What are your favourite graphic adventures?

I think mine are probably "Leisure Suit Larry II", "Day of the tentacle" and "Monkey island III".

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  1. 3 months ago

    western smut games suck compared to the japanese ones from the time

    • 3 months ago

      Leisure Suit Larry isn't a smut game.

    • 3 months ago

      Westerners were busy with actual porn at the time while Japanese weirdos were jerking it to cartoons for some reason, I guess they felt that their women were too ugly or something

    • 3 months ago

      Lsl is just a bawdy adventure game, they really aren't for jerking off. At least the ones I've played

  2. 3 months ago

    My first was Space Quest and that's probably my favorite.
    I played a lot of graphic adventure games back in the day and, decades later, I still feel burned-out with the genre.
    I tried playing a couple (SQ1 and KQ4) recently but they just don't keep my interest. I think they are paced too slow.
    I can jump into some text based ones and still enjoy those (zork and eamon) but I can't do the graphic ones. Not anymore

  3. 3 months ago

    Space Quest forever

  4. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I have always loved this airbrush cover of LSL looking for love. how the frick do I get stable diffusion to do something in such a style?

      never played it. always been interested. does it work on scummVM?

      • 3 months ago

        >does it work on scummvm

        I doubt it.

      • 3 months ago

        It doesn't work in scummvm. I've gotten it working in dosbox. GOG version supposedly should be fine too.

        It's a great adventure game, one of the best. It's very Sierra-like in it's structure though, which isn't to everyone's liking, but I love it. Saving is done automatically, but you can - and will need to - rewind the game using the clock, to try out different things.

    • 3 months ago

      >*knock knock*
      >"Excusez-moi, monsieur"
      repeat 100 times

      • 3 months ago

        >Pardon me.

  5. 3 months ago

    Still exploring the genre, but I've played and beaten Secret of Monkey Island, Leisure Suit Larry 1, Secret Files: Tunguska, and Dracula: Resurrection (the dogshit STEAM version which is apparently an inferior mobile port, despite the game already having been for PC).

    Favorite so far has been Secret Files Tunguska, while my least favorite has been Dracula Resurrection. Monkey Island was great, but pirates aren't my most favorite theme/genre. Leisure Suit Larry still held up in my opinion, with pretty funny comedy.

    • 3 months ago

      What's the gist of secret files of tungiska of you don't mind me asking.

      • 3 months ago

        It's an adventure game series centered around uncovering ancient mysteries and thrilling conspiracies. Sort of a mix between X-Files and Indiana Jones. Most of the puzzles are aren't too bad in the first one, but it can get a little....I would say if there's one section of the game to use a Walkthrough, it would be the Ireland section. It's so fricking bad. Rest of the game is good though. There are some entertainingly bizarre puzzles as well, like sticking a cellphone to a cat to try and sneak in on a conversation.

        Puritas Cordias, Tunguska, and Sam Peters are all good entries. Secret Files 3 is a serious downgrade though. Worse writing, worse animation, shorter, and they visibly cut corners in regards to the CGI and the ending.

  6. 3 months ago

    It was never about puzzles or humor in adventure games that lured me in. Call me plebs but the thing I was always after is backgrounds and overall atmosphere. Thus my list would be:
    The Legend of Kyrandia 2
    Grim Fandango
    Discworld 1/2
    The Curse of Monkey Island
    The Longest Journey (this one is the perfect example: I didn't like the narrative, characters and puzzles (too simplistic) but music and some locations were top-notch)

  7. 3 months ago

    Maniac Mansion(NES version for the tunes)
    Return to Ringworld(talkie CD-rom version)
    Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade(VGA)
    realMyst(not Masterpiece Edition or the remaster, original realMyst)
    These may not be considered the greatest games by most, but I thought they were some of the most enjoyable and charming graphical adventures I played. NES Maniac Mansion was mostly fair, and unless you really screwed up bad you could just spring kids out of the prison. RtR had some BS puzzles, but the Outpost Alpha minigame on the in-game computer was entertaining, and it did a better job of creating Known Space than the first game. Last Crusade was cool because of how many different solutions were available to you, and getting gud at the fighting part of the game allowed for even more options. And realMyst just has incredible atmosphere. I still enjoy booting it up just to go sit in the observatory at look at the fake sky while listening to the BGM, or sitting in the linking book room in Stoneship and checking out the sealife swimming around.

  8. 3 months ago

    Everyone needs to give Bloodnet a try. Wacky-ass fricking game.

    • 3 months ago

      To this day I have no idea how to play that game. You're thrown in a world and fricking die whatever you do. I also took some cyborg dude and from there on everyone hated me and wouldn't talk to me.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't take the cyborg, that's a trap. And don't go to the graveyard until you find something. Be sure to save before every combat, especially before you figure it out. Bloodnet's combat is legendarily bad.

  9. 3 months ago

    Quest for Glory IV
    Kyrandia 2 and 3

  10. 3 months ago

    I'm a total pleb so the only one I really enjoy is Day of the Tentacle which seems to have the least amount of adventure game moon logic.
    I never played these in their day though so I guess there is an appeal to playing a game liek this as a kid and taking months to see it through.

    • 3 months ago

      >Day of the Tentacle which seems to have the least amount of adventure game moon logic.
      Never played The Broken Sword, have you?

  11. 3 months ago

    My friend's older brother had all the sierra games, and he would let us play them, but he wouldn't give us the hint books w the red glasses. I spent a whole summer playing LSL2.

    Eventually we got to the life boat. Then died because we had picked up a tuna sandwich many many days earlier and the mayonnaise went rancid. Never saw the end. Good times.

  12. 3 months ago

    I've missed out on a lot.
    I finished monkey island 2 a few weeks ago, halfway through curse now which seems to have more tolerable puzzles at least so far.
    I had to look up a guide so many times especially at the end for MI2, but I did get pretty far in chapter 2 without one.

    Also just beat blade runner and it was fantastic, just not what I was expecting, with the complete lack of puzzles, and I didn't find the main protagonist very likeable.

  13. 3 months ago

    quest for glory 1 and 3 (2 was okay but I needed help as a kid to beat it), space quest 5, full throttle, grim fandango, monkey island, loom, and probably a few others I never beat and cant remember right now. darkseed 1. all I loved all of those games, flaws and all. quest for glory remains one of my favorite game series of all time

  14. 3 months ago

    Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars is one of the best games I know, I'm deeply attached to it. the Italian voice acting is what made it a 1000 times better, to be fair

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