What are some space games that let me romance alien girls. Don't say Shit Effect.

What are some space games that let me romance alien girls. Don't say Shit Effect.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Space Station 13.

    • 2 years ago

      >alien """girls"""
      Other than SS13, there are no such games that let you romance alien girls and never will be.

  2. 2 years ago

    Star Citizen because you can do anything.

    • 2 years ago

      Shit Effect.

      >Star Citizen because you can't do anything.
      Bu he wants to actually do things.

  3. 2 years ago

    that is a very cute picture

    • 2 years ago
      it goes in all fields

      its even cuter when you remember that the reason vulcans have to ourwardly hide and control their emotions is because they are one of the most hyper emotional races in the universe.

      Imagine how much love a vulcan qt could actually give you behind closed doors

      • 2 years ago

        From where is this lore? I dont remember from TOS, or from TNG, but to be fair I didn't finish TNG

        • 2 years ago

          I think the series to go deepest into is ENT. I'm pretty sure in TOS it was just passed off as Spock being half human.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought they mention this a lot in key Spock episodes especially the one they go back to his home planet (Amok Time I think?).

          And there's that episode where they almost kill spock by removing his ability to supress his emotions at one point in Platos Stepchildren. Kirk even says this at one point. Did you even watch the show?

        • 2 years ago

          I think the series to go deepest into is ENT. I'm pretty sure in TOS it was just passed off as Spock being half human.

          I thought they mention this a lot in key Spock episodes especially the one they go back to his home planet (Amok Time I think?).

          And there's that episode where they almost kill spock by removing his ability to supress his emotions at one point in Platos Stepchildren. Kirk even says this at one point. Did you even watch the show?

          theres also an episode of TNG where spock's dad gets vulcan alzheimer's and loses his ability to control his emotions, so he mind melds with picard and gives picard his emotions for a while

          • 2 years ago

            Yes! Exactly.

          • 2 years ago

            That was one of TNG's best episodes

        • 2 years ago

          theres also an episode of TNG where spock's dad gets vulcan alzheimer's and loses his ability to control his emotions, so he mind melds with picard and gives picard his emotions for a while

        • 2 years ago

          >From where is this lore
          From the fricking beginning you wiener cleaner

          >Imagine how much love a vulcan qt could actually give you behind closed doors
          They wouldn't change at all because that's not how Vulcans do things.

          Also they only mate once every seven years. When they go crazy with lust. And also since they are touch-telepaths anyone they touch also goes crazy with lust.

          They willingly and purposefully suppress their emotions. They can still get riled up. It's not default that they don't feel emotions, they're trained since birth to do it. While it would be illogical to act lovey dovey, if they TRULY love you, it will shine through the cracks, at least in private. And while they enter heat every 7 years, they can still get horny and frick, it just becomes unbearable after 7 years
          >7 years without sex drives vulcans insane
          God imagine not having sex for 7 years, ha ha. That would be impossible...

          • 2 years ago

            Vulcans are pretty long-lived compared to humans, right? Probably a drop in the bucket for them.

            • 2 years ago

              Around 220 years. But keep in mind that by this point in human medical advancement, Admiral McCoy was still kicking in the first episode of TNG at 137 years old.

              • 2 years ago

                I always think they overdid it with that makeup. DeForest Kelley already looked like a corpse by TNG's premier.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, if people are able to live that long in the future you'd think they'd only bother if it was worth living that long.

            • 2 years ago

              banging every 7 years is not viable no matter how long lived you are unless you can live thousands of years which vulcans can't. They tend to only live about 200ish years it looks like, frickin Spock was definitely there in the 2360s. Humans live to like 120-130 on average thanks to medicine.

        • 2 years ago

          It is from TOS, they mention it in Amok Time or The Naked Time or some other episode that involved Spock having a diminished capacity for controlling his emotions which is probably like 10 of them.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't forget The Savage Curtain where they meet a recration of Surak and they mention how he created the Vulcan philosophy of controlling their emotions. There was also All Our Yesterdays where Spock and McCoy ended up in the distant past and Spock became more aggressive because he was mentally linked to the ancient Vulcans of the time.

        • 2 years ago

          its even cuter when you remember that the reason vulcans have to ourwardly hide and control their emotions is because they are one of the most hyper emotional races in the universe.

          Imagine how much love a vulcan qt could actually give you behind closed doors

          How come Vulcans have such powerful emotions, but Romulans are only bit more emotive than Vulcans?

          • 2 years ago

            >doing STO quest where in an act of moronation the team decides to use the Krenim Timeship to fight the Iconians
            >ask "hey why don't we just use it to erase the Iconians from history"
            >Nog says that in this timeline development of Warp technology by Alpha and Beta Quadrant cultures is delayed by 50,000 years.
            >Dewans become major power in Beta Quadrant
            >Vulcans never embrace Logic, instead forming the Vulcan Star Empire, eventually defeating the Dewans and conquering most of what would have been Federation and Klingon space.
            >Qo'nos is never invaded by the Hurq, who never developed warp travel, the Klingons remain farmers and poets instead of becoming warriors.
            >By 2410, the Vulcan Star Empire is engaged in large-scale war with the Dominion.

            Romulans instead of suppressing their emotions, direct and focus it through military discipline.

            • 2 years ago

              If anyone is curious, here are the other simulated scenarios that they ran in the timeship
              Scenario 2: Destroy Iconia through natural disaster instead of war so they don't seek revenge
              >Without outside conflict, the Klingon Great Houses turn on each other, the Romulan Star Empire attacks in the chaos.
              >The Federation attempts to assist the Klingon Empire, resulting in open war between the three powers.
              >The Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire fail to ally against a re-emergent Dominion.
              >Betazed and Tellar Prime are under enemy occupation; Vulcan is rendered uninhabitable.
              >Andoria, Trill and Romulus are all considered lost.
              >The Dominion is in the process of launching a final assault on Earth.

              Scenario 3: Vaadwaur never become a servitor race
              >The Hierarchy serve the Iconians directly, acting in concert with Elachi forces in much the same manner as the Tal Shiar. At least some Hierarchy captains seem to host Bluegill parasites.
              >The Hierarchy use propaganda and espionage to set the races of the Delta Quadrant against each other instead of providing them with a common enemy.
              >The Malon are approached to form the Delta Alliance along with the Talaxians, Hazari and Benthans.
              >Conflict between the Malon and Talaxians and the Hazari and the Benthans prevent the formation of the Delta Alliance.
              >With the support of the Iconians increasing their profit margins, the Hierarchy expands aggressively. That expansion, in turn, allows for increased Iconian and allied activity throughout Hierarchy-controlled space.

              • 2 years ago

                Scenario 4 (the one you end up doing in-game because the simulation doesn't give you all the information): Delay the Iconians from returning by destroying the archaeological site on Iconia before the Yamato found it
                >The Hobus Supernova does not happen and Romulus is not destroyed.
                >D'Tan and other separtists establish a democratic Romulan Republic, located near the Dewa System.
                >Commander Temer and the crew of the I.R.W. D'serek defect to the Romulan Republic
                >Tal Shiar Lieutenant Gaius Selan is not assimilated by the Borg and liberated, but is arrested by the D'serek's crew as part of their defection.
                >No Iconian or Herald presence is known in the Beta Quadrant, but Romulus has been completely assimilated by the Borg and the Beta Quadrant is in ruins
                Oh also I should note, STO originally wasn't actually in the timeline of the shows, just a very similar one. After we tried to undo Hobus in scenario 4 and realized we fricked up massively, then tried to undo that (but it's not a total undo since that's not how the Krenim timeship works), THEN we were in the timeline of the shows.

              • 2 years ago

                I wonder how they're gonna continue now that canon is finally past Nemesis. They could continue time travel shenanigans to throw in S3-4 of STD for content's sake. I know they're doing a Mirror Universe thing right now with TWO JANEWAYS

              • 2 years ago

                To me STO is the current canon of ST because it's a hell of a lot better than what actual Trek shows are putting out these days. The Gamma Quadrant arc to me is he closest to an official DS9 season 8 as we'll ever get and goddamn did it go out on a high note. It's a shame they then spent 3 whole fricking arcs on STD shit.

                I finally got caught up on what happened to the Romulans between Nemesis and when you can play as one in STO and jesus christ
                Over the course of the last 30 years the Romulans
                >had their star explode
                >split into about 3 factions
                >which split into 5 factions
                >which condensed into 2 factions
                >and then those 2 factions had a civil war
                So anyone who says "the Romulans aren't really Rome", frick you, that's literally Rome

              • 2 years ago

                I'm fine with Strange New Worlds being here and STD grew on me during S3 even though I still hated the ending of S3. S4 was a little obnoxious, but at least the problem wasn't solved with a frickhuge fleet firing lasers at everything. Just a lot of kind of badly written political drama in the 31st century Federation. The wife from Man in the High Castle is a Cardie/Bajoran hybrid as the President of the Feds

              • 2 years ago

                You forgot PIC. I don't blame you, I want to forget it too.

              • 2 years ago

                after suffering through S1 and saying, "Well I gotta give trek the S2 try." I suffered through that and it got WORSE. At least there were bits in S2 STD that kept me around and it paid off. I really don't think S3 of PIC is gonna pay off at all and will just disappoint me.

              • 2 years ago

                I will give Picard this, it wasn't SO shit as to ruin Q. Despite trying their damndest John de Lancie was too powerful and carried the the whole season on his back with Brent Spiner. He managed to make the completely OOC send-off feel almost natural, and even managed to bring out a bit of TNG Picard from Patrick Stewart.

              • 2 years ago

                Storm Clouds Gather was fricking amazing, they got basically everyone whose character was still alive at the end of the show
                >Weyoun (new one) and by extension, Brunt
                >the fricking Jem'Hadar Odo raised in that s3 episode with even his original actor reprising the role
                >Female Changeling
                I'm probably forgetting some but goddamn it was great to see everyone again.

              • 2 years ago

                the one thing I'll consistently give STO is that they will fight to get the original actors as much as possible to do their character if they showed up onscreen as em. Pretty sure they got James Doohan's son to voice Scotty for the Temporal Agent line

              • 2 years ago

                Chris Doohan has been playing his dad in stuff for like a decade so it's nothing new.

              • 2 years ago

                It was amazing timing too since it was right before we lost Rene Auberjonois and Aron Eisenberg.

              • 2 years ago

                >TWO JANEWAYS
                The galaxy doesn't stand a chance.

              • 2 years ago

                In fairness one is "evil" Marshall Janeway, the other is regular Admiral Janeway. And the Marshall one is still in the Mirror Universe fighting.
                What everyone is wondering now is who the Terran Emperor is.

              • 2 years ago

                Prime Janeway and Mirror Janeway have to team up to stop Mirror Tilly from taking over the Prime universe again. Your captain is just there cause you've saved the galaxy like 6 times now.

              • 2 years ago

                that was a fun little section of that storyline

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but at the same time, us fricking with the timeline like that directly caused the Temporal War in ENT/STO as we accidentally wiped out the species of Noye's wife and he wants revenge.

      • 2 years ago

        >Imagine how much love a vulcan qt could actually give you behind closed doors
        They wouldn't change at all because that's not how Vulcans do things.

        Also they only mate once every seven years. When they go crazy with lust. And also since they are touch-telepaths anyone they touch also goes crazy with lust.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought all they did was the finger touching thing or w/e. Like in Star Trek 3 when that officer has sex with Spock to keep him from dying from Ponn Farr when he is aging with the planet. She just touches his finger a bunch and thats it.

          • 2 years ago

            its not realy sex
            its more like a rite of passage to stop a vulkan from being consumed by his teen emotions so they need to share their burden

        • 2 years ago

          They HAVE TO frick once every seven years, there's nothing saying they can't do it in the time between

          Small indie production company please understand

          I mean it reallly was, especially in s3 after the budget was absolutely gutted.


          my brother and I actually started doing a viewing of all the star trek series in chronological order, so we watched the OG series followed by ENT, then TNG, we're in the last season of DS9 now and gonna watch voyager next
          in season 1 my brother was like "this song is so dumb, why did they put these sappy lyrics as a ST OP?"
          by season 2 we were both belting the fricking song out at the start of each episode. we literally had a rule that we weren't allowed to skip the intro like we do with 99% of other episodes lol.

          >in chronological order, so we watched the OG series followed by ENT
          But ENT takes place like a century before TOS.

          >its even cuter when you remember that the reason vulcans have to ourwardly hide and control their emotions is because they are one of the most hyper emotional races in the universe.
          THIS is why I hate new Trek so much. Vulcans are written like they have Asperger's syndrome. It's why Spock was such a good character in the original show and movies, because his characterization is someone whose actions and words aren't swayed by impulsiveness. While he is never overt about how he feels, you can tell when he's annoyed, making a sarcastic comment or joke, and how much he values his friends because his actions and words are targeted. In the new show, Spock's GF just talks about wanting to blow him like it's cultural anthropology. They also teased fricking Sybok, who is essentially the precursor to Michael Burnham as in he's another super-genius secret sibling that Spock just never bothered to mention before.

          >They also teased fricking Sybok
          Wait what the frick, I thought STV has never been referenced in anything since it was made, other than Nimbus III being a planet you can go to in STO?

          Trek fatigue had set in with normies by then and it didn't help that the first two seasons of ENT had a lot of boring plots and inconsistent character writing. Season 3 and 4 were huge improvements but by then most of the audience bailed.

          The ENT intro is great (at least the Season 1 and 2 version before they added the cringe acoustic guitar) and the mirror into is the GOAT trek intro

          >Trek fatigue had set in with normies by then and it didn't help that the first two seasons of ENT had a lot of boring plots and inconsistent character writing.
          You're forgetting the masive unmitigated disaster that was Nemesis being a box office bomb on top of being a really shitty movie.

          • 2 years ago

            Sybok showed up in a sting at the end of the episode Spock and his girlfriend had a Freaky Friday

            How come Vulcans have such powerful emotions, but Romulans are only bit more emotive than Vulcans?

            because Vulcans repress their emotions and bottle them up with endless meditation and strict adherhance to logic where the Romulans just let the emotions flow so they feel more balanced than either "Empty Slate" or "Murder Rape Monster"

      • 2 years ago

        >its even cuter when you remember that the reason vulcans have to ourwardly hide and control their emotions is because they are one of the most hyper emotional races in the universe.
        THIS is why I hate new Trek so much. Vulcans are written like they have Asperger's syndrome. It's why Spock was such a good character in the original show and movies, because his characterization is someone whose actions and words aren't swayed by impulsiveness. While he is never overt about how he feels, you can tell when he's annoyed, making a sarcastic comment or joke, and how much he values his friends because his actions and words are targeted. In the new show, Spock's GF just talks about wanting to blow him like it's cultural anthropology. They also teased fricking Sybok, who is essentially the precursor to Michael Burnham as in he's another super-genius secret sibling that Spock just never bothered to mention before.

        • 2 years ago

          >chronological order
          >started with TOS
          >THEN moved on to the prequel


          • 2 years ago

            They HAVE TO frick once every seven years, there's nothing saying they can't do it in the time between

            I mean it reallly was, especially in s3 after the budget was absolutely gutted.

            >in chronological order, so we watched the OG series followed by ENT
            But ENT takes place like a century before TOS.

            >They also teased fricking Sybok
            Wait what the frick, I thought STV has never been referenced in anything since it was made, other than Nimbus III being a planet you can go to in STO?

            >Trek fatigue had set in with normies by then and it didn't help that the first two seasons of ENT had a lot of boring plots and inconsistent character writing.
            You're forgetting the masive unmitigated disaster that was Nemesis being a box office bomb on top of being a really shitty movie.

            i'm moronic, we actually watched ENT, then TOS, then TNG

  4. 2 years ago

    Star Control 2

  5. 2 years ago

    It's impolite to say those things about a custom too, you fricking b***h.

  6. 2 years ago

    How heavy a 'romance' are we talking here?

    • 2 years ago

      Anything from light to heavy.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Not porn. I've stopped looking at that stuff.

        • 2 years ago

          Porn games that I cannot play with only one hand are worthless

  7. 2 years ago

    That Rouge Trader game Owlcat is making will let you romance some xenos I'd assume.

    • 2 years ago

      Holy Terra

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      There is absolutely no way a crossbreed like this is possible

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit these are some bigass tiddies.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Why would you run around trading rouge?

      • 2 years ago

        The cosmetics industry is already stupidly profitable now, imagine how moronic it'll get when the market becomes galactic scale.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Sister of Battle party member
      I know SoB don’t usually take oaths of chastity and I know Owlcat is going to make her a massive bawd for “moe gap”. But damn, if I’m not keen.

    • 2 years ago

      By the Emperor!

    • 2 years ago

      The absolute state of modern imperials

    • 2 years ago

      >this is what Owlcat wants you to think
      >this is what gue'vesa actually believe

      There is absolutely no way a crossbreed like this is possible

      Not with Tau. Maybe with Eldar, and only in regards to the Drukhari cooking one up.

      The absolute state of modern imperials

      Gue'vesa aren't Imperials, they're heretics.

      • 2 years ago

        >and only in regards to the Drukhari cooking one up.
        yeah, those fricks have best biotech in the galaxy. they could probably cook up a frickable tyranid tyrant or something. they probably already did

    • 2 years ago

      The imperium should have rather burned in the flames of horus's ambitions than to live to see this become true.

  8. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    remember that one really hot vulcan girl from ds9
    i remember

    • 2 years ago

      I only remember the ROCK HARD VULCAN NIPPLES from ENT

    • 2 years ago

      her confused expression as quark explains diplomacy to her gets me rock hard

  11. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect.

  12. 2 years ago

    Do female vulcans have a pan farr?
    Would a male human survive?

  13. 2 years ago

    intense eye contact leg locked nakadashi with T'Pol

  14. 2 years ago

    Vulcans make the best lovers

    • 2 years ago

      is it possible to frick a Vulcan woman well enough to have them break the emotionless facade? Cause that would be hot as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        >is it possible to frick a Vulcan woman well enough to have them break the emotionless facade?
        Sort of related, but there was a TNG episode of a Vulcan man that was too fricking horny and lustful of his human wife to the point that he would almost lose his mind, so Picard had to take all of his feelings and by the end Picard cried for having such lust but celibate.

        Vulcans are perfect for mindbreak doujins if you think about it

        • 2 years ago

          what if they Get TOO horny and then your human Stamina can't keep up
          I call Domination_Loss to be better suited for this reason

          • 2 years ago

            >Male: Domination Loss
            You're a man of good taste. Either scenarios are good by me.

        • 2 years ago

          That's not what happened at all homosexual.
          He had bendii's syndrome, which is when older vulcans lose their emotional control. Its like vulcan senility.

          • 2 years ago

            It's been like 13-ish years since I last watched TNG please understand.

            • 2 years ago

              If there's one thing I know it's trek trivia.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't they only really yiff when they're in heat?

      • 2 years ago

        they yiff whenever, it's just probably rare outside of Pon Farr cause they can control their emotions and urges better than humans. They're not surviving as a species if they only bang every 7 years.

  15. 2 years ago

    This one counts as one right?

    • 2 years ago

      Not porn. I've stopped looking at that stuff.

  16. 2 years ago

    there's a pov porn video of having sex with a vulcan cosplayer, it actually makes me laugh out loud but ive also nutted to it multiple times

  17. 2 years ago

    What are some space games where I can purge xenos loving scum?

    • 2 years ago

      Stellaris. Literal xeno loverd factions while you can be a xenophobe one

  18. 2 years ago

    >TFW no intimidating kuudere ponn farr vulcan GF

    • 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago
  20. 2 years ago

    DS9 was peak Trek.

    • 2 years ago

      Babylon 5 was better. Why does he look like a gay here?

      • 2 years ago

        Julian Bashir? looking like a gay? get outta here

  21. 2 years ago

    Fossil fighters.

  22. 2 years ago

    >tfw we still don't have a good Star Trek RPG with deep customization options for everything.
    STO doesn't count.

  23. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect

  24. 2 years ago

    Shame I heard bad things about that Star Trek series because T'Misc is hot as frick

    • 2 years ago

      I've watched ENT several times and I still don't understand the hate, in fact my top 3 ST are DS9 > ENT > TNG

      • 2 years ago

        >my top 3 ST are DS9 > ENT > TNG

        • 2 years ago

          You replied to bait. I'm only replying to you to point out that it was bait without giving them a you

      • 2 years ago

        The intro comes on at the end and not at the start

        • 2 years ago


          my brother and I actually started doing a viewing of all the star trek series in chronological order, so we watched the OG series followed by ENT, then TNG, we're in the last season of DS9 now and gonna watch voyager next
          in season 1 my brother was like "this song is so dumb, why did they put these sappy lyrics as a ST OP?"
          by season 2 we were both belting the fricking song out at the start of each episode. we literally had a rule that we weren't allowed to skip the intro like we do with 99% of other episodes lol.

          • 2 years ago

            The song you fricking piece of SHIT

      • 2 years ago

        Trek fatigue had set in with normies by then and it didn't help that the first two seasons of ENT had a lot of boring plots and inconsistent character writing. Season 3 and 4 were huge improvements but by then most of the audience bailed.

        The song you fricking piece of SHIT

        The ENT intro is great (at least the Season 1 and 2 version before they added the cringe acoustic guitar) and the mirror into is the GOAT trek intro

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        ENT's not bad, finally found their footing in S4. Disappointing to learn that S5-7 was gonna be the gear up to the Earth-Romulan war, the war itself and the conclusion that leads to the forming of the Federation.

      • 2 years ago

        Ent has it's issues.
        It's so god damn wonky for like the first season or two. Every episode was referencing something older shows or eye candy for horny nerds. The cast was filled with every boring characters.
        >Black driver, who was born and raise in space
        >Stick in the mud english man, who enjoys a good bum
        >Southern nice guy
        >an Aging Jock who is a bit racist
        >a very emotional Vulcan with DSL
        >Neurotic Asian girl who talks
        Then there is Phlox, the best cast member.
        >dabs on the borg with space leeches
        >tells everyone to stop being a fricking prude and have wild kinky sex constantly
        Once the Xindi Arc starts up the show takes off. It does the whole idea of Voyager, but better because being alone out in the middle of no where is an actual issue and the ship is beat to shit by the time it's over.

        • 2 years ago

          the helmsman had the most interesting backstory out of all of em and got like three stories in the entirety of the series. I like seeing more non-Starfleet humans doing non-Starfleet things

          • 2 years ago

            Everything around him is interesting, he himself is not.

            • 2 years ago

              it kills me, because he just needed better writing but they didn't know what to frickin do with him

        • 2 years ago

          I dunno I thought the characters tend to have a lot more interesting backstories than pretty much any cast except for DS9
          there's a bit of a running theme of them all being quasi-relics or at least soon-to-be obsolete due to technology
          black pilot is a tinge of tuskagee airmen trope (iirc his great grandad literally was one) but he's probably the best example of a "spacer" in ST, and they repeatedly talk about how his family's shipping business is going to be a relic of history thanks to newer, faster warp drives
          british dude comes from an entire line of military officers in a society that technically doesn't really have a military (starfleet is of course but they're stated goal is much more exploration and scientific advancement than military prowess)
          the southern nice guy/aging joke/awkward asian girl are a bit boilerplate but I'll still take them over nu-trek's quippy new york/LA urbanites in every role
          phlox is based af and everything neelix wishes he could be
          also the vulcan only gets really emotional after getting psychic-raped and catching an vulcan AIDS

          • 2 years ago

            getting vulcan AIDS for a stupid PSA episode was honestly the best thing for her character, although having a vulcan on any crew is charming

          • 2 years ago

            oh don't get me wrong, I actually really like Ent, It's above Voy.
            The new shows are just bad, plain old bad. I watched the first season of Dis and that was enough for me. I know Trek always need a season or two to get it's footing but this time around. No, I doubt it would improve much. It's written for the Rick n Morty fan, the type of person who likes to watch shit to make them feel smart.

  25. 2 years ago

    What games let me wear goofy hats and masks?

    • 2 years ago

      Small indie production company please understand

      • 2 years ago
  26. 2 years ago

    It's not like Vulcans would be overly emotional psychos without their mental suppression, they'd just be Romulans.

  27. 2 years ago

    Star ocean, kinda.

  28. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >ATTENTION BAJORAN WORKERS. Today I fricked and impregnated 12 bajoran females. Tomorrow that number will increase. Dukat out.

      • 2 years ago

        Dukat did nothing wrong
        except protecting his daughter lmao

        • 2 years ago

          >Dukat did nothing wrong

  29. 2 years ago

    Why is there still no good Star Trek game?

    • 2 years ago

      just started playing A Final Unity and it's pretty neat

    • 2 years ago

      because nobody can write a Mass Effect style Star Trek game where you actually do the Star Trek thing of exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new civilizations and boldly going where no-one has gone before.

      25th Anniversary
      Judgment Rites
      Bridge Commander
      STO for the stories at least, its a freemium hell with decent space combat and meh ground combat
      Elite Force 1&2
      A Final Unity
      Birth of a Federation
      Klingon Academy

      I will give Picard this, it wasn't SO shit as to ruin Q. Despite trying their damndest John de Lancie was too powerful and carried the the whole season on his back with Brent Spiner. He managed to make the completely OOC send-off feel almost natural, and even managed to bring out a bit of TNG Picard from Patrick Stewart.

      Brett and John carried every scene, but I am so fricking tired of seeing Brett Spiner. He played two characters in S1 and now another frickin Soong in S2. He's probably coming back for frickin S3 too, it should've just been about Data instead of frickin Picard. I feel like Patrick Stewart truly doesn't understand the character anymore or he's just in movie Picard mode instead of TNG because it's been 20 frickin years

      • 2 years ago

        >Patrick Stewart truly doesn't understand the character anymore
        Patrick Stewart never understood the character and giving him creative control was the worst mistake PIC could have made. He was the one constantly pushing for more drama and romance for Picard in TNG and all of that shit is fricking awful. His ability to deliver soliloquies carries Picard entirely and without those all you get are his "don't be rash or you might end up with an artificial heart" old man moments, and the rest is him LARPing as fricking Indiana Jones

        • 2 years ago

          >His ability to deliver soliloquies carries Picard
          that's the character, not the series I mean
          frick whoever named nu-trek
          especially STD lol

        • 2 years ago

          I feel like Picard is just mainly ruined by Patrick and that's not taking the writing into consideration. At least STD finally feels like its in a spot where someone told Alex Kurtzman to frick off and now they're in damage control. I'm extremely worried what's going to happen when Kurtzman isn't focused on PIC anymore. SNW is pretty decent and Prodigy was an extreme surprise considering it's a kid's show on Nickelodeon. Lower Decks is my guilty pleasure though, I like the Trek jokes.

        • 2 years ago

          I feel like Picard is just mainly ruined by Patrick and that's not taking the writing into consideration. At least STD finally feels like its in a spot where someone told Alex Kurtzman to frick off and now they're in damage control. I'm extremely worried what's going to happen when Kurtzman isn't focused on PIC anymore. SNW is pretty decent and Prodigy was an extreme surprise considering it's a kid's show on Nickelodeon. Lower Decks is my guilty pleasure though, I like the Trek jokes.

          at least they made STO ships canon, too bad we didn't see an Enterprise-F though

  30. 2 years ago

    Mass Erect.

  31. 2 years ago

    What's the best episode opener? For me it's when Dukat woke Kira up to tell her that he fricked her mom.

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