Ivalice is more final fantasy in its entirety than literally most of the 3D titles

        • 3 months ago

          >Ivalice is more final fantasy in its entirety than literally most of the 3D titles
          nowadays, yes. Ivalice has distinct flavor of its own, though. from different sounding soundtrack to politically-adjacent stories.

          • 3 months ago

            its absolutely different but because of how much of it there is, it has quite a firm identity, probably more so than like, 8. and if 13 is a FF then 12 certainly is.

            and i played through 12 to completion again recently so im not even tainted by nostalgia. the old shit in 12 actually feels old rather than the typical "yeah nah that shits an old legend m8, been gone for 1000s of years, we only ave a Queen still because reasons w-OH SHIT ITS BACK"

    • 3 months ago

      The Last Remnant.
      Pokemon XY

      Hm... I'd say it's on par. The combat is utterly boring and the main cast is dull but it has great fantasy aesthetics and enthralling cutscenes. FF13 beats it in visual fidelity and exciting combat, and an overall more likeable cast.

    • 3 months ago

      >FF12 and FF15

      The Last Remnant.
      Pokemon XY

      Hm... I'd say it's on par. The combat is utterly boring and the main cast is dull but it has great fantasy aesthetics and enthralling cutscenes. FF13 beats it in visual fidelity and exciting combat, and an overall more likeable cast.

      Imagine thinking 15 is worse then 13. Next you're gonna try and say X-2 was better then 15. 15 was on the low end of the list, but at least it beats those 2 games.

      • 3 months ago

        >15 was on the low end of the list, but at least it beats those 2 games.

        nice bait

      • 3 months ago

        15 is infinitely worse than 13. For one thing, 13 is finished. For a second, bonus thing, it has an actual combat system. For a third thing, you are ugly.

      • 3 months ago

        They're about the same level.
        FF12 := lots of bad exploration with zero plot
        FF13 := lots of bad plot with zero exploration
        1st half of FF15 := FF12 all over again
        2nd half of FF15 := FF13 all over again

    • 3 months ago


  10. 3 months ago

    Resonance of Fate.

    • 3 months ago

      I liked it a lot until I suddenly lost all interest and energy to play it

    • 3 months ago

      >Resonance of Fate.
      big problem with that game is once you figure out how to build the best gun setup there's little point in playing anymore

    • 3 months ago

      This is my "frick you, I liked it" moment. Bought it on a whim for the PS4 and was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself.

  11. 3 months ago
  12. 3 months ago

    Xenoblade 2. I was 80 hours into the game and still unlocking new weapon mechanics. Its designed as babys first rpg with the actual fun shit locked behind new game+

    • 3 months ago

      >Xenoblade 2. I was 80 hours into the game and still unlocking new weapon mechanics. Its designed as babys first rpg with the actual fun shit locked behind new game+
      I'm surprised you made it that far. Combat was so slow and boring, paired with terrible voice acting and the main character just being a big titty anime girl.

      • 3 months ago

        YOUR SPIN

      • 3 months ago

        that is correct. I enjoyed the voices a lot. The red haired girl was pure sex also. Not a bad game, even with the tutorial bullshit i mentioned. What it needs is 4x combat speed.

      • 3 months ago

        I cannot for the life of me understand why they changed the combat the way they did. So fricking cumbersome.

    • 3 months ago

      >Xenoblade 2. I was 80 hours into the game and still unlocking new weapon mechanics. Its designed as babys first rpg with the actual fun shit locked behind new game+
      I'm surprised you made it that far. Combat was so slow and boring, paired with terrible voice acting and the main character just being a big titty anime girl.

      Torna is a much better game than 2, at least on the gameplay front.

  13. 3 months ago

    Zestiria is such an unbelievably dog shit game. There have been plenty of games that I've finished that I didn't enjoy, but I was actively pissed off at myself after I finished Zestiria over how much time I just wasted.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Worse than XIII
    So this is what it's come to huh? Nostlgiagayging zooms are now dragging down other games to prop their bakage up.
    Missed the mark by a mile.

    • 3 months ago

      I dunno anon, people always went through great lengths to shit on Zesty. Personally I don't hate it, in fact it's probably the Tales I played the most, but some design decisions were really questionable or half assed

      • 3 months ago

        Gameplay-wise I thought it was okay. Lots of stupid shit they did (like battle starting in whatever location you were in, including a small corridor making the camera basically stop working) but it was still playable. The story though, man even compared to generic JRPGs it was so bad. The concept of "thinking bad thoughts/doing bad things will turn you into a monster" is just beyond stupid and pretty much destroyed any chance of the game's narrative being decent.

  15. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      The original is one of the best looking snes games tho

    • 3 months ago

      Frick you, that game is great

      • 3 months ago

        the story is bad for the most part, random battles occur far too frequently even with the skills that lower it, the combat is terrible and 99% of the time you can win by just mashing the attack button without even needing to move by yourself except that a lot of the time your character tries to run around the enemy for some reason while getting stuck on some other enemy and then when they finally reach the arbitrary place they wanted to attack from their attack whiffs because another character was in front of them and body blocked them.
        The game also wastes a lot of your time with none of the sequences being fast forwardable even if it's the 100th time you're entering a city to see if a private action is available or the 100th time you're cooking, alchemizing, replicating or whatever else you're doing, it always plays that white flash animation or all the spell animations that each take like 10 seconds. It's also annoying when you're just trying to backtrack through some place and despite choosing to run frame one some character decides to stay to try to hit some enemy once and then they get stun locked when they do decide to start running, you also can't cancel escaping for some reason.

      • 3 months ago

        the story is bad for the most part, random battles occur far too frequently even with the skills that lower it, the combat is terrible and 99% of the time you can win by just mashing the attack button without even needing to move by yourself except that a lot of the time your character tries to run around the enemy for some reason while getting stuck on some other enemy and then when they finally reach the arbitrary place they wanted to attack from their attack whiffs because another character was in front of them and body blocked them.
        The game also wastes a lot of your time with none of the sequences being fast forwardable even if it's the 100th time you're entering a city to see if a private action is available or the 100th time you're cooking, alchemizing, replicating or whatever else you're doing, it always plays that white flash animation or all the spell animations that each take like 10 seconds. It's also annoying when you're just trying to backtrack through some place and despite choosing to run frame one some character decides to stay to try to hit some enemy once and then they get stun locked when they do decide to start running, you also can't cancel escaping for some reason.

        Skills and talents feel undercooked and they blend together since most every character can learn every talent if you just spam the skill enough and if you have enlightment on, which you might as well since it's the only way to make the game somewhat challenging then you'll have more than enough SP to give any character any skill.
        Regardless of having that skill on or not all the bosses are way too weak to pose any threat and if you've paid any attention at all to the skill system then they'll also die in less than a minute.
        You should've also gotten a fast travel system at some point. It feels silly when near the end of the game the characters use the Eye of Truth to teleport out of the final dungeon back to some city that's being attacked but you are made to walk back all the way after you're done there.
        I could maybe forgive the SNES version since these things might have been new at the time or whatever but the remake or at least the remake's remaster should've definitely mended at least some of these things.

  16. 3 months ago

    i'd say tales of berseria too but i like ffxiii. berseria has been meh to me except for the opening

  17. 3 months ago

    Most of the Trails series, post-Xillia Tales, all of Nepshit, Xenoblade.

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