What exactly is a role playing video game?

What exactly is a role playing video game?

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  1. 2 years ago

    A video game where you play a role

  2. 2 years ago

    Lurk more
    Wrong board

  3. 2 years ago

    It means it has game mechanics from Wizardry or Ultima

    • 2 years ago

      best answer this thread is going to get

    • 2 years ago

      This is a better answer than what most people would give.

  4. 2 years ago

    a game where you role a-round

  5. 2 years ago

    A dating sim but with combat.

    • 2 years ago

      Tfw you realize that this is the actual answer......

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day

  6. 2 years ago

    Any game where
    1) character stats matter
    2) either there is combat, or branching dialogues, or both

    • 2 years ago

      so doom eternal is an rpg?

      • 2 years ago

        as a synecdoche

      • 2 years ago

        Doom Eternal doesn't have character stats progression, just equipment progression with a variety of equipment upgrades.

    • 2 years ago

      >1) character stats matter
      By this definition D&D is not an RPG.

      Don't you reply with some modern edition bullshit. You know damn well which D&D I am talking about.

      • 2 years ago

        OK, boomer.

  7. 2 years ago

    A video game where your character has a set of statistics which determine how you play your character. These stats also progress as you progress through the game, an abstraction of your character's growth.

  8. 2 years ago

    Big Black person chungus


  9. 2 years ago

    The name of a genre.

  10. 2 years ago

    A paradoxical statement.
    No video game is an RPG, but we call the video games that attempt to mimic real RPGs RPGs as a shorthand.

  11. 2 years ago


    Incorrect. Might as well shortened your post to 'I am moronic'.

    • 2 years ago

      No, that's it you gay. The end. D&D invented the term, to separate it from tabletop war games. have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago

        Take your own advice. You know nothing and you will die insipid and ignorant.

    • 2 years ago

      Gary Gygax and Jeff Perren of Lake Geneva's wargaming society developed a set of rules for a late medieval milieu under the influence from Siege of Bodenburg. This unusual wargame saw publication in 1971 under the name Chainmail. Although Chainmail was a historical game, later editions included an appendix for adding fantasy elements such as wizards and dragons. The two games, one of Wesely's along with the Chainmail ruleset, would be used partially by Dave Arneson who was a participant to Wesely's sessions, to focus his ideas regarding a fantasy realm known as Blackmoor, and by 1971, Arneson would be running what could be conventionally recognized as a role-playing game based on his Blackmoor world. Blackmoor contained core elements that would become widespread in fantasy gaming: hit points, experience points, character levels, armor class, and dungeon crawls. Like the wargames it grew from, Blackmoor used miniature figures and terrain grids to illustrate the action. The key difference with the Blackmoor games, which allowed it to become a game distinct from the wargame-based Braunsteins, was the ability of the players to set their own character goals, in addition to the scenario goals set by Arneson. Arneson and Gygax then met and collaborated on the first Dungeons & Dragons game.

      • 2 years ago

        That means those games you morons call RPGs are failed trash that never understood it - you cannot see the difference from fantasy themed games and RPGs. They should follow the philosophy of Blackmoor, not literally copy it. Each game should make RPG elements of their own maybe except for the important ones like HP, damage, attributes, etc. that is consistent to the world they're trying to make. Adding a levelling system to an action game because you want the clout from a grognard shovelware does not make it a RPG. If you make a game world whose main fantasy is being a wizard, then that world should treat the player as a wizard and then build systems to further develop the quality of wizard RP in that world. Simple as that.

        I am correct, you are wrong. You will never change my mind, plebeians.

        • 2 years ago

          PnP/TTRPG/DnD should stay in their respective lane because it will never be fully implemented in a video game. Their soul is in the GM's improvisation while video games have immersion and simulation.

          • 2 years ago

            This is fricking irrelevant to what the definition is you fricking idiot.

            That means those games you morons call RPGs are failed trash that never understood it - you cannot see the difference from fantasy themed games and RPGs. They should follow the philosophy of Blackmoor, not literally copy it. Each game should make RPG elements of their own maybe except for the important ones like HP, damage, attributes, etc. that is consistent to the world they're trying to make. Adding a levelling system to an action game because you want the clout from a grognard shovelware does not make it a RPG. If you make a game world whose main fantasy is being a wizard, then that world should treat the player as a wizard and then build systems to further develop the quality of wizard RP in that world. Simple as that.

            I am correct, you are wrong. You will never change my mind, plebeians.

            >Each game should make RPG elements of their own
            They often do, but this is irrelevant to the definition.

            Nobody said putting leveling in an action game makes it an rpg you fricking moron. RPGs are games derived from D&D, and that's exactly what shit like dragon quest is. Dumb Black person.

            • 2 years ago

              Incorrect, erroneous, illicit. Dragon Quest is not a RPG and it's also a shit game.

            • 2 years ago

              >RPGs are games derived from D&D

              like Diablo

              • 2 years ago

                Diablo does indeed rip off D&D, but then adds mindless minion slaughter to it. I guess you could compare Diablo to a really really really really bad D&D campaign.

                >dragon quest is a d&d rip off
                You can't be more clueless

                Shut up homosexual. It's not even debated that dragon quest is descended from D&D

                >inb4 muh wizardry
                Wizardry is a D&D rip off, fricking idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                >gets really anal about what descends from what
                >gets offended when he's corrected

              • 2 years ago

                You didn't correct me, you just shit post nonsense. And there's nothing "anal" about it, it's as straight forward as can be. A rip off of a D&D rip off, is also a D&D rip-off. Fricking moron

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            I accept your pitiful concession. Remember that whosoever stands against me, stands briefly.

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          >a game world whose main fantasy is being a wizard, then that world should treat the player as a wizard and then build systems to further develop the quality of wizard RP in that world.
          any there any (video) games like this

          • 2 years ago

            My diary tbh

            • 2 years ago

              >My diary
              is this a game
              googling my diary rpg wizard yielded no worthwhile results

    • 2 years ago

      >no argument from a method acting homosexual who thinks RPGs are about the GM rolling a skill check to see if his character caught GRIDS after whoring his butthole to the local prince.
      big surprise

      • 2 years ago

        Read this

        have a nice day


  12. 2 years ago

    The first commercially available role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), was published in 1974.

    Role-playing games began to influence other media. A new genre of video games arose from early mainframe computer imitations of RPGs, with Akalabeth and Rogue both published in 1980; the genre inherited many of the settings and game mechanics of RPGs as well as the name, and went on to have its own varied history. During this time, RPG-themed adventure gamebooks and solitaire RPGs such as Choose Your Own Adventure (1979–), Endless Quest (1982–) and Fighting Fantasy (1982–) series also gained popularity.

    With advances in home computing, role-playing video games increased in popularity. These games, which use settings and game-mechanics found in role-playing games, do not require a gamemaster or require a player to remain in-character. Although they helped to introduce new gamers to the hobby, the demands of time and money on players were split between the two.

  13. 2 years ago


    RPG is "A" collective noun.
    The reason for the grouping can be almost anything. So you're not technically wrong.
    But you might be missing a few brain cells if you think the distinction is something as airy as "inspiration".

    Don't get me wrong. I'm willing to entertain the notion itself. Along with the psychic powers required to draw this "knowingness" out of the ether in order to recognize and categorize the a game.
    But surely you realize that inspiration is completely outside of the games themselves. Not to mention that DnD itself would not be a RPG because of the apparent paradox of "inspiring" itself into existence.

    • 2 years ago

      Let me put it another way for your stupid autistic ass, RPG = D&D and D&D rip offs. Dragon quest is a D&D rip off, final Fantasy is a rip off of rip off. Etc...

      • 2 years ago

        >dragon quest is a d&d rip off
        You can't be more clueless

      • 2 years ago

        D&D is a game, not a genre.
        What part of your brain is missing?

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody said that you fricking illiterate

  14. 2 years ago


    >RPGs are games inspired by dungeons and dragons.
    So Fallout 1 and 2 are not RPGs because they are inspired by (simplified) GURPS?

  15. 2 years ago

    Reminder that

    - Persona
    - Final Fantasy
    - Nier
    - Yakuza

    games are not RPG

  16. 2 years ago


    The first commercially available role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), was published in 1974.

    Role-playing games began to influence other media. A new genre of video games arose from early mainframe computer imitations of RPGs, with Akalabeth and Rogue both published in 1980; the genre inherited many of the settings and game mechanics of RPGs as well as the name, and went on to have its own varied history. During this time, RPG-themed adventure gamebooks and solitaire RPGs such as Choose Your Own Adventure (1979–), Endless Quest (1982–) and Fighting Fantasy (1982–) series also gained popularity.

    With advances in home computing, role-playing video games increased in popularity. These games, which use settings and game-mechanics found in role-playing games, do not require a gamemaster or require a player to remain in-character. Although they helped to introduce new gamers to the hobby, the demands of time and money on players were split between the two.

    ^ this
    the wording is a bit poor, it's about main gaming loops, not about the set system of DnD rules

    >RPGs are games inspired by dungeons and dragons.
    So Fallout 1 and 2 are not RPGs because they are inspired by (simplified) GURPS?

    see the line above

  17. 2 years ago


    Yeah yeah that's great and all but what is a role playing video game?

    • 2 years ago

      I just told you, games ripping off D&D.

      >RPGs are games inspired by dungeons and dragons.
      So Fallout 1 and 2 are not RPGs because they are inspired by (simplified) GURPS?

      GUPRS is a D&D rip off, idiot.

  18. 2 years ago

    People just need to accept that "role playing game" is just a broad genre. If you look at the tabletop use of the term, it describes a ton of games with extremely different play styles and mechanics. So naturally, video game RPGs are just as varied. There are mechanics that are so commonly used, like Hit Points or rolling dice (physically or virtually), that they have become staples of the genre, but that doesn't mean a game actually needs those mechanics to be a "role playing" game.

    To me, the best differentiation is just playing as and personifying a character. I don't have a "character" in Chess. I can play as Colonel Mustard in Clue, but I don't personify him in any way as a mechanic of the game. In Dungeons & Dragons, you play as a character, one the Dungeon Master provides or that you create yourself, and your job as a player is to personify this character. You can do this by describing them, speaking as them, and choosing their actions.

    Video game RPGs do this same thing.

    • 2 years ago

      No. By that logic, sonic and kirby are RPGs.

      RPGs are games descended from D&D. Period. They can lift different mechanics, but the point stands. Just like different metal bands can sound different and use different techniques but they all share a common ancestor.

      • 2 years ago

        Says who? You? Read

        The term ROLE PLAY in and of itself can not be defined with any meaningful precision

        It means different things for different people. Temple of Elemental Evil is an RPG, Persona 4 is an RPG and The Witcher 2 is an RPG because the term is vague and not useful at all when attempting to describe the characteristics of a game

        If it has stats, combat, quests, choices (Or any combination of the above) t's considered RPG by the industry standards. The only standards that matter - What you and I think is an RPG DOESN'T FRICKING MATTER - NOBODY LISENS, NOBODY CARES

        There is no accurate let alone useful RPG definition, I can not be the only triple digit IQ person in this thread who sees this COME ON

        Stop spering around the internet with your arbitrary definitions. They don't exist anywhere outside of your delusions and nobody cares about them.

        • 2 years ago

          Roleplaying is integral to RPG, not dices and sheets. Something videogames just doesn't allow.

          • 2 years ago

            Which part of the sentence
            >The term role play in and of itself can not be defined with any meaningful precision
            did you fail to read?

            • 2 years ago

              Of course it can, it's a game where you roleplay. It's a performance/improv gamified. What's so hard to understand?

              • 2 years ago

                >Roleplaying is when you roleplay
                I'm out of this discussion

              • 2 years ago

                >Roleplaying is when you roleplay
                Yeah, this is what it is. Why the frick are you people so confused about the definition? It's an acting game.

        • 2 years ago

          >Roleplaying is when you roleplay
          Yeah, this is what it is. Why the frick are you people so confused about the definition? It's an acting game.

          Of course it can, it's a game where you roleplay. It's a performance/improv gamified. What's so hard to understand?

          Roleplaying is integral to RPG, not dices and sheets. Something videogames just doesn't allow.

          Again, D&D literally invented the term RPG and OG D&D didn't even have all that fricking homosexual critical role bullshit. All of the original RPGs were fricking meat grinders where you churned through character sheets and did dungeon crawls. It was called role playing because you played the role of 1 character instead of an entire army.

          The fact that you stupid fricks can't wrap your head around the term for a genre not being exactly exactly what it says on the side of the can, is remarkable. Do you stupid fricks think rock music is music played with rocks? Metal is any genre played using metal instruments? Heavy metal has to be played with uranium of course, aluminum is a light metal. Gothic novels are novels about the visagoths. Diary of a vampire doesn't feature any visagoths, so it's not Gothic. High fantasy is people fantasizing about getting high.

          • 2 years ago

            Wrong. Shorten your posts to "I am moronic and wrong" next time so you can save energy for playing your pedo spreadsheet visual novels instead.

            • 2 years ago

              His great uncle and grandpa made a decision to sacrifice theirs lives battling for trans rights in europe not the nephew/grandson so its not his problem.
              Whats the point that the grandpa is trying to make?

              • 2 years ago

                What a pathetic and anemic bait. Try again next time.

              • 2 years ago

                >everytime i get proven wrong im just gonna say bait again

              • 2 years ago

                >random falseflagging Black person jumps in for no reason

          • 2 years ago

            Get a load of this bullshit lol
            Look, what D&D invented and what boomers were playing 50 years ago doesn't matter. It's irrelevant, outside of D&D based cRPGs, D&D has nothing to do with modern role playing *VIDEO GAMES*

            D&D Invented the term, but today it represents so much more than it did back then. You CAN pretend that it doesn't and that D&D dungeon crawling is all that's relevant, you CAN also ignore literally every other piece of media being labeled as RPG as long as you want. You are free to do that it's just that your opinion is irrelevant and wrong.

            I'll say it again so that you brainlets STILL debating this bullshit can digest it and we can close the thread

            The term role playing as it pertains to modern video games (not basic D&D dungeon crawling that boomers did 50 years ago) CAN NOT BE DEFINED with meaningful enough precision.
            Threads like this are pointless and should just be moved to

            We will NEVER agree on a universal RPG definition
            Anything including stats, choices & quests is considered to be RPG by the industry standard
            You can not say that it's right or wrong due to the fact that defining the term is impossible

            SEETHE & COPE

  19. 2 years ago

    Games with dragons in them.

  20. 2 years ago

    The player plays as a character or group of characters.
    The characters have parameters which differentiate them from others.
    The values of these parameters grow through the course of the game.
    The structure of the game is that of an adventure.

  21. 2 years ago

    >role playing
    >video game
    For starters, there's very limited to no roleplay.

    • 2 years ago

      true, but it's convenient to use words and names that people are already familiar with

  22. 2 years ago

    The term ROLE PLAY in and of itself can not be defined with any meaningful precision

    It means different things for different people. Temple of Elemental Evil is an RPG, Persona 4 is an RPG and The Witcher 2 is an RPG because the term is vague and not useful at all when attempting to describe the characteristics of a game

    If it has stats, combat, quests, choices (Or any combination of the above) t's considered RPG by the industry standards. The only standards that matter - What you and I think is an RPG DOESN'T FRICKING MATTER - NOBODY LISENS, NOBODY CARES

    There is no accurate let alone useful RPG definition, I can not be the only triple digit IQ person in this thread who sees this COME ON

  23. 2 years ago

    Kill enemy=number go up
    highter number=kill enemy faster

  24. 2 years ago

    I think of RPGs as games where stats are the main or a very major driver of your performance in the game.

  25. 2 years ago

    a game where you play like a character or something

  26. 2 years ago

    nourishes the brain.
    you go from point A to point B in a few minutes which in reality would be the distance between point A to point B in a few weeks without any incident

  27. 2 years ago

    A game genre for low iq people where the requirement for winning isnt doing something smart or having quick reaction time but instead repeating the same action over and over until your number is bigger than the gatekeeper enemy's number and you go to a new area to again repeatedly do the same series of imputs for another few hours so your number is highter than the new gatekeeper enemy again and you can go to the new area to repeat it again and again...

    Some(but not all) rpgs mix it up by adding:a very bland,unoriginal and boring story that has been repeated a 1000+ times,character customization so you can make yourself and pretend youre the one killing the monsters,porn to attract masturbation addicts,virtual girlfriends to attract incels (whos text has been most of the time written by a man so youre basicly pretend dating a troony behind a anime girl pfp) etc.

    • 2 years ago

      Free laughs. You have to be genuinely moronic to think that's a good bait. Kek.

  28. 2 years ago

    An RPG is a video game which includes systems which emphasise progression of a role or roles for the player to progress their character or characters.

  29. 2 years ago

    A game wherein you can ride turtles, anon.

  30. 2 years ago

    1) relies on avatar strength (stats) over player skill,
    2) has a persistent game world and a persistent character progress system,
    3) has a level of deliberate non-cosmetic customizability, and
    4) has a defined overarching goal/end state.

    • 2 years ago

      >relies on avatar strength (stats) over player skill,
      On its face this makes sense but completing an RPG still relies on the player skillfully making use of avatar abilities, doesn't it

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly. That would mean israeli idle games are RPGs.

      • 2 years ago

        Player skill refers to motor skills like reflex and aim.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. But it doesn't matter how many times I point this out, people still insist on saying "player skill" means "mechanical skill" only.

        Player skill refers to motor skills like reflex and aim.

        Try just saying that next time.

        1) relies on avatar strength (stats) over player skill,
        2) has a persistent game world and a persistent character progress system,
        3) has a level of deliberate non-cosmetic customizability, and
        4) has a defined overarching goal/end state.

        >3) has a level of deliberate non-cosmetic customizability, and
        Not quite. This feature is a consequence of having a robust and open-ended abstract stat and ability system designed for turn-based combat. Whether any given game specifically features custom characters is not important as to whether it's an RPG, so long as the underlying systems are designed in a way that could theoretically yield custom characters. This seems like a minor distinction, and it would be except that some people get REALLY hung up on character creation as being the entire point of an RPG when it is really a secondary feature.
        >4) has a defined overarching goal/end state.
        Pretty much the opposite, here. A key feature of an RPG is having an open-ended world reflecting actual life that doesn't have an "end state." The "end state" of an RPG is when your character dies.

    • 2 years ago

      >has a defined overarching goal/end state
      This is precisely what RPGs don't have, as many of them advertise explicitly on their covers.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. But it doesn't matter how many times I point this out, people still insist on saying "player skill" means "mechanical skill" only.
        Try just saying that next time.
        >3) has a level of deliberate non-cosmetic customizability, and
        Not quite. This feature is a consequence of having a robust and open-ended abstract stat and ability system designed for turn-based combat. Whether any given game specifically features custom characters is not important as to whether it's an RPG, so long as the underlying systems are designed in a way that could theoretically yield custom characters. This seems like a minor distinction, and it would be except that some people get REALLY hung up on character creation as being the entire point of an RPG when it is really a secondary feature.
        >4) has a defined overarching goal/end state.
        Pretty much the opposite, here. A key feature of an RPG is having an open-ended world reflecting actual life that doesn't have an "end state." The "end state" of an RPG is when your character dies.

        >Pretty much the opposite, here. A key feature of an RPG is having an open-ended world reflecting actual life that doesn't have an "end state." The "end state" of an RPG is when your character dies.
        No. Absolutely not. Stop thinking everything is Skyrim. Every RPG has a "main quest" without it would be like the Sims. With something like Dwarf Fortress, most people play Fortress mode and Adventure mode has quests which are optional but so is the whole mode.

        Yes. But it doesn't matter how many times I point this out, people still insist on saying "player skill" means "mechanical skill" only.
        Try just saying that next time.
        >3) has a level of deliberate non-cosmetic customizability, and
        Not quite. This feature is a consequence of having a robust and open-ended abstract stat and ability system designed for turn-based combat. Whether any given game specifically features custom characters is not important as to whether it's an RPG, so long as the underlying systems are designed in a way that could theoretically yield custom characters. This seems like a minor distinction, and it would be except that some people get REALLY hung up on character creation as being the entire point of an RPG when it is really a secondary feature.
        >4) has a defined overarching goal/end state.
        Pretty much the opposite, here. A key feature of an RPG is having an open-ended world reflecting actual life that doesn't have an "end state." The "end state" of an RPG is when your character dies.

        >This seems like a minor distinction, and it would be except that some people get REALLY hung up on character creation as being the entire point of an RPG when it is really a secondary feature.
        I never said anything about a character creator.

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't say anything about Skyrim moron. An RPG world can't be a theme park and can't exist for no reason beyond the quest. Hyrule(most incarnation is a bad rpg world. That's the point.

          • 2 years ago

            >An RPG world can't be a theme park and can't exist for no reason beyond the quest. Hyrule(most incarnation is a bad rpg world. That's the point.
            That is what "has a persistent game world" supposed to mean. Or are you complaining about how some games don't make unnecessary rooms like bathrooms? Sandboxes aren't RPGs.

            Anyway you have even remotely come close to making a good argument that an rpg needs a point. You're absolutely 100% wrong about that.

            >Anyway you have even remotely come close to making a good argument that an rpg needs a point. You're absolutely 100% wrong about that.
            The quest structure is a defining characteristic of an RPG.

            Maybe if I reword it as "has a defined overarching goal/narrative."

            • 2 years ago

              >The quest structure is a defining characteristic of an RPG.
              >Maybe if I reword it as "has a defined overarching goal/narrative."
              That rewording doesn't help. It's even worse now, frankly.
              The Sims is not an RPG because it has no combat or adventuring at all. It's a life sim, that's it.
              Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode is mostly an RPG and to the extent you might quibble that it's not, lack of narrative or questing is not relevant.

              >The quest structure is a defining characteristic of an RPG.
              Most RPGs have quests because they are a good way to balance and tune a sequence of interesting encounters and obstacles for the player to overcome while also adding some interesting and potentially high-quality writing to enhance the otherwise emergent narrative. But there's no requirement for quests to have any special structure and definitely no need for them to be "overarching."

              • 2 years ago

                Incorrect, erroneous, wrong. The Sims is a RPG. More RPG than your jarpig shitware.

        • 2 years ago

          Anyway you have even remotely come close to making a good argument that an rpg needs a point. You're absolutely 100% wrong about that.

          • 2 years ago

            Is Warband an RPG, you piece of horse crap?

            • 2 years ago

              Of course. Why did you even think otherwise? Are you a jarpig gay?

              • 2 years ago

                I was merely asking a question. Don't know why you felt the need to fart all up in my dick like that.

              • 2 years ago

                Let's keep this discussion civilized, control your homosexual impulse.

  31. 2 years ago

    Games for low iq and slow reaction time people.
    Instead of victory relying on your quick reactions or problem solving skills these games instead lean more into patience.
    Example of a rpg game:
    >You are level 3 theres a level 10 cow blocking the way and there is a group of level 2 pigs behind you.
    >if you try to kill the cow now you will die because your number is lower than its number so you cant go forwards right now.
    >Each time you kill a pig you gain 1/4th of a level.
    >Go spend the next hour or 2 repeatedly pressing the same button to kill 32 pigs so you can get to level 11 so you your level is highter than the cow allowing you to kill it so you can go forward.
    Sometimes theres also a rock,paper,scizzors mechanic where fire beats plant,plant beats water,water beats fire etc. but since you already know the enemy is always going to be scizzors so you just need to always hit them with the rock type attack its more like a shape sorting box toy for ages 2+.

    • 2 years ago

      go pay daddy activition for call of duty moron. Also i used to play dota and got to immortal before starting to play crpgs, have a nice day

    • 2 years ago

      Low IQ bait that would not even pass at Ganker.

      go pay daddy activition for call of duty moron. Also i used to play dota and got to immortal before starting to play crpgs, have a nice day

      An even more low IQ brainlet that fell for a moronic bait.
      >dota player
      That explains it, must be a Tiny main too. I scoff on you, plebeian.

      • 2 years ago

        You're free to prove me wrong if you think anything i said was incorrect.
        You know you cant though because you know im right so you just try to discredit my comment by calling it bait.

        • 2 years ago

          When somebody's claims are moronic enough, it's hard to believe that holdint such an opinion is even possible let alone try to disapprove it

          You are giving yourself too much credit to believe somebody would care, you stupid mongrel

  32. 2 years ago

    Ask your mom. She taught me some role play last night.

  33. 2 years ago

    game where number

  34. 2 years ago

    Role playing video games (RPGs) are games that have built in systems that emphasize character skill over player skill. These systems determine how well a character (playable or non-playable) can perform an action.
    Character attributes, skill points, perks and equipment attributes are examples of systems that are used, in some combination, by the vast majority of RPGs. By these definition you can classify most of RPG games as:

    Straight up RPGs/Pure RPGs/True RPGs - How well a character can perform an action is almost 100% dependent of the character skill (and in most games luck, in the form of RNG). There's almost no room for improvement outside of leveling up your character or equipment (if the game permits) and acquiring more points in the variables that affect that particular action.

    Games with RPG elements - Player skill plays a big role in the outcome of an action but the the stats of the character give the player an advantage. There is significant room for improvement outside of character progression, players can get better on the game by mastering its mechanics and controls.

    Although not perfect these definition is the most solid and it accounts for different subgenres of RPGs (JRPGs/Action RPGs/Soulslikes/Tactical RPGs, etc) without being so broad that engulfs games that clearly aren't RPGs. I also think that this definition accounts for the origin of Role Playing Video Games because you can apply the same definition to Pen and Paper RPGs.

  35. 2 years ago

    Rpg=Number go up

    • 2 years ago

      >Cookie Clicker is an RPG

      • 2 years ago

        Well? Since role playing doesn't actually require role playing then it is.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, it is.
        You get cookies to buy new stronger tools that then make more cookies so you can buy even better tools to get even more cookies...
        Its basically a rpg.

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