What do you hope to see in Total War 40k?

What do you hope to see in Total War 40k?

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  1. 2 years ago

    bigger battles scale

    • 2 years ago

      unfortunately they'll have to make the ground textures 8x8 pixels and make every battlefield completely flat to compensate

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds great, less time spent on useless 3d models and more on game mechanics please

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      unfortunately they'll have to make the ground textures 8x8 pixels and make every battlefield completely flat to compensate

      It'll be like Epic Armageddon.
      Just like Total War Warhammer never was a proper representation of the boardgame, and a bit closer in scale to Warmaster.

      • 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    Heavy metal

    • 2 years ago

      Something similar to Eugen's Wargame series, because classic TW scheme won't work in 40k.


  3. 2 years ago

    you really want a 40k game from the company who can't make good gun or artillery effects and still can't do realistic volleys?

    do you have any idea how much they'd frick up bolters? absolutely not.

    • 2 years ago

      Total War 40k is going to happen whether you want it to or not.

      • 2 years ago

        there's already plenty of good 40k games so why should I give a shit?

        • 2 years ago

          It never existing 40k is already full of fake fans who just watch youtubers like autists and I don't want it to become like warhammer fantasy where theres 80 people who don't even play the tabletop b***hing about GW when they have no intent to buy models

          most 40k games are pure dogshit if you take away the 40k asthethic

    • 2 years ago

      the frick you talking about FotS had great arty

      • 2 years ago

        FotS was made by a side-studio which was shut down when Sega took over

        • 2 years ago

          they still have the source code and everything you dumb loon.

  4. 2 years ago

    Never being released

    • 2 years ago

      >Never being made

  5. 2 years ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, TW is not suitable for any form of warfare past the Napoleonic era, Wargame would be a better formula to follow for 40K, large enough maps for the sort of scale 40k operates at, a focus on mechanised warfare and a proper air layer

    • 2 years ago

      >sort of scale 40k operates at
      Its not like on tabletop units are put in formations similar to those of Total War.
      Oh wait...

      • 2 years ago

        >it happens in a tabletop!

        yea and there are other games that can simulate ww2 era warfare and so on

        he's talking about CA and their shitty engine that they are still using after a decade

    • 2 years ago

      My man.
      People have suggested this for a while, but a 40k game being made similar to it will likely never happen.

      • 2 years ago

        Wargame would be better for 40k proper.
        TW would be alright for an Epic stand-in.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've said it before and I'll say it again, TW is not suitable for any form of warfare past the Napoleonic era,
      Not true, Total War fits anywhere there's a chance for units to get into a melee. It would honestly fit Fallout really well.

  6. 2 years ago

    Bombing and killing CA for good

  7. 2 years ago

    More like DoW I than 2. More vehicles. Deep strike reinforcements. Factions within each race.

    • 2 years ago

      >More like DoW I than 2.
      Neither are anything like TW

  8. 2 years ago

    Titans. That's all I really want.

    • 2 years ago

      I want a Titan game, but not as a strategy game. I want to pilot them.

  9. 2 years ago

    The biggest challenge for Total War 40K (Which I 100% believe is going to happen) is they need to make the engine work better with more fluid unit movement and ranged weapons

    All the Total War games have these block unit formations which act pretty 'mechanically'. There's often a delay between when you ask them to do something and them doing it. Ranged units have to make a bunch of small micro-adjustments before firing. All the formations move in that very sort of antiquated 'big unit formation' way.

    That will not work or feel right in a universe like 40K where warfare would be much more mobile, with small unit tactics, armored vehicles moving while firing, units taking cover, etc. It would be like making "Total War: WW2" it would not make sense to have a bunch of guys in their neat little Napoleonic formations firing at each other.

    So that's the big challenge. If they can pull that off and make that unit control fluidity possible, then basically I just want big-ass battles in the 40K universe with the level of polish and scale of TW:WH2.

    The other thing I don't know how they'll do is the strategic layer - I imagine it will be planet based - but that might not be as interesting to play as the overland maps of the traditional TW games.

    So who fricking knows. Like I said I think it's coming eventually, but it will be the biggest departure from the formula they've ever done so it will take a lot of work. Probably a whole new version of the engine.

    • 2 years ago

      >it would not make sense to have a bunch of guys in their neat little Napoleonic formations firing at each other.
      Have you ever played tabletop? Because thats exactly what happens there moron

      • 2 years ago

        In the tabletop the units placed on the table are heavily abstracted as being merely present at that location on the battlefield. There is no indication or intention whatsoever that they are neatly organized little pike-and-shot squares, and this is not how they are depicted in the games universe - books / lore, games, game cinematics - in any way . In much the same way that in a tabletop WW2 wargame when the two infantry units 'shoot' at each other, its not meant to depict 2 divisions worth of people standing in a field in a fricking phalanx shooting at each other.

        The entire point - which you missed - is that to have, in the hypothetical TW:WH40K, little square Space Marine formations standing still and limply shooting at other little square Ork formations would look and feel completely off with the game's universe, and would play bad.

        I am not sure what to make of the fact that you cannot seem to mentally handle the most basic and clear - clear even to a child - level of abstraction of what is occuring on the tabletop and what is happening in the 'game universe'.

        • 2 years ago

          Im sorry but if its presented this way in tabletop i want to see it presented this way in TW:WH40k too, if you want le realistic squads or something go play DoW1

        • 2 years ago

          >abstraction here good
          >abstraction here bad

          • 2 years ago

            TW never did much abstraction so yeah

            • 2 years ago

              >TW never did much abstraction

              • 2 years ago

                Not in battles no
                Not to tabletop level at least

              • 2 years ago

                so you'd say that a mightly high-elf army would consist of about 200 dudes

              • 2 years ago

                The game doesn't get more abstract if you set unit sizes to low, moron
                Congrats for picking the one Total War game that's made up for your already wrong example btw

          • 2 years ago

            That is exactly correct. If you're playing a tabletop game (or even just indie/retro game), you can get away with much more abstraction than in a modern AAA game.

        • 2 years ago

          Look at any codex artwork you stupid Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        Im sorry but if its presented this way in tabletop i want to see it presented this way in TW:WH40k too, if you want le realistic squads or something go play DoW1

      • 2 years ago

        >he doesn't metagame formations on tabletop

        • 2 years ago

          Was that legal at some point?

          • 2 years ago

            the judge carefully studying the rulebook tells us quite a bit

            really it's a clear-cut case of warning followed by disq for being a wanker, but not all competitive organizations are as wise as i am

            • 2 years ago

              Found this, pretty good story.

              • 2 years ago

                sounds like karma to me

            • 2 years ago

              in this case it's a matter of someone countering 1 person's bullshit gimmick strat that shouldn't be allowed with his own bullshit gimmick strat that shouldn't be allowed. He was only able to do that because his opponent's gimmick involved literally not deploying a single unit anywhere on the field. Against anyone playing normally, taking nothing but scouts and deploying them outside of cover in a half-assed line would be an awful idea, but because his opponent was already trying his own cute shit he was instead completely screwed. In a competitive organization following your advice, the situation would have never occurred because his opponent would have already been dq'd for being a wanker.

      • 2 years ago

        >what is abstraction

      • 2 years ago

        I play tabletop here and you are wrong its only gunlines for tau and guardsmen (not even really tau since they use small squads of battlesuits as meta). In addition its meta to take the smallest squads and split them off so you can shoot at more targets or focus fire instead of having 1 big voley and so when a squad is wiped its much less. So in reality its either several small squads moving around or a big horde charging at things for melee factions.

  10. 2 years ago

    for it to not release

  11. 2 years ago

    Only way it could work is if it's set on a single planet or a system AT MOST. Realistically, their best bet would be to set it during the Unification Wars on Terra, with different factions duking it out for dominance. It's also an opportunity to make new material, since the entire era has only been lightly touched upon.

    • 2 years ago

      Unification Wars would have very different factions than the main ones. Dark Crusade did the planetary campaign fine, no reason it wouldn't work here.

      Im sorry but if its presented this way in tabletop i want to see it presented this way in TW:WH40k too, if you want le realistic squads or something go play DoW1

      Why not just keep playing tabletop instead of ruining a potentially good game?

  12. 2 years ago

    I hope to not see it happen because itll either not work or be stupid as hell

  13. 2 years ago

    I think a 40 TW game faces some challenges:

    The first is the scope:
    If you have a whole galaxy or sector available then a TW size battle will feel completely underwhelming, It makes no sense from a lore or logical point that the control of a planet is decided by even a two thousands men battle

    The second challenge is the ground battles:
    They could go the COH way and just have the guns be super short ranged, which would also cut the needed size of a map, but a square of guardsmen or space marines would look silly
    Not only that but this only works if you commit to a very small scale, because the setting goes from lasguns to titans, from literal melee range to intercontinental artillery

    They could still have the TW "box" but have small squads instead of single models all spread out in a very sparse skirmish-like formation, so instead of a unit having 200 soldiers it would have 25 that would move around with some independence to automatically "take cover"

    Another way is making it hugely scaled so battles go from tanks to titans and forget about the infantry, but that would be so fundamentally different from TW idk if it even counts

    To be fair TW is so malleable that it's probably easier to adapt than ww2 in a TW game, they could realistically just keep the box for melee units and simply use a larger skirmish formation for ranged ones and call it a day

    • 2 years ago

      >It makes no sense from a lore or logical point that the control of a planet is decided by even a two thousands men battle
      It absolutely makes sense from a lore perspective, there's plenty of planet battles in the lore where a chapter of mahreens somehow clears out an entire planet. 40k writers seem to think that a planet is about 50 square miles big

  14. 2 years ago

    Titans are fricking gay and i hope if TW:WH40k ever happens they dont include them
    In fact all single entities units are cancer

    • 2 years ago

      Problem with Titans is that they effectively invalidate 90% of ground units smaller than them. You can instantly disregard any unit besides other Titans and anti-Titan tanks/infantry when Titans take to the field.

  15. 2 years ago

    It takes place on a Daemon world where guns dont work

  16. 2 years ago

    It will never fail to amuse me how mad Warhammer troons and TW troons both get mad at this idea. Really all they can do is cope, because I can guarantee it's happening. The B team is already moved to WH3, leaving the main team to work on Warhammer 40k.

    • 2 years ago

      It will happen. It's not going to be whatever you think it will be in your head. If you actually played any TW games you would understand what we are trying to tell you.

      • 2 years ago

        >current Warhammer is already ranged and AoE-laden cancer like a modern war, just with formations
        They can literally take current TWW and give most units ranged attack. Tanks can just be bigger steam tanks.

  17. 2 years ago

    They're never gonna do TW 40k because GW are bunch of boomer israelites who think everything that's not their plastic toys a competition, even if they own the license.
    The reason TW WH Fantasy happened because they already canned the setting in favor of age of smegmar so they had nothing to lose

  18. 2 years ago

    >Ask repeatedly for 40k total war.
    >Get repeatedly told why it's impossible.
    >Just deflect and say it's inevitable without describing how.
    >When asked what you think 40k total war would look like, describe Dawn of War.

    • 2 years ago

      There has never been a single real reason why a 40k total war can't work. Literally everything in 40k has already been done in regular Warhammer.

    • 2 years ago

      Its going to be like on tabletop, units in neat formations shooting at each other
      Fits TW formula perfectly

      • 2 years ago

        That's not how 40k works, I literally play it, you can have your toy soldiers stand in the shape of a wiener and balls if you want to so long as each guy is within 2 inches of at least one other guy.
        Why do 99% of 40k 'fans' seem to have 0 actual background with the game?

    • 2 years ago

      >people give him reasons
      >deflect and strawman
      fact: a 40k game wouldn't be too jarring compared to TWW right now. With how much damage spells do, it makes no sense for any army to be in formations, yet here we are.

    • 2 years ago

      >Get repeatedly told why it's impossible.
      Is only impossible in the mind of turbo autism who are obsessed to the point they refuse to accept abstractions for the sake of gameplay.

      If GW and CA want a total war 40k, there will be a TW40k, even if half of Ganker shits their paints in an autist rage over Orks forming a line and shooting at a line of Space Marines.

    • 2 years ago

      Total Warhammer literally has machineguns, sniper rifles, tanks and helicopters.

  19. 2 years ago

    this but with a strategic layer

  20. 2 years ago

    TW:40K would fail because CA is inept at what they do. Look at siege battles since Rome 2, the ai fricking breaks whenever there's something more complicated than the default maps, parts of formations get stuck on corners of buildings and the ai is capable of precisely two tactics: Rush your troops, rush the capture point. Look at CA's philosophy of bugs, they break siege ai in Rome 2, alright, let's very slowly downgrade the maps, make them simple until we get to Warhammer instead of fixing the problem in the ai. Look at naval battles (oh wait, there isn't any because since Rome 2, naval ai doesn't work.) They don't fix anything, they remove what's causing the issue. It would also need a redesign of the ui, the units cards are hard to read when you have too many units and the limit of 40 is hardcoded. 40 is only a lot of units when you compare it to RTTs like CoH. Compare it to strategy games, Age of Empires you field up to 200, Starcraft same thing, Command and Conquer, you get up to about 80 I guess, it doesn't have a counter. Then compare it to Supreme Commander, 1000 max units, mods can scale it to 4000, the only reason we don't go higher is because of the slowdown. I don't trust CA could fix this, but they could circumvent this by having vehicle squads (a pack of 3 predator tanks, squads of 4 leman russes, the superheavies would still be single models) but if you've played TW:W with any of the larger unit size mods, you'll understand that the big units don't work well in squads, especially when they get into melee so again, it would need a pathing ai overhaul. I don't believe CA is incapable of that. Also, if you've played Rome2, you'll understand that they've somehow lost the ability to have rectangular units, ships clip into each other when they turn, they rotate oddly on the spot, and the mast at the front is just some ethereal projection that doesn't affect anything. (1/3)

    • 2 years ago

      The reason TWW doesn't have this problem is because all the single model units are just circular bases (Steam Tank included), they just took the code for infantry collision and scaled it to fit a larger guy. Hard tanks wouldn't work with what CA has now. Warscape (CA's current engine) was designed for Empire. Empire is a broken game with the worst ai you can exploit by simply dismounting and mounting your arty (The ai will retreat if it outranges you, the ai will charge will if you outrange it, you can dismount to make them think they have a range advantage and back off) but, admittedly, Warscape is pretty good at handling ranged combat. The problem comes when you remember it was designed in mind with unit having dead/alive states, not health bars. The only issue is that the units would have to be balanced for actual range combat rather than what they are now, where you can have cannons pelt a formation of heavy units, knock them all down, and stand right the frick back up. CA will never fix this because they don't know how to make single model units work without sticking a fat health bar on everyone (even though they managed it before, Generals in Shogun 2 have 2 hp instead of 1)

    • 2 years ago

      40K is pretty much perfectly suited for Total War, the only change need would be the addition of more unit formations, including one "rabble" formation where the units are disorganized (ie, not a rectangle but just a general random shape) and not in any block, orc units and tyranid hordes should be forced into the rabble formation since their strategy is largely reliant on just charging the enemy anyway. Imperial Guard fits perfectly with the blocks. You can go anywhere, from massive firing lines of 200 guardsmen to squads of 30. Tau fits too.
      The factions that are quality>quantity (Space Marines, Eldar) should just have tiny squads of <20 models with highly specialized formations. Like a firing line, but there's a gap between each model, a spearhead like what cavalry have in TW now, whatever, go crazy, have fricking 50 formations.
      The unit cards could be replaced with anything, give every squad a small square icon (like a nato symbol), a number for the health, the ammo, and a fight indicator like they have now. Just scale it down so that the unit cards don't squash together when you have large armies.
      To summarise, Total War is the perfect fit for W40K, Creative Assembly is the worst fit for Total War.

      • 2 years ago

        >including one "rabble" formation where the units are disorganized (ie, not a rectangle but just a general random shape) and not in any block
        So basically the same as peasants/runaway slave spearmen/herdsmen in Rome 1 and Barbarian Invasion.

  21. 2 years ago

    The people who say they want 40k Total War are, at the end of the day, not people who actually like or care about Total War. They're Warhammer 'fans' (the vast majority of which have never actually played real Warhammer) who love collecting and looking at digital toy soldiers in Total War Warhammer and want to do the same with 40k. The point for them isn't to make a good Total War game, it's to make a good 40k game, and they have the bizzare idea that CA, which can't even make a good Total War game anymore, will be able to make a good 40k game. Such a game would by neccessity not be a Total War game in any way but the brand, and they only really want the brand 'Total War' because it makes them feel that their digital toy soldier collection is more 'legit'.

    • 2 years ago

      imagine trying to gatekeep and be elitist on one of the shittiest fantasy universes known to man

    • 2 years ago

      >he said, with nothing to back up his notion that 40k and Total War are irreconcilably incompatible

  22. 2 years ago

    You are all overthinking it. In space games like this planets are abstracted into something that is functionally a city. There will be full galaxy campaign map and there will be one battle per planet, like in all other space games. Like in pic related, but pic related was smaller AA game and with vastly inferior budget. We should get Space Battles, but we won't just like with Naval Battles. Just like with Warhammer Fantasy shills will try to deflect that CA would need to get BFGA license and it would be a problem, but it will be a lie, just like with TW:W and Dreadfleet/Manowar license

    It will happen since after Rome 2 all nonWarhammer Total Wars were flops. Save for 3chinkdoms, but that was only successful at release and then ended in drama and flopped dlcs. And who knows how Chinks will react to cashgrab sequel when CA shitted on them so massively with first game
    Partnership with GW keeps CA afloat and is the only profitable thing for them. They and SEGA aren't in full control of TW anymore, they practically share it with GW. They are desperately trying to find a way out, which is why they have SAGA games to test the ideas to what the frick should they do. Going back to historicals failed massively with ToB. It's obviously over here. Troy was only semisuccesful because it was fricking free. That "truth behind the myth" approach failed. But full on fantasy Mythology game mode and then flanderized historical game with heroes and magic seems to worked with 3kingdoms

    They are also dedicated and betting on that godawful abomination Hyenas. It will be obviously a MASSIVE FLOP and they sacrificed TW:W3 for it.

    The only way forward for them is fantasy. They need something safe that will keep them afloat for the time being at least. They have a good deal with GW. So it's either AoS or 40k. If they can make AoS they can as well make 40k and that's a far more marketable setting. Unless they get Lotr deal, but Lotr isn't as strong anymore and ASOIAF is fricking dead

  23. 2 years ago

    Nothing. As much as I'd like to see another /vst/ 40k game, Total War just doesn't work for me and even if it did, I can't imagine it being a good fit for the setting.

  24. 2 years ago

    CA anouncing that they are getting shutdown

  25. 2 years ago

    DO NOT have the feature where a beaten down faction with no armies and like one territory can be left alone then suddenly appear with a full stack of late game units.

  26. 2 years ago

    Not existing

  27. 2 years ago

    > NOOO you can't have a 40k TW because the engine can't into small unit tactics.
    Lol, lorelets should just hang themselves.

  28. 2 years ago

    The biggest issue with 40k TW isn't formations or any other shit, it's that Total War is fricking ass.
    Battle maps size would make a lot of the vehicle play feel cramped, and while having 20/40 units to control would be sort of okay the issue is the difference in scale and power level in 40k is just huge, having a fricking Imperator Titan fit into the same unit slot as 240 guardsmen would be wack, considering the latter would be wiped out in seconds of fire from secondary batteries. Better yet, imagine the same scenario but with hero and lord units, like even fricking Yarrick can't survive being stepped on by a Titan.
    Also, what with long range artillery? TWW works fine because pretty much every piece right now requires line of sight but even Earthshakers have tens of kilometers of range, not to mention anything bigger. Sure on tabletop it's also handwaved, Deathstrikes are supposed to be ICBMs but they (now) have like 5 meters of range, but it'll just look fricking silly.
    Also airplanes would need a way to be represented, but if TWW is anything to go by they'd be just special abilities to call in.
    You'd probably need much bigger maps and a lot more unit slots to play with (or vastly increased squad sizes for infantry, I suppose) and then maybe you'd have Epic Warhammer 40k the game.

    • 2 years ago

      just abstract it so Titans need more than one explosion to kill blobs of guardsmen, moron. That's what hitpoints are for. Besides, guardsmen dying in droves to a single Titan would just be accurate.

    • 2 years ago

      >You'd probably need much bigger maps and a lot more unit slots to play with (or vastly increased squad sizes for infantry, I suppose)
      Tbh this is what should have happened even in historical titles long fricking time ago

  29. 2 years ago

    Company of Heroes 4: Cadian Theater

  30. 2 years ago

    a totally shit campaign that is absolutely no fun to play no matter what faction you pic

  31. 2 years ago

    Ideally i would like a hybrid between dawn of war and total war battles for more tactical sensitive battles in cities and mass epic slaughters during purging of whole planets respectively

    • 2 years ago

      gay. Either Total War or DoW. Dark Crusade is already the middle ground.

  32. 2 years ago

    i don't want it to happen at all.

  33. 2 years ago


    Warhammer Tabletop, but as a Vidya
    -has a Total War style strategic layer?
    -you're all trapped on a planet you're trying to liberate
    -(usually?) doesn't produce faction unique units, you're getting the local planet back into fighting shape
    -honestly considering Warhammer's "thing" where every planet takes decades to liberate, it could probably map onto TW really well
    -general 1 lives for centuries, new general only live decades unless you acquire rejuvenants
    -new generals can rise from the ranks or be general 1's children, because grimdark

    -the "the player never loses" problem:
    -marines are super elite and never lose as a matter of course (gain no benefit from holding territory?)
    -IG play as a legendary general and are assisting a much bigger AI who's somewhat incompetent (you can rebel against them at risk? of being declared traitor?)

    • 2 years ago

      Space Marines:
      -different chapters?
      -you like the idea there's some sort of Warband style relationship mechanic, something to make it really rewarding when you bail out IG or civilians
      >(I just realized that is a really weird note. I meant that thing in Mount and Blade: Warband where you bail out a beleaguered lord and you get a popup after the battle where they say thanks and you get a relationship boost. Makes it nice to rescue peasants)

      -marines don't or won't hold territory
      -(they can only recruit the equivalent of spear militia from cities? Crappy human units that just don't match their playstyle)
      -spear militia and neophytes: neophytes can SLOWLY become scouts and real marines with XP (and geneseed?)

      -you like the idea that for marines the battle is easy, everything else is hard. Most obviously, drop pods only go one way. It's a fast drop from space, it's a long hike back home.

      -do something to make it very clear saving everyone isn't viable long term

      -this can ofc involve chaos susceptibility
      -because grimdark, warhammer tabletop's official stance is that SM's are supposed to be distant, aloof gods

      • 2 years ago

        Imperial Guard:
        -you're explicitly encouraged to put all your cool shit in a doom stack, with everything else just being a wall of lasguns?
        -much more concerned with classic total war nation building than marines are
        -for the most part you're rebuilding rather than expanding: regional resources are very important

        -you REALLY like the idea of overlapping emergent gameplay, like bandits who turn OP from intercepting too many shipments of weapons and armor

        -you had an idea for a Fallout total war (Total War fits the mold of most anything where people can get into melee, really) and one thing oyu liked there was 1: despite being a nation, you're not all that powerful and 2: you can be the greatest power in the region but that still doesn't mean you match "the gods"
        -(actually that's a great idea for an end game enemy: you establish your IG nation of WW2 equivalent technology, and then an elite army of Necrons wakes up)

        • 2 years ago

          >these might be notes for the same game or a similar one more based on the tabletop's feel
          >real time, but units move and set up in distinct phases to evoke the idea of a turn based game

          -NOT turn based but the way models move and set up has very clear stages, evocative of a turn based game
          -somewhat slow paced so you don't feel you have to pause while issuing orders (like total war)

          -more based on the feel rather than the specific rules of warhammer
          -not 8th: armor works and you can't plink a tank to death with lasguns
          -you think a big part of the warhammer feel would be figuring out how 'consolidation' rules work. You're actually given a lot of control over how your units move in Warhams
          -general movement is like that thing in total war where you right click to change your formation depth. Right click one location, stretch the unit to another?
          -also one thing about small numbers and armor rules is that you feel like light infantry can pull off some downright heroic actions *if you position them right*.

          -warhammer is about grunge and mass death. You get mass death if you outplay your opponent.

          -you like the idea tabletop-exact conditions are 'duels' or 'grudges'. They're small conflicts between heroes that decide the fate of the campaign. They feature as the tipping point of the stories.

          -RE:plot, one of your favorite things about warhammer is that it's an anti-anthropocentric setting. Human heroes straight up can't stand up to aliens. How do you have missions where IG go on daring quests while keeping this feel?

  34. 2 years ago

    I would much rather have Eugen do an Epic:40k game.
    Honestly, I don't trust CA to make a good wargame in any period that doesn't utilise formations and Eugen has significantly more experience making games based on industrialised warfare.
    The people asking for a Total War:40k just seem to want a real time tactics game with a campaign layer, but don't understand that people other than CA can do this.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you homosexuals so obsessed with lore importance here. Lore doesn't matter. In BFGA literally who Admiral Spire kills Abbadon fricking twice. GW only cares about models being authentic enough to their models.
      Space Marines will die in droves and nobody will care about that moronic 1000 men limit, just like nobody cared in any other game, including tabletop and Dawn of War.

      The map will also be entire galaxy. A single planet is too small scale to fit TW, it would be like making entire historical game to happen in one city only.

      Eugen never showed any interest in Warhammer. CA did and they NEED already popular IP to survive right now, especially due to Hyenas bombing soon. Warhammer is literally free and safe money, so next title is either 40k or AoS, since they are already testing the waters with Chaos Realms, overblown story about Gods and in general all recent additions reek of AoS. Unless they somehow get a better deal and license for lotr or asoiaf they will make either 40k or AoS.

      • 2 years ago

        Lore (or rather, aesthetic) is the only thing 40k has going for it. It's such a unique setting, and the primary objective of any licensed 40k media is getting that right. It's why DoW 3 failed. Portrayal of the 40k universe doesn't need to be completely accurate - space marines die in droves in the DoW games and tabletop in equal measure, but the themes and feeling of the setting have to be there for it to be a good 40k game. Nobody cares that Admiral Spire defeated Abaddon twice because he's a plausible in-universe character that you happen to be able to self-insert to, fighting battles that wouldn't be out of place in the lore, dealing with command responsibilities you would expect for an in-universe character of his station, and winning the impossible victories heroes in the setting tend to do.

        >The map will also be entire galaxy. A single planet is too small scale to fit TW, it would be like making entire historical game to happen in one city only.
        That's moronic. Interstellar warfare is the domain of the setting's space forces. Total War's scale is such that a planetary or interplanetary conflict is more appropriate for it.

        • 2 years ago

          this and Abaddon losing intentionally for 10D plot is his thing.

          • 2 years ago

            god I hate Abaddon so much

        • 2 years ago

          >Interstellar warfare is the domain of the setting's space forces. Total War's scale is such that a planetary or interplanetary conflict is more appropriate for it.
          NTA, but Empire has naval battles and they're actually great, and given 40K's take on naval warfare, they could probably be handled relatively well by a somewhat similar system. I actually think it would be easier to adapt Empire's naval battles to 40k than TWW's land battles to 40k. I agree thata galaxy is much too large, but I think a planet is too small to provide a sufficiently varied map with room for enough factions, where you'd preferably have multiple of each faction. It would have to be at least a system and I think preferably a sub-sector. They're variable size and sufficient importance that they could cram whatever they want into them, while also potentially being small enough for the scale to not be too ambitious.

  35. 2 years ago

    for it not to resemble total war

  36. 2 years ago

    None. Since 8th ED 40K completely lost what little cool factor it had. The models are more like action figures instead of actual minis. A good chunk of them are monopose instead of multi-piece kits which also makes them difficult to modify and model.
    Not to mention how moronicly they moved the plot, the various renamings, the looks of the models looking less gritty and more cleaner (Death Guard are the worst here along with the whole incoming range of the nu-Squats and the Primaris Marines), the renaming of certain things into something utterly idiotic along with new unit names...and then we have the Primaris Marines that on top of having moronic lore, are horribly flanderized and bland. Not to mention being a clear cashgrab from GW to feed on Marine players.

  37. 2 years ago

    A ok game that isn't split across three and takes over a decade to finish, DLC development time included.

  38. 2 years ago

    Hoping for a Custodes faction

  39. 2 years ago

    Your dudes factions. In fact I want that for TWW as well. Basically a basic b***h version of each faction where the player picks a colour scheme and generic lord option which then functions as your LL, then a small allowance of points to pick faction bonuses from a list. Then you pick one of a series of starting points in regions that are normally unpopulated ruins. In games with no player picking the ruin, it'll just be an empty ruin.

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