What do we think about Valkyria Chronicles?

What do we think about Valkyria Chronicles?

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  1. 8 months ago

    It doesn't belong on /vst/
    It never will

    • 8 months ago

      Literally more strategy than xcom. seeth harder homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        There is no strategic layer in VC while in X-Com you literally play on a map of the entire world.
        Tactics games like VC do belong on /vst/ though.

        • 8 months ago

          Zoomie probably thinks NuCom IS X-com. Nobody tell him.

          • 7 months ago

            Eh, nucom is still a strategy game

            • 7 months ago

              Barely. And not a very good one, either. Julian should have never let his baby go.

              • 7 months ago

                It still has the geoscape strategic meta layer and it still has the scope of a global war.
                It's a strategy game, this isn't something you can debate.
                >B-but it's not a good game and I don't like it!

              • 7 months ago

                >meta layer
                Absolutely fricking not. Real X-Com has economic and infrastructure management that NuCom fundamentally lacks in favor of casualized tactics. There's no overarching strategy or business sim autism involved whatsoever.

              • 7 months ago

                Then what the frick is this, moron? Did you even play the game?

              • 7 months ago

                What I see is soulless casualized slop that strip-mined most of the depth and complexity out, leaving behind something that barely resembles a strategy game. Also that UI is fricking horrendous, why anybody fell for this shit is beyond me.

              • 7 months ago

                None of that has anything to do with whether it's a strategy or tactics game. You seem confused.
                You play on a strategic level map that spans the world.
                It's a strategy game.

              • 7 months ago

                How many times do I have to get this through your thick, fricking skull: JUST BECAUSE IT HAS A WORLD MAP DOES NOT MAKE IT A GSG YOU FRICKING moron! It's just a glorified menu for the actual missions, with very little depth of its own. The original X-Com had you running your organization like an actual business, with money being so tight, you often had to sell off weapons you needed constantly. This adds an extra layer of metagaming and forward thinking that the remakes fundamentally lack. The only thing Take Two carried over from the OG was the base-building, and even that pales in comparison to how customizable base camps in the real X-Com were. As I've said before multiple times at this point, it barely counts as a real strategy game, let alone a good one, how fricking hard is that to understand? Why are all you fanboy shills such blind midwits who put your heads in the sand every time I call out the goyslop you consoom?

              • 7 months ago

                >with very little depth of its own
                Doesn't matter. It's still an actual game that you play. Look at VC and see what an actual glorified map selection menu looks like.
                You seem confused as to what strategy actually means. It refers to scale of warfare.
                Axis & Allies is a strategy game.
                Risk is a strategy game.
                XCOM 2 is a strategy game.

              • 7 months ago

                I never said it wasn't, just that it hardly counts as one, do midwit fanboys just not even with nuance?

              • 7 months ago

                >hardly counts as one,
                It can either count or not count.
                Is it a game about an entire war? Yes? Then it's strategy.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm tired of arguing inane pedantry over a dogshit demake, just stfu already.

              • 7 months ago

                It's not pedantry, it's the objective definition of a strategy game, as much as you like to pretend it isn't.
                Strategy games can be insipidly simple and playing them doesn't make you smart.

              • 7 months ago

                Fine, keep eating your slop then, goy. TF do I care? Just stop rushing to defend it if it's so shit.

              • 7 months ago

                This isn't even a word.
                A metagame is a separate, distinct "game" with its own rules and mechanics that connects instances of a smaller game into a larger whole. Such as a strategic map where battles are fought in a separate tactical mode with its own maps and rules.
                Total War, X-Com and Jagged Alliance have metagames.
                Starcraft does not.

              • 5 months ago

                twitter is that way, Black person

              • 5 months ago

                >posting on a months-old thread out of the blue
                Way to be late to the party, anon. If you're going to keep using slurs instead of actual arguments, then Ganker is that way.

              • 5 months ago

                Dumb Black person tourist.

              • 5 months ago

                >le tourist forced meme
                honestly just stfu up homosexual nobody cares but you.

              • 5 months ago

                Furious newbie hands typed this post

              • 5 months ago

                >complains about buzzwords
                >spouts them anyway when he's losing an argument
                What a sad, disingenous anon you are. I would feel pity for you if you weren't so fricking moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                >redditor thinks everyone who replies is the same person
                >calls others moronic

              • 5 months ago

                >talks like reddit
                >accuses everyone he disagrees with reddit
                pot calling the kettle black, eh?

              • 5 months ago

                You people are absolutely tedious.

              • 5 months ago

                >tacticool mission select and unit upgrade menu GOOD
                >anime mission select and unit upgrade menu BAD

              • 5 months ago

                Finally, someone who gets it.

      • 7 months ago

        Kys weeb

        • 7 months ago


  2. 8 months ago
    X-Piratez noob

    I've only played 1 and 4.
    1 is incredible and I love it.
    I feel like 4 could almost live up to it or even surpass it but towards the end the missions just get so annoying and contrived that it kind of ruins it.
    Ideally I'd like the additional systems and mechanics of 4, with the mission and level design of 1.

    • 8 months ago

      4 needed less gimmick missions and less absolutely inane scenarios and writing in the second half (aha our barrage balloons have totally stopped this huge land battleship ) 2 is nearly unfixable due to psp limitations a terrible setting and having to grind for class change mats.

      sex valkyria in 2 though

      Good series that mostly just suffers from bad writing and rushing being so encouraged. The fact that it got a second chance in 4 after revolution was good. Strange that we've heard nothing since as I've heard that it was a success though.

      What about 3?
      It remember it was a squad of prisoners or outcasts, but that probably meant "anime squad of good people called bad for reasons not their fault."
      So I assume the story was stupid (plus they seemed to have harem bullshit baked-in with
      two love interests from the start)

      But was the game part shit too?

    • 8 months ago

      exactly my thinking as well.
      i'd add that i also kind of dislike the grading system rewarding speedruns instead of completions

  3. 8 months ago

    4 needed less gimmick missions and less absolutely inane scenarios and writing in the second half (aha our barrage balloons have totally stopped this huge land battleship ) 2 is nearly unfixable due to psp limitations a terrible setting and having to grind for class change mats.

    sex valkyria in 2 though

    • 8 months ago

      I love war school settings in Japanese games. So 2 was perfect.

  4. 8 months ago

    Its alright but japs have those annoying things like maybe everything take slightly longer than it should. Story is usually more cringe than FE but its tolerable. It mostly just makes me want a better squad based game in the setting

  5. 8 months ago

    I think it's fascinating if you think of it as a JRPG rather than a "Strategy game". It reminds me of Resonance of Fate more than anything "Strategy". It's about working guns into a character and narrative based experience. And they did a really interesting job. Compare their efforts here to something western like Brothers in Arms. I was supposed to recognise and care about every soldier in the latter, and *kind of did*, but VC has so many great touches that really drive home the personality of everyone. Personally observing *and* controlling everyone, third person camera, tv-anime style cuts to personal lines and action moments. It's a great *directed* experience.

    Most peoples' problems with it seem to be that they enjoy the "Strategy" parts so much they want a pure game built on those parts. That could be interesting, but that's not really a Japanese inclination. And I think it'd probably get dull. I appreciate Valkyria Chronicles as a multimedia anime using "strategy" parts.

    Herbert and Cezary were my favourite characters. But I really liked everyone. I think that was the key focus more than "strategy", so I can easily consider the game a great success. Most *personality* I've ever felt in a war game.

    • 8 months ago

      I dunno it feels like strategy to me. It's kind of like Worms but not physics-based and the RPG elements are barely there.

      • 8 months ago

        the rpg aspects hardly come up. weapons and armor stats matter way more than units stats.

        >strategy is when you "move" your "units, "JRPG" is when you stats
        morons. I hate this board. I'm quitting Ganker again.

        • 8 months ago

          See you next week, moron-kun.

        • 8 months ago

          True. "Moving units" is not strategy. It's tactics.
          Strategy is when you also "build units".

          • 8 months ago

            That discounts Nu-Com and most non-turtling/base-building RTSes.

    • 8 months ago

      the rpg aspects hardly come up. weapons and armor stats matter way more than units stats.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not really what's normally considered an "RPG" either. No individual leveling up of characters, no free roaming world exploration.
      Yes, it's typical for TRPGs to not have roaming but they usually at least have characters that collect XP and level up individually.
      VC is a weird genre frankenstein that doesn't fit any existing mold, but "tactics game" fits well enough so it's definitely a /vst/ game even if pedantically it's not "strategy".

      • 8 months ago

        It's a Fire Emblem.

        • 8 months ago

          Fire Emblem characters have individual XP and levels.

          • 5 months ago

            and actual good animation, till it went 3d

    • 5 months ago

      Are you the catposter?

  6. 8 months ago

    Locslization was shit so I dropped it pretty quick

    • 6 months ago

      >Locslization was shit so I dropped it pretty quick

      The ideal of a O-1 2nd Lieutenant being in command of a SQUAD instead of a PLATOON just fricking pisses me off!!! Squads are supposed headed by a NCO, a Sergeant or Staff Sergeant.


  7. 8 months ago

    Good series that mostly just suffers from bad writing and rushing being so encouraged. The fact that it got a second chance in 4 after revolution was good. Strange that we've heard nothing since as I've heard that it was a success though.

    • 8 months ago

      No, 4 bombed hard and the series was ended as a result. A deserved fate really, if you're going to make story a major selling point of your games try to have something more grounded and interesting in a WW esque setting than e-girl nuclear bombs. Really, the entirety of 4 was incredibly badly written, but that one point was so absolutely stupid you couldn't possibly take the story seriously afterwards.

      • 8 months ago

        What baffled me was that the Allied "decisive strategy" was...rushing to the capital. Outstanding move.

        • 8 months ago

          Gameplay accurate.

          • 8 months ago

            Can someone explain me this pic please?
            I don't know the game

            • 8 months ago

              Objective of most missions is to simply get a unit inside the enemy base and raise a flag. Scouts are best for this, Alicia is the best scout, go figure.

              The Ch6 Alicia Rush is the meta for midgame exp grinding - the mission payout is great, because you're expected to play the mission normally, and it's a massive slog if you do

              • 8 months ago

                Thank you for the explanation.
                I guess it is a funny exploit, shame it break the experience.

              • 8 months ago

                If the game had something of a morale meter where you can make enemy units surrender/not-engage if you break it, then capturing the base could just give a heavy morale penalty for all enemy units on the map, but not immediately "break" them if you haven't engaged with them. I'm thinking of something like TW morale, but with character units instead of platoons.

              • 8 months ago

                2 and 3 have morale meters that shower you with stat buffs if you keep it high by getting kills and capturing flags. Low morale debuffs you and at 0 morale you lose.

              • 8 months ago

                I meant on a per-unit basis, and for the enemies, so CTF isn't instant win, but instead a strategic advantage

        • 8 months ago

          VC1 more or less had a semi decent war story and setup, but every game after that is laughably written from a world building perspective, a character perspective, and a strategic perspective.

          • 8 months ago

            Japanese leadership culture is THE reason what's holding them back, no-one questions the decisions of the guy above you. If the boomer-in-charge decides that your game is now about high-schoolers in war, you better believe everyone down the pecking order will follow this decision without question.

            • 8 months ago

              Not like the West is any different. Just look at Hyenas. That game was doomed from the very start, yet some braindead boomer wanted his mega woke Overwatch Tarkov Valorant killer made, and everyone had to go along because he was in charge.

              • 8 months ago

                >Just look at Hyenas
                wasn't this a sega production?

              • 8 months ago

                Sega of America, yeah. The same people who thought putting black e-celebs into the remake of the samurai Yakuza was a good idea.

              • 8 months ago

                I thought it was SEGA of Europe

      • 8 months ago

        It sold a million copies, which isn't bad for a niche series.

      • 8 months ago

        >have something more grounded and interesting in a WW esque setting than e-girl nuclear bombs. Really, the entirety of 4 was incredibly badly written, but that one point was so absolutely stupid you couldn't possibly take the story seriously afterwards.
        explain please.
        why is it so incredibly bad to have a e-girl nuclear reactor/bomb? sacrificing one child to win the war is pretty plausible.

        the bigger idiotic point was the main villain being motivated to save those children and killing thousands of gallians because of it.

        Alsom those two evil e-girls need some good doujins

        • 8 months ago

          anon they don't care about any of that. they're offended by the e-girl content itself. if it was adult nuclear bombs they would praise it as mature storytelling.

          • 8 months ago

            >they're offended by the e-girl content itself.
            It's especially moronic in this context because the exploitation of children in war is something that continues to occur in the modern day. Furthermore, sacrificing a child's life so that others may suffer less is a genuinely interesting ethical dilemma if viewed from a utilitarian perspective, but normalgays see a kid and think
            >muh e-girl
            and immediately start pearl clutching. You can never have an honest conversation with these "people".

          • 8 months ago

            >they're offended by the e-girl content itself.
            It's especially moronic in this context because the exploitation of children in war is something that continues to occur in the modern day. Furthermore, sacrificing a child's life so that others may suffer less is a genuinely interesting ethical dilemma if viewed from a utilitarian perspective, but normalgays see a kid and think
            >muh e-girl
            and immediately start pearl clutching. You can never have an honest conversation with these "people".

            why are right wing third worlders here such massive pedophile apologists

            • 8 months ago

              No worse than the commie creeps in Hollywood trying to mutilate children into something they're not, maybe look in the mirror and stop defending trannies.

            • 6 months ago

              >right wing third worlders

        • 8 months ago

          >why is it so incredibly bad to have a e-girl nuclear reactor/bomb? sacrificing one child to win the war is pretty plausible.
          Because it shit all over the concept that valkyrurs are a myths/defunct species, that selvaria is only known as a valkyria to the higher-ups in the empire and even then it was some hyperborean bullshit the imperial princeling was obsessed about to become immortal or something
          Alicia's reveal as a valkyria is pure luck after a near-death experience
          The less is said about VC2 the better
          Riela's valkyria prowess is hamfisted in a story about a gallian penal battalion fighting a imperial unit of darcsen supremacists

          In 4, the "e-girlbomb" is the result of the United States of Vinland (subtle) taking the research of the peaceful not!diesel engine into literal nuclear bombs, revealing they also had an eugenic program to create valkyrias (something we discover only now, including the empire's valkyria experimentation and selvaria's origins), sent girls to the federation so they could do whatever the frick they want with them, nearly got foiled by some moron in charge of overseeing the secret operation having a moral panic and selling out the secret to the imperials (said moron would also end up working for the empire and sacrifice millions of civilians and work alongside a mad scientist obsessed about geneticism and valkyria power just to save the little girls), only to have 3 landships making a mad dash to the imperial capital and detonate nukes there, losing two of the ship on the way and accidentally revealing it was meant to be a suicide mission, finally rammed the last ship into the capital before calling the operation off because the federation and the empire just signed A CEASE FIRE (not a truce)

          • 8 months ago

            >have something more grounded and interesting in a WW esque setting than e-girl nuclear bombs. Really, the entirety of 4 was incredibly badly written, but that one point was so absolutely stupid you couldn't possibly take the story seriously afterwards.
            explain please.
            why is it so incredibly bad to have a e-girl nuclear reactor/bomb? sacrificing one child to win the war is pretty plausible.

            the bigger idiotic point was the main villain being motivated to save those children and killing thousands of gallians because of it.

            Alsom those two evil e-girls need some good doujins

            All of this with a heavyhanded hint of "nuke are bads mmmkay" and the whole e-girlnuke thing is swept under the rug as if it was never a thing

            Add to that the weird decisions such as the protags being fine with "detonating the e-girlnuke in imperial capital" plan until the very last second, the retcons about selvaria and crymaria being the same batch of experimental subjects to re-create valkyrias (which make the VC1 plot completely pointless) and the twisted justification for a mission where imperials are being paradropped on the federal ship in an era where aircrafts weren't a fricking thing at all (first aircraft only flew at the end of VC1, after the imperial-gallia war ended, 4 is happening alongside 1 in the timeline btw)

            anon they don't care about any of that. they're offended by the e-girl content itself. if it was adult nuclear bombs they would praise it as mature storytelling.

            >they're offended by the e-girl content itself.
            It's especially moronic in this context because the exploitation of children in war is something that continues to occur in the modern day. Furthermore, sacrificing a child's life so that others may suffer less is a genuinely interesting ethical dilemma if viewed from a utilitarian perspective, but normalgays see a kid and think
            >muh e-girl
            and immediately start pearl clutching. You can never have an honest conversation with these "people".

            Go frick yourself you schizos, you have not played a single valkyria game and yet decide to shit up the thread with unrelated shit just because you saw the word "e-girl"

            • 8 months ago

              >All of this with a heavyhanded hint of "nuke are bads mmmkay"
              I mean it's a jap game. East asian culture can by and large be described as "[Insert nationality you belong to] has done nothing wrong, but even the smallest slight against you is a national tragedy."
              Recall that some japs got offended by the Oppenheimer film and started to joke about 9/11, as it is assumed through cultural norms of east-asia that americans would be extremely offended and enraged, rather than shrug as that's just a normal thing to do.

              • 8 months ago

                Being a jap game is one thing however the previous entries were not this fricking moronic

                First game was just the winter war : anime edition with quite a few memorable moments
                Second game was a moronic japanese highschool setting that i hate with a passion on the ground that it was restricted to PSP, introduced the nonsensical melee weapons and is just like a thinly veiled bland anime slice of life slop that get released every year
                Third was was still stuck to PSP and still had these moronic melee weapons but it was an alright story of criminals sent to a penal battalion that officially doesn't exist, got sent on gruesome missions as a result and still managed to get written off as KIA, defeating the darcsen supremacists activating a doomsday weapon as last resort to maintain the newly signed cease-fire between the empire and gallia following the prince's death and go back to civilian life peacefully with the main protag marrying one of the two bawd

                And then 4 burst down the door to multiplatform with the most insipid, nonsensical and overly preachy story that would make 2 fricking coherent in retrospective, it reek of multiple rewrites mid-development
                We finally get a new VC using the og CANVAS engine, gameplay is good, game look good too, but the story was one of the charm of VC and they fricked it.

            • 8 months ago

              >(first aircraft only flew at the end of VC1, after the imperial-gallia war ended)
              No, the aircraft took after BEFORE the last shot of the war was fired.
              >trusting Darcsen tech

              • 8 months ago

                If you want to be pedantic, the war is still not over since the gallian, federation and empire only signed ceasefires
                But for what fricking matter, VC1 ended with a peaceful future, the dream of flight has been achieved soon afterward and you can only speculate as to whenever that peace become permanent or conflict flare up again.
                I wish she was still there to see it

              • 8 months ago

                She lives on in spirit and in everyone's hearts.

                Speaking of a peacful future, who gets the lion's share of the credit post war for all the achievements of Welkin's unit? Welkin or Captain Varrot for being the CO?

            • 8 months ago

              >you have not played a single valkyria game and yet decide to shit up the thread with unrelated shit just because you saw the word "e-girl"
              blow it out your ass. an honest conversation is beyond you.

              • 8 months ago

                Your dogass /misc/yp obsession with the moaning of the terminally online about a game that isn't fricking VC and your equally moronic opinion on why anons are critical of the e-girlbomb (and the rest of the fricking writing but you have selective reading comprehension anyway) never had an ounce of fricking honesty in it, don't talk to me about honest conversation you worthless fat mutt

                >where imperials are being paradropped on the federal ship in an era where aircrafts weren't a fricking thing at all
                you realize that the ship was hiding inside a massive valley, right? you don't need an airship to paradrop from the top of a valley to the bottom of it. did you not play the actual mission? there are groups of snipers on the upper levels of the steep cliffs. you didn't play the game.

                >and the twisted justification for a mission where imperials are being paradropped on the federal ship in an era where aircrafts weren't a fricking thing at all
                >and the twisted justification for a mission where imperials are being paradropped
                >the twisted justification for a mission
                >the twisted justification

                The ship falling into a crevice in the ice lake (and not a massive valley you fricking nonce) is a fricking excuse to justify the paratrooper imagery even if it made no fricking sense, likewise for the operation to capture it without prior recon when the imperials were already convinced the mentally unstable c**t sunk it under the ice, entombed forever
                I guarantee you that if some smartass didn't remind the devs that planes weren't a thing yet the mission would've just been the cruiser stuck on the lake with a large imperial force trying to capture it from all directions

                >you didn't play the game
                Neither have you, niggy, since you don't fricking remember anything about that mission except the one gameplay element that is completely unrelated to the situation

                She lives on in spirit and in everyone's hearts.

                Speaking of a peacful future, who gets the lion's share of the credit post war for all the achievements of Welkin's unit? Welkin or Captain Varrot for being the CO?

                Very likely varrot if she stayed in the army, most of the squad went back into the civilian life iirc and the only character that outranked her was that dead fat frick

              • 8 months ago

                >Your dogass /misc/yp obsession
                >out of nowhere, a mention of /misc/.
                As I said, an honest conversation is beyond you.
                >is a fricking excuse to justify the paratrooper imagery
                As I said earlier, an honest conversation is beyond you. You've already worked it into your head that everything in VC4 is a result of lack of internal consistency due to some variety of incompetence. Engaging with you will yield 0 results while you insist on maintaining these false premises.
                >all this mutt/nig projection
                Post hand.

              • 7 months ago

                She lives on in spirit and in everyone's hearts.

                Speaking of a peacful future, who gets the lion's share of the credit post war for all the achievements of Welkin's unit? Welkin or Captain Varrot for being the CO?

                Welkin and his squad are famous war heroes and took all the credit for beating the empire.

                So it seems the moron having a tantrum about pol and accusing people of not playing the games, did not in fact play the games. Typical.

              • 7 months ago

                >So it seems the moron having a tantrum about pol and accusing people of not playing the games, did not in fact play the games. Typical.
                Well said, moron who failed to notice this was a VC2 cutscene and is still asshurt of being called out as the tourist he is.

                Maybe next time, you'll consider that talking about "muh people offended by e-girls", while posting the carefully selected worthless opinion of a bunch of redditors on a game that has no relation to the thread or the original question, might be the reason you get called out in the first place but that would require self-reflection which you lack since you're fond of throwing big words around that you never believed in.

                There is no strategic layer in VC while in X-Com you literally play on a map of the entire world.
                Tactics games like VC do belong on /vst/ though.

                None of that has anything to do with whether it's a strategy or tactics game. You seem confused.
                You play on a strategic level map that spans the world.
                It's a strategy game.

                The presence of a strategic interactive overworld/map isn't a must-have criteria to qualify as a strategy game, otherwise that would leave games like AoE into a definition limbo or a endless "roguelike/lite" type of semantical debate
                One can argue that choosing where you spend your resources between missions is strategy in VC, although grinding skirmishes diminish the difficulty and the decisions since you'll end up with everything upgraded and everyone maxed out.

              • 7 months ago

                >Well said, moron who failed to notice this was a VC2 cutscene and is still asshurt of being called out as the tourist he is.
                nta, but if you weren't here the day the board was made you're a tourist.

              • 7 months ago

                >AoE into a definition limbo
                That game and its like deserve it for not having a consistently portrayed scale.
                Although I usually put them in the strategy bucket because they clearly contain mechanics for building shit and managing an economy and not just moving and combat.
                Resource management alone, like in VC, isn't enough to qualify as strategy, you gotta at least have a map (which isn't just a menu stringing missions together).

            • 8 months ago

              >where imperials are being paradropped on the federal ship in an era where aircrafts weren't a fricking thing at all
              you realize that the ship was hiding inside a massive valley, right? you don't need an airship to paradrop from the top of a valley to the bottom of it. did you not play the actual mission? there are groups of snipers on the upper levels of the steep cliffs. you didn't play the game.

  8. 8 months ago


  9. 8 months ago

    Marina Wulfstan best girl, she carried me when I played it

  10. 8 months ago

    i recently got 1 and 4 on steam when it was reduced, as per steam traidtion, i have 0 hours in both of them

  11. 8 months ago

    >tfw no pyromaniac gf to burn down houses with

  12. 8 months ago

    kino series

    • 8 months ago

      >Japan tries to tackle a serious topic
      >their grasp is child-like
      >some manchild declares it "kino"
      a mimir

      • 8 months ago

        I have to agree. I bought the first game expecting a tactical RPG of some sort. I was surprised to see that most of it is reading sleep-inducing dialogue or sitting through gaudy anime cutscenes. It's all so juvenile that I can only assume the only people who would get something from it is kids who have never had any contact with any other war stories. Or autistic weeb manchildren, I suppose. I'd say the actual tactical gameplay is mostly fine, but hampered by the usual Japanese obsession with making everything take forever to do for no reason, though I am playing on a disc on the PS3 and maybe it's snappier on PC. It seems like a decent game overall, but I don't think I'll be checking out the rest of the series if they really went off the deep end with "nuclear bomb e-girls" and whatever else people are mentioning here lol.

  13. 8 months ago

    I always praise this series but I've never finished a single one. 2 was my first from emulating, then emulated 3, then bought 1 when it came to PC and have tried multiple times, but I think I just lose interest. I'm not sure.

  14. 8 months ago

    Isn't it one of those permadeath games? I don't see the point of the gimmick, everybody is just going to savescum to save every character anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      permadeath isn't too bad in VC. hitting 0 hp just puts you in a downed state. unless you let 3 turns pass or an enemy unit comes in contact with the downed unit the unit won't die. I've literally never had to savescum for this.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah as

      permadeath isn't too bad in VC. hitting 0 hp just puts you in a downed state. unless you let 3 turns pass or an enemy unit comes in contact with the downed unit the unit won't die. I've literally never had to savescum for this.

      says it's forgiving enough that you'll almost never have to actually reset to save a unit, but it still exists as a potential consequence for failing to rescue a downed unit so your short-term strategy changes when someone's HP hits zero, especially if they died by overextending.

    • 7 months ago

      permadeath isn't too bad in VC. hitting 0 hp just puts you in a downed state. unless you let 3 turns pass or an enemy unit comes in contact with the downed unit the unit won't die. I've literally never had to savescum for this.

      Yeah as [...] says it's forgiving enough that you'll almost never have to actually reset to save a unit, but it still exists as a potential consequence for failing to rescue a downed unit so your short-term strategy changes when someone's HP hits zero, especially if they died by overextending.

      I think literally the only two times I lost a unit were both in 1.
      1 because I wanted to see what would happen, and 1 in the, fukkin, the first land ship fight in the desert, where Selvaria junpscares you, because I had someone way out ever there like a dumbass.

      So, the only time it happened naturally was in one level, which as I understand it is generally accepted to be a pain in the ass, also because I was probably being moronic.

  15. 8 months ago

    So was 3 never fully translated? there was an anon who mentioned there was a google doc for the untranslated bits. that true?

    • 7 months ago

      the untranslated bits were the DLC the main game is fully translated... maybe a few newspapers weren't translated as well it's been a few years since I played 3

  16. 8 months ago

    I dropped it after the feMC got super sayan powers.
    Such wasted potential.

  17. 8 months ago

    I feel like it tried too hard to be "unique" with the whole shared action point pool mechanic. Most of the games balance issues stem from that.
    The games would have been just as enjoyable with a traditional "every unit moves and attacks once every turn" system without actually being a broken mess, and literally no one would have ever complained that the game isn't different enough.

  18. 8 months ago

    It's fricking excellent

  19. 8 months ago
  20. 8 months ago

    cute autist

  21. 8 months ago

    For me it's the tomboys

    • 8 months ago

      Based enjoyer, so sick of ESG trying to erase them/turn them into troon lesbians.

  22. 8 months ago

    it's cringe

  23. 8 months ago

    I only played these games because Raita makes me cum like no other. The games are alright though, they're easy to beat though.

    • 7 months ago

      I play for the story. I hope vc5 has even bigger asses and boobs

      • 7 months ago

        Hot, any more waifus like her?

        • 7 months ago

          You play the series? It's full of them. Literal hentai artist for the char design

          • 6 months ago

            I play for the story. I hope vc5 has even bigger asses and boobs

            >gets away with everything because she's hot

            • 6 months ago

              Wth was the deal with her weird shoes? Were they trying to be soft furry fetish?

              • 5 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          I remember the series got some heat for how sexy the chars were.

    • 6 months ago

      >Raita makes me cum like no other
      I know, right?

      • 6 months ago

        Goofy-looking planes, but they're kinda cool

        • 6 months ago

          I believe they're Nausicaa inspired, originally VC was going to go in a similar direction, with tanks and swords mixed together in a fantasy world, hence why VC2 ended up with a sword class unit as a repurposed design.

          • 6 months ago

            I prefer Honneamaise vehicles.

          • 6 months ago

            I prefer Honneamaise vehicles.

            Is it wrong of me to look at these, and think "Metal Slug"?

  24. 8 months ago

    The setting would be perfect for a Men of War AS2 or Gates of Hell mod.

  25. 8 months ago

    I had fun with VC1, the story wasn't very original but I still enjoyed it and the artstyle/music/mood were great. The gameplay was where it got janky. VC1 at least it kind of felt organic enough. I think VC4 gameplay reveals just how weird the combat system is.

    To me it just doesn't embody what I think of for either strategy or tactical gameplay. It feels more like some weird puzzle game where you have to jank your understanding of line of sight/video game knowledge to abuse mechanics.

    I feel like what they tried to do was very original but it's just hard to execute this blend of what is essentially a turn based third person shooter.

  26. 8 months ago

    The anime adaptation dropped the ball hard.
    They only thing it did right was showing Welkin breaking down after Isara's funeral.

  27. 7 months ago

    I want to like it but it goes out of its way to be unlikeable

  28. 7 months ago

    >deploy Imca
    >deletes the map
    pure sex

  29. 7 months ago

    I like it, but it's missing something.
    It's straddling too many things without really committing to or developing any of them.
    It's a tactics game, but not especially exacting and without options.
    It's an RPG, but with minimal opportunity for unit building.
    It's... barely a strategy/logistics game, but you have to squint to see it.
    If there was 1 Valkyria Chronicles, I would say it needs a sequel to find itself.
    There have been 4 of the fricking things, and the only interesting one was 2, because it had more actual RPG mechanics. Can't speak to 3, maybe it was perfect, I don't like the series enough to get and patch a rom for it.

    I don't know what it needs, but it needs SOMETHING to bind everything else together. Territory management to dictate the kinds and quantities of weapons, people, vehicles, and technology? Larger, longer maps with less forgiving permadeath, so there's actually a real late game risk of just not having enough units to succeed, an incentive to actually apply tactics, and giving purpose to the shitters no player unironically uses anyways as expendables? I dunno

    • 7 months ago

      You can just download a prepatched iso
      3 fixed most of the problems of 2
      Difficulty is back so you can't just tank scouts and troopers anymore
      They kept the rpg stuff but merged the subclasses so an Elite Sniper for example can choose to equip an AT rifle or a regular one.
      No need to farm mats thank god. Just capture camps and kill shit.
      Orders are useful again.
      Characters can equip accessories to offset their shit stats. Or just slap +20 personel on a gunner for hilarious results.
      You spend xp on the characters stats instead of classes.
      Tanks only cost 1 cp and they're very useful in the second half of the game.
      OP Ace weapons so it actually matters what you have equipped now.
      Although im salty about fencers being useless.
      Also playable Valkyria. For real, not just as a scripted event.
      Just a massive improvement all around i love it.
      Would do well on Steam but Sega is moronic

      • 7 months ago

        Oh yeah it's also a nice twist that this time the villains are Darcsen that want to create an ethnostate. Turns out there might be some truth to the calamity story after all kek

  30. 7 months ago

    >Platted 1 and 4 on PS4.
    >Have the urge to do the same on steam.
    Somebody talk me out of it.

    • 7 months ago

      You get forced to have D*rcsen in your unit

      • 7 months ago

        Need Darcsen gf, please.

    • 7 months ago

      One of the achievements is to get A ranks in all missions and all levels of all skirmishes, including the absolute bullshit previously-DLC ones.
      If that achievement exists on the other platforms and you know the maps well enough to do it, go for it. Otherwise it'll be weeks of suffering.

  31. 7 months ago

    This game has so much extra story stuff for all the characters. Shame it's not translated. but google works surprisingly well. Someone into romhacking could easily finish the rest with it.

    • 7 months ago

      fricking hate google taking away the capture of japanese words so you could see if they were copying the right words or just copy and paste into a dictionary

      • 6 months ago

        Tbf Translate's AI is fricking garbage at capturing nuance anyways, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      I still haven't played VC3. Or 4.

    • 6 months ago

      Someone on the Valkyria Chronicles Wikia translated the script, but doesn't know how to implement them into the game: https://valkyria.fandom.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Kaina135?threadId=4400000000000162669

    • 5 months ago

      I wish I had this while emulating VC3 years ago.
      Now it helps me when some chink forgets to translate parts of UI

  32. 7 months ago

    I really wanted to love it ages ago (10 years back) but I just couldn't stand the anime tropes done poorly

  33. 6 months ago

    I'm playing through 4 right now. Any tips?

  34. 6 months ago

    it's a snorefest even without abusing scout rushing

  35. 6 months ago

    >forgotten franchise

  36. 6 months ago

    First thing I think of when it comes to these games is wasted potential, could've done so much better with this franchise.

  37. 6 months ago

    Boring shit for weebs and casuals.

    Cute waifus though.

  38. 6 months ago

    Fun series. Would be more popular without the dumb anime melodrama, but the dumb anime melodrama is also part of the appeal. If you can't lean into that, you're not going to be able to enjoy it as much. Also, the original has the GOAT threesome. Only Fina is actually a set of triplets here, so Vyse has a harem now.

  39. 6 months ago

    I've played VC1 and enjoyed it. Didnt knew I could get attached to all the squadmates. The story is alright. I like it even at the end there we have to see two b***hes go super saiyan. Never played 2 or 3 because I dont have Psp but I did found this qt tho. Didnt get the chance to play the 4th game so I have nothing.

    • 6 months ago

      Just emulate them on PPSSPP you dingus.

  40. 6 months ago


  41. 6 months ago

    The game is good until they bring in the late game bullshit that breaks the rules it sets up.
    Reaction fire from Valkyries and shit sucks.

    • 5 months ago

      its way too easy to cheese this game, cant take it seriously

      It's weird that I really like the concepts and systems but just can't stand finishing any of the games.
      It's gameplay and setting yelling out for a story and level design it will never get. Even if neither the gameplay or setting is top-tier, there is definitely potential in them that isn't being realized, especially when half the missions are scoutrushing and the other half infuriating gimmick fights. All in service to plots that seem to detest taking themselves seriously most of the time. The setting is weird, yes, but it shouldn't be to the characters.

  42. 5 months ago

    its way too easy to cheese this game, cant take it seriously

  43. 5 months ago

    So how is vc4 compared to vc1?

  44. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      raitagods...I kneel...

      • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I'm glad god revealed the ideal female form to a mortal who can draw. It would be wasted on me.

      • 5 months ago

        >(C83) [YA-ZY (Yunioshi)] Selvari Hon (Valkyria Chronicles) [English] {TV & Funeral of Smiles}

    • 5 months ago

      raitagods...I kneel...

      >tfw no Oda Non vidya

  45. 5 months ago

    I always hate the late game bullshit where enemies are immune unless you get a lancer to snipe them in a weak spot while turrets and/or Valkyries filter you.

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