What are some video games you consider to be extremely underrated?

What are some video games you consider to be extremely underrated?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    I realize you're not talking about the games but the games suck.

  2. 8 months ago

    To be fair, Gash doesn't really have a presence in vidya.

  3. 8 months ago

    Zatch Bell (dub) is god-tier
    Gash Bell (regular) sucks

    • 8 months ago

      VERY SHIT.

    • 8 months ago

      Actually it's the opposite

      • 8 months ago

        Gonna love how this dude is a famous pop star for this shit lmao

    • 8 months ago

      Zatch sounds cooler than Gash too

  4. 8 months ago

    That's not a videogame.

    • 8 months ago

      Gash has videogames.

      Zatch Bell (dub) is god-tier
      Gash Bell (regular) sucks

      You don't get Folgore singing about breasts in the dub, it's inexcusable garbage.

      • 8 months ago

        >You don't get Folgore singing about breasts in the dub
        Correct, the dub isn't made for prepubescent teens who just heard that females are supposed to be attractive, which is why the song is significantly better in english.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, it's made for sois who are afraid of the female body instead lol

          • 8 months ago

            Gold star, shota-kun!

            • 8 months ago

              homie, Gash IS a shonen. If you are bothered by that why the frick are you watching/reading it.

              • 8 months ago

                the infinitely superior dub ascends it past its shonen origins.

        • 8 months ago

          I cannot take the dub seriously after they censored guns by making them bright colored

          • 8 months ago

            You could take any dub seriously?

            the infinitely superior dub ascends it past its shonen origins.

            Green highlighted weapons for mature adults such as myself

          • 8 months ago

            Were you also filtered by one piece's rubber knives?

            • 8 months ago

              You don't get to say that when you use the dub like a normie shitter.

              • 8 months ago

                >unironic unconditional sub elitism
                ah, so you really still are on your first 5 anime
                I guess it's to be expected, considering it IS a shonen for subgays

              • 8 months ago

                Anime dub always was and still is only good for memes, there isn't much to be said about it.

        • 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    >What are some video games you consider to be extremely underrated?
    Games like Kuon and FF (no, not Final Fantasy you moron).

  6. 8 months ago

    >next sequel chapter still a week away

    • 8 months ago

      actually I guess it's only 3 days now, but still

  7. 8 months ago

    How does this compare to, say, the old Shaman King anime? Been looking for another cheap 2000s shounen adaption with funny characters for a while now.

    • 8 months ago

      Dogshit. At least Shaman King had fun art direction, a decent OST, and distinct character designs with catchy OPs.

      • 8 months ago

        >Gash Bell doesn't have distinct character designs
        What the frick am I reading?

      • 8 months ago

        >literal who anime

        • 8 months ago

          Is that a fricking Gash phone game

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah it's a gacha game coming soon

            • 8 months ago

              ffs not even Gash is safe. It better be FUN at least.

              • 8 months ago

                No one is safe

    • 8 months ago

      I haven't seen Shaman King but the series is really good. Manga is obviously superior, but the anime is good too.

      I'd recommend skipping the filler arc and switching over to the manga near the end of the final (anime) arc to get the proper ending.

    • 8 months ago

      Dogshit. At least Shaman King had fun art direction, a decent OST, and distinct character designs with catchy OPs.

      I haven't seen Shaman King but the series is really good. Manga is obviously superior, but the anime is good too.

      I'd recommend skipping the filler arc and switching over to the manga near the end of the final (anime) arc to get the proper ending.

      Gash/Zatch Bell itself is a fantastic series, but the anime adaptation is pretty terrible.

      The gist of the series is actually very in line with Shaman king: There's 100 demon kids who get sent to the human world and paired up with a human partner, who uses a spellbook to allow the demon to use spells, if a book is burnt they get sent back to the demon world, last one standing is king.

      There's a really big emphasis on a tonal contrast of comedy, slice of life, and power of friendship stuff, against absolutely gut wrenching emotional moments, and the two extremes help both work better since the latter make the former feel genuinine and earned rather then corner, and the former makes the latter hit harder. There's also a major emphasis on character relationships and them being enjoyable, the premise of the series inherently means that the demon and human learning from one another and shaping each other is a big theme, new spells are even specifically unlocked during moments of character growth.

      Fights are tactical and strategic, every demon has a unique set of spells and each spell only ever does a specific thing and has a sort of mana cost, so there's no BS-ing a contrived ability and they have to pace when to use stronger spells. Most fights once you get past the early volumes are also team battles so you have multiple pairs mixing and mattching their spell sets.

      Lastly, it almost entirely sidesteps a lot of the issues other shonen have where everybody but the MC and the rival gets sidelined, where the pacing gets worse over time, and stuff escalates so much in scale and stakes that it barely feels like the same series or power system: Gash avoids all of those issues and only ever gets better the further in you get.

      ran out of space

      • 8 months ago

        >so there's no BS-ing a contrived ability and they have to pace when to use stronger spells.
        I don't know about that, I remember some demons being able to do a lot with the lowest tier spells and possibly even matching Baou without needing to use their own ult. The energy system seems to mostly affect Gash.

        • 8 months ago

          Aside from Clear, who is the final villain and is almost intentionally sort of overpowered with out of nowhere asspull shit to make it more satisfying when he's finally taken down, I can't think of examples like that.

          All the villains are constrained by the same rules with their spells doing the specific thing they do as the heroes are: Some have specific extra abilities like Zofis's mind control or Gorm's wormholes, but it's not like other series where somebody with water powers can just contrive some new solution using water abilities to the current problem: Pattie's water spells each only do a specific thing: ashirudo only ever will make a water shield, oruda akuron will only ever make water whips, Akuroruku only ever makes watet claws, etc.

          Not that there's not cool and tactical things you get with say Jojo fights where characters come up with incredibly contrived and esoteric solutions using their abilities, but Gash goes in the other extreme of forcing creative tactical setups since their moves can only do a specific thing and then figuring out how to combo/chain different abilities together sequentially is where the strategy comes from.

          You are correct that Heart Power running out is usually less a thing for villains then it is for the heroes, but we still see it happen enough to where I feel like it feels fair: Zeon has to recharge after each Zigadirasu zagerukga which is why then we have Tio's new shield and Roudeux coming back into the picture; Leo and Bankis use faudo lisquid to recharge in the middle of the fight with gash, etc.

          But yeah, some demons just naturally have their lower tier spells stronger then other characters upper tier ones, like Zeon, Clear, Rein, etc, but I didn't claim otherwise there.

          • 8 months ago

            I know, I was into it long time ago. Can't remember if I got far enough to see Clear though.
            The tactics and Kiyomaro eventually learning to save Heart Power were cool bits, funniest shit was the fake Baou in Victoream fight.

            • 8 months ago

              You should totally re-read or finish the manga, there's been a ton of new content aside from the main original manga itself released the past few years too, see

              No problem, happy to help.

              As I said, I really do stress on reading the manga if you're willing. This link: https://mangadex.org/chapter/eb924bc6-a2b6-4081-af0d-3b8930a0726e brings you to chapter 1 of the makai release I mentioned.

              After the end of volume 4 where the Makai scans currently end, it'll switch you to the NULL scans: these lack most of the color pages and are lower res, but the scan quality improves over time. Once you hit volume 18, if you want, you can switch to A-Destiny: The A-Destiny scans don't cover volumes before then, and the scan quality is usually comparable to NULL: The main difference is A-Destiny has less mistranslations, but also more stilted, stiff dialog. I'd personally just stick with NULL.

              As I said, once you finish the main manga, there's also the Gaiden Chapter and then the Gash Cafes (listed under "Kazenban extras" on mangadex), and then the ongoing sequel manga which comes out on a monhtly basis.

              . There's tons of stuff as clever and funny as the the fake baou in that fight later on.

      • 8 months ago

        How does this compare to, say, the old Shaman King anime? Been looking for another cheap 2000s shounen adaption with funny characters for a while now.

        Dogshit. At least Shaman King had fun art direction, a decent OST, and distinct character designs with catchy OPs.

        I haven't seen Shaman King but the series is really good. Manga is obviously superior, but the anime is good too.

        I'd recommend skipping the filler arc and switching over to the manga near the end of the final (anime) arc to get the proper ending.


        The main flaw the series has is that, unlike other shonen, the start of the series isn't as strong as a lot of other shonen: Early on there's not a lot of spells so tactics in fights are limited, the art (which has amazing spreads later on) is just okay, and it sticks to a villain of the week-slice of life format for a while before it actually has arcs

        It's not "bad" early on, it's good, but it takes time to become amazing, but again, the flip side of that is that it only ever expotentially keeps getting better and better and stays amazing

        If you're wanting good comedy and fun characters and the 2000s vibe and like Shaman king, the series will 100% be up your alley, but I really can't recommend the anime unless you're specifically wanting a cheap sort of bad 2000s anime adaptation with the cheap early digital look. Even beyond the animation and art being mid, the anime just also adds a lot of filler, the slower pacing exacerbates the series taking some time to go from good to amazing, it doesn't handle the darker moments with the same weight as the manga and feels more kiddy, and most importantly, the anime entirely diverges from the manga's plot and goes in it's own story direction after a while. It does have good music (which is why I have vids which sync up the manga content to the anime ost, see tbharchive.org/a/thread/199486588/#199490460) and the song scenes are legendary, but aside from that and a few fights it does well it's pretty terrible

        I'd really just start and stay with the manga (Mangadex has all the english releases + end of volume bonuses, the gaiden chapter, and gash cafe chapters (listed under kazenban exrras); the best english release is the new makai scans which has color pages and uses higher res digital rips but it only goes up to volume 4 for right now), but if you MUST watch the anime, you absolutely have to swap to the manga after episode 138 and resume reading from chapter 212.

        • 8 months ago

          >and the song scenes are legendary,

          B O I N G B O I N G

      • 8 months ago


        The main flaw the series has is that, unlike other shonen, the start of the series isn't as strong as a lot of other shonen: Early on there's not a lot of spells so tactics in fights are limited, the art (which has amazing spreads later on) is just okay, and it sticks to a villain of the week-slice of life format for a while before it actually has arcs

        It's not "bad" early on, it's good, but it takes time to become amazing, but again, the flip side of that is that it only ever expotentially keeps getting better and better and stays amazing

        If you're wanting good comedy and fun characters and the 2000s vibe and like Shaman king, the series will 100% be up your alley, but I really can't recommend the anime unless you're specifically wanting a cheap sort of bad 2000s anime adaptation with the cheap early digital look. Even beyond the animation and art being mid, the anime just also adds a lot of filler, the slower pacing exacerbates the series taking some time to go from good to amazing, it doesn't handle the darker moments with the same weight as the manga and feels more kiddy, and most importantly, the anime entirely diverges from the manga's plot and goes in it's own story direction after a while. It does have good music (which is why I have vids which sync up the manga content to the anime ost, see tbharchive.org/a/thread/199486588/#199490460) and the song scenes are legendary, but aside from that and a few fights it does well it's pretty terrible

        I'd really just start and stay with the manga (Mangadex has all the english releases + end of volume bonuses, the gaiden chapter, and gash cafe chapters (listed under kazenban exrras); the best english release is the new makai scans which has color pages and uses higher res digital rips but it only goes up to volume 4 for right now), but if you MUST watch the anime, you absolutely have to swap to the manga after episode 138 and resume reading from chapter 212.

        Original anon here, thank you for the insanely informative posts. I'm definitely checking it out now.

        • 8 months ago

          No problem, happy to help.

          As I said, I really do stress on reading the manga if you're willing. This link: https://mangadex.org/chapter/eb924bc6-a2b6-4081-af0d-3b8930a0726e brings you to chapter 1 of the makai release I mentioned.

          After the end of volume 4 where the Makai scans currently end, it'll switch you to the NULL scans: these lack most of the color pages and are lower res, but the scan quality improves over time. Once you hit volume 18, if you want, you can switch to A-Destiny: The A-Destiny scans don't cover volumes before then, and the scan quality is usually comparable to NULL: The main difference is A-Destiny has less mistranslations, but also more stilted, stiff dialog. I'd personally just stick with NULL.

          As I said, once you finish the main manga, there's also the Gaiden Chapter and then the Gash Cafes (listed under "Kazenban extras" on mangadex), and then the ongoing sequel manga which comes out on a monhtly basis.

          • 8 months ago

            Are the Makai scans the ones that take cues from the Viz releases for translations (but use the original names)?

            • 8 months ago

              The Makai group puts out two scans sets for the original gash: The ones labeled "NEW Fan translation" which is labeled as both Viz Media and Zatch Bell Makai, and "Official ENG" just by Viz Media

              The latter just uses the Viz translation applied to the Kazenban rips with similar censorship edits and localized names; the former uses the Viz translation as a base, but still checks lines to ensure the translation is good, changes stuff as needed/warranted with new translations, and uses the unlocalized names/has no censorship edits.

              Any particular reason you ask? if you think there's a line in the actual makai release that sticks to Viz when it shouldn't or something, let me know as I'd want to know and I could speak to the guy doing the releases since he and I talk

  8. 8 months ago

    Thanks, gotta re-read

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    I never watch the anime got into reading it last year thanks to a friend I like Umagon

  11. 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago


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