What do you want from Hogwarts Legacy 2?

post your ideas

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  1. 3 months ago

    Tittyfricking minigame with Professor Garlick

  2. 3 months ago

    please don't
    it was so shit and just nostalgia bait

  3. 3 months ago

    back to the medieval era where wizards and witches are regularly burned alive and you play as an inquisitor wizard witch who goes around fricking over wizards and witches who are being too high profile and obvious
    though i guess it wouldn't be set in hogwarts at that point would it
    well in that case frick it i don't want it

  4. 3 months ago

    Just constant, CONSTANT racemixing and even more constant NTR of white Slytherin students

  5. 3 months ago

    More variety of spells
    More school/class stuff
    More fanservice wank

  6. 3 months ago

    Sirona detransitions.

    • 3 months ago

      just let me be evil i want to zap mudbloods with the killing curse.
      i mean really, the dark arts were so lovingly implemented, it is fantastically satisfying to just zap an entire camp of enemies to death with one killing curse. why go to that length and not let me use it on whoever i want? killing gobbos and poachers loses its luster after a while, i want to be chased by the wizard police

      mods solve this

  7. 3 months ago

    More stuff to do with Hogwarts Itself instead of just pretty much being a set piece for the final quest.

  8. 3 months ago

    Have it set in that Wakanda wizard school where 400 IQ Yakubs do magic n shiiiieeeeeet.

  9. 3 months ago

    no one posts any ideas ever, just half assed answers without going into details

  10. 3 months ago

    No denuvo. Still haven't bought the first one. Will do if they remove it.

  11. 3 months ago

    still haven't played this yet, waiting for a steep sale of a version with all dlc complete but I know there isn't quidditch in it so they should add that in a sequel

  12. 3 months ago

    just let me be evil i want to zap mudbloods with the killing curse.
    i mean really, the dark arts were so lovingly implemented, it is fantastically satisfying to just zap an entire camp of enemies to death with one killing curse. why go to that length and not let me use it on whoever i want? killing gobbos and poachers loses its luster after a while, i want to be chased by the wizard police

  13. 3 months ago

    Flesh out starting house, make it more than just a color/theme, maybe even a proper notoriety/points system

    Maybe add in Quidditch, one of the earlier world cups, would be fun

    More Hogwarts secrets, but I don't know if that's a good idea since the first game had a frickload of collectibles and more of the same would ruin the magic and would only make it more of a drag

    More class/student/school stuff into the story, the first few classes we had to go to in the first game was really fun imo

    I don't know how forward you can go into the timeline since it's already 100 years before the movies and if it's any bit closer it'll just become Voldermort, James & Lily wank (It's set 100 years before Harry goes to Hogwarts)

    Ideally you would go backwards in time? Then you go too far back and the games name is made redundant, maybe you play around with the Founders

    Better combat variety, you ended up using the same few spells in the name of efficiency and the battle system got pretty boring in the final third of the game

    As a game set in the wizarding world, it was pretty spot on, not much more it can improve on, just all the usual improvements that a sequel would see, which would probably be pretty limited, it's an open world game, how do you improve on that? Just make it bigger lol, add in a few more areas, more collectibles, etc etc boring stuff

  14. 3 months ago

    Actual ramifications for doing dark magic

  15. 3 months ago

    A good game that doesn't run like dogshit.

  16. 3 months ago

    For my Slytherin Stacy to put those Hufflebawds in their rightful place, on their knees between my thighs.

  17. 3 months ago

    Placing an action-rpg in a school setting is the most interesting and unique thing about it but everyone you talked to just gives you busywork and the classes are tutorials but not very immersive ones.
    Your friend's storylines dont have to be repetitive setpiece fests if they arent fullyvoiced and mocapped. I had hoped for more getting butterbeer with your friends or joining the gardening club, and less dumbass colored orb combat.

  18. 3 months ago

    >post your ideas
    lol why
    we all know they're just going to double down on everything wrong with it
    >even more open world drudgery
    >you won't even bother being a student
    >another ancient magic
    >spamming revelio another 10 billion times

  19. 3 months ago

    GILF breasts

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe they could include Quidditch this time around.

      I'd do her, just saying.

  20. 3 months ago

    Rape mechanics

  21. 3 months ago

    Make it a Persona-like

    • 3 months ago

      ew, no.

  22. 3 months ago

    craft yar own spells

  23. 3 months ago

    I want WB to make a GOT/ASOIAF game

  24. 3 months ago

    An ACTUAL Hogwarts game, a school simulator and role play, classes, curfew, development of friendship and romance bonds, consequences for bad or good behavior at any time, more school activities and events, semi-mmo (you can see other player characters, but there is limited interaction or it is limited to certain locations).

    • 3 months ago

      One anon had the idea of PCs getting uploaded and optically used as your NPCs
      but I dont know if I'd want those dangerhairs, so plz make it optional

  25. 3 months ago

    For it to actually be a fricking Hogwarts game. Hogwarts Legacy happens to take place in and around Hogwarts, but in no way is it actually a Hogwarts game where you play a student attending Hogwarts.

    From the beginning you're started off as an exceptional mary sue who gets to skip his first years as a student and your total engagement with Hogwarts as an institution is an extremely limited series of gated missions that give you spell unlocks that are solely for use within the limited rails the game world presents. As opposed to a roster of spells that you get which the world is designed around in turn.

    Your character goes from his first day in Hogwarts to effortlessly murking numerous evil wizards and goblins like he's the Chosen One (which he is actually, due to the garbage metaplot).

    I wanted a game where I get to attend Hogwarts and live the student fantasy. Give me Rockstar Bully-style classes where I get to do thematically appropriate minigames, give me a roster of spells that the game is shaped around rather than just ten combat spells used for air juggling c**ts.

    Let us start as a year one student and have the entire game stretch out over multiple semesters and even years; let us see the world change around us with each year we cycle through with familiar seasonal sights cropping up.

    Bin the garbage metaplot, bin the superfluous combat obsessed game design. Calling this shit Hogwarts is just nakedly betraying people's expectations, bait-and-switching us for someone's dogshit game narrative.

    • 3 months ago

      frick ancient magic
      no more soulless depulso rooms, 0/10 aesthetic
      rename 'basic cast' to absolutely anything else
      and everything these anons said

      Actual ramifications for doing dark magic

      No denuvo. Still haven't bought the first one. Will do if they remove it.

      Sirona detransitions.

  26. 3 months ago

    Some sort of morality system would be good. It's weird how you can choose to lie, use dark spells, kill everything that moves yet everyone treats you like you are the holiest of beings. Better facial animations, especially for female characters would be nice too.

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