What are the worst localizations in all of videogames?

What are the worst localizations in all of videogames? I know 2B has a completely different personality in the American version of Nier Automata than she does in the Japanese version.

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  1. 9 months ago

    They ended up patching that line out if I remember correctly ,right?

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, because enough people complained.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Good. Frick commies. Hang all commies. Kill all commies. Death to communists.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        You can't translate 1:1, I personally would translate that text as
        >It is what it is

        That's the issue with most of you judging the Japanese text off a fan translation, unless you know what's being said in Japanese and used the words yourself you're going to have any real clue.
        You can hardly translate English back into English without losing meaning
        (For example "I don't know" carries different weight to it vs "I'm not too sure...")

        • 9 months ago

          >You can't translate 1:1
          Sure you can, it's easy.
          You don't add context.
          You don't remove context.
          You don't change context.

          There, perfect 1:1.

          • 9 months ago

            t. doesn't speak any language besides English

            • 9 months ago

              t. głupi skurwysyn, który nigdy nie grał w PS:T w nieanglojęzycznej wersji

          • 9 months ago

            Translate this joke then.

            • 9 months ago

              I don't speak jp.

              >Cake is eat-want-inducing
              Great work anon you got the job!

              >don't frick with the context means "just translate words separately"
              Do you know what "context" means?

            • 9 months ago

              >Dog: Wan!
              >e-girl: Two
              >Dog: Three!
              >e-girl: eh?

              • 9 months ago

                This is basically correct but isn't going to land with most normie English speakers because the English onomatopoeia for dogs barking is 'bark' and they won't know what 'wan' is supposed to mean.
                Puns are one of the exceptions I let slide for translators because the rules for those get all funky between languages. I remember there's one line in Limbus where a character is reviewing some food and the joke is that he uses the phrase 'yi sang' like twelve times for a bunch of different contexts, which is also the name of another character. Your English equivalent of this joke would be something like
                >buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
                But that wouldn't work in context and the translators had to cut the pun because it just didn't work in English.

                Outside of puns I'm less understanding though. I really wish there was an industry practice of just tagging on translator notes for things that are culturally specific instead of trying to rewrite them. And shit like the OP simply isn't forgivable.

              • 9 months ago

                >the English onomatopoeia for dogs barking is 'bark'
                ESL moment.

              • 9 months ago

                This is basically correct but isn't going to land with most normie English speakers because the English onomatopoeia for dogs barking is 'bark' and they won't know what 'wan' is supposed to mean.
                Puns are one of the exceptions I let slide for translators because the rules for those get all funky between languages. I remember there's one line in Limbus where a character is reviewing some food and the joke is that he uses the phrase 'yi sang' like twelve times for a bunch of different contexts, which is also the name of another character. Your English equivalent of this joke would be something like
                >buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
                But that wouldn't work in context and the translators had to cut the pun because it just didn't work in English.

                Outside of puns I'm less understanding though. I really wish there was an industry practice of just tagging on translator notes for things that are culturally specific instead of trying to rewrite them. And shit like the OP simply isn't forgivable.

                Ok so the thing is that this is a pun joke.
                For what I understand "wan" is a similar sound as "one" in english and it's also the sounds for "barking dog" in Japanese.
                The girl makes a joke about that, saying "two" and then the dog follows the girl joke, as if he understands and the original "bark" wasn't a bark, but a 1.

                You could translate it as
                Because bark is the same as the ones the trees have. It doesn't make that same sense, cause the joke is counting and you can't "count" non numbers, but you could try to do some kind of wordplay with trees that makes more sense, dunno.

                Or just put a translators note saying "one = bark" in Japanese, and be done with it.

              • 9 months ago

                This is why I like reading books, because the translator just adds a footnote to explain what the hell just happened on the dialogue.

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              There is nothing confusing about this unless you're stupid and think dogs only go "bark"

          • 9 months ago

            >Cake is eat-want-inducing
            Great work anon you got the job!

            • 9 months ago

              Nooooooo you can't just prove me wrong like that

              I don't speak jp.
              >don't frick with the context means "just translate words separately"
              Do you know what "context" means?

              Bro you clearly have no clue how language works if you think you can swap words around 1:1

              • 9 months ago

                >if you think you can swap words around 1:1
                Who the frick are you quoting?
                Maybe you need a reminder

                >You can't translate 1:1
                Sure you can, it's easy.
                You don't add context.
                You don't remove context.
                You don't change context.

                There, perfect 1:1.

                >You don't add context.
                >You don't remove context.
                >You don't change context.

              • 9 months ago

                how do you swap words if you're translating the text dumbass?

              • 9 months ago

                >swap words
                Is that what you think translation is? "Swapping" words?

              • 9 months ago

                Are you implying you can just leave in the Japanese word?

              • 9 months ago

                Rarely, sure.

              • 9 months ago

                And in the other 99% of the cases?

              • 9 months ago

                You don't "swap" individual words. You take entire sentences and replace them with sentences of the language you're translating into, preferably while understanding the themes of the thing you're translating, the character's personality and so on.
                You take what is beyond the sentence, its meaning, and you translate that.

              • 9 months ago

                And how do you change the words with other ones?
                Go on anon, say it.

              • 9 months ago

                >And how do you change the words with other ones?
                You... translate?
                What are you even asking? Or is your "in good faith, honest ;)" mask dropping?

              • 9 months ago

                >Or is your "in good faith, honest ;)" mask dropping?
                No idea what you're trying to suggest here, I know you're a morainic moron.
                Look here

                Aren't you given proving the point here? your argument is translation =/= swap despite the fact that swapping the word for a different is exactly what you're doing in this context

                Are you REALLY implying you don't swap the Japanese word for an English word?

              • 9 months ago

                If you say no, please explain what you think swap means.

              • 9 months ago

                >Are you REALLY implying you don't swap the Japanese word for an English word?

                The point is not to swap words for the sake of it, but to change the language while keeping the meaning, tone and theme behind those words the same.

              • 9 months ago

                What do you think swap means dumbass?

              • 9 months ago

                I think "word swap" means you're focusing on single words instead of looking at the bigger picture.

              • 9 months ago

                Ok well thats not what swap mean lmao, google "Swap definition"

              • 9 months ago

                >In finance, a swap is an agreement between two counterparties to exchange financial instruments, cashflows, or payments for a certain time. The instruments can be almost anything but most swaps involve cash based on a notional principal amount.

              • 9 months ago

                epic, what happened to that context you loved so much?

              • 9 months ago

                The context is that I said you don't change single words but take the whole work into consideration (which of course you have to understand first).
                And that sent you malding.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah man I'm breathing fire over here

              • 9 months ago

                >Are you REALLY implying you don't swap the Japanese word for an English word?You keep repeating this but it doesn't even make sense in English. Sentence meaning doesn't come from any one individual word. You could literally 'swap' words one by one but more often than not you'd end up with a fricked up sentence in English and that's hardly a translation.
                What you seem to keep stubbornly insisting on as word swapping would be to take the phrase "eau de toilette" and 'swap' those words for Water of Toilet. That can't be what you mean, but you refuse to actually say what you mean, and you just keep asking about 'swapping'.
                This is what happens when you act like a smug shitposter asking rhetorical questions instead of clearly making your own point.

              • 9 months ago

                Aren't you given proving the point here? your argument is translation =/= swap despite the fact that swapping the word for a different is exactly what you're doing in this context

              • 9 months ago

                The point is not to swap words for the sake of it, but to change the language while keeping the meaning, tone and theme behind those words the same.

              • 9 months ago

                Nobody said that

            • 9 months ago

              you mean appetizing?

          • 9 months ago

            t. głupi skurwysyn, który nigdy nie grał w PS:T w nieanglojęzycznej wersji

            it would indeed take a pole to be this fricking moronic

        • 9 months ago

          Awfully presumptuous of you to say I don't

        • 9 months ago

          >You can't translate 1:1
          THAT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. No shit a word-for-word google translation of a text is shit, no is asking for that, they're asking for a translation which faithfully conveys the MEANING of the original line AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Of course proverbs, idioms, culturally significant words pose problems, but you change as little as possible to convey the original meaning of the work, that's all. It's not so fricking difficult.

          • 9 months ago

            >It's not so fricking difficult.
            It's actually very difficult. Especially if the person you're translating is dead so you cannot consult them by what they mean when they wrote x and y. Translations take a lot of time for this very reason cause you're constantly going over the text again and again to make sure there's no misunderstanding of the author's intent, especially when the author makes a mistake themselves by writing the wrong word or thinking the word means something it does not (this kind of thing is natural, and if it happens to a large enough body of people, then the word gains an additional entry in a dictionary, but most often, word meanings are like a herd of cats cause original authors have their own misconception about what they mean).

            Just to prove my point, do you know what the word e-girlcon means in Japan if a Japanese writer wrote it in the 1980s?

            • 9 months ago

              Which is why Barthes was absolutely right when writing the death of the author. The reader is the biggest filter and it is possible to miss the author's point in the original language even more than in a translation.

            • 9 months ago

              >It's actually very difficult.
              No it isn't, not on the whole. You are arguing extremely specific nuances and I'm not denying they exist at all, let me be clear, but 99% of the instances where localizers deviate from the original meaning of a text are not due to those manner of incredibly difficult problems. In the vast majority of cases a simple faithful translation is perfectly possible, but they simply don't.

        • 9 months ago

          Translate this joke then.

        • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Well at least we know we can solve the localizer question by meticulously bullying them for every bad line they write.

        • 9 months ago

          Yep, bullying works
          unless it's nintendo because they are too stubborn to ever admit mistakes were made, but the more you bully them the longer it will take them to act up badly again so make sure you're displeasure over fire emblem engage is known, and bully them for the little changes they tend to get away with too

      • 9 months ago


        What are the worst localizations in all of videogames? I know 2B has a completely different personality in the American version of Nier Automata than she does in the Japanese version.

        Was the line redubbed?

        • 9 months ago

          Sounds like it would be if they need to rehire the actor/actors anyway for the Spider's Thread DLC (same update that changed the translation)

  2. 9 months ago

    >western version:communism
    >japanese version:vapid
    which language do they put the good writing in?

    • 9 months ago

      It's a single line. What do you expect, poetry?

      • 9 months ago

        >it can't be helped lmao
        jap writing is shit

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Truly, it is impressive but a sole line of English text in a Japanese game remains the great filterer of morons to this very day

        • 9 months ago

          >unable to understand common sense
          your brain is shit

        • 9 months ago

          c'est la vie

          • 9 months ago

            It is what it is. But for real in uni I did presentations for tests in English and my English teachers were sick of me saying "here you go" as a translation to "voilà" at the end of them because I managed to find a way to say voilà and they thought I couldn't.

        • 9 months ago

          >he's right behind me, isn't he?

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        japanese entertainment is loaded with pseudo intellectual philosophy babble in between their melodramas.
        obsessed with the concept of a raison d'être
        vapid would be putting it kindly.

        • 9 months ago

          It's still better than inserting literal politics like communism.
          Also, the Jap script is the original author's intent, any localization that changes that is just fanfiction, really. If you don't care about the author's intent you probably shouldn't be playing games with scripts.

      • 9 months ago

        he expected a marvel quip

    • 9 months ago

      >it can't be helped lmao
      jap writing is shit

      >westoid just can't resist being racist in the presence of something that utterly mogs anything the west has ever done

    • 9 months ago

      >no single line can be devoid of meaning and joke

      This is how you end up with Whedon-style dialogue.

    • 9 months ago

      moronic mong

    • 9 months ago

      >it can't be helped lmao
      jap writing is shit

      >westeners cannot comprehend zen

    • 9 months ago

      its showing his character that he doesn't care about this and that there's more pressing matters as opposed to "communism is good"

    • 9 months ago

      Love the replies to this post defending the "it can't be helped" trope

      • 9 months ago

        >"it can't be helped" trope
        It is what it is.
        C'est la vie.
        Why are only the japanese teased about this?

        • 9 months ago

          I was absolutely blown away when playing FF7R
          Literally every character say "Ikuso" at least twice every hour in a wide variety of contexts
          I can't believe it's only poor writing, this language is weird

          • 9 months ago

            Japan has significantly less synonyms than english. Our language is a convoluted mess by comparison, Japanese sounds way more simple and straightforward when you don't take into account context and tone.

            • 9 months ago

              All the opposite, the higher grade of precision given by having more common words and more diverse grammar points gives english a lesser grade of convolution.
              The scarceness of the language in all senses makes it a very high concept one, reliant even in sounds and onomatopoeias in written form to make give you more diversification in nuance.
              It's a very caveman language and can be very difficult to deduce the actual meaning sometimes, and a lot of times you get the meaning of the sentence but have no idea why is written like that or how is that supposed to work grammatically.

          • 9 months ago

            Japan has significantly less synonyms than english. Our language is a convoluted mess by comparison, Japanese sounds way more simple and straightforward when you don't take into account context and tone.

            watch unsubbed anime and you'll quickly figure out that 95+% of japanese speech consists of a handful of extremely common fixed phrases

            • 9 months ago

              The Asian insect meme is fricking real

            • 9 months ago

              Extremely common fixed phrases, yeah

            • 9 months ago

              >he needs to watch unsubbed to hear and recognise sounds

          • 9 months ago

            >Literally every character say "Ikuso" at least twice every hour in a wide variety of contexts
            >absolutely blown away
            First time playing literally anything in Japanese, I take it?

        • 9 months ago

          because they often say it when it CAN in fact be helped, but they're just herbivores who don't want to act

      • 9 months ago

        I love that it bothers you
        >inb4 “who said it bothers me”
        You did

    • 9 months ago

      The French line roughly translates to:
      >can you boof this? Yeah you can boof this...

      • 9 months ago

        The frick? Boof as in actual boofing? As in sticking substances up your ass to get high or drunk?

    • 9 months ago

      I would rather have this than 24/7 quips and one-liners from the west

    • 9 months ago

      >western version: communism
      >Chinese version: communism
      Uhhhh huh

  3. 9 months ago

    All troonylations are garbage, trying to find the worst one is like trying to find which turd stinks the worst.
    Does it really fricking matter? It's all shit either way.

  4. 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    Fire Emblem Fates is pretty high up there for how bad a job it was. Literally replaced an entire support convo with nothing but "..."

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, even if they didn't remove any content (I don't care if it's weeby, I just don't like Localizers making decisions over the contents of someone's work) The actual localization is pretty bad

  6. 9 months ago

    So just play in Japanese then?

    • 9 months ago

      I can't translate it fast enough when there's dialogue during gameplay. I can only read Japanese when it's still text.

      • 9 months ago

        skill issue

  7. 9 months ago

    honest question, why are "localisers" like this? why is it seemingly so hard for them just to stick to the script?

    • 9 months ago

      occult organizations obsuring truths found in language

    • 9 months ago

      Localization pays fricking nothing. Its literally the worst thing you could be doing if you know another language. You'd make more being a tour guide. As a result, the only people doing it are either too shit to get a real translation job or are doing it solely to push their shitty ideology.

      • 9 months ago

        and yet fan translations have been at least decent for an eternity, for free
        and when they suck it's just out of honest mistakes, not blatant troonylations

        • 9 months ago

          >and yet fan translations have been at least decent for an eternity, for free
          >seaBlack folk ESL
          >And now AI
          Lol they're suck too

          • 9 months ago

            >they're suck too
            said the ESL.

        • 9 months ago

          >and yet fan translations have been at least decent for an eternity, for free
          Because the people doing it are "fans" that give a bit of a shit about the source material

          • 9 months ago

            A lot of these localisers you guys give shit are former fan translators. Like the guy doing the One Piece localisations is Stephen Paul who did a lot of translations for groups like mangascreener and omanga; he's the guy who would translate leek into onion in Gantz among other things. He's not horrible (he tried to research stuff for Katte ni Kaizou, but that manga proved to be too much of a pain in the arse for him, so he moved on to projects where he can rewrite the dialogue to make Japanese kids sound like western delinquents, which he is good at).

        • 9 months ago

          Because there's no money involved, just passion.
          That and with how casual one can be without a contract hanging over their heads, they can make rash decisions like parting ways with someone that isn't doing their job propper.

    • 9 months ago

      Because a "localization" is about bringing the script to the local culture. Ideally, it would be a straight translation with a few differences, like replacing jokes that rely entirely on wordplay for equivalents

      • 9 months ago

        The issue is that there is no single English culture. What should be translated, is localised to Californian democratic world views and then goes around the world as the only English version.

      • 9 months ago

        anon, you know that's disingenuous as frick to say. 99% of the changes people complain about aren't replacing words with special cultural significance or finding a close-enough equivalent for some idiom, it's unnecessary changes to the meaning that in no way clashes with the target culture, but only the translator's personal worldview.

    • 9 months ago

      Because Japanese in particular needs a lot of tweaking to not sound slanted and blunt. It's about as foreign to English as you can get.
      This doesn't excuse the insertion of memes or politics, however.

      • 9 months ago

        >Because Japanese in particular needs a lot of tweaking to not sound slanted and blunt.

        • 9 months ago

          If you think words lacking a direct english adjacent, shinto references and puns that don't make sense without familiarity with the culture, and idioms that transliterate to nonsense is commiefornian propaganda then stop acting helpless and learn the language. Never been easier.

          • 9 months ago

            >shinto references and puns that don't make sense without familiarity with the culture, and idioms that transliterate to nonsense
            Oh my god, if I had to deal with that I'd feel like I'm actually dealing with a foreign culture.
            The fricking horror.

            • 9 months ago

              I accept your concession

              >oh my god
              >is that another culture?!
              >IM LOSING MY MIND
              The irony of "culturally sensitive" liberals taking this stance.

              >too fricking stupid to understand english and thinks he has a shot at understanding an english aporoximation of another language

              • 9 months ago

                People actually wanting to experience foreign culture in (what is supposed to be) foreign entertainment really stomped you, huh?

              • 9 months ago

                Translation by definition is taking a sentence in another language and making it understandable to non-native speakers while simultaneously preserving it's context. What you were whining about

                >Because Japanese in particular needs a lot of tweaking to not sound slanted and blunt.

                is transliteration, not translation. And yeah, subtitles have a brief window of legibility so piling on translator notes in every inch of screen real-estate is not practical.
                >Kachou fuugetsu
                Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon
                TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: There are natural ideals in Japanese Shinto culture that represent both the idyllic beauty of nature and the people's respect of the spirits that inhabit and protect those natural wonders. Evoking those ideals is to be in awe of them and what they represent.
                Stumped, phoneposter-kun.

              • 9 months ago

                If you wanted foreign culture, you'd learn the language.

              • 9 months ago

                >you either do it may way or not at all
                Or you can frick off.

              • 9 months ago

                Do you victimize yourself in every other aspect of your life? It's called learned helplessness and it's not endearing.

              • 9 months ago

                >>THIS TRANSLATOR IS NOT doing his job properly
                Fire him.

              • 9 months ago

                And who is going to replace him? Another idiot from the same clique of idiots you will b***h about again? Is that what you seriously want? To be stuck in an endless cycle of b***hing and firing and b***hing and firing, never to take initiative to step in as translator yourself?

              • 9 months ago

                >And who is going to replace him?
                A competent one. Hire competent people.

              • 9 months ago

                Who? Where are they? Do you even know any? How are companies supposed to know which are the competent ones when all you do is b***h about the bad ones and never praise the good ones?

              • 9 months ago

                In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

              • 9 months ago

                Not according to you morons

              • 9 months ago

                Whomst've art thou quothing?

              • 9 months ago

                Weren't you b***hing about how troonylators have infiltrated the industry and formed a tight clique a few posts ago? Do you think a 'competent person' could even apply under these circumstances.

                You also dodged my previous questions, and I will continue to repeat them until you give them a straight answer:
                Where are competent translators? Do you even know any? How are companies supposed to know which are the competent ones when all you do is b***h about the bad ones and never praise the good ones?

              • 9 months ago

                >Do you think a 'competent person' could even apply under these circumstances.
                It's not my job to hire competent people for a company for whose games I'll have to pay.
                If you release shit I'll simply not buy it.
                >Where are competent translators? Do you even know any?

                In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

                >In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

              • 9 months ago

                >t's not my job to hire competent people for a company for whose games I'll have to pay.
                You are dodging my question once again: are you seriously fine with being stuck in a circle of endlessly b***hing about shit products and never stepping in to fix things yourself? Are you seriously my fine with that? Don't give me another "it's not my job" shitpost answer; answer me straight. Do you seriously want to b***h for years on end for something you could choose to fix yourself but actively don't? Is that what you truly want, or are you an NPC who can't do anything but reply "well it's not my job"?

                >>In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?
                They can, but how are they supposed to when there's a clique preventing them from doing so? Don't bother being a smartass and copypasting your own reply again, because I will simply again point out the fact there's a clique in the localization industry right now that's preventing your own casus from happening.

                So let me ask you once more, because you seem to be unable to give a straight answer to questions:
                Where are the competent translators? Do you even know any? How are companies supposed to know which are the competent ones when all you do is b***h about the bad ones and never praise the good ones?

              • 9 months ago

                >are you seriously fine with being stuck in a circle of endlessly b***hing about shit products
                And whining about it on Ganker in threads you'll be forced to read because of your sick compulsions.
                >Where are the competent translators? Do you even know any?

                In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

                >In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

              • 9 months ago

                >are you seriously fine with being stuck in a circle of endlessly b***hing about shit products and never stepping in to fix things yourself?
                Dude with this approach you'll waste your entire life on meaningless shit. There are far greater challenges than fixing the translation of video games, doesn't mean it's not justified to complain about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >There are far greater challenges than fixing the translation of video games, doesn't mean it's not justified to complain about it.
                Holy frick, why can't you give a straight answer? You say this when you complain about the same thing for years on end only to never step in yourself? Do you realize how insane that sounds?

                >are you seriously fine with being stuck in a circle of endlessly b***hing about shit products
                And whining about it on Ganker in threads you'll be forced to read because of your sick compulsions.
                >Where are the competent translators? Do you even know any?
                >In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

                >And whining about it on Ganker in threads you'll be forced to read because of your sick compulsions.
                What do you think actually hurts a translator more? Actually putting them out of a job by doing a better job than them, or off-hand complaining about them on a random corner of the internet? If you're going to style yourself as this kind of spiteful haunt with infinite determination, why do you chose to do the thing that merely annoys them instead of actually damages them? That's the dumbest thing in the fricking world.

                >are you seriously fine with being stuck in a circle of endlessly b***hing about shit products
                And whining about it on Ganker in threads you'll be forced to read because of your sick compulsions.
                >Where are the competent translators? Do you even know any?
                >In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?

                >>In your world has no company ever hired a competent person for the job?
                Dude, answer me already, how is a company supposed to hire someone competent when there's a clique preventing that? If you're just going to reply with the same shit I'll assume you're just shitposting and I won't bother replying to you further, so if you want me to keep giving you (You)'s you'll have to come up with something fresh.

              • 9 months ago

                >preventing that?
                How are they preventing it?

              • 9 months ago

                So everytime we're unhappy about something we should do something about it, instead of just complaining and moving on? Do you realize how insane that sounds? Or do you really have that much free time on your hands?

              • 9 months ago

                Is there anything sadder than an NPC? He understands that there is a problem, but will take no action to fix it. "Can't someone else do it?", he cries.

              • 9 months ago

                What are you doing about the world's problem that you know exist? Are you fighting crime?

              • 9 months ago

                I don't care about those issues, they don't affect me. Go let a bunch of Black folk live in your house if it bothers you that much.

                As a human being, I am capable of solving my own problems. Wall fell down? Build a new one. I don't live in a house with a leaking roof because "man, I sure hope someone else comes along and fixes it for me!", like you.

                >oh no will someone please fix the translation in Elden Ring you know when the guy says "Hello to you sir" but he really means "Good day to you, tarnished", this really HURTS MY JIMMIES like HOW AM I GOING TO GO THROUGH LIFE IF NO ONE FIXES THIS LINE okay I will move to Japan and FIX IT MYSELF GODAMMIT

                Such an urgent priority, how can I continue behaving normally knowing about such horrors?

                If it doesn't bother you, why do you spend so much time whining about it? Just eat the slop like the rest of the cattle.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't care about those issues
                I completely believe you.

              • 9 months ago

                >so much time whining about it?
                Not much.

              • 9 months ago

                >oh no will someone please fix the translation in Elden Ring you know when the guy says "Hello to you sir" but he really means "Good day to you, tarnished", this really HURTS MY JIMMIES like HOW AM I GOING TO GO THROUGH LIFE IF NO ONE FIXES THIS LINE okay I will move to Japan and FIX IT MYSELF GODAMMIT

                Such an urgent priority, how can I continue behaving normally knowing about such horrors?

              • 9 months ago

                >So everytime we're unhappy about something we should do something about it, instead of just complaining and moving on? Do you realize how insane that sounds? Or do you really have that much free time on your hands?
                You don't get to use that argument when you spend several years b***hing about the same issue. Be honest, you've been doing the same shtick in threads like these for at least a year; unless you want to admit to us you're a newbie who only came in recently.

                So b***hing about something for years on end or actually doing something about it yourself, which is the more insane option here? Or do you wanna "spread awareness" about it for a few years more in the vain hope that somebody else will do something about it?

              • 9 months ago

                >You don't get to use that argument when you spend several years b***hing about the same issue
                Ironic, you've been b***hing about me yet you do nothing to fix me.
                Put your money where your mouth is, npc.

              • 9 months ago

                What the hell do you even get out of false flagging as an anti-loocalizer? It's not like that's an opinion up to be swayed here.

              • 9 months ago

                >Be honest, you've been doing the same shtick in threads like these for at least a year

                No. Suddenly all your arguments crumble.

              • 9 months ago

                You don't know what you're even asking for hence why you ignored

                Translation by definition is taking a sentence in another language and making it understandable to non-native speakers while simultaneously preserving it's context. What you were whining about [...] is transliteration, not translation. And yeah, subtitles have a brief window of legibility so piling on translator notes in every inch of screen real-estate is not practical.
                >Kachou fuugetsu
                Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon
                TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: There are natural ideals in Japanese Shinto culture that represent both the idyllic beauty of nature and the people's respect of the spirits that inhabit and protect those natural wonders. Evoking those ideals is to be in awe of them and what they represent.
                Stumped, phoneposter-kun.

                because it plainly spells out that a subtitle on second for 1.5s cannot capture context for every sentence in another language. Don't like that translator anglicize the language? Then be productive for once and learn nipponese, you mewling jizzstain.

              • 9 months ago

                >a subtitle on second for 1.5s cannot capture context for every sentence in another language.
                Right, is a translator's job only that 1.5s or the entire work?
                > Don't like that translator anglicize the language?
                Ah, the disingenuous shitter. You know damn well it's not about anglicising.

              • 9 months ago

                >Right, is a translator's job only that 1.5s or the entire work?
                >TRANLATOR'S NOTE FOR THE PREVIOUS LINE: There are natural ideals in Japanese Shinto culture that represent both the idyllic beauty of nature and the people's respect of the spirits that inhabit and protect those natural wonders. Evoking those ideals is to be in awe of them and what they represent.
                Take 3 seconds to think about what you type.
                >Ah, the disingenuous shitter. You know damn well it's not about anglicising.
                It is. You just want to blame your boogeyman because it fits your uninformed worldview.

              • 9 months ago

                'S NOTE
                Are actually fine if they make sense and aren't mundane. Same way footnotes are fine in books.

              • 9 months ago

                >a technique used for a book, printed paper that the reader can consume at their leisure, is the same as a subtitle with a hard finite window of time it can be displayed and limited space it can occupy
                I am being assaulted by your autism.

              • 9 months ago

                Just pause it lmao
                All digital media is "at your leisure"

              • 9 months ago

                >just pause a show created for live broadcast on network television
                >just pause a cutscene

              • 9 months ago

                >how do I pause media player
                >how do I pause cutscene

              • 9 months ago

                >>just pause a show created for live broadcast on network television
                Most TV boxes can do that these days. I don't know anyone who has cable but doesn't have a DVR.

          • 9 months ago

            >oh my god
            >is that another culture?!
            >IM LOSING MY MIND
            The irony of "culturally sensitive" liberals taking this stance.

    • 9 months ago

      Because they want to push their anti-japan propaganda by dumbing down the writing for the westoids.

    • 9 months ago

      >garbage pay
      >little oversight
      >not particularly hard work
      you can imagine the sort of crowd it attracts

      • 9 months ago

        Why do you think you have to imagine?

      • 9 months ago

        >little oversight
        Nobody cares what the result is like either it's fricking insane.
        FROM games have probably the worst translations I've ever seen, they're filled with complete nonsense and dialogue and story that makes perfect, crystal clear sense is turned into incomprehensible gibberish.
        Sekiro was like trying to decipher the rambling of a senile old man, Elden Ring made no sense and Armored Core 6 is all that plus incessant theythemming that makes listening to the dialogue in English veritable brain bleach.


        • 9 months ago

          westoids don't care about translation accuracy, they just want to wank themselves off to death over LE DEEP LORE

    • 9 months ago

      Because they are failed writers who decide to change someone else's work and force it on us since they can't get a job writing their own shit.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        it's funny because it's like they all acknowledge they're a part of a larger problem and they think that means people aren't allowed to hate them for some reason

    • 9 months ago

      Because western localizers didn't get the job out of a desire to translate, they settled for the job because they couldn't hack it as real writers. So instead of faithfully translating, they decide to write fanfiction. You should see the amount of localizers on Twitter who treat their localizations of Japanese games as if they themselves made the characters and plot.

      • 9 months ago

        Being a translator is time-consuming and requires learning another language and researching it. A writer cannot faithfully translate cause they cannot read and understand the text. It's why they always do this 'localiser-blah-blah-blah' for paragraphs and paragraphs to trick people into thinking they deserve the pay grade of a real translator. However, all these game companies are ultra demonic, so they want the cheapest people possible, so the only people who are willing to work with a Japanese demon are these fake-translator writers with the aid of a machine translation tool.

    • 9 months ago

      Like others said, as far as translation goes, localizing games is the absolute bottom of the barrel, so the only people in the business are the morons who couldn't cut it anywhere else. Plus I'd argue it's just in the gaming zeitgeist right now to consider the original text more of a rough template than something you treat like scripture, just like translators in the 90s preferred a much looser style. The era of autistic anime fansubs are long over. We'll probably see a severe enough backlash against the current style again and return to the autistic era once more, only to stray from that one again as well and continue the cycle.

      • 9 months ago

        >We'll probably see a severe enough backlash against the current style again and return to the autistic era once more
        Doubt it.
        Anyone that actually gives a shit just learned japanese already.

      • 9 months ago

        I would say translating anime is a step below translating games. although translating any other language but japanese cartoons is a step above games

    • 9 months ago

      It's the classic Leftist play: infiltrate and subvert, then create networks where they can hire like-minded homosexuals who do the same thing.
      Repeat until everything is awful.

      • 9 months ago

        Not really it's all a matter of money at the end of the day. The difference between a translator and a localizer is that the localizer also does shit related to marketing like changing names for copyright reasons or because they think the target audience will be to stupid to remember them. It's that simple.

        • 9 months ago

          Nah, these frickers are driven. It's the reason why there are so many leftgay discord raid groups pushing shit on this site 24/7, 365 days a year.
          They happily do it for free, because they realise the value of propaganda.

        • 9 months ago

          >it's all a matter of money at the end of the day
          you have to be a literal ignorant child to think this
          ever since social media became popular, it's crystal clear it has and never had anything to do with le appeal to mysterious profit fallacy

          it's just zealous ideological homosexuals thinking they know better and changing shit to their liking

          • 9 months ago

            The reason why these incompetent idiots get these jobs is because they're cheap as frick, so yes it's indirectly because of money. I knew one in my country who begged me to not become a translator because the pay was shit as a freelance and you need contacts if you want to do more than translate manga, comics, movies and tv shows.

            • 9 months ago

              Well, did you become a translator?

              • 9 months ago

                No, I work in HR, I have a stable job, weekends, bank holidays, 23 days of PTO on top of 5 weeks of paid leave, I'm about to be promoted, and I wouldn't have had any of that as a freelance in translation. A friend in uni did her internship in a translation company and they never hired her because they're rather get another cheap intern instead. All my teachers told me being a translator fulltime is a bad idea, they do it as a side gig. I don't regret my decision at all.

    • 9 months ago

      >why are "localisers" like this?
      They use their job to subvert.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      The part I don't get is
      >spend up to a decade of your life painstakingly learning another language and immersing yourself in their media
      >get a job as a localiser
      >wow actually I just now realised I hate all of this and it needs to be replaced

      • 9 months ago

        No I think it's more like:
        >frick around in uni because told that getting a degree means automatically getting a nice job that pays well
        >chooses Japanese courses because liked the shitty censored localized version of Sailor Moon as a kid
        >go to Japan one semester because it's fun and "lol Japan so quirky"
        >graduate, no job prospect except localizer because not serious enough as a student and didn't do networking
        That applies to many people in my uni in France. I was too dirt poor to go study abroad for a year to improve my Japanese but classmates went there for a year JUST to slack off in English courses and have sex with Japanese guys. Now these specific people and I have the same level in Japanese (intermediate) even though I was handicapped by that exchange program I couldn't do. The ones who did the program and worked hard to go to the classes in Japanese are all fluent.

      • 9 months ago

        >spend up to a decade of your life painstakingly learning another language and immersing yourself in their media
        Hardly, they just use google translate for 80% of the work and make up the rest.

        And that's when they don't just make up the entire thing.

        • 9 months ago

          >He next revealed that it was not just swords and foes that had been renamed with staff in mind, but also “alot of the characters were named after various QA people, etc.”
          >“Timmus the Gunner” – formerly Tyrone the Roundhouse Neck Kicker – “was named after my friend Tim, who was the guy who got me my first industry job haha.”

    • 9 months ago

      I know multiple localisers personally. It's usually a mix of:
      >pay is shit
      >they're constantly overworked
      >practically everyone is a flavor of woke nerd/gamer
      >They consider themselves "creative professional" and localization a creative field, so mutilating dialogue is justified in their minds.
      >some of the most delusional ones consider themselves as part of the game development, so they probably don't feel they're distorting someone else's work.
      >sometimes the game's text files are so fricked that the localizers aren't sure about context or what the frick they're even translating
      >some studios ignore their questions or take too long to answer, so you're stuck localizing a game whose main text file was written on windows notepad and chaotically mixes item descriptions, lore and dialogue sent to you by a studio that can barely be contacted
      >sometimes there are sudden changes on the game that frick everything up or the studio only sente you most of the text a couple months before launch because they're afraid of leaks. I recall them telling me that one time they had to translate about 200 thousand words in a month and a half for a single game.
      >They're always involved in multiple projects at once and that splits their attention
      >They're very protective of each other's "creative decisions", so internal criticism about things like op's pic is non existent

      • 9 months ago

        I find some of these reasons understandable but I'd rather have somethinf accurate but with mistakes instead of inaccurate shit that requires even more time and effort.

        • 9 months ago

          They don't consider it inaccurate. They thinkit it had to be "adapted" due to x or z reason. Fun facts about dealing with Chinese and Japanese devs:
          >according to one of these guys chinese gatcha are the worse games to translate because the files are pure chaos and the devs respond in bizarre and oftentimes cryptic ways. He told me about a game where every time they tried to clear something up with the dev - even something very straightforward like "is x line of text a dialogue or an item description? - the devs would answer back with paragraphs worth of the game's lore and design philosophy while still not clearing the localizare's doubt up.
          >Jap devs have the habit of requesting the localized text, throwing it on Google translate and then complaining that the resulting mess is different from what they had originally written in Japanese. They also don't really understand what localization even is and will complain if you adapt some jap expression that would make absolutely no sense in your language with something that translates the expression's meaning instead of just translating it literally. Basically, dealing with Jap devs a lot of the time consists of explaining to some practically monolingual boomer salaryman that isn't even a writer/translator why what he's doing is fricking stupid.

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine how shitty the average video game writer is.

      Localization is where the writers too shitty to even make it as a video game writer wind up. They cannot produce anything of values themselves so they attach parasitically to the works of others and "leave their mark" by rewriting the scripts of better writers for an audience that doesn't know better.

    • 9 months ago

      It's mostly a question of talent, and most translators don't have any.

      There's an interesting case with the French translation of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, in which many names were changed: Frodo Baggins is Frodon Sacquet, Bilbo is Bilbon, and they live in Cul-de-Sac in the Comté. But some names were misunderstood, the translator didn't read the Hobbit at first, never read the Silmarilion, and lacked some context. People loved it nonetheless. Then a newer translation was released, which restored the original names and fixed all the mistakes, it aimed to be the most "authentic" version. And people hated it.

      What happened? Well the original translator translated Shakespeare, Dickens, Fielding, Defoe, Poe, Walpole... he had an incredible culture and mastery of both French and English. He never wrote a book of his own, but his translations, whether Tolkien or others, literally won prizes because they are pure poetry that outshone the originals, because of how beautiful French is. The new translator is just an average French Canadian translator, and self-proclaimed Tolkien expert, his prose is boring, he has no style, his translation is flat and uninspired.

      Too many drooling morons these days think they have talent, truth is they just got a job no one else wanted, and sadly everyone else in these companies is just the same, so there's no one to see these guys are doing a terrible job and should get fired.

      • 9 months ago

        God, the French of insufferable self-fellating homosexuals.

        • 9 months ago

          >He never wrote a book of his own, but his translations, whether Tolkien or others, literally won prizes because they are pure poetry that outshone the originals, because of how beautiful French is.

          It's really something else with the frenchies. I think most european languages took liberties with tolkien's names. In spain it's "Frodo Bolsón" from the "Comarca", and he lives in "bolsón cerrado".

          People loved it as is because the story is good and grew with it. Obviously if some new dude came and translated it again with the original names, it would sound weird to people. Not to say that the original french guy wasnt talented though.

    • 9 months ago

      >why are "localisers" like this
      amerimutts are programmed to propagate israeli degeneracy

    • 9 months ago

      Racism. Japan makes lefties seethe, so they do their best to "fix" Japanese stuff.

    • 9 months ago

      large part of translators is trannoid

    • 9 months ago

      You get what you pay for.

      anon, you know that's disingenuous as frick to say. 99% of the changes people complain about aren't replacing words with special cultural significance or finding a close-enough equivalent for some idiom, it's unnecessary changes to the meaning that in no way clashes with the target culture, but only the translator's personal worldview.

      No, he's right. Which part is exactly bothering you, that he said ideally it would just be a straight translation? It's not possible, that's why a good translation has to change the words a bit to keep the actual meaning/intention.

      • 9 months ago

        No, you're literally just lying.
        >It's not possible, that's why a good translation has to change the words a bit to keep the actual meaning/intention.
        There is nothing necessary about the types of changes posted in this thread. These are not changes made to best convey the meaning of the original work, they deliberately deviate from it because the translator has taken it upon themselves to """"improve"""" the work and insert their own beliefs. It is the highest form of bullshit to say "Well a 100% perfect translation isn't possible, therefore there is nothing wrong with highly editorialized rewrites". Clearly there's a fricking world in between. It's perfectly possible for a translation to aim to be as faithful AS POSSIBLE (I'm capitalizing this part so you don't get to ignore it).

    • 9 months ago

      localization is not just a 1:1 translation you tard, its about making it digestible to a specific culture

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, but they're making shit up instead. Fanfic writers care more about the source work than these hacks

  8. 9 months ago

    >I'm so fricked up

    • 9 months ago

      Underrated post.

  9. 9 months ago

    Bravely Second is real bad. All the optional jobs in that game came from branching quests with 4 possible outcomes. In the English release however, they cut it down to 2. Because each fight at the end was different, they had to frankenstein them together for bestiary entries and the stories themselves were all over the place and barely made any sense. That's ignoring all the other weird choices like changing shit that was originally in English into French or all the censorship because god forbid you see a chibi in a bikini.

    • 9 months ago

      Wtf why

    • 9 months ago

      A japanese character speaking engrish works, a character that speaks on english can't speak engrish for comedic effect, you need to find something else.

    • 9 months ago

      This isn't true, actually. There were success states for each choice and failure states. The two failure endings led to no fight and no class being unlocked. They removed the failure endings for each quest from every subsequent version, not only the western releases.
      Game had a ton of actual censorship, but that wasn't part of it.

  10. 9 months ago

    I'm not aware of law, but can't something be done with that? Let's say I employ a translator for my game, and I learn later he butchered the original meaning. Can I sue him? Not speaking about money strictly, but punishment.

    • 9 months ago

      >Can I sue him?
      Sure, you pay him to do a job, he does it poorly, that's a good reason to sue.

      Not once it's released though.

      • 9 months ago

        >Not once it's released though.
        Of course you can. Why couldn't you?

        • 9 months ago

          Because you contracted a company to do a job, they did the job, your checked their job, you approved their job, and then you released their job.

          When you work with a contractor comes a point where you make sure he did his job and if he didn't, well then you sue, otherwise you accept it and forgo any desire to later reject it. Unless maybe there's some defect which couldn't have been seen at the time, but that's not applicable here, it's a translation, they wrote text, you can't miss anything.

          • 9 months ago

            If you didn't understand it, because it was translated into a language you didn't understand, there is grounds to open a case after release. The law is very open ended like that

            • 9 months ago

              >The law is very open ended like that
              No, and neither are contracts. You don't just make up rules, you're requesting a translation, you better have people on your team able to check that translation, if it's something you can't handle, it's your own fricking problem.

              To have released the game, the studio approved the translation, now they're done. It's their own fricking problem.

              • 9 months ago

                It literally works the way I described. Sorry. The law is purposely open to interpretation, so you can make arguments in a court of law and win, even if the Big Book of Law disagrees with you.

              • 9 months ago

                It's not open ended on that front: contracts predate law, there is no stronger bond than a contract.

                They had all the time in the world to check the translation, send it back to the studio to ask it to be fixed, reject it, sue them, anything. But they accepted it. There's no foul play here, a translation IS bound to be open ended, contrary to contracts, and it's a proper translation, just not very neutral. And it's been approved.

                There's zero grounds to sue.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's not open ended on that front
                Yes it is, didn't read the rest.

              • 9 months ago

                Then continue with your fiction where you can sue anything and win I guess.

              • 9 months ago

                >no argument
                You can stop replying now.

              • 9 months ago

                >didn't read the rest

                Not that you have much arguments yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't need an argument when I'm correct.

              • 9 months ago

                >you can pay people to do a job
                >they do it improperly but you still approve of it
                >then you pay them
                >you release that job all over the world
                >then you can totally sue!

                Very correct.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes. I'm glad you understand.

              • 9 months ago

                No you're not

              • 9 months ago

                Devil’s advocate and nta
                If I order a house, take it and then two years later it starts falling apart I would have full rights to sue the company that made it

              • 9 months ago

                >so you can make arguments in a court of law and win, even if the Big Book of Law disagrees with you.
                That's called "plain error," and not only does it allow the losing side to appeal your decision to a higher court and get the bad decision overturned, if a higher judge notices plain error in a lower court decision, they can reverse that on their own without the losing side even specifically asking them to correct it.

          • 9 months ago

            How do you check if he did a good job if you don't know the language? Do you hire another translator?

            Also yeah, fire emblem translations are pretty shit.

            • 9 months ago

              >Do you hire another translator?
              Well yes.

              Whenever you hire a contractor, you need to check what he does, so technically you need to pack the knowledge and ability to supervise his activities, just not the manpower.

    • 9 months ago

      >Let's say I employ a translator for my game, and I learn later he butchered the original meaning. Can I sue him?
      Uh, false light, maybe? But that seems like a stretch. Other option may be breach of contract. No criminal sanctions are applicable obviously. Best bet is just firing him, though.

      From those 3 the Jap one for sure. That there is massive copout. And it's there because of their coporate culture. That side of Japan is nightmare fuel and otakus have no fricking idea. The English one is classically American and crude, but gets the job done. The Chinese one, for once, is the closest to anything that has any genuine meaning, with just the hint of collectivism that gives Americans nightmares at night.

      >The English one is classically American and crude, but gets the job done.
      >classically American
      >rejecting the concept of private property ownership, which is practically deified in the american constitution


      eat shit

      • 9 months ago

        I was thinking of proving the bad translation has financial impact on the finished product, but I guess it's also your responsibility to be sure of the employee once he's engaged.

        • 9 months ago

          You can't always just sue someone because you lost money and they're probably responsible. They have to have committed some kind of action prohibited by the law that is the direct cause of you losing money. Lawyers call these prohibited acts "causes of action," and there are only so many of them, and I don't think any would apply to this kind of case. That's why I say that the best option is to just fire them. It sucks, but I just don't think the law is equipped to help foreign language writers with this niche issue.

  11. 9 months ago

    From those 3 the Jap one for sure. That there is massive copout. And it's there because of their coporate culture. That side of Japan is nightmare fuel and otakus have no fricking idea. The English one is classically American and crude, but gets the job done. The Chinese one, for once, is the closest to anything that has any genuine meaning, with just the hint of collectivism that gives Americans nightmares at night.

    • 9 months ago

      >just the hint of collectivism that gives Americans nightmares at night.
      Americans love populism and Nationalism. It's not an every man for himself mentality, it's an every man supports himself mentality.

    • 9 months ago

      whatever you say chang

  12. 9 months ago

    >property is theft
    >theft implies property
    How fricked in the head do you have to be to unironically write that shit? Do these monkeys want to return to monke that badly?

    • 9 months ago

      To play devil's advocate, they could be working within a normal person's framework to try and convince people that framework is flawed.
      Certainly comes off as moronic though.

      • 9 months ago

        >To play devil's advocate, they could be working within a normal person's framework to try and convince people that framework is flawed
        I can't understand what that framework is or is defined as. Property is a legal invention, it doesn't exist in reality. It's a legal framework and concept which allows society to benefit from people's selfishness/competitive instincts in order to built it up. If you're talking about the "common ownership" of the tribe, that's even more "problematic" because these people are supposed to not be tribal or invoke ingroup-outgroup concepts that blatantly, because discrimination is le bad. Again, i don't get it.

        • 9 months ago

          >Property is a legal invention, it doesn't exist in reality.

          Bitch, territory has been a concept in nature since God shat out dinosaurs and martians. The concept of property simply stems from natural territorial instinct, humans have simply civilized enough to put a name to the rationality of it.

    • 9 months ago

      Commies are braindead cultists.

    • 9 months ago

      they haven't been punched in the face enough

    • 9 months ago

      Would it have been better if they wrote taxation is theft?

      • 9 months ago

        >Would it have been better if they wrote taxation is theft?
        It depends on whether it would be a better translation of the original text or not.
        Taxation is related to labor which is property(because you own your own body, anything else is slavery) however a case can be made for taxation being a positive on society. A flimsy case, but a case nevertheless.

  13. 9 months ago
  14. 9 months ago

    same with Kaine

  15. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I translate in french myself for a video game, and while not being the best of them I take great pride trying to respect the original work as much as I can. Before I entered the project I've seen such horrors it's baffling.

      For example, take a dude called "Simon the Silent Sorcerer of Sorrow".
      The guy before me called it "Simon Spintowin" because he had an attack where he spins.

      What the frick.

      • 9 months ago

        troonylators are the cancer killing multiple industries

      • 9 months ago

        >The guy before me called it "Simon Spintowin" because he had an attack where he spins.
        Actually made me gag

      • 9 months ago

        Keep up the good work

      • 9 months ago

        I will never forgive the French for Buzz L'éclair

        • 9 months ago

          >he's name is Lightyear in english

          I'd have to think for a bit to find a good one

          • 9 months ago

            You just don't change it, he's american.
            It's like calling Cloud Strife, Nuage Agile or some shit. Or even worse, Clad

            • 9 months ago

              >he's name is Lightyear in english

              I'd have to think for a bit to find a good one

              I will never forgive the French for Buzz L'éclair

              just look up star wars in french. I had to learn it for french lessons in school (for some reason) and thats when I realized french are moronic and I should avoid learning the language at all costs.
              After 3 years of forced french I can say with pride I dont remember a thing

            • 9 months ago

              France does that shit all the time. The Fist of the North Star french dub is nearly a full rewrite sick themesong though

      • 9 months ago

        >The guy before me called it "Simon Spintowin" because he had an attack where he spins.
        Jesus fricking christ

    • 9 months ago

      Damn, bro is taking names

      • 9 months ago

        fr he finna bust a cap ong

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      That's Nabokov, right? That passive-aggressive tone sounds like him.

      • 9 months ago

        that aint passive

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      The difference is russian is actually a nice language and has a charm. Japanese is horribly dry.

      • 9 months ago

        >Japanese is horribly dry.
        Doesn't matter.

      • 9 months ago

        And that justifies the things localizers do like change characters' personalities, rewriting plot events or inserting dated memes into the script?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah people keep saying that the Japanese language itself is dry but that's wrong. They think it's the stories, characters and dialogues that are dry because of their own personal tastes in fictional stories and they project it in the rewrites they do.

          • 9 months ago

            Yea this, it's rare but sometimes you can find nips that can write fun characters. It's also so rare that most people think nips can't write anything but hot garbage.

            • 9 months ago

              >it's rare but sometimes you can find nips that can write fun characters
              To be fair, that's universal. Imagine judging the entirety of western writing by Thor Love and Thunder or something.

              • 9 months ago

                Was it that bad? I nevee watched it. But I agree with your point. It's safe to assume 90% of stories in general are shit or won't be relatable enough for you to care. Not "relatable" as in "this is the kind of shit thag happens to me irl" but themes and characters that speak to you personally.

            • 9 months ago

              No they just don't know where to look for fun stories. Then there's also personal taste as I said, humor is a very cultural thing. It's dumb but as a French person I like American comedy movie but they always fall flat with French dubs, I also can't stand French movies but I find discussions with Frenxh people funnier than with Anglos. I grew uo watching anime and playing Japanese manga so I'm used to the stories and archetypes in them, someone who isn't and who has shit taste will not like what I like and will say shit about "muh dry writing".

          • 9 months ago

            >people keep saying that the Japanese language itself is dry but that's wrong
            I think that just means they're too moronic to get the nuance of the language. Not that I'm saying Japan is the best and Nippon ichi blah blah blah, but imagine it like if you were reading a book in a language you only know the very basics of. Obviously most of the nuance is going to go over your head.

        • 9 months ago

          troonylizers, or wannabe writer-Black folk as I like to call them ffor short, somehow fooled themselves into thinking it's their job to "fix" someone else's writing.

      • 9 months ago

        >Japanese is horribly dry.
        Post your credentials you subhuman ape, clearly you're an expert in Japanese language and aren't making shit up that's nothing but moronic Black person conjecture based on MGS 1 and Twin snakes both being bad in different ways.

        • 9 months ago

          >Your credentials
          I did adhoc translations while I was playing ps1 games so I could tell how the hell I was meant to get through the funnily textured walls.
          Bite me.

      • 9 months ago

        What's the point of enjoying a foreign people's cultural products if your just going to convert it into a "westernized" version first?

        • 9 months ago

          Because I don't read it to enjoy a foreign product. I wanted a product and it just so happened to be written in another language. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's books are good on their own right not because they're written in russian. Don Quixote is good in its own right not because its written in spanish. Gene Wolfe is good in its own right not because its written in english.

        • 9 months ago

          tikkun olam

      • 9 months ago

        Try reading some Tanaka Romeo or Shumon Yuu and say that again you subhuman frick

        Holy shit the things one has to read in this hellhole

    • 9 months ago

      Based, and honestly how non-English-speaking characters should be written in original works too.

      Also where's the fruchiguachipunchi pic

    • 9 months ago

      u got the full foreword? or book? this is absolutely based

    • 9 months ago

      What a moron. What a way to miss the point.

    • 9 months ago

      >This is the anglotard translation theory

      This is beyond bullshit, Baudelaire believed the exact opposite and he is right.

      • 9 months ago

        >Baudelaire believed the exact opposite
        That translations should be fanfiction?

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
  16. 9 months ago

    why don't chuddies get jobs in the industry rather than screeching and stomping their feet that leftists did?

    • 9 months ago

      They run most of the industry because game engines and CPUs don't build themselves.

      • 9 months ago

        why don't chuddies learn programming then?

        Because all the big developers are ran by greedy israeli pedophiles.


        • 9 months ago

          >why don't chuddies learn programming then?
          I think you didn't get my point: chuddies run it.

          Leftists are just in charge of writing, translation, and other shitty jobs because their feminist studies won't help them with anything more than that.

        • 9 months ago

          Bobby ~~*Kotick*~~ was friends with ~~*Epstein*~~.

        • 9 months ago

          Being a programmer or translator for a game company, especially a Japanese game company pays shit wages. Anyone with any economic sense would put their programming or translation skills to more lucrative use. Only a mentally deranged or incompetent person would want to work in video games with a Japanese company.

    • 9 months ago

      Because all the big developers are ran by greedy israeli pedophiles.

    • 9 months ago

      The right does have jobs in the industry. You just don't notice them because they aren't spewing propaganda like you are. The entire point of this 'chud' thread is arguing in favor of keeping translations as close to the source material as possible.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would any self respecting weeb do that?
      While weebgoys are happy with literal troonylation excrement and cheapening out by buying the games only when on a really big sale, actual weebs are busy funding the original japanese releases on launch day at full price because they already know japanese.

    • 9 months ago

      Well you see translation actually pays very well in respectable companies, while videogame translation pays a slaves wage
      So only troony subhumans are lowly enough to accept game translation jobs

    • 9 months ago

      >why don't pagans get a job at the vatican

    • 9 months ago

      Dont most right people take manully labor jobs?

      • 9 months ago

        Right people stay quiet because they know HR harpies will nail to them to a cross if they speak up.

      • 9 months ago

        Unironically, most right-wingers are not smart enough for any kind of primarily-mental work. For every Ganker chud who is right-wing because of some mix of "enlightened" anti-wokeness or convictions about policy or homogeneity in societies, there's fifty boomers who just hate Black folk for no reason that they're different.

        Whereas leftoids are on average better educated and higher IQ, but our problem is it's a 50/50 toss-up as to whether or not you're cripplingly mentally ill and want to chop off your dick and spend all your waking moments b***hing about pronouns and adding new genders to the gender wiki.

        For transparency, I'm a "Bernie sanders would be a moderate in literally any other first world country" kind of liberal who just wishes we had less insane medical and educational systems. The britbongs are doing better than us and their social democracy is being invaded by Tories and poorly integrated religious refugees.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm a "Bernie sanders would be a moderate in literally any other first world country" kind of liberal

        • 9 months ago

          Oh, so you're a moron. The quality of state services will always reflect the quality of the populace. European states HAD good healthcare and education because they HAD homogeneous, high IQ populaces of Europeans. The US has poorly administered systems because they're being administered to and by low IQ brownoids.

    • 9 months ago

      Because it pays like shit so only morons translate video games professionally. I'd rather just play the game in Japanese to avoid localizations, while telling localizers to kill themselves anyway on the off chance that it works.

  17. 9 months ago

    The Japanese localisation of Star Craft is especially bad. As in, it's bad. But it's not the kind of localisation I would take screenshots and compare cause it's not a funny kind of bad, but just so bad, you hate the game and don't want to play it.

  18. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      total low countries genocide

    • 9 months ago

      He's in the wrong here though, what he's doing is the equivalent of complaining about honorifics being removed from a Japanese game

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          >subBlack person upset
          damn, it's almost like languages closer to English don't sound fricking nauseating if you leave in foreign fluff words, and even then it's shit if overdone
          subtrannies dying on muh honorifics hill will never stop being pathetic, because it sounds and reads fricking shit, and is used in every other fricking sentence

          just admit you're using subBlack persondom as your budget substitute for cultural tourism, and that the shittier it reads, the more you jerk off to it "sounding authentic"

          • 9 months ago

            It's this, when you talk about French/Spanish/German equivalents of Mister like Herr and Senor, their Japanese equivalent would be Misuta or Okayumusama, or mister and sir respectively, or sensei I see used a bit. -kun, -san, and -chan are used continually to denote relationship between speakers, and are closer to brother, father/mother, and sister. So any translation that replaces -kun with bro would be pretty accurate, and -san with daddy.

            • 9 months ago

              Honorifics are a big thing in Japanese culture and you have two options. Either rewrite shit to the nth degree hoping the meaning is still there or just fricking keep the Honorifics and expect the audience of the work the learn something new. The problem with the idea that translations need to be pleasant to read or hear is a fallacy. While it's impossible to fully convey the meaning of the original work in a translation one should make sure the culture and intent of the author stays. Honorifics is an important part of Japanese culture and many Japanese authors play around it as a way to add character. You can tell the personality of a character with how they use Honorifics. For example a rude or simple minded character might skip Honorifics entirely or more extreme examples call themselves -Sama.

        • 9 months ago

          Honestly, I haven't read something that kept things like "signore"
          The only times I saw that in movies/books was when an italian character was talking to or about someone.

          I think titles don't get translated, so a "sheriff" stays "sheriff" in other languages. Or maybe it stays in because american media has such a big influence

      • 9 months ago

        Are you moronic? This is like changing "Hiroshi" to "Hilbert" in an English localization of a Japanese high school setting.

        • 9 months ago

          Nah it's more like complaining that a place called "shit-city" was changed to "Scheisseburg" in the german translation.
          It ignores the fact that the word "shrine" wouldn't read to a non-english speaker and instead focuses on the fact that the dutch version would present the wrong image in a dutch reader.
          Where he is right is in saying that the translator should have thought of this, but his conclusion is that the place shouldn't have been translated at all rather than being translated into something more fitting.
          On top of that it's really ass dumping on the translator for not "understanding his work" when the guy was probably given the whole of LotR book one to read without anything else, and a tight as frick deadline.

        • 9 months ago


          Nah it's more like complaining that a place called "shit-city" was changed to "Scheisseburg" in the german translation.
          It ignores the fact that the word "shrine" wouldn't read to a non-english speaker and instead focuses on the fact that the dutch version would present the wrong image in a dutch reader.
          Where he is right is in saying that the translator should have thought of this, but his conclusion is that the place shouldn't have been translated at all rather than being translated into something more fitting.
          On top of that it's really ass dumping on the translator for not "understanding his work" when the guy was probably given the whole of LotR book one to read without anything else, and a tight as frick deadline.

          He brought up both points, not sure why you are dismissing the first.
          Your "shrine" example is moot for not being a name, why use that?
          >dumping on the translator "for not understanding his work"
          This explains a lot about the western localisation mindset. If you accept an assignment of translating the product of a decades worth of writing by a linguist, you ought to expect something more challenging than your weekly pulp novella. But you should still tackle it just the same, with integrity.

      • 9 months ago

        >author is wrong about the world he's created

    • 9 months ago

      >these 'translations' are not English, they are just homeless

      Tolkien really is the most based man to ever live

  19. 9 months ago

    >moronic twitter anarchists are getting localisation jobs now.
    Extremely surprised to hear that any anarshitter is actually employed.

    • 9 months ago

      anarchists are an odd bunch
      its always the people that would be the first to go in an actual anarchy that advocate for it

      • 9 months ago

        Same with so-called Communists.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think you know what Anarchy really is. Not that it matters it's literally impossible to "enact" on a wide scale... Communist, Libertarians, Anarchists... They're all idiots.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick that moron forever for attaching Snufkin to his moronation.

      • 9 months ago

        And frick this artist for making me want to frick Snufkin.

        • 9 months ago

          i would have passionate sex with france-chan's face

          • 9 months ago

            You'd need to be more pretentious than that!

  20. 9 months ago

    Its kinda like the anglo translations of Mein Kampf mysteriously having Slav hate in the book, when zero exists in the original German publication or the Stalag English translation made by Nazi Germany

    • 9 months ago

      >This is what Russian and Ukrainian hitleroids tell themselves to cope with the fact the guy they worship would've exterminated them.

  21. 9 months ago

    FE Fates' story becomes incoherent because they made one specific character so ooc that nothing that he does matches what the localizers make him say. And the localizers also saw a shit ton of references to several Asian cultures and decided to change name to make them more European which goes against the game's entire theme. That's a recent example, I know older games often have it worse.

  22. 9 months ago

    >FFXVI is written in Japanese and translated in English very soon aftee
    >voiced in English first, then in Japanese
    >morons tell you that if you complain about the English dialogs you're wrong because it's the original
    >all the other languages are based on the English translation for some reason
    >except the French translation being based on the Japanese text
    >French morons insulting the French translators online because the accurate text doesn't match the inaccurate English voice acting because they were tricked into thinking the English version is the OG even though the game itself says otherwise in the settings
    A mess.

    • 9 months ago

      >French morons insulting the French translators online because the accurate text doesn't match the inaccurate English voice acting
      Frick, really? I already knew the English translation took a load of liberties despite their claims otherwise but I didn’t know about that

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah check twitter for instance, you'll see plenty of players who will ask "which voice acting should I pick, French, Japanese or English?" and they all have different opinions on different lines or on the lips' movements, some are more understandable than others. In older games we had to deal with English voices (no point to that since the whole point of a dub is to be adapted to the audience but I guess that's cheaper than paying famous Japanese seiyuus) and French texts based on Amerifat localizations. That's even worse for Nintendo games, they're all translated based on American fanfiction localizations so if American don't like that two characters are each other's love interests because of typical American values or trends then Europe have to deal with the American changes.

    • 9 months ago

      >French morons insulting the French translators online because the accurate text doesn't match the inaccurate English voice acting

      It's understandable.

      French translations are usually terrible, except Ubisoft which really values its localization and especially the French one. Still many Europeans are used to playing games in English so they get a more "authentic" experience, and just activate subtitles in their language. Now imagine their faces when they realize the French subtitles don't match the English voice, considering they have at least a basic understanding of English and realize something is up.

      It's an honest mistake.

      • 9 months ago

        Plenty of these people are used to playing Japanese games and know very well that FF is a Japanese game series though. So I don't think that's entirely correct.

        • 9 months ago

          It is entirely correct because usually subtitles match the English audio, and if it doesn't match the Japanese audio well few people will figure it out.

    • 9 months ago

      i used to play the game with french texts and English voices, and I just switched to full English.
      It was jarring.

    • 9 months ago

      French are complaining because the French subtitles they can read don't match the English voices they can understand. It's not a matter of authenticity or being faithful to the original text. Most don't care if the English version is or isn't the original. They just have a problem with the fact that the voices and the text say different things

      • 9 months ago

        No they do care. I should say "we" but I'm going to play with the Japanese voices so I'm not one of those asking each other what's the VO. It's just that the disparity between subtitles and English voices make them realize what they thought was the VO isn't the VO but full of added or removed lines.

  23. 9 months ago
  24. 9 months ago

    Yuisshi wore it better too

  25. 9 months ago

    Do English-to-Japanese localizations suffer from the same issue of localizers deciding to write fanfiction out of the original script?

    • 9 months ago

      Most of the time no, japan doesn't make a distinction between legal documents and media, so they take translations very seriously.
      When there's translations errors they are honest mistakes due to subtle cultural differences or extremely tight deadlines.
      TV cartoon translation teams in particular will always try to get a westaboo on board to check shit if the deadlines allow it.
      Translations of academic literature can also get extremely fricking autistic with them increasing the text size by 20-40% off translation notes alone.

      • 9 months ago

        >so they take translations very seriously.
        No, Japan does not. Do you even watch and read foreign media localised into Japanese? Did you see how much older translators were paid to do patent translations in Japan and mistakenly thought that applied to the rest of the country?

    • 9 months ago

      I saw some guy on twitter talking about a specific woman doing this for American movies and subtitles for several decades
      I don't remember her name but she's an old lady. I think it's more universal than you think but for video games and Japanese pop culture in general it's way more obvious.

      • 9 months ago

        Toda Natsuko, she was the most profilic translator of Western media, including big stuff like LotR and Apocalypse Now. She constantly changed the nuance of lines (out of incompetence) but more egregiosly purposefully toned down the edge factor of films to suit the Japanese audience. She got fired from translating Full Metal Jacket after Kubrick found out

        • 9 months ago

          Thanks for the name, I'll be able to look her up more than when I found the tweets about her. I'm curious as to what the thought process was at the time, Japanese pop culture is pretty ok with violence and swearing so I can't really imagine changing lines for these reasons without removing scenes. It's not like here in France in the 90s when a bunch of anime got localized and lines and scenes were removed or changed because they thought Hokuto no Ken and City Hunter were for 6 years old kids.

          • 9 months ago

            She was just a moral busybody in a position of power who thought she knew what was suitable for Japanese society. I think it was just a case of personal bias rather than moronic mothers up in arms their spawn saw a swear word on the TV.

  26. 9 months ago

    localizing games the same way that languages are taught (i.e. avoid asking for non-existent "equivalent meanings"; immerse yourself as much as possible) treats the player with respect, and challenges, in a fair and sometimes fun way, those who only know one language well.

  27. 9 months ago

    People don't talk enough about how Whedon-esque writing is so prevalent in localizations

    • 9 months ago

      that's true too. It might as well be its own localization, in addition to English: "Whedon"
      but I also like the sound of the word "Whedonic", because it sounds moronic

      • 9 months ago

        I use "Whedonesque" for extra flair.

  28. 9 months ago

    What game?

  29. 9 months ago

    newer fire emblem games are a mess : all nuance is removed and everything is constantly spelled out or warped, if something was meant to be cringekino they try to turn it into super serious business
    >jap version
    >*says name of person in an angry tone*
    >NoA version
    >oh so it was you who betrayed us ! I can't believe I once trusted you but never again, now DIE

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        ye there are also all these dumb liberties the localization team took but those don't completely destroy the game's tone as much

      • 9 months ago

        ye there are also all these dumb liberties the localization team took but those don't completely destroy the game's tone as much

        Oh, there's a lot more like for example furry jokes or removing all lines related to a black character not knowing how to swim...

    • 9 months ago

      It was funny as frick when they did this in FE Fates but only in Birthright. So you have Corrin being a pacifist in all routes in Japanese but in English in Birthright he becomes unga bunga.

    • 9 months ago

      I still wonder why hardly anyone points out all the hackery in 3H’s translation, though they’re mostly dubshitters so maybe that’s how they like it

      • 9 months ago

        People for some reason act like Nintendo fixed Treehouse after Fates when that couldn't be farther from the truth
        They're still fricking up with every game they're assigned to, from Zelda to Splatoon

        • 9 months ago

          I don’t know if it’s just my imagination but Nintendo games seem to have some of the more ardent localisation defenders and even advocates. Xenoblade is perhaps the most overt one but I’ve seen plenty claims that SMT V and BotW/TotK are vastly superior dubbed, plus the odd bit of seethe that the Baten Kaitos ports are Japanese only. I often wonder if there’s a reason for it or not

      • 9 months ago

        Because it's less obvious than in Fates and theres less visual fanservice to remove.

        • 9 months ago

          True to a degree, but they seem to really hate having any pointed out be they major or minor. A surprising number of anons got pretty pissed when I mentioned (and proved) that contrary to their wishes Hilda and Caspar probably didn’t frick at the end of their support some time ago

  30. 9 months ago

    >All property is theft, kid.
    >Oh by the way here's is a pricetag to the game and we will be adding Denuvo in the next update.

  31. 9 months ago

    If I remember correctly, France had some weird translations with Pokemon too. The original translator from Japanese to French would come up with french-ified (I am a room temperature IQ moron who can't describe it any other way) pokemon names. I don't remember what Germany's deal was, other than maybe their translations we're based off of French. Unfortunately most of this shit is half remembered from visiting /vp/ one evening and that YouTube video where they looked at the first official Japanese Pokedex so if in wrong feel free to correct my stupidity.
    Japanese ヒトカゲ Hitokage
    French Salamèche
    German Glumanda
    Spanish Charmander
    English Charmander

    • 9 months ago

      The French version had completely new names that made sense in their language and generally respected the idea of the original, on top of being quite good. Some more iconic names, like Pikachu or Mew, were left as is.

    • 9 months ago

      I remember being told that Butterfree was called "Smettbo" in German.

    • 9 months ago

      >Bulbasaur/Bulbizarre: bulb + bizarre, sounds similar to English, and actually a reference to the Japanese name フシギダネ, meaning "weird, isn't it?"
      >Ivysaur/Herbizarre: herb + bizarre
      >Venusaur/Florizarre: flower + bizarre
      >Charmander/Salamèche: salamander + mèche/wick/fuse
      >Charmeleon/Reptincel: reptile + étincelle/spark, which also sparks quite many incel jokes these days
      >Charizard/Dracaufeu: draco/dragon + au feu!/fire!
      >Squirtle/Carapuce: carapace + puce to make it sound "cuter"
      >Wartortle/Carabaffe: carapace + baffe/slap
      >Blastoise/Tortank: Tortoise + tank

      They're quite good.

    • 9 months ago

      This is an example of a good localization. The next games are still good but it was super obvious that gen 1 and 2 had a differenr guy working on them compared ro the rest just by the pokemon's names. The dialogs were super weird sometimes because of 90s slang, I played gen 1 in 1999 or 2000 and was super confused by some of them, it felt like I was on crack sometimes kek.

    • 9 months ago

      One of the reasons I had a lot of difficulties to talk about pokemon online is because of this, I knew the pokemon in my language but not in English.

  32. 9 months ago

    Literal translation or it's fanfiction and the translator should be sent to death by firing squad

  33. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I always get baffled at libertarians when they say everything should be privately owned because the government oppresses them.
      It's as if they can't believe a pribit cumpuny can do any wrong, as if all this woke shit didn't come from private companies first.
      But hey, the multi trillion monopoly that owns millions of slaves sure is better than a people's elected government.

  34. 9 months ago

    All of this would be solved if you just 日本語を学ぶ, アノン

  35. 9 months ago

    People say Fire Emblem is bad,but Tag Force localized by Konami takes the cake.

    Why? Because they actually removed dialog so as to not have to translate it. And mind you Yugioh isn't some small franchise,it can easily cover the costs necessary to get it TL'd. But N O P E enjoy every Tier 2 and lower character having all their characterization replaced with
    >Your partner is here to duel with you!

    • 9 months ago

      Oh yeah and there's also of course all the censorship too which wasn't limited to just the characters(notably they used airbrush on characters like Akis titty outline) but also the cards.

  36. 9 months ago

    They're going to remove all the gendered insults from Kuro no Kiseki. They already butchered the title of a woman from "Sword Maiden" to "Beauty's Blade" probably out of spite for the fan translation.

  37. 9 months ago
  38. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >marriage is a woman's greatest happiness
      that's total bullshit, "greatest happiness" honestly makes no sense to start with. marriage is a union with another to love yet so many are adulterous. men joke about it being a chain on them. sure marriage is special but stripped of its pageantry it's a taxation thing.
      the children is the added bonus for happy couples but have you seen the world? this is just more garbage nonsense like marrying before 25.

      • 9 months ago

        Damn bro, can you keep a lid on that inceldom? Nobody cares about your hot take, the topic is the accuracy of what she said.

      • 9 months ago

        No one's arguing about whether the character is saying correct things you twat, the point is that they completely changed the line

      • 9 months ago

        So they wrote a naive character with outdated values? That's verboten?

  39. 9 months ago

    The worst thing is you've got no indication of it.

    When you read a translated book, it always come with an introduction and notes from the translator, who explain the process, the choices made, and justifies all of it. In the case of video games, no one fricking cares, it's completely different and you're left to suppose it's faithful to the original.

    Anyone reading a poorly translated book would get mad at this, hell, poor translations end up being pulled and replaced with a better ones, and they've generated infinitely more discussion than poor translation in video games.

    Gamers are perfectly right to get mad at these translations that completely twist the meaning of an entire work, especially when it is done purposedly and not merely out of incompetence.

  40. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Kek, her translation is literally just dumbed down.

    • 9 months ago

      God, Homer reads like fricking shit in English

      • 9 months ago

        What language should you read it in?

  41. 9 months ago

    Guys I might barely pass the N2 with a 50/100 score, what should I use my japanese powers for?

    • 9 months ago

      Fix the games. We believe in you anon.

  42. 9 months ago

    Yesterday I read chapter 755 of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

    Yuna & co are visiting the elf village (again)

    • 9 months ago

      Light novels are all such trash.
      In fact almost all japanese writing is trash. Which is a shame because the grammar structure of japanese as a language is enjoyable, but there's nothing worth reading in it.

      • 9 months ago

        Light Novels are indeed trash, worst than Manga in many ways because with Manga at least you gotta know how to draw and do something akin to a screenplay but Light Novels are copy paste generic wish fulfillment that anyone with Junior High Japanese education can do. I wouldn't be surprised if soon they started using AI for it. Like I remember when I was in my LN phase I noticed how every new volume there was a new girl and how slowly every single time without fail the MC ended up with a harem.

  43. 9 months ago

    Have there been instances of the original writers/devs calling out the shitty localizations? Surely someone out there would be mad that some kid who barely graduated from college pissed all over their work. Or do they not care because they're still making money and who gives a frick about what americans/english-only players think? I don't think I've seen any, but I don't keep track of this stuff at all.

    • 9 months ago

      Japan really doesn't care what the gaijin get as long as the gaijin buy it.

    • 9 months ago

      The israelite fear the samurai because the samurai is a bigger israelite.
      Nips don't give a frick about anything expect money and oppressing others to make more money

    • 9 months ago

      The few times I've seen Japanese people talking about translations of their works it's usually mangaka who do recent yaoi and they praise the European versions for uncensoring the dicks and balls. Some French translations are pretty good, some are too literal because the translators will use "embrass" to say "frick" because of the whole 抱く and 抱きしめる bullshit.

  44. 9 months ago

    Oh yeah translate THIS if you're so good then!

    • 9 months ago

      bing chilling


  45. 9 months ago

    unrelated but just saw this meme in my memes folder and made me laugh

    • 9 months ago

      You can't say it's only half

    • 9 months ago

      Better times

  46. 9 months ago

    I fricking love the Japanese trope of indifference towards like godlike incredible powers so much

  47. 9 months ago

    you two having fun?

  48. 9 months ago

    Most people who translate/localize video games from Japan don't actually speak Japanese other than kindergarten tier basics. If they actually speak Japanese competently, they could get a job in another industry (corporate contexts or even more advanced stuff like law) and make a LOT FRICKING MORE money.
    What this means that a vast majority of japanese media translated into English that you play is just machine translated then turned into something with a vaguely similar meaning as what the text seems to say. Usually they miss important nuance and don't carry it over in any way, then say "ummmm it's not 1:1 it's a localization". Rarely, the troony doing this will take offense and change it entirely, but most of the time inaccuracies and changes are just because they legitimately dont actually speak the language.

    The takeaway from what I'm saying is if you actually care about the writing a lot, you should learn Japanese. Otherwise all you're getting is an approximation of what the original said, the whole "localization" thing plays into it too but it's honestly mostly a cope by these "translators" to cope about how they missed the meaning of literally every single piece of dialogue since they don't actually understand japanese.

    • 9 months ago

      But why does this happen with japanese media more than any other language?

      • 9 months ago

        Cause Japan exports way more media than any other foreign language country. Ontop of that they're also uniquely shit at English so they rely on outside translations.
        When a swedish or german studio makes a game they just make it in English cause they'll have a lot of people who are good at English internally. In Japan you don't have that so they get some contract work done by some borderline scammers who don't actually speak japanese and "localize"

        • 9 months ago

          What's an example of a well translated japanese novel?

          • 9 months ago

            The 12 kingdoms have a good French translations, I heard that the English one removed all the characters' internal monologues for no reason at all.

            • 9 months ago

              >I heard that the English one removed all the characters' internal monologues for no reason at all.
              Uhm, fixed, sweatie. No need to thank us 😉

            • 9 months ago

              Well, what I was more looking for was a well translated into english novel.
              I ask because the only one I've enjoyed reading was the Lodoss LN translation, but Ganker told me its a horrible unfaithful translation; which makes me wonder, is that why it reads so well in english?
              What I'm trying to understand is what well translated japanese actually looks like so I can understand if it is possible for a faithfully translated english rendition of a japanese novel to be enjoyed on its own grounds, and not through the lens of appreciation for japanese itself since that's not really what I'm looking for, it just so happens that japan makes a lot of D&D style fantasy, while conversely western fantasy has gotten really shit over the last few decades and I've lost pretty much any interest in reading western fantasy now that jack vance and gene wolfe have croked. I'm left at an impasse.

              • 9 months ago

                No clue I'm French so that's why I mentioned the 12 kingdoms. Good luck though, I'm curious so I'd like to know too. Maybe check classics like Genji Monogatari or very popular mainstream stuff like Battle Royale?

              • 9 months ago

                I think the problem is that for ANY translation to read well, the person translating MUST be good at writing. If their skill at reading is bad, but their skill at writing is great, you're not going to be able to tell. In practise, you should always consider that when you read a translated work, you're not dealing with the original but someone else's interpretation of it.

          • 9 months ago

            The sailor who fell from grace with the sea also known as 午後の曳航 (^:

            I hate americans and america

            Total amerimutt death with the continent being reclaimed by megafauna.

    • 9 months ago

      I should add this is why in practice japanese games have the rep of having nonsensical word vomit writing. That's because the person "translating" didn't speak the language, missed all meanings and themes, and just polished the machine translation up a little.

  49. 9 months ago

    >I know 2B has a completely different personality in the American version of Nier Automata
    if that's true then the localizers did a pretty good job. i like cold/guarded 2B, it works perfectly with the more energetic and naiive 9S

    • 9 months ago

      >if that's true then the localizers did a pretty good job
      If that's true then no, they didn't. Not localizer's job to "fix" anything.

    • 9 months ago

      Nobody cares if you like shitty fanfics. Go to AO3 for that.

    • 9 months ago

      Her VA sounds pretty aloof in the Japanese version too tbh. Although I don't have the English version to compare it to, since the VA for 9S bothers me. Not for quality reasons or anything but he's just in so much stuff it takes me out of the game when I hear him.

    • 9 months ago

      Yuisshi wore it better too

  50. 9 months ago

    Fricking hell I hate localizing trannies.

  51. 9 months ago

    Do your reps

    • 9 months ago

      It would be my third attempt at japanese if I downloaded anki again and started reading Tae Kim. How long do I have to grind until I can read well enough that the learning process becomes self sustaining through media absorption?

      • 9 months ago

        Tae Kim is an idiot, go watch Dolly-sensei

        • 9 months ago

          wait what
          pls tell me you're shitposting

          • 9 months ago

            Sorry anon, Dolly-sensei passed away two years ago.

            • 9 months ago

              Damn that's a shame. I began studying jap this year and her videos have been really useful so far.

      • 9 months ago

        About a year, but you have to start reading asap, at least anime with japanese subs

  52. 9 months ago

    >Chines is the same as western but without sounding moronic.
    The west has fallen

  53. 9 months ago

    If you played elden ring in english, congrats on beating the dubbed version! The real game awaits you.

  54. 9 months ago

    Whachu playan japanese knowin bros?
    I'm playing this record of lodoss game for the SNES, it's fun so far I'm a withc or something and I possess people or something.

    • 9 months ago

      First image on google because I'm too lazy to open mednafen but I highly recommend Brightis. Apparently it was released to middling reception but its one of my favorite PS1 games.

      • 9 months ago

        I tried it but I didnt know what the old man that gave me the ring was saying and then I got to the first town and didn't know what to do and got bored

        • 9 months ago

          I also couldn't understand what anyone was saying
          I think I enjoyed it more that way actually. There's a sense of wonder because everything you find is a surprise and you have no idea what's around the next corner. Its got a crazy amount (at least for a PS1 game) of attacks you can unlock and put on the various inputs. I had this funky step left counter attack and a step right forward counter attack that I would use to bait enemies and I saved up a lot for some crazy six string danse macabre looking thing that just melted enemies and an attack that shot a beam of light out ahead of you. There weren't many attacks that hit low but there's a lot of short enemies so you'd pick up some attacks that were otherwise unremarkable just for that, same with attacks that hit high up in the air.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm considering getting a copy of FF pixel remaster so I can play in Japanese if that's not too complicated with the kanji. Worst case scenario I can still play in my first language which wasn't possible before.

  55. 9 months ago

    well this thread opened my eyes, had no idea translators altered original meaning so much.

    • 9 months ago

      It used to be just because they were bad translators.
      Now it's because they are propagandists.

  56. 9 months ago

    I hate americans and america

    • 9 months ago

      Inshallah, bróther.

  57. 9 months ago

    You should be abl to read this

    • 9 months ago

      Something about pleasure and within (internal?)

    • 9 months ago

      Even though I was able to escape reality, once I come back to it it feels way too painful. So wouldn't it be better if I didn't read at all?

      Assuming she's talking about herself yadda yadda

  58. 9 months ago

    I go for the rule of translating it as if the author speaked the other language instead.

    If there is an "untranslatable" saying, something like "the early bird gets the worm" I would try to use a similar saying in Spanish for saying " whoever acts first will get it", instead of translating it with "pájaro" and "gusano".
    And if there is some kind of "lore" thing with worms or birds in the story, I would just put translators notes.

  59. 9 months ago

    Reminder that you are all enabling this to happen by not stepping in as localizers yourselves.

    >w-well I'm holding localizers accountable online for their mistakes!
    Uhuh, and even if you managed to rouse enough online anger to tip the company the localizer is working for to replace them, who are they gonna be replaced with? Just another one from the same pool of shitbirds?

    • 9 months ago

      If I were a localizers I'd have to translate botched scripts made by American localizers to begin with so there's not much I can do. Now I have a long backlog and new games interest me a bit less so I just don't buy the games that get butchered right now.

  60. 9 months ago

    Should names be translated ? i always cringe when i read names which got literal translation into my native language.

    • 9 months ago

      >Should names be translated ?

    • 9 months ago


  61. 9 months ago

    >Doing Duolingo for Japanese
    >Don't feel like I'm learning anything
    >Just repeating answers

    • 9 months ago

      Watch anime with japanese subs (kitsunekko for srt files, animelon for streaming)
      Read simple web novels
      Watch let's plays in japanaese (search "実況 *nameOfGame* " like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRatzUXsf-4 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZJqlGNQvTc)

  62. 9 months ago

    God, I need a girlfriend (and a job)

  63. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      what game

      • 9 months ago

        Kuro no Kiseki

        It requires the right wing, incel chud fan translation from Falcom threads which are found on /vg/

  64. 9 months ago

    The problem is that Japan has got woke now as well and there is no need to monitor translators who "improve" Japanese texts according to their ideology when the original creators did that first.

    • 9 months ago

      Japs have never really cared about the quality of localizations, moron. Older JRPG localiations were fricking terrible too.

  65. 9 months ago

    okay ive got a good one, has anything ever been improved by dubbing/localizing, best example i can think of is probably ghost stories

    • 9 months ago

      It only really works with ironic translations where you don't give a single shit about the original media and you're pretty much making fun of the creators.

      • 9 months ago

        actually i remember kill la kill's dub being better, because they clearly improvised some lines but they perfectly fit with the character, also theres some obscure ish anime called the akhashic records and the bastard magical teacher and they made while its suppose to be a light comedy they actually let the main character improv a bit and it ends up being a lot funnier than the japanese sub, again all the changes seemed perfectly in line with what the character might actually say so i think it works

    • 9 months ago

      again this stupid "ghost story dubbing/localizing actually improved the original content" nonsense

      How can you judge that the dubbed version is better than the original when you have never watched a single accurate translated version of the original Japanese?

      this very assumption and the lack of respect for other cultures based on english-centrism are the primary cause of allowing these translators to mutilate original Japanese contents according to their own likes

      For the record, the original Ghost Story is an good quality show and was very popular in Japan at the time
      It is the work of American colonialism to tear it to shreds just because it is an extremely Japanese set in Japan and "localize" it without a trace for petty amusement of american people

      The fact that the localization of ghost stories is still justified and praised in american nerds is at the heart of the these western translators problems

      • 9 months ago

        but its universally accepted that the original was a boring huge flop with nothing interesting about it and the dub improved it in every way possible, essentially taking something uninteresting and making it interesting enough to the point that even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub, I mean its almost a different show, going as far as to change the genre from a "horror" to a black comedy, i'm sorry but i think you might be one of those contrarians ive been hearing so much about

        • 9 months ago

          >but its universally accepted that the original was a boring huge flop with nothing interesting about it and the dub improved it in every way possible,
          no. you have never watched the original version. again, the original was popular in japan at the time. (and even in korea).

          It wasn't a bad show at all, unlike being made up by stupid Americans who can't understand Japanese at all

          >enough to the point that even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub
          I am Japanese and I have never heard of this story at all and can say with certainty that it is not true and just made up

          In the first place, Japanese people don't even know that "学校の怪談" was broadcast in the US and that it was literally chopped up by Americans, moron

          • 9 months ago

            >even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub
            So according to you the Japanese thought the show was shit, then they heard that the overseas version got a gag translation that was popular, so they then rebroadcast the original show despite it still being shit and only popular in the anglosphere? Or did they redub it based on the gag one? Either way neither of those really add up and you’re a lying homosexual or just straight-up moronic for believing that

            Universally accepted by the american audience who only watched the english dub and non american audience who got tricked into watching it because as one of the only few decent sounding dubs, you people memed into oblivion the english dub being not only good, but somehow better than the japanese one, because as you know, like the american you are, if the show/game or whatever doesn't try to be funny at every line the characters say, it's boring or dry. This moronic shit is the same kind of opinion an american who says that DBZ Abridged is better than the original would have.
            It's gotten to the point you people have made myths around it getting a second broadcast in japan because the success in america as if nips give a shit about america and as if YYH wasn't the third most popular manga/anime after Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk at the time
            The ghost stories dub is as much garbage as what any gaming localizer would put out in his worst days.

            Its funny, if it werent for the dub, i bet none of you would even remember ghost stories, it would just be this obscure show noone talks about, and just because someone changed the source material entirely and made a mockery of it your acting like someone drew a funny mustache on the mona lisa, the fact of the matter is the original sub was boring whereas the dub was entertaining and thats what people remember, because of course they do, i think its great be honest i get a laugh out of it

            also you guys actually might not know this because again, internet contrarians, but there was another dub which was true to the source material and was basically the japanese one translated and guess what, noone remember it and almost noone even knows it exists it was forgotten as quickly as the original japanese sub, there's clips of it on youtube if your interested

            • 9 months ago

              For what I'm seeing that isn't true at all. The second dub was based on the funanimation one and broadcasted only in some "english speaking countries" in asia.
              So yeah, it has nothing to do with it. YYH would have been popular in america had it been accurated anyways since young guys liked seeing people punch each other with powers etc like dragon ball.
              Probably not as popular, because americans are moronic and they kind of need this kind of scripts to be entertained (there's a reason why you people constantly localize like this), but it would have been popular anyways.

              • 9 months ago

                but im not american and i enjoyed it, so the whole "you people" thing falls on its face a bit, its just funny, its a black comedy, so if it makes you laugh it kind of succeeds at what its intention is, and it did a better job at doing that an the sub did clearly since again, the sub was forgotten and the original source material dub was forgotten, people only care about ghost stories because of the dark comedy dub

              • 9 months ago

                why should I care about someone's opinion of the sub version if you didn't even watch that version?

              • 9 months ago

                what makes you think i didn't watch it out of curiosity?

                I’m not sure what the point you’re to make is, other than attempting to overlook being a deceptive little shit or just a dumb c**t

                the point was pretty much hit you on the head like 2 times i couldn't have spelled it out any simpler, but well go for attempt number 3, the sub is forgettable and not interesting, the dub is memorable and interesting, and you wouldn't care this much if the dub didnt exist, you probably wouldnt even remember it, its like how spec ops the line sold itself as a cod clone and then did something completely different and people still remember and talk about it, and all the other cod clones were forgotten completely, remember homefront?, do people make threads about that every week? , also not related but you should really watch your profanity, if you swear all the time people wont take you seriously and think your an edgy teenager which you might be i dont know, but il give you the benefit of the doubt

              • 9 months ago

                Again ignoring being a liar or fool, this is your second reminder by the way

              • 9 months ago

                I'm sorry but the sub was so forgettable that i forgot you asked about it, i did try to watch it, its just unbelievably boring and generic i figured i wouldn't torture myself for 20+ episodes, and apparently most people agree with that sentiment for what its worth

              • 9 months ago

                3rd time gutless homosexual, stop dodging it or stop posting

              • 9 months ago

                okay now im just confused, what am i dodging? also watch your profanity, id like to think were both adults here not children whining on the internet about our glorious Nippon cartoon

              • 9 months ago

                but its universally accepted that the original was a boring huge flop with nothing interesting about it and the dub improved it in every way possible, essentially taking something uninteresting and making it interesting enough to the point that even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub, I mean its almost a different show, going as far as to change the genre from a "horror" to a black comedy, i'm sorry but i think you might be one of those contrarians ive been hearing so much about

                >even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub
                So according to you the Japanese thought the show was shit, then they heard that the overseas version got a gag translation that was popular, so they then rebroadcast the original show despite it still being shit and only popular in the anglosphere? Or did they redub it based on the gag one? Either way neither of those really add up and you’re a lying homosexual or just straight-up moronic for believing that

                Now are you done being a smarmy c**t and willing to fess up that you knowingly claimed something as true when it blatantly wasn’t or will you admit you wrongly believed something to be true that only someone profoundly moronic could have fallen for? I suspect you won’t but I’m open to you proving me wrong for once

              • 9 months ago

                again, not American, and how popular something is in one specific country at one specific time has no bearing on how enjoyable something is, those are just numbers, for example if i could be bothered to find the adult swim ratings or viewership they would probably be higher, and your whole argument would be out the window, also the YouTube clips of the dub had fricking millions of viewer

                you mean i won the argument and you cant do anything but namecall?

                the Japanese sub is boring and forgettable, the dub is better, popularity doesnt mean something is good, if that were the case you would be praising all those amazingly crafted marvel movies

                popular things get multiple seasons, look at lost, that was suppose to end in 3 but they stretched it to 5 because it was popular, and people dont usually talk about things which are bland, maybe i should have that instead of bad, because being bland is even worse than being bad because at least bad things get talked about

                i cant believe there are this many people defending ghost stories of all things, it so god damn boring subbed

                4th times the charm, die you worthless fricking Black personhomosexual

              • 9 months ago

                >the sub is forgettable and not interesting
                Is this why the anime was a huge success in Japan?
                > the dub is memorable and interesting
                It's "memorable" in the same way that if a dubbing company decided to replace every dialogue from an anime with fart sounds, people would also remember it. Memorable =/= good.
                >and you wouldn't care this much if the dub didnt exist, you probably wouldnt even remember it
                Dumb argument, you have no way of knowing what people would think about it if the dub didn't exist.

              • 9 months ago

                if it was a huge success why no season 2 hmm, and to prove my point about people not caring about it if the dub didn't exist, the only reason were talking right now is because the dub exists, if it didn't i wouldn't fricking know it even existed, nobody would it was a boring forgettable children's show based on a book from japan, and you wouldn't be here defending it like i just pissed on ghandis face

              • 9 months ago

                >このようなアレンジがなされた経緯について北米メディアは、本作が日本において不人気かつ興行的にも失敗に終わった作品であった為、製作費を回収したいアニマックスが僅かな条件のみを提示して、それ以外の事柄には関与しなかった為だと報じている[9]。 しかしこれは誤りであり、日本においては平均視聴率:12.2%、最高視聴率:14.0%という高い視聴率を記録しており、2021年におけるホラーアニメランキングにおいても第5位にランクインしているなど[10]、現在でも根強い人気がある。


                >The North American media reported that this arrangement was made because the film was unpopular and a box-office failure in Japan, and that Animax, wishing to recover its production costs, offered only a few conditions and did not get involved in any other matters [9]. However, this is incorrect. In Japan, it recorded high viewer ratings, with an average rating of 12.2% and a maximum rating of 14.0%, and was ranked fifth in the ranking of horror anime in 2021 [10], showing its strong popularity even today.

                literally you amerimut producer lied for justification of butchering other people's work, dumbass

              • 9 months ago

                again, not American, and how popular something is in one specific country at one specific time has no bearing on how enjoyable something is, those are just numbers, for example if i could be bothered to find the adult swim ratings or viewership they would probably be higher, and your whole argument would be out the window, also the YouTube clips of the dub had fricking millions of viewer

                Never mind you just a spastic, please have a nice day. Not a request btw, the please is just for politeness

                you mean i won the argument and you cant do anything but namecall?

                >accept that the original sub is boring and forgettable
                because it is not. read [...]
                japanese love it even today

                the Japanese sub is boring and forgettable, the dub is better, popularity doesnt mean something is good, if that were the case you would be praising all those amazingly crafted marvel movies

                >if it was a huge success why no season 2 hmm
                this is the dumbest thing you've said so far, congratulations.
                > the only reason were talking right now is because the dub exists
                again, "people talk about it" =/= good. nobody even talks about the dub itself, people just repeat "funny" moments that they saw on Youtube. people don't care about the sub version because the dubbing company gaslit everyone, including morons like you, into thinking that the sub version was boring and that the dub version was the only version worth watching.

                popular things get multiple seasons, look at lost, that was suppose to end in 3 but they stretched it to 5 because it was popular, and people dont usually talk about things which are bland, maybe i should have that instead of bad, because being bland is even worse than being bad because at least bad things get talked about

                i cant believe there are this many people defending ghost stories of all things, it so god damn boring subbed

              • 9 months ago

                >popularity doesnt mean something is good
                your only argument in favour of the dub is literally "b-but it wouldn't have been popular without the dub!"

              • 9 months ago

                >it was a flopped even in japan!
                >actually it was highly rated and even now people cites it a masterpiece
                >n-numbers doesn mean nothing

                you are stupid and just accept you amerimut producer blatantly lied for justification of butchering other people's work

              • 9 months ago

                >the dub is better
                it's not, 99% of the humour relies on "haha look at how edgy and self-aware I am!". there's a reason why nobody cares about the two other anime with meme dubs that Foster made.

              • 9 months ago

                >if it was a huge success why no season 2 hmm
                this is the dumbest thing you've said so far, congratulations.
                > the only reason were talking right now is because the dub exists
                again, "people talk about it" =/= good. nobody even talks about the dub itself, people just repeat "funny" moments that they saw on Youtube. people don't care about the sub version because the dubbing company gaslit everyone, including morons like you, into thinking that the sub version was boring and that the dub version was the only version worth watching.

            • 9 months ago

              but im not american and i enjoyed it, so the whole "you people" thing falls on its face a bit, its just funny, its a black comedy, so if it makes you laugh it kind of succeeds at what its intention is, and it did a better job at doing that an the sub did clearly since again, the sub was forgotten and the original source material dub was forgotten, people only care about ghost stories because of the dark comedy dub

              I’m not sure what the point you’re to make is, other than attempting to overlook being a deceptive little shit or just a dumb c**t

            • 9 months ago

              >if it werent for the dub, i bet none of you would even remember ghost stories
              no, I said it was popular enough in Japan and south korea at the time and no one knew or cared how amerimuts ruined the original work, how they mocked it (and still continue to do so) with no respect for a foreign culture

              >the fact of the matter is the original sub was boring
              you have never watched the original

              >the dub was entertaining and thats what people remember
              because it is the only version you amerimuts have watched in their entire life, dumbass

              >but there was another dub which was true to the source material and was basically the japanese one translated
              So how does that connect to your hoax that a new TV version was created thanks to the american dubbed version, huh?

              >noone remember it and almost noone even knows it exists it was forgotten as quickly as the original japanese sub
              because you amerimuts have never actually watched the original (and anyway the second dubbed version you cited must have been edited considerably as well)

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not American, stop projecting and accept that the original sub is boring and forgettable, its not a masterpiece like your making out its an extremely boring anime and they actually did something interesting with the dub and made it worthwhile to watch, like seriously you really want to spend your time defending original sub ghost stories of all things? seems like a waste of brain power, so ima head out since its kind of a waste of mine at this point

              • 9 months ago

                Never mind you just a spastic, please have a nice day. Not a request btw, the please is just for politeness

              • 9 months ago

                >accept that the original sub is boring and forgettable
                because it is not. read

                >このようなアレンジがなされた経緯について北米メディアは、本作が日本において不人気かつ興行的にも失敗に終わった作品であった為、製作費を回収したいアニマックスが僅かな条件のみを提示して、それ以外の事柄には関与しなかった為だと報じている[9]。 しかしこれは誤りであり、日本においては平均視聴率:12.2%、最高視聴率:14.0%という高い視聴率を記録しており、2021年におけるホラーアニメランキングにおいても第5位にランクインしているなど[10]、現在でも根強い人気がある。


                >The North American media reported that this arrangement was made because the film was unpopular and a box-office failure in Japan, and that Animax, wishing to recover its production costs, offered only a few conditions and did not get involved in any other matters [9]. However, this is incorrect. In Japan, it recorded high viewer ratings, with an average rating of 12.2% and a maximum rating of 14.0%, and was ranked fifth in the ranking of horror anime in 2021 [10], showing its strong popularity even today.

                literally you amerimut producer lied for justification of butchering other people's work, dumbass

                japanese love it even today

        • 9 months ago

          >even the original japanese version got re telivised after the success of the english dub
          So according to you the Japanese thought the show was shit, then they heard that the overseas version got a gag translation that was popular, so they then rebroadcast the original show despite it still being shit and only popular in the anglosphere? Or did they redub it based on the gag one? Either way neither of those really add up and you’re a lying homosexual or just straight-up moronic for believing that

        • 9 months ago

          Universally accepted by the american audience who only watched the english dub and non american audience who got tricked into watching it because as one of the only few decent sounding dubs, you people memed into oblivion the english dub being not only good, but somehow better than the japanese one, because as you know, like the american you are, if the show/game or whatever doesn't try to be funny at every line the characters say, it's boring or dry. This moronic shit is the same kind of opinion an american who says that DBZ Abridged is better than the original would have.
          It's gotten to the point you people have made myths around it getting a second broadcast in japan because the success in america as if nips give a shit about america and as if YYH wasn't the third most popular manga/anime after Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk at the time
          The ghost stories dub is as much garbage as what any gaming localizer would put out in his worst days.

      • 9 months ago

        worst thing is that the dub of ghost stories isn't even that funny, most abridged series on Youtube are better (and that's a low bar). people just like it for the "haha it's like an official abridged series xDDD" aspect.

    • 9 months ago

      friendly reminder that the ghost stories dub is shit and that everything people say about it is a lie

  66. 9 months ago

    >What are the worst localizations in all of videogames?
    As far as I've seen, Fire Emblem.

    • 9 months ago

      Specific game or in general?

  67. 9 months ago




  68. 9 months ago

    >What are the worst localizations in all of videogames?
    OG Persona 2.

    • 9 months ago

      No anon don’t you know making the Japanese Masao into the AmeriBlack person Mark is sovlful and based localisation? Stop being such a obnoxious weeb , you chud

      • 9 months ago

        Haha! 😀

  69. 9 months ago

    Revelations Persona, on top of all the westernized changes they only bothered translating half the game. I don't think anything else even comes close

  70. 9 months ago

    I started playing rabi ribi in english and the dialog was really off, like it was written by someone whose english is their second language
    I then switched to japanese and the dialog was fine. I assume that the dev himself translated the script from chinese to english so that's why its all kinds of fricked up

  71. 9 months ago

    >I know 2B has a completely different personality in the American version of Nier Automata than she does in the Japanese version.
    Never heard of it huh?

  72. 9 months ago

    What game?

  73. 9 months ago

    The Inazuma Eleven franchise as a whole, Changing japanese names to english ones while also keeping the fact the thing happens in japan.
    Then when they go to the World Tournament they also change the names of the teams from other nationalities for no reason, Like the names still kinda make sense, But I don't get why you'd change them

  74. 9 months ago

    Is this French manga translator right?

    • 9 months ago

      He's right, translators shouldn't subtract/change any meanings and they definitely shouldn't be adding ones that weren't there. It's not the place of a translator to 'steal the show', you're there in service to someone else's work. I wouldn't call that an ungrateful position though, I think it's incredibly valuable.

  75. 9 months ago

    Man you guys complaining about Square Enix or Bandai Namco or whatever the frick have NO idea

    Try reading the nukitashi translation, that thing's a goddamn warcrime

  76. 9 months ago

    Obligatory Trails. I haven't started CS3 yet (still playing through Azure) but it's so obvious when the writers are inserting their "le quirky" dialogue over characters' when it doesn't fit their personality.

    From what I heard from /fg/, NISA basically changed the story of CS3-4 by removing several important plot details that set up the later games and changing the characters' personalities.

    There's a character named Ash who's supposed to be a vulgar delinquent and has no shame making sexual remarks like pointing out how big someone's boobs are or calling women prostitutes. I heard he's waaaaay more vulgar in the Japanese version and called an important female character a prostitute [who's serving the main antagonist] but he got toned down in the English release.

    Additionally, in the Sky games, Estelle is more polite then the English localization decided to make her more quirky.

    I barely interact with the Trails fandom because it's cancer to discuss anything about localization. You are immediately dogpiled on and called "entitled, incel, weeb" for complaining about localization. The western trails fandom are complete bootlickers and will die on a hill defending NISA's localization changes.
    >If the chef cooks your food wrong you can complain because your a paying costumer
    >If the plumber doesn't fix the problem you can complain because you are a paying customer
    >You're an entitled piece of shit for buying a $79.99+tax and daring to complain about the localization. Just learn Japanese nerd.

    • 9 months ago

      >Additionally, in the Sky games, Estelle is more polite then the English localization decided to make her more quirky.

      The problem with this sort of attitude is that you forget that Japanese is a much politer language in general which just doesn't have much in the way of formal expressions of obscenity or swearing in the first place. A direct translation which reads as fairly mild to an English audience is actually considered to be furiously insulting in Japanese. Johnathan Clements, who has a literal doctorate in anime (no, seriously, look him up), pointed this out in the commentaries for a lot of old-school Manga Entertainment OVAs from back in the Nineties - we mock them nowadays for all the excessive swearing, but even if the Japanese person is literally saying "you're such a silly-billy you country bumpkin" it's intended to come across to the domestic audience as "you're a fricking moron you wienersucking redneck" and Manga was matching the style if not the tone. It's the same here - Estelle might sound, to an English ear, as being restrained, but in Japanese she's really pushing the envelope, and the translation has just replicated that tone that modern English culture needs to be more direct to express.

    • 9 months ago

      You can blame Falcord for that. They call any translation non-geofront/nisa approved a MTL shit translation. Don't dare suggest that changing "Sword Maiden" to "Beauty's Blade" is moronic or they'll dogpile you.

      >Zero translation leaks
      >Ganker gets excited
      >Floofy (one of Geofront's leads) comes here and starts shitting on the translation already posting screenshots from the game when anons were still downloading it or barely started playing it
      >Tells anons to wait for Geofront's superior version
      >Anons tell her to frick off
      >Floofy gets absolutely assblasted and goes back to her discord channel crying how people are bullying her
      >Even makes suicide threats
      >Says she's going to stop working on her own Zero fan-translation because it's too much stress and toxicity in the community
      >It's revealed that their Zero fan-translation progressed 5-15% in a year or so (I don't remember the exact details, been a few years)
      >Ao translation leaks
      >Geofront instantly starts shitting on it saying, once again, how bad it is
      >Floofy also mocks the UI of the game saying that the translator has done a poor job
      >People point out to her that the low res UI is the same in the Japanese version and that the translator hasn't done anything to make it worse
      >She says it still looks bad and that he should've fixed it
      >After a while people also notice that Geofront didn't credit the original translators of Zero when they literally took their work and are re-translating/re-editing some scenes
      >People point it out and Geofront instantly credits the original translators
      Then there are the memes, censorship, Geofront and their lunatic fans attacking people for even entertaining the thought of playing the previous fan-translations instead of theirs, Floofy and other members losing ther shit several times (one time Floofy was arguing with some /fg/ autist in a mall on her phone for 2 (TWO) hours), etc.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't understand how you can lose your shit so hard over a middling series of a game

        • 9 months ago

          One man's trash is another's treasure and all that.

    • 9 months ago

      The trails fandom is insane. I've never seen any group of people get so obsessed over such a bad series, maybe dragonball can compete with it somehow.

    • 9 months ago

      >playing Reverie
      >they are calling the tower Babel from the literal babel project that you read about earlier in the game and appears on the screen in text
      >localize it as retributive tower

      • 9 months ago

        big hole moment

  77. 9 months ago

    this one is just some pseudo intellect midwit want to sound smart
    still way better than the binary one

  78. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Do your job better.

  79. 9 months ago

    Frick localizers
    Hope AI takes their jobs. VAs too.

  80. 9 months ago

    >all the worlds problems, even at a high political levels, can be directed back to troonylators fricking around with their translations
    you know, it kinda makes sense the more I think about it

  81. 9 months ago

    Thank god I learned Japanese and won't have to care about any of this bullshit again

    • 9 months ago

      How did you learn kanji?

      • 9 months ago

        Get Anki and learn words
        99% of morons that try JP learning think they need all kanji before learning vocab as if it was the fricking alphabet or something
        Reality is you'll never learn all Kanji so just learn them as they come naturally

        • 9 months ago

          >just learn words bro
          You don't know japanese

          • 9 months ago

            It really is just that simple for Kanji
            You ain't never gonna find stuff like 朦朧 or 静謐 in Heisig or whatever the frick you guys choose to torture yourselves with

            Of course grammar and so on is a different beast though but vocab is still 95% of the battle

            • 9 months ago

              I'm sorry bro, you are probably a noob and have been lied, but you aren't going anywhere going straight after the words.
              There's no way to memorize words looking at a bunch of random strokes with no meaning or sense word after word, specially out of the very simple ones.
              Everyone has to pass through kanji one way or another sooner or later or you won't ever make it.

              • 9 months ago

                Of course you need to go through Kanji. I'm telling you that learning Kanji by itself is harder than learning though vocab


                No, you're literally just lying.
                >It's not possible, that's why a good translation has to change the words a bit to keep the actual meaning/intention.
                There is nothing necessary about the types of changes posted in this thread. These are not changes made to best convey the meaning of the original work, they deliberately deviate from it because the translator has taken it upon themselves to """"improve"""" the work and insert their own beliefs. It is the highest form of bullshit to say "Well a 100% perfect translation isn't possible, therefore there is nothing wrong with highly editorialized rewrites". Clearly there's a fricking world in between. It's perfectly possible for a translation to aim to be as faithful AS POSSIBLE (I'm capitalizing this part so you don't get to ignore it).

                You think all japanese people go to their Kanji list every time they find a character they don't know instead of simply pulling a dictionary?

              • 9 months ago

                I meant see

                No. Kanji is a writing system.
                Learning what 木曜日 is in context reading from a text is valuable info
                Leaarning that 日 has the kunyomi ひ, -び and the onyomi ニチ、 ジツ is not gonna tell you jackshit wiithout context, which you'll naturally acquire anyways while learning the word inside a proper sentence.
                Learning Kanji by themselves instead of through vocab is taking the harder route

                , not

                No, you're literally just lying.
                >It's not possible, that's why a good translation has to change the words a bit to keep the actual meaning/intention.
                There is nothing necessary about the types of changes posted in this thread. These are not changes made to best convey the meaning of the original work, they deliberately deviate from it because the translator has taken it upon themselves to """"improve"""" the work and insert their own beliefs. It is the highest form of bullshit to say "Well a 100% perfect translation isn't possible, therefore there is nothing wrong with highly editorialized rewrites". Clearly there's a fricking world in between. It's perfectly possible for a translation to aim to be as faithful AS POSSIBLE (I'm capitalizing this part so you don't get to ignore it).

              • 9 months ago

                No, it's way easier leaning the Kanji by themselves, because you get the meaning of that single Kanji which you can see in multiple words (or other kanji), and the learning methods are usually ordered in an efficient way to learn them.
                Learning through vocabulary is stupid and you aren't going anywhere. You aren't going to make much sense of them individually or collectively to memorize them in that way.

        • 9 months ago

          >think they need all kanji before learning vocab

          But kanji IS vocab?

          • 9 months ago

            No. Kanji is a writing system.
            Learning what 木曜日 is in context reading from a text is valuable info
            Leaarning that 日 has the kunyomi ひ, -び and the onyomi ニチ、 ジツ is not gonna tell you jackshit wiithout context, which you'll naturally acquire anyways while learning the word inside a proper sentence.
            Learning Kanji by themselves instead of through vocab is taking the harder route

            • 9 months ago

              >Learning Kanji by themselves instead of through vocab is taking the harder route
              I have no idea what you're talking about or why you'd want to separate kanji from vocabulary. They ARE the words used when reading and writing Japanese. Only a full moron would learn them separately, you're essentially doing the same job twice. Learn kanji and you can read immediately. That's literally it.

              >not gonna tell you jackshit wiithout context
              homie what context do you need to understand car is car and ball is ball? I seriously don't get you.

              • 9 months ago

                Kanji are not words mate
                Kanji are characters

                You can choose to learn the characters separate from the words (through KanjiDamage or Remembering the Kanji or whatever) or you can choose to learn the words directly and through them, learn Kanji.

                I'm telling you the second option is the most efficient one.

                I literally don't know how to make my point any clearer than this.

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