what are the little things that annoy you guys

>one player's token doesn't match the art style of everyone else's

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  1. 2 years ago

    Women pretending to play tabletop in order to keep an eye on their boyfriends/husbands.

    • 2 years ago


      My littlest nitpick is 100% people who are on their phones at the table who ARENT using it for something game related.

      • 2 years ago

        I just use my phone (or laptop if I have it) to keep tabs of my spells and abities open, and any errata that has changed how they function so that I use them properly.

    • 2 years ago

      are they afraid they are going to have sex with one of the many attractive female ttrpg fans?

      • 2 years ago

        >are they afraid they are going to have sex with one of the many attractive female ttrpg fans?

        My wife does get sad and want lots of hugs when I go to my weekend game that has 3 female (female) players in it. She's scared thst I might get close to one of them because of mutual DnD interest and make out with them.

        They aren't ugly, but impressing women is the LAST thing I am thinking about when I go to game.

        • 2 years ago

          >plays with 3 (three) women
          >wife insists on testing intimacy whenever it happens
          bro, she’s worried you’re gay

          • 2 years ago

            >bro, she’s worried you’re gay
            No, she's pretty much told me before one of the sessions that she's worried something might start between me and one of the girls at the session.

            Her testing intimacy is just her way of making sure I am still attracted to her and not bored and looking to get my rocks off with some fresh post-session tabletop pussy.

            There being 3 women at the group is just happenstance becaue it was organized by a friend and his girlfriend. Usually there is at most 1 old ugly woman in groups I play with.

          • 2 years ago

            Judging by his tranime obsession, she has a right to worry.

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              >Likes big breasts and ass
              >Must be gay
              Low test alert.

              • 2 years ago

                Being addicted to masturbation to the point that you make it your identity and personality is a mark of a mentally deficient mind.

              • 2 years ago

                Who says I jerk off to them? Projecting a little bit there.

                I literally just save sexy pictures on my phone and repost them. It's convenient and takes no time, plus it is good ettiquite to post images on an imageboard when you post. I save them because the artwork is very well done, they are sexy, and rhe images serve a purpose, not because I jack off to them lol.

              • 2 years ago

                >spamming off topic pictures is good etiquette

              • 2 years ago

                >Posting fantasy themed pics in a TTRPG thread
                >Off topic

                >Pics being required to be on topic at all
                >Citation needed

                >Pic Unrelated

              • 2 years ago

                nta but posting anubis coom is pretty off-topic and you're not making yourself look any less autistic or less of a coomer by vehemently defending your reasoning for posting brown catgirls flaunting their barely-covered breasts

              • 2 years ago

                Ignore this fricker

                >Posting fantasy themed pics in a TTRPG thread
                >Off topic

                >Pics being required to be on topic at all
                >Citation needed

                >Pic Unrelated

                keep posting anubii

                Drive him out of his holes, leave him nowhere to hide.

              • 2 years ago

                One of the major reasons why /tg/ is shit today is because morons and coomers keep flooding the board with pointless fapbait threads instead of actual discussion. The kind of moron that needs to defend their right to post almost-porn is 10000% the kind of homosexual dipshit that makes "What do elf panties smell like in your setting?" threads.

              • 2 years ago

                >no, it's the coomers to blame!
                >literally every time they are removed board quality drops like a stone as it turns out they were the only ones doing anything other than shitposting
                get fricked immigrant.

              • 2 years ago

                When ever have coomers been removed from /tg/ as a board aside from when /tg/ went hardline blue board so many years ago that nobody from that era even posts here anymore?

              • 2 years ago

                first nazimod, second nazimod, the banning of wst, and that's just off the top of my head. There are certainly more.
                >let us repeat the mistakes of the past because I am too young to remember them
                frick you, that's why I am here telling you to not do that.

              • 2 years ago

                >banning of wst
                Was a marked improvement on board quality for a few weeks until you gays came crawling back with your TOTES ON TOPIC UWU tranime threads.

              • 2 years ago

                >trying to claim anime for themself
                frick off

              • 2 years ago

                >source: my ass

              • 2 years ago

                >it turns out they were the only ones doing anything other than shitposting
                >they're totally not raiding the board with shitposts as revenge
                we all know that cumbrains have amazing impulse control

              • 2 years ago

                >Coom-poster making relevant conversation on the thread topic
                >Prudes derail the thread to autistically screech about pictures they don't like
                Yeah, I wonder who the problem is here.

              • 2 years ago

                >Coom-poster making relevant conversation on the thread topic
                I'll take "things that have never happed" for 1200, Alex

              • 2 years ago

                Listen here newbie, /tg/ has always been a coomer board. Since it's inception it was and always will be /d/lite.

              • 2 years ago

                Most dicksnippers are also obsessed with tranime breasts

      • 2 years ago

        the fact that they're a unicorn makes women in general not understanding tabletop demographics even more likely. my wife knows jack shit about the people i play with.

      • 2 years ago

        My wife gets jealous of the men too. It's actually kind of funny. But she has no interest in tabletop and isn't moronic enough to pretend that she does.

      • 2 years ago

        You underestimate how petty and self-absorbed most women are. They're not necessarily afraid of you having sex with one of the many attractive ttrpg fans (but I see your sarcasm); rather, they are simply jealous of their boyfriend doing literally anything that does not involve them, especially if they have no understanding of this other thing.

        • 2 years ago

          Shouldn't that be "people"? Are you assuming dudes don't get weird about girls going out with their friends?

    • 2 years ago

      Flipside happens as well, guys that insist on being involved or at least coming to hang out because they don't trust their woman around guys when they can't see them.

      • 2 years ago

        They trust their wives, they don't trust other men.

  2. 2 years ago

    May I suck on that female Dwarves toes? Maybe just a little lick please?

  3. 2 years ago

    None of them match, though...

    • 2 years ago

      I think he's referring to one being edgelord-y and the other ones not being that way.

      • 2 years ago

        3 of them look bored. 1 is enjoying themself.

        >nobody even knows what exactly it is OP's upset about
        That checks out.

    • 2 years ago

      3 of them look bored. 1 is enjoying themself.

      • 2 years ago

        I think he's referring to one being edgelord-y and the other ones not being that way.

        >nobody even knows what exactly it is OP's upset about
        That checks out.

        He clearly has something against heroforge

        • 2 years ago

          I have something against heroforge, not the 3d minis, just the prerenders.

          Absolutely Garbo

          • 2 years ago

            You should hate the miniatures too, in all fairness. But yeah using the prerenders as character art is just disgusting.

    • 2 years ago

      I think he's referring to one being edgelord-y and the other ones not being that way.

      3 of them look bored. 1 is enjoying themself.

      >Being purposely obtuse

  4. 2 years ago

    There was this one thing, as far as official games go, but I won't mention that specifically, since it wasn't prompted.
    When designing my own mechanics, one little thing that bothers me is when the phrasing of one thing is too similar to another, but is apt anyway. This problem only comes up when I'm proofreading, and it usually makes me want to just start over, despite it being such a small issue. A quick example would be basic attack skills for different weapons; "you attack with x in this way" and "you attack with y in that way." I get that with the way I have my skill system set up it kinda needs to be like that, but it just sounds too dry, no matter how much flair I describe it with. I know that, functionally speaking, these attacks are different in terms of their effectiveness, how they interact with target armor and passive dodge/defense ratings, and secondary effects, but when the descriptions sound similar, it bugs the living shit out of me.

  5. 2 years ago

    I fricking hate heroforge. The models look like absolute shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I have something against heroforge, not the 3d minis, just the prerenders.

      Absolutely Garbo

      Heroforge is trash that is only allowed to exist and ferment because the hobby is full of DND players who literally have no idea of what a good miniature looks like or what is the appropriate price for a gaming miniature.
      Look at shit like D&D Frameworks, or also this 50 bucks piece of trash.

      holy based, frick heroforge and anyone who keeps shilling it.
      It's overpriced garbage, they're literally scamming moronic dnd gays that don't know anything about miniatures but know the company name because it's used like a video game character creation tool for lazy fricks that can't describe their own character or find nice artwork that looks like their description.
      Imagine paying $50 for this fricking "precolored" thing instead of buying a proper miniature and commissioning a guy to paint it for that much or even less. Get some proper miniatures and use proper art for your characters instead of gay cartoony renders you screenshotted, and shitty fricking 3d printed minis that have no detail and print lines everywhere. I hate this laziness acceptance and cope that has spread in ttrpg community lately

      • 2 years ago

        They offer professional painting services too.

      • 2 years ago

        My problem with them is that they want you to pay for every individual conversion to 3D printable format. Seriously, what the frick. You're just running a fricking tool on your server for 10m at the most to convert something. I know they need to make money, but at least let it be a fricking subscription service so I don't have to pay a gorillion dollars to print out a 5+ person party I might want to paint.

      • 2 years ago

        I bought a mini from them a while back before they had the color prints. I got to say those look terrible. The one I bought has so much better detail on it. Price to pay for being lazy and not wanting to paint though, I guess.
        That's the kind of quality I'd expect out of a bundle with 5 minis so they could be an easy army/squad.

    • 2 years ago

      I've used both Hero Forge and Eldritch Foundry and found the latter better quality. Never bothered with their painting services though.

  6. 2 years ago

    People who don't try to strategize during combat in any way then complain combat is boring or too hard.
    Too many times they try to fight bosses in open fspaces ignoring all yhe enviromental stuff that's there. Hide behind cover, bottleneck enemies, bait them into traps, check the place for alternative ways of engaging. I don't know.
    You don't have to try to make every move the most important one, but running facefirst into the enemy while ignoring positioning is boring and will get you killed fast.

  7. 2 years ago

    People who want to join the table just to watch but not play really annoy me. The DM and players are putting effort into the game, while this lazy person just leeches on the free entertainment and gives "funny" commentary that interrupts the game without providing anything of value.

    There may be a time and place for people to spectate games, but it's definitely not in my private table.

    • 2 years ago

      if you’re somewhere where random people can walk up to you and spectate, it’s not your private table

      • 2 years ago

        Heck. Observing a game in public is one of the most effective ways to learn the game.

  8. 2 years ago

    homosexuals not capitalizing sentences or using punctuation.

    • 2 years ago

      If you are going to be a stickler for grammar, you should be aware that sentences need a finite verb to be considered a complete sentence. Your post does not contain a finite verb, therefore capitalization and punctuation in your post is incorrect.

  9. 2 years ago

    People having to roll and then searching for/not knowing which dice to use. For frick's sake, learn to organize them for quick use.

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It's weird that people on /tg/ complain about the consumer mindset because /tg/ does this kind of fan purity testing consumerism bullshit all the time. This board primarily talks about 5e, 40k, and MTG which are exclusively consumer products and the people here that are oldgays or pretend to be oldgays will purity test based on one's knowledge of old products like 3.5 and AD&D. The only difference between the average fa/tg/uy and the average consoomer is the exact way they word their posts and the subject of their obsession

      • 2 years ago

        Just goes to show that man was meant to consoom.

      • 2 years ago

        the only difference is that people here consoom without paying by pirating everything, so they cope by saying that no money = no consoom. and they are massive hypocrites, e.g. they suspend this argument with porn even though drugs are the epitome of consoom
        at least the soibois don't pretend they're not consumer prostitutes

      • 2 years ago

        Dude, logic left this website in 2016 and has only gotten worse. Don't question it, for it will only give you a headache in the end. Like we literally have people b***hing about anime on this website, y'know the website with the Japanese honorific in it and constant references to Yotsuba

        • 2 years ago

          >we literally have people b***hing about anime on this website
          not him but anime went to complete shit since this site was made

      • 2 years ago

        5e and TTRPGs in general are lightyears away from the autistic consoomerism that is MtG and to a lesser extent 40k. MtG is literally lootboxes and pay-to-win with built in obselecense.

        5e is like $50 a year for most people just from buying the occasional book. There are outlier soi consoomers that buy 1000s of minis and gear, but every hobby has those outliers.

  11. 2 years ago
    Heroforge Anon

    this anti-heroforge rhetoric will not stand

    • 2 years ago

      Heroforge is trash that is only allowed to exist and ferment because the hobby is full of DND players who literally have no idea of what a good miniature looks like or what is the appropriate price for a gaming miniature.
      Look at shit like D&D Frameworks, or also this 50 bucks piece of trash.

      • 2 years ago

        well most dnd players aren't wargamers or anything, they just want one model that perfectly encapsulates their idea for their character. heroforge is good for that.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean if we exclude it looking like trash and costing about three to five times as much as a single miniature of comparable quality normally costs, then I agree, it's 'good for that'.
          Which is exactly what I said earlier: it's trash that just happens to be good enough for people who don't know any better.

        • 2 years ago

          Manufacturers with big catalogues dedicated specifically to RPG characters like Reaper and Dark Sword will have something that covers almost anyone's OC donut steel needs while looking infinitely better than Heroforge shit at a fraction of the time.
          Here's a comparison someone made in a thread on the topic some days ago.

          • 2 years ago

            I'd imagine a lot of people would take "as accurate as possible" over "rough approximation" if given the chance.

          • 2 years ago
            Heroforge Anon

            i hear what you're saying, but to be fair, that's really just a generic ranger. i don't care how big their catalogues are, none of those companies are going to have pink-haired snakeman with two aks. and once you get into kitbashing and all that other stuff, you've left the realm of casual player

            • 2 years ago

              They offer professional painting services too.

              >literal tripgay shill
              you cannot make this shit up, go scam more people at your cuckshed with the other heroforge guys

              • 2 years ago
                Asshole Joe

                You don't actually know what a tripcode is, do you?

              • 2 years ago
                Heroforge Anon

                Give him a break, he's new. And clearly very stupid.

                One, you're cherrypicking. Two, holy shit how out of touch with miniatures are you to think that 'pink-haired' is a descriptor of any relevance when talking about models? You know that most miniatures are sold unpainted, right?

                Cool, so you can pay the price of an actual, moderately expensive miniature for a STL file that you still need time, material and a several hundred bucks printer to make. Sounds like a great fricking deal.
                Also, a 3d printer is pretty much the most exclusive hobbyist tool around, so if you have one you're definitely no longer in the range of the 'casual DND player' range that could fall for Heroforge and you should definitely know better than to buy their STLs given all the cheaper, better options around on the market.

                Not cherry-picking at all, I'm saying if you want a 100% accurate miniature of a character who isn't just a generic human with a standard class, then Heroforge might be your best option. And even then you're still working with pre-existing parts so you may not be able to get the concept you want down perfectly.
                But yeah, if you're character is just "grizzled brown haired man in cloak", then you can obviously find better quality models. No argument there.

              • 2 years ago

                >Narcissists getting mad again
                Your shitty figures are still not art lol

              • 2 years ago

                >if you don't worship my consoomer based identity, y-you're a newbie!

              • 2 years ago
                Heroforge Anon

                Still mad from the other thread? How many days have I left you seething?

                I'm clearly referencing you misusing the term "tripgay", but good job proving that you're very stupid twice.

              • 2 years ago

                >everyone who thinks I'm a homosexual is the same person!

              • 2 years ago

                Tripgay as in narcissist c**t that think his ego matter, not as actual trip code user.


            • 2 years ago

              One, you're cherrypicking. Two, holy shit how out of touch with miniatures are you to think that 'pink-haired' is a descriptor of any relevance when talking about models? You know that most miniatures are sold unpainted, right?

              HeroForge STLs are only 8 bux.

              Cool, so you can pay the price of an actual, moderately expensive miniature for a STL file that you still need time, material and a several hundred bucks printer to make. Sounds like a great fricking deal.
              Also, a 3d printer is pretty much the most exclusive hobbyist tool around, so if you have one you're definitely no longer in the range of the 'casual DND player' range that could fall for Heroforge and you should definitely know better than to buy their STLs given all the cheaper, better options around on the market.

            • 2 years ago

              >none of those companies are going to have pink-haired snakeman with two aks
              Someone who needs that specific model is no longer getting it for an average DnD game.

          • 2 years ago

            HeroForge STLs are only 8 bux.

          • 2 years ago

            Plenty of people use the creator to make images for gaming online and don't need the janky looking 3D print.

          • 2 years ago

            Damn, I want that Dark Sword archer.

  12. 2 years ago

    >The one guy who has to be the most shocking person in the group.
    Sexual reference? He's got to bust out the shitting dick nipples.
    Politics? Whatever the table vibe is, he hops to the opposite extreme.
    Orphans? Lol kill them for their delicious organs.
    And so on and so on.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a 14yo to me.

      • 2 years ago

        Teenagers are the stereotype for it, but there's a guy I know who does this in his late twenties. A mutual friend put it best. If you went to Tenerife on holiday, X has been to Elevenerife.

        • 2 years ago

          My recommended solution for this kind of individual is to either cut ties with as much finality as possible, or just laugh at their face every time they try to one-up whoever's talking. They're worthless, lying attention prostitutes in desperate need of feeling some vicarious validation, and they deserve to be humiliated.

  13. 2 years ago

    >being consistently later than other players to arrive, despite having the least busy schedule

    >fudging dice rolls consistently and obviously

    >playing the exact same, unintentionally aggravating character, bonus points if they're of the opposite sex and sexuality

    Admittedly one of the offenders of the last pet peeve eventually made a meta bear character that completely redeemed them as a player (via trial and error I suppose). Still doesn't balance out against sassy lesbian #43, this time with attempted grooming as a character trait.

  14. 2 years ago
    Heroforge Anon

    Some comments are such an embarrassing self-own that they aren't even worth responding to, so let me point out another potential advantage HF over premade miniatures. Posing. Most people are just going to want their characters waving a sword or charging or some other generically heroic things; but if you want your character to be doing some weird, unexpected shit, it may be hard to find a mini that suits your needs.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you for choosing specifically a grizzled archer for your shameless shilling post, it makes this comparison even starker

      Manufacturers with big catalogues dedicated specifically to RPG characters like Reaper and Dark Sword will have something that covers almost anyone's OC donut steel needs while looking infinitely better than Heroforge shit at a fraction of the time.
      Here's a comparison someone made in a thread on the topic some days ago.

      I also find it hilarious that you'd specifically chose "atmospheric" dark pictures to hide how shitty the model is. It doesn't work, but it is pretty fun.

    • 2 years ago

      oooor just use tokens and your... wait for it... imagination.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why even bother with models. Just use pebbles bro

        • 2 years ago

          They'll still have e better detail and quality than a HeroForge abomination

      • 2 years ago
        Heroforge Anon

        >I used the word incorrectly on purpose!!
        What an embarrassing display this is.

        If we're talking about tokens specifically, the best option is obviously to commission art. That way you get exactly the character you envision in your head, and it's likely to be in a consistent style with other players.

        But we're talking about in-person games, with miniatures and battlemaps.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Here's a wild concept; kitbash a model that looks however the frick you want it. Paying 50$ for some garbage versus going out and buying 2-3 cheap minis from places like Reaper and then cutting/combining them to a unique model you've made; this isn't even a choice.

  15. 2 years ago
    Heroforge Anon

    And even if you could find a miniature doing the exact pose you want - what are the chances that it's going to be the species or even genre of character you want? Customizability is important for a lot of RPG players, why do you think there's so many reviews of RPG character creators?

  16. 2 years ago

    >thread about 'little things that annoy you'
    >completely overtaken by a Heroforge shill in desperate need to defend his shitty product

    • 2 years ago

      One day this guy will hopefully cringe at his bizarre behavior, but that day will probably never cum.

      • 2 years ago
        Heroforge Anon

        And while we're on the subject of commissioning art, you know what's a great way to show an artist what sort of tone and lighting you want, as well as what you generally want the character to look like? A free 3D model that you customize and mock up in five minutes.

        You know friend, you could just ignore my posts, or add my name to a filter. Easy solutions that unfortunately don't play into your narcissistic need to have an internet fight with a strange. Like it or not, my posts have been on-topic. The OP and several other posters brought up Heroforge, not me. The people desperately trying to start an argument with me are the ones derailing the thread.

        • 2 years ago

          Why do you obsess over it?

        • 2 years ago

          >you know what's a great way to show an artist what sort of tone and lighting you want, as well as what you generally want the character to look like? A free 3D model that you customize and mock up in five minutes.
          I would at least agree that the best use anyone can get out of Heroforge is to mock up a reference without giving them a penny, yes. The reference's gonna be ugly as frick, but it's (barely) good enough as long as it's free.

          • 2 years ago
            Heroforge Anon

            Honestly more of a concession than I was expecting, so I'll take it.

        • 2 years ago

          Jesus man, the other guy is obnoxious as frick and ignoring the fact that HF is pretty good just to design characteres for free, but you kind of really are a shill too, huh. Nobody wins.

          • 2 years ago
            Heroforge Anon

            I would argue that I win by not being needlessly misanthropic. But we're probably playing different games.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm not misanthropic either. I stand as a bulwark to protect mankind from your shitty miniatures.

              OK, I wasn't serious this one time, it's all in good fun

  17. 2 years ago

    playing with trannies seems like a problem first and foremost

  18. 2 years ago

    As someone who's painted a heroforge mini as a commission, frick me are they low quality.

  19. 2 years ago

    For me it’s players who don’t really want to think about anything - just grug smash.
    Had a player who would never consider tactics or strategy, and was ONLY there to throw dice and describe how he filleted mans.
    We had multiple sessions which ran to hours of roleplay before the hint of a fight and he would spend every minute just quietly stewing and being passive aggressive until he could force a combat.
    It was fricking miserable business DMing for him, because while he wasn’t doing anything egregiously bad like a high level ‘that guy’ he just became a fricking millstone around my neck every game.
    He was only there because his gf is one of my best friends (and best role players) and I didn’t want to leave him out.
    Never again.

  20. 2 years ago

    It's not a little thing because little things don't get under my skin but nobody seems to be able to play a heroic character anymore. They're all cynical Game of Thrones c**ts with no morality. It really drains me of my will to play and it's pretty much impossible to filter. Honestly it's probably going to make me quit RPGs soon. No story, no character, loot only OSR is fun but it gets boring after a while.

    • 2 years ago

      You could try running a themed game specifically around something undeniably heroic and then just straight up disallow edgy morally grey characters.
      Have everyone be the retinue of a cleric or paladin, or something like that?

      • 2 years ago

        >try running a themed game specifically around something undeniably heroic
        even worse. they double down on it. it's like they hate it subconsciously. similarly you can't portray a genuinely good divinity anymore, nobody will see an angel or a cleric and think OK this creature is good or at least should be good. Nope it's gotta be le low key evil thing disguised as holy, always. Everything must be painted grey or black

        • 2 years ago

          Condolences anon, that sounds very frustrating.
          I’ve got a couple of players whose first thought would be to subvert but even they would go with the theme if I specifically requested.

          • 2 years ago

            it frustrates me as a player also because my character almost always has no reason to hang out with the other characters, but in order not to be the lawful stupid of the party I just stay in the background and participate less and less. I genuinely fricking hate it. They're all so excited about it while I hate playing that sort of character.

            • 2 years ago

              >get invited to a superhero game
              >try to make a heroic speech
              >get shot mid speech by robot character who thinks theyre super clever for using a regular ass specific modern real world gun in a setting two hundred years in the future where we fight interdimensional creatures
              >none of the party cares
              Genuinely made me consider dropping the campaign then and there

        • 2 years ago

          genuinely good divinities don't really work because even a child can see that's kind of a contradiction in practice. It's why all the old deities were such huge buttholes, monotheist ones included, until enough centuries of religious doctrine existed to try to explain how they're not actually a huge butthole, and are secretly trickily benevolent.

          The gods are huge dicks, everyone could always tell this innately.

          • 2 years ago

            >pantheon wiylth multiple gods
            I hate your kind, genuinely

            • 2 years ago

              You can only have a "good one" after a few hundred years of clerical backflipping and sour grapes, yes.
              Even in the modern ultra-soft days, the world is still an engine of suffering for the vast majority, and an obvious tell of who is in charge here.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but my fantasy world has a genuinely good god, what then?

              • 2 years ago

                >what then?
                Then they must not be very powerful, or your world is so alien to what we understand that I consider it difficult to have "adventures" in it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Then they must not be very powerful
                Why not?
                >or your world is so alien to what we understand
                (You), it's alien to what you understand.

              • 2 years ago

                >why not?
                Because if the world has interesting conflict, it almost certainly does not have a benevolent god as the primary agitator. They must not be very powerful
                >Well, I can comprehend this world perfectly fine
                I don't think you can, given you are trying to run a game in it, and most likely a game focused on combat.

              • 2 years ago

                >Because if the world has interesting conflict, it almost certainly does not have a benevolent god as the primary agitator. They must not be very powerful
                Or, hear me out, equally powerful evil gods also exist in this world. Or not even that, just particularly cunning evil agitaors covertly sow discord in this world.

              • 2 years ago

                >the evils are equally powerful
                Then you already have a situation where "gods" are quite weak compared to the modern versions we see, and we're looking more at greek or egyptian style gods, which makes it an extremely strange choice on your part to make them into good/bad guys and not themed to what part of the world they manage. It seems like you are aping christianity unthinkingly. Did your good god even create the world?

                >the evils are cunning though, you see
                So? If the god has godly power, he can simply not permit them to exist in the first place.

              • 2 years ago

                >hen you already have a situation where "gods" are quite weak compared to the modern versions we see
                You're talking out your ass, there is no "modern" god rocking a power level that'd meet your criteria for powerful.
                >So? If the god has godly power, he can simply not permit them to exist in the first place.
                Then that's not a material plane anymore, that's just the god's personal celestial realm

              • 2 years ago

                >there is no modern god rocking this power level
                wha? The most popular modern religions claim that their god is all powerful.

                >Then that's not a material plane anymore, that's just the god's personal celestial realm
                If the god is the one with the power, then all realms are their celestial realm.

              • 2 years ago

                And said god still lacks the power to completely remove evil from existence, so according to you, they aren't all powerful and actually pretty weak.
                >If the god is the one with the power
                The only one with power
                >then all realms are their celestial realm.
                Then freedom of choice is completely absent and everything is basically a simulacrum

              • 2 years ago

                >freedom of choice is absent though
                Nah, you just get to only choose good options. There are no evil options, as the good god designed a world in which these do not exst.

              • 2 years ago

                AKA: absence of choice.

              • 2 years ago

                Don't you have some existential hole to crawl in and neither live nor die? You sound like the biggest poofter on the playground.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm not free if there isn't an evil option!
                >I can't choose if I can only choose pleasant and nice things!

              • 2 years ago

                >And said god still lacks the power to completely remove evil from existence
                No, because evil is also God. God is everything. Angels are monstrosities with flesh-searing glow of indescribable geometric shapes composed of rings of gold and infinite gazing eyes. Things are not evil because bat wings and spiky black armor and they just are okay, it's pride, and greed, and deceit in the heart of good intentions. The God killed Himself to truly live. The stories of divinity are stories of us, of our suffering and our ability to overcome the ruin, or contribute to it. A good deity that is not capable of monstrous revelation is not a good deity, it's just meek deity parading in its own skirt of weakness. To be willing to pursue total destruction, but to stay your hand and cultivate the world, the people and the society, that is the divine good.

              • 2 years ago

                And what causes the world to be "an engine of suffering"? Because I can tell you, It's not for lack of trying of the good gods. Maybe if there were some evil counterpart that they were fighting or malevolent agents of evil, but I know not of any such evil gods or demons. Oh well, It is a mystery we'll all take to our graves.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's not for lack of trying
                It's obviously for lack of trying given the claims of power modern religions give their gods.
                Even before man arrived, nature was a suffering engine. Then man arrived to give poetry to the constant death and agony.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah like Sauron, the most beautiful and belowed maiar radiating the blinding light of love right before he raped the men with his trickery. Or Saruman, the white wizard, noble maiar, wisest of them all, protector of the Middle-Earth. The shining knight Boromir, with gorgeous plate and well-crafted sword, a tall Gondorian who fell to the temptation and planned to use the ring for the good of his people.

          You know, even the black and white Tolkien was pretty "Game of Thrones" with his characters. The weed smoking and ale drinking merry hobbits? You better never read the Scouring of the Shire, which was left out when they did the movie trilogy. The fairest of them elves were just angry homosexuals fighting a israelite for shards of the light from two dead trees. Also forgot to mention that he was the most beautiful, strongest, most intelligent, talented and belowed israelite of them all, the closest to Eru himself.

          You are just a hack. True goodness of the world is not in angelic wings and shining rays of God. True goodness is Gandalf's belief in Sam and Frodo's friendship. True goodness is the nurse tending to Faramir's wounds, the mother calming her child in Helm's Deep. You are a Black person.

  21. 2 years ago

    >ok my turn let's see
    >I'll move here an-
    >why do I take fire damage?
    >oh I didn't realise that was on fire I must have missed that lol
    >well obviously my character would have seen the fire and stopped so I'll actually go here
    >and I guess all I can do is attack the orcs so my first attack will go into this one
    >come on, come on *rolls*
    >ah shit a 5 is it too late to use initiative?
    >ok fine well my second attack will go into the same orc
    >ok that's a 12
    >no it's a 15, I forgot proficiency
    >wait do I add my proficiency bonus to damage?
    >ok fine it's 10 damage
    >bludgeoning I think
    >yup bludgeoning
    >oh wait it's actually 12 because I'm raging sorry I forgot lol
    He's been playing the same character for 3 years.

    • 2 years ago

      I have the exact same player, I've never clenched my jaw so hard listening to him rag on our DM for wanting to off-screen certain combat scenes and focus on RP after we had literally an entire 6 hour session dedicated to fighting where everyone would have a turn like:
      >I'm going to put Grease on the orc back there
      >I'll move, shoot an arrow at the goblin archer
      >is everybody healthy? Oh ok I'll Put on Hands on them
      >his turn comes up:

  22. 2 years ago

    Oh, and one of my other players:
    >is this wall climbable?
    >will climbing it count as an action?
    >will I need to make an athletics check?
    >will I take damage if I fall?
    >can I tell if it's safe to climb?
    >can I tell how likely I am to fall?
    >is there any way to reduce the chances of me falling?
    >like if I climb carefully or something?
    >ok I'll roll to climb the wall
    >I got a 27

    • 2 years ago

      I don't see the problem.

      • 2 years ago

        His fear of his character taking even a miniscule amount of damage slows the game down to a crawl, even though his character is very unlikely to fail.
        He's asking for information his character can only reasonably take a guess at, so any answer I give will be unreliable information anyway.
        His asking for every detail of the situation limits how I can fluff failures:
        >"You reach for the top of the wall but the brickwork is crumbling and breaks away under your wei-"
        >"Fine, whatever. Your strength gives out on account of you being a pussy b***h. Is that better?"

        • 2 years ago

          you're in a nonvisual medium bro, he has to ask you as much of the mechanics as you're willing to give him.
          If you don't like it go run paranoia and see why life is like this.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh for sure, and I'd understand if it were something like a rope bridge over a deep ravine, but he's taking just 6 damage max if he fails. The stakes aren't high enough to warrant dragging out your turn like this, especially when next turn I know he'll do the same for something else that's entirely non-critical. For every other player, mistakes are part of the game and part of the drama, but he's terrified of making even one.

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't see the problem.
        That is why you failed.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and assume you're playing 5e
      >is this wall climbable?
      Yes, it will/will not take your action and no check/a DC X athletics check

      With one sentence you've eliminated the following questions
      >will climbing it count as an action?
      >will I need to make an athletics check?
      >can I tell if it's safe to climb?
      >can I tell how likely I am to fall?
      Arguably it might eliminate this if he's got something ready that helps with athletics or climbing(like a feature that lets him climb carefully as mentioned)
      >is there any way to reduce the chances of me falling?

      This leaves
      >will I take damage if I fall?
      Which he would know if the map/your description communicated the height of the wall in question
      So through communicating better and not waiting for your players to fish out clues out of your throat you can massively speed up your games.

      • 2 years ago

        I guess I can describe literally everything within 100' in detail including the mechanics of interacting with it but you seem to be under the impression the player listens in the first place.

    • 2 years ago

      To me, this feels like a player who has been fricked by things not being well-explained to them.
      If you frick over your players because they didn't ask the right questions, you have no right to complain when they bombard you with questions every time.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not a vindictive DM, but the guy has been playing much longer than me so I've no idea what his previous DMs were like.

  23. 2 years ago

    Anybody have full pic of Leia bun chick?

    • 2 years ago
  24. 2 years ago

    I'll admit I'm the odd man out in my DnD game.
    Everyone else has full colour fancy custom tokens (some of them commissioned). I have a black-and-white picture nabbed from a Warhammer Fantasy rulebook.

  25. 2 years ago

    >unironically using heroforge renders as character art

  26. 2 years ago

    >what are the little things that annoy you guys
    There's a player who roleplays a low IQ barbarian. In the first session another player jokingly pointed out that he was doing too much thinking and not in-character, so now his character has devolved into "Me smash! Me violent dumb-dumb!" It has gotten to the point where we can't even have him present during dialogue because he'll always initiate a combat or randomly destroy his surroundings because it's "what his character would do."
    The worst part is I don't know if he's doing this to spite the other player or he genuinely thinks it's a good idea. I doesn't help that the party has one enabler who thinks this is hilarious and a really passive "don't rock the boat" type who just does whatever the party wants, so no one else seems to have a problem with the GM being forced to turn the game into a battle gauntlet.

  27. 2 years ago

    >Player's token has a sterile white background and is a full body image with a tiny resolution blown up that looks shit and has the artist's signature over parts of it

  28. 2 years ago


    I don't have that visceral hatred for HF that certain anons here have but it still bothers me immensely when I see a HF portrait in the lineup. It's like someone brought a shitty action figure.

  29. 2 years ago

    I am too poor for either HF or other minis, although I wish I had the money to get into the hobby. Personally I think there's no substantial failsafe against cringe character portraits. In the end I don't see how a HF portrait is going to be more cringe than a picture of an anime character or even worse someting off of Twitter. The vast majority of the character portraits people choose from the internet are going to be bad, and they will only give a vague idea of what they're playing. Even commissioning an artist isn't going to cut it because commissioned art is going to look terrible due to the artists being cheap.
    You can't expect people to pay out of their ass to get a token for their characters, so just resign that everything will be cringe. Players will always be cringe and it's your job as a DM to offset the cringe they'll bring to the table with quality and effort. Such is the curse of the DM.

  30. 2 years ago

    I just assign tokens to my players made out of 16th century woodcuts, pic related.

  31. 2 years ago

    none of those match

  32. 2 years ago

    When I'm in a group and I'm the only one who's willing to buckle down and make a choice. Everyone else pussyfoots around and won't commit, and I have to say "okay guys, let's just go do this" or do something in-character to get things moving.

    If you fricks are too lazy/uninterested/bored/stupid/whatever to commit to something and do it, damn the consequences, then this isn't the hobby for you.

  33. 2 years ago

    >what are the little things that annoy you guys
    Assuming we're talking about TTRPGs only, and not tabletop in general:
    >people who insist on using mixes of tokens and miniatures for an IRL game
    >people who get pissed when they roll a natural 1
    >people who have the guard captain be a woman because that's how it is in the latest SJW video games
    >people who make up incredibly unoriginal names (like "General Krieg")
    >GMs who ping the group at random points in the week to ask about the game
    >male players who play as female characters
    >players who spend more time talking about their characters' personality than actually roleplaying that personality
    >players who name their characters something that doesn't fit the world
    >players who always have to have an animal companion
    >players who never play a non-spellcaster class
    >players who always want the supernatural option even in settings that don't contain them
    >GMs who openly fudge rolls
    >GMs who openly discuss what "could have happened"
    >GMs who constantly tease with "secrets" that no one knows about
    >GMs who get passive aggressive when you miss stuff in the adventure
    >GMs who make monsters cheat so they can win
    >GMs who constantly houserule anything they don't like
    >GMs who passive-aggressively nerf characters they don't like so the player suicides his PC after the GM nerfed his tier-4 class because he thought it was overpowered even though it's done nothing overpowered in the campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      >players who name their characters something that doesn't fit the world
      This fricking shit pisses me off to no end.


      >one player's token doesn't match the art style of everyone else's

      That one player in the entire table who insists on using d&dbeyond instead of a normal character sheet.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s fantasy, what wrong with having female military leaders and guard captains? You playing some kind of simulation?

      • 2 years ago

        I am angry. Angry about women.

    • 2 years ago

      >people who have the guard captain be a woman because that's how it is in the latest SJW video games
      Ah /misc/ and/or Twitter brain rot, a good start to your post.
      >GMs who ping the group at random points in the week to ask about the game
      It's because you fricks go dark after the game ends and I need to know if you're going to bother showing up or not or if something has come up and I don't want you dropping that shit on me an hour before game time.
      >players who never play a non-spellcaster class
      Nothing wrong with this, more actually fun classes for the rest of us. Also, HYTNPDND?
      >GMs who openly fudge rolls
      GMs fudge shit all the time and if you think you know when they're doing it you're wrong. Being a GM requires a mastery of lying and deceiving your players unless you're running a railroad.
      >GMs who constantly tease with "secrets" that no one knows about
      How the frick does this annoy you? This is literally the GM saying "Hey morons, take some initiative and go investigate shit if you want to know more"

      • 2 years ago

        >GMs fudge shit all the time and if you think you know when they're doing it you're wrong.
        Holy cope. I never fudge and I can always tell when DMs do it.

        • 2 years ago

          Is a lie you tell yourself. The truth is, your GM has lied to you millions of times. He's given NPCs more HP if he thinks the fight is too short, he's given them less if he thinks it's gone on too long, he's decided the difficulty of rolls entirely on a whim, and he's pulled entire encounters out of his ass. You will never know when he did because you're nowhere near as clever as you think you are.

          • 2 years ago

            >He's given NPCs more HP if he thinks the fight is too short
            I stopped tracking HP a long time ago. I just have a monster fall over if it's been hit and I deem it appropriate.

          • 2 years ago

            >He's given NPCs more HP if he thinks the fight is too short, he's given them less if he thinks it's gone on too long.
            Soulless. I have never, ever done this as a DM and I have run several year-long campaigns. If they blow something away, they blow it away. If you know what your players are capable of and actually plan encounters, this is never an issue.

            >He's decided the difficulty of rolls entirely on a whim, and he's pulled entire encounters out of his ass.
            Now these are necessary sometimes just because unpredictable things come up sometimes. Note that just because you pull an encounter out of your ass, it doesn't mean the numbers are fudged or unbalanced. It's possible to have one without the other.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, but i know only three ways of making an instantly identifiable "captain" on the spot:
      >it's a woman
      >it's a bald guy in his late 30's/early 40's
      >it's a grizzled bearded guy (eye-patch is optional)

  34. 2 years ago

    >playing online
    you're not really playing RPGs you dumb gay.

  35. 2 years ago

    I hate 2 things:
    - People who use their cellphone to play other games, watch videos or check facebook/twitter/instagram in the middle of the game (specially on their turn) and then they say "whats happening? Where i am? We kill something?"
    - People who play in autopilot. They dont interact with other players or npcs, they dont investigate the room, they dont ask the vendors for new gear or potions, they just "i go with them / i stay here" and "i roll to attack /cast spell". This is not a videogame, you can talk with the other players, you can interact with the world. If you dont want to play, get out so i can find a player who is alive.

  36. 2 years ago

    >Players ask for more tactical combats.
    >I start making enemies use tactics more often, widen the use of support spells and the likes.
    >Party get demolished because they choose to fight in the middle of a room with no cover.

    • 2 years ago

      I love it when arrogant, overconfident players/parties get put in their place.

      >DMing for new group
      >Give them a simple riddle in one of the first dungeons to test the waters.
      >They get it right instantaneously
      >"Wow, that was SUPER EASY. What a DUMB riddle lol."
      >Give them a puzzlebox with a ROT13 encrypted password and a clue: "In case I forget for the 13th time, the password is 'nowhere'."
      >Takes them 3 weeks and many successful intelligence checks (hints) to solve it.

      Another instance
      >Party fights Basilisks early in the campaign
      >Stone bodies littered outside of their lair cave
      >Players take out the Basilisks relatively easily
      >Much later on in the campaign, they come upon an underground lair with stone statues of people adorning the halls
      >"Hey guys. We've seen this before. These are Basilisks, let's go in and frick them up real quick."
      >Deep in the lair get met by strange, deep voice coming from the darkness above them
      >Proceed to insult said voice and say they are going to kill it
      >It's a Beholder
      >Soft TPK, half the party gets disintegrated, the other half flees on the verge of death.

  37. 2 years ago

    I just wish they wouldn't pick *generic anime/cartoon character* then insist THAT is exactly how they look when the option to get them drawn up comes along.

  38. 2 years ago

    >every other gm (that i know of) besides myself

  39. 2 years ago

    I try not to sweat the small stuff. My table is functional and that's the important thing. At worst we have a semi-That Guy who likes to push silly character concepts but otherwise serves as an effective instigator.

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