What do you think are the chances of Capcom deciding to remake Resident Evil 1 in the style of RE2, 3 and 4's remakes?

What do you think are the chances of Capcom deciding to remake Resident Evil 1 in the style of RE2, 3 and 4's remakes?

It already received a highly beloved remake from the original director, but that was also 20 years ago and adhered to the tank/fixed camera style. Would Capcom see a benefit in doing a second remake with the newer gameplay style, and the RE Engine versions of Chris and Jill (and new versions of Barry/Rebecca)? They don't seem interested in Code Veronica, and after 4 you're getting into much more recent games with 5 and 6 that might be diminishing returns to remake.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I'd love to see it, but considering all the thin hallways and stuff like that, I imagine if they'd remake it again it'd be in the style of 7 and 8.

  2. 2 years ago

    I think it's completely pointless, much like RE4 remake. RE2 and RE3 remakes made sense, those games weren't on modern consoles and had dated graphics. But REmake and RE4 are on modern consoles and not only look great but still play great. These remakes are a waste of time, make prequels or spinoff games or something.

    • 2 years ago

      >REmake and RE4 are on modern consoles and not only look great but still play great

      Not with those controls lmao

      • 2 years ago

        >Spend 4 years and millions of dollars just so you can walk and shoot at the same time

        • 2 years ago

          The only reason RE4 doesn't let you move and shoot at the same time is that the Gamecube controller was incompatible with the concept of using two analog sticks at the same time for two different forms of input. So, you have an aiming button that switches between movement keys and aiming. It's also why there is no strafing because with only one movement input stick, you can only have forward, back and turn.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not with those controls lmao
        REmake has modern controls.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            It has an actual modern control scheme.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah hehe...yeah...

              • 2 years ago

                It literally has analog controls.

              • 2 years ago

                It has an actual modern control scheme.

                not him but with teleporting camera when you readjust your stick a bit on a different camera suddenly you do a 180. that awful control scheme made me learn tank controls. not enjoy them, but be proficient. the "modern" scheme sucks.

              • 2 years ago

                Haha what a pleb!
                Here’s how it works.
                You hold a direction, based on the current camera angle.
                When the camera changes, if you’re still holding that direction, your character just keeps on going the way they were facing.
                If that’s too confusing for your baby brain, you can release the stick and push it in a new direction, based on the camera angle and repeat the process.
                Analogue controls make the game faaaaar easier.
                Tank controls are lame because of how slowly you rotate, but analogue over corrects the problem, since you instantly change direction.
                I prefer the analogue controls just because they make for far smoother gameplay, but I can absolutely understand why people prefer the tank ones. Except in the case of people who can’t get their moron heads around camera changes. That’s just pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                The only thing really wrong with the modern controls is you're constantly running, which is not a problem for most of the game until the end when you have to walk with that unstable canister in the lab. You can barely eek the analog stick to walk but I had to switch control schemes for that part because I kept getting blown up.

      • 2 years ago

        >low iq

    • 2 years ago

      You're going to have to throw out "point", because the RE4 remake IS happening regardless. I'm more wondering whether RE1 will happen more than should it happen.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the remakes are done after RE4. I can't see them remaking Dino Crisis, RE1, Code Veronic or RE5. Plenty of reasons just to move on and do some spinoff games or something. I'm shocked they haven't tried a battle royale yet frankly.

        • 2 years ago

          These remakes make money.

          • 2 years ago

            not as much money as an aggressively monetized multiplayer game

            • 2 years ago

              Ok, but multiplayer RE has failed numerous times.

              • 2 years ago

                They've never actually put out a competitive RE multiplayer game, they've always been behind a steep pay wall with very little content. They obviously want it to work if they keep trying it.

              • 2 years ago

                >They've never actually put out a competitive RE multiplayer game
                >What is Umbrella Corps

            • 2 years ago

              Ok, but multiplayer RE has failed numerous times.

              hence why Capcom is trying again with Exoprimal

            • 2 years ago

              This is kinda dumbly reductionist. You could say this about any franchise by any company. But Resident Evil is still going to continue being primarily a singleplayer series regardless.

        • 2 years ago

          CV remake is extremely likely in my mind. The RE2R interpretation of Claire was very popular. I think they will capitalise on the reputation of RE2R and get that team to make CV after they're done with RE4R.

          • 2 years ago

            I think if they were going to do it, it would have come before RE4 remake. It's canonically before RE4 after all and would have set up for that game very nicely. As shitty as it is, I think RE5 remake is the most likely but I doubt they'll do it. I don't think Capcom is very proud of the action game.

          • 2 years ago

            Not a chance. Remakes sell on name recognition and no one gives a frick about CV.

            • 2 years ago

              It all depends on how they market it. As long as they draw strong connections to RE2R in the promo material, roll out the same people to represent the dev team in the press, and show off/demo sections of the game that look most similar to RE2R (shouldn't be too difficult - CV's design can easily be adapted to suit the RE2R style, lots of open spaces and big areas to explore) I think it will be popular - especially if the game turns out being actually good which will spread a lot of word of mouth (this was a key aspect that really helped RE2R's success)

          • 2 years ago

            >in my mind
            nobody gives a shit about your schizo delusions
            CV is hated by the casuals and Capcom is remaking games with name recognition, not games that actually need to be remade

          • 2 years ago

            CV is a very divisive entry. It would also require a lot of revamping to work, it's an oddball game with a lot of flaws. They want sure things you can sell on. RE4 along with REmake is the most beloved entry in the franchise. Sure this creates huge expectations, but it will inevitably be a massive seller. RE2 was a beloved entry too that people had wanted a remake of since REmake in 2002, RE3 was liked maybe slightly less but that was a B-team remake (just as the original RE3 was a stopgap game itself) and thus less of an investment.

            • 2 years ago

              RE4 is obviously their big money maker. To me, this means that it opens up the possibility for games like CV remake since the risk wouldn't be as big after RE4R's success. So the team can pursue projects they are more interested in (internal Capcom Devs weren't actually planned to lead RE4R - it was supposed to be another M-Two RE3R team project but they were doing a shit job so Capcom had to step in to take over to ensure it comes out good and is a success).

              Also it's obvious by now that a motivating factor for development of RE Engine games is building up an asset library that they can reuse for future projects. Just off the top of my head, Code Veronica remake could be based on a lot of reused assets from the RE4R and Village castles, RE Village factory and assets from early parts of RE7 = CV prison stuff, you could probably repurpose the environments from RE2R and RE3R NEST labs for the Antarctic base. Projects presumably become a lot less risky for Capcom with every game they put out since they aren't spending as much money on creating new assets like they would have had to do for RE7 and RE2R.

          • 2 years ago

            >CV remake is extremely likely in my mind
            Nah it isn't happening. Writing has been on the wall for a while
            >No mention of Alexia despite REmake and Wesker's Report II doubling down on William's hateboner for her
            >Chris' letter is changed to be more ambiguous
            >Claire's line about going to find her brother was cut
            >no RE3 epilogues, the RE2 ending outright rewrites the RE3 epilogue for Claire
            It's not happening.

    • 2 years ago

      >RE playes great
      It plays like fricking ass, always has
      I think they should remake RE4 and CV, leave REmake 1 as it is and be done with remakes

    • 2 years ago

      This to be honest, RE1 has enough ports and an amazing remake, they should just move on forever

      • 2 years ago

        RE4 has the most ports this side of DOOM, is still excellent, and it's getting remade.

        • 2 years ago

          who this qt

          • 2 years ago

            Ashley in the RE4 remake

        • 2 years ago

          It's getting remade because the original game is secretly dogshit, and based RE2R dev team knows it.

    • 2 years ago

      Gamecube is a 20 year old console. Though I agree. Im at least glad theyre going in a different more horror focused direction with it.

  3. 2 years ago

    Maybe in 10 years. REmake still feels too recent especially since they just released the PC "remaster" in 2015. Yeah it's 20 years old but it's got a heavy legacy so it'll stick around much longer.

    I think (hope) they will do Code Veronica and then maybe Dino Crisis remakes before they come back around to RE1.

  4. 2 years ago

    The original RE1 remake is too oppressive and hard for the modern player so yes it should be made like re2make

    • 2 years ago

      There's so much wrong with this I'm not even gonna fall for it

    • 2 years ago

      >The original RE1 remake is too oppressive and hard for the modern player so yes it should be made like re2make

      I only played it after REmake 2, which was my first in the series. Yes, it's rough at first but I think it's up there with Super Metroid in terms of being a "perfect" game. The gameplay loop is so satisfying, and the mansion's not really even that big. I think I've completed it 6 times. Rebecca's voice actress might be my favorite in the whole game.

      If we got an RE engine version, I hope the perspective would be the only thing they really changed about it. It's not really hard or easy , it's just difficult enough.

      • 2 years ago

        Also Jill and Rebecca in REmake are still the finest women RE ever had

      • 2 years ago

        >Yes, it's rough at first
        Not really, just don't go out of your way to be moronic

      • 2 years ago

        >responding to blue gem bait

      • 2 years ago

        >The gameplay loop

  5. 2 years ago

    >remake of the remake of a remake of the remake of a remake
    wew, the future is going to be funny lads!

    • 2 years ago

      Gen z wants to experience 90s survival horror kino but get too frustrated with the controls and unfair inventory and general lack of qol features. If you are against having it modernized then you are a gatekeeping butthole, ageist, bigot, racist and ableist

      • 2 years ago

        the only good thing about the gay ass REmakes is that they basically give us new high quality models to coom too and prostitute out. RE2 gave us Leon and Claire, RE3 gave us Jill and Carlos and RE4 will give us Ashley and more Leon.

      • 2 years ago

        >unfair inventory
        It’s fair as frick.
        The whole game is a puzzle, which requires route planning, backtracking, careful item management, and a bit of skill in dealing with enemies.
        The only flaws I’d honestly say REmake has are the Lisa parts feeling a little tacked on, and the puzzles being too easy and perhaps too few.
        Everything else adds up to one of the best games ever made.

      • 2 years ago

        >unfair inventory
        What did he mean by this?

        • 2 years ago

          He wants to have no restrictions

  6. 2 years ago

    Why would they? It's already been remade.

    • 2 years ago

      because RE2 remake has a completely different style from the RE1 remake and has carried through to RE 3 and 4, and the REmake is twenty years old now

  7. 2 years ago

    it's inevitable, if they'll prostitute out RE4 for a simple buck what makes you think REmake has a chance of not being tricked out? it's even older than RE4.
    atleast RE1 is short enough that not much would have to be cut or removed for the moronic zoomer devs and all you zoomer coomsumers. Meanwhile REmake 4 will be heavily cut and censored beyond recognition like RE2 and RE3 remake.

    • 2 years ago

      They will still cut things from REmake, guaranteed

    • 2 years ago

      REmake actually has a decent amount of content, the original not so much. Plenty of stuff they can cut.

  8. 2 years ago

    Frick of REmakegays
    >Jill's lockpick is nerfed, lowering campaign differences by magnitudes.
    >Far more linear right from the start, you HAVE to go down the mirror hall and get the Sword key right away, literally can't go anywhere else.
    >Mansion goes from having a realistic, modern-ish look appropriate for a house built in the late 60's to a generic haunted house with over the top 2spooky crypts and candlelit halls.
    >Guardhouse goes from looking like it was actually used recently (since it was) to dilapidated and old, despite being where all the fricking guards lived.
    >Laboratory changed from a cold, sterile medical environment to a rusty Silent Hill hellhole complete with giant fan and antique medical equipment.
    >Neptune's small room is changed from believable to a huge aqua ring where Neptune insta kills you on a timer like it's RE4
    >Not-Nemesis Lisa, a boring piece of shit that barely does anything other than pad out the courtyard and caves, and add in pointless explanations we didn't really need in the first place.
    >The caves, easily the weakest area of the original game, are expanded and made even worse with even more box pushing.
    >Barry's survival is changed from subtle to a literal "Yes or No" choice.
    >Hunters are nerfed and censored
    >Introduced the casualized map system
    >the Library is completely butchered, the room overlooking the helipad is cut.
    >Self Defense items are added to make the game even easier.
    >Costumes from all the older games are cut and replaced with two of the worst costumes in the series and admittedly decent costumes that reference RE3 and CV.
    >No cool weapon unlocks like the SMG and Minimi from the PC port, just the Rocket Launcher and a burst fire pistol that's barely distinguishable from the normal Beretta. Doesn't even have the cool silver Beretta from the PS1 DC.
    >The only new modes are just stupid shit like turning enemies invisible and delinking item boxes, nothing like Arranged Mode or Battle Game that actually add replay value

    • 2 years ago

      I played the original after reading this pasta in a thread a few days ago and I can't say I agree with much, it ignores anything the Remake added like the crimson heads or the extra rooms and puzzles but complains about the minor things taken away

      • 2 years ago

        Because it's written by a contrarian trying to fill out more greentext lines to seem longer.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the pasta(i reposted) is mostly bullshit but
        >Mansion goes from having a realistic, modern-ish look appropriate for a house built in the late 60's to a generic haunted house with over the top 2spooky crypts and candlelit halls.
        >Guardhouse goes from looking like it was actually used recently (since it was) to dilapidated and old, despite being where all the fricking guards lived.
        >Laboratory changed from a cold, sterile medical environment to a rusty Silent Hill hellhole complete with giant fan and antique medical equipment.
        >Hunters are nerfed and censored
        are absolutely true and the fact that they didn't add Jills costume the Director's Cut is fricking shame.

        • 2 years ago

          Uh. And all of them are better for it. Realism takes a back seat to horror.

        • 2 years ago

          Well I haven't played the Remake for awhile so I can't really compare but I especially thought the guardhouse comment was wrong, it's still a rundown piece of wooden shit with holes in the floor, cobwebs everywhere and a giant bee nest, what you'd expect when the monsters have free run of it and not all that different from what I remember of the Remake, perhaps I will play it again to see the difference

          • 2 years ago

            The timeline just doesn't add up, unless the guardhouse was already run down and dilapidated before the outbreak.

        • 2 years ago

          >Mansion goes from having a realistic, modern-ish look appropriate for a house built in the late 60's to a generic haunted house with over the top 2spooky crypts and candlelit halls.
          Fine, but remember that spencer was a lunatic for one thing
          >Guardhouse goes from looking like it was actually used recently (since it was) to dilapidated and old, despite being where all the fricking guards lived.
          Plant 42 and the aqua ring being so flooded was probably rotting the palace
          >Laboratory changed from a cold, sterile medical environment to a rusty Silent Hill hellhole complete with giant fan and antique medical equipment.
          This is the change i’m most okay with, i doubt umbrella really gave a shit about cleanliness with how careless the company is in general and i doubt the could get any kind of repair people down there anyway
          >Hunters are nerfed and censored
          Yeah original are harder

    • 2 years ago

      You've forgot the backgrounds.
      >Capcom lost the original background files so they had to rip them off from the Gamecube version and put three layers of photoshop on them

  9. 2 years ago

    its amazing to me this game came out only 6 years after the original. it holds up incredibly well and there is no reason to remake it again.

    • 2 years ago

      >it holds up incredibly well and there is no reason to remake it again
      still inaccessible and borderline unplayable by zoomer standards. by not remaking it you're toxic and gatekeeping.

  10. 2 years ago

    >RE2 Remake and RE7 were developed in tandem
    Capcom should've
    >Developed RE1 (again) and RE3 Remakes in tendem
    >Developed RECV and RE0 Remakes in tandem
    >Developed RE4 Remake and RE8 in tandem

    • 2 years ago

      That's way too long between RE7 and 8. I think they would lose a lot of good will especially from casual audiences when people see that the series is just pumping out nothing but remakes every year.

    • 2 years ago

      They're trying to alternate between remakes and sequels. They're not going to go so long between RE 7, 8 and 9.

  11. 2 years ago

    They should remake that one which was released on PS2; starring American lifeguard Bruce McGivern, his sexy China lady spy and that insane white haired male doctor who turned into one of those bioweapons but it looks like a woman save for the giant fleshy claw where the left hand was after injecting the G and T viruses.

    • 2 years ago

      You mean dead aim?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes! that one!!!

    • 2 years ago

      Literally discount Leon and Ada but I’m invested in them purely for being featured in Namco X Capcom or whatever it was called.

  12. 2 years ago

    Very high, mainly because the remake games are fairly consistent sellers, and REmake itself broke records on PSN when it released.
    Considering it wasn't in the leaked schedule though, I imagine it probably won't be a thing until like 2025, 2026.

  13. 2 years ago

    If they were going to go CV, they'd have done it after RE3. It's a shame because it actually probably could do with a remake unlike RE4, to take another pass at the odd gameplay, story and tonal decisions. It's very much the odd one out in general, RE1 got its remake and a prequel with 0, RE2 and 3 had elements adapted into the film series and generally were highly tied into by future games, RE4 basically set the template for the franchise until RE7's change-up, etc. About the only aspect of CV that had any significance in other entries was Wesker returning with superpowers. Otherwise it's a really weird entry with a 2000s vibe absent from the franchise otherwise that's been mostly forgotten by sequels and adaptations.

  14. 2 years ago

    Resident Evil's 30th anniversary is coming up in 2026.

    I think we're going to see a first person remake of the game like RE7. They'll talk about how RE1 was supposed to be first person and the game is finally matching the director's original vision. Maybe even get Mikami on board for it. And I'd bet it includes a fixed camera mode too.

    • 2 years ago

      Some parts of Beneviento's house in Village kinda feel like a first person version of the mansion too. There's even unused concept art from RE1 for a room full of creepy dolls.

    • 2 years ago

      Would Mikami even be interested in returning to RE? It's been a long time since he helmed an entry

      • 2 years ago

        I fricking hope not.
        Mikami is good in a group project, like RE1, or as a mentor, like with Killer7, but give him full control and shit gets mediocre quick.

    • 2 years ago

      >They'll talk about how RE1 was supposed to be first person
      Can you homosexualS stop parroting this boring shit? No it wasn't. Lots of SHIT ideas get thrown out at the concept stage. This has become THE most boring talking point regarding RE1's development on here, Mikami also wanted RE1 to have a megaman like progression system. Sometimes he just had garbage concepts. Those got thrown out. Holy shit.
      As an aside, even first person RE is abandoning first person, not only will shadows of Rose be third person they are reworking the entirety of Village to play like REmake 2.

    • 2 years ago

      >Maybe even get Mikami on board for it.
      The last thing we want is to get that George-lucas tier valor-stealing hack back in the team.

      • 2 years ago

        I fricking hope not.
        Mikami is good in a group project, like RE1, or as a mentor, like with Killer7, but give him full control and shit gets mediocre quick.

        >people are finally waking up to the false legacy of Shinji Mikami
        Fricking based

      • 2 years ago

        >George-lucas tier
        Exactly, I want him back

  15. 2 years ago

    I wish they will never ever do that kind of insulting move on RE1.
    All the recent de-makes have been god awful. Still waiting for the RE2 to get THE REmake treatment.

  16. 2 years ago

    It was already a mistake for them to put baby controls in the modern port of REmake. And you unironically didn't beat the game if you used them btw. I fricking hate zoomers who cry about fixed cameras and tank controls.

  17. 2 years ago

    They need another crack at RE5 and try to course correct the series from there. Every level in that game is pretty uniquely shitty but more importantly (if they already aren’t going to go in a wild different direction with RE4 Remake) they need to rebuild it from the ground up and probably go by the plans they originally had for it, particularly being a single player experience (though a focus of multiple characters in segments could be good). If they don’t want to bring the RE4 merchant back they could make a new weird African one and continue the trend they seem to be setting with The Duke, that these guys are semi-serious lore elements with a shared past. I never believed Wesker was going to stay dead but regardless if they go for that same volcano fight then really lean into that heat hallucination idea they scrapped and dial it up to 11 in the climax. Make it a struggle to even be alive in the inescapable heat and fumes (realistically distanced from the lava to be somewhat believably survivable this time around if they care enough) and Wesker is faring a bit more favorably despite shedding ouroboros (who were supposed to be notably weak to fire for fricksake). The drama comes from Wesker being perceived as the most raw evil thing under the lens of fire, darkness and the player’s mental/bodily strain of the volcano. End it all with Chris boulder-punching the fricker into a pool of lava, ambiguous if your heroic moment was definitive as you thought it was. Chopper comes to pick you up and ouroboros tendrils try and cling to you again but with Wesker not seen to be controlling them. Rocket launchers shot into the volcano to trigger a chain reaction to have a proper huge end-game explosion to wipe out the last remnants of this particular viral outbreak.

    • 2 years ago

      Why does every homosexual that tries to reimagine the series always go "Nonono it wasn't RE4 that fricked everything, it was RE5, and we need to rewrite it so Wesker doesn't die and he's an eternal boogeyman!"
      Fricks sake, I bet morons like you are the same people who post about "muh wesker always comes back" when he has been dead for 13 years now and the only time he ever "came back" was 3 voice lines in the Umbrella Corps multiplayer.

      • 2 years ago

        The ultimate REdpill is that RE5 is a really good upper-mid-tier RE game in spite of RE4 being total franchise-ruining dogshit

      • 2 years ago

        Dude, I’m not saying Wesker is crucial and the bestest thing to always keep around forever but he’s a thorn in the dick that RE5 itself tried to play up the importance of him even being fricking born to coincide with the T-Virus itself. Yeah, you can at the very least give him a cool death that emphasizes how the characters feel about him. I say again RE5 couldn’t even commit to that, they had the rockets shot at him go over his shoulders and obscure showing him even take damage. I don’t want him to be what Sigma is to Megaman X but at least break the guy gradually and not squander whatever the hell his masterplan was of ever collecting all his little virus variants.

        • 2 years ago

          >they had the rockets shot at him go over his shoulders and obscure showing him even take damage.
          You're overdosing on some gays theories about how he'll come back. It's very clear those hit his head, the last fricking shot of him is a hyper closeup of his face

          • 2 years ago

            Clearly don’t trust your memory if you’re going to insist on such a point, I just looked it up again and you’re wrong. Yes they aim at his head and then there’s a zoom-in along the way but then the last shot is the explosion behind him. -and no, I’m not parroting a third party you jumped to in your head, it was very well my own observation because it was just odd to see. Regardless it’s no stretch to be claiming the ending (or any particular scene in RE5 for that matter) was between weak and outright botched.
            I know I look to have a hate boner for the game but I do in fact want to like it. Things could be better in a hypothetical remake and obviously that should be strived for.

            • 2 years ago

              Because they go through his head
              And the ending was fine. They had to work with what they had post-RE4, and really all that was left was Spencer and Wesker.

      • 2 years ago

        The ultimate REdpill is that RE5 is a really good upper-mid-tier RE game in spite of RE4 being total franchise-ruining dogshit

        Fricking based.
        I played RE4 and RE5 concurrently, switching whenever I got a little bored with either.
        I can say confidently; RE5 is far far better.
        It is pretty much the same game, but built for co op. The inventory system is real-time because of multiplayer, but ends up making it feel a little different, I’ll concede. And one could argue that the ai is terrible (if they’ve been given the wrong equipment, of course) but other than that, it has the same horde combat, the same qte heavy gameplay, the same set pieces, the same OTT action and cutscenes. The same cheesy dialogue (actually a little less wacky, all told)

        Re5 is better for two main reasons;
        Unique setting

  18. 2 years ago

    >What do you think are the chances of Capcom deciding to remake Resident Evil 1
    I mean it would be really easy. The RPD is literal proof that the concept of the hub building works in over the shoulder third person, they have most of the assets already made "RE1 Jill, Hunters, Zombies, Ceberus, weapons, ect...)
    I am honestly surprised it ISN'T already confirmed as a small side project that doesn't push the series or formula to hard on from what we got in REmake 2.
    Put it this way if they don't do it then i will be genuinely shocked at Capcom showing such restraint for creative reasonings or whatever. Many of the assets exist. The absolute proof of concept exists and was rated one of the best games capcom have ever put out.

    • 2 years ago

      I’d love it if they made a mode to survive as long as you can with different enemy types having spawn patterns. Make crimson heads a consistent concern after a certain amount of time and you need to destroy downed zombie corpses (easier with fire of course) that will become them later. It would would be dope to see the models gradually change red.
      Mostly I just want something like fighting concentrated in the main hall like the idle screen of that stupid pachislot game.

  19. 2 years ago

    I think it's interesting that Village had certain rooms/areas like the more enclosed/corridor spaces in the factory where, if you had the graphics settings turned all the way up, the real-time environments looked just as good as the pre-rendered stuff seen in REmake. So I don't know how likely another remake of RE1 is but the fact that real time graphics have caught up is definitely interesting since it means the aesthetic of REmake (or OG RE1 if they go for the more colourful direction with the mansion)
    or RE0 can be preserved with a new 3rd person or 1st person perspective.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the point of realtime grafix having 'caught up' when everything (lighting, physix) are super static anyway due to prebaking. You couldn't even pull out your flashlight at will to fricking see in the new games.

      • 2 years ago

        >You couldn't even pull out your flashlight at will to fricking see in the new games.
        I think that's just some misguided attempt at an "intended art style" -not letting the player interfere with any part of the designed lighting. Mixed lighting has existed for over 20 years. Baked lightmaps work fine with a single dynamic light source added on top.

  20. 2 years ago

    Very high, and then we'll get RE2 Remake Remake and etc until its time to do it all again

  21. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The crimson head/kerosene/lighter system was a perfect addition to the game

      • 2 years ago

        Nah it's shitty and poorly thought out because they shoehorned crimson heads in at the last minute.

        • 2 years ago

          >actually it's bad because....it just is!

        • 2 years ago

          I get that your schtick is being mister anti-REmake but at this point you're just going "nu-uh!".

        • 2 years ago

          t. shitter

  22. 2 years ago

    REmake is my favorite RE game to date. But if they want to remake it a la RE2make they can go ahead, it's not like it erases REmake.

  23. 2 years ago

    I don't think so, I always understood REmake 2 to be somewhat of a follow up to REmake 1. It accomplishes the same big picture goals for 2 as REmake did for 1. I always inferred they considered REmake to be the first entry in these reimaginings of the classic games.

    • 2 years ago

      I disagree. They feel like they are set in completely different universes. The RE outbreak games have a more similar vibe to the Re1make. To be fair all of the REengine games feel like they belong to their own new reimagining universe.

  24. 2 years ago

    I would accept another REmake if it was in the original garish well lit style. The other version was too generic.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it's a pretty unique visual style, especially for a horror game. REmake is just another bland brown and gray 6th generation game.

  25. 2 years ago

    OG Resident Evil 1 > Resident evil 1 Remake
    OG Resident Evil 2 > Resident evil 2 Remake
    OG Resident Evil 3 > Resident evil 3 Remake

  26. 2 years ago

    They should. I can't play the series because of the outdated and junky gameplay.
    t. zoomer

  27. 2 years ago

    Wonder how RE Engine Rebecca would look.

    • 2 years ago

      More accurate to her old face model I hope. Face scanning technology has improved a lot since RE0.

      • 2 years ago

        Weird post

        • 2 years ago

          "Weird" how? I'm just posting about RE face models, anon

  28. 2 years ago

    if you can't deal with tank controls then you are one of those people who go "huh" every morning when they wake up.

  29. 2 years ago

    Will capcom stick the landing with the RE4 remake like they did with 2 and 3 or nah
    It hasn't even aged that poorly so doing a faithful remake seems unlikely

    • 2 years ago

      Do most people even particularly like RE3 Remake?

      • 2 years ago

        I just played it. I hated the boss fights - namely how fricked the dodge timing was, and how repetitive they were.
        Also, the whole thing felt like it was over in an hour or two.
        Other than that, it was fairly fun.
        Should have been an expansion to 2, not a whole new game.

  30. 2 years ago

    i want Code Veronica Remake.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t trust Capcom with the Ashford twins.

      • 2 years ago

        Who do you trust, then?

  31. 2 years ago

    Will they give Jill the body she deserves?

  32. 2 years ago

    Wait, what
    I thought it was already remade
    Did they start with 2?

    • 2 years ago

      It was remade in 2002, sticking to the gameplay style of the original game but with a new aesthetic, significant content additions and a new script. OP is talking about a new remake in the style of the RE2, 3 and 4 remakes.

  33. 2 years ago

    >remake 4 and not CV
    frick off. And by remake i mean redo entirely. CV remake but with Leon and Claire following up on the "lets take out umbrella" thing. Maybe even throw in Chris and Jill. I wanna see a inbetween Leon where hes not rookie cop anymore but isnt super agent just yet

    • 2 years ago

      Read the RE wildstorm comics. They follow the og late 90s lore from RE2. Raccoon was never nuked. Jill went with Chris and Barry to Europe. Claire and Leon team up.

      • 2 years ago

        I think what sucked the most about devil may cry 2 was that it was copying off of Leon and Claire

        • 2 years ago

          Is it just me or Japs view Leon and Claire as the ideal couple? Anyway I remember actually liking DMC2 back in the day. The diesel outfits were a nice touch. Although some RPD and Made in Heaven costumes would have been even better.

  34. 2 years ago

    It's getting done like it or not. It's one of the first things they said when nuRE2 came out.

    • 2 years ago

      No it isn't

      • 2 years ago


        What that anon is referring to is an interview from one of RE2R's co-director's from 2018. He just says that it could happen, not that it is actually in the plans.

    • 2 years ago


  35. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      What a nice ass she has goddamn

  36. 2 years ago

    Very possible. The mainline entries take so long to make now that I expect them to stick with the "Sequel-Remake-Sequel-Remake" alternating for a while longer.

  37. 2 years ago

    They should remake zero because that game sucks and could use a remake.
    Plus Rebecca is cute and I wanna play a game with her again so they'd be killing 2 birds with one stone.
    Also code Veronica could use a remake. It's not as bad as zero but the backtracking is so tedious. The prison wasn't fun to explore and didn't have a good layout so backtracking made it a slog. Also the only re I got softlocked on

  38. 2 years ago

    so here is a long shot question maybe someone here can help with. i recently downloaded the RE2 sourcenext + patch + rebirth, all that stuff. game works fine except the volume is fricking off the charts loud and i cannot for the life of me find anything in the config or options to reduce it. RE3 sourcenext has an actual volume slider in the config and you can easily change the volume before launch

    does anyone know of any way to lower the volume by atleast 50% on a specific application?

  39. 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    You were almost a Jill sandwich

  41. 2 years ago

    100% chance. i just hope they find god face model for rebecca

  42. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  43. 2 years ago

    They're not going to do it. I don't think they should

    • 2 years ago

      >They're not going to do it. I don't think they should
      They said the same thing about Israel invading Palestine.

  44. 2 years ago

    Can someone make a game like what the 2make does well, except with actually challenging combat, no dumb stuff like instantly boarding up windows or Mr. X impotently staring at the save room door, and better objective design than “find the green winged buttplug”?

  45. 2 years ago

    I think it will happen for sure. They're going to skip Wesker revival and CV I think. So they'll probably remake 1, and then finish the main series, and then have this going into a new continuity that doesn't jump the shark with wesker / 5 / 6

  46. 2 years ago

    I started forcing myself to play RE1 for the PS1 recently because I want to experience the classics I missed out on as a broke kid. I'm like an hour into the game and still not really entertained, is it safe to switch to the PC HD remaster of the Gamecube remake?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Even compared to the other original games RE1 aged a LOT, RE2 the original holds up a lot better

    • 2 years ago

      Have you played any other RE before? When I was first getting into the series I found RE1 and REmake really difficult to enjoy. But after I played RE2 Remake (which is a lot more friendly to newcomers while still teaching you the basic rules of how to play RE games) I went back to RE1 and loved both versions.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah, nah the most experience I've had with RE outside of the recent ROM play has been RE8 coomer posts and a guide to the Gamecube remake I read in a vidya magazine as a kid. The tank controls and camera angles aren't too annoying, but I ain't havin' fun either.

        • 2 years ago

          Try RE2R or even original RE2. Both are easier than the first game. The story is kind of standalone with different characters so you can play RE2 to see the "main event" of the first three games and then go back to RE1 to see how it started. And after RE1 you will be good to move onto RE3 which brings back Jill.

  47. 2 years ago

    Tank controls and fixed camera angles continue to be the best pleb filter of good Survival Horror games in the industry.
    You guys should just stick to RE4 or similar TPS games.
    Or, you know, cooperative horror games like Dead by Daylight.

  48. 2 years ago

    I want them to remake Gun Survivor

    • 2 years ago

      you mean Dead Aim

  49. 2 years ago

    >people still dont understand

    • 2 years ago

      Claire is my best special needs tomboy friend!

    • 2 years ago

      You're right. Rebecca isn't a tomboy. She's a bridge troll.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          a cute

    • 2 years ago

      People are just moronic and think short hair=automatically a tomboy

  50. 2 years ago

    How the frick did Richard get to the Aqua Ring before Chris?

  51. 2 years ago


  52. 2 years ago

    God I hope not. Fricking stop it with the remakes already.

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