What did SAO bros think of the demo?

What did SAO bros think of the demo?

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  1. 9 months ago

    who the frick even wants to play as kirito
    SAO was a recipe for success and making absolutely fricking kino JRPGs but they decided to please the coomer kirito self-insert gays instead of just the normal coomers that being said I wish I could frick that e-girl Silica and her onahole dragon too

    • 9 months ago

      Kirito is only kino if you're like in middle school.

      • 9 months ago

        >SAO is only kino if you're like in middle school.
        FTFY. I think everyone in this thread missed the memo that even IRONICALLY liking SAO ended years ago. Literally any other anime about a virtual world is better. Any. Liking this garbage because you have fondness for the most basic b***h anime girls doesn’t make it good.

        • 9 months ago

          Hack is way worse.

          • 9 months ago

            wdym? you didn't like 26 episodes of people teleporting to various locations to have boring conversations about the same things they were having conversations about 10 episodes before?

    • 9 months ago

      >who the frick even wants to play as kirito
      you remind me of this.

  2. 9 months ago

    Honestly horrible. Everything related to combat is a step backwards from Lycoris and I can't express enough how upset I was.
    >Menus made worse
    >auto-combat using your weapon art for you when the meter fills
    >sacred arts completely gutted
    >that ridiculous run speed

    • 9 months ago

      >Menus made worse
      I'm not sure about that. The menu in Alicization Lycoris was utter dogshit. Even just tabbing to the sidequests was a chore. It's still not great - information bloat and the shop menu doesn't default to the most useful feature (equipment comparison) but it's not that bad.

      >auto-combat using your weapon art for you when the meter fills
      What do you mean? The square attack combos? Alicization had this as well, but you could only map 1 skill to it, which I prefer. This new system where you can map 3 is really shit and just extends the combo time and feels like the game just takes the reigns while you're smashing square. It's not that effective, skills seem to be weaker and having to work through them to get to the one you want can take too much time (if you're doing it for charge breaks and stuff) but 3 skills is plenty to put on your other debuff characters for example and just switching to them to bash a combo out and then back to your heavy hitters.

      1 was enough this sucks.

      >sacred arts completely gutted
      I'm gonna be real I always thought these were shit and this new system doesn't seem that bad to me.

      >that ridiculous run speed
      I don't mind it. AL's zones were stupidly big and it took ages to run around them.

      who the frick even wants to play as kirito
      SAO was a recipe for success and making absolutely fricking kino JRPGs but they decided to please the coomer kirito self-insert gays instead of just the normal coomers that being said I wish I could frick that e-girl Silica and her onahole dragon too

      >who the frick even wants to play as kirito
      Me. I'd rather have Kirito's autism than a faceless nothing character but I did like it in Fatal Bullet so I'm okay either way

      I do hope one day they make a new game set in the SAO incident where you don't play as Kirito, but hoping for all 100 floors is unfeasible so they probably won't.
      Obviously the dream is an actual MMO but that's never happening, the game sell okay but it's not that big a franchise they can take the risk.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh wait I just realized what you meant by autocombat - yeah autolaunchers and final blows is bullshit and makes the combat feel fricked. It's probably too late for them to change it now, and it's made hitting aerial combos fricking... impossible? I prefer AL's launcher/smash system much more than this shit.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh wait I just realized what you meant by autocombat - yeah autolaunchers and final blows is bullshit and makes the combat feel fricked. It's probably too late for them to change it now, and it's made hitting aerial combos fricking... impossible? I prefer AL's launcher/smash system much more than this shit.

        The main menu more so I mean. In AL everything was in the same main menu like sword skills, character loadouts, party selection, inventory, I don't like how now you have to select one then back out of it to enter another one. Having that top ribbon you could tab between was so much better.

        And yeah the combat thats exactly what I mean the auto-launching and final attack being automatically done I hate it.

  3. 9 months ago

    really terrible just lycoris was, maybe even worse.
    I don't know how difficult it is to give the SAO ip to some capable developer.

  4. 9 months ago

    It's shit

    just like s/a/o is a whole

  5. 9 months ago

    >girls are hot
    >Kirito is the biggest, most unsufferable Gary Stu in japanese media
    >gun game let you make your own character
    >doesn't let you frick the girls as him because they're Kirito's
    yeah that's gonna be a pass for me dog

    • 9 months ago

      >yeah that's gonna be a pass for me dog
      What if you can frick your daughter the same bed you frick your wife again?

      • 9 months ago

        I hate Kirito so no. I don't care.

  6. 9 months ago

    >dark folks
    Will I be able to steal Kirito's harem?

  7. 9 months ago

    Any sao game where u dont create your own character is worthless trash

    • 9 months ago

      I hate Kirito so no. I don't care.

      >dark folks
      Will I be able to steal Kirito's harem?

      >girls are hot
      >Kirito is the biggest, most unsufferable Gary Stu in japanese media
      >gun game let you make your own character
      >doesn't let you frick the girls as him because they're Kirito's
      yeah that's gonna be a pass for me dog

      Kirito is only kino if you're like in middle school.

      who the frick even wants to play as kirito
      SAO was a recipe for success and making absolutely fricking kino JRPGs but they decided to please the coomer kirito self-insert gays instead of just the normal coomers that being said I wish I could frick that e-girl Silica and her onahole dragon too

      >beta cucks too insecure to self insert as KiritoGOD
      many such cases!

  8. 9 months ago

    Is this still not using the gameverse?

    • 9 months ago

      It is. This time it's taking place during the war of the underworld, but you get to have Kirito uncomatized, Eugeo alive, and all the gamiverse girls and best girl Yuuki taking part in it.

      • 9 months ago

        Zekken my beloved.

  9. 9 months ago

    Sugu and Asuna are cute

    • 9 months ago

      stuck on a garbage series unfortunately

  10. 9 months ago

    Why is 90% of the art with Asuna ntr? It's almost comical

    • 9 months ago

      It's because Kirito isn't very much of a character, he's more of a plot device. The show would be better without him.

      • 9 months ago

        Did you watch more than the first 12 episodes?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah I watched all the way to Underworld and didn't finish the last couple of episodes from the final season. He's a boring Gary stu.

          Every other character is better than him.

          • 9 months ago

            >He's a boring Gary stu.
            What would make him not a boring Gary stu, in your opinion? What does he do that makes him a Gary stu?

            • 9 months ago

              Having another girl fall for him every time, surviving things no one should survive. He defeats pros in new games where he shouldn't be the best but somehow is. He gets free hacks whenever he wants. The only time he really lost was when he lost Sachi but who cares because she's like in 1 episode. What makes a jap guy who practices Kendo better than every other player in the world at everything video game related? Even when he gets brain imploded in the real world he will eventually heal with some new technology.

              By the end of it I wanted Gabriel to kill them all but sadly even he with his hax he couldn't overcome Kirito's Gary Stu powers.

              • 9 months ago

                >What makes a jap guy who practices Kendo better than every other player in the world at everything video game related

                He doesn't practice Kendo, he gave it up because he didn't like it and he wasn't very good at it. He was better than everyone in SAO because he poop socked the beta and is a meta homosexual. He knew what stats to minmax because he spent all his time before the release on SAOsims simming the best builds.

                >He defeats pros in new games where he shouldn't be the best but somehow is

                He's able to beat everyone's arse in fairy world because he was able to port his stats over from SAO, and he wins at CoD because he just spent two and a half years nonstop in SAO getting the best combat training anyone in the world can have. That's why he's able to beat gamers at their own game, because he's not playing a game.

                You basically just don't like him because he's the protagonist of the series, and resent him for being competent. How are you able to enjoy any piece of media?

                Oh yeah and
                >Having another girl fall for him every time
                It's a harem anime - why are you watching harem anime if you don't like one of its genre tropes?

  11. 9 months ago
  12. 9 months ago

    It's definitely an improvement compared to previous games. They should have put the avatar creator in the demo imo. Not sure where or if they're plannimg to put enhance armamemt at some point

  13. 9 months ago

    On a side note, what did Reki have in mind when he made the fluctlights from melanin enriched territories have greater affinity for violance?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think he was ever confronted by it at a QnA, unlike he was by all the questions about the rape.
      Personally I can't wait for LR to come out so I can see if there are any rape scenes in it besides the iconic Leafa tentacle rape scene

  14. 9 months ago

    Lost Song is still where SAO games peaked.

    >fully voiced VN cutscenes
    >sattisfying level up and skill unlock
    >every new weapon has a different model
    >fun wholesome gang stories
    >doesn't ingore Asuna and Kirito's relationship
    >fun story

    Fatal Bullet could have surpassed it but the comabt, leveling and weapons are so shit. Who the frick through it was a good idea to make a RPG with only 10 weapon models.

  15. 9 months ago

    >dark folk entering your realm

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