What did Paizo mean by this?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Pathfinder First Edition was overrun with monster girls in general. Like virtually every bestiary was a quarter women.

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely true. Only four types of monsters exist across all six bestiaries:
      >normal animal, sometimes with a quirk
      >weird patchwork of features with a random shape
      >burly men
      >hot women


      The amount of fetishes explored in the Golarion setting is outstanding.

    • 2 years ago

      My friend used to joke that they were more "Breastiaries" than Bestiaries.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pathfinder First Edition was overrun with monster girls in general. Like virtually every bestiary was a quarter women.

      My friend used to joke that they were more "Breastiaries" than Bestiaries.

      >My friend used to joke that they were more "Breastiaries" than Bestiaries.

      It seems the author had read Hesiod recently. Εχιδνα (Ekhidna) was one of the Drakainas, the monstrous she-dragons of Greek Mythology.

      She was a snakewoman which also represented rot, slime, fetid waters, illness and disease. Hesiod says she gave birth to many monsters, and associates her with the salt marshes and that mucky sea foam found in some coasts. She gave birth to Cerberus, Chimera, Hydra, Scylla, another multi-headed dog, the liver-eating eagle and many others.

      Actually an interesting way to adapt the original. Most adaptations I have seen show her like if she was half-medieval european dragon, forget her loathsome aspects and even make her beautiful.

      >It seems the author had read Hesiod recently. Εχιδνα (Ekhidna) was one of the Drakainas, the monstrous she-dragons of Greek Mythology.

      IIRC even some ancient Greek sources mention Echidna of having the uppoer body of a beautiful nymph and a lower body of a serpent.

      >IIRC even some ancient Greek sources mention Echidna of having the uppoer body of a beautiful nymph and a lower body of a serpent.
      The most Traditional of Games!

      >She was a snakewoman which also represented rot, slime, fetid waters, illness and disease. Hesiod says she gave birth to many monsters, and associates her with the salt marshes and that mucky sea foam found in some coasts. She gave birth to Cerberus, Chimera, Hydra, Scylla, another multi-headed dog, the liver-eating eagle and many others.
      ...Also HOT!

      >Somebody at Paizo clearly had a fetish.
      Every scum-sucking frickwit who says this reveals themselves to be nothing but a sex-addled dimwit. Birth and its attendant issues are gross, filled with horror, and deeply fricking uncomfortable. It is the perfect horror subject and remarkably easy to weird someone out with. A horrifying demon that's a grotesque mockery of birth, dialing up the ick factor up to 11 makes for a good gross-out monster and really sells the nature of the corruption of demon kind.

      >Birth and its attendant issues are gross, filled with horror, and deeply fricking uncomfortable. It is the perfect horror subject and remarkably easy to weird someone out with. A horrifying demon that's a grotesque mockery of birth, dialing up the ick factor up to 11 makes for a good gross-out monster and really sells the nature of the corruption of demon kind.
      Except the same discomfort can conflated with sexual arousal, hence the eponymous "Fear Boner."

      Look, the adult male brain is wired to think about sex every 16 seconds, I'm sorry it's like this but that's what happens when you have an entire gender whose purpose in reproductive biology is being a genetic vector...

      • 2 years ago

        >Except the same discomfort can conflated with sexual arousal
        Im sorry but only people with something wrong with them find a bloated thing that smells of sulfur, dried blood, and amniotic fluids, which emanates a feeling of monstrous evil and wrongness, and which only wants your death and suffering, to be "sexy". You can consider it sexy because you have the pleasure of it only being a drawing and so can disregard its horror elements. If you were actually fighting the thing, what you're actually doing in the fricking game and why it was made, its nature would be far less sexy and much more horrific. And fear boners arent sexy, they are deeply uncomfortable physically and emotionally, a reaction to adrenaline without any of the cognitive attachments meant to be there to have an erection.

        What you are doing is rationalizing your misplaced urges you refuse to control, and thinking everyone else is just as pathetic as you are. Grow the frick up, stop fetishizing everything that is vaguely woman-like, and stop thinking with your dick.

        Nta, but there are at least three Goth Girl Lands on Golarion
        General gothic horror land. Female npcs hailing from there in canon material are mostly gypsy-coded tarot reading women, but I goth mistresses of cursed castles communing with ghosts and Cthulu, in the parody of the Miskatonic university.
        Undead land ruled by an immortal necromancer who hasn't realised he's undead yet. He once stole the corpse of a female paladin paragon and turned her into his obedient goth wife (the art for her has even added mascara) just to spite said paladins. The nobility is mostly composed of vampires, counting many Bathory aesthetics among them. Plus, Urgathoa, the goddess of the undead, is always represented as a naked girl with a skeletal lower half, and she is known to encourage the undead to seek mortal pleasures and excess, granting them supernatural means to do so.
        A country shrouded in eternal darkness, fully devoted to the God of BDSM. Judjing from the artwork, black bodypaint and make up, piercings, and leather stripes are considered mandatory fashion statesment for women, so gothness is a national value.

        Ustalav is literally just Gothic Victorian Translyvania, so werewolves, vampires, and other classic horror movie stuff. This is for your victorian dress goth who loves Anne Rice, wants the knot, and likes tarot.
        Your thinking of Geb and he knows hes dead, read the fricking Book of the Dead book for lots of his writings on necromancy and how he is very much portrayed like a lot of the frickwits here who want to play "good" necromancers. This place is for necrophiliacs and literally dead ladies. The nobility are necromancers, made up of a ton of various intelligent undead. Urgathoa preaches all pleasures but sexual (as she cannot perform these). You are not getting a hot goth wife from here, especially since the living population are starved chattel, the few living low nobles, or foreigners.
        Nidal, you are mostly correct on. This is for leather and piercing goths.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty sure it is mentioned in one of the source books that Calistra and Urgathoa sometimes have conflicts when a necrophiliac cult arises so Urgathoa does in fact preach sexual pleasures in canon.

          • 2 years ago

            >Except the same discomfort can conflated with sexual arousal
            Im sorry but only people with something wrong with them find a bloated thing that smells of sulfur, dried blood, and amniotic fluids, which emanates a feeling of monstrous evil and wrongness, and which only wants your death and suffering, to be "sexy". You can consider it sexy because you have the pleasure of it only being a drawing and so can disregard its horror elements. If you were actually fighting the thing, what you're actually doing in the fricking game and why it was made, its nature would be far less sexy and much more horrific. And fear boners arent sexy, they are deeply uncomfortable physically and emotionally, a reaction to adrenaline without any of the cognitive attachments meant to be there to have an erection.

            What you are doing is rationalizing your misplaced urges you refuse to control, and thinking everyone else is just as pathetic as you are. Grow the frick up, stop fetishizing everything that is vaguely woman-like, and stop thinking with your dick.

            Ustalav is literally just Gothic Victorian Translyvania, so werewolves, vampires, and other classic horror movie stuff. This is for your victorian dress goth who loves Anne Rice, wants the knot, and likes tarot.
            Your thinking of Geb and he knows hes dead, read the fricking Book of the Dead book for lots of his writings on necromancy and how he is very much portrayed like a lot of the frickwits here who want to play "good" necromancers. This place is for necrophiliacs and literally dead ladies. The nobility are necromancers, made up of a ton of various intelligent undead. Urgathoa preaches all pleasures but sexual (as she cannot perform these). You are not getting a hot goth wife from here, especially since the living population are starved chattel, the few living low nobles, or foreigners.
            Nidal, you are mostly correct on. This is for leather and piercing goths.

            Nta, but there are at least three Goth Girl Lands on Golarion
            General gothic horror land. Female npcs hailing from there in canon material are mostly gypsy-coded tarot reading women, but I goth mistresses of cursed castles communing with ghosts and Cthulu, in the parody of the Miskatonic university.
            Undead land ruled by an immortal necromancer who hasn't realised he's undead yet. He once stole the corpse of a female paladin paragon and turned her into his obedient goth wife (the art for her has even added mascara) just to spite said paladins. The nobility is mostly composed of vampires, counting many Bathory aesthetics among them. Plus, Urgathoa, the goddess of the undead, is always represented as a naked girl with a skeletal lower half, and she is known to encourage the undead to seek mortal pleasures and excess, granting them supernatural means to do so.
            A country shrouded in eternal darkness, fully devoted to the God of BDSM. Judjing from the artwork, black bodypaint and make up, piercings, and leather stripes are considered mandatory fashion statesment for women, so gothness is a national value.

            Urgathoa does encourage his followers, undead or soon-to-be-undead, to seek sexual pleasure. In Ashes at Dawn, fifth chapter of the Carrion Crown AP, she is stated to encourage orgies and even contraception, since she doesn't like birth as an act, and pregnancy would prevent further hedonism for a while.
            Ironically though, she has very conservative view on marriage, believing that it should be eternal, even beyond death, and forbidding divorce. Killing your spouse and letting them go as "free" undead is a-o-k, though.

            • 2 years ago

              I love Golarion deities, they never fail in sprinkling a little bit of evil in the supposedly good ones, and a little bit of good in the evil ones.
              >Urgathoa is the creepy goddess of the undead, but considers starvation the most horrible of fates, and encourages her cultists to share food with the poor and the sick
              >Iomedae is the goddess of justice and valor, but she is canonically b***hy and unapproachable, Aroden was the only one keeping her ass in line and now he's gone, and she sometimes acts too rigidly. Plus, she refused to recognise Arazni's failure as anything but her fault, and her punishment anything but deserved.
              >Zon Kuthon is the god of pain, and finding joy in the pain, but his whole worldview of "my enemies will embrace the suffering I bring" collapses the moment it affects his sister Shelyn and her followers, going as far as forbidding his cultists to ever harm hers
              >Erastil is the god of family, and by today's standards a huge misogynist. He only "begrudgingly" accepts the idea of women adventurers in modern canon, limiting himself to trying to convert them to family life, but in the old edition he would straight up curse them. It's worth notice that even in the milder-toned 2e the curse one incurs when displeasing him is infertility and the loss of all your crops.

              • 2 years ago

                on the other hand, she's also patron of the deformed, insane and deranged that take pride in their affliction and do not wish to be cured

                I do not know pathfinder well, but from these comments it seems to me that evil gods in the main setting cater more to the outcasts and the unappreciated, rather than to crazy cultists who hate the world just because. Am I wrong?

              • 2 years ago

                You are, marginally, because there is a God who hates the world just because. His name is Rovagug, and he is basically a porting of the D&Desque Torog: a large insect-like being that dwells inside the planet and wishes to burst out and undo creation.
                The planet of Golarion is actually known as "The Cage" amongst deities precisely because of this reason. To entrap him, both good and evil deities had to collaborate in a sort of long truce guaranteed by the setting's stand in for Satan.
                For the other gods, it depends: if you count the Horsemen and the Archdemons as gods, then no, the number of pointless evil dudes ranges high; if you count only true deities most of them are loved by their followers for reasons more complex than "he/she will kill me first/last".

              • 2 years ago

                >I love Golarion deities, they never fail in sprinkling a little bit of evil in the supposedly good ones, and a little bit of good in the evil ones.
                Noice, kind of wish Warhammer would go this way with the Chaos Gods.

                I do not know pathfinder well, but from these comments it seems to me that evil gods in the main setting cater more to the outcasts and the unappreciated, rather than to crazy cultists who hate the world just because. Am I wrong?

                >I do not know pathfinder well, but from these comments it seems to me that evil gods in the main setting cater more to the outcasts and the unappreciated, rather than to crazy cultists who hate the world just because. Am I wrong?
                Well to be fair it's the outcast and unappreciated who would grow to hate the world that cast-out/doesn't appreciate them...

              • 2 years ago

                >Iomedae is a c**t

                Holy shit tg, what a blast from the past

              • 2 years ago

                *flashbacks to Wrath of the Righteous*

        • 2 years ago

          >Im sorry but only people with something wrong with them find a bloated thing that smells of sulfur, dried blood, and amniotic fluids, which emanates a feeling of monstrous evil and wrongness, and which only wants your death and suffering, to be "sexy".

          >What you are doing is rationalizing your misplaced urges you refuse to control, and thinking everyone else is just as pathetic as you are.
          I can control my sexual urges just fine, thank you very much, probably because I actually examine them as a reflection of my psyche.
          Hell, they're probably the ONLY urges I have control over!

    • 2 years ago

      Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

    • 2 years ago

      wtf I love Pathfinder 1st ed now?

    • 2 years ago

      Go through the bestiaries and take a shot every time you see the words "[resembling a] beautiful woman".
      You'll die of alcohol poisoning.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      More like tranette no pasaran.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        mario would NOT give you paizuri

  3. 2 years ago

    Paizuri, the industy of fetishes.

  4. 2 years ago

    Paizo started out with an edgier, "boundary pushing" and "mature" bend with their 3rd party stuff once they separated from WotC. They targeted an 17~29 audience compared to WotC's more family friendly target audience.

    • 2 years ago

      >once they separated from WotC
      It really started earlier than that. If anything, they scaled it back once they parted ways, and arguably cleaned things up a bit so they could package and sell it. Dragon Magazine always had some cool shit before Paizuri became mega-gay.

  5. 2 years ago

    >tfw no Chelaxian mistress with a writing play kink to paint infernal words on each other with
    >no Nidalese gf obsessed with bdsm
    >no Kellid brown cutie who hasn't washed in a month
    >no Hermean waifu to breed for progress and eugenics
    >no Keleshite slave market to peruse
    >no Vudrani exchange student in a prestigious university willing to experience worldly pleasures before she perfects her detatchment

    Golarion is a coomer's paradise. I've listed humans only, and you can already see whole culture versed toward a specific kink. If you ignore the monsters, the impending signs of doom, the multiple apocalyptic threats spawning around the planet, the low quality of life... well, if you ignore all of this, it's a coomer's paradise.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the benefit of having a kitchen sink of stereotypes as your setting. You can travel from Goth Girl Land to Madame de Poumpadur Land in a few weeks, and enjoy every aesthetic.
      If asked, I WILL go into heavy details about how different species, nationalities and ethnicities would frick on Golarion, because Golarion role is my special interest, and I am currently isolated and bedridden.

      • 2 years ago

        tell me more about Goth Girl Land

        • 2 years ago

          Nta, but there are at least three Goth Girl Lands on Golarion
          General gothic horror land. Female npcs hailing from there in canon material are mostly gypsy-coded tarot reading women, but I goth mistresses of cursed castles communing with ghosts and Cthulu, in the parody of the Miskatonic university.
          Undead land ruled by an immortal necromancer who hasn't realised he's undead yet. He once stole the corpse of a female paladin paragon and turned her into his obedient goth wife (the art for her has even added mascara) just to spite said paladins. The nobility is mostly composed of vampires, counting many Bathory aesthetics among them. Plus, Urgathoa, the goddess of the undead, is always represented as a naked girl with a skeletal lower half, and she is known to encourage the undead to seek mortal pleasures and excess, granting them supernatural means to do so.
          A country shrouded in eternal darkness, fully devoted to the God of BDSM. Judjing from the artwork, black bodypaint and make up, piercings, and leather stripes are considered mandatory fashion statesment for women, so gothness is a national value.

          • 2 years ago

            Geb is undead land. Nex is the land which was at war with Geb until it was nuked out of existence.

            Also don't forget Cheliax with its infernal, devil worshipping Goth gfs.

          • 2 years ago

            You know I never wanted to play golarion
            >until today

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't they retcon slavery? Like in general? There was a bunch of threads on it a while back. Cheliax suddenly never having had slaves.

      • 2 years ago

        No, IIRC they just decided itll.be a background thing, ie not explored in adventures or w/e. It still exists though

      • 2 years ago

        Not at all, slavery is very widespread on the planet, they just take time to remark that it's a bad thing now, and that there are multiple forces wanting to change things. Not that they weren't there before, but now they get the focus, instead of the slavers.

        In general all wokeism accusation you see toward the lore of Golarion is just people who haven't read 1st edition and think that it wasn't always a terribly dark setting with a lot of hope in it, and they complain that now hope is the selling point instead of the bleakness.

      • 2 years ago

        their messaging on it was poor
        they will no longer address slavery as a concept in their pre-written adventures, which is unfortunate because there are few better de facto bad guy signifiers
        the messaging came across as they are excising it from the setting entirely, which would downgrade the level of villainy for quite a few baddies including the entire country of Cheliax and the government of Numeria, as wel as defang every faction dedicated to freeing slaves (Bellflower Network, the entire country of Andoran, the Fifth River Freedom)

        all this from one complaint that you could purchase a slave as a hireling in PFS within the rules. They could have just disallowed it

        • 2 years ago

          yeah like, I can get saying that you arent going to acknowledge stuff like rape in your game, but pretending slavery doesn't exist is very weird. Just unilaterally present it as bad and you're fine.

          It also sticks out as weird since zon-kuthon and a billion other crazy torture monsters exist who do arguably far worse things they will happily describe.

        • 2 years ago

          Just think, they can't even reskin second darkness now or any real drow adventure. Good news is that it makes playing shit like deep gnomes harder for lazy people.

    • 2 years ago

      >If you ignore the monsters, the impending signs of doom, the multiple apocalyptic threats spawning around the planet, the low quality of life... well, if you ignore all of this, it's a coomer's paradise.
      All the more reason for most adventurers to be coomers

  6. 2 years ago

    It's not even the only pregnancy-monster in PF. Somebody at Paizo clearly had a fetish.

    • 2 years ago

      This screams more body horror hellraiser than pregnancy

    • 2 years ago

      >Somebody at Paizo clearly had a fetish.
      Every scum-sucking frickwit who says this reveals themselves to be nothing but a sex-addled dimwit. Birth and its attendant issues are gross, filled with horror, and deeply fricking uncomfortable. It is the perfect horror subject and remarkably easy to weird someone out with. A horrifying demon that's a grotesque mockery of birth, dialing up the ick factor up to 11 makes for a good gross-out monster and really sells the nature of the corruption of demon kind.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a fetish homosexual. Whoever the frick made this was jerking off while doing so.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick you
        You can achieve the same kind of fear with other imagery of the same disconfort and disturbance without the prevelant imagery of pregnancy and the repetition of it in cases were pregnancy isnt the main focus of the fear factor of the monster is clearly a fetish and you are a homosexual for deflecting cause you are clearly into it

      • 2 years ago

        did not read, stay mad, preggogay

      • 2 years ago

        Look, there’s four ways this can have been created:
        1. A normie (or someone with pregnancy-related phobias or damage) comes up with this concept all on his own. …unlikely, but possible (Alien and Genestealers DO exist, after all).
        2. A normie who is disgusted with a co-worker’s pregnancy fetish makes this.
        3. Someone with a pregnancy or breeding fetish fetish makes this as an exercise in creating visceral horror out of something they usually find appealing.
        4. Someone with a bursting or seedbed fetish made this and genuinely finds it hot.
        Even if all cases are equally likely (they aren’t; bursting is a WAY rarer fetish than pregnancy), we can see that the statement “someone at Paizo had a [relevant] fetish” is likely true, while the implication (that whoever wrote this found it sexually stimulating) is much less likely.

        • 2 years ago

          >1. A normie (or someone with pregnancy-related phobias or damage) comes up with this concept all on his own. …unlikely, but possible (Alien and Genestealers DO exist, after all).

          • 2 years ago

            Alien (horror involving pregnancy/bursting themes) was written invented by people without a pregnancy fetish, and as far as we know the early 40k writers who originally invented the genestealers (who are classic breeding fetish bait) didn’t have any related fetish. Thus, it is obviously possible for people to come up with media that touches on such themes without a fetish being involved.

            • 2 years ago

              >Alien (horror involving pregnancy/bursting themes) was written invented by people without a pregnancy fetish
              I don't know man, Giger's art was always pretty fetishy...

        • 2 years ago

          >1. A normie (or someone with pregnancy-related phobias or damage) comes up with this concept all on his own. …unlikely, but possible (Alien and Genestealers DO exist, after all).

          You guys know there are actual animals which implant their eggs into other organisms, right?

          Not to say the Drakainia wasn't inspired by fetish shit (which it probably was), but it isn't farfetched for someone to be inspired by something from the real world.

    • 2 years ago

      That monster always weirded me out because the lore and mechanics really do NOT mesh with the art in the slightest. The art is clearly going for some kind of horrible pregnancy monster, but none of its abilities really match up with it at all. You'd expect it to have mutagenic and mind-controlling abilities, but it's a living bomb with poisoned stingers.

    • 2 years ago

      >double digit mods

      • 2 years ago

        Degenerates like you would be better suited over in >/osrg/

      • 2 years ago

        I can tell you play 5e
        bouded accuracygay

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Police squad is great. I wish there was more of it.

  8. 2 years ago

    It seems the author had read Hesiod recently. Εχιδνα (Ekhidna) was one of the Drakainas, the monstrous she-dragons of Greek Mythology.

    She was a snakewoman which also represented rot, slime, fetid waters, illness and disease. Hesiod says she gave birth to many monsters, and associates her with the salt marshes and that mucky sea foam found in some coasts. She gave birth to Cerberus, Chimera, Hydra, Scylla, another multi-headed dog, the liver-eating eagle and many others.

    Actually an interesting way to adapt the original. Most adaptations I have seen show her like if she was half-medieval european dragon, forget her loathsome aspects and even make her beautiful.

    • 2 years ago

      IIRC even some ancient Greek sources mention Echidna of having the uppoer body of a beautiful nymph and a lower body of a serpent.

      • 2 years ago

        Really? Didn't read those. Which ones?

        • 2 years ago

          Literally Hesiod bro

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, Greek mythology is pretty fetishy to begin with so I don't blame the OP for presuming it was a sexual thing.
      And I always considered the Drakainia as obvious fetish bait tbh even if her niche makes sense game and mythology wise.

  9. 2 years ago

    Based setting. Now let's go back to worship Desna's feet

  10. 2 years ago

    >CR 25 creature
    >in a game where you're really lucky if it doesn't fall apart by level 10
    Why did they keep doing this?

  11. 2 years ago

    Golarion especially early on was the ultimate magical realm, all sorts of freaky shit got snuck in there, sort of like OWoD.

  12. 2 years ago

    It was a different time...

    • 2 years ago

      her portfolio is still valid, though it probably wouldn't be considered Evil by contemporary morals

      • 2 years ago

        To the current weirdos, lamashtu is a breeder who abhors abortion.

        • 2 years ago

          on the other hand, she's also patron of the deformed, insane and deranged that take pride in their affliction and do not wish to be cured

      • 2 years ago

        There's been Reddit threads in the past where they've literally argued she's a misrepresented, maligned character that's better than most of the divines out there. Mostly becuae they're idiots who can't read beyond surface level.

        Seriously. Apparently helping anybody ataully deal with a mental illness or anything of the like is monstrous.
        Apparently Lamashtu is also the "true" goddess of beauty according to them, too. Because they believe Shelyn is forcing a false standard on beauty, ignoring that Shelyn is more "there's beauty in all things" than "everything must be beautiful".

      • 2 years ago

        Have you read the news? Birthing is the worst indignation that Paizos dangerhairs can imagine, and that's why they turned Lamashtu into her exact opposite. Imagine reframing Saint George as primal progenitor of all dragons, that's what Paizo's Lamashtu is like.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminder that there's an entire lamashtu dungeon with a giant pregnant gnoll boss who lactates corruptive milk.

    • 2 years ago

      her portfolio is still valid, though it probably wouldn't be considered Evil by contemporary morals

      Reminder that there's an entire lamashtu dungeon with a giant pregnant gnoll boss who lactates corruptive milk.

      To the current weirdos, lamashtu is a breeder who abhors abortion.

      I love Lamashtu, my 5e PCs are currently in an abandoned temple of a thinly-veiled rework of her, and it's fun to imply monster-rape-vore without actually magical realming them.

      They found a cursed rod of polymorph that on a 7/100 forces an accelerated monstrosity pregnancy on the target but hey, maybe they'll never actually discover what that actually does.

  13. 2 years ago

    I don't understand your question. Can you give an example of what a monster might mean?

  14. 2 years ago

    >play rise of the runelord
    >first villain literally is a girl who got pregnant and got dumped by the father, who called her a prostitute and a harlot
    >she fricks her right hand man like a sex crazed beast
    >the loose merchant daughter in the starting village invites one of the party members to have sex in her fathers basement
    >a nobleman turned ghoul obsessed over female PC and acts like a crazed stalker
    >there is a landwhale half ogre woman who has incest with her 10+ sons
    >she kills every daughter because she doesnt want competition
    >the ogre chieftain in the next chapter keeps his clan in line by violence and rape
    >fortress conquered by ogres is a vividly describes gorefest
    Bloody hell. I had no idea Paizo was like that back in the day.

    • 2 years ago

      Christ! And people had an issue with the rape in CthulhuTech?

      • 2 years ago

        The rape? Not really.
        The Rape Machine, the Shub-Niggurath Furries that automatically seduce your character to death, the throwaway line about most people losing their virginity at 12, and the explicit citation of Legend of the Overfiend as inspiration? Yeah, people had a problem with that.
        Paizo was horny, CthulhuTech was horny AND creepy.

    • 2 years ago

      I miss the hell out of old Paizo.

  15. 2 years ago

    I miss old Paizo so much. I only got into the hobby around 2019 and started at 3.5 material and read forward.
    It was like discovering a world of beauty and wonder and than in the space of 2 years, as I read further on, watching it rot and die.

    Made me hate leftism more than the tens of millions of real people killed by commies.

    Are there any publishers now that do so well combining horror, adventure and lewd?

    • 2 years ago

      Haven't really read into the new stuff from Paizo except the Bestiaries and rule books. Is the lore that watered down?

      And I recently have been looking at some of the newer books from 5e and my God, you want to talk about wokeism.

      • 2 years ago

        by the time 2nd edition came around they were basically trying to outwoke WotC. No matter the cost. Some of the more notable examples - in 1e, like half of Golarion runs on slavery. The halflings in the settings are mostly enslaved as a rule. They've decided to just never again touch slavery as a subject.

        Not evolve the world to no slavery, not come out against it, just make it a taboo subject in general. Basically they just memory holed a large part of their lore.

        plus they went out of their way to make art of everything female less sexually attractive

        • 2 years ago

          >plus they went out of their way to make art of everything female less sexually attractive
          I feel this is kind of a catch-22. You put pictures of attractive women in skimpy clothes in your rulebooks and people call youa coomer. You tone down the cheesecake and people call you woke.

        • 2 years ago

          You would think the woke crowd would love an adventure centered around stopping the slave trade, and mowing down slave traders. It isn't like slavery was ever painted as good, slavers usually falling into the Lawful Evil category.

          • 2 years ago

            Apparently it was set off by a Pathfinder Society player citing the Hireling rules for the purchase price of slaves. So it was a "Stop Having Fun Wrong!" moment.

  16. 2 years ago

    Forget about her.
    What did they mean by THIS

    • 2 years ago

      Where is that from? I like the personality influence aspect, but that's not a thing in Queerlarion as far as I'm aware.

    • 2 years ago

      This looks like a Binder thing, but if it is it's from a 3pp and thus not necessarily promoted by Paizo

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah it seems to be some 3pp thing.

        >plus they went out of their way to make art of everything female less sexually attractive
        I feel this is kind of a catch-22. You put pictures of attractive women in skimpy clothes in your rulebooks and people call youa coomer. You tone down the cheesecake and people call you woke.

        That is not a catch 22. That's just a false dichotomy.

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