What exactly is the correlation between being an indie game dev and trooning out?

What exactly is the correlation between being an indie game dev and trooning out?

Same question could also apply to speedrunners and game journalists, anime fans, etc.

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  1. 12 months ago

    we just had this thread

    • 12 months ago

      Gives us another chance to mock trannies.

    • 12 months ago

      it got 404'd by jannies

  2. 12 months ago

    What are giveaways?
    >Retro aesthetics
    >Gay and/or brown characters
    >spiritual successors to old games

    • 12 months ago

      You just have to go on the dev's twitter and if they reference pokemon anywhere you know 100% that they are a troony

      • 12 months ago

        You're implying that pokemon does something wrong.

    • 12 months ago

      Am I misding anything else?

  3. 12 months ago

    Social outcasts and attention-seekers are susceptible to social propaganda and are prone to mental illnesses and neuroticism, amongst those are the nerds, autists, weebs, shut-ins, game addicts, and the terminally online

  4. 12 months ago

    The pipeline is as follows
    >weird kid with no social skills
    >nerdy/not socially acceptable interests
    >quickly maneuvers himself into the social outcast role
    >lack of social life leads to retreat into autistic tech/gaming-related hobbies
    >lack of experience with the opposite sex leads to coomer-lifestyle with increasing depravity
    >internet arrives
    >outcasts can now find small bubbles of affirmation, leading to deeper retreat into autistic hobbies and ever more depraved porn
    >fast forward a decade
    >now completely incapable of normal interaction, mental landscape far removed from reasonable, well-adjusted people
    >dopamine receptors utterly fried from years of copious porn consumption, riddled with outlandish fetishes
    >suddenly trooning out sounds like a good idea
    The overlap between the autism required to get into a "weird kid" hobby like coding, anime, or speedrunning, coupled with the degenerate coomer lifestyle those people usually fall into, and the unhinged mental state required to become a troon is massive. That's why all the "weird kid" spheres like gaming (both video and tabletop, mind, playing pen & paper RPGs these days is a veritable troony minefield), technology, and art are infested with trannies. It's the endgame for the socially maladjusted incel coomers, who now see a last shot at validation and actual sex by becoming a "lesbian" troony.

    • 12 months ago

      i'm a turbosperg with no social skills and weird interests.
      i wasn't exactly the popular kid, so I ended up using internet.
      yet, I have no desire to troon out at all.
      given that I do not live anywhere close to burgerland I am closer to Ukraine than Germany lel , the problem is not with being a socially stunted sperg, it's America pushing all the shit out onto people and making things legal.
      the cancer is so bad that it's starting to spread into other countries

    • 12 months ago

      I've seen many iterations on this and I don't know where it comes from, or why people think it's true in the slightest.

      In the first half you just described literally every Ganker user pre-Trump and I guarantee you the overwhelming majority of us aren't trans nor want to be trans.

      Some people just have it in their brain that they need to cut off their dick, it has nothing to do with anime or video games. That's like saying playing Doom and listening to Marilyn Manson makes you want to worship the devil. It's nonsense stupid people use as an excuse for why a cultural phenomenon is happening because they can't wrap their head around it.

      • 12 months ago

        You either go incel alt right or liberal troony, and some form of overlap, it's just a matter of which propaganda gets you first and what community finds you first

        • 12 months ago

          >You either go
          That's a zoomer thing. The present day internet radicalizes them and forces them onto teams for fear of being left out.

          Ganker was my thing I went to when I didn't fit into real-life shit. Came here to get my autism on and chill. I still don't feel the need to join some group of idiots that fights with other idiots over things that don't matter. The culture war is a completely bogus social construct that vanishes when you log off of the internet.

        • 12 months ago

          nah i was exposed to troony shit and i'm still a nazi, seethe cope dilate gay

    • 12 months ago

      >makes fair points about the effect of isolation on the human mind
      >"i-it's the porn bro"
      So close to making a good point, but you had to preach bullshit that has nothing to do with the subject
      >b-b-but listen to my manifesto-

    • 12 months ago

      It's a combination of multiple factors.

      >social outcasts and losers end up degenerate porn addicts and obsessed with tech
      Doesn't mean you are going to troon out. Otherwise Ganker would be troony central which it clearly isn't.
      So you have to ask yourself why people here are not trooning out on mass but other nerds and geeks do.
      The answer is probably the Ganker has always been big on counter culture aka being a huge fricking contrarian. Initially people here shat on conservatives when Bush was the narrative to go again with soccer moms and dumb christgays trying to ban videogames you had your enemy number one here. Now the tide has changed and what you see is a push trying to normalize weird LGBT trends and lifestyles with the average Gankerner - being the contrarian that he is - shitting on the gays and trannies as they have become the new normal.
      But that alone isn't everything either. You also have victim culture becoming a thing thanks to the rise of social media and everyone trying to be please the big online tribe they are currently part of. Neo-Feminism has successfully brainwashed people into thinking that everything masculine is evil and that males are the cause of everything bad happening in the world. "We have to do for the women of this planet" is what they say - Now wouldn't it be fricking nice if you could just stop being an evil male with everyone now considering you a woman - a part of the "good club". What an easy way for unpopular outcasts and social rejects to suddenly find people who will defend them simply for choosing a different pronoun.

      • 12 months ago

        >Otherwise Ganker would be troony central which it clearly isn't.
        the /lgbt/ board is pretty sizable here and they probably crosspost on the most popular boards here

    • 12 months ago

      But this is pretty much me and I have zero desire to troon out.
      Maybe it's because I have extreme social anxiety coupled with crippling perfectionism, so I know I will literally never be a woman?
      Although it also stops me from doing anything to improve my situation and I'm just miserable all the time...

  5. 12 months ago

    Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit? I'll play a game no matter how gay the creator is. It don't matter.

    • 12 months ago

      most based take
      as long as they aren't being an asshat on twitter I don't care either

  6. 12 months ago

    the reality is that there've always been people who fit the profile but only in recent years has society been accepting enough that they feel safe to come out
    so the nerds were always girls

    • 12 months ago

      Trannies and pronoun bullshit weren't a thing 10 years ago. Except for maybe on Tumblr. These people are socially/mentally weak, leading them be swept up in trends (manufactured or not), but I doubt 90% of them would actually cut their dicks off. Problem is these people propagate the trend by being mentally weak, and wanting the "easy mode" social clout.

    • 12 months ago

      You are a freak created by billions of dollars worth of demoralisation and propaganda. Your kind is as natural as an Ork, a hideous, uncanny perversion of life, incapable of creating anything, only subverting and destroying.
      And you have no womb.

  7. 12 months ago

    Literally the most derivative trash on steam. Fluffed up reviews, not a successor to kingsfield.

    They/Them moment.

  8. 12 months ago

    autism + internet grooming, same reason autistic incels become neo-nazis after seeing a few redpill memes
    weak brains

    • 12 months ago

      also gamedev is hard as frick and requires autistic devotion to be good at so you end up seeing a greater representation of these troony fellas

      • 12 months ago

        the dev of this game hides on twitter and cant do simple shit like implementing a simple controls rebind. Dev is very hard and time consuming, but this ain't it.

        • 12 months ago

          nope, wrong, dev = autism bcuz hard

  9. 12 months ago

    But the majority of transgenders are white so is it really that bad? I thought the superior white race can do no wrong and that we're better than everyone else

  10. 12 months ago

    Transgenders tend to be very introverted because they don't feel like they fit in to society because of their identity.
    This leads to them having sedentary hobbies, which often involves computers, including video games. Some percentage of them become indie developers because they want to make games.
    It's not that complicated.

    • 12 months ago

      then they should at least make good games lol, might look better for them

  11. 12 months ago

    i liked this game, but once i got the elven sword the whole game became trivialised. I simply mashed the demon that caused spells to make me blind. i really like how important stats are,

    it's not a Kings Field clone if you play like I did, pump the right stats and it becomes Doom.

  12. 12 months ago

    Only a mentally ill person would dedicate time and effort to making a video game.

  13. 12 months ago

    Not every dev is an autistic social outcast but every autistic social outcast seems to be attracted to the game dev job in a way.

    The Hollow Knight devs are normalgays and that's probably a reason why Silksong is taking so fricking long. Those guys treat it as a job and have other things going on in their life.
    If they were autistic trannies the game would probably be finished already but it would also come with a whole lot of big gay.

  14. 12 months ago

    troony this, troony that. Just take the hormones already. I don't give a frick about troons, stop inflicting your terminal online fixation on me and this board.

  15. 12 months ago

    everyone involved in this game is mental, and the game has a schizo art style, anime girls, stylized monster people, semi detailed zombies.

  16. 12 months ago

    Is there any proof that KIRA is a troon or is this just some moron shit?

    • 12 months ago

      They/them, troony flag in the profile pic. That's enough for me to never touch this game.

  17. 12 months ago

    Social awkwardness being preyed upon by bad actors and prior converts with mental issues via constant affirmation and gaslighting to force them into a corner. It's a tale as old as time being renewed with the internet's hypocrisy and polarization. You are also clearly taking part in it in an attempt to peddle the same message.

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