What faction should I join and why?

I basically don’t remember playing Fallout New Vegas 12 years ago.

My character is high in speech and guns as of now. My SPECIAL is 5 across the board with 10 in charisma.

What faction should I join and why?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Cesar's Legion.
    The reason you should pick them is that without Courier intervention, they are most likely to take over anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      So I had been leaning towards the legion but wasn’t sure just yet. I have a mission right now to kill a bunch of NCR officers at one of their camps.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, do it. Honestly the only place you shouldn't necessarily kill them is at Camp McCaran(the airport).

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I’m thinking I’m going to take them out. Kinda feel bad cause the NCR is the “good guy” but frick them hahahaha.

          • 2 years ago

            Some of the people are good but the NCR as an organization is very corrupt.

            • 2 years ago

              Then they need to be punished!

            • 2 years ago

              NCR is very inefficent and inconcludent. They're only able to larp and ask taxes. For the rest, without the intervention of the courier, they wouldn't be even able to free Primm from a bunch of junkie prisoners. Nipton and Nelson too. Searchlight they got Rad'ed.

    • 2 years ago

      They're not more than a bunch of Tribals. When Caesar die, they return to tribal state in a blink of the eye.

      • 2 years ago

        So much of the game was designed exactly to rebuff this idea. The multiple legates with multiple skills/philosophy/styles, the psychic nightkin who question why even save Ceasar if you do save him, but also half-heartedly remark that "Mars has many friends" if he does die. And if the state religion, and education system is still canon there is more holding the Legion together than a singular expiring personality cult.

        • 2 years ago

          >The multiple legates with multiple skills/philosophy/styles
          that would just cause a multiple sided civil war. if caesar dies, the empire will break down in several factions/kingdoms just like what happened to alexanders macedonia or genghis empire

      • 2 years ago

        >the grammar level of someone being against Caesar's legion....
        This is why the Legion is the best choice.

    • 2 years ago

      Legion if male, House if female

      Caesar's Legion.
      >Leader communicates to you directly and gives you his full, honest reasoning on everything
      >The Legion as a whole respects you and rewards you properly
      >Immortalise yourself in the history of the world by turning the Legion's decisive victory at Hoover Damn into the Battle of Chapu thus paving the way for them to become a superpower
      >Help the NCR more than you would have by joining them through helping to topple the business model that upholds the corruption within their republic

      >Y-you like Rome? Hah you must be an edgy manchild!
      >and having a bull as your coat of arms doesn't make me scared of you!
      >i-in fact, it reminds me of cuckold porn instead due my crippling porn addiction!
      >bet you're feeling real stupid now!

      Unironically, Walter White is a brilliant choice for roleplaying New Vegas.
      >Jaded super scientist kicked out of the Followers of the Apocalypse for refining addictive chems
      >On the run from NCR authorities, fled to Vegas.
      >Gets roped into doing odd jobs, cooking on the side.
      >Tries to fall in with the Khans because they have the infrastructure to support his chem development.
      >Actively takes steps to weaken NCR in Vegas (Powder Gangers, Khans, etc.) so they won't follow him.
      >Overthrows House to become kingpin of Vegas
      >Allies with whoever will sling his chems
      >Kills Caesar's legion as they don't tolerate chems
      >Gets addicted to power. Goes to Sierra Madre in search of more money.
      >Wants to expand his market. Goes to Zion to hook tribals on his product.
      >Searching for better equipment and technology, he ends up in Big MT where his science-focused build helps him outsmart the brains.
      >Goes to the Divide to claim revenge on his loose ends and nukes everyone who threatens him.

      Based choice, my friend

    • 2 years ago

      mf can't even spell Caesar

  2. 2 years ago

    Don't join any of them, they're all stinky.

  3. 2 years ago

    Legion if male, House if female

    • 2 years ago

      What a coincidence that's what I did. Also for female why not ncr? Seems like a faction fit for them

      • 2 years ago

        The NCR is bad.

  4. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Caesar's Legion.
      >Leader communicates to you directly and gives you his full, honest reasoning on everything
      >The Legion as a whole respects you and rewards you properly
      >Immortalise yourself in the history of the world by turning the Legion's decisive victory at Hoover Damn into the Battle of Chapu thus paving the way for them to become a superpower
      >Help the NCR more than you would have by joining them through helping to topple the business model that upholds the corruption within their republic

      >Y-you like Rome? Hah you must be an edgy manchild!
      >and having a bull as your coat of arms doesn't make me scared of you!
      >i-in fact, it reminds me of cuckold porn instead due my crippling porn addiction!
      >bet you're feeling real stupid now!

      • 2 years ago

        >Leader communicates to you directly and gives you his full, honest reasoning on everything
        So does House. And House doesn't have a tumor or succession issues or seethes about Lanius 24/7
        >The Legion as a whole respects you and rewards you properly
        They reward you as much as the NCR does, and the NCR doesn't call you degenerate despite being neutral to them
        >Immortalise yourself in the history of the world by turning the Legion's decisive victory at Hoover Damn into the Battle of Chapu thus paving the way for them to become a superpower
        The courier get immortalized in the history of the world with every faction.
        >Help the NCR more than you would have by joining them through helping to topple the business model that upholds the corruption within their republic
        House/Yes Man are better since the Legion wouldn't send electricity to the NCR which is pretty important to keep their society running, also Hanlon dies in all Legion endings so he doesn't denounce Kimball and Oliver's ways.

        >Y-you like Rome? Hah you must be an edgy manchild!
        Not for liking Rome itself, but because the Legion is edgy, your first interaction with them is Vulpes burning an entire town and its people. It is blatantly done to appeal to that kind of people, the developers themselves realized it and tried to correct it by making them look like they do things like that because the wasteland is a bad place and for the greater good once you meet Caesar. The way they are written in the first half of the game, including their generic dialogues, makes them the obvious bad guys around and the player himself has little reason to side with them.

    • 2 years ago

      YesMan is apparently a good choice, but it is not. It conduct to DUST.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't see how all of them don't conduct to DUST.

  5. 2 years ago

    troony game.

  6. 2 years ago

    Pick someone other than house so you get to use esther on a 200 year-old egomaniac

  7. 2 years ago

    NCR has the most content, Legion the least. Yes Man/Wildcard is essentially the same as Mr House, but you'll have Yes Man's dialogue instead of Mr House.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes Man gives you the same objectives and options as NCR i.e. all of them, it's a failsafe rather than a true objective unless you hearing about how every society is uncertain about its future or a smoking crater as the credits roll.

      • 2 years ago

        Independence gives:
        Best possible goodsprings end
        Best possible Kings end
        Able to remove the corrupt NCR leadership (ironically they need to lose for that)
        Only faction that is guaranteed to be in a worse state is the followers (hippies)

        • 2 years ago

          followers seem more like jesuits than hippies

  8. 2 years ago

    How do you roleplay a character that fits New Vegas? They desperately want you to be a cowboy or gunslinger, but the main plot revolves around possession of a robot army and the DLC forces you to become a psychotic cyborg.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically, Walter White is a brilliant choice for roleplaying New Vegas.
      >Jaded super scientist kicked out of the Followers of the Apocalypse for refining addictive chems
      >On the run from NCR authorities, fled to Vegas.
      >Gets roped into doing odd jobs, cooking on the side.
      >Tries to fall in with the Khans because they have the infrastructure to support his chem development.
      >Actively takes steps to weaken NCR in Vegas (Powder Gangers, Khans, etc.) so they won't follow him.
      >Overthrows House to become kingpin of Vegas
      >Allies with whoever will sling his chems
      >Kills Caesar's legion as they don't tolerate chems
      >Gets addicted to power. Goes to Sierra Madre in search of more money.
      >Wants to expand his market. Goes to Zion to hook tribals on his product.
      >Searching for better equipment and technology, he ends up in Big MT where his science-focused build helps him outsmart the brains.
      >Goes to the Divide to claim revenge on his loose ends and nukes everyone who threatens him.

      • 2 years ago

        Hard disagree. There's no reason to be evil in NV at all. The powder gangers are off the beaten path and there is no story driving you to work with Eddie's gang. The main story has you working with NCR to help in frontier towns and if you divert from that, you're playing the game wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          >The powder gangers are off the beaten path and there is no story driving you to work with Eddie's gang.
          Joe Cobb litterally tells you that you are welcome to crash in NCRCF.
          >The main story has you working with NCR to help in frontier towns and if you divert from that, you're playing the game wrong.
          If you play the game on a rail and by being a yesman and helping everyone, you help House until you are given the choice to betray him or not for Caesar.
          Its NCR who is on the beaten path actually, the Ambassador sends you an envoy but you're not needed to see him to finish the game.
          Besides, how the game is designed you eventually talk to House, in the Lucky 38 or the Fort.
          NCR is the side content if we follow your logic.

  9. 2 years ago

    >10 in charisma
    fricking based.

    >What faction should I join and why?
    It doesn't really matter from a character build standpoint, although stealth characters might have an easier time with a certain Legion quest and assassins from the NCR and/or Legion will start to spawn if you piss them off enough. If you don't like fighting against those assassins or you do want to fight against them you should side with or against those factions. From a roleplaying standpoint, the NCR uses guns the most and sometimes diplomacy, so your build might fit them.
    I would recommend you pick whatever faction you like the most for your first playthrough, then you can replay the game and side with other factions using different builds. My first completed playthrough I used energy weapons and sided with the NCR.

  10. 2 years ago

    how hard is it to decide for yourself holy shit

    why would you want internet strangers to decide for you what ending you want in a very story driven game

  11. 2 years ago

    Either House or Yes man everyone else is shit

  12. 2 years ago

    Take the Yes-Man pill

  13. 2 years ago

    I've finished this game 6 times and still haven never gone NCR. Taking orders from a bureaucrat behind a typewriter is such a turn off. Hopefully I actually stick with them this playthrough.

  14. 2 years ago

    >What faction should I join and why?
    The one your character would actually join or support.
    A NCR inclined Courier would be someone who value safety, and progress. He would think that going NCR will help the people of the Mojave to eventually go to pre-war standard of the living, at least thats what the posters and their President said, so why would it be wrong ?
    A Legion inclined Courier would be someone who thinks might is right and that the laws of survival are harsh, and for a harsh world a harsh society is needed. Lets just hope its not just pillaging and slaving.
    A House inclined Courier is someone who is "loyal", a man able to bend his principles and always be loyal to his contractor. If you cant be king, maybe the second person before a king might be better... Or is it really ?
    Thats were the Independance route is, you say frick to everyone and you attempt to take House place as the defacto ruler of Vegas. You might know a thing or two on farming, economics and maybe politics isnt your thing but nothing that can be too hard no ? After all, you cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

    • 2 years ago

      >A House inclined Courier is someone who is "loyal", a man able to bend his principles and always be loyal to his contractor.
      Another House follower might be someone who believes Elon Musk is a good guy. Hero worshippers and euphoric redditors who want a man with a plan to take them from post-nuclear drab to mars colonizing fab. The only character I've had that followed house was a Rusty Venture knockoff who wasn't charismatic or competent enough to ruling people himself, but wanted House to bring super science to the wasteland.

      • 2 years ago

        >Another House follower might be someone who believes Elon Musk is a good guy.
        Given the relationship between the Courier and House, and how they interact. I doubt that the Courier would think that a caculating man like House is anything but a good guy.
        Sure, he has a dream, like Kimball and Caesar, so is everybody. House is the one giving money and influence to the Courier, what he does next is only him to see.
        However, another Courier can agree with the view of House, ends justify the means and being curious of his vision or even being a scientist himself.
        A benevolant person can side with House, after all betting on a man who by himself created most of what defined Fallout, enough knowledge to cure hard illness and prolonging one's life all while keeping cognitive funtion and has at the same time has ambition to make Vegas better. Its honestly not a bad bet.

  15. 2 years ago

    Borrowing this thread to ask which side a courier that invented his own form of Boxing would side with

    • 2 years ago

      Yes Man

    • 2 years ago

      Probably independent, leaning toward alliances with 3 families, Kings, and Khans. Keep Vegas Vegas.

  16. 2 years ago

    The one the character who you're playing would be most likely to join. Next.

  17. 2 years ago

    House, of course. Nevermind the manchildren who never got attention as kids and thus learned to gain it by spouting contrarian nonsense.
    You're a member of a large organization that doesn't give a single frick around you. Enjoy your medal and wagie life. Maybe they'll even allow you to be a part of special unit, and you'll die to some lucky tribal like your predecessors did to legionnaires. 2/10
    Much better. You're shaking hands with most important people in the organization. Except for the fact that the Legion's coherence on Caesar and without him you can expect a series of civil wars. Best case scenario somebody, maybe even you manages to keep the legion together, at least until he dies or gets assassinated. 3/10
    Now we're talking. You get to live in Lucky 38, you're influential with epople in the Strip. Except the region is unstable, and New Vegas can't depend on Securitrons that are under the command of now independent from you Yes Man. The strip is going to get much poorer and you'll probably die to some desperate raiders storming Lucky 38 for riches, if not to heavily armed rogue AI that Yes Man has become. 5/10
    All perks of the above, none of the downsides. You're no less than the right hand man of a dude ruling over the most stable, most civilized polity in America. And the best part? If your boss ever gets uppity with you, you have a way to kill him which he isn't aware of. Will spend rest of your long life in luxury. 10/10

    • 2 years ago

      >You're no less than the right hand man of a dude ruling over the most stable, most civilized polity in America.
      >gambling town with degenerate crack prostitutes, gangs, and druggies
      Lol shut the frick up.

      • 2 years ago

        That's civilized by Fallout standards.

  18. 2 years ago

    Don't join any factions and see what happens.

  19. 2 years ago

    Kill them all every single npc kill it kill kill kill KILL KILL AHHAAHAAHA.

  20. 2 years ago

    Does anyone in the Legion actually share Caesar's vision?

  21. 2 years ago

    best solucion is going full anarchist and let the society find its own path.
    frick ncr Black folk
    frick fascist roman larpers
    frick autoritarians aristochrats

    • 2 years ago

      >best solucion is going full anarchist and let the society find its own path.
      That's literally what they've been doing you autistic low IQ Black person.

  22. 2 years ago

    If you have to come and ask people what faction to play, you shouldn't be playing an RPG

  23. 2 years ago

    Honestly, IMO there is no way an NCR courier doesn’t become President within 2 years.

  24. 2 years ago

    >10 in charisma
    Dumbass you wasted all your special in a totally useless perk

    • 2 years ago

      Why are Fallout fans like this?

  25. 2 years ago

    All of them are a LARP. NCR was always a sham, right from the start. It could never be called a Republic in any legitimate sense of the word, just a thin veneer to bring back old world ideas to the collective consciousness of the post-apocalypse populace. Especially now the NCR's fiat has stagnated and Brahmin lords run rampant, NCR is on its last legs. Caesar is actually a bigger NCR gay than any of the representatives of the faction, hoping his Legion will eventually be assimilated into the NCR to finally create a TRVE Republic. And House? Needless to say but people who are impressed by him are stupid - not because House himself is an idiot, but because his vision is hopelessly banal, and nor do I count on his fans to understand the ramifications of letting a mummy grow hold total powerful over the state while his mind slowly deteriorates into insanity over the course of the next few centuries or so.

  26. 2 years ago

    By the end of the game, do you:
    Have an army of securitrons allied to you?
    Have an NCR sniper and an ex caravan mercenary cowgirl as your personal bodyguards?
    Are you friends with Nellis and have a bomber and artillery available on call?

    If you have the above, why would you choose anything but Independent and not tell the NCR and Legion both to frick off?

    • 2 years ago

      No Gods, No Masters

      • 2 years ago

        Yes God.

  27. 2 years ago

    Factional politics is so incredibly boring, it's all a multiple choice test for a vapid subject. It is railroaded anti-roleplay, really.

    • 2 years ago

      >it's all a multiple choice test for a vapid subject
      Just like real politics!

      • 2 years ago

        Yep, very few people are capable of interacting with ideas in a way that lets them easily discard them.

  28. 2 years ago

    i roleplay as a female glowie that joins legion and eliminates most of legion top brass

    • 2 years ago

      >female glowie
      NCR and Legion both get the rope.

  29. 2 years ago

    All of the major factions sucked.
    >errand boy for euphoric Musk-mummy
    >bureaucrats who can' even manage to grow outside of New California, brainless losers who've sending farmhands to the frontlines
    >homosexual rome larpers consisting of mentally degenerated raider families, chief honcho is a balding, dying egghead
    >only exists as a failsafe in case you fricked it up with everyone else

  30. 2 years ago


  31. 2 years ago
    The Red Barron

    endings; POILSEeSRS!!!
    and everything was bad because of other people.
    omg how selfish, who even thinks of themselves in an acropalyps?
    >any other
    So many dead. Why did you even pick them?

  32. 2 years ago
  33. 2 years ago

    My favorite way to play is to calculatingly play both the NCR and Legion off of each other for as long as possible. I help the Powder Gangers to a point to strengthen them against the NCR, then help out at Mojave Outpost, etc. I don't eliminate any faction that would assist the NCR (Fiends especially), but just do little side work for both until accepted by both factions. Not uncommon for me to be at least accepted by all the factions I encountered thus far. This nearly always results in me betraying House then Machiavellianly slowly tipping the scales of power one way or another until the not favored faction begins to break. Super fun.

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