What do you think smash 6 will be like? Do you think it will be actually good unlike ultimate?

What do you think smash 6 will be like? Do you think it will be actually good unlike ultimate?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    I wonder when it’s coming at all

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same as always.
      >add new characters
      >add new stages
      >that'll be 59.99 + tip when we get around to adding DLC

      A year or two into the launch of whatever new console comes out.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I’d prefer two just for more polish and possible content

    • 4 weeks ago

      Either 2024 or 2025. Given that they went back and updated Ultimate, they are probably already working on it. Similar thing happened with Splatoon 2 before Splatoon 3 was announced

      I want them to wait until towards the end of the consoles lifespan. That way they can actually represent all the new games that came out for it. They won’t though…

      Smash is always representative of the past console. Brawl was the Gamecube. Wii U/3DS was the Wii and DS with some of the 3DS added in. Ultimate didn't really add much since the Wii U was dead. Smash 6 will be the Switch. So stages, characters and items will be from those games. It's only weird since ARMS got added into Smash with Ultimate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nah, no way 2024, maybe 2025 but I’m thinking 2026 is more likely

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sorry, meant 2025/2026

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah, that makes more sense

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Full 3D stages

    • 4 weeks ago

      If it continues to pander to rostergays, specifically modern/ zoomer, and/ or casual audiences, it will be shit
      If sakurai is behind it, it's a 50/50, not because it'd be a bad product, simply because above point and I'm sure he's losing motivation
      If the online isn't shit, the speed is somewhere between ultimate and melee, a larger emphasis is put (back) into modes (plural), and the roster ditches all the copies and dead weight, it may just be the greatest there ever was

      You mean like in tekken or something? I feel like that would overcomplicate it

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You mean like in tekken or something? I feel like that would overcomplicate it
        At this point, I'll take it. I'm tired of the same simplistic 2.5D with movesets that have remained largely the same for 2+ decades.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Would be cool

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Do you think it will be actually good unlike ultimate?
    only if it has subspace 2, trophies, target practice and masterpieces etc

    i dont care about the actual gameplay of smash bros at all

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I expect a bunch of 3rd party characters to be cut. Still gonna have a large ass roster. More focus on single mode content.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Probably going to be a third party genocide that will piss off rostergays. Square clearly wants their characters to be DLC so Nintendo isn't going to ask for the same old ones. Microsoft isn't going to happen due to the Yen being way weaker than the dollar. And most of the legacy ones aren't that popular. People forget that the appeal of those characters is "Oh look this guy is in Smash" and you can't let the genie out of the bottle twice. It is always better to cut the old ones and sell new ones as DLC.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I want them to wait until towards the end of the consoles lifespan. That way they can actually represent all the new games that came out for it. They won’t though…

  6. 4 weeks ago

    They'll have to find some way to convince people it's a game worth buying when Ultimate already exists, so I think they're gonna have to come up with some big hook that isn't JUST character reveals. As for what that hook would actually be though, I don't think it even can be predicted right now. There's no way the whole roster from Ultimate's coming back though (possibly even half of it, if they try to pull something that impacts how characters are handled and would demand some reworks).

  7. 4 weeks ago

    name a better take on a Smash 6 then this

    • 4 weeks ago

      The ideas are fine and I like the idea of summonable assist rather than what we have now, but it's clear he has no idea on what characters should be in. Smash fans need to understand that there are different characters that are popular in Japan and, as it's made by a Japanese company, they get priority. So he's moronic if he thinks that many Fire Emblem characters are going, or that Pyra or Min Min will go. Also, you don't need to cut that many characters. Smash has never gutted its roster so much and it doesn't need to. It's not the the Wii U/3DS game where they had to have two versions and every character had to be HD. If anything, it will probably be easier to bring forward characters since they brought back everyone for Ultimate and essentially modernized them. You'll also have more time and a bigger budget since Ultimate did so well.

      This is also ignoring that his character choices weren't great. If they are going to add a Zelda character, it's going to be the Champions over someone like Sidon seeing as they already have amiibos and BoTW was way more popular than ToTK. Also, if you are going to cut like half the roster you need to add more than 7 characters and make them ones people will actually like. People do like Smash for the number of characters, so you need to be at least close to Ultimate if anyone is going to buy your game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Isn't that guy a troon? I doubt he has any good ideas worth considering.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not gonna lie, this video made me realize some more problems ultimate had that smash 4 lacked

  8. 4 weeks ago

    The roster doesn't mean a thing if the gameplay is trash. Bring back jump momentum, a key element in a platformer should not be absent. No disrespect to the Kirby games, but Smash brings in multiple IP's and Smash being reskinned Kirby games is harming it. Movement should feel good, not stiff.

    Second, game modes. Game modes that are fun to play and feel fun to play. Spirits mode was a stinker, Multi-man mode gets boring quick and I get that making unique Break the Targets stages for each character can get overwhelming, but utilizing each character's playstyle into the stage was a huge factor into learning the character.

    Third, not having one guy making the decisions with the overall experience. Having multiple people with their own ideas can be beneficial and less of a strain. It is clear that Smash is tailored to Sakurai's overall taste in every aspect, from movesets to functions and so on.

    I don't even need to bring up the roster, most of those points above are why I can't stomach official Smash for long, I can only play it for an hour max before I get annoyed and turn off the game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      trying to do the le* dead inside meme doesn't work with someone who ages backwards like him

      • 4 weeks ago

        Look at him now, Smash 4 and Ultimate back and forth killed that youth. Him not drinking water for years caught up to him too.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't see it

          • 4 weeks ago

            He wears makeup.
            No really.
            He's also not killing himself working on Smash. Next game, look at his face when he showcases the Imposter, you'll see his age and stress a lot better.

            • 4 weeks ago


  9. 4 weeks ago

    I really liked the subspace emissary game mode. It had some cool cutscenes, co-op, character pairings/groupings, stages, music, and a simplistic story. I would have really liked something similar with Ultimate after they finished with all the DLC characters, but it is what it is. I'm hoping the next smash has something like that, or at the very least a Smash Run mode.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Does anyone else think Sakurai needs to be replaced with a new guy at some point? He's probably getting tired of running this franchise at this point and a new mind running it could be a net positive.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hell no, I've wanted him out since 2015. It's clear it's really all he knows how to do and him coming back to Nintendo with his tail between his legs via Iwata proved he bit off more than he could chew. Any other company wouldn't have given him the leniency and budget Nintendo gives him. He may claim to be an independent contractor but he's more or less still under Nintendo as well as his company. If he steps down, he's going to have to find a new job eventually and I doubt he wants to go to another company at this point in his life.

      Worst-case scenario: He's back for the next game, bad habits and all.
      Best-case scenario: He acts as a supervisor/consultant while a new person takes the reigns.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Best-case scenario: He acts as a supervisor/consultant while a new person takes the reigns.
        That was basically what I was suggesting.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Look at the credits for smash ultimate. Most of the staff are like God Eater/Scarlet Nexus devs and not tekken devs. Fighting game developers don’t work on smash. There is no successor and anyone other than Sakurai would be MUCH worse than him unless Harada quits tekken (why the hell would he do that)? Maybe we will get what you wish for. May not be a good thing though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think it's been clear since Brawl that has kind of lost his edge. Smash 4 was fine but lacked the same passion as Brawl and Ultimate often feels like a fan game. I think the game would work better with a close knit team rather than one guy. Also need to establish what Smash is rather than having it change on the whims of one guy. I think you can see it with design decisions and even roster choices (though I dont blame him as much for the Fire Emblem wank since those frickers are super popular in Japan and its probably why we see so many of 'em)

  11. 4 weeks ago

    No more anime characters. Ultimate had way too much weebshit. I'm talkin' Sora, Link, Byleth, Chrom, Corrin, frickin' Joker, and Septhoroth. We don't need that shit in the next Smash game. We need really characters that people like. I'm talking Doomguy. I'm talking Bandana Dee. I'm talking Dante. I'm talking Goku. That's what we need to make smash great again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hellz ya mah nigguh! We needz to get dis anime shits OUTTA' HERE FR!

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Shit netcode, shit roster gaygin, shit graphics downgrade like ultimate was for most chars in the wii u game
    Lots of pluggers that makes sf5, sf6, tekken 8 look like a safe haven

    homies takin a ko personal and following you for the rest of the match
    Game booting people for fighting the same guy stalking you all ffa
    Spinning circles galore on shit netcode
    Trash community that stinks and preys on children more than the usual ones

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I hope it's a sim

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >le ultimate is bad meme
    Lazy posters, lazy bait.

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