What do you consider to be the single biggest case of "historical revisionism" when it comes to the Pokmon franchise?

What do you consider to be the single biggest case of "historical revisionism" when it comes to the Pokémon franchise?

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  1. 4 months ago

    The idea that Gen 3 is beloved from the zoomers who grew up with it and don't remember it being the black sheep of the series that damn near destroyed the whole franchise.

    • 4 months ago

      This lol
      Hoenn was seen as huge downgrade at the time as someone who grew up with gen3

    • 4 months ago

      I like parts of gen 3, but yes, it objectively was the end of pokemania.

    • 4 months ago

      zoomers werent even born then bruv

      • 4 months ago

        Zoomers are all the way from 1997 though

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      This lol
      Hoenn was seen as huge downgrade at the time as someone who grew up with gen3

      Headcanon. The actual revisionism is that BW were good.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think many people were saying gen 5 was beloved at release, anon. Liking it now, 13 years later isn't revisionism.

    • 4 months ago

      If having the three best selling games on it's respected handheld is considered "nearly killing the franchise" then that's insane. What actually happened was that Pokemania (which was already starting to decline before gen 3 was even out) was practically dead by then so sales were considerably worse than the first two generations. In fact, you could argue Nintendo as a whole in the 2000s prior to the Wii had worse sales across the board for every franchise. Pokemon was no exception to this. GBA sold way worse than Gameboy and Gamecube sold way worse than N64 which sold worse than SNES.

      • 4 months ago

        It's because the popularity of Pokémon hinges on the popularity of the Nintendo platform it's on. Hence why the GBA and 3DS Games didn't perform as well as they could've compared to the DS and Switch games

      • 4 months ago

        No it wasn't. Pokemania had ended before Gen 3 was even released. The death of Pokemania was a challenge and source of stress for Masuda during development.


        >"After Gold and Silver came out, it was a huge hit around the world, but shortly after everyone was saying, 'That's it. The Pokemon fad is over! It's dead!'" Masuda said. "At the time, the atmosphere and general thinking was that the Pokemon fad was over and there was huge pressure to prove people wrong."

        >Masuda revealed he was so stressed during the games' development that he was at one point hospitalized. "I got really stressed out and had to go to the hospital and had some stomach issues and had to get a camera inserted and they didn't know what it was--very stressful," Masuda said. "The night before release I had a dream that it was a complete failure, a total nightmare."

        So no, it didn't kill Pokemania, Pokemania died naturally like all fads do.

        Based factchads. Revisionists want to blame gen 3 for killing Pokemania when it was dead before RS came out. Gen 3 kept the series afloat.

        • 4 months ago

          Pokemania dying wasn't due to any game in particular, it naturally died like all fads do
          If anything the DS era can be seen as a "second pokemania" since everyone had a DS and a lot of people got DP on it. But it, too, eventually died.

    • 4 months ago

      Wouldn't zoomers have grown up with gen 4 and not gen 3?

      2003 is pretty early for them, it fits more with middle school millenials who are getting to that age where they think Pokemon is for babies

      • 4 months ago

        >it fits more with middle school millenials who are getting to that age where they think Pokemon is for babies
        That's pretty much it. You were "gay" if you still played Pokemon in 2003 because the series was for babies. Gen 3 was when genwunners got peer pressured into hating the franchise for social acceptance before coming back to it years later.

        • 4 months ago

          The idea that Gen 3 is beloved from the zoomers who grew up with it and don't remember it being the black sheep of the series that damn near destroyed the whole franchise.

          Wouldn't zoomers have grown up with gen 4 and not gen 3?

          2003 is pretty early for them, it fits more with middle school millenials who are getting to that age where they think Pokemon is for babies

          All the zoomers nowadays going about how Platinum and HGSS are actually super shit and totally overrated games.
          The epitome of sour grapes. Forever butthurt and envious that they never were able to experience this franchise when it was good.

          Pic rel

        • 4 months ago

          The funny thing was how literally all it took was one reasonably cool kid in our high school playing HGSS and suddenly it's ok for the entire rest of the school to play and like Pokemon again, too. It was a fun time but also made me a little jaded.

        • 4 months ago

          That's why gen 3 was one of the best.
          No other gays were around to ruin it. Just me and my gba, while everyone played tryhard shit like wrestling and street racing games.

    • 4 months ago

      The only reason people thought that wasn't because of the games, it was because Pokemania was coming to an end and the kids in 99 who grew up with the anime as 10 year olds were now 15 and didn't want to play Tajiris monster catching game. The series was more or less on a downward trend in terms of popularity, with occasional lifelines thrown like DPPt being big thanks to the DS and Wii's popularity.

      It wasn't until Pokémon GO that the series fully exploded again and got back into that number 1 spot for most profitable multimedia franchise. That gave the series a huge rejuvenation in interest, which then benefitted them hugely on their next release on a very popular console, being SwSh on Switch. It will be interesting to see if interest gradually wanes again. The games since haven't sold as much as SwSh did, but there's not enough data points. If Switch 2's new gen sells less or around SV then we can talk about the series slowing down again

      • 4 months ago

        I feel like Pokemon GO's impact isn't talked about as much as it should in conversations revolving around the franchise's critical status. I remember when Sun and Moon first came out that there wasn't that much fanfare at all with normies, especially since Yokai Watch was starting to pick up at the same time, but GO changed the world and reinstated Pokemon as King of pop culture. I don't know why Yokai Watch fizzled out though

        • 4 months ago

          You couldn't transfer progress.
          If Pokemon forced you to restart every generation it would have been more like Dragon Quest in terms of Popularity but being able to keep using the same party for more than a decade builds a special attachment.
          I'm suprised games like Animal Crossing haven't picked up on this.

          • 4 months ago

            Maybe its because they realized it would be a logistic nightmare to keep up years down the line. But maybe they'd have the benefit of not needing to shit it out for christmas every year

    • 4 months ago

      This is the revisionism. I was there when it came out and a good chunk of people played the game at school. Pokemania was definitely over, but anyone who had a GBA had Pokémon. A lot watched the anime too

    • 4 months ago

      I like parts of gen 3, but yes, it objectively was the end of pokemania.

      No it wasn't. Pokemania had ended before Gen 3 was even released. The death of Pokemania was a challenge and source of stress for Masuda during development.


      >"After Gold and Silver came out, it was a huge hit around the world, but shortly after everyone was saying, 'That's it. The Pokemon fad is over! It's dead!'" Masuda said. "At the time, the atmosphere and general thinking was that the Pokemon fad was over and there was huge pressure to prove people wrong."

      >Masuda revealed he was so stressed during the games' development that he was at one point hospitalized. "I got really stressed out and had to go to the hospital and had some stomach issues and had to get a camera inserted and they didn't know what it was--very stressful," Masuda said. "The night before release I had a dream that it was a complete failure, a total nightmare."

      So no, it didn't kill Pokemania, Pokemania died naturally like all fads do.

      • 4 months ago

        >HoenBlack person chimpout right on cue

      • 4 months ago

        Arguably Pokemania was already dead by the time gen 2 came out. It still sold extremely well since most people who had played the original games bought the sequel but it wasn't nearly as much as a worldwide multimedia sensation. Ask anybody who was alive when gen 1 came out to name a pokemon, and even if they've never played the games they can probably name at least Pikachu or Charizard. Most people who didn't play gen 2 are unlikely to be able to name even a single gen 2 pokemon, because at the time the games were no longer constantly in the news and you didn't see pokemon plastered onto literally every product imaginable.

        • 4 months ago

          Zoomer hands who wasn't alive in 2000 wrote this

          • 4 months ago

            I was born in 1988. And you can't argue that gen 2 designs aren't a lot less well-remembered than gen 1. Pikachu and the gen 1 starters were everywhere during the height of pokemania, and if you stopped a random person on the streets who had never played the game and asked them to name a pokemon they could still name Pikachu or Bulbasaur or something since you had to live under a rock in the Antarctic to avoid being exposed to pokemon. The only gen 2 mon that got anywhere close to that much attention was Togepi, and even it was nowhere near that of the gen 1 mascots.

    • 4 months ago

      it's definitely when I stopped playing originally, but mostly because I was going in to high school when it came out and I wasn't really into vidya at the time

    • 4 months ago

      This is bullshit, kids were still playing RS at school playgrounds.

    • 4 months ago

      Ruby and Sapphire definitely had some negative response to them, it's usually pretty easy to spot a guy that started with red/blue and then saw the GOAT gold/silver release and their response to ruby/sapphire compared to someone who played gen 3 as their first game. It was even the first pseudo-dexit. People were astonished it was all new pokemon.

      • 4 months ago

        >it was all new pokemon
        It wasn't though, RS had a lot of old mons
        Personally what baffles me is that it's the only game in the franchise where Ditto is complletely unavailable even in the post game, unless you trade it from a game that didn't exist when RS came out.
        If your starter happens to be male you literally cannot breed them in RS without assistance from another game

    • 4 months ago

      This. How Gen 3 went from being a black sheep gen that people mocked for it's designs to being the most beloved gen with the most beloved pokemon is beyond me.

      • 4 months ago

        hoenngays got old enough to use the internet

      • 4 months ago

        A lot of Gen 3 designs blow but its beloved because
        >Last game before the DS era
        >Designs were weak but not intentionally offputting (Gen 4) or total dogshit (Gen 5 and up)
        >Puberty + the early days of R34 made Gardevoir, Blaziken, and even Mawile + Latias into “sexy mons” (Plus dont forget May’s humongous rack + Flannery’s midriff)
        >Plus some good meme Pokemon like Ludicolo, Mudkip, Nuzleaf, Slaking, etc.
        >Also had actually cool legendaries: Rayquaza is a frickhuge dragon god, Latios and Latias got a good movie, Deoxys is undeniably cool, even the Regis had a certain mystique that the legendary “fled the battle” dogs just didnt possess.
        And thats why. Personally I prefer Gen 2 though

    • 4 months ago

      >don't remember it being the black sheep of the series
      Correct. This is a problem with Nintendo of that era in general. GameCubegays are the worst offenders. A handful of youtubers convinced an entire generation that it was a popular or beloved console when it was a distant, DISTANT second place behind the PS2, and maybe third behind Xbox depending on where you lived.

      >The idea that Gen 3 is beloved
      You're getting a little mixed up with this one. It's less that gen 3's reception is revised over time, and more that the kids who grew up with it are now old enough to defend it online. I loved RSE as a kid, but the internet was full of bitter teenage homosexuals who were mad that the series didn't stop when it stopped being a fad at their school. Frick those c**ts, I'm glad they lost.
      Similar story with the Star Wars prequels. They were gigantic when I was growing up and every kid loved them, but the discussion at the time was dominated by the older fanbase who didn't.

      >that damn near destroyed the whole franchise
      Lolno. This is revisionism in your post. Ruby and Sapphire were what SAVED the franchise. Pokémania died off midway through gen 2. Everyone has a different story of when it stopped for them. I've heard some say when Ash lost against Richie, others when the Orange Islands ended, for me the series stopped being popular around the start of the Johto anime. People just clung onto RSE being the point of change because
      >it was different from the first two gens, thus giving those fans a convenient jumping off point
      >it needed a new console to play, so again, a convenient drop point to those who didn't want to buy a GBA
      >gen 2 sucked gen 1's dick so hard that even people who dropped the series before Johto could appreciate it in that regard
      >many gen 2 mons were heavily entwined with the gen 1 that western fans grew up with, Ho-Oh being in the first episode of the anime and Togepi being glued to Misty for much of the series being the main ones

      • 4 months ago

        >GameCubegays are the worst offenders. A handful of youtubers convinced an entire generation that it was a popular or beloved console
        I'd the Gamecube was beloved by people who owned one. It has a lot of games that are to this day considered some of the best in their franchise, like Metroid Prime, SSB Melee, Wind Waker, Paper Mario TTYD, etc. It's more of a cult classic, though, since while people who got one liked it it didn't sell huge volumes overall.
        Then again, it was competing with PS2 which is hardly a fair comparison since PS2 is one of the best-selling consoles of all time (I don't remember if it's still literally the best-selling console of all time or if it's been knocked down to number 2 or 3 spot since then) and had a massive advantage due to being released earlier and being one of the cheapest DVD player on the market (people these days often forget how huge that was for PS2's popularity. DVDs were just starting to displace VHS as the primary means of watching films at home, and PS2 was cheaper than most actual DVD players and could also play games, so a lot of people looking to buy a DVD player ended up getting one). X-Box sold slightly better than Gamecube but the difference is pretty much insignificant when you consider PS2 sold more than twice as well as every other console in its generation combined.

    • 4 months ago

      >don't remember it being the black sheep of the series
      Correct. This is a problem with Nintendo of that era in general. GameCubegays are the worst offenders. A handful of youtubers convinced an entire generation that it was a popular or beloved console when it was a distant, DISTANT second place behind the PS2, and maybe third behind Xbox depending on where you lived.

      >The idea that Gen 3 is beloved
      You're getting a little mixed up with this one. It's less that gen 3's reception is revised over time, and more that the kids who grew up with it are now old enough to defend it online. I loved RSE as a kid, but the internet was full of bitter teenage homosexuals who were mad that the series didn't stop when it stopped being a fad at their school. Frick those c**ts, I'm glad they lost.
      Similar story with the Star Wars prequels. They were gigantic when I was growing up and every kid loved them, but the discussion at the time was dominated by the older fanbase who didn't.

      >that damn near destroyed the whole franchise
      Lolno. This is revisionism in your post. Ruby and Sapphire were what SAVED the franchise. Pokémania died off midway through gen 2. Everyone has a different story of when it stopped for them. I've heard some say when Ash lost against Richie, others when the Orange Islands ended, for me the series stopped being popular around the start of the Johto anime. People just clung onto RSE being the point of change because
      >it was different from the first two gens, thus giving those fans a convenient jumping off point
      >it needed a new console to play, so again, a convenient drop point to those who didn't want to buy a GBA
      >gen 2 sucked gen 1's dick so hard that even people who dropped the series before Johto could appreciate it in that regard
      >many gen 2 mons were heavily entwined with the gen 1 that western fans grew up with, Ho-Oh being in the first episode of the anime and Togepi being glued to Misty for much of the series being the main ones

      Any talk about gen 3 "ruining" the franchise is very easily disproven with the sales figures. Ruby and Sapphire were THE best selling GBA games of all time. FRLG were second. And Emerald was third. And by a wide fricking margin too. Just look at this list:
      Even if you counted both RS and FRLG's sales for individual versions by cutting their sales figures in half, that would just mean that Pokémon went from dominating the top three sales slots to the top FIVE. Pokémon on the GBA was more dominant than the series has been on any other console in history. Even gen 1 never managed to topple Tetris from number one Game Boy game.

      Anyone who thinks gen 3 was anything but a major success for the franchise and a cementing of its place as a major Nintendo franchise rather than a mere 90's fad is out of their fricking mind.

    • 4 months ago

      This is moronic shit believed by people who weren't there. Gen III was hyped because pokemon abilities were hyped. The graphical jump was hyped. Everything about playing gen III was an improvement on gen I and gen II. You stupid motherfricker.

      How about gen IV and the jump to the DS? Also hyped because it introduced the physical/special split for moves. Gen IV was peak pokemon gameplay at the time, and people b***hing about pokemon god being moronic weren't paying attention to the last 3 stories in the main series. All the pokemon game stories are irrelevant, and when a pokemon games tries to have a deep story, it's cringe, contrived, bullshit. Pokemon will always be about they aesthetic and gameplay.

      Here's a real revisionism: BW were always hyped by the community. People walked away from the franchise for gen V, and it's hard to say why. I personally was disinterested in every starter, but that's obviously not going to be the reason BW seemed to flop despite being, arguably, the peak of the whole series.

      Gen VI and onward were truly awful gameplay experiences, and they sacrificed the aesthetic and style that the pixel art brought to the game. The jump to 3D models as opposed to further advancing the pseudo 3D styles with pixel artwork is the most horrendous misplay from gamefreak and the pokemon company to date. It's plainly bad. It looks awful, is clearly resource intensive, and the reason every gen using these shitty 3D models is released incomplete and filled with bugs and glitches. We will never get another polished main series release of pokemon because of this jump to 3D.

      • 4 months ago

        >gen 6 detractor reveals himself as a dumbfrick zoomer
        Every time.

        • 4 months ago

          I was 22 when gen VI released, I played it along with my brother and did all the nit picked post game farming shit. There was plenty to enjoy about gen VI, it's a hell of a lot better than gen VII, but it's the beginning of the end for quality in the franchise. Nothing about it measures up to the generations that came before it.

          Your opinion is shit, you taste is shit, and you're a fricking moron.

          • 4 months ago

            Gen 6 revived the series after Gen 5 slop. Megas are shit but are still beloved by morons I guess. And it finally added something that stopped Pokemon from being monotonous.
            The only people crying about it were jealous borts online because they can only remember people shitting on their fav gen's designs which Kalos mogged the frick out of with just Sylveon. Had they instead focused on what made whatever they thought was good good, then maybe they wouldn't be so bitter.

            • 4 months ago

              What is your metric for a quality entry in the series? Gen VI had a lot of great things in it, but the jump to 3D, the gen VI story, and the gen VI single player experience were all dogshit. Every generation introduced new pokemon for people to like, but the game overall was not good, and each generation after it became progressively worse with progressively shittier gimmicks.

              >but it's the beginning of the end for quality in the franchise
              Man, they really need to start programming these npcs with less repetitive catchphrases.

              >have no argument
              >act like a homosexual
              Every time.

              • 4 months ago

                Aww the NPC thinks saying "the quality went down" is an argument, someone really needs to program this thing better

              • 4 months ago

                >the gen VI story, and the gen VI single player experience were all dogshit
                So....not any different from the previous games? You haven't actually given a single reference for the game being worse. It's even funnier how you're LARPing as someone who was around during Gen 3 claiming people were hyped for the graphical upgrade while in the same post b***hing and moaning about Gen 6's graphical upgrade. The utter lack of self awareness at your own frick up is hilarious.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes I have. Mega is shit. The singleplayer experience is shit. The postgame is nothing but grindy bullshit and spamming online battles. The game's overall aesthetic suffered because of the jump to 3D. Everything about it is worse than playing gen IV or gen V. You're a delusional homosexual if you can't see it.

              • 4 months ago

                LOL, Gen 5 looked like utter garbage, but keep smoking that shit if it makes you feel younger.

              • 4 months ago

                >Mega is shit
                Megas at least differentiated the gens besides making the same game in a different setting
                >Singleplayer experience is shit
                The single player experience of any pokemon game besides arcues is literally same shit different day, zoomer. You're just pissed that you have bills to pay now.
                >The postgame is nothing but grindy bullshit and spamming online battles
                You're admitting that you didn't even play the post game.
                No one more delusional the DS gays.

              • 4 months ago

                >The singleplayer experience is shit. The postgame is nothing but grindy bullshit and spamming online battles
                So....like the previous games?

                >The game's overall aesthetic suffered because of the jump to 3D
                Oh no...the Pokemon have actual animations now instead of shitty tween dances! The aesthetic is ruined!

                Got any better arguments, NPC?

          • 4 months ago

            >but it's the beginning of the end for quality in the franchise
            Man, they really need to start programming these NPCs with less repetitive catchphrases.

      • 4 months ago

        >People walked away from the franchise for gen V, and it's hard to say why.
        It's not hard to say why lol.

      • 4 months ago

        Nobody cared about abilities that much you fricking tard, most abilities were completely boring. The graphics were not good for its time, people noticed pokemon animations were gone among other things. RS were a disappointment in many ways for those who grew up with gen 1

    • 4 months ago

      I remember it was dead around gen 3 but for my school HGSS revived the fad. Even had people asking to borrow my GBA games because they skipped out on them (surprisingly I got them back!)

    • 4 months ago

      I've played Pokemon since gen 1 and I still liked gen 3. Don't really have any major complaints about it. You can't trade pokemon from older games which I understand some people had an issue with, but I've never been one to transfer all my old pokemon to a new game so I can keep using them. At most I've traded in stuff from older games to help complete the pokedex. Gen 3 also sold well, even if less than gens 1 and 2, which is probably less about the quality of the game itself and more about the pokemania fad having already passed by the time the games came out so pokemon was now "just" a popular game franchise rather than a massive worldwide phenomena, so it was hardly a financial failure either.

    • 4 months ago

      excellent bait for zoomers

  2. 4 months ago

    The dead meme known as the Hex Maniac
    No one remembered her until 2013.

    • 4 months ago

      well no shit sherlock, that's when she got redesigned in x/y and everyone wanted to frick her

  3. 4 months ago

    Chandelure now being considered a good design
    It was panned and despised when it came out.

    • 4 months ago

      Chandelure was a great design back then, what are you on?

      • 4 months ago

        Gen V was acused of being an object mon dex when it was new. Chandelure was a victim of it

    • 4 months ago

      Chandelure was always a toss up depending on who got asked. Trubbish and (ice cream mon name here) were majority disliked iirc.

  4. 4 months ago

    Gen 1 original sprites being changed to fit the show

    • 4 months ago

      The anime brainrot effected a lot of people that take it as gospel law on the series, when it has loads of inconsistencies

  5. 4 months ago

    gen 5 being good

    when bw2 came out it was pretty much entirely agreed it was an ok game at best but now zoomers treat it like the second coming of christ

    • 4 months ago

      I honestly don't remember much praise for bw2 in general. The original bw were torn apart though. Everyone hated the fact that you could only use Unovamons and proceeded to shit on all of the designs.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, even as a fan of bw since i was 10 when they came out(not my first gen, i started with 2 handheld and 3 on console), i remember a lot of negativity.

        The idea that Gen 3 is beloved from the zoomers who grew up with it and don't remember it being the black sheep of the series that damn near destroyed the whole franchise.

        it was liked enough, but it was the end of pokemania yeah. i don't think gen 3 is bad or anything but it's not my fav


        What do you consider to be the single biggest case of "historical revisionism" when it comes to the Pokémon franchise?

        in terms of retconning lore? when TPC decided the games weren't set in the real world anymore. Tajiri's concept literally namedrops Russia, France, Japan, and the US.

        as of gen 5 at least, possibly earlier, those kinds of references have been retconned into pokemon region names exclusively.

        by fans? the idea that gen 4 was bad. i got diamond on release and every pokemon fan i knew, and even my cousin who wasn't a *huge* pokemon fan, loved it. we shared my copy back and forth and she kept it for like two years as one of the few DS games she had for herself. the idea that gen 4 somehow sucks and everyone hated it is zoomer idiocy because they think it's unbearable to not have games move instantly.

        • 4 months ago

          >the idea that gen 4 was bad.
          fricking this. Every moron now will tell you "Diamond? Pearl? These games SUCK! PLATINUM though?? A game that is 80% the same fricking thing? One of the BEST games in the series bro!!"

          Platinum is one of the best and it did make a lot of great changes but people act like DP are untouchable, it's asinine.

          • 4 months ago

            You can tell not a single one of them was alive back then because everyone loved DP when they came out, everyone had a DP which made it super easy for people to get DP and play with their friends or even online, if the games were "unplayably slow" or had "shit distribution" or were "a nightmare of HMs" they wouldn't have generated as much hype as they did. Modern fans with their "quality of life" bullshit believe they can look back on games and say they're shit by their modern casualized standards when people smarter and better at the game than them loved playing DP kek
            Hell, a lot of people (myself included) got one or even several copies of gen 3 games to play on the DS so that we could import gen 3 mons into DP. You would think if gen 3 was "much faster" or "easier to replay" than DP we would have noticed and instead of importing our mons into the yiky yikes bad game we would have stayed on gen 3 and played that instead. Yet that didn't happen and everyone kept playing DP, crazy huh.

            • 4 months ago

              >everyone had a DP

            • 4 months ago

              as someone who was alive back then, I also knew plenty of people who used hacks to make things easier then too, because ds flashcarts were fricking everywhere where i lived and heaps of people i knew used them to play pokemon dp

              i'm not saying it's excusable but it definitely wasn't invisible back then

          • 4 months ago

            >fricking this. Every moron now will tell you "Diamond? Pearl? These games SUCK! PLATINUM though?? A game that is 80% the same fricking thing? One of the BEST games in the series bro!!"
            Jokes on you, I think all three games are dogshit.

            You can tell not a single one of them was alive back then because everyone loved DP when they came out, everyone had a DP which made it super easy for people to get DP and play with their friends or even online, if the games were "unplayably slow" or had "shit distribution" or were "a nightmare of HMs" they wouldn't have generated as much hype as they did. Modern fans with their "quality of life" bullshit believe they can look back on games and say they're shit by their modern casualized standards when people smarter and better at the game than them loved playing DP kek
            Hell, a lot of people (myself included) got one or even several copies of gen 3 games to play on the DS so that we could import gen 3 mons into DP. You would think if gen 3 was "much faster" or "easier to replay" than DP we would have noticed and instead of importing our mons into the yiky yikes bad game we would have stayed on gen 3 and played that instead. Yet that didn't happen and everyone kept playing DP, crazy huh.

            DP was only considered good when it came out because having online play for the first time was a massive improvement to the series. With that novelty gone the game itself is shit.

            • 4 months ago

              i'm surprised you still haven't killed yourself yawnie

          • 4 months ago

            honestly i think emerald is more necessary than platinum. playing ruby and diamond at the same time(i got both when they were new so i have nostalgia for both) and ruby is soo fricking bland compared to emerald.

            You can tell not a single one of them was alive back then because everyone loved DP when they came out, everyone had a DP which made it super easy for people to get DP and play with their friends or even online, if the games were "unplayably slow" or had "shit distribution" or were "a nightmare of HMs" they wouldn't have generated as much hype as they did. Modern fans with their "quality of life" bullshit believe they can look back on games and say they're shit by their modern casualized standards when people smarter and better at the game than them loved playing DP kek
            Hell, a lot of people (myself included) got one or even several copies of gen 3 games to play on the DS so that we could import gen 3 mons into DP. You would think if gen 3 was "much faster" or "easier to replay" than DP we would have noticed and instead of importing our mons into the yiky yikes bad game we would have stayed on gen 3 and played that instead. Yet that didn't happen and everyone kept playing DP, crazy huh.

            literally all of us loved d/p at launch as long as you liked pokemon. like i said before, my cousin who wasn't all that much of a gamer(by comparison, she played with us ofc) but had a DS took my diamond for two years after we shared it. even people who weren't huge pokemon fans loved D/P. the idea that they're bad is zoomer/gen alpha garbage.

            • 4 months ago

              >honestly i think emerald is more necessary than platinum
              100% yes. People underestimate how much Emerald improved over RS. RS aren't bad by any means but they're clearly not as complete as DP

              • 4 months ago

                exactly. i like hoenn but every time someone says "remember in gen 3 when..." and i'm like "oh i don't remember that in ruby", the response is always "oh, i meant emerald..."

                nobody does that with platinum. platinum added in cool stuff like the giratina segment and battle frontier but it wasn't nearly as much of an overhaul as emerald

          • 4 months ago

            Diamond and Pearl objectively do suck. The fact they're completely overshadowed by Platinum is a testament to that.

            • 4 months ago

              Every base game is overshadowed by the upper version, this doesn't mean anything.
              DP are objectively the second best base game after BW

      • 4 months ago

        >Everyone hated the fact that you could only use Unovamons
        Which is fricking hilarious because nowadays people are mad if there aren't enough new pokemon in a pokedex

      • 4 months ago

        I like Unovamon only because it’s feel like everything is new.

      • 4 months ago

        >All those constant non stop posts shitting on Garbodor and Vanillux
        Good times.

      • 4 months ago

        muh everyone hated black and white is only revisionist because everyone hated diamond and pearl and ruby and sapphire.
        Keep crying for as long as you like though.

        • 4 months ago

          >muh everyone hated black and white
          People actually argued for BW even back then, just a lot more louder people that hate it

          • 4 months ago

            Illiterate-kun. Everyone hated every gen since 3. You can even be considered the modern day version of them.

    • 4 months ago

      Gen 5 was always good. I do remember people shitting on it like crazy, and I was calling them morons for it back then, too. Now it's nostalgic for people to think back to those days, and because the series in general took a nosedive after gen 5 more people are coming around to the games. lmao

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, gen 5 was hated but that hate was undeserved. Some points are valid like shiny lock but the main thing people criticized are pokemon designs which is entirely subjective

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, gen 5 was hated but that hate was undeserved. Some points are valid like shiny lock but the main thing people criticized are pokemon designs which is entirely subjective

        Gen 5 is the Mists of Pandaria of Pokémon. Regarded as shit at the time, but looked back upon fondly.

        Why? Well, all the people that thought it was garbage quit and never looked back. What's left are the shit eaters that stuck around.

        • 4 months ago

          >What's left are the shit eaters that stuck around.
          You've got it wrong. Starting with XY, Pokemon began pleading with the people who quit after gen 1 to come back, and hasn't stopped doing so since then.

      • 4 months ago

        >Gen 5 was always good

        >and because the series in general took a nosedive after gen 5
        and yet you won't be able to cite a single problem in the newer games that didn't already exist as an equal or worse problem in gen 5

        • 4 months ago

          It's gen 5's fault that everything else after it didn't "fix" the supposed problems it had? How does that make any sense?

          • 4 months ago

            Gen 6 did fix some of Gen 5's problems. Gen 5 was bad on all on its own.

            • 4 months ago

              Oh, but not all of them? So gen 6 must still be bad because it kept problems from gen 5, right?

    • 4 months ago

      Headcanon. The actual revisionism is that BW were good.

      discord posts

      • 4 months ago

        Stop giving them yous

    • 4 months ago

      Dude, Gen 5 is the reason this board exists, because anons were flooding Ganker with lots of gameplay discussion threads, leaks and others around Black and White

      • 4 months ago

        I agree SwSh are the best games because so many people were making posts talking about it.

        • 4 months ago

          There is a difference between having lots of people talking about the game and having hype threads like what led to splitting /vp/ from Ganker in the gen 5 days and having threads about dexit and romhacks, like when Sword and Shield came out

          • 4 months ago

            >people were hyped for the game therefore the game was good!
            you're right sword and shield is the best game ever

    • 4 months ago

      I distinctly remember everyone I knew saying Black and White sucked and me getting very heated online. I remember going to pokemon related Youtube comment sections and pulling out Weezing and Electrode for every Vanilluxe and Garbodor argument I found. I didn't really understand why people disliked it so vehemently, especially since BW2 was my first pokemon game

  6. 4 months ago

    A N Y pokemon game being hard, ever.

    they are all piss easy, and im speaking story mode not battle tower/frontier shit

    >ooo cynthia was soooo hard oooo red kicked my ass with his level 87 shitmon!!!

    no, you were just a stupid dipshit kid when you played the games, they are all easy, have always been easy, and will always be easy.

    • 4 months ago

      >A N Y pokemon game being hard, ever.
      People don't say this, they only talk about specific boss fights as you mentioned, which is fine because they were caught off guard once. It's funny and memorable when a boss like Ghetsis breaks the mold once in a while, no need to be so sour about it.
      And for the most part, the hard aspect of Pokemon has always been the collecting itself

  7. 4 months ago

    ORAS being a good remake.

    • 4 months ago

      explain how oras is worse than r/s (the games that were remade)

  8. 4 months ago

    Legendaries being able to evolve
    So fricking moronic too

    • 4 months ago

      Oh wait this is a genwar thread
      The whole GSC/DP bad thing is incredibly forced, not a single soul was calling these games bad when they came out, GSC was an objective upgrade over every single gen 1 game and the only thing preventing DP from being just that about gen 3 is Emerald’s battle frontier.

      • 4 months ago

        >not a single soul was calling these games bad when they came out
        I did feel DP were a bit of a downgrade to Emerald at the time of release. I didn't think they were bad by any means but in terms of content even outside the Battle Frontier I felt they were more plain. Also the limited regional dex really did piss me off. I was hyped about Magmortar and Electivire in the run up to release and then I found out that they were relegated to the post game. That was bullshit.

  9. 4 months ago

    the whole "Gotta Catch 'em All" slogan ever since Gen 8 started cutting off pokemon from the main games.

  10. 4 months ago

    All the zoomers nowadays going about how Platinum and HGSS are actually super shit and totally overrated games.
    The epitome of sour grapes. Forever butthurt and envious that they never were able to experience this franchise when it was good.

    • 4 months ago

      >All the zoomers nowadays going about how Platinum and HGSS are actually super shit and totally overrated games
      That’s what the DP bad meme was always leading up to
      First attack the base game, then attack the games that reused its engine by associating them with the supposedly bad base game

      • 4 months ago

        yup, it's extremely annoying

        >it fits more with middle school millenials who are getting to that age where they think Pokemon is for babies
        That's pretty much it. You were "gay" if you still played Pokemon in 2003 because the series was for babies. Gen 3 was when genwunners got peer pressured into hating the franchise for social acceptance before coming back to it years later.

        i remember being in fricking THIRD GRADE DUDE, THIRD GRADE, and getting bullied for playing gen 2 and gen 1. frick, man, let kids be kids.

  11. 4 months ago

    That Johto is loved by genwunners, it basically killed the Pokemania hype that KANTOOOO had created.

    • 4 months ago

      Hoenn killed Pokemania not Johto

    • 4 months ago

      No the PS2 coming out killed it. Everyone in my school went from playing and talking about pokemon to talking about the PS2. And from there it just kinda faded out of people's mindsets

  12. 4 months ago

    Good thread. The hate I see against the Johto and Sinnoh games in certain forums and discords I’m in is mind boggling.
    I think the combination of how dogshit Gen 8 was and challenge run homosexualry from poketubers fricked Pokemon up forever lol. Like I really hope Gen 2 doesn’t get a half-assed demake, or “Johto was always shit!” will increase tenfold.

    • 4 months ago

      The only way to remedy that would be a BW demake si they realize the ILCA formula is shit regardless of which game it’s based on.

    • 4 months ago

      It's pure contrarianism

      • 4 months ago

        Maybe it started as such but now it’s easily the majority opinion
        You legitimately cannot mention DP outside of here without having someone shit on it

        • 4 months ago

          DP ARE shit though. Why the hell would you play either of those when Platinum exists?

          • 4 months ago

            If DP are shit then so is every other first game of a gen.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah no shit dumbass. Are you new?

              • 4 months ago

                Then my point still stands that DP specifically shouldn't get as much hate as it does, compared to like, RS (way worse games)

              • 4 months ago

                Anon, there's a reason why people go back to Platinum instead of DP when they want to replay a Sinnoh game

              • 4 months ago

                ...and there's no reason why people go back to Emerald over RS? Or Crystal over GS? Or why nobody ever wants to replay XY or SM?

              • 4 months ago

                GS, RS, XY, and SM are all decent games on their own. DP is complete dogshit and even Platinum is still bad.

        • 4 months ago

          Who cares just enjoy the games you like and move on. The community consensus is always moronic anyway. Play games and come to your own conclusions

          • 4 months ago

            That’s already what I do. But something I noticed about the Pokemon community is that you will actually trigger more people by saying a game is good than by saying a game is bad.
            I constantly shit on everything past gen 5 and praise DP, and me praising DP is what causes the most autistic manchildren to jump at me and point out how there’s only two charizard types in the regional dex kek

            • 4 months ago

              It is what it is. Just stay away from online communities tbh. I only talk about games to people irl now since they're much less reactionary than online. Everything's either black or white online, whereas these same people irl will be a lot more tame

              • 4 months ago

                That's just how communicating in person works, anon. There's no consequences for the shit you say online, whereas there are IRL.

              • 4 months ago

                Which is why it's best to stay away from online communities for your wellbeing. There's no nuance and we were never built to hear this many random peoples opinions

            • 4 months ago

              I have genuinely not seen anyone do this, might just be you joining some especially autistic circles.

              • 4 months ago

                Go look at literally any DP related thing on the internet that has any kind of recent activity and you will see people shit on it

  13. 4 months ago

    Event legendaries being called mythicals.

  14. 4 months ago

    >Dexit is good! Frick the haters who won't buy a Pokemon game if it doesn't have Politoed!
    >Holy crap, Isle of Armor brought back Politoed! Based! #ThankYouGameFreak

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I'm really trying my best to not let moronic fans influence my opinions on things, but man, seeing in real time the braindead people celebrating dexit and shitting on everyone else has really taken a toll on my opinion of gen 8.

  15. 4 months ago

    The Hoenn and Unova were beloved when they came out.

  16. 4 months ago


    Time is a flat circle.

    Use Ublock origin, you dingus

  17. 4 months ago

    This strange narrative that BBNDgayging redditors try to force that people started disliking Pokemon games since XY. No, they started disliking Pokemon games since Dexit happened. I don't know why the frick people are trying to rope the 3DS games into it when there's literal proof they were well received when they came out.

    • 4 months ago

      You can dislike something but it not be enough to deter you to buy it. Your whole argument rests on the autistic binary assumption that people don't make value judgements based on how much is enough for them to take until they decide the cons outweigh the pros

      • 4 months ago

        People don't highly rate and actively defend games they dislike, you dumbass schizo.

    • 4 months ago

      people will always dislike the current gen, it's just the way things are, as people have pointed out gen 5 used to get a lot of shit before it became quite beloved, but it is very interesting how people forced this weird shift on the 3ds games, which i feel comes from no 2d game having a dexcut so the reason why theses MUST be bad is because 3d led to a dexcut

    • 4 months ago

      people will always dislike the current gen, it's just the way things are, as people have pointed out gen 5 used to get a lot of shit before it became quite beloved, but it is very interesting how people forced this weird shift on the 3ds games, which i feel comes from no 2d game having a dexcut so the reason why theses MUST be bad is because 3d led to a dexcut

      or gen 6 and 7 are just bad games. it's not that complicated.

      • 4 months ago

        >th-they're bad games people were just pretending to like them
        yeah sure schizo

        • 4 months ago

          I know i was. I've been in denial over the franchise's death for a while. SM were when i dropped the series, before then i played XY and ORAS, and pretended to like them, i didn't want to admit my childhood franchise was dead

          Every single time one of these threads happen morons shit it up with more revisionism and bait.

          The thread was good until yawngay showed up, as is always the case.

          • 4 months ago

            > i played XY and ORAS, and pretended to like them, i didn't want to admit my childhood franchise was dead
            Same here. I thought they were ok but I didn't really enjoy them like I did the other games. The only game I'd say I truly loved since XY is Legends Arceus which is fantastic. I like the story of SM and a lot of the mons but I don't love the region, I find it boring and sleepy.

          • 4 months ago

            I played oras and got to a point i was sweeping with a level 100 shiny mewtwo i got from a friend because i was just so done with it, anything post Winona felt like a chore

      • 4 months ago

        Dexit was the final nail in the coffin but it was already apparent that gens 6 and 7 were horse shit
        XY was the first bad pokemon game and since it came out we got nothing but trash except for PLA, which was probably a fluke

        • 4 months ago

          I know i was. I've been in denial over the franchise's death for a while. SM were when i dropped the series, before then i played XY and ORAS, and pretended to like them, i didn't want to admit my childhood franchise was dead

          The thread was good until yawngay showed up, as is always the case.

          Thanks for proving my point about redditors trying to revise history.

          • 4 months ago

            >O MY BOTTED POLLS
            Nobody cares
            Anyway funny seeing you call anyone reddit when the single differences between your tastes and reddit tastes is that you don’t like gen. 5.

            • 4 months ago

              >strawpolls with less than 100 people from this shithole are considered opinions for the vast majority
              i bet you have a whole folder of "evidence" like this

              >d-d-d-d-d-doesn't count

          • 4 months ago

            >strawpolls with less than 100 people from this shithole are considered opinions for the vast majority
            i bet you have a whole folder of "evidence" like this

    • 4 months ago

      XY was definitely hit historically. People took issue with ORAS from the start, but XY was fricking hype at the time it was new.

      • 4 months ago

        >but XY was fricking hype at the time it was new.
        this, i recall kids lining up for playing it well before release at this game show i went to and i remember that vividly, and that was literally the 3 minute demo and it was barely weeks or days away at the time from release.

      • 4 months ago

        xy was around the time i started interaction with online communities more, and i clearly remember the hype for it. first 3d (handheld) pokemon games, player customizations, a new type in the form of fairy and megas! there was plenty of discussion and hype leading up to the games release, which makes its lukewarm rep nowadays seem kinda odd. i personally think the games are fine, but that's really all i can say about them

  18. 4 months ago

    Every single time one of these threads happen morons shit it up with more revisionism and bait.

  19. 4 months ago

    Baby mons are pre-evos introduced in a later Gen, even Togepi status was still debated. You lot are just too young to remember but it was one of the first discussions on the board and one of the relatively most active discussions on the forums at the time, whether Riolu could be considered a baby Pokémon or not. And the side of the not even won by a margin all things considered yet the Bulbapedo admin being a salty b***h decided to still go with the "Riolu is a Baby mon" forever ruining the terms.
    History lesson kids, the one in powers are always wrong, the moronic minority that supports them is also wrong, love each other and understand their thoughts if you want to break free from this cycle.

    • 4 months ago

      Well, most people don't consider Riolu to be a baby mon nowadays so you won. They probably made it undiscovered just so you couldn't just mass breed Riley's egg to get a good nature

    • 4 months ago

      Riolu IS officially considered a baby Pokemon, so are Togepi and Toxel

      • 4 months ago

        citation needed

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Baby Pokémon are Pokémon that evolve but can't breed

  20. 4 months ago

    >"dexit was actually a good thing"
    >"gen 2 was actually le bad, because a youtube video said so"
    >"XY are actually one of the best Pokémon games ever"

    • 4 months ago

      >>"gen 2 was actually le bad, because a youtube video said so"

  21. 4 months ago

    >everyone shits on newest gen when it comes out
    >1 or 2 gens later
    I can't wait for a few years from now where people treat SV as the greatest thing since sliced bread

    • 4 months ago

      this autistic community is so consistent in its inconsistency its really fricking annoying

  22. 4 months ago

    Anyone who calls the gen III games ugly. They were routinely called beautiful up until the Sword and Shield hatetrain started moving back into the past. Kids today aren't old enough to know how much people loved clean spritework back in the day.

    • 4 months ago

      >Anyone who calls the gen III games ugly. They were routinely called beautiful
      What the frick are you talking about? Critics and forum users complained that they had worse graphics than Golden Sun back when RS first came out.

  23. 4 months ago

    Gen 5 not being the worst

  24. 4 months ago

    Any games other than Sworshiel, possibly also LGPE, receiving any widespread hate at all from the public on release.

  25. 4 months ago

    The mind-boggling way that people suddenly started to defend DP's slowness to the point of gaslighting about it not existing at all

    • 4 months ago

      It's your fault for not providing any concrete example of this supposed slowness
      Every time you ask someone what is slow about it you just get meme answers like "durr... le everything XD", never any specific example with time measurement or a clip backing up the fact that it's slower than other games.
      It's always been a meme criticism

  26. 4 months ago

    Pokemon Trainer Grey alone proves /vp/ didn't dislike Gen 5.

  27. 4 months ago

    Hitmonchan/lee always being unpopular. I heard more Chan vs Lee debates in 1st grade than anything else I can remember (35 years old).

  28. 4 months ago

    B/W being good. I remember everyone in school hating the games. They didn't sell well either so I guess it was unanimous

  29. 4 months ago

    (OP) #
    People were getting sick of Game Freak since Gen 4, maybe even 3. HGSS followed by BW1 made die-hards think there was a chance GF would get its head out of its ass, but such a thing never manifested. It could be excused in XY because they hadn't done anything like that up until then. So maybe they were getting their footing. But then years later, SwSh came out and lots of fans went apoplectic. It wasn't just DexCut though, it was years of repressed disappointment finally exploding.

    • 4 months ago

      >It wasn't just DexCut though,
      yes it was

      • 4 months ago

        Nah SwSh are generally shit games. You're railroaded for the majority of the game. Dungeons are literally straight lines. It's trash.

        • 4 months ago

          >Nah SwSh are generally shit games
          that people would have wiener sucked like every other Pokemon game if the dex cut didn't happen.

          • 4 months ago

            Nope. It was mashing through mind numbing cutscenes for the first 4 hours of the games with some of the worst characters ever conceived. That, and the redesigned gyms... and the way the new pokemon looked lol.

            • 4 months ago

              >It was mashing through mind numbing cutscenes for the first 4 hours of the games with some of the worst characters ever conceived
              So...like BW2? Which people wiener suck because it didn't cut the dex?

  30. 4 months ago
  31. 4 months ago

    The fact that nobody got limited time events
    Pure zoomer cope
    Every single person who was into pokemon when BW came out got the event Zorua and Zoroark, because everyone got the Celebi and one of the beasts in the HGSS events

  32. 4 months ago

    Maybe not particularly the franchise, but the majority of people here seem to forget how much we enjoyed X and Y. It was the first global release, so we didn't have guides or anything. Just a lot of figuring stuff out together. It was probably the last time /vp/ was good

    • 4 months ago

      We wasted time looking for stuff that didn't exist because the game was a nothing burger

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