What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?

What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?

Everyone loves 40k and fantasy but age of Sigmar is still utter poison

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  1. 7 months ago

    it's poison because it doesn't look medieval
    which could be fine if it did something interesting with the non-medieval aspect

    also; the maps of the world of age of sigmar that I have seen were utterly disgustingly ugly.
    they barely resembled a map

    age of sigmar also has an ugly name
    just scrap it and move to the next stage in the story
    Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing can be done. Age of Smegmar is moronic at its very core, divorced from any and all of the things that ever made Fantasy and 40k good. The setting of Fantasy and 40k was designed by people knowledgeable and passionate about history and what are now classical and seminal works of sci-fi and fantasy, using strong artistic influences from the pulp and the era to mold something greater than the sum of all its parts.

      Meanwhile, everything about Age of Smegmar and its (wholly seperate in every way except by corporate decree) setting was "designed" by a marketing department committee.

      >because it doesn't look medieval
      >muh story
      Absolutely moron takes. Fpwp.

      • 7 months ago

        >The setting of Fantasy and 40k was designed by people knowledgeable and passionate about history and what are now classical and seminal works of sci-fi and fantasy, using strong artistic influences from the pulp and the era to mold something greater than the sum of all its parts.

        the amount dickriding riding this anon is attempting

        • 7 months ago

          he's not wrong
          that's why a lot of the old hat enjoyed historicals and got into miniatures by making them for that and role playing games

        • 7 months ago

          It's not dickriding. These people weren't geniuses. They aren't historians or anything. They were just fricking nerds interested in things, doing things they genuinely liked. Saying they were knowledgeable about history is not dickriding, it's a statement of fact, as several of these people literally met while studying history at university. Saying they were passionate about sci-fi and fantasy isn't dickriding either, because they pulled unrepentantly and openly from a host of major sources of those genres, which anyone with even a passing interest in them can plainly see.

          So where's the dickriding, anon? Or are you trying to say that Asimov, Tolkien, Herbert, Vance, Moorwiener, Howard, etc., didn't produce what are now considered classical and seminal works? Are you that much of a moronic Black persongay?

    • 7 months ago

      The maps are the worst part about AoS. They are essential for world building and lore. Because they are all over the place it is impossible to build something

      • 7 months ago

        Regular people have no idea what "star wars galaxy" looks like, i'm not sure if the official depictions were made by Lucas, yet people don't foam out of their mouth because they don't know how to get from Naboo to Tatooin "on foot".

    • 7 months ago

      Age of Sigma's maps are designed to be ugly because of the idea that "nothing matters, make your own heckin lore and kingdom" which backfired since it results in 2creative4u interpretations like "blue orks". Sigmar appeals heavily to people who hate having rules at all.


      What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?

      Everyone loves 40k and fantasy but age of Sigmar is still utter poison

      Sigmar needs more time to pass for kids to maybe buy start collecting boxes and not understand the angry 20-39yos who say it's fricking garbage, or the 40+yos who say that warhammer died after 5th edition anyway.

      The fact sigmar rode in on fantasy's death and 40k being crippled by primaris while being pushed in aggressive and moronic ways will always still to the chagrin of the people who were burned by it and felt their concerns were not respected at all.

  2. 7 months ago

    >Everyone loves 40k and fantasy
    Most people actually think both are gay shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Age of Sigmar's lore is just too much broad strokes, very little on the detail
      >But warhammer 40k-
      AoS has had almost 9 years to develop itself. In 9 years, 40k went from goofy to grimdark. The Space Marines started getting fleshed out chapters and introduced the Tau, Necrons, and Dark Eldar. What did AoS do in that time?

      Their posterboys, the Stormcast. Are they varied yet? Do they have backstories and history that sets one chamber apart from another? And don't hit me with Hamilcar, we all know that's not even close to the level of detail I'm talking about.

      Their enemies? Do they have something unique about them to draw new players in? Are the Kruleboyz funny like the Orkz? Do the Nighthaunt have the same draw as the Necrons? What about Tzeentch? Do they have anything that you can for sure says belongs to the Chaos God of change and not have it mistaken for some generic demon from another fantasy property? No. They don't.

      AoS is nearing a decade of time to develop itself and it's still not getting appeal outside the hardcore GW crowd. Combine that with GW's approach to just giving game contracts to the lowest bidder is it any surprise that an AoS game is met with a resounding "meh"?

      >This is what the AoShittard genuinely believes

      • 7 months ago

        It really is a tragedy cause the best stuff in AoS is thrown out(pic related, this would have looked amazing for Stormcast), the promising material in the fluff remains neglected, and the new material is given the most confounding names that are hard to remember. It'd be easier to write a list of what isn't wrong with AoS

        • 7 months ago

          It's too fantastic in a good way, what you posted. AoS was going for a weird new appeal and the kinds of stuff like that was simply not in the making of what gw had in mind- selling sigmarines like they do space marines.

        • 7 months ago

          >pic related
          Smells like eastern approach to fantasy, like Berserk or Soulsbourne, AoS was supposed to ge GW Blizzard's audience

          • 7 months ago

            An audience which stopped existing around 2014.

      • 7 months ago

        >What did AoS do in that time?
        Release awesome sculpts that are fun to built and paint

        • 7 months ago

          A line so empty and corporate it wouldnt be out of place on a cereal box

        • 7 months ago

          In other words they half assed their job. Not even half ass. Quarter ass. They neglected the fluff, rules, and setting for sculpts? You're not really helping their image anon to say they can only do a fraction of what old GW did.

          • 7 months ago

            >fluff and setting as 2 things
            >whining about rules when AoS is GW's best major game

            • 7 months ago

              and setting as 2 things
              Yes. One is the continuing narrative, the other is backstory to introduce new players
              about rules when AoS is GW's best major game
              That's not a point in your favor when 1 page rules exist.

        • 7 months ago

          The only sculpts that are good are WHF ones. Neither gobs, trolls, undead, nor lizardmen or chaos are smeg. "Your" only sculpts are tophat shitpunk dwarfs, foot fetish orcs with anorexia, cad-flipped naked dwarfs and five undistinguishable flavours of siggypig soup.

          • 7 months ago

            >literal wfb sculpt that weren't ready for End Times are AoS, but stuff made half a decade after End Times is wfb

          • 7 months ago

            The factions you mentioned have all have had their models updated in *smeg* moron

            • 7 months ago

              Updated true to their actual Fantasy designs. Shitmaroids have no claim to them. They are our models, not yours.

              >literal wfb sculpt that weren't ready for End Times are AoS, but stuff made half a decade after End Times is wfb

              Baseless rumour and cope. Seethe more, your game will stay knockoff fakehammer for the short remainder of its life.

              Least delusional anti-AoS fanatic

              >least del-ACK!!!

              • 7 months ago

                Literally embarrassing levels of cope. and lizard brain tribalism. AOS model redesigned by AOS artist of an old model that canonically part of the same setting. You homosexuals will still be pissing, seething and waiting for the death of this game 20 years from now

              • 7 months ago

                Not an aoshit model, not redesigned. Original smeg trash that wasn't stolen WHF assets (cough cough sigmarines) is still moronic no matter how many times they soft-reboot the range. Redesigned (actually redesigned, NOT resculpted) models like all the weird elves are shit. Smeg has no good models. All the non-shit releases are Fantasy, and you should be beaten to death and castrated for attempting to use them in fakehammer.

              • 7 months ago

                So the company stole it's own IP? You are a moron.

              • 7 months ago

                Litteraly who gives a frick about any of that shizo bullshit as long as the models are cool.

              • 7 months ago

                The whole point of AOS was to have room to add new stuff other then *insert historical civilizaton here but with magic* while keeping the old stuff that was iconic to warhammer.

          • 7 months ago

            Least delusional anti-AoS fanatic

          • 7 months ago

            > The AOS models I like are somehow not AOS models

            • 7 months ago

              Thematically they don't fit in with the super high fantasy nonsense.

              • 7 months ago

                You literally listed the army with the giant grinning moon and mushroom maniacs. I suppose the manglers and gobbapalooza are firmly low fantasy and grim? Incredibly moronic

              • 7 months ago

                Wow, this post says a lot about your experience with GW products and I guess this is why AoS fanboys who defend even the shit models have this awful obnoxious reputation.

              • 7 months ago

                And the goal posts have been moved. Thanks man.

              • 7 months ago

                AOS has the reputation for being far more normal then 40k and fantasy will always be remembered for people trooning out and burning armies

                Yeah this kind of moronic blathering is what I expected from the people who defend the bland shitty model lines that GW is currently pivoting away from. Even AoS artwork is starting to pander more towards the dark fantasy angle and there are new lines that would not be out of place in Warhammer Fantasy. You will not be missed.

              • 7 months ago

                Incredible that you managed to completely change your entire argument. I’m glad we agree anon, the new stuff is an improvement.

              • 7 months ago

                So I'm not wrong. Now youre literally arguing against yourself out of sheer contrarianism. *Age of Sigmar is bringing more and more banger releases but these are secretly Old World models disguised as AOS models. And a dead meme to cap off your feeble response congratulations

                I was not the original anon, but his point was right. The lines which were updated that are good share more with WHFB influences than they are "unique". Games Workshop just refuses to quickly learn from mistakes as they ride far too much on their own momentum to bother fixing issues. If you just wanna blindly cheerlead for your favorite tabletop game that's fine but this kind of obnoxious behavior is why you morons get mocked outside of your hugboxes.

              • 7 months ago

                I wouldn’t call it blind, but he literally conceded the most common appraisal of aos, which is that it had rough beginnings but has approved significantly. It’s really not a perfect game but it seems like the most vocal opponents of it on this board are purely emotional

              • 7 months ago

                So I'm not wrong. Now youre literally arguing against yourself out of sheer contrarianism. *Age of Sigmar is bringing more and more banger releases but these are secretly Old World models disguised as AOS models. And a dead meme to cap off your feeble response congratulations

              • 7 months ago

                AOS has the reputation for being far more normal then 40k and fantasy will always be remembered for people trooning out and burning armies

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly I would have given it a go, and it's silly but I just don't get the lore.

      Eh, some fond memories of the Brighthammer days but it really isn't everything, not by a long shot.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, well everyone loves gay stuff nowadays so by extension they love oldhammer

  3. 7 months ago

    its funny secondary was never used on this board until Fantasy died and 40k started moving the time forward. Then when that happens and people started to get wise over GW ruining their settings people started screaming

    >You need to buy minis!!
    >stop being loregays!
    >the guys complaining arent true fans

    Get fricked Siggy piggies how does it feel most redditors hate AoS, Twitter dumbasses hate AoS, and even the lowest common denominator youtube commenters and facebook users






    • 7 months ago

      >most redditors hate AoS, Twitter dumbasses hate AoS, and even the lowest common denominator youtube commenters and facebook users
      Uhhh, isn't that a good thing?

    • 7 months ago

      >Get fricked Siggy piggies how does it feel most redditors hate AoS, Twitter dumbasses hate AoS, and even the lowest common denominator youtube commenters and facebook users

      It feels pretty good

    • 7 months ago

      Always used by either:
      A) new players who think they know better because they spend a lot of money
      B) bluffing baiters

      t. old, 5 armies, haven't bought anything since 2012, still knows more about kits than most.

  4. 7 months ago

    Age of Sigmar should never have been a thing in the first place. If they'd just held off on cancelling the traditional Warhammer Fantasy game for a few more months, they'd have gotten tens of thousands of new Fantasy players from the boost provided by the launch of the Total War: Warhammer series, reversing the declining sales trend that inspired the creation of Age of Sigmar in the first place.

    And now they're finally bringing back Fantasy, but they waited so long that the Total War series has ended, completely missing out on what could have been the biggest cross-platform gaming success story in history.

    • 7 months ago

      >If they'd just held off on cancelling the traditional Warhammer Fantasy game for a few more months, they'd have gotten tens of thousands of new Fantasy players from the boost provided by the launch of the Total War: Warhammer series

    • 7 months ago

      Cross promotion yeah right the total war fanbase basically just overthrew CA over $25 dlc no one would have jumped to buy fantasy

      • 7 months ago

        They got greedy and lazy. It took them over a year to release a faction with an army while they jacked off a made up fanfiction bugman one.

      • 7 months ago

        I’ve honestly had several people who got into the setting/lore through the games tell me they went looking for a model of their favourite Lord and found out GW doesn’t sell the model anymore. We’re talking about people who will spend 100$ on an anime figurine, of course they would have bought the odd thing from GW, but that doesn’t stop gamers from hating on lazy half assed DLC, that’s a time honoured tradition.

        • 7 months ago

          I know several people who work at Nintendo

      • 7 months ago

        Ignore the super woke FPSlop they released after it was leaked they gutted the Total War team to focus on their diverse new baby. Never fund people who hate you.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Hyenas was an extremely expensive FPS being developed by CA. It was canned months before release despite investing tens (...hundreds?) of millions into it because the early reviews were so shit.
            CA is now in meltdown having laid off huge numbers of staff and the future of TWW is in extreme jeopardy.

          • 7 months ago

            CA in 2017 saw warhammer's success and 3K's projected success and decided to funnel all the profits into a shooter game because frick the TW fanbase, they wanted the overwatch fanbase. Anyway being in development hell for 6-7 years meant that it is releasing way late compared to competitors with weird ESG compliant shit and had no audience. It basically crippled CA for nothing and they feel the TW audience is to blame for not being excited about new product.

            Ignore the super woke FPSlop they released after it was leaked they gutted the Total War team to focus on their diverse new baby. Never fund people who hate you.

            Hyenas was an extremely expensive FPS being developed by CA. It was canned months before release despite investing tens (...hundreds?) of millions into it because the early reviews were so shit.
            CA is now in meltdown having laid off huge numbers of staff and the future of TWW is in extreme jeopardy.


    • 7 months ago

      >And now they're finally bringing back Fantasy

      • 7 months ago

        The Old World a specialist side game that bringing back the old warhammer fantasy player game that they announce 5 years ago and just now ramping up actually launching

        the game is 80% reselling old models plastic, resin (mostly resin) and even metal

        this caused massive amount of bipolar autism as you have one side going "DEAD ON ARRIVAL" and the other side going "TICK TOCK AOS"

      • 7 months ago

        It's oldhammer with the "modern touch"

        • 7 months ago

          >the modern touch
          Is this trans-speech for bugchasing? Because all this does is give things AIDS.

    • 7 months ago

      >they'd have gotten tens of thousands of new Fantasy players from the boost provided by the launch of the Total War: Warhammer series
      You mean heavily disappointed people, the few who do having buyer's remorse? Even tee worse of CA's handling is lightyears ahead of GW and especially the infantry blob
      of 8ed. The fanbase complains about the price of DLCs, how can you expect them to buy and paint entire armies with rules so imbalanced it makes the worst of TW WH look good?

    • 7 months ago

      >If they'd just held off on cancelling the traditional Warhammer Fantasy game for a few more months, they'd have gotten tens of thousands of new Fantasy players from the boost provided by the launch of the Total War: Warhammer series
      It still baffles me that they could be this moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      >Age of Sigmar should never have been a thing in the first place.
      Im actually fine with AoS being a thing - provided it was its own separate thing that didn't come at the expense of Fantasy (sorta like the 40k/Fantasy relationship before it). One of the major problems with AoS is that it DID come at the expense of Fantasy - effectively poisoning the well and damning itself to a set of circumstances that ultimately makes no one happy.
      AoS uses Fantasy as its base, but like the End Times that preceded it, it shows nothing but contempt for its source. Likewise, the people who tend to like AoS, perplexingly, tend to share that same contempt despite its framework and many core characters explicitly being Fantasy material.
      Ultimately, this lands us in our current position. AoS is trapped in a situation where it overtly alienated the Fantasy crowd while simultaneously marrying itself and its fans - who don't care about Fantasy - to the Fantasy. It's a fricking bizarre move that only makes sense in the context of brand recognition.

      • 7 months ago

        >perplexingly, tend to share that same contempt despite its framework and many core characters explicitly being Fantasy material
        It's not perplexing at all when you have to deal with salty grogs on the regular, pissing on your cereal over the axing of their game system, which you were in no part responsible for. If you add the fact they both appeal to wildly different demographics, one with a bent on grounded and gritty designs, while the other prefers bombastic and more fantastical designs it is no surprise that clashes exist. As for the recycling of WHFB elements, it's looked down upon because it's lazy, it's a moronic play on part of GW to try to appeal to the grogs' nostalgia to try to hook them back in when they'll likely never take the bait. Most if not all the new blood comes from 40k refugees trying to escape whichever meta or inbalance currently plagues 40k. WHFBgays will always hate AoS on an instinctual level, and GW needs to realize that it won't win them back, those that didn't rebase on 1st won't do it now. Instead focusing on building the narrative of AoS on its own merits and with its own characters and names while keeping AoS better balanced than 40k is what will keep it afloat and maybe make it grow.

        • 7 months ago

          >more fantastical designs

        • 7 months ago

          Considering all this, it's weird that not only are newer AoS designs increasingly reminiscent of WHF, but the Old World designs revealed thus far also look AoS-ish.

          I was never a WHF player (no, not a WH: Total War player either), but Old World had me intrigued. Unfortunately, the Nu-old-Bretonnians are NOT what I'm looking for, and the TK models are not promising.

          • 7 months ago

            >not only are newer AoS designs increasingly reminiscent of WHF
            They didn't?
            >but the Old World designs revealed thus far also look AoS-ish.
            Seems logical. AoS is GW's vision of fantasy IP, completely sterile and corporative-manageable->

            They would need to actually hire writers and let them have a say in creating parts of the world, and they'll never do that again since AoS is a safe corporate product owned and imagined by nobody other than GW the company.

            • 7 months ago

              >newer AoS designs increasingly reminiscent of WHF
              Outside of resculpts/refreshes from legacy lines and a couple of warbands (some of which are meant to be stand ins for resculpts) not really. .

              Most of the new AoS Goblins, Chaos Warriors, and Vampires wouldn't look out of place in Warhammer Fantasy. This can't be said for Sigmarines, Fyreslayers™, Steampunk Dwarves, flying shark Elves, etc.

              • 7 months ago

                >Most of the new AoS Goblins, Chaos Warriors, and Vampires wouldn't look out of place in Warhammer Fantasy.
                But they will, probably except of goblins, but WHF goblins doesn't have such fitesh for mushrooms

                Goalpost moved. empty and dismissive and response. Centrepiece bad. Melina old Mortach Elden Ring boss should be small because of reasons.

                >Melina old Mortach Elden Ring
                How exactly they are related?

              • 7 months ago

                Because they are resculpts of legacy lines.

          • 7 months ago

            >newer AoS designs increasingly reminiscent of WHF
            Outside of resculpts/refreshes from legacy lines and a couple of warbands (some of which are meant to be stand ins for resculpts) not really. .

    • 7 months ago

      You aren't understanding why it's called The Old World (the sigmar name for the fantasy universe) or why they dragged their feet for 7 years. The Old World is not meant to be a competitor or have wide support, it's meant to be an extra game like 30k is to 40k, something sigmar players can steal bone giants from to put in their ossiarch army. It exists as a niche to compliment sigmar, because the suits that killed fantasy would prefer it stay dead even at the cost of sales because it hurts their ego to admit that they were fricking wrong.

  5. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    Stop being shit, I guess?

  6. 7 months ago

    It's been 12 years, absolutely insane there are still seething grogs writing shit like this.

    • 7 months ago

      >shit game is shit as it is based on a shit game that even sonic autists laugh at

      • 7 months ago

        >on a forum Seething rent free

  7. 7 months ago

    Warhammer's too expensive to change its image, people like the stuff they got into as kids and aren't going to get into any new range and neither are kids themselves

  8. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    Drop everything it currently is, and rebuild it into a warhammer version of the napoleonic wars, with Sigmar taking the role of napoleon.

    • 7 months ago

      This is probably not what you meant, but I would unironically love Warhammer fantasy but with Napoleonic or Victorian era technology.

  9. 7 months ago

    add more black and female models while we wait for old world to recover the entire franchise (it won't because square bases and formations and shit)

  10. 7 months ago

    Write some decent fricking scenarios and stop with this infinite multiverse shit. Nobody cares about the world of Age of Sigmar, when that's the entire interesting point of 40k and fantasy. I give a shit about Lustria, I don't care about the Land of the Beasts. I like the Empire, I don't care about Sigmar's Domain.

    How many actually interesting places can you list in AoS? Their most famous places are shit like a Silver Tower, best known for being an underprinted board game, or some of their Underworlds locations, of which one of them was good.

    Make a map that has places, people, cities, and locations, based on actual people and not just vague rivers of blood or stampedes of frickmonsters or whatever. That's the first step and that's still the one they've completely failed at.

    • 7 months ago

      You are given that yet don’t bother go eat old world and stop harassing us

    • 7 months ago

      Literally the only good or interesting location is Ghur (endless spooky jungle full of treasure and dangerous magical beasts and barbarians)

    • 7 months ago

      You haven't looked into AoS since it was created and are pulling things out of your ass.
      We HAVE maps. We HAVE interesting locations. We know the Realms aren't infinite. They're very big, but no where near infinite.

      • 7 months ago

        >Things aren't like that anymore! We're a real setting now, I promise!
        >Zoom in, immediately see "Plains of Flesh and Blood," "Eternal Boneyard," and "The Dreadscape"
        Okay, so yeah, nothing's actually changed beyond GW firing the intern that shat out the original maps during his lunch break. The maps look more like maps than McDonald's placemats but literally nothing has changed at a substantial level because it's still just random edgy names thrown in to sound evocative rather than give any sense of context to the setting.

        • 7 months ago

          Nope. We've got fully filled in details on several of those map locations. Places like Lethis, Nulahmia, Shadespire, the Endgate, Glymmsforge and more have had books, battletome events, White Dwarf articles and such about them to develop them out. And sure, some of these are just a name, but that's because GW wants to encourage people to fill in those areas with /YourDudes/ while also having developed areas to revolve your own fluff around them. You know, like how 40k does it.

          • 7 months ago

            Honestly the /YourDudes/ potential is one of the biggest draws of AoS to me. In 40k I like to make my headcanon for what my guys are like, but they're always a part of an established group. With AoS I feel compelled to make up Stormhost and Cities of Sigmar and Slaves to Darkness warbands with interesting goals and backstories.

            • 7 months ago

              I have the oposite problem. How do i write backstory for my guys if there is no back story for the setting?
              I guess they just live somewhere in one of the less inhospitable realms and eat whoever comes to fight them? Its not like they can be enemies with anyone because no relevent nighbours exist. They cant have done anything because nothing's happened and they cant be different because they dont have any faction flavour to break away from. The codex has like six alternate subfactions in it and i dont even remember what their names are.

              • 7 months ago

                >The codex has like six alternate subfactions in it and i dont even remember what their names are
                Which codex?

            • 7 months ago

              I don't agree. Your Dudes is a balancing act, there needs to be a balance between freedom to create your own material, and a framework to base that material on and fit it into so that it will still make some degree of sense when you put it up against *someone else's Your Dudes*. The two don't have to be *perfectly* balanced - 40K is more freedom of action and WHF is more framework for example - but both elements have to have a bare minimum presence or you end up with one extreme where there's no real creativity like the worst most autism-riddled kind of Historicals, or the other like AoS where everything outside of the Saturday Morning Cartoon "narrative" GW is selling to people in books is so nebulous and amorphous that you might as well be writing an original setting from scratch.

              I mean it's telling, isn't it, that so many of the instaprostitutes who were so big on AoS at the beginning, who shat so hard on WHF for being "too restrictive"(ignoring for a moment that writing within constraints arguably requires *more* creative thought than writing unfettered since you have to both create new material *and* ensure it fits within the constraints) have largely now vanished up their own arseholes and do Turdnip28 or their own "original"(apparently ripping off folklore and myth doesn't result in a setting that's "too restrictive" when they do it...) fantasy stuff.

              • 7 months ago

                Nope. We've got fully filled in details on several of those map locations. Places like Lethis, Nulahmia, Shadespire, the Endgate, Glymmsforge and more have had books, battletome events, White Dwarf articles and such about them to develop them out. And sure, some of these are just a name, but that's because GW wants to encourage people to fill in those areas with /YourDudes/ while also having developed areas to revolve your own fluff around them. You know, like how 40k does it.

                >but that's because GW wants to encourage people to fill in those areas with /YourDudes/ while also having developed areas to revolve your own fluff around them.
                So why does GW make it so hard to field them by making so many old units defunct?

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks I hate it

      • 7 months ago

        Jesus. The map is so fricking bad that they put in "Hater's Choice" as a location. They knew this map is shit it would be the haters map of choice.
        And the
        >its changed so much, nothing like the 1e maps!!!
        It's the same mortuary factory shit as before. It's Fantasy™, just endless copyrightable buzzword names.

    • 7 months ago

      >40k does lore
      Reeeeeee it's a SETTING not a STORY your lore is shit.
      >Age of shitmar literally gives you what you want in the form of a setting almost complete devoid of lore
      REEEEEEEE where's my lore!?

      Honestly if you homosexuals did hobbying as much as you did b***hing you might enjoy yourselves for once in your miserable lives.

      • 7 months ago

        The best 40k "lore" is the short blurbs and stories in old codexes and rulebooks that told a story without continuous characters that highlighted part of the setting. The actual novels are universally shit compared to the bulk of one paragraph descriptions and lore bits in 4th and 5th edition codexes.
        Regardless of the secondary's obsession with HH and spess murine masturbation that is most of the books, all of that wouldn't exist without the reams of interesting little tidbits that are strewn about in the rulebooks.

        • 7 months ago

          this is the smartest and most enlightened post itt.

          i say this as someone who owns 25 HH books

    • 7 months ago

      This 100%
      Age of Sigmar's main issue is that it has no identity that makes it stand out. It is an eclectic mess in terms of visuals and themes with a setting that lacks substance. There's nothing to bite onto, and the things that do exist in the books and ttrpg are often too fantastical or not interesting for the average person to really care about it. The Kharadron Overlords are greedy merchants obsessed with a specific resource and live in big steampunk merchant ports. Okay? Who cares? There's nothing here to capture interest despite it technically being lore.
      Warcry almost got it right, they had introduced a setting and brought in these various cults. It was an opportunity to give us a fleshed out look at a more grounded location in the realms and give a framework for the writers to flesh out the Age of Sigmar settings more. Nope. People complained about it being chaos cults only and now it's just generic stormcast and orcs fighting in a swamp like the main game.
      I think even people who are fans of AoS models and game can agree that AoS is just cool models floating around on a canvas that has only been loosely sketched and never bothered to finish. They gotta get their shit together, it has been almost 9 years now, the excuse of it being a new system that needs to find its footing doesn't work anymore

      • 7 months ago

        Age of Sigmar can't have an identity because the second it does it's no longer Age of Sigmar. Being as bland and pointless as possible is the whole design ethos of the thing, perfect for a corporate board to dictate.
        That's what AoS was made to be, and changing it to have actual substance is anathema to whatever following it has.

      • 7 months ago


        Age of Sigmar has limitless potential unlike 40k and especially WHFB which are almost incapable of adding anything new. Even something as low hanging as foot knights for Bretonnia feels out of place because of the constrained nature of the setting.

        • 7 months ago

          Age of Sigmar has no potential and has shown as much.
          >hey we have this crazy planescape setting and the armies are just Fantasy armies on round bases and fat space marines
          >please stay, we replaced some of the older figures with basically the same thing but bigger and uglier
          >we're doubling down

          • 7 months ago

            Like most grogs you are stuck in 2015-2017 which is an era not even AOS fanboys defend. New Stormcast arn't even fat more anymore. New Ushoran is hailed as one of the best model GW has ever released buy every community. Try again.

            • 7 months ago

              >. New Stormcast arn't even fat more anymore.
              Why lie?
              >New Ushoran is hailed as one of the best model GW has ever released buy every community.
              You mean another "hecking center-piece from muh GWrino"?

              • 7 months ago

                >Why lie?
                No lie simply google thunderstrike armour Stormcast. Even if that wheren't the case nobody defends 1st ed AOS anyway.

                >You mean another "hecking center-piece from muh GWrino"?

                Correct. You cant even say I'm wrong.

              • 7 months ago

                NTA, but: There's no reason for Ushoran to be frickhueg aside from childishly being impressed by BIG TOY. Too bad, might have been nice otherwise.

                There's no defending Sigmarines. Don't give a shit about redesigns.

              • 7 months ago

                >thunderstrike armour Stormcast.
                All AoS problems as the setting and aesthetic in three words
                In correct, it's centre-piece, so it's trash by default

                Goalpost moved. empty and dismissive and response. Centrepiece bad. Melina old Mortach Elden Ring boss should be small because of reasons.

              • 7 months ago

                >Melina old Mortach Elden Ring boss should be small because of reasons.

                You probably meant Malenia

              • 7 months ago

                >Melina old Mortach Elden Ring boss should be small because of reasons.
                We are talking about Malenia, aren't we?
                But anyway, first, it's video game, bosses are bigger for simple gameplay reason. Same size as player would simply be much more annoying in combat, second she is npc and obstacle on the way of protagonists, who are doomed to fail and persih despite all her powers, Ushoran isn't, he is grey Hulk fighting golden Hulk (SCE Optimus Prime), green Hulk (Orcs Centre-piece model). red Hulk (BloodThirster), their conflict will never progress to some conclusion and will lasts as long as GW supports AoS.
                Also, one of the first Elden Ring mods was the replacer of Malenia model to character, who are supposed to be human-sized. So I guess, someone among the players could actually agree with your point

              • 7 months ago

                Also ushy will cost 200 bucks or something moronic because he's a named character. I can sort of understand big gundam sized models costing a lot but I'm not fricking paying you 200 bucks so I can prance around with gurgax the king of anal sex.

              • 7 months ago

                >thunderstrike armour Stormcast.
                All AoS problems as the setting and aesthetic in three words
                In correct, it's centre-piece, so it's trash by default

            • 7 months ago

              >Like most grogs you are stuck in 2015-2017
              Enlighten us as to how GSG aren't just "part of OnG but we made some of the figures biiger and uglier", or how that doesn't also apply for everything else.
              >remember high elves? well we took all the special units out, made everyone wear cow hats, and Teclis is Asian now please buy them!"
              Same for Fyre Slayers, Orruk Warclans, FEC, SBGL, the ghosts who's name I forgot, and not!tomb kings. All of them just dogshit copies of things GW has already done.
              If this is all GW can show on a blank canvas then they deserve every bit of disregard and ridicule should the issue be pressed.

          • 7 months ago

            They would need to actually hire writers and let them have a say in creating parts of the world, and they'll never do that again since AoS is a safe corporate product owned and imagined by nobody other than GW the company.

        • 7 months ago

          This is what I said earlier- AoS is for people who seethe at any kind of rules because they think every idea they have is golden.

          Your ideas are bad, you are stupid.

        • 7 months ago

          >Age of Sigmar has limitless potential
          Also, whfb was so static and cramped nobody wanted to wok on it for a long time

  11. 7 months ago

    Stop caring about age of sigmar.
    You have better things to do with your life than thinking about mid wargames.

  12. 7 months ago

    Bro AOS boards are fricking tiny what's this guy smoking

    As for the thread topic it will forever be hated because of smegmarines and shaerks designed for children, even when the game itself plays decently well. The only hope they could possibly have is to halve the prices, mass recruit kids to pump the market share and try to age it up with its audience. Oh and have it be good the entire time, which GW is incapable of

    • 7 months ago

      It’s just the usual outdated 1e seethe.

    • 7 months ago

      The problems with AoS aren't the game itself. Similarly, 40k is not popular because of the wargame.
      The setting and aesthetic is what makes edgy 14 year olds salivate as they pass by a GW store, or look through their cousin's codex.
      AoS looks and reads like mud. Mud with a lot of shiny glass thrown in to try and pretty it up. Its a visual mess on the board, and the setting, just like OPs pick indicates, reads like they just dumped fantasy sounding words into a generic story writing AI. High Fantasy of the kind that AoS exemplifies is slop. No one really likes it. Its fun to pick up something like it once in a while, but you can blindly pick something from the fantasy section at any book store and get the same experience no matter what you pick up. WHF is still High Fantasy of a kind, but tries to do something different with it, AND is edgy enough to attract the above 14 year olds.
      40k is currently slowly falling into the same mud pit that AoS is in, but AoS started there, which is why it entirely failed to attract the kind of audience GW expected.

      • 7 months ago

        >WHF is still High Fantasy of a kind, but tries to do something different with it
        Gr8 b8.

      • 7 months ago

        >The problems with AoS aren't the game itself
        I dunno man there's a lot of bad math in there and plenty of armies suck shit to play/play against even if we ignore the whole "their fluff is terrible" issue. I guess those arent the reasons everyone hates it but we shouldnt discount them either

      • 7 months ago

        >WHF is still High Fantasy of a kind, but tries to do something different with it
        Bizarro world take.
        WFB/WFRP plays most tropes straight and puts a recognizable aesthetic on it which is exactly what you need to make a popular setting.
        Age of Smegma tries way too hard to be a special snowflake but has no cohesive plan to back it up, so it ends up feeling like they just threw shit at the wall and didn't even pay attention if it sticks.
        Look at the Flesheater Courts UH THEY ACKHSUALLY THINK THEY'RE NOBILITY shit. Clearly an atttempt to make a ghoul army that is "unique", but it took them until literally a week ago to release one mini that actually communicates this well.

        • 7 months ago

          The hunt master alreayd had the exact same visual gag with entrails acting as decoration, but she had neck ornaments isntead of a wig.
          So unless you're argument is based on inability to understand how time works and that models made in mid 2000s came before lore writen in mide 2010s you're just full of shit

          • 7 months ago

            >The hunt master alreayd had the exact same visual gag
            You mean the Warcry mini that reads more as a tribal hunter than anything related to nobility?

        • 7 months ago

          >Age of Smegma tries way too hard to be a special snowflake

          Empty and vapid criticism comprised of chat bot level buzzwords.

        • 7 months ago


          This has roots in Jack Vance's The Eyes of the Overlord, and pulling ideas from baroque fantasy from the 1960s is extremely Warhammer(tm). It is literally not my fault you're not smart enough to read

  13. 7 months ago

    I find it preferable how it filters out the undesirable sort of the player that infests 40k

  14. 7 months ago

    Warhammer Fantasy was made by a passionate game design team who wanted to create a game and world that was fun to play in and expressed their own joy of gaming and fantasy, it was created with a richness of love, care and humour and that shines through in its design giving it a genuine sense of integrity.

    Age of Sigmar was made by a corporation to sell miniatures, to the point every name and image in the game is designed to be copyrightable. This makes it feel hollow and souless as it's a game created by marketing execs to hit sales targets, this can never be fixed.

    • 7 months ago

      >this can never be fixed.
      If the game can't be fixed, then fix the audience. Replace those who won't love it with those that will. Alpha will fill this gap. They will be programmed properly to love their brands, for they will be their brands.

      t. non-profit financial advisor

    • 7 months ago

      >it was made with love chud. Just ignore the part where the staff hated working on it since the turn of the century, ok?

    • 7 months ago

      Warhammer was always made to sell minis.

      That's literally all it was. The bullshit stories etc were just ways to sell models. They just happened to be written by people who liked history and reenactments.

      Now we have bullshit stories made to sell minis that were written by people who liked Warhammer and marvel

      • 7 months ago

        Be that as it may, there was definitely a sweet spot right around 5th-6th edition where enough lore had been established and the setting had become rather unique.

        At that point in time (as can be seen in White Dwarf in the late 90s and early 2000s) both fans and creators of the setting enjoyed what they were doing.

        ... then 7th edition Fantasy launched and it became about just selling minis once again.

  15. 7 months ago

    >Everyone loves 40k and fantasy
    The fanbases of both have always shat on one another. 40k fans would brag about liking the more popular game and WFB fans would say 40k is dumbed down shit for kids. The hate for AoS is just the same. The real problem it has is the jsut the times it was made. Way back when if GW put an article in WD about a game everyone read it becasue that was all there was. Now even 40k fans are getting their lore from semi-literate youtubers.

  16. 7 months ago

    It literally can't be fixed, it was a pile of shit from the start, a terrible idea conceived by grifting vandals and only bought by morons, only deleting it could help

    • 7 months ago

      >It literally can't be fixed, it was a pile of shit from the start, a terrible idea conceived by grifting vandals and only bought by morons, only deleting it could help

      The History of Warhammer Fantasy

      • 7 months ago

        oink oink little piggy, the one good thing about age of duplo is that it gave us an infallible test for imbecility

        • 7 months ago

          >oink oink little piggy
          says the gays on litteral life support of secondaries

          • 7 months ago

            >>says the gays on litteral life support of secondaries
            Could a kindly linguist decipher what the frick this means for me please?
            I called you a paypig you fricking moron, I was not bestowing any particular honour on you for having actually paid for the worst miniatures ever produced like the moron you are. Though I can't imagine you could afford it.

            • 7 months ago

              He's saying most people who like 40k don't even play the game of buy the minis. They buy the black library books and play the video games.

  17. 7 months ago

    delete it?

  18. 7 months ago

    I cannot conceptualise what sort of shambling wretch could ever actually enjoy age of poopoopeepee even if it was free. Literally the lowest order of life on Earth

  19. 7 months ago

    >Everyone loves 40k and fantasy
    People only like fantasy now that it's dead and replaced by WoW concept art, it spent most of it's existance being dismissed as generic
    As for 40k, let's see how people feel about the Henry Cavill show before saying anything definitive there, I feel like a lot of you spergs only socialize on /tg/ or other 40k forums and have no idea how edgy 40k is to normal people

  20. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    Majority of these groups have and will never interact with the game or lore directly: to change their minds you need popular derivative content like a webcomic, porn, memes, or actually good video games.

  21. 7 months ago

    I don't care what 40k secondaries who don't build models or play tabletop wargames think.

    AoS is a game for people that actually like miniature wargames.

    • 7 months ago

      Post models. People in my LGS are trying to liquidate AoS armies for firesale prices and can't because no one wants to play it.

      • 7 months ago

        Let me guess they're trying to sell Stormcast

  22. 7 months ago

    People who hate on AoS have never actually played it so who cares what they think? It keeps the riff-raff out of the game.

    • 7 months ago

      >t. ChatGPT

      >People who hate on AoS have never actually played it so who cares what they think?
      >People who hate on Zweihander have never actually played it so who cares what they think?
      >People who hate on Lancer have never actually played it so who cares what they think?
      >People who hate on Mork Borg have never actually played it so who cares what they think?

  23. 7 months ago

    >/aosg/ is already fuming

    • 7 months ago

      >get brought up
      >fizzles out as timezones change
      >gets brought up again at the same time of the day with 2-3 bait threads made in the 'log at the same time
      >just for a good measure another recognisable spammer showed up at the same time
      You gotta hide your Didcord raids better xister

      • 7 months ago

        Not everyone uses discord, let alone gives a frick about what goes on there, you schizophrenic zoomzoom.

  24. 7 months ago

    Vidya. All they need to do is to make a popular genre vidya.
    I'd vote for a Souls-like as a sigmarine, the whole rebirth thing applies.

    • 7 months ago

      If you want to get asses in seats, you make a Fyreslayer game.

      • 7 months ago

        That would be better as a top view squad turn-based game, like new X-coms

  25. 7 months ago

    Oh look more secondaries with vidya brain rot seething about a game they will never play much less have the patience to sit down and paint a single model

  26. 7 months ago

    The whole dialing every army into 1 or 2 very specific themes is really dull and limiting. Gw cant do nuance, fyreslayers - everyone is naked and has hair like fire. Naughthaunts - everyone is a ghost. Its just dogshit slop, too simplistic to be a believable setting and while we all ply toy soldiers these lean far to heavily into looking like childrens toys.

    • 7 months ago

      So suddenly diversity is our strength and people keeping to themselves is wrong when it's convenient for your argument? Fyrslerers are a religious cult, why should they mix in with randos unrelated to their dogma?
      If you just want to whine about tebletop looks and not lore you can always just use allies or the new regiment thing

  27. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    Hire good furry artists to do Beasts of Chaos.

  28. 7 months ago

    ITT: Uncontrollable frothing at the mouth Age of Simps seething. AoS is wargame goyslop. It is basically "You will buy miniatures and you will be happy". Its existence is entirely rooted in sales and money. Fantasy has its roots in passion. There is no comparison. Literally the only people I know who like AoS are my friends 13 year old kids. Anyone in my age group plays 40k or 6th edition WHF.

    But all the same I take pleasure in seeing Age of Shittards grovelling at the feet of their masters so eager to defend GWs most subpar product yet.

    • 7 months ago

      >Fantasy has its root in passion
      >Anyone in my age group plays 40k

      Age of Sigmar is popular and sells. People who think TOW will change this are delusional man babies.
      Mouthbreathing shit opinion discarded.

      • 7 months ago

        What point exactly are you trying to make with what you've quoted? 40k and Fantasy are worlds created by passionate nerds. That's why they are the games played locally. I don't know why you conveniently cut out the part where I mentioned Fantasy. AoS is a corporate fever dream. It sells because teenagers and kiddies see Sigmarines and think "omg epic!!!". It's not a quality world with solid lore. The "lore" that exists is copyrighted lazy garbage to appeal to brain-dead uninspired autists like yourself

        • 7 months ago

          >40k and Fantasy are worlds created by passionate nerds.

          they took other idea's properties and sold little dollies of them. there are hours and hours of video footage of every single person who created those games who make it 100% clear that Warhammer was made to sell more miniatures and you're a moron a moron if you think otherwise

        • 7 months ago

          WHF only existed because GW lost licenses to make miniatures for DnD among other things
          You can not get any more corporate than that
          And by "created" I assume you mean ripping off everything vaguely popular at the time and stitching it all together in a very bog standard high fantasy setting
          And then it became so cramped and static that even the developers wanted GW to kill it

          • 7 months ago

            Warahmmer Fantasy has a very generic, pastiche setting. However, that's not the worst thing; at the very least it is charming and familiar. Generic pastiche is FAR better than original but moronic and contrived. Death to NuFantasy.

            You also *can* get much more corporate than original WHF, because Games Workshop at the time literally wasn't a corporation. It was a privately-owned enterprise not beholden to shareholders, and the people in charge were the same people who created the product. "Corporate" doesn't mean "trying to make a profit."

            • 7 months ago

              Reddit meltdown.

          • 7 months ago

            This isn't totally fair. Fantasy DID invent some things, and the stuff it ripped off, it put enough of a unique spin on that I think calling it full on generic is not really fair.

            Especially when you bear in mind that even Tolkien lifted half his shit from history and mythology, I think there's very few people in the fantasy sphere who can really afford to be throwing stones when it comes to originality.

      • 7 months ago

        >Age of Sigmar is popular and sells.
        Peak delusion. You honestly think that people get into AoS without hearing about 40k or the WF games first?

      • 7 months ago

        >Age of Sigmar is popular and sells.

    • 7 months ago

      Anyone who needs to specify the age of a kid, as if 11, 13 and 15 aren't all the same to adults, is at best 2 years older than the given age.
      So GTFO underaged

      • 7 months ago

        >thinking this smooth brain logic is some sort of GOTCHA
        I wonder what the average IQ of an AoShiteater is

    • 7 months ago

      >You will buy miniatures and you will be happy
      Is this the part where we pretend WHFB was a competent tabletop in terms or rules or accessibility for the majority of its lifetime?

      • 7 months ago

        It was maybe not the most accessible game but once you invested you were rewarded with the best tabletop wargame there was.

        • 7 months ago

          > Best tabletop wargame there ever was

          • 7 months ago

            You forget that WHFB grogs genuinely believe that trainwreck of a game was good.

        • 7 months ago

          t. Secondary

        • 7 months ago

          You cannot simultaneously ask me to twist my own dick as prerequisite to play and be called the greatest wargame

          • 7 months ago

            Tell me a better game than WHF 6thEd. Kings of War? lol. Age of Shitmar? lmao

            • 7 months ago

              Warmaster Revolution

  29. 7 months ago

    Age of Sigmar was garbage at launch but I don't mind it at all now.

  30. 7 months ago

    I honestly appreciate nu40k and AoS as containment games. It keeps the absolute worst Marvel-brained consoomers out the kino settings, Heresy and Old World.

    • 7 months ago

      >he says as tOw setting's biggest audience are gay furries

      • 7 months ago

        Please continue to purchase Stormcast and Primaris models.

        • 7 months ago

          >Keep buying good models
          Thank you I will

          • 7 months ago

            Please continue to purchase Stormcast and Primaris models.

            neither of these anons but
            this interaction made me think maybe its ok that there are different products for different types of people. i think primaris and stormcast are dumb af but if he's happy does it really matter?

      • 7 months ago

        Gay furries lust after skaven and they are confirmed not in ToW.

      • 7 months ago

        Unless they fully revamp Beastmen (the only furry army in ToW) with a complete range refresh that is pure bara eyecandy I doubt furries would care about ToW. If the 40k KT beastmen are any indication, they are on the right track.

    • 7 months ago

      Had me at the first half, not gonna lie.

  31. 7 months ago


  32. 7 months ago


    >it's about the miniatures
    Amazing how you manage to delude yourself into believing that.

  33. 7 months ago

    former GW store manager here

    AoS 2.0 was great, sales exploded and people got into it hard

    3.0 we got the most moronic falling-off I have ever seen, genuinely cant believe they fricked up so bad focusing on KB

    • 7 months ago

      >AoS 2.0 was great, sales exploded and people got into it hard
      Is this primarily in the UK? I've never seen a game of AoS in the US outside of GW stores.

  34. 7 months ago

    Give them this

    • 7 months ago

      tomboys are already a thing

  35. 7 months ago

    Age of Sigmar is a bad game with a bad aesthetic and a bad fanbase. There is no way to improve it and even if it could, nothing good can come out of making normies like it.

    • 7 months ago

      >transssexual hates AoS
      Another point for it being based, then.

      • 7 months ago

        to don't like femboy bussy???

      • 7 months ago

        >He doesn't know about that one Sigmarine picture

      • 7 months ago

        >Watermarked meme image
        >Doesn't know Touhou
        >Cries troony over being btfo'd
        You deserve ever piece of overpriced underproduced AI generated slop GW shoves down your throat.

  36. 7 months ago

    The lore is based around whatever miniatures they want to produce, and the miniatures are based around whatever is hardest for third parties to imitate, the result is discordant freakshit.

  37. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    At this point? Nothing. The entire brand identity is total poison to everyone outside the immediate GW monopoly on wargaming. So many things went wrong with its launch, they totally mismanaged potential opportunities for marketing synergy, and the actual game is still a fricking IGOUGO snorefest that plays even more like soitaire since you don't even roll to wound based on what unit you hit.
    Not even mentioning LMAO DOUBLE TURN where you can literally get up and walk away from the table for an hour while your opponent jerks off alone to find out how much of your army he killed.

    AoS is a wargame that released without points values. It's not possible to save that.

  38. 7 months ago


    One homosexual desperately panicking and insisting every other person had bad taste and is a moron for not liking one of the least popular major fantasy franchises ever made...

  39. 7 months ago

    I dislike chaos as a concept in age of sigmar because it makes the whole idea of the great game, the eternal conflict between chaos and the rest of the world pointless. Chaos already won once. It's going to win again. Why should I care? I like chaos in warhammer fantasy (pre end times, of course) because of the in-fighting and the chaotic nature of it all. Champions rising quickly and falling just as fast, through fair means or foul Chaos was evil, chaos was a villain, chaos was cool.
    The moment chaos won, chaos lost its appeal. It went from heavy metal to bland, boring rock, if you understand what I mean.
    I will post my models if anyone wants proof that my opinions are based in fact.

    • 7 months ago

      >I will post my models if anyone wants proof that my opinions are based in fact.
      I don't disagree (although I don't care about Chaos in AoS because I would never go near anything AoS-related) or need any "proof," but I would still like to see your models, Anon.

      • 7 months ago

        They've been stuck on a shelf for a few months unfortunately. Hopefully they'll get to see the table soon.

        • 7 months ago

          >They've been stuck on a shelf for a few months unfortunately.
          AoS games must not be very common.

          • 7 months ago

            That's my warhammer fantasy army. And either way, no, no they aren't. My LGS only plays 40k, and even then, my dark eldar have been on the shelf for a while too.

          • 7 months ago

            fricking moron

            • 7 months ago

              Do you have any counterargument to make?

        • 7 months ago

          Nice dudes, anon. Thx.

    • 7 months ago

      Chaos was always destined to win thoughever

  40. 7 months ago

    aids of shitmar is just trash

  41. 7 months ago

    i enjoy hearing about games workshops failing, they are the fricking worst corporate rat bastards

  42. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?
    Nothing. People are simply polarised to either like it or hate it. I know so many people who hate but never gave it a chance. Who still list reasons why it is bad which date back to the first year of the system. Old WHFB players who were only complaining how bad WHFB is but who now miss it of nostalgia. Or people who just consume too many memes. Like, all the trolls who talk about nothing else but maps are a really good example.

    The game itself is good right now, GW does a really good work of providing new models, new lore and it reworks the game to keep it rolling. Balance is quite good for a wargame. Everybody I know who gave it a fair chance actually really likes it. But yeah, if people have already chosen to hate it you can barely do something about it.

    • 7 months ago

      >Old WHFB players who were only complaining how bad WHFB is but who now miss it of nostalgi
      Wasn't it a problem of mostly the newer edition ?

      Like 40k gay will look fondly at 3rd/4th edition, but would admit than the 7th was a clusterfrick the 8th rebooted.

      Also as an anon pointed, it's kind of lame how "unfleshed" some AoS faction still look almost 10 years after. The new Flesh Eater mini looked cool as frick, so I'll gave a look at their range, and it's simple just some ghouls, plus a few dragons.

      • 7 months ago

        Well from what we can hear from the pipeline they’re getting a whole rang refresh with a good chunk of stuff

    • 7 months ago

      Ultimately the issue is one of an exceptionally poor roll out. They're not going to live down that not only was it reviled for killing off another game with a passionate fanbase (which then went on to have a successful adaptation that has carried on for years) but a subpar ruleset and presentation at launch. It's the gaming equivalent of "this tv show sucks until halfway through S2." It doesn't matter how well GW has righted the ship, they can't undo the effects early AoS has from a sales and perception perspective.

    • 7 months ago

      I gave it a chance, it has a few major problems:
      Too many superfluous rolls, worse than 40k in this regard. This isn't due to quantity, but the meaning of the rolls is gone: No rolling on opposed stats, wounds bleeding over mean that in effect, most stats could be boiled down to a single dice in how many guys you remove. At least in 40k, there's still some granularity which is why those rolls exist.
      The way turns work is so bad you wish for vanilla IGOUGO.
      The game overall is just bland. It's just isn't exciting despite how flashy they want it.

  43. 7 months ago

    The setting is just really bland. It has nothing grounding, like wh40k and WHFB have. It is also non-coherent, everything is separated into realms separated by portals, separated by dimensions. Factions have no hook to interest people. Empire was a mix of HRE and magick, Helves were noldor/atlantians, Kislve was based on slavs etc. Those factions had cool recognizable designs that were both simple and stood out. WH40k factions also follow the same tradition of taking real world things and making them a part of the setting.
    What factions we have in AoS?
    >golden sigmarines, with no real life culture to ground them. Just generic high fantasy paladins with a boring look.
    >humans are just diablo humans now
    >lmao underwater elves
    >slayers but a faction and worse
    >steampunk dwarves in the most absurd of form
    >elves, but instead of them being noldor or atlanteans, they have a super bland non-coheseve shaman/arabic (not really) theme

    • 7 months ago

      If the only way you can consume a setting is by it being built of pastiche copy pastes of real life cultures you really need to expand your literature intake

    • 7 months ago

      The sea elves are probably the most interesting faction in AoS.

    • 7 months ago

      You know every planet in 40k is also seperated by dimensions, right? You gotta hop into literal hell to travel between any meaningful planets (Given that every habitable world is in a system with barren iceballs and gas giants that are of no value to anyone)

      • 7 months ago

        Now imagine GW tried to map out the warp, with gay little cartoonish markers saying shit like "silver tower" or "the burning blood bridge". Thats what Aids of Slopmar did, and its why their lore is stone cold dead outside of a dozen autists on reddit.

        • 7 months ago

          >Now imagine GW tried to map out the warp, with gay little cartoonish markers saying shit like "silver tower" or "the burning blood bridge"
          They literally did that atleast twice my secondary friend
          >unironically pretending GW has ever been good at naming things
          Nostalgia is a b***h

          • 7 months ago

            There are actually some great names in WHFB. Hell, some are so good that GW just inexplicably took them and applied them to random unrelated stuff in 40K (i.e. lizardmen are now named after Malekith's dragon for some reason).

            And we all know that the "Soulstone Necroswords" phenomenon is a relatively new one.

            • 7 months ago

              It’s personally hard to look by
              >Good Elves
              >Bad Elves
              >Bad Dwarves
              Without rolling my eyes
              I much prefer stupid ass in setting words than a marketing box

              • 7 months ago

                The stupid in setting words ARE the marketing boxes though. Firesoul Verbouns type stuff is salespeech. Meaningless mulch that combines several unrelated marketing buzzwords into a copyrightable cadence.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon there’s nothing about Kharadron overlords that tells me what they are. I literally have no idea based off of that how is that by any means a good marketing idea? It’s literally more counterproductive than telling you outright these are the good guys and the bad guys like I’m autistic and can’t be bothered to read about anything and need a snappy explanation. The only thing you learn from this name is they’re either arrogant or militaristic, that’s it.

              • 7 months ago

                Meant to link

                The stupid in setting words ARE the marketing boxes though. Firesoul Verbouns type stuff is salespeech. Meaningless mulch that combines several unrelated marketing buzzwords into a copyrightable cadence.

                To add though, Idoneth Deepkin. The only way you’ll know what Idoneth means is if you read the battletome this is not good marketing or a market focused approach

              • 7 months ago

                Meant to link [...]
                To add though, Idoneth Deepkin. The only way you’ll know what Idoneth means is if you read the battletome this is not good marketing or a market focused approach

                Salespeech doesn't work like that. The cadence and presence of mushed up verbs+nouns is the point. It's not supposed to tell you anything, it's supposed to stick in your brain like a piece of sharp debris. Actually delivering information is not what this kind of marketing ploy is designed to do, nor is it designed to make something sound credible or that make sense in setting.

                It's all about cadence, memorability, and fidgeting around IP laws.

              • 7 months ago

                You are describing something at odds with all forms of marketing or sales. Sale speech is marketing they’re not separate you can’t have something that’s A+ salespeech F marketing it’s literally one and the same. This is a meaningless delineation

              • 7 months ago

                Not joking, you don't understand marketing for luxury items. Explaining the product is far less important (at least according to conventional marketing wisdom, which may not necessarily be accurate but is definitely how marketers think) than just sticking in your target's memory, being easy to say, and sounding mostly inoffensive. This is particularly the case for niche markets where anyone looking at your product is going to already understand the basics (i.e. this is a miniature for a game).

                How effective this really is in miniature wargaming is disputable, because miniature wargamers are weirdos who care about things like internal consistency, believability, etc. But it is the kind of mindset a marketing expert with only loose connection to the product itself is going to bring.

              • 7 months ago

                None of what you’re saying is necessarily false or not applicable but it is by no means the standard. It’s another way of doing it

                >Explaining the product is far less important
                I know I, said that. if it was KO would be called Sky Dwarves and I would be back to square one rolling my eyes.

                >than just sticking in your target's memory, being easy to say, and sounding mostly inoffensive. This is particularly the case for niche markets where anyone looking at your product is going to already understand the basics
                This is not AoS by any means of the stretch. The most common criticism, comment, and complaint is “but what does it mean?” or “what’s this?” Being self explanatory for those in the know is secondary to AoS outside of what? Stormcast Eternal and maybe Fyreslayer
                The first is obvious, cast in the storm and immortal
                The second isn’t. They’re slayers of fire? They’re slayers who use fire?
                What the hell is a Soulblight? I can tell what a Gravelord is. How about Lumineth Realm-Lord? Ironjawz? They’re neither made of iron or possess jaws of iron.

                Like I’m not disagreeing what you’re saying is a marketing strategy nor am I necessarily disagreeing with its effectiveness. I’d agree in many parts. I just do no think it applies to AoS in this way considering their naming strategies require you to be bought into the setting even as a new customer as opposed to just walk by a window and see “High Elves” and then blasted with 70 images you associate with it from other places and prior knowledge. The way AoS is marketed you have to put effort into understanding anything adding to the consumers wall to purchase whereas you don’t need to read a new thing to conceptualize an old concept like good elf

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly, I think the examples you provide are exactly indicative of what you say they aren't - i.e. they're mishmash names that are memorable precisely because they are made up of multiple simple words, but that have no real meaning. Soulblight Gravelords is a great example. It tells you nothing, really, but it is a collection of words with loose associations that someone reading can project onto, with an easily-repeatable cadence (the four vowel "verbnoun verboun" structure), and because of both the simplicity of each word and the flow of it, it sticks in the memory very well. It's also, might I add, very easy to think up. Lumineth Realmlords is similar too; lumineth is a made up word, but it sounds like luminous, and each other word has easy associations. All of these have the added marketing speech trait of being totally eXtreme rad my dude - i.e. the purpose of the term 'soulbright gravelords' is to make people think they're being sold something other than generic vampires. Same goes for Lumineth Realmlords; you are being told, indirectly, that these are not simply elf guys, they're EXTREME superfantasy guys with an extreme superfantasy name. It doesn't matter if the name is mostly supercilious and sounds ridiculous as something a person in a real setting would say; it's not supposed to have verisimilitude, it's supposed to have mass market appeal with a leaning toward 12-16 year olds who are very concerned with things being or seeming special.

                WHFB goes for simple descriptive names on its units, then has more believable terminology in its lore; i.e. high elves call themselves asur, something that sounds far more like an actual culture or ethnic group than soulblight gravelords or lumineth realmlords.

                If you want to see unit naming schemes that go full "frick marketability, these things are called by their obscure in-setting names and we ain't tailoring those names around sales talk", see something like Conquest. Or even technically the ASoIaF game.

        • 7 months ago

          You mean like they already did before aos even begun development?

          • 7 months ago

            Really could have been a first-edition AoS map
            Love those styles of map

  44. 7 months ago

    People want dark fantasy with armies more like Skaven or Cities of Sigmar or classic undead, they don't want steampunk tophat stuff or WoW aesthetics. Age of Sigmar is a mess aestheticswise and the models range from actually better than 40k to downright dogshit.

    • 7 months ago

      In reality people want big bulky pauldroncore armor with Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness being top 2 most owned armies nowdays

      • 7 months ago

        There is that aspect yes but that is more of a 40k crossover leading to big gothic armored knights being the most popular trope armies. Stormcast can be made in a more dark fantasy tone too so its really more about the feeling of the setting more than judging that people want WoW garbage because space marine analogs sell well.

    • 7 months ago

      There is that aspect yes but that is more of a 40k crossover leading to big gothic armored knights being the most popular trope armies. Stormcast can be made in a more dark fantasy tone too so its really more about the feeling of the setting more than judging that people want WoW garbage because space marine analogs sell well.


      Age of Sigmar is the old Internet joke of
      >Can I copy your homework?
      >Sure, just make it look different so they can't tell.
      manifested as a game.

      • 7 months ago

        GW as usual is 10 years behind the times and never learns from others. They at least are putting in effort to try to correct their mistakes from early on.

  45. 7 months ago

    I love how some people are just so mind broken by AOS that every time it's mentioned they start foaming from their mouths and start going berserk.
    Like every normal person not liking AOS just Ignores it or rolls his eyes but nothing more.
    >it killed Fantasy
    No GW killed fantasy through mismanaged and AOS was something that was quickly done to not lose too much of the fantasy miniature market.
    This was said in interviews and is the reason early AOS was such a mess.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm sure no one actually buying fantasy models helped speed its death along. Even with the Old World coming back, most of the discussion here involves turning to 3d printing or using Perry sculpts again. Like I get not liking the new Bret sculpts and whatnot, but it's really proving to GW they made the correct choice to dumpster the setting in the first place.

      • 7 months ago

        Warhammer Fantasy Battles was so insanely awful at the time of its death, you have no idea
        Once, I needed 16 spearmen for a decent unit. In 8th, you needed 30+. Comp armies commonly had 100 man hordes.
        It was completely fricked as a system. It died for a good reason. If ToW has similar systems it too will die.

        • 7 months ago

          The Old World revamp is 100% going to die off. GW will make a alot of sales this year as secondaries and FOMO/ Nostalgia gays jump on the band wagon then give up after their first 20 block of spearman and the game will slowly trickly into irrelevancy like every other spin off game GW dose.

          • 7 months ago

            opinion discarded

          • 7 months ago

            >the game will slowly trickly into irrelevancy like every other spin off game GW dose.
            except when I've lived super remotely, which is irrelevant to the circumstances of the vast majority of hobbyists, I've never had any trouble finding other specialist games players

        • 7 months ago

          It was 8th edition that sabotaged it. It didn't deserve 8th edition and the GW greed of how many models in a unit you wanted to be competitive (not as in tournament competitive, but for the unit to be usable in a normal game). If AOS did something similar with it's army sizes needed for a normal game, it would die within a year.

      • 7 months ago

        The problem with WH Fantasy was never with WH Fantasy itself, but with GW's mismanagement: terrible rules, bloated unit sizes. I expect them to frick up with Old World as well (shitty new non-Bretonnians are a strong indication), but instead of recognizing that the problem is themselves, taking the lesson that "Welp, I guess nobody wants formation-based, Medieval fantasy. Let's keep trying to force Sigmarines."

        All the other problems of AoS aside, it was a bizarre replacement because WHF at least was occupying a different gaming niche than 40k by being a formation-based game.

        • 7 months ago

          People shitting on the new Brettonians as if the old ones weren’t the most boring range you could ever shit out about an army of magical super warriors

          • 7 months ago

            >as if the old ones weren’t the most boring range ever

            Peasant snivelry.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah bro very creative and fun design
              Just a fricking dude on a horse with no personality or indication of any of the cool shit Brettonia has or does. Grail knights also like shit they fit perfectly with these guys. The Green Knight should’ve been the main design for the faction that model actually has a personality. Unless they meant to make them as bland as possible

              • 7 months ago

                >he's still at it

              • 7 months ago

                >nooooo how dare you have an opinion about my baby 🙁

              • 7 months ago

                What the hell was the appeal of Brettonia
                The Empire and Chaos had better cavalry models. This shit is so bland

              • 7 months ago

                Models for historical gays scared to play a better ruleset

              • 7 months ago

                From what I've seen, the appeal of Brettonia seems to be similiar to the appeal of the Tau; a tiny faction that barely understands what is going on in the wider setting, seem to live in their own little world, and yet inexplicably manage to punch way above their weight class.

              • 7 months ago

                I’m talking about their models. The tau are atleast another flavor of sci-fi the brets aren’t even fantasy they’re just guys. Look at a knight of the blazing sun and a brettonian knight

              • 7 months ago

                they're Arthurian fantasy, go read a fricking book for once

              • 7 months ago

                >medieval knights
                >no personality
                LOL LMAO even

  46. 7 months ago

    I quite liked some of the bits of fluff for AoS. I like the concept of the Idoneth Deepkin being de-souled Elves who have to raid to keep themselves alive. There are some really good ideas in there. But each faction feels like it's been developed in isolation. The Realms concept only feels to me like it exacerbates and emphasises this. It's a few snippets of good design ideas, cast onto a petri dish of agar, and awaiting links to organically form. But that's not how players interact with settings.

  47. 7 months ago

    Have it stop being owned by GW

  48. 7 months ago

    Aos as a setting just doesn't work. They tried to make it high fantasy turned up to 11 like a rock album cover but it ended up just being stupid and childish. Just compare 1e artwork to current artwork and you can tell they backtracked and are slowly reverting back to whf

  49. 7 months ago

    Fundamentally AoS is a dad wargame, there may be other people who play it, but the majority are chill dads who just play. This is what confuses and enrages the online no games.

    • 7 months ago

      >but the majority are chill dads who just play. This is what confuses and enrages the online no games.
      Why do people lie so obviously like this?

      >Everyone loves warhammer fantasy but age of Sigmar is still utter poison.

      The dramatic decline in Warhammer art that coincided with the rise of AoS really turned people off to the whole setting. Consider the step change between pics related...

      This really is one of the most depressing elements by far. Older Warhammer Fantasy art may not be as "clean," but it's more intricate and expressive. It's the same with GW's models nowadays; they look cleaner and have more accurate proportions, but have less finer details and expressive poses, on top of being more difficult to kitbash.

      >Verification not required.

      • 7 months ago

        Old Warhammer art lacking "cleanness," as you call it, is part of why it is good. Digital art should be banned.

        The Old World revamp is 100% going to die off. GW will make a alot of sales this year as secondaries and FOMO/ Nostalgia gays jump on the band wagon then give up after their first 20 block of spearman and the game will slowly trickly into irrelevancy like every other spin off game GW dose.

        opinion discarded

        Has anyone ever said "secondary" and not sounded like a complete gay?

  50. 7 months ago

    aos is simpler to play and has bipoc/female representation to be an entry game to war gaming. its basically gws attempt at marketing to normies/girlfriends/wives

  51. 7 months ago

    Nothing can be done. AoS has been rejected by normies because they're weirded out by all the high fantasy bullshit.
    >Inb4 Shitmar fans insist it's doing well and it's just grogs shitting about it
    It isn't, found pic related last night at a clearance store. AoS is unironically doomed, can you ever imagine a 40k product winding up in one of these stores? Even the crappy 40k board games like THESE get snatched up because people want the models.

    • 7 months ago

      >imagine a 40k product winding up in one of these stores?

      Yes I can because I see the same dusty Warhammer board games every time I’m in the game section at my local bookstore. These games aren’t popular, at least not in the US.

      • 7 months ago

        >These games aren’t popular, at least not in the US.
        Sure, but there's a degree of interest in the models that get them picked up regardless whenever they're marked down. For the AoS games to sell SO POORLY that even discounts wouldn't get them off the shelf, and they had to be shipped off to a clearance store, is a sign how fricked AoS is.

        • 7 months ago

          I’ve just not seen this total collapse of AoS in real life. It’s just about as popular as 40K at my FLGS.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm sorry but if you didnt pick up this slopsterpiece for 10$ at Tuesday Morning you're missing out. Warhammer board games suck fricking dick, no Lt. Trans Soldier and Sgt. More Primaris doesn't sell boxes for full price homosexual

  52. 7 months ago

    >Shut the dumpfire of a setting down
    It's had nearly a decade at this point and still hasn't caught on. It's time for GW to put it down for good, and either move to a new thing or put their energy into bringing back WHFB.

  53. 7 months ago

    Age of Ligma

  54. 7 months ago

    >What can be done to improve age of sigmars image to other nerdy fanbases?


    • 7 months ago

      Tbf Arby's does that with everyone- that's their brand now is doing weird ads of pop culture stuff with their food. I don't even think they get paid to do it lul

      • 7 months ago

        you ever wonder what its like to be the dude who has to cook all this food that's just going to be used to draw anime characters

        • 7 months ago

          If it's appearing in an ad it's probably not real food, I'm sure the food stylist is fine with it.

  55. 7 months ago

    >lore for factions is good
    >lore for the world is nonexistent

    its literally just 40k again. What is the average mortal realms citizen's day look like?

    • 7 months ago

      Depends on the realm and the city why would everybody live the same life. Reiklanders and Nordlanders sure as shit didn’t

  56. 7 months ago

    >Everyone loves warhammer fantasy but age of Sigmar is still utter poison.

    The dramatic decline in Warhammer art that coincided with the rise of AoS really turned people off to the whole setting. Consider the step change between pics related...

    • 7 months ago
  57. 7 months ago

    Man its been a few years but.

  58. 7 months ago

    Completely delete the new aesthetic and the "strong modern womyn of color", and go back to the old 1400s Germany look.

  59. 7 months ago

    I feel bad for Age of Sigmar fans. I really do.

    At this point, I don't think there's anything that can be done without a complete, ground up redesign. Age of Sigmar struggles from two huge issues that really drag it down.
    >AoS just doesn't have a unique product identity. The models just look painfully generic. They look like characters from a any of a dozen Chinese Mobile Games.
    >There's a LOT of bitterness among longtime Warhammer fans over the launch. It was a 4th edition level disaster. Longtime fans of Warhammer were dismayed to see their favorite game disappear. GW did not help matters. As far as they were concerned, the Old World was dead and gone for good. It was ash and it wasn't coming back. This was the official attitude until the Warhammer Total War games dropped, there was a huge influx of interest in the Old World and that really took a lot of the wind out of AoS's sails.

  60. 7 months ago

    the only way to fix this game is to pile up all of your minis, shit on the pile and light it on fire. first flame to go out first wins.

    Heil spez

  61. 7 months ago

    Modern sigmar is a neat setting. The problem was its birth killed fantasy and was half baked at launch.
    With time it may be seen in a better light

    • 7 months ago

      It definitely still sucks balls

  62. 7 months ago

    it has a bad name
    "age of sigmar" will never not suck ass as a name
    literally just call it warhammer fantasy lmao and use old world to refer to the actual previous one

  63. 7 months ago

    Scrap it.
    You're never going to get the corporate whale farming smell off it. It reeks.

  64. 7 months ago


  65. 7 months ago

    Hi /tg/. Ganker tourist here.
    There was a warhammer thread on Ganker recently and many people calling each other "secondaries" and "tertiaries". It was never explained what they meant. It seemed like some kind of in-group autismo slur.
    I guess it means degrees of hierarchy of involvement or attachment or something like that, where a primary fan is above a secondary and so on.
    Question: how are the tiers decided? Meaning, what separates a primary from a secondary, a secondary from a tertiary, etc.
    PS: I don't play warhammer video games, just curious about the whole thing. I did play some warhammer 40k 3rd edition many years ago though.

    • 7 months ago

      I was curious about it myself a few months ago. Evidently: a "secondary" is someone who neither paints miniatures, nor plays the game itself, but who is a consumer of peripheral media such as video games or books. It's supposed to be a put-down, but it just makes the person saying it sound like a gay.

    • 7 months ago

      a secondary i thinkn is someone who only reads/ plays 40k games. basically the idea is the actual wargamers don't really have anything in common with people who just like the books or some of the games. seems really dumb to me because 90% of 40k tabletop gamers like the books and games as well.

    • 7 months ago

      Ignore that shit. Anyone who unironically uses the term "secondary" is an obese four eyed balding homosexual. They have just bought their first army box after a lifetime of playing Warhammer video games and now think they are superior to their friends who still just play the games. No one "decides" the tiers. It's just autists being really fricking cringe and autistic.

    • 7 months ago

      I am lead to believe crossposting Gankerutists brought it here. Anyway, bit of background:
      -GW is so big it allows autistic morons to get games despite miniatures wargaming being a social hobby
      -these losers are overly emotionally invested in the game, the company, their status as customers
      - as fanboys, they desperately want to think of themselves as being special (for playing the most popular miniatures wargames ever from the worlds largest miniatures wargaming company) as autistic morons they need a cheap way to dismiss triggering opinions without having to think through a counterargument, so buzzword out-group insults like this serve a dual purpose
      primary fan: wargamer
      secondary fan: non wargamer consumer of official media (black library schlock etc)
      tertiary: """"lore""""" youtube video watcher, wiki reader etc – risen in popularity more recently than secondary for two reasons, "secondary" is so overused it's lost its power, and also non-playing black library readers were desperate for an out-group of their own

    • 7 months ago

      Primary is a football player.
      Secondary only plays FIFA.
      Tetriary doesn't play anything, just saw some sports discussion online.

    • 7 months ago

      Primary is a fan of the actual original thing, in this case someone who engages in the hobby by modelling and/or playing the wargame. Secondary is a fan of derivative material like video games adaptations and fiction. Tertiary is a consumer of regurgitated secondary content, for example, a moron who watches "loretubers".

    • 7 months ago

      It’s the difference between someone who listens to nirvana vs someone who just wears a nevermind t shirt

  66. 7 months ago

    it's simply impossible for a rational mind to get attached to and immersed in a setting that cynically replaced a destroyed setting, whose posterboys faction clearly emulate something else from a different property because it sells better. warhammer fantasy was product that offered the illusion of being art, but age of sigmar is blatantly a business move. furthermore, out of universe, what kind of sensible person would get invested in setting its owner already demonstrated its perfectly willing to completely destroy what they have? in universe, how can you get invested in the stakes of battles in a setting where the apocalypse happened but then a god stepped in, waved his hand and created a successor? it just seems pointless no matter how you look at it. the only thing AoS has going for it is the models and that's just one part of the equation for 40k and fantasy

  67. 7 months ago

    Market Warhammer Fantasy to hardcore 5e players who are sick of all the pussies shitting up the hobby, then proceed from there.

    • 7 months ago

      "Hardcore" 5e players are remiss to even buy a players handbook for $30. How the frick do you expect them to buy plastic?

  68. 7 months ago


    >it's about the miniatures dumbass what are you a spoonfed man baby?
    >t. Tom Kirby

  69. 7 months ago

    Age of Sigmar is universally shit on all fronts, and that is a fact to everyone who's not a GW-only braindead consumer.

  70. 7 months ago

    I've had massively more fun playing AoS than 40k since 9th dropped and GW decided to focus the balance there around compgays who regularly shit things up anyways. It could be better but it's at least an actually enjoyable experience. The lore is garbage but I can entirely ignore that.

  71. 7 months ago


    I didn't expect to see Sdoricaposting just one week after I deleted that damn game.

  72. 7 months ago

    Nothing. AoS manages to have all the worst traits a setting can have for attracting long-term interest. Generic uninteresting designs, a nonsensical non-contiguous world where everything is so abstracted and far apart that all is meaningless, incredibly obviously marketing-lead design choices (i.e. a faction that is nakedly just a high selling faction from another game, but not in space), awful mcguffin lead writing, soulless as frick art (to be fair, this is endemic to the industry right now), the misfortune to not only have killed a beloved fantasy setting to live, but also to have killed it right before it got a huge popularity boost.

    AoS is just an utterly fricked concept.

  73. 7 months ago

    Grogs need to die out.

  74. 7 months ago

    Melee in RTS games is stupid.

  75. 7 months ago

    some of you don’t know how to actually debate without resorting to meaningless buzzwords.

  76. 7 months ago

    man is not wrong, would explain why only about 2000 people bought that game

  77. 7 months ago

    The videogames 'journalist' who wrote this is a moron, and you are a moron for agreeing with him.

    Age of Sigmar is the better game between it and 40K. This guy sounds like yet another of the endless hordes of grogs who b***h and moan about how "Fantasy was better!" but who never actually played Fantasy. We know they didn't, because if they actually did than WHFB would have been profitable and GW wouldn't have had to nuke it.

    The Old World is going to be DOA. Outside of CoSgays who are excited for good looking proxies (myself included) literally no one cares about it, and we're going to get to see Fantasy wither away in abject failure twice in a single decade.

    Literally the only thing Fantasy did better than AoS on an objective scale was human infantry and terrain (especially terrain).

    • 7 months ago

      Mega cringe.

    • 7 months ago

      ok m8

    • 7 months ago

      >no AoS is good! It doesn't matter the card game didn't sell, the videogame game doesn't sell, the books are only bought by people that already play the game, and no one outside of the GW bubble gives a shit about it

      • 7 months ago

        > aos is bad because things that aren't aos didn't sell!!!

        You're pretty stupid.

        • 7 months ago

          >t. redshirt

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but he's right and you're mad that he is.

      • 7 months ago

        >and no one outside of the GW bubble gives a shit about it
        Actually, this is a pretty damning condemnation of AoS now that I think about it. Warhammer's general presence in popular consciousness has grown rather significantly, yet very little of that awareness seems to be directed at AoS. Like, if you took a random sample I'm sure you'd find more people who were familiar - even passingly so - with 40k (obviously) and Fantasy (despite it effectively being dead for almost a decade) than you would people with a familiarity with AoS.

        Age of Sigma's maps are designed to be ugly because of the idea that "nothing matters, make your own heckin lore and kingdom" which backfired since it results in 2creative4u interpretations like "blue orks". Sigmar appeals heavily to people who hate having rules at all.

        Sigmar needs more time to pass for kids to maybe buy start collecting boxes and not understand the angry 20-39yos who say it's fricking garbage, or the 40+yos who say that warhammer died after 5th edition anyway.

        The fact sigmar rode in on fantasy's death and 40k being crippled by primaris while being pushed in aggressive and moronic ways will always still to the chagrin of the people who were burned by it and felt their concerns were not respected at all.

        >Age of Sigma's maps are designed to be ugly because of the idea that "nothing matters
        I think one of AoS's biggest issues is that it borrows heavily from the 40k school of scale without having decades of development in other facets to make that flaw even remotely tolerable. Like a full-on fricking galaxy, the realms in AoS are difficult to quantify and make a lot of stakes feel pretty meaningless. Who gives a frick if half a realm gets ass-fricked by chaos? It'll just be repopulated in a century or so anyway.
        You don't tend to get a real sense of time or place with AoS stories. A lot of the time it just feels like random points are being connected together instead of it being a cohesive, self-contained world operating with its own logic. Compare that to some like a Gortex and Felix book - you actually understand how the pair could go from the Border Princes to Nuln, and you understand how and why those places are different and how they're connected.

    • 7 months ago

      >Literally the only thing Fantasy did better than AoS on an objective scale was human infantry and terrain (especially terrain).
      And not having ugly overdesigned models.

      But AoSgays actually think overdesigned models are a good thing kek.

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