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What does Ganker think of the Borderland series?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Mixed feelings. Taking its quest and leveling structure from MMOs was a stupid fricking idea. BL1 had great feeling guns but the AI wasn't good enough and the enemy and area variety was too low. BL2 was the opposite. Didn't play the rest.

  2. 1 year ago

    I missed it when it first came out, got the handsome collection on ps plus and spent maybe 15 minutes playing until the npc speaking to me failed to stop being moronic and I uninstalled.

  3. 1 year ago

    I liked the games, but I feel like gearbox don't know what to do with the series anymore and just throwing around random stuff instead of planning a cohesive story

  4. 1 year ago

    Like 1, like 2 a lot and love 3. 3s writing is absolute dogshit but the designs, music, build variety, gameplay are the best its ever been.

  5. 1 year ago

    I liked the first game well enough when it was new. Never cared about any of the rest though.

  6. 1 year ago

    Meh, sniping is fun but thats about it. Not very memorable.
    Peak of the series, contrary to popular belief the story is fine. Its the WRITING thats bad. The plot is fine, the dialogue just drags it down a lot.
    Unfinished and deserved better since it has the best classes in the series.
    Doubles down on reddit shit, too much dialogue to justify replaying. Other than the Lincoln guy the new characters are annoying. There's literally one who's entire personality is "troony who likes coffee"

    • 1 year ago

      I actually think that 2 is well written but only its main quest. The rest of the quests and expansions are dogshit in comparison and drag the whole thing down.

  7. 1 year ago

    Is the latest Tiny Tina game any good? It looks kind of neat but I’m unsure it’s be worth it or not.

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on which of the previous games you liked and why.

    • 1 year ago

      ive heard its very short and the dlc is shit , so if you do get it get it on a sale

      • 1 year ago

        I'd put it at about 45 hours. It's structured to be one playthrough rather than having TVHM/UVHM, so it's shorter in that respect, but 3 was also bloated as hell so that makes it a bit harder to make direct comparisons.

  8. 1 year ago

    I want to like it, I think they have a good thing with ARPG shooting, but gearbox is just so incompetent that they can't not frick it up.
    >Unbearable writing
    >Unskippable writing
    >They can't do basic balance on their weapons. An assault rifle with 80 damage and a fire rate of 4 gets the same "ilvl" as a pistol with 280 damage and a fire rate of 11, and they somehow think slightly tweaking the magazine capacity or reload speed can compensate the dps diff. inexplicable how the designers come up with this shit
    >Brain meltingly easy until you're max level, and then the horrible balancing becomes more apparent as you push end game. literally every ARPG on the planet does a better job with difficulty controls
    >Raid bosses are goofy at best, by far the prevailing tactics are cheese or 4-man multiplayer trivializing the game.
    >And everything is hacked in multiplayer
    >BL2 gun gimmicks went way too far and just made half the brands unusable
    >Legendary weapons are often weaker than purples and the legendary effects are bullshit that doesn't help you like "wow the bullets go in a zany pattern!" or "haha the gun turns into a little dinosaur! >:3"
    >The legendaries that do help have extremely particular and cheesy effects that once again show a lack of thinking, like "haha this one shoots 7x as many bullets" or "This one gives 8% lifesteal, in a game where your max HP is 5% of your DPS anyway"
    >Elemental rocket launchers at high levels one shot anyone, and ignore one shot protection with their secondary damage ticks, making one guy with a shock launcher more dangerous than the rest of the camp put together including the boss (but only in bl2 i think)

    If someone else made BL it would be good.

    • 1 year ago

      None of this shit is true in 3

      • 1 year ago

        The unbearable and unskippable writing is true in 3. 3 was the worst about that, with talk to lilith and return to lilith quests. God help me, every quest is preceded by a 5 minute NPC monologue.

        Weapons balance is significantly less true, but sitll true. Same with legendaries either being useless or op - but they are all better than purples, ill give you that.

        The difficulty being way too god damn easy until max level is definitely still true, but I do like the max level gameplay.

  9. 1 year ago

    1: dogshit
    2: kino
    TPS: good
    3: meh
    TTW: dogshit

    • 1 year ago

      >The best Borderlands aka 1: dogshit
      >Redditlands: Handsome chungus: kino

      • 1 year ago

        >le popular opinion is reddit
        Being a contrarian doesn't make you based

        • 1 year ago

          And yet your mind automatically recognized based as the opposite of reddit, lol lmao
          >popular thing is popular therefore le good, thanks for the gold kind stranger
          go back

  10. 1 year ago

    first game is fine, second gets played with the sound turned down

  11. 1 year ago

    Fun gameplay

  12. 1 year ago

    I like the drop system and visuals and kind of hate everything else
    why does diablo guns always = multiplayer just give me a single player game with randomized loot guns
    frick characters frick the comedy and most of all frick randy

  13. 1 year ago

    I've only played 1 and 2. I couldn't get into 1 too much at the time on PS3 so never finished but I did get the big Collector's Edition of BL 2 and I think I put close to 400 hours in it. Really enjoyed it. I have the Pre-Sequel and BL 3 but haven't played it yet.

  14. 1 year ago

    the first one is the best, even if mechanically it's the most mediocre it feels good and has a nice atmosphere imo
    the second one has much more interesting builds and weapons and way more variety, but it became a grind-fest (the fact that the fans treat read-only farming and rerolling a quest item 100 times something normal is mind boggling to me) and it leaned much more heavily on the quirky humor, sometimes for the better but often for the worse.
    the pre-sequel is more of the same, i liked it but it's basically a big bl2 dlc
    the third went to shit, not bad gameplay but too flashy and easy and the humor got unbearable. Plus a lot of time when you're forced to wait for some shitty dialogue to be over.
    Haven't bothered with Wonderlands, apparently it's so mediocre that even a hardcore bl2 fan youtuber that I watch can't be arsed to keep playing it

  15. 1 year ago

    the third one totally ruined the goofy but kind of badass vibe of the first two but it's still not bad especially for how cheap it is right now on steam

  16. 1 year ago

    meat grinding quests a la "kill x homosexuals" "collect x turds", all of them buried in the lamest, dumbest, most moronic dialogues ever, those frickers probably think mike myers' fart jokes are peak comedy, its good for a playthrough or two, just dont try to make any sense on the plot nor the characters motivations

  17. 1 year ago

    In terms of GAMEPLAY they are really good and that's all that really matters.

    However... if these games were actually as funny as they were trying to be... then they'd truly be something special.

  18. 1 year ago

    I do like how they put previous games (full version + DLC) on a huge discount every now and then. That's nice. I can suffer through crap dialogue easier knowing I only paid ten bucks for the whole game. The gunplay is fun even if it's not balanced in the slightest.

    I've never tried multiplayer. =(

    • 1 year ago

      >never played multiplayer
      A fricking shame
      The games become more fun for each player you have, excluding grinding for oranges.

  19. 1 year ago

    People who play borderlands for the story are like people who watch porn for the plot

  20. 1 year ago

    A proof of concept that still hasn't been fully realized to this day.

  21. 1 year ago


  22. 1 year ago

    Playing through BL3 and while this can also be applied to previous games I can't stand how every character is exactly the same. There is not a single person who isn't a snarky "bad b***h". Lilith, Ellie, Maya, Ava, the randomly British poo-chick, the female Calypso, etc. All the men are pathetic betas or overcompensating buttholes like Rhys, the male Calypso, and Katagawa. There is zero nuance between these characters. They're just all the same fricking person.

  23. 1 year ago

    They're OK at best, gunplay is fun but it sucks that side quests feel mandatory to grind levels. Writing is shit in all of them. I didn't play the 3rd game or Wonderlands so I don't know much about them but I don't hear it's any different from the older games in those terms.

  24. 1 year ago

    Every on I play crashes so I end up losing interest in it. I was about to fight the last boss in 2 and it crashed and my data got corrupted

  25. 1 year ago

    1 was great but boring as sin, 2 was fun, and 3 was fricking awful

    i dont know how you can frick up the looter shooter genre. especially with bl3, every chest you opened had worse guns than your current ones. haven't played since release but i would assume they still haven't changed that

  26. 1 year ago

    Mediocre at best. The game is at its best when you can get a group of friends to play it from start to finish. Constantly having to check stats on new guns to see if they're better just hinders the flow of gameplay, and the dialogue is just reddit tier with most of the "comedy" being memes from 10 years ago.

  27. 1 year ago


  28. 1 year ago

    Borderlands 2 has some of the greatest looter gameplay ever and is nigh infinitely repeatable.
    However I hate the “heroes.” I already disliked Lilith and Moxxi from the get-go but then TPS (canonicity aside) just made me hate them and hate being allied with them. Didn’t help that TPS has much better gameplay but its content was cut short and then they gave new DLC to 2 afterwards.
    Feels like Lilith was always a liability at best with her ego and recklessness and Moxxi is just a horrible person who actively keeps the status quo on Pandora because “it’s better like it is” while acting like she’s the good person.
    Unironically Jack was a better person, even with his insanity. It’s not like the other CEOs have shown themselves to be much better on average barring maybe Wainwright.

    • 1 year ago

      Before 3 the whole theme of the series was about how pandora was a shithole that attracted the worst people imaginable. Handsome Jack and Roland were the only characters with any sort of altruistic mentality and they both end up dead while pieces of shit like Lilith and Moxxi thrive off their deaths.

      That is why 2 starts with a song that constantly tells you "this aint no place for no hero".

      • 1 year ago

        I feel like the real failure of 3 was also how casually everyone was able to leave the planet. Part of the atmosphere was that not only was Pandora a shithole, it was an inescapable shithole that through either circumstance or insanity no one left once they arrived. Having everyone just go planethopping makes every other time people didn't just outrun their problems seem moot.

        • 1 year ago

          I was really hoping that each planet would be like half the length of bl1.

      • 1 year ago

        The only thing keeping Jack from being the hero is the intentionally ambiguous part about Angel's past.
        Did he really protect her? Or was he abusing her power?
        Apart from that Jack really just did what any sane person would do, take a planet full of maniacs and try to turn it into something better.

        • 1 year ago

          3 funny enough redeems him more than what I bet they expected. If his psychosis was actually first started long before he met anyone specifically due to the random Bandit attack then it makes sense that hints of his insanity were already growing. Which also means that Moxxi trying to paint him as a “bad guy from the start” loses water since long it’s after that attack.
          It can be argued thanks to that ambiguity that his goal in taking over Hyperion would benefit Angel in the long run. His discovery of the source of Knowledge might have even lead to a way of making a place for her, at least by intention. Lilith’s sucker punch and face scarring unfortunately caused him to fixate on first “cleansing Pandora.”

      • 1 year ago

        You’re not wrong actually. However, whichever way you slice it, in the endgame you’re still those guy’s lackies nominally during endgame.
        It does make sense though that in 3 80% of them left the Raiders in that regard. Brick and Mordecai being the voices of reason in TPS was great.

        I feel like the real failure of 3 was also how casually everyone was able to leave the planet. Part of the atmosphere was that not only was Pandora a shithole, it was an inescapable shithole that through either circumstance or insanity no one left once they arrived. Having everyone just go planethopping makes every other time people didn't just outrun their problems seem moot.

        That and also how they were given an Avengers makeover there. At least there was some vagueness in 2 that gave plausibility to the feeling they’re “not good people.” But in 3 the writing makes it so you HAVE to root for them because they’re now the Guardians of the Galaxy.

  29. 1 year ago

    BL1: average
    BL2: pretty good, starting to get pozzed
    Pre sequel: absolute trash
    BL3: strong Black personwoman and gay men

    • 1 year ago

      you can enjoy media on other merits than on how nonpozzed it is anon.
      Superman 64 is 0% pozzed but it's still dogshit

      • 1 year ago

        half the entire draw of borderlands is the goofy hijinks, when the hijinks become laden with reddit fedora tier feminism and fat positivity it sucks the enjoyment right out

  30. 1 year ago

    It is kinda like when you are a kid and you have this cool uncle that takes you to cool places and is just fun to be with him but then he starts doing hard drugs and by the time you are 20 he is a shell of a man that probably gets fricked in the ass in exchange for drugs. You try to help him but he tells you to frick off so you just step back and wait until the day that he appears dead.

    I liked 2, TPS and Tales.

    • 1 year ago

      Don’t make me cry, anon. I have that literal exact uncle. Now he’s cut off everyone and we’re in the waiting phase as you say.

      • 1 year ago

        I think we all have that uncle apperently.

  31. 1 year ago

    Always seems to have the dumbest skills, I almost never give a flying frick about what skill tree to pick since the guns seem to be way more important

    • 1 year ago

      I think you're a fricking moron.

  32. 1 year ago

    It seems really fun until you've played better games that have better core systems. Character building in those games are pathetically simplistic. I say this as someone who's sunk hundreds of hours in every single one

  33. 1 year ago
  34. 1 year ago

    1 and 2 are good. TPS is good with mods that fix the quest rewards and weapon drops.
    3 is just garbage. 3 with skippable cutscenes might actually be good, but I wouldn't know, I'm not replaying a game to wait for a cutscene to end.

  35. 1 year ago

    Magny's Lighthouse and its battle theme ranks in the top 10 track of every game, Roland, Mordecai, and Brick's personalities in the first game shits on their personalities on every game that followed. Slag wasn't that bad

  36. 1 year ago

    I liked 1 the most, you could get op super fast and didn't have to wait for gays to stop talking.

    • 1 year ago

      The structure of 1 was may more simple and easier to enjoy for me.
      >go into new huge area
      >have about 3 main quests here
      >bounty board with about 10 side quests that are all located in this area
      >accept all side quests, do the main quests and pick off the side quest objectives along the way
      >end the area by mass accepting all the side quest rewards
      Feels great.

      • 1 year ago

        BL1 for solo runs is always a comfy time. Short, simple, jank, fun time to shut your brain off and blast shit.

  37. 1 year ago

    You now remember this came out

  38. 1 year ago

    >it's the same 10 guns with different stats

    • 1 year ago

      t. never found a pearl

      • 1 year ago

        >Have to buy DLC for more unique guns

        • 1 year ago

          >you get more content with a DLC
          This is surprising to you?

        • 1 year ago

          As apposed to buying DLC and getting nothing?

          • 1 year ago

            >you get more content with a DLC
            This is surprising to you?

            I shouldn't need to buy DLC to get the unique guns the base game promised

            • 1 year ago

              >the base game promised
              Where did the base game promise pearls?

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                The promise of millions of guns was kept. What's your problem

              • 1 year ago

                learn to read, man
                don't die on a hill of ignorance

              • 1 year ago

                >bajillion gazillion guns
                >game has that
                >i am ignorant and need to read better
                Can you please just type out what your fricking issue is already. You sound like a whiney b***h.

      • 1 year ago

        t. ranny who autistically restarted the game 10k times to get a shitty item mogged by legendaries

        • 1 year ago

          Stopped reading there. Can't formulate a post without buzzwords, homosexual?

  39. 1 year ago

    loathed the first one, didn't play the rest

  40. 1 year ago

    Borderlands 1: 9.0 Back when it was actually a Sci-fi western and actually felt like it.
    Borderlands 2: 8.9 Improves on gameplay in almost every aspect, writing became way too tryhard
    Borderlands 3: 8.2 Slightly better gameplay than 2 at the cost of horrible writing and overall bad design.

    • 1 year ago

      >Improves on gameplay in almost every aspect
      >worse score
      have a nice day.

      • 1 year ago

        >b-b-but my s-story
        Ok, Jack was fun for like the first 2 hours. Forcing the story up our anal holes doesn't make it good or engaging. It just made me hate all the characters and that's why it's worse.

        • 1 year ago

          Most of the dialogue can be easily skipped, so I don't see how it drags the game down much. I think the word you are looking for is context.

  41. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      God I remember when that dude from Tales who shows up again in 3 literally said "Go Team Badass!" or something very similar

      • 1 year ago

        God. They butchered everything that came out of Tales.

  42. 1 year ago

    >autistic troony doesn't even know what a no u is

    • 1 year ago

      >If I say nonsense surely he won't respond again!
      Thanks for not giving me a (You), feels good to know that you are seething.

    • 1 year ago

      >no u
      holy newbie

  43. 1 year ago

    >autistic troony can't realize he is now doing what he cried about earlier

  44. 1 year ago

    the first one is a pretty good mad max simulator

  45. 1 year ago

    never liked the series at all, it was woke, reddit, boring, ugly. and repetitive.

    i played a bunch of f2p mmos before so I never expected anything good.

  46. 1 year ago

    I don't know what it was about the sequels but they couldn't hook me to keep me playing until the end unlike the first game

  47. 1 year ago

    >10 TRILLION guns
    >Only use legendaries
    >They drop like flies and you can boost drop rates for even more

    • 1 year ago

      >Spend all my guardian tokens boosting up drop rate until I get the perk that makes my drops better 10 seconds after a kill
      >Get to mayhem level 1 with the loot pinatas
      >1 in 3 enemies now burst with greens, blues, and purples
      >Add the cartel event on top of that
      >Mini bosses and bonus waves spawning from killing enemies
      >They also burst with loot
      I've stopped picking up anything besides anointed purples because even with max inventory, I can't afford to waste the space incase something worth seeing shows up

  48. 1 year ago

    I like the guns and the gun play. I played 3 with the dialogue on mute. Best decision I ever made.

    • 1 year ago

      >standing around in silence for 5 minutes
      What great fun you must have had

      • 1 year ago

        where does this meme come from?
        i finally got bl3 about 6 months ago, and just like 2 you can run to the next objective while NPCs are yapping
        there's a couple quests every now and then where you're actually stuck waiting because the quest item only comes up at the end of some dialogue, but i'd be surprised if there's more than a dozen occurences through the whole game
        i played bl2 with dialogue on mute a couple times and it was quite relaxing, felt much more like bl1
        i swear you spastics must be the kind to watch youtube videos at 200% speed all the time then complain you didn't retain the information

        • 1 year ago

          >you can run to the next objective while NPCs are yapping
          Not if it's in another area, meaning if you're on Sanctuary 3 and Lilith talks to you, you can't leave the area or the objective
          >talk to Lilith
          never gets ticked.
          And it happens A LOT in 3. You also have NPC's that walk from one place to another and you have to follow them, Vaughn in early game for example. Very poorly thought out script.

          • 1 year ago

            >go to the other side of the ship while npc is blabbering
            >half of the time have to go back when npc is done talking because the game is stupid

            Aside from the awful writing, I really don't like the map design. Walking around in circles to pick up collectibles is not fun at all. I ended up just purposefully ignoring the collectibles unless they were right next to me and my enjoyment of the game increased tremendously.
            The lack of enemy variety is also really bad, it's basically just "human with gun" or "big human with big gun".
            Although the directors cut fixed that somewhat and the missions it adds are much better than the base game

            • 1 year ago

              >The lack of enemy variety is also really bad
              Add to that the dumb ass physics based gunplay and you are left with every enemy feeling the fricking same.
              I don't know how they fricked that up when 2's enemies were literally perfect.

      • 1 year ago

        I only turned the dialogue off. Sound effects and music are still on max and most of the time I am just shooting shit. Besides it's not like they say anything useful. Is Tina's game worth a play, necromancer class seems fun?

  49. 1 year ago

    I am playing borderlands 3 atm
    the writing is awful, doubled down on the redditisms from borderlands 2
    the story is truly terrible so far why did they have to kill maya off??? why is lilith so fricking boring??? what the hell is this story even about???[spoiler]
    the gun play is fun, I like the ragdolls and their seems to be a tremendous variety of firearms compared to bl2
    the graphics, art and environment design are all top notch, this game is beautiful to look at and the area you explore all look cool

    • 1 year ago

      It's a story about sirens, they had to kill of Maya so they could establish that Sirens give their powers to others when they die, to setup that Angel gave her powers to Tannis for... some reason. I mostly hate how they stopped pretending there was a reason for you to not interfere after eden 6, you end up standing 2 feet away form where a cut scene starts but Tyreen can do what ever she wants because you don't exist.

  50. 1 year ago

    Borderlands: Good, very fun and unqiue.

    Borderlands 2: Also pretty good, better writing but worse gameplay somehow, gunplay feels floaty and enemies are way spongier.

    The presequel: BL2 but slightly worse in all aspects.

    Borderlands 3: Awful writing, awful gameplay, loot system was fricked at launch, and limited time weapons where added later.

  51. 1 year ago

    I miss these little homies like you wouldnt believe

    • 1 year ago

      They return in the first B3 DLC since that's set in Handsome Jack's Casino

  52. 1 year ago

    1 > kino
    2 > good with friends
    3 > garbage

    • 1 year ago

      Borderlands: Good, very fun and unqiue.

      Borderlands 2: Also pretty good, better writing but worse gameplay somehow, gunplay feels floaty and enemies are way spongier.

      The presequel: BL2 but slightly worse in all aspects.

      Borderlands 3: Awful writing, awful gameplay, loot system was fricked at launch, and limited time weapons where added later.

      Borderlands 1 good? This has to be nostalgia bias, the gameplay aged very poorly and if you judge a game based only on writing go play a VN or something

  53. 1 year ago

    2 is a guilty pleasure for me I sank hundreds of hours into it during high school.
    Only played 1 once and thought it was alright.
    PreSequel was meh.
    Zero interest in playing 3 or Wonderlands.

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