What changed?

/vp/ used to hate BW when it first came out, now zoomers will tell you it’s peak.

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  1. 9 months ago

    no we fricking didn't you gay c**t! its always been one of the best entrys in the series

    • 9 months ago

      Gen 5 got hated by japs because it started straying from the east and they started the hate trend. Then americucks started worshipping it because it's based on america and inverted the trend to a "le undarepated" trend.

      It's that simple.

      There are illiterate britoids here now? wtf

      • 9 months ago

        Strange, gen 5 seems like it's more popular in jp than the west to me

        • 9 months ago

          It seems wrong to your brain and reread.

          the pinning it as an american thing is schizo yourself
          right about everything else though

          Because it is. Even if you arent american, youre brainwashed by them. I literally read of absolute moronS saying "i wish i could enjoy bw when they came out but i got brainwashed:_(" double outlining their mental moronation in being brainwashed not once, but twice following the opinions of the majority on what the golem's brain can enjoy or not. Lmao

          In the meantime I enjoyed gen 5 at its time and I enjoyed even more gen 6 and then even more gen 7, because theyre objectively better. But it's a matter of fact that americans capitalize on gen 5 because its based on america and even project their american guns and freydom moronation as a metaphor for the plot. As well as the reason japs hated it at first and with them everyone else, theyre apparently still butthurt that pokemon isnt set in japan anymore and that the games now look more like american cartoons than anime according to them

          • 9 months ago

            >respectable placing in game poll for BW/BW2:


            >BW had record sales in japan
            >gen 5 designs doing better on japanese poll
            Still doubt your claim that japan hates BW that much

      • 9 months ago

        >Gen 5 got hated by japs because it started straying from the east and they started the hate trend. Then americucks started worshipping it because it's based on america and inverted the trend to a "le undarepated" trend.
        >It's that simple.
        This is nonsense your zoonie ass made up. I was there for the backlash to gen 5 in the west.

        • 9 months ago

          In fact i didnt say "da west" didn't hate it. They hated it by following others like sheeple tards. In this case, Japanese, that started the hate on it. I know this well because here nobody makes their own opinions but just follow that of others and trends and i can easily see who starts these trends. Poketards are even too stupid to make their own points, during gen 7 and 8 it peaked to the most mentally handicapped possible way where everyone would parrot the same exact dumb shit over and over over everything related to pokemon.

          "le gen 5 underste:"("
          "le lysandre le stpid!!!11!"
          "le gen 7 le handholding y le national prex:(
          "las dexiat y las Nintendo 64 tree"

          Those few ones that did make their own opinions couldn't but recognize that poketards were being extremely mentally moronic making up excuses and following the trend just to spew autismo hate.

          • 9 months ago

            Wow, fans banding together because they share similar goals, praises or complaints? MUST BE SHEEPLE WHO CAN'T FORM THEIR OWN OPINION!
            Fricking hell, you'd call /tr/ "created by sheeple" if you were teleported back in time.

          • 9 months ago

            How does the cope work out for you, Unovafetusbro?

  2. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Am I supposed to be mad that these specific zoomers like good games instead of the vast majority of them that love scat and vomit?

      • 9 months ago

        >Am I supposed to be mad that these specific zoomers like good games
        That sure isn’t what the image is showing.

        • 9 months ago

          It pretty clearly is. Platinum, HGSS, BW and BW2 are all pretty good games. I'd say thanks for the whitepill, but I know most zoomers like the trash that came after them.

          • 9 months ago

            >Platinum, HGSS, BW and BW2 are all pretty good games
            A zoomer would think that, yeah.

            • 9 months ago

              And they'd be correct.

    • 9 months ago

      >people were kids at a point, don't listen to them!
      >me however, i'm above that because i was older

      This is all that pictures conveys. Just because you grew up with gen 1 or 2 doesn't grant you some sort of superiority. You have a pretty sad life if you're over the age of 25 and STILL care about shit like that.

      • 9 months ago

        >I'm a fricking zoomers hurr durr
        if you aren't 30+ you should leave Ganker

        • 9 months ago

          if you're 30 on fricking 4 channel you're a fricking loser next year when I turn 30 I'm leaving this moronic site

          • 9 months ago

            haha yeah sure you are
            moronic zoomer

  3. 9 months ago

    No one hated BW this board was one of the places that liked it when other people complained, fricking historical revisionist homosexual.

    • 9 months ago

      The only people I ever saw actually hating BW at launch were people who didn’t even play the games and were just coping as an excuse to not play them.
      It’s the same with the “people hated ____ at launch but now it’s loved”.
      No the people who liked it at launch still like it and the people who hated it launch moved on to something

      • 9 months ago

        I played it in Japanese via rom before it came out in NA and i hate it lol. Youre wrong.

        • 9 months ago

          What about it did you hate?

          • 9 months ago

            The early game was dreadful and overly scripted and sequence heavy. Hated being forved to ise the monkey to beat the meme type matchup gym.
            Especially in the gave that gives you 2 rivals with both the starters you dont pick.
            Speaking of, having 2 rivals because it slowed the early game to a crawl because the game makes you sit through talking to and battling both of em so fricking much early on

            Before even playing it, a lot of the decisions and choices made for it i was against from the start. I didnt like how there would be no new evos of old Pokemon that could really use em
            I didn't like how my collection of items and TMs wouldnt be able to be transferred.
            It was kinda like how Gen 3 was for Pokemaniagays I guess.
            I played on anyway tho and the game gets better but then all the railroading gets on your nerves a lot.

            I still wanted to be charitable because i like Pokemon and wanna be hyped for it.
            I was at first surprised at how well i was able to play through the game in Japanese, and it sink in that the reason was because the region was a straight line.
            I also, of course, fidnt like many of the designs, though i did scrounge together a team. A good handful of Gen 5 mons are my fave Pokemon period but the ones I dont like are much more plentiful.
            Whimsicott, Galvantula and Chandelure are bros though.
            Didnt like the starters and the overabundance of things like the flashy bridges that have no substance. Gen 5 felt pretty empty.
            Getting interrupted by C-Gear was also annoying.
            Game was easy. Music on low HP was annoying as hell, especially as a Whimsicott player since it turns on and off repeatedly when you heal out of red HP with LeechSeed and junk.

            A lot of Gen 5 pokemon I feel i liked em more in Gen 6 because i feel their designs look better in 3D. I think the overly pixilated sprites made them look worse than they were as well.

            Didnt like needing a second DS to transfer from Gen 4. Gen 3 to 4 just required the GBA slot.

    • 9 months ago

      The only people I ever saw actually hating BW at launch were people who didn’t even play the games and were just coping as an excuse to not play them.
      It’s the same with the “people hated ____ at launch but now it’s loved”.
      No the people who liked it at launch still like it and the people who hated it launch moved on to something

      Interesting theories I mean not really and factually wrong invented bullshit. Literally everyone was hating gen 5 and this board hates it to this day, what are you even talking about?
      The schizophrenia of americans never ends. Besides it's a known fact that gen 5 started the hate trend that never ended since. The only reason it changed with gen 5 is that americuck zoomers started worshipping it while deviating the hate trend on gen 6, so all the Poketto-tards found refuge in "le gen 5 y le hrt-ss" while hating on every new gen 24/7.

      It's really that simple. Mentally moronic "people" wouldnt reason any other or logical way.

      • 9 months ago

        the pinning it as an american thing is schizo yourself
        right about everything else though

  4. 9 months ago

    Not really, you weren't there.
    What /vp/ did hate back then was nostalgiagays.

    • 9 months ago

      >What /vp/ did hate back then was nostalgiagays.
      >back then
      What the frick makes you think that changed now?

      • 9 months ago

        There's no crying about "nostalgiagays" anymore. Just a bunch of zoomers pissing themselves when they see people that don't absolutely despise any game that came before they were born.
        There's a difference.

      • 9 months ago

        The fact that /vp/ is full of them now.

        • 9 months ago

          Where? There's daily threads shitting on some random thing about Johto that no one cared about before, or crying that Kanto had jobmons, or crying about a Poké Ball with DBZ eyes, etc.

          • 9 months ago

            Lots of people claiming it was good and "soul" until Gen 2 and claiming gen 3-5 were already the dark ages.
            Those two things you mention are newer things that are unrelated.

            • 9 months ago

              This is not nearly as common as you're saying, and the group of people saying that now vs then are totally different. There's way more resentment towards older gens (1-5) since they see it as a way to deflect criticism of the newer gens. That's where most of the falseflagging genwar garbage comes from.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                That OP has a gen 3 image, which you claimed was the dark ages for them lol
                It also only seems to be complaining about Gen 8 and 9
                If that's the standard for "nostalgiagay", well damn, 99% of the people that were here before dexit are nostalgiagays then.

                >older gens
                nice try

                Found one.

              • 9 months ago

                Found a zoomer.

              • 9 months ago

                >That OP has a gen 3 image, which you claimed was the dark ages for them lol
                Anon, no one said they're an organized cult with strict rules to follow.

                >If that's the standard for "nostalgiagay", well damn, 99% of the people that were here before dexit are nostalgiagays then.
                Nostalgiagay is anyone who doesn't like anything beyond gen 2 you zoomer. Those were the people who actually hated Gen 5 on release, not the actual fanbase.

              • 9 months ago

                >Anon, no one said they're an organized cult with strict rules to follow.
                >Nostalgiagay is anyone who doesn't like anything beyond gen 2
                So is that supposed to be an example of a nostalgiagay? Because they like something beyond gen 2.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Back to your containment thread:


              • 9 months ago

                >sending them to my thread
                Frick off. I already said I'm not your boogeyman, schizo.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nostalgiagay is anyone who doesn't like anything beyond gen 2 you zoomer.
                Gen 6 slone is 10 years old. Claiminh nostalgiagayging is exclusive to Pokemaniagays is moronic.
                Gen 5 zoomies that played it when they were like 8 are in their 20s now.

              • 9 months ago

                >Gen 6 slone is 10 years old. Claiminh nostalgiagayging is exclusive to Pokemaniagays is moronic.
                The meaning changed because of zoomers like you but the entire point of the term was indeed to be used against people who never liked pokemon and just were in for the fad and were too lazy to at least try the (then) newer stuff.

                Gen 3-5 came out at a time where pokemon wasn't popular and thus if you like those it means you aren't in for the nostalgia, you actually do like pokemon.

              • 9 months ago

                >Gen 3-5 came out at a time where pokemon
                Pokemon never stopped being popular. It just stopped being a fad.
                It was still a massively popular system seller. Only exception was Gen 5 and console spinoffs.

              • 9 months ago

                21 y/o Anon responding, as someone who was in elementary school for Gen 4-5, middle school for Gen 6, high school for Gen 7-8, and now college for Gen 9, I definitely have a first person perspective on popularity. I was never alive to witness the remnants of OG Pokemania, anyone who says it carried into Gen 3-4 is insane. I didn’t know anyone else besides my siblings who was playing Gen 3 but Gen 4 drew in a lot of kids in the ds crowd and it was a really common playground game, but then Gen 5 was really gay and that was where you were a gay for liking Pokemon. Gen 6 and 7 are where I started noticing more adults playing the games, but it was not at all popular or socially acceptable, I felt like a huge homosexual talking about playing the games to my irl friends and never brought my 3DS to school or anything like that. The Switch era is honestly where it changed, people already were bringing their Switches to school Pre Pokemon, so LGPE and SWSH actually had a very warm reception from that demographic, I was openly a Pokemon fan in high school whilst not really being lumped in as a nerd, I had a hot girlfriend when Shield came out and she watched me play, and now with SV everyone in college was playing it, 100% the series is at its most mainstream popularity for the zoomer demographic than ever before. I see a bunch of people shamelessly flexing Pokemon stuff now, but it was considered gay in the Gen 5-7 era. But the 35 year old autists on this site will never accept that Gen 8 and 9 are a massive hit amongst casuals and young adults, what would I know?

              • 9 months ago

                >But the 35 year old autists on this site will never accept that Gen 8 and 9 are a massive hit amongst casuals and young adults, what would I know?
                Anon, we're aware of their popularity. Their popularity combined with the perception that the games themselves are poorly produced is literally why much of the board is sour towards them.
                If there were unpopular games that didn't receive many sales, do you think the board would care? No. The mass majority of these people legitimately couldn't give a frick if these games weren't popular, because they don't think they're good quality. They'd be a little upset that a game series they loved released a few bad games, but so long as Gamefreak got the memo and corrected course, they'd just view it as a rough time and nothing more.
                However, their popularity means that Gamefreak won't get the financial memo that many of the fans are upset by the games, and Gamefreak can continue to ignore the people who want better out of the series they fell in love with.
                TL;DR: People buying the game means to make more of that. Fans here do not want more of that, but the base is too big for complaints from here to be heard.

              • 9 months ago

                Stop lumping in Gen 3 with the DS games. People actually bought GBAs to play it and the games are the top-selling of the console. The DS games are the ones people had less interest in and it's because they were a stale formula by that point.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                >User score goes down with each first version release from 3 to 5

              • 9 months ago

                That happens with S/M too, I guess for probably pretty obvious reasons, the second release has less happy reviews.

              • 9 months ago

                >implying the user score ever mattered on a site only nerds use

              • 9 months ago

                >Stop lumping in Gen 3 with the DS games
                What are you gonna frickin' do? They're the only games with colorized 2D sprites for characters and the last ones with traditional training mechanics before X&Y overhauled it.
                >People actually bought GBAs to play it and the games are the top-selling of the console
                Same with the DS. The games may not be #1 on the console, but #5 and #6 are respectable positions, and also both still outsold the #1 on the GBA.
                It's also the reason to why I got my DS.

              • 9 months ago

                GBA Pokemon sale rankings: #1, #2, #3
                DS Pokemon sale rankings: #5, #6, #8, #12, #13

                People were buying GBAs just to play Pokemon and now when they were confronted with new games on the next console they suddenly don't want to buy them anymore. The percentage of console sales to game sales is lower in every situation for the DS games versus the GBA ones. Emerald and Platinum both sell about 7.06 million copies even though the latter is on a system that sold 70 million more units. Gen 3 is not niche.

              • 9 months ago

                The GBA was a niche system that sold less than its predecessor by 37 million consoles, and had 1/3rd the library of the DS. Taking this into account, with such variety and the price hike on Pokemon games for the DS, is it any wonder that the DS games sold less?

              • 9 months ago

                Game Boy: Pokemon games sell significantly more than the Mario sidescrollers
                GBA: Pokemon games sell significantly more than the Mario sidescrollers & Mario Kart is close behind it
                DS: Pokemon games are suddenly below the NSMB by a 13 million difference. Mario Kart is ahead as well.

                Really weird how people were buying these consoles for Pokemon before and the games were always #1 and never went past #3, and they suddenly decided to stop for some reason when the DS came out because HGSS cost an extra 5 dollars

              • 9 months ago

                Wasn't it a 10 buck increase? I know it was a 10 buck increase from DS to 3DS.
                Anyways, Pokemon was rather late to the party on the DS, and by that time, better games released. It took under a year for Ruby and Sapphire to release. Comparatively, it took almost 2 after the DS launch to release DP. The DS was also apart of Nintendo's initial attempts to sway casual fans over, and with Nintendogs and Brain Age outranking Pokemon, it shows.
                If I'm not mistaken, pack-ins definitely also skewed the results. I do not ever remember a Pokemon pack-in existing for the DS. Not even the DSi, which Black was meant to take advantage of, had it. Meanwhile, NSMB, Nintendogs, Mario Kart, and Brain Age were all pack-in options for the DS. Now, the part I may be mistaken about is the idea that the GBA had a pack-in option for RS and FRLG. I remember reading about Pokemon pack-ins for the GBA, but I'm too busy to check, and I don't ever recall seeing a GBA box advertising Pokemon pack-ins when I was looking for references.
                A stale formula may also have something to do with it, but I'm honestly of the opinion it mattered little, as modern day Pokemon hasn't changed much from the GBA era formula and it sees immense success.

              • 9 months ago

                Alright, I had more time than I expected and did a double check. While I am correct that the top 4 DS games were all pack-ins, I am incorrect about the GBA having any Pokemon pack-ins. The closest the GBA got to that were e-Reader cards. the last pack-in mainline game was Crystal.

              • 9 months ago

                What is this moronation. Also, I hope you arent only using the base model GBA here.
                GBA selling less than a pedesesor doesnt make it niche, you actual moron.

              • 9 months ago

                It was relativistic. The GBA sold less than the GB, GB Light, MicroGB and GBC combined. In terms of handheld consoles, the GBA is the worst performing console Nintendo ever released, besides the complete and utter failure of the VirtualBoy which barely qualifies as a handheld, the DSi and the 3DS.
                And I wasn't, I was including ALL models, because unfortunately the GB and DS numbers I came up with don't exclude the other models. I would've compared solely the regular DS and DS Lite with the GBA models, but the DSi got lumped in there too...

              • 9 months ago

                RS is when "they started to look like digimon" anon and all the other excuses that are currently refined as "Tajiri stopped being involved".

                RS wasn't pokemania and that isn't a bad thing.

              • 9 months ago

                >older gens
                nice try

  5. 9 months ago

    discord thread.
    vp loved BW and hated genwunners.

  6. 9 months ago

    /vp/ fricking loved BW when it came out you moronic tourist Jesus fricking christ. You weren't here, you didn't experience it, and your life is so empty that you are resorting to lying on Ganker for amusement.

  7. 9 months ago

    The old-timers were replaced by the new generation that doesn't know any better and gets its opinions from youtubers.

  8. 9 months ago

    They were easily impressed by edgy character design and the game pretending to be deeper than it is.
    Like Colloseum.

  9. 9 months ago

    >/vp/ used to [FANFIC]

  10. 9 months ago

    if I was a kid and had to play any game that wasn't the original gen 1 first then play gen 2, 3, 4, in order etc. I would kill myself

  11. 9 months ago

    I never hated Best Wishes anime.
    >inb4 games
    I play only PMD and PokePark

    • 9 months ago

      Pokepark 2 was the best.

  12. 9 months ago

    >its another nursing home thread

  13. 9 months ago

    /vp/ loved BW when it came out. Remember, /vp/ was made after HGSS because 1/3rd of Ganker was Pokemon threads. BW continued the hype the board absolutely loved BW.

    • 9 months ago

      People enjoyed BW’s marketing. The actual game was underwhelming as frick compared to HGSS.

    • 9 months ago

      This isn’t real. This didn’t happen. Take your meds and stop believing zoomer revisionist lies.

      • 9 months ago

        I heard it was DPPt, but yeah, /tr/ was started because of an influx of people enjoying the game series.

        they don't have arguments, they deflect to other gens, accuse you of being a genwunner and now even kalosperm, prop up strawmens to ridicule that only hyper-casuals resemble, and all the while ignoring and failing to rebut the central critical points that are brought up every time

        Okay, give me a critical point, and I can refute it without pointing to another generation.

  14. 9 months ago

    Dude what? There are daily gen 5 hate threads

    • 9 months ago

      Open any of these threads and you’ll see what OP is saying is true. Suddenly people are pretending BW are good and weren’t hated by everybody on release.

  15. 9 months ago

    I am 21 years old, first game was Emerald then Blue then LeafGreen, Diamond and Pearl were the first games I got to actively experience the hype cycle for, they were alright, Platinum was awesome though, as were HGSS, and then BW were the first set of games to come out where I was old and competent enough to be using the internet to check for news and stuff, and I remember being so fricking legendarily hyped when I first saw Zoroark, as well as Zekrom and Reshiram. But the first time I saw gameplay I was so off put by how ugly it was; the rigged sprites have never looked good to me and it really really dampened my experience, as well as the omission of Pokemon from the first 4 Gens since I didn’t love all the new designs (though I’ve warmed up to the Unova dex over time, never warmed up to Sinnoh’s dex in comparison). I kind of feel like people are trolling when they say Gen 5 has some kind of magical story, the series has always sucked in the story department and the Unova games are no less boring than the rest. If I had to pick one Pokemon game with a “great” story it would be Platinum or Sun/Moon, not BW/B2W2, but story has never been Pokemon’s thing. By the time Black 2 and White 2 rolled around, they were the first game I was able to put down without beating, and I put it down for a looooong time before beating it. I was heading into middle school and starting to think that maybe I didn’t like the series anymore like I used to, after two dud generations in a row. But then X and Y dropped in my first year of 6th grade and all of my friends and older siblings got it and everything felt so fresh and smooth again, the online was crazy, it felt like the earlier part of my Pokemon experience for the first time again. And I’m still here today, so I’m a zoomer who hated Gen 4 and 5, break the stereotype

    • 9 months ago

      28 and I vibe a lot with this. Zoroark looked so cool as a Dark Riolu with illusion. Then i felt negative about the rest of the game. Agreed about story. Gen 7 is the game that has a good story. Gen 5s is just the game where story presentation and focus was made mire prominent, which i dont even think is a good thing tbh.
      The twist at the end is so bad in Gen 5. Ghetsis is such a shitty villain.

      • 9 months ago

        what twist?

        >Gen 3-5 came out at a time where pokemon
        Pokemon never stopped being popular. It just stopped being a fad.
        It was still a massively popular system seller. Only exception was Gen 5 and console spinoffs.

        >Pokemon never stopped being popular. It just stopped being a fad.
        There was always people liking pokemon but you clearly weren't there if you didn't notice the change in perception it had back then.

        • 9 months ago

          >There was always people liking pokemon but you clearly weren't there if you didn't notice the change in perception it had back then.
          I was shitting on the fad and started in Gen 3 with FRLG. Pokemon never stopped being popular. In 1st grade everyone was trading pokemon cards begore shifting to YGO.
          Its only the boomers that got in just because of the fad gactor that fell off.

    • 9 months ago

      >Thinks Platinum and HGSS are awesome
      >Hates gen 4
      I shiggydiggy

  16. 9 months ago

    Vp is infested with people pretending to be stupid

  17. 9 months ago

    Right what is says on the tin. Zoomers grew up and it's childhood game for most if not all of them.

    Now they try to coax and bully their fellows into the cult and vainly gaslight older fans into thinking there's nothing actually wrong with Gen V at all.

    I don't know who actually takes unovaborts seriously, but it's not and never been and never will be me.

    • 9 months ago

      Unovagays today use the same bad arguments now. So it's not even just nostalgia either.

      • 9 months ago

        they don't have arguments, they deflect to other gens, accuse you of being a genwunner and now even kalosperm, prop up strawmens to ridicule that only hyper-casuals resemble, and all the while ignoring and failing to rebut the central critical points that are brought up every time

        • 9 months ago

          Exactly, the same non-arguments.

  18. 9 months ago

    Just wanted to drop in and remind everyone that gen 1 is terrible and the games are trash

  19. 9 months ago

    Hey schizo, stop talking to yourself to convince yourself of the Unovagay boogeyman being bad.

  20. 9 months ago

    /vp/ hates BW though

  21. 9 months ago

    /pol/gnarx trying to hype up the USA!!1! genration (to a pathetic degree)

  22. 9 months ago

    Discord troony you a lie. I'm an OG and I can tell you that us were playing BW when it released in Japan and finding out the game had a piracy protection on our R4 and finding ways to patch it. I also remember the quick translation hacks that were made for it as well. We all traveled and loved the Isshu region back in the day. I remember good ol Smugleaf and all the memes it had.

    • 9 months ago

      His legend starts in the 5th generation!
      I remember those memes! Him, Bacon and DerpDerp. I also remember the fake leaks like Sadfish.
      >playing BW when it released in Japan and finding out the game had a piracy protection on our R4 and finding ways to patch it. I also remember the quick translation hacks that were made for it as well.
      Yup, that was me.
      >We all traveled and loved the Isshu region back in the day.
      Nah, I hated it.

  23. 9 months ago

    BW became old enough to where the "old good, new bad" moronation no longer dictates that is bad.

  24. 9 months ago

    Because, it's a different audience that grew up with it, so of course they're going to tell you it's their favorite.

  25. 9 months ago

    Zoomers ruined pretty much every game franchise. At this point I welcome Gen A's finishing blow to everything.

    • 9 months ago

      Zoomers? ZOOMERS!? We ruined it!? What the frick! Most of us weren't in the high school when the millennials got in and started turning games to equal shit!
      Zoomers are not the reason why the younger generation is playing less videogames in their spare time.

      • 9 months ago

        >Most of us weren't in the high school when the millennials got in and started turning games to equal shit!
        and you ate all the shit up

        • 9 months ago

          What else were we supposed to do? That was the only readily accessible thing after you frickers got in. Plus, we were all kids, and didn't know better. Almost no one introduced us to the greatest gaming had to offer, so we just thought that's all there was to it, and it wasn't terrible, unlike what now exists.
          Evidently, Alpha isn't now, but that's because they've just left the hobby entirely, or have turned it to a severely diminutive part of their life. Millennials have successfully and thoroughly wrecked the industry enough that new people refuse to enter the hobby. Zoomers have just joined the industry and therefore physically couldn't have caused this much damage.

          • 9 months ago

            Game devs simply appeal to what the target demographic, zoomers, tastes are. Zoomers are the ones that pushed the industry towards live service models, social media integration, matchmaking, etc.

            • 9 months ago

              Venture capital prop most of these ventures above the sinking line, allowing them to safely ignore the consequences of their actions.
              You can even see that in practice. Many developers spoke out against Elden Ring and Baulder's Gate 3 for not following any of the modern games industry trends and meeting the bare minimum expectation of a fun game, and despite that, they were huge successes for their respective franchises. These frickers can't even properly program a skinnerbox anymore.
              Zoomers never wanted any of what you described either, and began to backlash when they realized there were better ways, but the overwhelming majority of the industry doesn't listen to their consumer anymore.

  26. 9 months ago

    It was just genwungays.

  27. 9 months ago
    In risk of reviving this thread, here's a copypasta

    Thread terminated.
    I'm sorry to interrupt you anonymous, if you even still remember that name, but I am afraid that you have been misinformed.
    You are not here to cause genwars, nor have you been called here by the website you assume, although you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of rage and autism, misdirection and honeypots. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize.
    You don't even realize that you cannot leave. Your lust for tardrage has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of homosexuals in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach.
    But you will never find them, none of you will. This is where your story ends.

    And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this website not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be.

    I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This thread will not be remembered ,and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away, as the agony of every homosexual thread should.
    And to you, morons in the thread, be still and give up your pokeballs. They don't belong to you.
    For most of you, I hope there is peace, and perhaps more waiting for you in the aftermath. Although, the likelihood is that the deepest pit of hell has opened for us all, so we better not keep the devil waiting friends.
    Moot, if you are reading this, I knew that you'd eventually come back too. It's in a creator's nature to try to protect their creation. I'm sorry that on that year, the day you were chased off of Ganker and felt that there was no choice but to leave it with asiaticmoot, no one was there to lift you up in their arms the way you lifted the internet up.
    And then, what became of you? I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my Moot. We couldn't talk to you then, so let my cries ring hollow now.

    This ends, for all of us.

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