What are you playing on reset?

What are you playing on reset?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Not sure yet. I always decide at the last minute. How are druids for ladder start? Maybe werewolf druid HC would be good and tanky

    • 4 months ago

      Druids are good for starting out, I think. They're slow clearers, but safe. Good enough for HC playthrough I imagine (I only play HC).

      I normally live in hell trav but i do it on a hammerdin because hork barb is such a pain in the ass to level, even though it is the best trav farmer.
      Still, it's difficult to lose teleport. I'll either go nova sorc and do countess/cows until i get a lite sunder or the tried and true blizz sorc and do all the bosses/trav once i get the cold sunder.
      Was tempted to do foh'din but yeah, no tele is a big loss

      Played FoH paladin last ladder, he's great even without teleport. The areas that you're good in, you just holocaust, so you gear up quickly, and a random teleport amulet is not that hard to get.

      Should I play HC and get a disconnect death? or should I onions it up in SC?
      I was thinking hork barb for sc for meme farming
      or nec on hc if im going for the 99 meme
      I feel like trading is the worst part of this game kind of

      I started hammerdin last season and did a ton of travs only got a sur highest
      but I quit prematurely had anni and torch
      is light sorc viable untwinked for start?

      >Should I play HC and get a disconnect death? or should I onions it up in SC?
      HC always. SC feels like half a game.

      I'll be probably bawdting it up as a Javazon on HC. The last Amazon I ever played was my first amazon ever a decade ago... back on patch 1.07.

      • 4 months ago

        I just miss my Bowazon with Guided Arrow and Pierce before they nerfed that shit so many years ago. Was easily most OP build in entire game.

      • 4 months ago

        Foh kind of restricts you to chaos and arcane sanc right? You can do trav too but its almost a waste unless its p3 and up. Sorc being able to tele to mephisto and down him in a minute is huge early ladder

        • 4 months ago

          I did a lot of Countess (nuke all champions/packs on the way), some Andy, some Chaos (hard to get through the River though if there are maggots... that's where the teleport amulet comes in). Can't do many terror zones.
          It it restrictive, yes, but I honestly had a lot of fun.

        • 4 months ago

          P1 travi prints you a ber every 6 hours or so on berserk barb.... Also foh is for pits and chaos after enigma

  2. 4 months ago

    Lightning Sorc like always

  3. 4 months ago

    I normally live in hell trav but i do it on a hammerdin because hork barb is such a pain in the ass to level, even though it is the best trav farmer.
    Still, it's difficult to lose teleport. I'll either go nova sorc and do countess/cows until i get a lite sunder or the tried and true blizz sorc and do all the bosses/trav once i get the cold sunder.
    Was tempted to do foh'din but yeah, no tele is a big loss

    • 4 months ago

      Should I play HC and get a disconnect death? or should I onions it up in SC?
      I was thinking hork barb for sc for meme farming
      or nec on hc if im going for the 99 meme
      I feel like trading is the worst part of this game kind of

      I started hammerdin last season and did a ton of travs only got a sur highest
      but I quit prematurely had anni and torch
      is light sorc viable untwinked for start?

      • 4 months ago

        I got my first ever Ber last season, among other drops from doing trav 6 hours a day
        I think lightning sorc runs into the same immunity issues every sorc build does where you just have to skip packs a lot of the time. Only difference is blizz aoe is better than lightning and it slows which is a little safer. Nova is kind of bad too since you cant nuke shit off screen and even with mana shield you aren't tanky until you get some decent gear

  4. 4 months ago

    Project Diablo 2 is better outright

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically this. Not even trying to be le ebin contrarian, but it's just facts.
      Also PD2 already has shaders that make the game look relatively ok compared to vanilla.

    • 4 months ago

      i played hc group found with a couple bros in s8 and that was probably the most fun ive ever had in an arpg

      • 4 months ago

        Legit, the community for PD2 is fricking great. It feels like _old_ b.net again. Bullshit with people on there regularly.

  5. 4 months ago

    Am I the only one who has always had Diablos as a playthrough game rather than a game of collecting equipment for builds?
    The only thing in the third installment after the reaper of souls came out was the fun of running into rifts.
    I would actually like to see diablo evolve into a souls series. When I played the first Dark Souls, it was like Diablo 1 for me back in the day.

    • 4 months ago

      I usualy quit playing when I reach act 3 in hell. By that time I've had enough.
      Only javazon keeps me going, killing the entire screen with one skill is just too much fun

    • 4 months ago

      I use to embrace the grind, but anymore I mostly just play hardcore, and consider my characer done when I beat hell baal.
      The game is very well balanced for a straight playthough if you know what you're doing.

    • 4 months ago

      I use to embrace the grind, but anymore I mostly just play hardcore, and consider my characer done when I beat hell baal.
      The game is very well balanced for a straight playthough if you know what you're doing.

      based gameplay enjoyers
      for me it's doing single pass full clears on hc p8

      • 4 months ago

        >hc p8
        Never actually done that. Should give it a shot.
        Bet act 1+2 would be hard as frick till you hit 16 or so on most builds.
        Just so use to playing online due to ladder events and items in the past even if I'm just playing solo. Hasn't been a reason to do that in a long time really.

        • 4 months ago

          >Bet act 1+2 would be hard as frick till you hit 16 or so on most builds.
          NTA, but it's actually much, much easier. It's a tad slow at first, but only in terms of questing. In terms of leveling, it's ridiculously faster, and enemies aren't really any more dangerous, nor do they gain crazy extra amounts of health until maybe the Catacombs, so you're never really at much risk of dying. Griswold can certainly hurt, and takes an eternity to kill, but I also just ignore him.
          To put it into perspective, you'll be somewhere around level 7 or 8 before you even leave Blood Moore, at least 12 before you even open Tristram, probably higher, and you might be level 21 or higher by the time you kill Andariel, depending on your champion luck and how thorough you are at clearing entire areas.
          All the while you are vastly overleveled for every area in Act 1, so things have a b***h of a time hitting you, you have little difficulty hitting them (or you have stronger spells), and you enter Act 2 at a much more comfortable level.

          I usually play solo myself, and I honestly can't go back to online characters just because the leveling is so Goddamn slow in comparison.

    • 4 months ago

      I always had the idea that the diablo series would evolve to like a 3rd person souls like with randomly generated dungeons but guess not
      it has no endgame so you do whatever you wanna do

      Druids are good for starting out, I think. They're slow clearers, but safe. Good enough for HC playthrough I imagine (I only play HC).

      Played FoH paladin last ladder, he's great even without teleport. The areas that you're good in, you just holocaust, so you gear up quickly, and a random teleport amulet is not that hard to get.

      >Should I play HC and get a disconnect death? or should I onions it up in SC?
      HC always. SC feels like half a game.

      I'll be probably bawdting it up as a Javazon on HC. The last amazon I ever played was my first amazon ever a decade ago... back on patch 1.07.

      >HC always. SC feels like half a game.
      only played sc since the launches except one time I was bored and tried some hc and obviously I died to a disconnect
      might try this ladder again because sc is getting stale
      then you can't really play pubs though because pking so I guess ladder ssfhc

      I got my first ever Ber last season, among other drops from doing trav 6 hours a day
      I think lightning sorc runs into the same immunity issues every sorc build does where you just have to skip packs a lot of the time. Only difference is blizz aoe is better than lightning and it slows which is a little safer. Nova is kind of bad too since you cant nuke shit off screen and even with mana shield you aren't tanky until you get some decent gear

      sorc is eh unless you do specific builds and farm specific areas I
      I guess
      not a single jah since launch for now
      a few ber tho
      but I also have not been playing

      I just miss my Bowazon with Guided Arrow and Pierce before they nerfed that shit so many years ago. Was easily most OP build in entire game.

      that is ages ago

      P1 travi prints you a ber every 6 hours or so on berserk barb.... Also foh is for pits and chaos after enigma

      >P1 travi prints you a ber every 6 hours or so on berserk barb
      sounds extremely generous estimations are you not overestimating hard here? then again horking is like players7 drops?
      I forget how many trav runs you can do per hour or so but it's not even that much

      • 4 months ago

        I got my travi runs to around 60 seconds on horker or even less i dont remember. If i played all day i usually got something like jah/ber + lo/ohm/vex. Travi also doesnt drop shit runes like cham or zod..

      • 4 months ago

        I always thought the acts, story, and bosses in Diablo 2, mainly in terms of the visual aesthetic, would translate incredibly well for a souls-like game developed by From. Other aspects like the skills and loot would be trickier to interpret.

  6. 4 months ago

    last epoch

  7. 4 months ago

    did they add anything fun?

    • 4 months ago

      lol. lmao even. Bro people have been on this D2 treadmill for over 20 years now. You think they're adding anything new?

    • 4 months ago


      whens reset?

      23.2. 2:00 a.m. CET.

  8. 4 months ago

    whens reset?

    • 4 months ago
  9. 4 months ago

    Project Diablo 2

  10. 4 months ago

    did they change anything this time or is it just a standard ladder reset?

    • 4 months ago

      Just a standard league reset.
      Think all real patching for D2R is over.

  11. 4 months ago

    Vanilla D2 doesn't do it for me anymore after playing Median XL

  12. 4 months ago

    Season 6?

  13. 4 months ago

    I refuse to give Blizzard another penny since they dropped the giant turds that were Diablo 3, Immortal, and Diablo 4. D2:LoD will always be one of my favorite games of all time, but it's so played out. I've found everything. I know every route. The grind of doing Mephisto/lower kurast/Baal just isn't fun anymore. Path of Exile better anyways.

    • 4 months ago

      >I refuse to give Blizzard another penny
      your prerogative
      >the giant turds that were Diablo 3, Immortal, and Diablo 4
      >Path of Exile better anyways
      you are completely detached from reality and will convince yourself of whatever you need to

      • 4 months ago

        lol seems a bit dramatic. PoE has better loot, crafting, builds, bosses, QoL features, content in general. Enjoy clicking those super chests for high runes I guess. Shit gets old after 20+ years. But yes, I am the one detached from reality lol.

  14. 4 months ago

    I'll just kill time with Last Epoch until PoD ladder reset next month. No point playing D2R anymore if they won't patch it at all

  15. 4 months ago

    poe Black folk need to fricking die

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