What do you think of Resident Evil's story as a whole?

What do you think of Resident Evil's story as a whole?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    it's fun moron kino, very entertaining

    • 6 months ago


      >years of research
      >millions, if not, billions of dollars invested
      >countless lives lost
      >all to produce a Tyrant: the ultimate bio-weapon
      >BTFO by a redneck with a rocket launcher in under 2 minutes

      • 6 months ago

        Is this 4-shot rocket weapon a bazooka whereas a 1-shot rocket weapon is a rocket launcher? I've seen the term bazooka since the 90s and always thought it was interchangeable with rocket launcher, but now I am not sure

        • 6 months ago

          A bazooka is the rocket launcher used by the US in WW2 which was just a single reloadable tube. Though its fairly common for the word to be used to describe any rocket launcher.

        • 6 months ago

          A bazooka is the rocket launcher used by the US in WW2 which was just a single reloadable tube. Though its fairly common for the word to be used to describe any rocket launcher.

          Mildly interesting trivia is that the 4 barrel launchers from Commando and RE are based on the M202. It was an incendiary launcher in reality but it looked cool as hell.

      • 6 months ago

        In the remake, darkside chronicle and the cgi film Damnation a tyrant T1 or MrX can swat rockets away sometimes providing it see it coming

  2. 6 months ago

    offensively bad to the point where it hurts the horror atmosphere

    • 6 months ago

      That's why 4 was a perfect way to reboot it but then that moronic Asian b***h had to show up and a few minutes later we have zombies with bazookas

    • 6 months ago

      It's supposed to be a B-Horror movie. It's not supposed to actually scare you lol

      • 6 months ago

        >Texas Chainsaw Massacre wasn't supposed to actually scare you

        • 6 months ago

          The original Texas Chainsaw was real horror. Resident Evil has always been closer to Evil Dead 2 than that

          • 6 months ago

            Mikami literally listed his inspirations for RE and Evil Dead is not one of them. Texas Chainsaw is.

            • 6 months ago

              If he was going to for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he failed

              • 6 months ago

                He was originally going for silly shit like ghosts and robots before the entire plot was rewritten into something much less moronic, which sounds more like a success.

              • 6 months ago

                And the rewriting of the plot, as well as much of the narrative and direction work on the game, wasn't done by him. That was his biggest issue during development, how little he actually was involved, and it's probably why he forced himself into the director's chair for the remake. His greatest contribution was essentially muscling in on the voice direction and making everyone speak in a moronic fashion so he could understand it.

          • 6 months ago

            Evil Dead might not have been the inspiration but I agree with you since it had items, artifacts and sequential progression and Chainsaw was just mindless horror.

          • 6 months ago

            As ridiculous as RE is, it’s played completely straight and not tongue-in-cheek like Evil Dead is.

          • 6 months ago

            Oh please, Resident Evil has more in common with the likes of Zombi 3 than Evil Dead OR Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

            • 6 months ago

              Haven't seen Zombi 3, but 70s & 80s Italian horror is actually one of the better parallels to horror movies I've seen drawn for Resident Evil. Narrative is an essential driver of the game, but its kinda haphazardly thrown together and doesn't worry too much about logic or internal consistency. The focus ends up being placed much more on atmosphere & the odd set piece spectacle rather than trying to deliver a grounded story.

              • 6 months ago

                Forgot my final point: the voice acting is off because it was written in a different language, translated, and then dubbed by English speakers.

          • 6 months ago

            It's more like the first Evil Dead, the cheesiness wasnt intentional

      • 6 months ago

        I hate this cope so much. Resident Evil stories are clearly meant to be taken seriously and people don't want to cope with this obvious fact, even when the Remakes try this point home even further

        • 6 months ago

          Meant to be taken seriously =/= meant to be scary.
          The horror of RE is entirely in its gameplay elements, mainly building fear and tension through the unknown or facing challenges that test the player's ability with the game's resources.
          The stories themselves were never really meant to be scary outside of arguably RE1 (which Mikami ruined any chance of being scary as an aside).

  3. 6 months ago


  4. 6 months ago

    1 is somewhat plausible and surprisingly thought out for the time. there are still details that surface even today that are interesting to think about.
    gets worse with 2 and 3 but those still amount to a solid trilogy.
    there are no other resident evil games.

    • 6 months ago

      >1 is somewhat plausible and surprisingly thought out for the time.
      Zombies as living people sick with a disease vs. reanimated corpses was a really novel approach too. Alex Garland has repeatedly talked about how 28 Days Later and the Rage zombies wouldn't exist if he hadn't played Resident Evil.

      • 6 months ago

        Except they WERE reanimated corposes. What the frick are you talking about?

        • 6 months ago

          The zombies in the original RE games aren't actually dead people. There's a lot of technical shit the background stuff for RE1 goes into detail on regarding how the t-Virus works, a more rudimentary way of explaining it would be that it just rots the vast majority of your brain and leaves only pure instinct or something like that.
          Project Umbrella has a really long three part document on the t-Virus.

          • 6 months ago

            The T Virus makes people grow abnormally large too, just like it does to most other living things. The old background material for RE1 talks about it but the in-game graphics don't really communicate it well. They're about a head taller than Leon in 2 though and they're beefy motherfrickers in the remake of 1.

          • 6 months ago

            Then why do we see numerous people die and come back as zombies? Wesker is based purely on this idea in that we see him die in RE1 but is "resurrected" by the virus.

            • 6 months ago

              I guess I'll list instances of that in chronological order.
              >Forrest (RE1)
              We don't actually know if he's dead, and he doesn't 'come back' in the original game either, only in Advanced Mode.
              It's pretty easy to assume he got infected and passed out while the virus fricked his brain and body either way.
              Doesn't die either. He's very clearly still breathing and just moved into the office when you find him again.
              >the graveyard zombies in 3
              If you didn't know, 3 was incredibly rushed, but those were bodies from when the hospital got overrun and they were making mass graves to get rid of anyone that seemed to dead or some other bullshit reason.
              The truth is, RE3's backhalf was made in a short amount of time and they threw in a Return of the Living Dead reference.
              >Code Veronica
              This is the one that actually resurrects the dead, because it's a new variant. Alfred says as much.
              >any REmake additions
              Not actually Marcus, just leeches that ate his brain pretending to be him based on his view of himself. Hence the fact that he is a wannabe Christ figure.

              • 6 months ago

                You could just admit that there's inconsistencies for a game that literally invents bio-matter for the mutations people undergo.

              • 6 months ago

                Outside of the graveyard shit in 3, the games are fairly consistent on what the t-Virus can and can't do.
                Meanwhile with CV, when it resurrects the dead into zombies, it explicitly tells you that it's a new variant.

              • 6 months ago

                Scenario writer of Resident Evil 3 explained that those people were burried while in a coma because their loved ones thought they were dead (but they were not really dead). Probably the same thing we see with Marvin earlier.

                The game says ''He's been fatally wounded by zombies''. I just find it ridiculous the amount of loopholes fanboys are willing to accept to cover up something that's just a minor plothole/mistake.

                >b-b-but Jill didn't know he wasn't ded, she just THINKS he's fatally wounded, he totally regained consciousness hours later, crawled to the opposite side of the room then stayed conscious until Leon showed up, then when Leon leaves, he crawls back to the room and finally becomes a zombie and you kill him coincidentally exactly where you find him in RE3


                You realize that segment of Resident Evil 3 happens BEFORE Resident Evil 2, right? Marvin has been bitten by a zombie and Jill correctly assumes he is fatally wounded because it's just a matter of time until he turns into a zombie. All of this happens before Leon/Claire reach the RPD.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, my timeline is correct. Jill finds Marvin. Marvin crawls. Leon finds Marvin. Marvin crawls. Marvin is zombie. Marvin dead.

                Doesn't change the fact that Fatally Wounded is ambiguous as frick and shit translation, even if at best technically correct. Even the director said it should've been more like ''he's at death's door and I can't help him".

              • 6 months ago

                Honestly I just don't understand why they didn't just put Marvin near the lockers in RE3, that seems like the obvious decision. Why the frick did they put him at the lockers at the start of RE2, then in the room later on, and ALSO in the room in RE3? Why the frick.

              • 6 months ago

                Marvin at lockers in RE3 would be way easier to accept.
                >Jill finds him at lockers unconscious
                >Leon finds him at lockers conscious
                >He crawls to the room
                >Leon kills him in the room

                There's 0 good reason for them to put his corpse in that room in RE3. They didn't think it through. It just creates this extra step where Marvin has to crawl twice room-locker-room, instead of simple locker-room.

                I'm losing my fricking mind here mates

              • 6 months ago

                Honestly I just don't understand why they didn't just put Marvin near the lockers in RE3, that seems like the obvious decision. Why the frick did they put him at the lockers at the start of RE2, then in the room later on, and ALSO in the room in RE3? Why the frick.

                Marvin at lockers in RE3 would be way easier to accept.
                >Jill finds him at lockers unconscious
                >Leon finds him at lockers conscious
                >He crawls to the room
                >Leon kills him in the room

                There's 0 good reason for them to put his corpse in that room in RE3. They didn't think it through. It just creates this extra step where Marvin has to crawl twice room-locker-room, instead of simple locker-room.

                I'm losing my fricking mind here mates

                I don't know shit about RE3's development but is it possible that it was originally supposed to take place AFTER RE2 and they changed some dialogue last minute? Apart from Marvin is there anything in the game to contradict this?

            • 6 months ago

              I guess I'll list instances of that in chronological order.
              >Forrest (RE1)
              We don't actually know if he's dead, and he doesn't 'come back' in the original game either, only in Advanced Mode.
              It's pretty easy to assume he got infected and passed out while the virus fricked his brain and body either way.
              Doesn't die either. He's very clearly still breathing and just moved into the office when you find him again.
              >the graveyard zombies in 3
              If you didn't know, 3 was incredibly rushed, but those were bodies from when the hospital got overrun and they were making mass graves to get rid of anyone that seemed to dead or some other bullshit reason.
              The truth is, RE3's backhalf was made in a short amount of time and they threw in a Return of the Living Dead reference.
              >Code Veronica
              This is the one that actually resurrects the dead, because it's a new variant. Alfred says as much.
              >any REmake additions
              Not actually Marcus, just leeches that ate his brain pretending to be him based on his view of himself. Hence the fact that he is a wannabe Christ figure.

              Oh, forgot the obvious one in Wesker.
              He just didn't die. He bled out for a bit but he injected the experimental virus just before the confrontation, so he was basically saved thanks to that.

              • 6 months ago

                I liked the original plan for bringing back Wesker where Umbrella or some other company recovered his mangled corpse and integrated it into a new super BOW. I don't know why they'd go through the trouble to do that though, I've just seen the sketches posted.

            • 6 months ago

              They are meant to be in a trance/coma so of how traditional zodoo/hodoo zombi are supposed to work

              Kinda related to this, does RE2 ever actually say that zombies turn into Lickers? Myself and everyone I knew who played it back then just kind of intuitively put 2 and 2 together and came to the conclusion that zombies metamorphosed into them. Sort of like they were growing a new body and needed to eat people to fuel it and when all the rotten junk sloughed off they'd be a shiny new Licker. I don't think the games ever conclusively say anything like this happens though.

              No, its first mentioned in the first gun survivor

          • 6 months ago

            This sums it up pretty well. It's from the 1996 guidebook/artbook Inside of Biohazard with a bunch of neat little background info based on the original scenario writer's notes.

            • 6 months ago

              What the frick? They can walk as fast as 7.72 km per hour? Slow my ass!

          • 6 months ago

            Kinda related to this, does RE2 ever actually say that zombies turn into Lickers? Myself and everyone I knew who played it back then just kind of intuitively put 2 and 2 together and came to the conclusion that zombies metamorphosed into them. Sort of like they were growing a new body and needed to eat people to fuel it and when all the rotten junk sloughed off they'd be a shiny new Licker. I don't think the games ever conclusively say anything like this happens though.

            • 6 months ago

              From the Biohazard 2 - City of the Dead Escape Manual:
              >A mutated form of a human affected by the T-Virus that has been spread throughout the city. The name "Licker" is derived from the English word by the police officer who discovered it. It has poor eyesight and most of the skin on the surface of its body is peeled off. However, it has an abnormally developed sense of hearing that enables it to search for its prey, crawl closer and attack with its sharp claws and long tongue. They're sensitive to acid and high temperatures.

            • 6 months ago

              I always reasoned that it goes zombie > crimson head > licker > evolved licker

            • 6 months ago

              The old concept art for the licker seems to show something like that happening too. The one in the top right still has human legs.

              • 6 months ago

                I just realized its claws are bone like Tyrant.

              • 6 months ago

                What the frick did you think they were made of? Fat?

              • 6 months ago

                Keratin. Like any mammal claw.

              • 6 months ago

                Absurd suggestion. Drink 4% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution and report to your nearest re-education centre immediately.

              • 6 months ago

                >doubling down on his moronness in this day and age of free information
                A toddler could google search this and avoid this level of embarassment. And stop using technical lingo you obviously don't understand to pretend you're smarter than you are. Makes you look stupider than a high-school dropout that failed his chemical classes. Drink "aqueous" solution? What, you can _drink_ "gaseous" or "solid" _solutions_ ? And 4% H202? Really? What that gonna make, you tummy hurt?

        • 6 months ago

          The virus turns people into rotting cannibals. It doesn't kill and reanimate them.

          • 6 months ago

            It reanimates corpses in the graveyard in Code Veronica you dumb Black person.

            • 6 months ago

              >Cuck Shittonica
              Not canon.

            • 6 months ago

              >Code Veronica
              Try and keep up, Sparky.

  5. 6 months ago

    Genuinely don0t give a frick, but the games are great. CV is offensively bad to the point it makes me cringe watching the cutscenes though

    • 6 months ago

      1st one is good and I liked the presentation. Definitely one of the better stories out there when it came out in 1996 and it still holds up today despite some of the b-camp.
      2 and 3 do a good job as well. It starts getting cornier, but it still gets the job done.
      Code Veronica took the whole fricking thing to anime level right away. I couldn't believe what I was playing by the time I got to the Wesker v. Alexia DBZ match. This was when the story died for me. The final nail in the coffin was Capcom hyping up Chris/Claire wanting revenge against Umbrella at the end of the game only for that idea to be ~~*frozen*~~ right away in the opening of RE4 and taking a detour about a story killing crazy Spainards instead.

      Yeah, both are among the best in vidya porn atm.

      Reminder that at the time of release, CV reviews were extremely positive

      • 6 months ago

        Games are reviewed compared to other games on the platform. Compared to blue stinger, of course it looks amazing.

  6. 6 months ago

    I've only played 1-3 & CV but I like how not everything is explained in excruciating detail. Creates some of the uncertainty that would probably be there if zombie shit went down irl.

  7. 6 months ago

    It has a lot in common with FFVII.

    • 6 months ago

      1st one is good and I liked the presentation. Definitely one of the better stories out there when it came out in 1996 and it still holds up today despite some of the b-camp.
      2 and 3 do a good job as well. It starts getting cornier, but it still gets the job done.
      Code Veronica took the whole fricking thing to anime level right away. I couldn't believe what I was playing by the time I got to the Wesker v. Alexia DBZ match. This was when the story died for me. The final nail in the coffin was Capcom hyping up Chris/Claire wanting revenge against Umbrella at the end of the game only for that idea to be ~~*frozen*~~ right away in the opening of RE4 and taking a detour about a story killing crazy Spainards instead.

      Yeah, both are among the best in vidya porn atm.

    • 6 months ago

      How so? Ive played and beaten FF VII several times but never cared enough to follow the story.

      • 6 months ago

        Both ShinRa and Umbrella dabble in genetic experimentation, and the Makonoids look vaguely similar to the Tyrant.

        • 6 months ago

          Hojo is just Spencer, sephiroth is wesker, Leon is cloud, barry is barret, chris is zach, jill is tifa, Rebecca is aeris, Claire is yufie, krauser is the Turks, tyrants/nemesis are the weapons, etc..

  8. 6 months ago

    As a whole or just 1/remake?
    Story wise the first is the best
    The series as a whole, its alright but there are a few oddities/gaps in it

  9. 6 months ago

    Not sure that it qualifies as a story.

  10. 6 months ago

    after 3 it's pure anime shlock

  11. 6 months ago

    I unironically love it.
    As a kid I always enjoyed the conspiracy stuff and the backstory around Umbrella, STARS, the mansion, Raccoon City etc.
    Even the more modern RE game stories with their constant retcons and over the top wackiness are pretty entertaining to me. It's schlock, but fun schlock.

    • 6 months ago

      I feel about the same

  12. 6 months ago

    the moral hook of re is man's doomed fight against their mortality. on the one hand running from death is the most innate instinct we have, on the other hand we know it is rejecting god's grace, rejecting the divine. the post 1 games focus way too much on comical corporate greed and impropriety, there's no temptation, it's obviously evil and moronic to make dangerous bioweapons just for the cash and enslave humanity with a parasite.

  13. 6 months ago

    As a story it's obviously kind of schlocky, but in a genuinely enjoyable and endearing way. There's a very obvious drop in quality across the trilogy but they still even out into a solid trilogy, I feel like ideally a third game should have seen Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire all coming together to take down Umbrella but obviously the series was too big for a true conclusion. After that though I just can't give a shit, RE4 especially going "lol Umbrella just shut down eventually actually" to me was really the point where I felt like I couold stop caring about the full story of the series and just enjoy the plot beats and character interactions.

  14. 6 months ago

    Story wise RE has always reminded me of X Files; government conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, some things which seem to be 'supernatural' entities but could just be some kind of twisted experiment etc. That and the goofiness of both.

    • 6 months ago

      RE1 is a lot like an X Files episode. "Strange shit happens in a small town, special agents investigate and discover a deeper conspiracy" is the rough outline for about half the episodes. There's even an episode from Season 2 or 3 about a shady pharma corp experimenting with a deadly pathogen that ends up causing an outbreak and killing a shitload of people.

  15. 6 months ago

    It's really fricking stupid but in a fun way.

  16. 6 months ago

    Need an RE game that's an outbreak in medieval times. Army of Darkness.

  17. 6 months ago

    Typical Japanese garbage way of writing stories.

    >okay so.. abandoned mansion
    >with zombies
    >then the city gets infested

    It went from simple zombie survival adventure to the zombie matrix soap opera.
    inb4 hurrr thats not the story the story is ackshually very deep and-
    No, its shit. Japanese cant help themselves, everything has to be over the top and epic and with James Bond villains with weird motives.

    • 6 months ago

      That's just how the japs do everything. They take a grounded concept and just turn it into Buddhist mythos tier crazy. Must be neurological neoteny.

    • 6 months ago

      I can usually tell if a game is Japanese based on how ridiculous the plot is, and how homosexual the protagonist looks.

    • 6 months ago

      >No, its shit. Japanese cant help themselves, everything has to be over the top and epic and with James Bond villains with weird motives.
      Resident Evil is the only zombie series with both a remotely unique setting as well as a consistently fun narrative.
      Every other one that even attempts to last longer than maybe three entries ends up failing miserably to achieve even a pinch of what RE has going on.
      >b-but it's too silly!! everything has to be like hollywood action films!!!!
      Please tell us how great and involving the stories of The Walking Dead or any Romero dead flick past Day are.

  18. 6 months ago

    stopped paying attention after 2, loregays get the rope

  19. 6 months ago

    it's dumb

    just like Metal Gear Solid

    I guess it's comfortably cheesy

    • 6 months ago

      MGS is dumb in a complex over the top anime that still takes itself seriously sort of way. While Resident Evil plays everything straight, the plot is just there to facilitate the game & is mostly self contained from one game to another aside from some recurring characters.

    • 6 months ago

      No, it's not at all like MGS.

      RE knows its story is dumb but doesn't care.

      MGS doesn't know its story is dumb, and cares deeply.

      • 6 months ago

        >MGS doesn't know its story is dumb

        • 6 months ago

          That's not Kojima being self-aware, that's Kojima literally writing Otacon as being a nerd. That's how he writes.

      • 6 months ago

        >MGS doesn't know its story is dumb
        Oh, shut up.

  20. 6 months ago

    So if RE3 happens 1 day before RE2, why is our boi Marvin dead on the floor in 3, exactly where you would've killed him in 2?

    • 6 months ago

      He's not dead, just unconscious.

      • 6 months ago

        The game says ''He's been fatally wounded by zombies''. I just find it ridiculous the amount of loopholes fanboys are willing to accept to cover up something that's just a minor plothole/mistake.

        >b-b-but Jill didn't know he wasn't ded, she just THINKS he's fatally wounded, he totally regained consciousness hours later, crawled to the opposite side of the room then stayed conscious until Leon showed up, then when Leon leaves, he crawls back to the room and finally becomes a zombie and you kill him coincidentally exactly where you find him in RE3


        • 6 months ago

          >Fatally wounded by zombies
          So, not dead.

          • 6 months ago

            >Jill rolls into RPD
            >co-worker is very wounded, but alive
            >frick him though let's not even talk to him we got shit to loot

            Yeah sounds plausible, the same one who bent backwards to save Richard who was obviously going to die after getting fricked up by Yawn.

            • 6 months ago

              Well, the reason for that is a completely different writing issue, that being Jill wasn't planned to be in RE3, and only the second half of the game was really written with her as the main character.
              She also had a perfectly good reason to not frick around there, that being the 9 foot tall monster she just escaped from that face fricked Brad.

              • 6 months ago

                Honestly I don't even mind all these in-lore explanations. It's just that it's obviously a small writing mistake, which is no biggie at all. Kazuhiro Aoyama has mentioned that it is a translation error, and it states he is unconscious in japanese, but idk if he's just covering or if real. Prob real.

                I just find it bizarre when people just refuse to acknowledge it's a mistake, and pretend it was supposed to be that way all along. Like it's a personal offence that something they like isn't flawless.

              • 6 months ago

                Well, that's because RE really is shockingly consistent and thought out at times. From 2 until Outbreak 2, the games were all written by the same team and it shows (ignoring 3).
                There's also a lot of dumb misconceptions about the games and what's going on. A good example is CV, when Claire tells Leon to talk to Chris, and people wonder how Leon would tell him, when Claire already said that Umbrella was tracking Chris, so she'd already have a location to give Leon.

        • 6 months ago

          >Fatally wounded by zombies
          So, not dead.

          He's not dead, just unconscious.

          The virus knocks out the host into a coma for a few hours during the infection process

        • 6 months ago

          Wouldn't Jill be able to tell that he's been fatally wounded by bullets?

        • 6 months ago

          >It's officer Marvin of the RPD. After being attacked by zombies he can no longer be saved.
          Is what it says in japanese, so she may not think he is dead but beyond help

          • 6 months ago

            Thanks for clarifying that for the double digit toodlers in this thread who can't infer a logical picture and scream plot-hole unless it's explicitly stated for them.

    • 6 months ago

      its a cameo it doesnt have to make sense, anyway if you check after nemesis breaks into the police station you find marvin missing, he may have fainted/been injured and crawled off

  21. 6 months ago


    >you still die and are reanimated
    Not what happens.

    • 6 months ago

      If you heart stops you are dead. The game explicitly states that your heart stops but brain activity continues. You fricking die and reanimate. Not my problem they don't know what they're talking about.

      Or maybe the guide they released along with the game way back in 1996 has the correct explanation and you're just coping because you're a dumb homosexual?

      Coping fanny troony.

      • 6 months ago

        Your heart stopping isn't actually when someone dies, that's why it's called cardiac arrest and there's a minimum 8 minute window to restart it.

        • 6 months ago

          No use debating with morons, anon. He probably thinks any slight brain damage is fatal despite him being alive.

  22. 6 months ago


    Or maybe the guide they released along with the game way back in 1996 has the correct explanation and you're just coping because you're a dumb homosexual?

  23. 6 months ago

    >people don't find this scary

  24. 6 months ago

    I have no idea , ive played them all but i dont care for story. Im in it for gameplay. I usually bypass cutscenes or just do something else while they’re playing. Im there to kill zombies brotherman

  25. 6 months ago

    Does anyone have full scans of the Director's Cut Survival Guide for RE1 (the one with all the character art at the start, the version on the internet archive is incomplete) or the Prima Strategy Guide for 2 and 3 (not individually, both games in one strategy guide).
    I need them for my collection.

  26. 6 months ago

    Kitsch from the outset, enjoyable through RE4. Became enjoyable again with RE7.

    '96's scenario is laughably bad in a good way, makes the actual horror elements like Itchy. Tasty. really pop in contrast. Cannot for the life of me understand the people who say it was schlock on purpose (it wasn't) or that Iwao's writing is some misunderstood gem (its not).

    • 6 months ago

      >took his opinions from a youtuber

      • 6 months ago

        I'm sorry you're a secondary.

        • 6 months ago

          >YOU'RE the secondary
          And you're the guy who only like the two biggest normalhomosexual magnets in the franchise. Totally not a secondary, totally didn't get his opinions from a youtuber.
          Look! I posted a Barry meme!! I'm a real fan!!!

          • 6 months ago

            >secondary shitter gets called out, froths instantly

            Actually read the post instead spasming anytime someone mentions a game you have an prerational hatred. RE has been enjoyable kitsch from the outset eg '96 on wards. The camp was noted and harped upon by late 90s and early 00s RE fans because they were mostly Gen X and older millenials who had enough media exposure to know what they were riffing on and what a decently written scenario/script looked like. Iwao wouldn't last a day in the X Files writing room. Once the precedent was set in '96, goofy shit like Irons having a torture chamber or Jill pushing Nemesis off a bridge in a tube top was just par for the course and indeed amplified until RE4 where Ohara took Mikami's prototypical cringey script and injected some much self awareness for a project of that scale. .

            RE7 was inherently ANTI-SCALE and eschewed all the crap that the cowadooty normies love for a more intimate, campy experience. It brought the series back to its roots by riffing on Western horror tropes but instead of Alone int he Dark and the Day/Return of the Dead it was Evil Dead, Saw and Texas Chainsaw massacre.

            The Image I posted was from a site popular in RE webrings at the time of the original trilogy's release. But you, being the laughable secondary that you are, had the deep cut fly over your head.


            • 6 months ago

              >RE4 is achshully self-aware gaiz!
              Like I said, you get your opinions from youtubers.
              Additionally, you're criticizing Iwao's writing ability purely from the perspective of a mostly butchered translation and acting that was fricked over by Mikami himself.
              There's a reason what Iwao wrote brought on an actually prolific Japanese TV writer (Sugimura, who formed FLAGSHIP), and there's a reason why when Iwao left Capcom he got picked up to write Parasite Eve. He wasn't exactly Toyama or Sato over at Konami, receiving accolades and awards, but what he wrote was seen as a great work of science fiction for video games.

        • 6 months ago

          >undershirt clearly has sleeves

          what did they mean by this?

  27. 6 months ago

    The first game always reminded me more of a sci-fi thriller like Jurassic Park or Congo. The intro is even similar to the book version of JP, where the catalyst is strange animal attacks in Costa Rica that turn out to be escaped dinos attacking people and eating babies. 2 and 3 lean way harder on Romero and all the standard zombie movie conventions though.

    • 6 months ago

      That's dino crisis, anon

  28. 6 months ago

    it doesn't have one so I don't think of it at all

  29. 6 months ago

    Wesker can get knocked off during the Lisa fight, but it doesn't change anything later.


    • 6 months ago

      remake is such garbage holy shit

    • 6 months ago

      remake is such garbage holy shit

      Remake Jill is dumb as frick too. Barry blatantly tries to kill her twice and she's still surprised when it happens the 3rd time. Like she completely forgot that he intentionally abandoned her in a cave with Lisa and then put a fricking gun to her head the last time they met. In the original he didn't explicitly turn on her until they confront Wesker in the lab which made a lot more sense.

      • 6 months ago

        >barry tries to kill her 3 times
        aside from the caves, what were the other 2?

        • 6 months ago

          He's surprised she's alive and sticks a gun in her face when you meet him at Lisa's tomb. Jill disarms him and he swears he can explain but then it's just completely forgotten, exactly like when Wesker falls down the pit. They're friendly when they meet in the lab and that daffy broad is surprised when he holds her at gunpoint yet again in the Tyrant lab.

          • 6 months ago

            makes me appreciate the original even more. what a perfect game.

          • 6 months ago

            That's a huge oversight.

    • 6 months ago

      I think Wesker gets knocked off in the Lisa fight in half of my Chris playthroughs since his gunfire aggros Lisa without consistently stunning her. Also that clip is infuriating because the player accidentally lucks into the perfect position to kill Lisa by shooting her off the edge while she's hanging there near the start & just doesn't take it.

  30. 6 months ago

    RE1 always felt like a murder mystery to me, at least to some extent. I loved wandering the mansion reading the lore notes and piecing together what happened in there, so I would say that I enjoy the story. Both RE2 and RE3 retain a bit of murder mystery feel to me, but the scale of the outbreak in those games overshadows the more subtle murder mystery undertones of RE1. I definitely enjoy the concept of an evil pharmaceutical company that researches and sells bioweapons, and the team of special forces guys who work for a small city Police department who investigates them. Anything after 3 is fanficm

  31. 6 months ago

    RE1's story is pretty cool, you have this medical company doing experimentation in a secret facility underneath a baroque mansion in some valley in the middle of nowhere. Pretty cool premise.
    RE2 and RE3 do a fun in trying to expand what RE1 created, in RE2 you have more medical company conspiracies and a mas scientist, RE3 you have a mercenary group and Nemesis.
    Anything afterwards is almost incoherent and barely makes any sense. CV and RE4 stories don't really have anything interesting, RE5 tries to back to the original story by tying lose ends but the story feels more like fanfiction. RE6 is a chaotic mess that doesn't even have to be mentioned.
    RE7 tries to do a RE1 but it doesn't really feel Resident Evil anymore.
    RE8 is another chaotic mess that barely makes any sense.

  32. 6 months ago

    As soon as a it had a story "as a whole" is where things went exactly wrong. As soon as it became at the bigger picture, with ongoing villains and enemies and not just isolated stories of survival in a horror situation is where it went from dumb but quaint to moronic but no just moronic. Wesker is not, nor should he ever have become Dr Doom. He should have been a greedy butthole, working for greedy buttholes, who got their moronic asses killed via greed.

  33. 6 months ago

    Your cousin, MAAARVIN BRANAGH?
    You know that key card you been lookin' for?

    • 6 months ago

      Just GO!

  34. 6 months ago
  35. 6 months ago
  36. 6 months ago
  37. 6 months ago
  38. 6 months ago
  39. 6 months ago
  40. 6 months ago
  41. 6 months ago
  42. 6 months ago

    Which version of Code Veronica is the best? It's basically the one main RE title I haven't played
    The HD version on PS3 and 360 looks kinda weird imo

    • 6 months ago

      i owned the dc version and prefer ps3. i think the lighting looks better

    • 6 months ago

      i owned the dc version and prefer ps3. i think the lighting looks better

      >Resident Evil: True Director's Cut PSX ISO (The original uncut FMVs from the Japanese version, alongside the full-color opening scene from the French and German Director’s Cut release)

      Windows PC
      >RESIDENT EVIL / BIOHAZARD / バイオハザード (Same difficulty as the original Japanese PlayStation release)
      >Resident Evil 1 Classic REbirth
      >Birth of BIO HAZARD

      >RESIDENT EVIL 2 / BIOHAZARD 2 / バイオハザード2 (Original is all JP difficulty, Arrange is all US difficulty)
      >Resident Evil 2 Classic REbirth
      >Resident Evil 2 Port COMPARISON
      >Resident Evil 2 Director Commentary with Hideki Kamiya [ENG/日本語]

      >RESIDENT EVIL 3 / BIOHAZARD 3 / バイオハザード3 LAST ESCAPE (Original is all JP difficulty, Arrange is all US difficulty)
      >Resident Evil 3 Classic REbirth
      >Resident Evil 3 Director Kazuhiro Aoyama Commentary Playthrough [ENG/日本語]

      Sega Dreamcast
      >Resident Evil Code: Veronica

      Nintendo GameCube
      >Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (Steve's hair altered, new cut-scenes and medley ending music)
      >Door Skip & Widescreen Fix


  43. 6 months ago

    Campy and fun, with great characters. Making the games take place in the same year they were released, something that started with 4 iirc, was a mistake though. The story is carried by the characters and they're about 50-60yo in the newer non-retro games.

    • 6 months ago

      You're an actual frickhead. The RE games have been canonically taking place in the year they were released since the OG RE1.

      Actual brainrot. Get off this fricking thread, you have no business here.

      • 6 months ago

        The original RE1 is set in 1998. The game came out in 1996.
        They chose 1998 specifically because it would seem 'somewhat futuristic' without being over the top futuristic.
        Released 1999, set in 1998.
        >Survivor, CV
        2000, still 1998.
        >Gaiden, Survivor 2
        2001, still 1998.
        >REmake, Zero
        2002, still 1998.
        >Dead Aim
        Actually set in 2003, it's pretty funny.
        2004, 1998.

        Outside of one instance, every game pre-4 was set in 1998.

  44. 6 months ago

    Garbage jap shit.

  45. 6 months ago

    It's a lot of fun, but it also can't be taken seriously. It's a B movie made into a video game.

  46. 6 months ago

    Good up to 3, then it became too capeshit-y.

  47. 6 months ago

    I quit caring once it left the vicinity of Raccoon City.

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