What game?

What game?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Zone-Tan is problematic and toxic!
      where did the sex positive c**ts go?! bawd shaming, kink shaming, body shaming? I FRICKING HATE WOMEN/TRANNIES

      • 10 months ago

        All opinions are contingent upon the actions of people we don't like. Liberals make something sexy, conservatives pretend to hate it. Conservatives make something sexy, liberals pretend to hate it.

        • 10 months ago

          >Liberals make something sexy

          they dont, everything they make is intentionally gay or safe horny at best

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much any game these days. One of my favorite series is still hanging in there, even though it managed to grab a shitload of thin skinned trannies and women with its recent entry, but they're still pushing out updates that match their original quality while ignoring the crying.
      But this anon is right that Skullgirls got hit the hardest, imagine being unable to play online anymore otherwise you'll be forced to get a censorship patch that also removes content.

      • 10 months ago

        What series

        • 10 months ago

          Pic related.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah. This happened to Skullgirls because of the devs, not the community. The community is going to just take it though because they can't lose social credits on Discord.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't use Discord, what's social credits?

        • 10 months ago

          It's not a literal thing, he's suggesting similarity between discord culture purity spiraling and the policies of the CCP

    • 10 months ago

      Qrd? Some anime game?

      • 10 months ago

        Best fighting game in the world filled with boobalicious girls and snazzy art deco style gets taken over by mobile game trannies who push the original devs out of the game and dab on its corpse by censoring MALE PRESENTING NIPPLES, some black cop getting gangbeat by a bunch of white cops, and of course the good ol' panty shots and cleavage.
        For progressivism, of course.

        • 10 months ago

          If this is real, wtf
          Gatekeeping needs to make a return

          • 10 months ago

            It's real alright

            • 10 months ago

              Soulless image compared to the original

  2. 10 months ago

    Every generation of Pokemon.
    Fire Emblem.

  3. 10 months ago

    FromSoftware titles. And it's about to happen again with AC6.

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like this happened with modern day Pokemon. All the complaints about quality got overshadowed with high sales. Even today people defend Gamefreak reverently.

      As a new fan to FromSoft Dark Souls-like games, I apologize on our behalf. I don't want them to change the games. I played Bloodborne in 2021 and that got me hooked onto the rest of the games. I won't latch onto Armored Core though. I just hope they don't cater to the newer crowd and have those games suffer for it.

      • 10 months ago

        ffs anon grow a spine

        • 10 months ago

          I already have one thank you. I am just trying to express although I am a newcomer I understand. It sucks when a big wave of newcomers join in over time, leading to companies trying to cater to them instead.

    • 10 months ago

      Yep. It's a little sad and enraging seeing people who have never even heard of the series defend it against somebody who was a fan of the earlier titles before Demon Souls even released.
      I mean, I hope they can at least enjoy the game with their low standards, but you just know they won't even buy it, and just bandwagon onto another series.
      Ultimately, it's the devs fault for catering to these people, but I sure wish the casuals being catered to could be less toxic about it.

    • 10 months ago

      >fromslopper victim complex

      their games have only gotten better as they've become more popular, not worse, you're not special for playing some mediocre games from 2003

      • 10 months ago

        No. Armored Core 1-3 is better than the bombs that were 4-5. And in terms of the Souls franchise, I would argue that entire series has stagnated rather than improved. Elden Ring casualizing the game into an open world triple a slop is the final nail in the coffin

        • 10 months ago

          For answer is objectively the best entry of the series.

    • 10 months ago

      Yep. It's a little sad and enraging seeing people who have never even heard of the series defend it against somebody who was a fan of the earlier titles before Demon Souls even released.
      I mean, I hope they can at least enjoy the game with their low standards, but you just know they won't even buy it, and just bandwagon onto another series.
      Ultimately, it's the devs fault for catering to these people, but I sure wish the casuals being catered to could be less toxic about it.

      Watching fricking VaatiVidya of all people pretend to give two shits about AC is one of the most infuriating things I've seen on the internet in months.

    • 10 months ago

      AC was already dead, if anything From should've ignored it since whiny grognards are impossible to please

  4. 10 months ago

    That's a complicated question. It depends on what you mean by "game". You see, I believe that that the fact that we are on this board implies to some degree that "game" as a term must have objective limited meaning. Now, we can get into the semanticalities; the very notion of entertainment itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bare nub of its meaning. I'd like to talk to you a lot more about this. Would you be interested in reading some of my literature?

  5. 10 months ago

    Baldur's Gate

  6. 10 months ago

    Right now? Baldur's Gate, or D&D in general.
    Before? The souls games. Holy shit the moment dark souls 1 got ported to PC the fanbase instantly turned to shit. I miss the ps3 demon's souls threads.

    • 10 months ago

      What was it like? I barely browsed them because I had only played up to Phalanx at the time. I remember seeing some comics though.

      • 10 months ago

        They were usually small threads, just discussing the game, helping each other out, or talking about funny pvp shit before the servers shut down. None of the elitist bullshit you see with elden ring threads.
        No dick measuring contests either. We just enjoyed the game.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know man, I've seen that in DaS3 threads a plenty. Though they usually had to start with shitposting to get it going.
          >literally impossible
          >absurd hitbox.webm
          >or other similar things

    • 10 months ago

      If we're being honest, the 360 port for DS1 was the true beginning of the end for the fan base because dudebros played it to prove what a hardcore gamer they were and then Dark Souls 2 ended up doubling down on that aspect to appeal to them. The PC port truly finished things off though.

    • 10 months ago

      Dark Souls PC port was incredibly soulful right up to the point they shut down GFWL.

    • 10 months ago

      >D&D in general
      Widen that up to tabletop in general. It became the domain of progressive hipsters in a shockingly short amount of time. With every iteration of a game the rules become more simplified and the lore is purged of all "problematic" elements. My group has basically resigned ourselves to only play outdated versions of games. Sucks not being able to play any newer official campaigns, but frick it. Keeps our creativity fresh.

      • 10 months ago

        >Gatekeeping normalgays by playing older versions of tabletop games
        Extremely fricking based. I would buy you a beer if I could, anon.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm making a tabletop system that will have gatekeeping built in. You're gonna love it.

          • 10 months ago

            I'm trying to build a tabletop system/setting that rewards racism and sexism just to spite people and have my 15 minutes of lulz before they move on. And had optional perks that give special effects based on who your waifu is

      • 10 months ago

        Based. We only play 3.5, Pathfinder, and 4.0.

      • 10 months ago

        My group has cobbled together houserules to the point that we basically just play our own editions.

      • 10 months ago

        Look into Hackmaster 5th edition. It's kind of a throwback to older RPGs in some ways (and very different from them in others). Also has the best beastiaries I've ever seen.

      • 10 months ago

        >My group has basically resigned ourselves to only play outdated versions of games.

        I feel this way about gaming in general. I just stick to games pre-2007 via emulation because modern games are such shit now. Widespread internet access really fricked everything up.

      • 10 months ago

        Writing your own setting and world is 90% of the fun anyway, so yeah there's really no point in using their shitty lore as written

        • 10 months ago

          There's some good pre-written scenarios in Delta Green and CoC, which we still play. We're all older with a bunch of shit occupying our time now, so we're willing to take shortcuts where we can. Definitely more satisfying writing your own stuff though.

      • 10 months ago

        I want to find a group to play DnD with, but I want to play 3.5 and not be surrounded by people with purple hair who just want to ERP with their snowflake. Where do I look?

        • 10 months ago

          Friends you've known for years, otherwise you may be fricked. You can try and convince people you like to learn how to play with you. That's how it started with us.

          It's really weird how anglo countries have all these ten of thousands? of supposedly low status broken men that are manipulative, ruthless and intelligent enough to pull this off but not enough to get laid.

          >manipulative, ruthless and intelligent enough to pull this off
          Tricking a bunch of autists to take over some internet project isn't that impressive.

          • 10 months ago

            >Friends you've known for years,
            Tried that. Some of them play but are insufferable to play games with and there's no fricking way they'd go for 3.5, and another group might play if I could actually gather everyone at once which is near impossible.

            • 10 months ago

              With my situation I haven't tried starting a group from scratch, but I think if you advertise as wanting to play an older version you are far less likely to get blue haired c**ts.

              • 10 months ago

                Do you mean advertise among friends or online with randoms?

      • 10 months ago

        /tg/ will unironically tell you there is nothing wrong with the current state of table top games. No clue how that board got to that point

        • 10 months ago

          /tg/'s been banning wrongthink and not mod approved games for over a decade now, this isn't exactly new.

      • 10 months ago

        Right now? Baldur's Gate, or D&D in general.
        Before? The souls games. Holy shit the moment dark souls 1 got ported to PC the fanbase instantly turned to shit. I miss the ps3 demon's souls threads.

        >Gatekeeping normalgays by playing older versions of tabletop games
        Extremely fricking based. I would buy you a beer if I could, anon.

        Based. We only play 3.5, Pathfinder, and 4.0.

        Writing your own setting and world is 90% of the fun anyway, so yeah there's really no point in using their shitty lore as written

        I want to find a group to play DnD with, but I want to play 3.5 and not be surrounded by people with purple hair who just want to ERP with their snowflake. Where do I look?

        D&D and most tabletop was always mindless garbage, the game equivalent of shounen power creep dbz shit that when it's animated people realize is for moronic nigs and spics, but somehow it's okay when neckbeard sama does it. leveling up and number systems have always been dogshit slop, the only point of tabletop over vidya is that you can actually roleplay and immerse yourself into an ever-changing world that actually reacts to what you do with a good GM/DM, and the cooperative storytelling therein. it's literally the only medium where this is possible in a pure form, and people use godawful systems with garbage like a million pages of abilities and encounter charts that are really just excuses to watch numbers go up. if you're not writing your own campaign at the least and ideally homebrewing your setting you might as well have a nice day and get the frick off my hobby
        critical role and the normalgay hordes have only shined a spotlight on the mass of wienerroaches this hobby has always primarily consisted of. i would go as far as to say anyone that has played D&D more than once for its own sake is a genuine subhuman

        • 10 months ago

          >t's literally the only medium where this is possible in a pure form
          Yes you dumb gorilla Black person that's why people still play it instead of just playing video games.

          • 10 months ago

            >reading comprehension
            have a nice day murderhobo Black person

        • 10 months ago

          Your post is correct. It also applies to most nasu visual novels like tsukihime or fate. Literal shonenspics of visual novels

          • 10 months ago

            The first time I played the critically acclaimed Fate/StayNight I thought I was being trolled.
            Fight scenes that don't make sense and are arbitrary, super long wordy narrative, comically misplaced sex scenes that literally use mana transfer as an excuse to have sex.
            Tsukihime was better because it was more self-contained. Powers were broken, but contextually reasonable and you could see how rock beats scissors. Seems like it actually wanted to tell you a story instead of just bore you with fight scenes.

            • 10 months ago

              >The first time I played the critically acclaimed Fate/StayNight I thought I was being trolled.
              Can you be a bigger homosexual holy shit. What the frick is that sentence, are you copying your favorite e-celeb video game review or something?

              • 10 months ago

                What's wrong with the sentence?
                What I meant to convey was that it is in the top three VNs for over a decade, and it's complete trash. I thought I was being trolled because people say it's good when it's terrible.

    • 10 months ago

      >The guy behind the giantdad meme went full troony and censored his only relevant video

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Isn't he a crossdressing/trap gay, or did he went full troon?

        • 10 months ago

          He just cross-dressed.

    • 10 months ago

      >the moment dark souls 1 got ported to PC the fanbase instantly turned to shit

      Thank you for not letting history be forgotten.

    • 10 months ago

      If we're being honest, the 360 port for DS1 was the true beginning of the end for the fan base because dudebros played it to prove what a hardcore gamer they were and then Dark Souls 2 ended up doubling down on that aspect to appeal to them. The PC port truly finished things off though.

      >the moment dark souls 1 got ported to PC the fanbase instantly turned to shit

      Thank you for not letting history be forgotten.

      New homosexual troony meme after getting destroyed in your elden ring bait threads. Luckily, Souls Chads are unswayed by your homosexual pseudo-snoy whining.

    • 10 months ago

      >the moment dark souls 1 got ported to PC
      more like the moment open world trannies were given elden cringe

    • 10 months ago

      Just how many franchises got forever poisoned by a Steam release? Pretty sure it happened to Valkyria too.

      • 10 months ago

        Yakuza, Ace Combat, Ys, Monster Hunter. probably niche nip game

  7. 10 months ago

    Space Station 14

    • 10 months ago

      hey hey people

      • 10 months ago

        Sseth refugees are actually trying to impress ss13 oldgays by acting wacky
        >t. Ss13 newbie

  8. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      This. Compgay ecelebs have done irrecoverable damage to the game.

      • 10 months ago

        them and those funny fellas that do le hoovy friendly meme every single fricking round and don't realize it's a joke everyone and their mothers heard for the hundreth time

  9. 10 months ago

    Classic Doom or more specifically Doomworld, aka Troonworld.
    What happened was that DOOM (2016) got extremely popular, this lead to a flood of normies and sickos. The normies left after a while, but the autistic sickos stayed. They infested the place by taking over moderator roles, then became trannies, then invited more trannies, replaced and eradicated whatever furries & bronies were left and finally started banning ancient forum users left and right that tried to speak up, called it hate speech and made everything political. They ultimately transformed Doomworld into shithole where nobody is allowed to say anything bad about another user's work without the risk of getting permabanned. They completely fricked the community from top to bottom. They actively target underage kids that just started learning about Doom mapping, invite them into their degenerate Discord circles and then start to groom them. I wish I was making this shit up. They also have a "Fun Police" that goes as far as look up posts such as this to ban users associated with it.

    When people start to get pissed off, they usually split from Doomworld and go to the Doomer Boards. Troonworlders have repeatedly tried to infiltrate, berate and destroy the Doomer Boards and even banned their mapping projects at some point. You probably have no fricking idea how much of a hell it is to be a Classic Doom mapper in this day and age who just tries to socialize with other mappers. You can't trust anyone who mingles in that shithole

    • 10 months ago

      damn, that's crazy
      hope it gets better

      • 10 months ago

        kys troon

        • 10 months ago

          I was genuine 🙁

          • 10 months ago

            Stop responding to 2016 election tourists.
            I could tell you were genuine.
            Also notice how they didn't attach an image to that response. Likely a phoneposter looking to shitpost for no reason. Ignore it.

            • 10 months ago

              >election tourist
              I can smell your festing wound between your legs

              • 10 months ago

                When are you going to stop following your script? You're making it way too obvious.

              • 10 months ago

                >when are you going to stop resisting us

            • 10 months ago

              i didn't attach an image because i didn't want to, i don't use my phone for lurking

            • 10 months ago

              They arent tourists if theyve been here for 9 years...

              • 10 months ago

                squatters then

            • 10 months ago

              wrong board, gay

      • 10 months ago

        You and I know exactly that it will only get better once the entire place is purged, which will never happen.

      • 10 months ago

        Same I didn't read either it just felt like a stack of books lol

    • 10 months ago

      Isn't QUAKE like that also?

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly what happened to SCP...

      • 10 months ago

        A guilty pleasure of mine recently has been watching those shitty SCP animations on YouTube. Just summaries of SCPs with a garbage animation of the story.

        >get into the higher number SCPs
        >they get more moronic, edgy, or pop-culture relevant
        >there's literally a Vtuber SCP
        >that super edgy early SCP which heavily implied to be sexually abusing and torturing a child to stave off an ancient evil has been retconned to actually be a little girl living happily and being told bedtime stories, the original scary SCP entry was just to scare people
        I'd heard it had gone down hill, but shit. Glad I stopped actually reading the site years ago.

        • 10 months ago

          >he hasn't seen the transgender death satellite that likes homestuck
          Trannies ruined SCP and now have the audacity to claim they made it, of course only after purging everyone that was from /x/, you know, the ones that actually made it.

          • 10 months ago

            >transgender death satellite
            >that likes homestuck
            I'm not sure which part of that sounds more unhinged

            Also I don't know if it's in the actual site entries, or maybe it's just liberties being taken by the video makers, but there has been a LOT of MLP and furry references. I don't really want to know.
            And what the frick did they do to my boy

            • 10 months ago

              The original 173 sculpture was from some Jap artist if I recall right, and with all the profit now surrounding the games and YouTuber jappy was going to lay down the legal slappy.

              • 10 months ago

                Yep. Old SCP guys contacted the sculptor and got permission to use the statue's likeness in non-commercial stuff. Which was good for a hobbyist project. But the new folks want to monetize the shit out of SCP, so a non-commercial only license isn't good enough.

              • 10 months ago

                What I heard was that the sculpture artist was aware of its use in the SCP franchise, and was totally fine with it
                I'm not sure what changed

                >there's literally a Vtuber SCP
                Like a SCP that is heavily based off vtubers or an actual SCP based/themed vtuber?

                It's a hyperactive artistic SCP that is the child of aliens or some shit, and they wanted to keep it happy because the aliens can destroy the world in a few seconds.
                So the thing the SCP wants to do most is to become a Vtuber and have its videos uploaded to YouTube, which the SCP foundation gladly does. I don't know it was pretty fricking stupid.

            • 10 months ago

              Even the Secret Lab mandrake inspired design looks better than that shitpile.

          • 10 months ago

            Trannies didn't ruin SCP, Containment Breach ruined SCP by attracting a ton of attention to it, and most of it was a result of Let's Players at the time.

            The original 173 sculpture was from some Jap artist if I recall right, and with all the profit now surrounding the games and YouTuber jappy was going to lay down the legal slappy.

            They changed the license to one that allowed making profit because they had enough content creators they could make original images for most of their SCPs which had been public images up to that point. The artist was fine with 173, it was the site management that wanted a way for people to make money off of SCP content.

            • 10 months ago

              Except the trannies themselves purged everyone from the wiki that disagreed with them, which is the entire reason for the RPC existing.

              • 10 months ago

                The site was already essentially in shambles long before it happened.
                >captcha: 0KGAY

            • 10 months ago

              Exactly what happened to SCP...

              >he hasn't seen the transgender death satellite that likes homestuck
              Trannies ruined SCP and now have the audacity to claim they made it, of course only after purging everyone that was from /x/, you know, the ones that actually made it.

              If all of the makers were actually normal people when how did trannies got power over it?

              • 10 months ago

                Happens often, the people that make the project care about creating stuff for it, not running it. When someone comes along and offers to help with administration they'll often welcome them. But the kinds of people that want those positions are usually not interested in the project, but in holding power over others. So they push and push until they get enough authority to throw the creators out. Happens with open source projects relatively often as well.

              • 10 months ago

                >So they push and push until they get enough authority to throw the creators out
                What? How does this exactly works? Can't creators just kick them out any time they want?

              • 10 months ago

                Two ways I've seen it happen. What both have in common is that they lay low and pretend to get along until they have majority. Then it's either a simple vote, where the creators being booted from their own project by a "majority". Basically what happened to the Skullgirls devs. The other's slower, where they pass new rules upon new rules, designed to seem reasonable but have massive holes in them, then use those holes to squeeze out "rulebreaking" creators one by one. This was how the SCP takeover went, slowly unpersoning and removing the old guard one neckbeard at a time.

              • 10 months ago

                Democracy in a nutshell.

              • 10 months ago

                Eh, sure it's the tyranny of the majority, but it ain't limited to any single government form. Same basic technique is how Stalin took over Lenin's communists, and how Hitler took control of the Nazi party. It's also why paranoid dictators keep purging people

              • 10 months ago

                >tl:dr is trannies infiltrated like they usually do, lurked and learned the culture, stuck around long enough for some of them to gain positions of power and a larger number of them now inside the wiki, then began enforcing new rules and purging old members and now "unacceptable" articles
                It's not that hard to think about, pretty much the same thing Anon said about doomworld

              • 10 months ago

                >long enough for some of them to gain positions of power and a larger number of them now inside the wiki, then began enforcing new rules and purging old members
                Shouldn't there be one person with all power who sees all the bullshit and just stops it?

              • 10 months ago

                The original creators often retire, either form the community entirely or from administrative roles.

              • 10 months ago

                Can't someone just contact them? I don't think they would be happy to see their project trooning out.

              • 10 months ago

                Doesn't matter. They don't have the power anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                Well I at least hope this will serve a lesson for other people making this type or projects.

              • 10 months ago

                It won't.

              • 10 months ago

                A few of them did pull their articles after the mods had a tantrum over half the user base not liking gay banners everywhere

        • 10 months ago

          >there's literally a Vtuber SCP
          Like a SCP that is heavily based off vtubers or an actual SCP based/themed vtuber?

        • 10 months ago

          the thing with scp is there is no canon. believe what ever you want

    • 10 months ago

      It's just so fricking tiring, it literally happens to all autist niche communities. Insidious trannies infiltrating and slowly subverting them. HRT devastated nerd communities like crack did black communities.

      • 10 months ago

        >did somebody say creators.tf, or literally any source related project?

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly what happened to SCP...

      It's just so fricking tiring, it literally happens to all autist niche communities. Insidious trannies infiltrating and slowly subverting them. HRT devastated nerd communities like crack did black communities.

      pls don't blame the innocent autistic stealth trannies for the actions of twitterbrained morons it's a loud minority i swear, most of us hate these attention whoring larper dreamsexual idiots as much as you

      • 10 months ago

        What's the difference? You're telling me there's trannies that don't make their entire personality being trans?

        • 10 months ago

          yes, much like how most girls on the internet larp as men

      • 10 months ago

        It's too late for apologies. You frickers ruined everything, right after women, and one day all of you will pay the ultimate price.

        • 10 months ago

          I never said I was apologizing for morons that can't stand anything outside their insane hugbox, dumbass. I'm innocent, and have nothing to apologize for. No need to be so dramatic.

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        be the change you want to see anon 🙂

        • 10 months ago

          I'm trying man, I'm sick of keeping my head down while deranged zoomers ruin everything and pit us against each other

          • 10 months ago

            It's sad to think that this could have been prevented if your forefathers hadn't been pressed into fighting against the Axis powers, and also had the gumption afterwards to continue seeking out and destroying leftism where it tried to take root in their societies
            The collapse of our modern civilization is a warning that sometimes, violence isn't just the answer, it's the ONLY answer.

            • 10 months ago

              I don't think it's a left/right dichotomy thing or would be solved with authoritarianism, but I also don't have any alternative explanations or solutions to present. People are just fricking nuts, and people that are fricking nuts put their voices out there more than people who just don't care about dumb bullshit like safe spaces or optics or whatever. That and honestly it's a lot of exploitation of good will. People can and will call themselves trannies online for clout and to shut down dissent, whether or not they really are one. I don't give a frick what people call me or about what my pronouns are or whatever the frick, I just wanna feel like a pretty girl and have someone who loves me and wants to play video games, fullstop.

            • 10 months ago

              This is moronic. Americans and Europeans fought the Axis powers because they were attacked by the Axis powers. Forgiving them would be b***h shit.
              Also, there was a push to eradicate communism and leftism with McCarthyist policies. This culminated in interventionist wars in the Korean War and Vietnamese War

          • 10 months ago

            zoomers aren't the ones doing that. They're just as targeted and screwed over as you.

            • 10 months ago

              He's just a falseflagging troony.

      • 10 months ago

        yes, much like how most girls on the internet larp as men

        Transgenderism is an adopted behavior, not a kind of person. You are exactly the same as the twitter homosexuals

        • 10 months ago

          All I know is I wanted to be a girl long before I knew trannies were a thing.

          • 10 months ago

            No you didn't. You were just a horny kid who spent too long online looking at weird porn

            • 10 months ago

              Why do you insist on telling other people that how they think is wrong? Doesn't that make you no better than the wrongthink twitter trannies? If I agree with you that censorship and wokism is bad, why does it matter to you so much what I do in private?

              • 10 months ago

                >why do you insist on telling other people that how they think is wrong
                Because what you convince yourself of isn't factually correct. You just want someone to tell you you're right.

              • 10 months ago

                I really could not give less of a shit if you think I'm right or not.

                >Why do you insist on telling other people that how they think is wrong?
                Because your self inflicted delusions are literally killing all of western civilization. I do not oppose progressivist morons because they don't like the same media I do, I oppose them because they are actively dragging us down to barbarity and ruin. Things are only ever going to get better when people like you accept that 2+2 is 4, and stop enabling the demons you claim to be opposed to.

                I can see you are incapable of reading

              • 10 months ago

                You really are the same as the twitter homosexuals, lmao

              • 10 months ago

                >Why do you insist on telling other people that how they think is wrong?
                Because your self inflicted delusions are literally killing all of western civilization. I do not oppose progressivist morons because they don't like the same media I do, I oppose them because they are actively dragging us down to barbarity and ruin. Things are only ever going to get better when people like you accept that 2+2 is 4, and stop enabling the demons you claim to be opposed to.

              • 10 months ago

                >a non contributor claiming trannies are the sole reason for the west’s downfall

              • 10 months ago

                >generalisation from a autogynephiliac

              • 10 months ago

                >said the generalizer

              • 10 months ago

                You took what he said and completely reinterpreted it, troon. You're a part of the problem.

              • 10 months ago

                >A projecting homosexual puts words in my mouth I didn't fricking say
                Obviously the root of the problem is israelites, but trannies are one of multiple useful tools

              • 10 months ago

                >words in your mouth
                you literally typed exactly what I said lol

              • 10 months ago

                No I didn't. You said "sole", I never said such a thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >your self inflicted delusions are literally killing all of western civilization
                if anything you’re putting words in your own mouth

              • 10 months ago

                Where does that say it's the only contributor, you ESL troony?

              • 10 months ago

                >are literally killing all of western civilization
                buddy that's ~~*juice*~~
                Trannies are also fed a lot of juice-fueled delusions.
                Ban juice. Throw it all in the lower hemisphere.

              • 10 months ago

                You can just say israelites here, I did it earlier

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                This image is well over a decade old

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah I noticed, a blast from the ass.

              • 10 months ago

                I'd still play with him tbh, just so long as he doesn't hit on me.

              • 10 months ago

                nah he will rope xhimself in a few more years, don't worry.

              • 10 months ago

                I can fix him

              • 10 months ago

                I doubt you can. Unless they didn't chop xheir dicks.

              • 10 months ago

                Most don't

              • 10 months ago

                problem with troons is they kill themselves because they can't accept their situation or reality. That's the real problem with them. Changing genders isn't even the source of the problem here. they are out of their minds and can't deal with facts.

              • 10 months ago

                They need a hug

              • 10 months ago

                they need therapy and treatment, unfortunately nothing can be done as people simply gave up in trying to diagnose and find the source of their lunacy, and simply say "yes, you are a le woman xir, chop your dick and take your hormonoes, sweety", because it is more profitable and solves the problem for a year or two. Then they solve it permanently after they realize they were fooled.

              • 10 months ago

                Isn't this just a reference to that fricking Konata copypasta

              • 10 months ago

                I always thought that pic was just a part of the game of pretend meme.

              • 10 months ago

                I really hope it's still not too late for you to turn back.

              • 10 months ago

                Because one day you'll come to realize instead of getting the help you needed you were groomed in to cutting your own genitals off and mutilating yourself, even if you're a homosexual. Anything is better than mutilating your body to chase a lie.

              • 10 months ago

                >why does it matter to you so much what I do in private?
                Because it disgusts them, and that is all that matters to them. troony grooming bad, my grooming good.

          • 10 months ago

            back to discord weirdo

      • 10 months ago

        >moronic pick me stealther
        Guess what Anon? The people who hate giga troons hate you too no matter how much you try to assimilate. Because they don't hate you for standing out, they hate you fundamentally for what you are - and that's not something you can overcome with 'good behavior'. Stop giving a shit what incels on Ganker think of trannies, they don't matter and are a dying breed. The only reason you don't think so is probably because you mainly consume Ganker content and don't go outside and actually talk to people - same as twitter trannies who think every conservative is an imminent threat to their survival. Most people IRL don't give a shit one way or another. Stop simping for the approval of imaginary people online and get some self respect. Or else you deserve to be clowned on and kicked out of your community.

        • 10 months ago

          >they don't matter and are a dying breed.
          I don't know where the frick you live, but everyone I know IRL are pretty disgusted by trannies, especially when it comes to that shit being pushed on kids.

        • 10 months ago

          Just avoid kids and I have 0 issue, simple as.

      • 10 months ago

        May I ask a question, if you were a woman, what benefit or positive points would that bring you?

      • 10 months ago

        I don't have a problem with you guys. I feel sorry for you. When you try to get help, you get groomed and forced into a life of medical dependency. The people promoting and preying on young autistic kids are the ones everybody hates

    • 10 months ago

      Shit is getting fricking out of control. It really feels like trannies are trying to take over every inch of the internet because in their eyes, nobody is allowed to be happy because they're not happy.

      • 10 months ago

        You should go check out the Flame Fatale GDQ stream. It's a women only safe space and speedrunning event, where 70% of the runners and most of the staff are men.

        • 10 months ago

          If I had the vomiting Madotsuki image saved, I'd post it, but I'm too lazy to go get it.

      • 10 months ago

        dont they know theyd be infinitely happy if they just kys themselves?

        • 10 months ago

          I know I'd be happy if they did that.

      • 10 months ago

        >It really feels like trannies are trying to take over every inch of the internet
        because they're powertripping homosexuals. Acting as a tyrannic mod who censors or bans people for nothing gives them a bit of sadistic joy in their miserable lives. They can't take control on their body or mind so they try to take control of internet spaces.

        • 10 months ago

          It's not even about the hedonism of power, it's about forcing everyone in the world to participate in their sexual role play. Telling a troony to stop pretending to be a woman is like telling a crack addict to throw away their pipe.

        • 10 months ago

          It's fricking scary how much power they've amassed. I've mentioned this in a thread a long time ago but trannies make me genuinely terrified at the prospect of having kids someday because I don't want them to get groomed and turned into freaks of nature that not even a mother could love.

          • 10 months ago

            You can drastically reduce the chances of this by being a good parent. Most of them, by their own testimonies, come from broken homes or neglectful parents. Kids rarely troon out in a loving home. Loving enough to tell your kid they're being moronic when they are, because you are supposed to be their mentors.

          • 10 months ago

            >I've mentioned this in a thread a long time ago but trannies make me genuinely terrified at the prospect of having kids someday because I don't want them to get groomed
            You are not going to have kids any time soon if you are here.
            But jokes aside you just need to be a good parent. Teach them to not talk with strangers, dangers of the net and all that crap, and if you did a good job they will realize that trannoids are bad by themselves.

  10. 10 months ago

    Any game an algorithm blessed e-celeb plays

  11. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      the quest is near the top when it comes to damaging video game quality

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    Kinda sad really

    • 10 months ago

      what happened with DF??

      • 10 months ago

        Garbage "progressive" publisher. Won't allow you to be mean to elves and goblins in your own single player game

        • 10 months ago

          >Won't allow you to be mean to elves and goblins in your own single player game
          In what way?
          All my typical genocide machines can be made in exactly the same way in the new versions of the game.

          • 10 months ago

            Try sharing them on bay12 forums, Steam or the official shitfox discord server

            • 10 months ago

              wiki still encourages players to total elven genocide and that's the only community I follow

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          how did people become so fricking coddled?

          • 10 months ago

            Media, unironically. israelites need to make the eurasian Black somehow.

          • 10 months ago

            The anglo purity spiral is a powerful thing. Everyone wants to be the hero. Do you really believe anyone actually gets offended by shit like this?
            Ever seen a moderator interrogate someone for racism in a game? The tonality of it is always "I'm doing this because it's my "job" and my "authority" and never along the lines of an actual extreme offense to the situation.

            • 10 months ago

              >Ever seen a moderator interrogate someone for racism in a game? The tonality of it is always "I'm doing this because it's my "job" and my "authority" and never along the lines of an actual extreme offense to the situation.
              You do this because it stops spergouts, even if you agree. "Sir you're drunk, I have to remove you from the bar it's my job, come on outside" annoys a drunk guy less than "You're drunk and I don't like that, get out".

              Nobody except dumb reddit mods will go "I'm banning you for calling the carry a spastic, you can't say that bro, we don't want your kind" because it antagonises that player and anyone else who reads the screenshot. Mods retreat behind a professional persona because it makes everything you say look less negotiable and less personal.

        • 10 months ago

          Pretending we are indulging into this imaginary offended person scenario, what is exactly to be offended about?

          • 10 months ago

            Because these morons believe orcs and goblins are fantasy standins for Black folk and israelites

        • 10 months ago

          >dorfs not allowed to dream of an elf genocide
          Might as well not allow them to drink you monsters

        • 10 months ago

          this, what would the elves playing the game think?

    • 10 months ago

      This is the mod of the official DF Discord server by the way.

      • 10 months ago

        I’m just so tired of them dude, I don’t even have the energy to be mad I’m just tired of seeing them

        • 10 months ago

          That's the demoralization working.
          Just let yourself slowly sink into the miasma of apathy.

    • 10 months ago

      >bought a breeding pair of animals?
      >too bad b***h one of them is gay

      • 10 months ago

        >one of them is gay

      • 10 months ago

        don't fricking tell me that is real

        • 10 months ago

          It's real. It doesn't actually do anything as the animal breeding code doesn't check for personal preferences, but it's there.

        • 10 months ago

          Not quite relevant but I'm a wrangler/aide/nurse in a veterinary clinic, the amount of middle class leftoids telling them their dog is non-binary or identifies as a helicopter is memeworthy.

          • 10 months ago

            >dog identifies as a helicopter
            I don't believe you

            • 10 months ago

              Figuratively, not literally. Identifying as an attack helicopter is a meme that mocks that but we've had plenty of pets that "identify" as some other gender and weird ass owners trying to correct us.

              • 10 months ago

                You live in a blue state?

              • 10 months ago

                I have a blue pc
                With a blue windows
                Blue is the colour of all that I post
                Blue are the threads
                And all the posts are too
                If I played games they would be blue

                Blue are the posters here
                That post around
                Blue like my basement, I don't go outside
                Blue are the buzzwords I say
                And what I think
                Blue are the trannies
                That live here rent free

              • 10 months ago

                IM BLUE
                DABA DEE DABA DIE

              • 10 months ago

                IM BLUE
                DABA DEE DABA DIE


          • 10 months ago

            Reminds me of that one gay that posts videos about his male duck and gives it she/her pronouns.

          • 10 months ago

            yes, because the leftoids in question are more interested in controlling your behavior and language and denial of reality, it's a sick game to them

        • 10 months ago

          "Gay animals" was a legitimate coding oopsie that Toady didn't bother to fix until way later, because you yourself could just change a couple lines in the external text files that defined all the creature statistics, including sexual orientation. Everything would be altered afterwards for that creature type, you could even do this edit mid-game to stop animals from breeding (more units = more lag = framerate death) But due to the way that relationships are still hard-coded, any gay dwarves that were married would stay that way regardless of file editing.

    • 10 months ago

      what happened with DF??

      don't forget that shithead who forces "the crudely drawn dwarf mispronouncing plump helmet" meme on /vg/

  14. 10 months ago

    >What game?
    I think it's easier to list the games that aren't infested with normalgays a much shorter list

  15. 10 months ago

    Super smash bros. I guess with the trannies there though its still a boys club, so nothings changed aside you cant say words that might offend the kindergartener brained adults.

    • 10 months ago

      It's the absolute worst in the PM community where it looks like half the pools matches at majors have at least one tyranny. Europe is behind on that trend but it's slowly catching up here too and we already have them in councils/backrooms.

  16. 10 months ago

    >open Ganker
    >the two first things I read are pic related
    I love this place.

    • 10 months ago

      we love you back

  17. 10 months ago


  18. 10 months ago

    The internet.

    • 10 months ago

      Steve Jobs got the cancer he deserved

  19. 10 months ago


  20. 10 months ago

    Reminder that the artist of this comic got extremely upset when someone applied this to gamers. Apparently it was supposed to be about ethnic minorities / the gays.

    • 10 months ago

      wow really? thanks for the headsup Mark.

  21. 10 months ago

    Not video games, but Magic the Gathering is the biggest example.

    • 10 months ago

      this is a Ganker echo chamber but in reality not everyone is frothing at the mouth at every single black person/woman every second card. the LoTR set sold fine despite endless amount of screeching it caused. the only shit part of magic is that if it werent for a handful of artist still kicking like Jesper Ejsing all the art would be boring awful photoshop manips.

      getting back on track if we want to talk about games? League of Legends had its entire design taken over by people obssesesed with mechanics and APM rather than game knowledge and it warped the entire game around it. It was a blursed event because on one hand LoL really found its niche but if you were a old guard the game is to the point that you probably just wanted to drop it. all the braindead point n click and flat stat steroids replaced by skillshots and dashes galore.

      • 10 months ago

        >in reality not everyone is frothing at the mouth at every single black person/woman every second card
        Do you even know what I'm talking about?

        • 10 months ago

          I assumed you are talking about how Magic the Gathering got taken over by a ton of SJW's and all the artist they hire are SJW's which leads to stuff like. ARAGORN THE STRIDER... WAS A BLACK MAN.. his REAL NAME..WAS L. RON HOYABEMBE!

          since either that or prices are the core things people complain about with modern Wizards of the Coast.

          • 10 months ago

            >Return of the King should have been Tyler Perry movie

      • 10 months ago

        >this is a Ganker echo chamber

        >in reality not everyone is frothing at the mouth at every single black person/woman every second card. the LoTR set sold fine despite endless amount of screeching it caused.
        rarely do you see a post that exemplifies the point as well as this one

        • 10 months ago

          if you conflate girlboss women and black gay men on cards with "you do not belong" then Im not sure what to tell you. You are actually so deeply obssessed in culture politics that the lens at which you view things will forever spoil anything good or bad to come your way in life. because you cannot take a mental step back and approach things with a sense of poise and rationality.

          I mean what even is your argument? WoTC was founded by the Arayan brotherhood solely for white christian hetero gamers or something ? shits dumb and everyday this this board finds a new uh oh stinky to get mad about. Ganker is literally the Grinch spying on the Who's in Whoville. Anytime someone on Kotaku or Twitter says literally anything Tornado Sirens go off and we must all gather in the main hall to discuss our next plan of action.

          >Return of the King should have been Tyler Perry movie

          hey man Rings of Power is pretty close enough at some times.

          • 10 months ago

            >I mean what even is your argument?
            The reason you cant see it is because you're so far up your ass that you see any callout of your hypocrisy as a politically motivated attack on your person.
            Tell you what. Admit that your blackwashing of the elven king is politically motivated and explain why you think it's ok when your side does it. Then we'll talk.

            • 10 months ago

              >your side
              what fricking side? there is no sides. Blackwashing,whitewashing,asianwashing,animewashing is all equally as fricking non-impactful. Its not an objective Good nor is it Bad. Its a subjective opinion that will vary from person to person because at the end of the day everything especially in the entertainment sphere is of ARTISTIC INTERPRITATION at the behest of the person creating it and you can simply choose to ignore or step around it.

              I dont fricking care for Black Aragorn, nor Black Little Mermaid nor Black Hermoine.
              I DID like Halle Berry Catwoman and Black priest Issac from the Castlevania animated show.
              I did NOT care for Eddie Brock retconned from being a giga buff Blonde in the Venom movie.

              here a fun exercise Which versions of Satan or God are your favorite? think through ALL of the versions of them from a floating Yellow head to a orb of speaking light, hybrid hippomonkey thing to a random mute woman with the voice of a airhorn?

              not everything is a them vs us. sometimes its as simple as just being a normal person and applying normal person logic to your train of thought.

              Fate Stay Night is one of the most popular series and in the world and Jack the Ripper is literally depicted as a little pink haired e-girl while its signature character who is claimed to be a incarnation of King Arthur is a girl in a dress.

              • 10 months ago

                >Blackwashing,whitewashing,asianwashing,animewashing is all equally as fricking non-impactful. Its not an objective Good nor is it Bad. Its a subjective opinion that will vary from person to person because at the end of the day everything especially in the entertainment sphere is of ARTISTIC INTERPRITATION at the behest of the person creating it and you can simply choose to ignore or step around it.
                Now, now. I know for a fact that you dont believe that garbage. Pic related.
                >sometimes its as simple as just being a normal person and applying normal person logic to your train of thought.
                It is. And the simple fact of the matter is that this isnt the first time a white character was blackwashed in recent times for uh...."""ARTISTIC INTERPRITATION""". In addition to the examples you gave we have Black Mileena, Black Wesker, Black Starfire, Black Human Torch......
                >B-B-BU-BUT I DONT CARE!!!!!
                That doesnt take away the politically motivated intent behind these changes, now does it?
                All Im asking you to do is be honest and admit that this political intent exists. Im trying to meet you in the middle here, but you need to put some effort as well. Understand?

              • 10 months ago

                The entire ideology is built around subversive lies, if he was honest he wouldn't be a discord communist in the first place.

                >your side
                what fricking side? there is no sides. Blackwashing,whitewashing,asianwashing,animewashing is all equally as fricking non-impactful. Its not an objective Good nor is it Bad. Its a subjective opinion that will vary from person to person because at the end of the day everything especially in the entertainment sphere is of ARTISTIC INTERPRITATION at the behest of the person creating it and you can simply choose to ignore or step around it.

                I dont fricking care for Black Aragorn, nor Black Little Mermaid nor Black Hermoine.
                I DID like Halle Berry Catwoman and Black priest Issac from the Castlevania animated show.
                I did NOT care for Eddie Brock retconned from being a giga buff Blonde in the Venom movie.

                here a fun exercise Which versions of Satan or God are your favorite? think through ALL of the versions of them from a floating Yellow head to a orb of speaking light, hybrid hippomonkey thing to a random mute woman with the voice of a airhorn?

                not everything is a them vs us. sometimes its as simple as just being a normal person and applying normal person logic to your train of thought.

                Fate Stay Night is one of the most popular series and in the world and Jack the Ripper is literally depicted as a little pink haired e-girl while its signature character who is claimed to be a incarnation of King Arthur is a girl in a dress.

                btw your God Marx never worked a day in his life and hated Black folk to the point where he said socialism was impossible for non-europeans. He was the Ganker incel of his time and you love him so much you'd rape and kill your own mother if propaganda operating on your programming told you to do so.

          • 10 months ago

            All this nonsense would be fine if the people injecting their politics did it with their own community on a game created and pandered to them, but instead they have to stick their stinky sexually confused dick in everything they touch and "educate" a community with wich was once "problematic" by the endless effort of complaining about their never ending list of concerns and then the usual appeal to a broader audience situation arises, depending on how far they get they'll end up policing or feeling entitled to filter those who are meant to be part of it, based on their own agenda, if they get enough of a mob, maybe even devs will shit their pants and do what they ask, or even worse, have some of those looneys working for them, and as usual when they get into a producer/creative kind of role, they'll do what you'd expect.

            At this point one has to ask, why are you even here? Just get into a political party and let people enjoy their fricking game.
            >inb4 just stop being a schizo just be a normie that doesn't even know/care about these things
            Yeah, let's do that, while they keep producing shit games and ruining already existing IPs with their completely misderected and deceitful efforts to squeeze what they can before said franchise turns into some indistinguishable husk of what it was. There's a reason threads like this exist, and is a biproduct of allowing such shitty mentality to take place.

            • 10 months ago

              Not that anon but let me pose you a question; how much do you hate EA compared to SJWs?

              • 10 months ago

                They're both different kinds of evil. Investors/companies will always play ball with these groups as long as their numbers are green, if you have the dogmatic audience they can even gaslight others and do their dirty work for any kind of criticism, or just pay some journalist/shill to obfuscate things even more, it does have an effect, this board lives and breathes its shit fumes for endless bait, frick I wouldn't be surprised if all that schizo talk about how half of the people posting here is made by 95% bots or that is chat GPT generated is actually real.

                At this point everyone knows how it goes so it's a rather pointless, trite observation, but people keep falling in the same discussion, I can't event help it when arguments like these are brought up. But to be honest, this is not limited only to video games, many professions are cursed by this same kind of landscape, a clear example is the whole AI shilling that has been happening for a while, you'd think such souless application would be unanimously scrutinized for how obviously anti human it is, but there you have people defending it because it "democratizes" creativity among other smokescreen tactics AI pajeets use.

              • 10 months ago

                Investor-owned companies overtaking regular companies is a big contributor to why vidya got worse, and after all the shit a company like EA did it sucks that in the same post line an anon could complain about trannies and then talk about how the Dead Space remake they paid for sucked. You're on a better track for recognizing that corporations do a lot of shallow, shameless pandering just because they think Twitter is important.
                >frick I wouldn't be surprised if all that schizo talk about how half of the people posting here is made by 95% bots or that is chat GPT generated is actually real.
                Back when the captcha changed about two years ago Ganker lost about 5-10% of its posts per day. Those weren't necessarily bots, mind you, but just people posting less because they took a bit more time to do the text captcha, switching from cursor to keyboard, instead of just clicking images, and it might have caught maybe a few bots that relied on captcha-solving services to post, but most actual advertisers (which you won't really see on Ganker, but rather on Ganker because it entered the advertiser radar as a place worth marketing in) buy Ganker passes anyway to post more often but they often get banned for it.
                >but there you have people defending it because it "democratizes" creativity among other smokescreen tactics AI pajeets use
                The threads are largely shitposting, there's nothing of value in going in a Ganker thread that talks about AI art. A lot of off-topic threads are shitposting, using the internet itself for entertainment rather than videogames, while the anons themselves are more likely to be hooked to some unfun slop like gacha, MMOs or MOBAs.

              • 10 months ago

                >I wouldn't be surprised if all that schizo talk about how half of the people posting here is made by 95% bots or that is chat GPT generated is actually real.
                Bot posting is real, just ask Ganker or /r/ for an infographic on the subject of shills and robots spamming 1-post-by-this-id threads with the same message and image.

              • 10 months ago

                what do you mean 'compared to'? They're both overwhelmingly made up of israelites and behave in the same ways.

          • 10 months ago

            >you do not belong
            Nah its more like if I see a company do something like raceswap Aragorn I refuse to give them any money ever again and actively wish for all people involved to lose their jobs and die hungry on the street

      • 10 months ago

        They blacked Aragorn. I'm not giving that company any money.

      • 10 months ago

        there's nothing wrong with the direction league of legends took. it puts dota 2 and league in their own niches

      • 10 months ago

        League always sucked to some degree, it's just that it got so bad over the years that its previous years look great in comparison. They've kickstarted a bunch of shitty trends in videogames like turning esports into a business (which has catastrophically fricked just about every popular competitive game because suddenly all of them need fancy esports scenes and suddenly the game is changed to pander to 0,01% of players who obsessively play it and suddenly everyone who plays strives to be a pro), pushing the boundaries on how much people would be willing to spend real money on cosmetics (which a lot of multiplayer games would end up doing, seeing how profitable it was for League) and introducing an addiction cycle of wins and losses even when this proves to be extremely frustrating to players because they'll remain with the impression of the wins without giving enough thought to all the losses and frustrating situations they encountered in-between them, and this also afflicted other competitive multiplayer games as a result.


        What game?

        None in that specific scenario of dudes leaving, trying to carve their own corner and getting flooded anyway. Ganker would have been this way if Something Awful moved over for some reason. More likely to run into the scenario of a bunch of people making their own place separate from another place and then being a fricking disaster because the primarily gen Z users will either turn it into an edgy shithole or cause it to disband due to drama.

        • 10 months ago

          I’m praying for Ganker to collapse over some reason in the future. Alt chans keep failing because there’s never a critical mass (and the weirdos), but Ganker itself is too big and the mods show no interest in splintering the mega boards like this into multiple sub boards. why would having v1, v2, and v3 be a downside in any way shape or form. It would lead to each board having their own culture and some actual OC for once.

          • 10 months ago

            Everyone would probably stick with one board anyway and it wouldn't be very different from the splinter boards, in fact it might cause rivalry because shitposters would try to "raid" the other boards, and people would have to get lucky enough for fun threads to happen on the boards they regularly use, because expecting people to scroll through a catalog that is a visual noise equivalent of literal shit is not a good idea.

            • 10 months ago

              So the answer is to let the posting here accelerate into a black hole, got it

              • 10 months ago

                The answer is that there's no great silver bullet candidate, the only thing I'd think would be an improvement on the board is preventing phoneposting. Rule enforcement can only go so far when the average poster knows that you can ban evade by doing something that changes your IP, and the site is open enough to random strangers on the internet even when most people that end up on Ganker nowadays are the "unruly" users that got banned for being too edgy to stay on the sanitized parts of the internet. Instead of newbies being teens that are morbidly curious about Ganker you get teens that got banned for saying troony and posting some "fashwave" edit, AKA couldn't abide to the rules, and they likely won't abide to the even more lax rules here. Let's say that the newbie isn't that sort of person, now you have to contend with social media conditioning users to crave attention, being the center of attention is suddenly a good thing according to social media that a lot of internet users use, and that explains 80% of the trolls on Ganker. The ones that rush to a new thread to post some deliberately inflammatory or stupid thing among the first posts that will get them (You)s because upvotes and retweets and reactions aren't available and they don't get any stain on their personal reputation, or the ones that post political garbage hoping to enrage someone into shitposting and derailing the thread in the process because everyone else loses interest in posting.
                Ganker's problems run far deeper than that, most of them come from the internet itself being far worse off, can't just be conveniently fixed with "better moderation".

              • 10 months ago

                I'd prefer a nazi larper over a Black person spamming troony any day

              • 10 months ago

                I agree with your analysis of the modern internet and the problems inherent to it. I think current site ownership has shown no interest in improving the status quo, my idea behind fragmentation of mega boards is to create communities that will divergently evolve and create different flavors that attract certain types of individuals. If there’s an anarchy hell Ganker and a more strictly managed Ganker then those communities can self moderate to some degree via discussion, and moderators can focus their attention on the stricter communities.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm still not sure if all the extra shitposting would be worth it, it'd probably end up with the lawless Ganker being even more of a wasteland than present Ganker and it wouldn't end up accomplishing much as a result.

                >AKA couldn't abide to the rules, and they likely won't abide to the even more lax rules here
                I would remove no racism rule and also allow for some meta discussions.

                I'm not sure where people are supposed to do meta discussion now with /qa/ gone, but I'm not too keen about meta discussion threads on Ganker unless something actually comes out from them, having whole threads dedicated to meta discussion almost always ended up in them becoming thinly-veiled shitposting threads one way or another.
                The "no racism" rule is just a way for janitors to "gotcha" people that ended up typing slurs in their posts, which is most of the time only used on terrible posts anyway so it doesn't matter much. I did get banned once because a janitor didn't agree with a vidya post I made and it included a word.

                there are no rules here about mocking trannies or posting fashwave edits, you must be talking about off-topic spammers. I agree that off-topic spam is a blight but good fricking luck getting rid of it.

                I was talking in the context of internet communities banning them for doing those and then the users finding their way here, usually with the idea that Ganker is made for free speech and that you can say anything you want, but without having any sense of personal responsibility in what they post. You know, "don't shit where you eat", "don't leave trash into the picnic spot" etc. And even the ones that don't fall into the criteria of "won't obey the rules" get drunk on the idea that you can post anything(tm) without having to be held accountable for what you post and end up posting garbage because only the threat of a moderator banning them and social shaming can keep them in line.

              • 10 months ago

                Well, there is still happenings thread that move on from /qa/ to /trash/, but I didn't really mean meta only about Ganker itself. More about meta of the given topic of the board.
                Yeah, but I should be able to post those.

              • 10 months ago

                The happenings thread is nice but I stopped browsing it because I got tired of constantly switching threads on /trash/. You can already be meta about videogames if that's what you mean.
                Nothing really stops you from posting 'em because it's rarely enforced but you should be aware of the risks. The real crime is that you can't spam "Black person Black person Black person" at an idiot that you clearly know is in the wrong without getting banned.

              • 10 months ago

                >AKA couldn't abide to the rules, and they likely won't abide to the even more lax rules here
                I would remove no racism rule and also allow for some meta discussions.

              • 10 months ago

                there are no rules here about mocking trannies or posting fashwave edits, you must be talking about off-topic spammers. I agree that off-topic spam is a blight but good fricking luck getting rid of it.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm still not sure if all the extra shitposting would be worth it, it'd probably end up with the lawless Ganker being even more of a wasteland than present Ganker and it wouldn't end up accomplishing much as a result.
                I'm not sure where people are supposed to do meta discussion now with /qa/ gone, but I'm not too keen about meta discussion threads on Ganker unless something actually comes out from them, having whole threads dedicated to meta discussion almost always ended up in them becoming thinly-veiled shitposting threads one way or another.
                The "no racism" rule is just a way for janitors to "gotcha" people that ended up typing slurs in their posts, which is most of the time only used on terrible posts anyway so it doesn't matter much. I did get banned once because a janitor didn't agree with a vidya post I made and it included a word.
                I was talking in the context of internet communities banning them for doing those and then the users finding their way here, usually with the idea that Ganker is made for free speech and that you can say anything you want, but without having any sense of personal responsibility in what they post. You know, "don't shit where you eat", "don't leave trash into the picnic spot" etc. And even the ones that don't fall into the criteria of "won't obey the rules" get drunk on the idea that you can post anything(tm) without having to be held accountable for what you post and end up posting garbage because only the threat of a moderator banning them and social shaming can keep them in line.

                Unironically have a nice day. You are lower than a janny, and you are either a total newbie, or a moron viewing the past through rose tinted glasses.

              • 10 months ago

                Ganker was always bad but only by the board's standards at the given time, while overall it has become far worse by now. Name what you believe current Ganker does better than before.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a lot less repetitive. People type a lot more competently and completely than they used to, probably due to the average user age rising. People are generally more appreciative of gameplay challenge than they used to be. The last of the snoys died off in the last few years. About the only thing that ever got worse is the quantity of OC, and that ship sailed a looong time ago

              • 10 months ago

                In the way I see it the users are worse, a lot of anons play even less games despite how many games there are now, a lot more shameless usage of Twitter-derived slang/ebonics, there's still the same Reddit screencap threads but now you have Twitter screencaps thrown into the mix, people will defend shitty things like gacha. Even console wars stopped having any appeal because the Xbox and Playstation are borderline the same save for exclusives (and the PS5 somehow manages to have even less games). Without moot whipping any of the moderators in shape they've largely fallen to idleness, their presence on Ganker in particular boiling down to rare fun threads, Harmony, stickies that are barely distinguishable from Twitch chat + images and "this thread has been moved to (another board)". Far more people post the same shit over and over, now with its own term "ritualposting". Phoneposting paved the way for far lower effort in posting because people can now shitpost on Ganker while at work (without needing a PC on-site) or at school/college. A lot more people are easy to troll; because "pretending to be moronic" became popular people started blaming the trolls for them being baited rather than themselves for being baited, putting a lot less regard into considering whether a post is a troll post or even a troll thread, and also because average internet literacy is lower due to far more people being encouraged to hop on the internet. Anons barely play any videogames together anymore, you have the Party Gankeran still alive but a lot less other standalone vidya, you either get the regular /vm/-based stuff like racing games or web-based games like Mafia.
                With all that being said I still like the occasional cool thread on Ganker that I try to bump in order to keep it alive, a particular favorite are the plugin sound threads. DRG is one of the very few multiplayer vidya that still has good threads, and the other vidya boards turned out to be a really good addition.

              • 10 months ago

                >a lot more shameless usage of Twitter-derived slang/ebonics
                I remember when I started seeing that shit on here. We're at the point where those gays aren't even called out on it anymore. It felt like it was fricking overnight. Truly the death knell in my opinion.

              • 10 months ago

                I blame the ebonics shift on shiggydiggy. Remember all the "I sure hope you guys don't do this" threads? How that phrase got shortened, and spammed everywhere? And the word filter that followed? It was too late. The idiots had gotten a whiff of how irrelevant catchphrases work, and when the wordfilter killed that specific one, they went searching for other similar things and came back with twitterspeak.

                Of course I don't have any real evidence to back this up, it's just my pet theory.

              • 10 months ago

                >Of course I don't have any real evidence to back this up, it's just my pet theory.
                "Roguelite" was practically invented on /tg/ or the roguelike general threads because some moron looked at 'Binding of Issac' and said "ROUGELIEK" and we said "It's a top down twin stick shooter you fricking homosexual." and then they looked at a side scrolling action platformer and said the same and then we said "get your plain paper sheets out of our folder labeled 'grid paper only' you fricking fake gamer moron"
                and then some brilliantly miserable helpful idiot who wanted to make peace said "it's a light version of rogue"
                > ROGUE LITE
                and now steam is fricking polluted every fourth indie game release with a term that was once an insult, the same way rappers use Black person every other word and then use others saying it as the excuse they want to get pissed and physically abuse others.

              • 10 months ago

                The way you see it is with big old nostalgia goggles. Everything you're talking about was always this bad. Hell "ritualposting", a term that seems to be mostly used in weebshit circles like fire emblem and FFXIV threads, is the hallmark of Ganker, a board you'd probably claim is better than Ganker.
                >A lot more people are easy to troll; because "pretending to be moronic" became popular
                This happened way before Ganker even existed
                >people started blaming the trolls for them being baited rather than themselves for being baited, putting a lot less regard into considering whether a post is a troll post or even a troll thread,
                You are a fricking moron and not considering what you're saying or the implications of it. There is no way to distinguish between an actual moron or a pretender. More importantly, just ignoring people posting shit that's wrong can create false consensus that it's actually correct.
                >and also because average internet literacy is lower due to far more people being encouraged to hop on the internet.
                True in general but not here in particular.

              • 10 months ago

                >There is no way to distinguish between an actual moron or a pretender. More importantly, just ignoring people posting shit that's wrong can create false consensus that it's actually correct.
                NTA but you're the moron. It is widely known that on Ganker there are tons of glowies and shills and they will try to derail a thread or shitpost or garner a lot of attention, and one of their ways is posting baits: posts that are against Ganker's consensus (eg "putting trannies in game is good"), and they expect to have a lot of (You)s. So if you're replying to baits, you're baited and you're giving them a (You), which is dumb. What you should be doing is just ignoring and ghosting them. Let them seethe when they realize their pathetic trollish bait has zero (You).
                Additionnally, you can easily tell if a post is a troll on purpose or someone genuinely curious.
                Finally, it's not your job to correct the "false consensus that it's actually correct", because anons know that the baits' contents are incorrect, and it's not because no one replied to a bait, that everyone agrees with it.

              • 10 months ago

                Ignoring garbage never makes it go away. The best answer is and always has been systematic deconstruction.
                >because anons know that the baits' contents are incorrect,
                But that's just it, not all of them do. New people are coming online all the time and there are far more lurkers than you would expect. You are assuming that everyone has the same or greater level of awareness of you do about every topic. They do not.

              • 10 months ago

                >The way you see it is with big old nostalgia goggles. Everything you're talking about was always this bad.
                That's my point, it was bad, but by the standards back then it was just as bad as it is now, but if those standards were to be applied on current Ganker it would be considered far, far worse.
                I won't claim Ganker is better than Ganker.
                >This happened way before Ganker even existed
                People put more effort into baiting, now all you have to do to bait isn't even to post about videogames anymore, you just post something political and that'll make a bunch of anons angry enough to respond almost every single time.
                >More importantly, just ignoring people posting shit that's wrong can create false consensus that it's actually correct.
                This mentality of "I must feed the trolls, or they'll win" is why they'll keep trolling, social media has managed to condition people in such a way that attention is more powerful than before, people will do far more repetitive shit for attention than before. Most people don't even troll for shits and giggles anymore, but because they want attention. Just don't respond, maybe report their post if their post is shitty enough.

                >There is no way to distinguish between an actual moron or a pretender. More importantly, just ignoring people posting shit that's wrong can create false consensus that it's actually correct.
                NTA but you're the moron. It is widely known that on Ganker there are tons of glowies and shills and they will try to derail a thread or shitpost or garner a lot of attention, and one of their ways is posting baits: posts that are against Ganker's consensus (eg "putting trannies in game is good"), and they expect to have a lot of (You)s. So if you're replying to baits, you're baited and you're giving them a (You), which is dumb. What you should be doing is just ignoring and ghosting them. Let them seethe when they realize their pathetic trollish bait has zero (You).
                Additionnally, you can easily tell if a post is a troll on purpose or someone genuinely curious.
                Finally, it's not your job to correct the "false consensus that it's actually correct", because anons know that the baits' contents are incorrect, and it's not because no one replied to a bait, that everyone agrees with it.

                >It is widely known that on Ganker there are tons of glowies and shills
                Anon........... it's not that elaborate but it's also late enough that I can only offer quick rundowns on why glowies barely have any presence on 4chinz and shills barely exist on Ganker; glowie presence is basically just a bunch of office plants browsing /misc/ because they flagged it as a place to monitor (and Ganker management, abiding to US law, will provide information when requested and if it's possible) in which they occasionally post, and most declarations of shilling on Ganker simply aren't true, you're more likely to find real shills on boards like Ganker, plus shilling by itself isn't a negative thing, what if an anon posts about his cool indie game? It's a lot more mundane than people believe.

              • 10 months ago

                >probably due to the average user age rising.
                Black person, you know there are alot of underages coming here because they saw some israelitetuber post a video on "le epic 4chink history. Including the frog and wojak"

              • 10 months ago

                And yet none of them want to reach the heights of lulz. Then again they CAN'T because raids and trolling is bannable.

          • 10 months ago

            >why would having v1, v2, and v3
            >checking one board instead of 3 to find a specific thread you want
            Annoying, but maybe worth it if one or two boards end up slower.
            I do like new vidya boards like /vm/ and /vst/ however. One annoying thing is that they (at least officially) don't allow generals, but since boards are rather slow then same vidya appears again and again organically and I think jannies are smart enough to tolerate that. Now I can discuss more niche strategy games in a slow board and not get bumped off like in /vg/ or Ganker.

    • 10 months ago

      I would disagree, because I don't think Wizard of the Coast's FIRE doctrine, avengers plot, and minority pozzing actually brought in any new customers.
      Those that stayed, stayed in spite of it, but Magic these days is worst than ever and new casuals are the last people I would blame

  22. 10 months ago

    God of War probably?

  23. 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago

    classic wow

  25. 10 months ago

    Monster Hunter

    • 10 months ago

      Monster hunter post World and Gen


  26. 10 months ago

    I get called F2P in TF2 all the time by zoomers because my only hat is a Gibus and I only use stock weapons. I started in 2008 and I got the gibus from the hidden page

    • 10 months ago

      get some fricking hats dude, just craft shit together or something

  27. 10 months ago


  28. 10 months ago

    Monster hunter post World and Gen

    • 10 months ago

      Almost any discussion of the series has been polluted with morons shitflinging over Rise and nuhunters preaching about how World is the best game in the series and has no flaws whatsoever.

  29. 10 months ago

    Space station 13

    • 10 months ago

      damn, Sseth really fricked the game that hard?

      • 10 months ago

        it was going downhill before he even made the vid, that was just the death knell
        2015-6 were the last good years

      • 10 months ago

        Fresh blood is good, smallgamez didn't do much damage because core was strong, newbies got beaten with oxytanks and spaced until they became robust spacemen.
        The actual rot of the game was bs12 tier autists who wanted to autistically rp in round based disaster simulator.

      • 10 months ago

        No, it's just that all the servers like Bay, TG and Goon got taken over by powertripping homosexuals and trannies. That shit started happening before Sseth.

    • 10 months ago

      SS13 always had shitmins as playerbase

  30. 10 months ago

    It's literally not games, it's developers. They keep letting homosexuals and women in to promote diversity. Then they bow down to every complaint they have until you have the most recent pokemon games. They were already getting bare bones, but GF had no time to program anything worth playing because of all the homosexuals forcing their sickness down everyone's throats.

  31. 10 months ago

    100% Orange Juice, overtaken by Vtuber Black folk, trannies, and kids ever since Kizuna AI made her videos on the game. I miss when threads for it lasted more than a handful of posts here.

    • 10 months ago

      Absolutely not. The people responsible for that game killed it with way too many seasonal events to keep track of. I used to play it during each event just to make sure I don't miss anything, but eventually I missed one, and suddenly I felt relieved about not having to keep up with events. That's when I stopped playing it after 1000+ hours.

      • 10 months ago

        The endless grinding is surely a problem, but bad shit didn't start happening until the Vtubers came around, that's just a fact. The game was in a much better state back when it was primarily just Gankertards playing it.

        • 10 months ago

          Look, I don't even know how bad the game is today, I haven't played in years. All I'm saying is that I already got alienated by the constant seasonal events laced with FOMO. Whatever's wrong with the game today could be a symptom of people like me quitting the game because it started feeling like a fricking job, so they had to hook the remaining players with even more bullshit.

    • 10 months ago

      Isn't the dev a fulltime vtuber these days?

  32. 10 months ago

    Fallout New Vegas.

  33. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >use of the word incel
      You disgrace Liz with your homosexualry subversivensss.

  34. 10 months ago

    Speedrun community
    Turns out unemployed troons can out autistic the autists

  35. 10 months ago

    That is entirely circumstantial.
    First, the game needs an active community and if it has an active community, it's very likely a MMO or a PVP game. Secondly, the devs need to align with the "invaders" in order for the games to give justification for the "invasion", otherwise the "invaders" will never be able to take roots in the community and will effectively be gatekept by the game itself.

    The phenomenon you refer to is usually the other way around of what you initially picture. You picture a good community surrounding a game series or a genre and, then, you imagibe invaders that drive the devs to adapt the games to the invading audience when we can clearly see over the past decades that it is the other way around. It is the devs that change the games to appeal to and invite a broader audience into the community so that they can make money and the newer audience being utterly clueless about how they are "invading" since, from their perspective, they were invited in.

    This is why gatekeeping vidya doesn't fricking work. You can make and gatekeep your own forum if you like, but you can't gatekeep people from buying and playing videogames. Fundamentally, gaming, even when it is social in nature, is a solitary hobby that people do in the privacy of their home. So what are you gonna do? Stand, fully armored, in front of every Gamestop in the world? Stand dully armored in the living room of every normalgays playing """"your"""" game?
    The best you can do is keep screeching, calling them Black folk and posting gore, bur, ultimately, that make you look like such a fricking idiot that, essentially, you are justifying them throwing you out of your own hobby

    • 10 months ago

      That's how I see it as well. For singleplayer games it doesn't matter, devs will do what they want so take it or leave it. For multiplayer you probably just stick with your own group or people you meet and like and don't bother with anybody else as for the game itself it's the same - take it or leave it.

    • 10 months ago

      This post is too intelligent for this thread that OP has likely already abandoned.

  36. 10 months ago


    Yes, society is a game

  37. 10 months ago

    Killing Floor

  38. 10 months ago

    All of them. The grey people are multiculturalism paid for by ESG.

  39. 10 months ago

    Total War. After Rome 2, the series was dying and by the time Atilla came out, most people accepted that it was dead for good but there was the knowledge that the pain was over at the very least. Then CA made Warhammer 1 and has managed to keep Total War alive solely through the average Warhammer "fans" desire to consume product and get excited for next product. Every Total War thread for like the last 6 years has been nothing but wojak tier "histcucks seething at fantasychads" shit that has ruined any discussion about the games. Discussion which is usually how the newer games are legitimately inferior to the old games, but if you ever mention that, they accuse you of being some literal who youtuber who hates their moronic asses too

    • 10 months ago

      Even warhammer gays are turning on them with how bad TWW3 has been from a bug and Black personcattle DLC price milking perspective. Even the Reddit drones are turning and they would defend CA murdering their family in front of them. I think if med 3 comes out it’ll revive some history discussion, but I also don’t think CA can make a good med 3 so.

      t. Waiting on the warhammer for med 2 BOTET mod to update

    • 10 months ago

      Best game coming through

    • 10 months ago

      You are kind exaggerating, but yes, /twg/ did have too many stupid fricks having history vs fantasy thing and I personally grew bored of Warhammer as a setting (only kind of like dark elves for aesthetic) and stopped visiting the general, if you want to talk about older total war games just go to /vst/.

    • 10 months ago

      You are kind exaggerating, but yes, /twg/ did have too many stupid fricks having history vs fantasy thing and I personally grew bored of Warhammer as a setting (only kind of like dark elves for aesthetic) and stopped visiting the general, if you want to talk about older total war games just go to /vst/.

      Although, I have to say, I don't hate Rome 2, it's ok in some ways. And I would love Ashilla, but I think it probably still runs poorly on my old PC. But Bannerlord being optimized after lunch gives me hope.

      • 10 months ago

        You are kind exaggerating, but yes, /twg/ did have too many stupid fricks having history vs fantasy thing and I personally grew bored of Warhammer as a setting (only kind of like dark elves for aesthetic) and stopped visiting the general, if you want to talk about older total war games just go to /vst/.

        Total War. After Rome 2, the series was dying and by the time Atilla came out, most people accepted that it was dead for good but there was the knowledge that the pain was over at the very least. Then CA made Warhammer 1 and has managed to keep Total War alive solely through the average Warhammer "fans" desire to consume product and get excited for next product. Every Total War thread for like the last 6 years has been nothing but wojak tier "histcucks seething at fantasychads" shit that has ruined any discussion about the games. Discussion which is usually how the newer games are legitimately inferior to the old games, but if you ever mention that, they accuse you of being some literal who youtuber who hates their moronic asses too

        Oh, and I think with Total Wars the problem is the lack of innovation. I think that's why people kind of like Warhammer too, since it gave more troop types and magic so it felt kind of new.
        And for example, while a lot of people might have disliked it, I kind of like how minor settlement battles in WH2 were open field battles, it solved that problem where too much of the campaign turns into siege slog. Kind of a bootleg fix.
        For newer historical games innovation is mostly just better graphics and aesthetics that look more grounded.

    • 10 months ago

      Even warhammer gays are turning on them with how bad TWW3 has been from a bug and Black personcattle DLC price milking perspective. Even the Reddit drones are turning and they would defend CA murdering their family in front of them. I think if med 3 comes out it’ll revive some history discussion, but I also don’t think CA can make a good med 3 so.

      t. Waiting on the warhammer for med 2 BOTET mod to update

      You are kind exaggerating, but yes, /twg/ did have too many stupid fricks having history vs fantasy thing and I personally grew bored of Warhammer as a setting (only kind of like dark elves for aesthetic) and stopped visiting the general, if you want to talk about older total war games just go to /vst/.

      you're all idiots
      even at the peak popularity of TW2 during Warden and the Paunch and the Twisted and Twilight the game was still kinda niche all RTS are
      the real shit is CA is now injecting Age of Sigmar bullshit in TW3 and ruining the comunity by inviting those tranimars

      Best game coming through

      we should have gotten Empire 2 instead of We Wuz Pharao

      • 10 months ago

        Did anyone even ask for pharaoh? It's a part of history nobody really cares about outside of it's relation to Rome and the Bible. Would have largely preferred Empire 2 with new factions to play, and possibly more alternate history nations.

        • 10 months ago

          Bronze age total war (with some stone age neighbors too) would be something, but CA would actually have to innovate for that to be good.

          • 10 months ago

            Troy was basically a bronze age total war, and it was shit. Not saying those two things are necessarily related, just stating them as separate facts.

            • 10 months ago

              Troy is just limited in scope. It's kind of why I like Stainless Steel over base Med2 - more factions (and a bit better aesthetics for units at times).
              But it would also be kind of hard to just implement Bronze age on a larger scale.

    • 10 months ago

      The peak of the series was Rome 1. I only played Rome 1.

      • 10 months ago

        I played Rome 1, Medieval 2, Rome 2, their expansions, Warhammer 2. And a bit of Ashila.
        Rome 1 is nice enough, but frankly I prefer the visuals of Rome 2. Medieval 2 is my favorite, but probably only with Stainless Steel mod.
        I would really like Medieval 3, but frankly I doubt that CA would do it well enough and it would be turned into a dlc monster too.

      • 10 months ago

        This is me. Luv me rome 1. No need to play any of that Fantasy garbage like Total War Warhammer or Britannia or "BRO MEDIEVAL 2 IS BEST GAME OF ALL TIME LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT 24/7 AND IGNORE THE FACT THAT I ONLY PLAYED IT WITH MODS"

    • 10 months ago

      I am still upset CA will never put in the effort to give us Total War 30 years

  40. 10 months ago


  41. 10 months ago

    weirdly specific example, but SL 125 PvP in Souls games
    >be tryhard
    >hated by casuals and PvE'ers for our lag abuse and animation glitches (understandable)
    >other tryhards make community at 4-1 SL 125 so that we can just fight with each other and not grief casuals and PvE'ers with our lag abuse and animation glitches
    >we can abuse the lag and glitch our animations as much as we like in peace, amongst our own kind, and have fun doing so
    >as time passes, for some reason a bunch of casual PvP'ers decide they want to also do PvP at 125, in the tryhard meta PvP hotspots
    it's especially ironic because today SL 125 is referred to by the community as, "The Meta" or "Meta Level." people will specifically go out of their way to level cap their characters at The Meta, and then complain about encountering meta builds, with seemingly no awareness of the irony.

  42. 10 months ago

    Tf2 hands down. It's a death by a thousand papercuts
    >Tyler McVicker
    Ecelebs brought in more normalgays, Valve catered to compgays, and trannies have been consistently raiding the game after Overwatch's decline began. Personally I believe the Bots were made either by the trannies or compgays, both parties have a reason to do it. Compgays make bots to invade casual servers, hopefully forcing casuals into comp servers. Trannies do it to ruin the game out of spite. About McBlack person, I can write an entire essay on why he's a piece of shit.

    • 10 months ago

      What exactly was wrong with normalgays? I know there's fanboys who will parrot shit like nocrits, but I'm not talking about them.

      • 10 months ago

        Nothing explicit on the surface, but you already mentioned it. Normalgays are the types that use reddit, so eventually an echo chamber forms wherever they gather. If what they find to be reputable source says X = Y, then they'll repeat that incessantly and refuse any differing opinion. I've seen these morons argue random crits are outdated game design, while simultaneously arguing that sniper's design isn't despite have the same logic behind them. Point is they spout whatever ecelbs tell them to.

        • 10 months ago

          Basically. Normalgays are the fencesitters of fandom. Or the sheep. Or both. Problem is the fence IS owned by a side.

    • 10 months ago

      TF2 is quite literally the "Ijust built my first pc what game do I install" game and its been that way for YEARS even before it went f2p its servers were filled to brim with furgay and pony sprays. Just kinda seems like the natural evolution of a degenerate fanbase.

  43. 10 months ago


  44. 10 months ago

    How did /x/ even let troons and redditors hijack their own project website? Did the main guy cuck out and open the gate?

    • 10 months ago

      >How did /x/ even let troons and redditors hijack their own project website?

      Autists and spergs aren't good at the types of social games that normalgays play with one another. So whenever this shit comes up, they're clueless. They innocently assume everyone wants to be a part of "the community" because they're interested in *THE THING* and not acquiring social power.

      Redditors and troons are overwhelmingly narcissistic and Machiavellian. They're worse than high school girls when it comes to spreading rumors, backstabbing their enemies, and being irredeemably evil shits 24/7.

      Regular nerds don't stand a fricking chance.

      • 10 months ago

        reminds me of this pic

        • 10 months ago

          kek accurate

        • 10 months ago

          A Ganker conspiracy theory holds that psychopaths regularly use pathological narcissists (troons, bipolar women, Redditors) as footsoldiers to kill open source projects.

          After seeing what happened with Linus Torvalds, I'm inclined to agree.

          • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            How does one prevent this? I want people to be able to play my games.

            • 10 months ago

              > prevent narcissists
              grey man and stone wall emotional response. establish boundaries and enforce boundaries. narcissists use others as a mirror to reflect themselves, so do what a regular mirror cannot do, which is to either use your legs and walk away or use your arms and push them away.

              > prevent psychopaths
              unironically, a map to the address to their home and a functional gun with a loaded live round in the chamber. or a very pointy metal stick

              kek accurate

        • 10 months ago

          What would an immoral emotional person be, and where would they lie on the graph?

          • 10 months ago

            Narcissists. Who beat Normies, tie with autists, and cowtow to psychopaths.

          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              >autist ≠ schizo
              Try again sweaty

              • 10 months ago

                Every shizo is an autist, not every autist is a shizo
                troony menace is also made out of autists

      • 10 months ago

        It's really weird how anglo countries have all these ten of thousands? of supposedly low status broken men that are manipulative, ruthless and intelligent enough to pull this off but not enough to get laid.

  45. 10 months ago

    Monster Hunter World.

    Good game but it brought undesirables in droves.

  46. 10 months ago

    Global banking

  47. 10 months ago

    Why don't the 3 pink guys just go back out to the blue space?

  48. 10 months ago

    Basically every series that has had a modern release

  49. 10 months ago

    Obviously everything involving SCP

  50. 10 months ago

    The internet before the invention of the iphone

  51. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Halo really did a number on me, I don't like feeling left out. Maybe that's why I got addicted to Jungle chase and Dynablaster on holoride.

    • 10 months ago

      Fallout is a weird one because the fanbase is EXTREMELY fractured. Almost every game has it's own fanbase that hates all the others.
      F1 and F2 and NV generally share fans, although even then you'll get a lot of people that like F1 but hate F2 and maybe NV as well.
      F3 fans are basically their own community.
      F4 fans have some overlap with F3 fans although I wouldn't say it's a ton.
      F76 has it's own deranged community.

  52. 10 months ago

    all of them

  53. 10 months ago

    >Ganker supports gatekeeping
    >Ganker rages when liberals, socially popular people, women, transsexuals, furries, whales, and mods gatekeep their games
    Why are anons so hypocritical?

    • 10 months ago

      It's one thing to gatekeep something you made or were apart of originally, it's something entirely different for outside groups who don't truly appreciate the thing to come in and take over. Don't even sit there and tell me the homosexuals currently running the SCP wiki truly love it, when they allow moronic fetish articles to run rampant unimpeded. The sense of quality of the wiki dropped drastically once they got ahold of it.

    • 10 months ago

      >found a product for you and your like-minded peers to enjoy
      >liberals, socially popular people, women, transsexuals, furries, whales, and mods steal it from you because you’re having fun
      >excludes you and mock you even though you were the original audience for it
      It’s not gatekeeping if they were never interested in the first place.

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you think you’re entitled to the product in the first place? You weren’t apart of the dev team. Or the translation team. Or contributed anything worthwhile at all. Sit the frick down.

        • 10 months ago

          Terrible post.

          • 10 months ago

            >Sit the frick down.
            Too obvious of a bait


            • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          >Sit the frick down.
          Too obvious of a bait

    • 10 months ago

      What game?

  54. 10 months ago

    troonys have absolutely ruined FNV. Cannot even have a discussion without it being called a troony game or have some stupid fricking troony coming in and posting their TRANS RIGHTS mod, derailing the thread.

  55. 10 months ago

    It's actually practically impossible for something like this to happen to a game.

  56. 10 months ago

    Monster Hunter.
    Resident Evil.
    Any small doujin game community that starts to gain semi-mainstream meme appeal.
    Most Blizzard IPs.

  57. 10 months ago

    >spam thread

    • 10 months ago

      >doing it for free
      >not even a real trannitor

  58. 10 months ago

    Oldschool Runescape. They've had several insane "diversity" changes over the last two years, the most recent of which made half the city guard NPCs black women. A lot of guys going around with female avatars too, which is homosexual as frick. Apparently rs3 is even worse.

    Also almost every fps I see now let's you play as a female. Just beyond moronic. At this rate I'll just never play any video game released post 2020.

  59. 10 months ago


  60. 10 months ago

    I think every game fits this category, skullgirls is the one that comes to mind just because how recent it was.
    Something I just do is to try to not interact with those people in a community, because in the end they are just people that should be ignored. The only problem is when said people try to change the game for what they think is good, and that's where the line should be drawn.
    Thankfully nowadays not many devs cater to those type of fans, or at least it hasn't happened to the games I like personally, but I do feel bad for the anons that have to deal with that crap.

  61. 10 months ago

    Souls after Prepare to Die edition. It only regressed a little with Bloodborne due to exclusivity but not that much.

    • 10 months ago

      New homosexual troony meme after getting destroyed in your elden ring bait threads. Luckily, Souls Chads are unswayed by your homosexual pseudo-snoy whining.

  62. 10 months ago

    Every single fricking game that the normalgay hordes get their hands on.

    • 10 months ago

      I think that's every single game aside of a few niche titles, and even then the moment you try to talk with them with other autist you have the chance that one normlagays likes the game and shares it with other dudes.
      That's not a complete death sentence of course, but it can be.
      Nowadays no game is safe, the only good thing is that communities, in theory, don't have any power on how a game and its sequels are made, but there are a few exceptions sadly.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          pls don't blame the innocent autistic stealth trannies for the actions of twitterbrained morons it's a loud minority i swear, most of us hate these attention whoring larper dreamsexual idiots as much as you

          Filthy subhuman trying to fit in.

  63. 10 months ago

    the most terrifying thing is that it's actual NPCs (AI chatbots) that's doing this now all over the internet
    it's literally happening now as we speak on Ganker
    look at all the BG3 threads
    if you've lurked enuf you can see the bots replying & "arguing" with each other

  64. 10 months ago

    Monster Hunter.

    • 10 months ago

      good answer

  65. 10 months ago
  66. 10 months ago

    Paper Mario and Pokemon immediately come to mind, though it's more accurate to say they have a fractured fan base.

  67. 10 months ago

    If we live in a patriarchal society, why are men/young boys trooning out to become women? shouldn't they take advantage of the benefits of being men?

    • 10 months ago

      If feminists say that being a woman is horrible, why do so many men troon out?

  68. 10 months ago

    Final Fantasy

  69. 10 months ago

    Space Station 13

  70. 10 months ago

    i've never had this happen because im not a weirdo

  71. 10 months ago

    Long story short, trannies are the biggest problem

    • 10 months ago

      A symptom of the true problem, but unironically yes

  72. 10 months ago

    gatekeeping is a myth because it never happens

  73. 10 months ago

    MMORPGs in general. WoW catapaulted them in the normalBlack folk eye so now anything that releases either has to be a clone or something that appeals to someone that hates what MMORPGs originally came from and were.

  74. 10 months ago

    Space Station 13.
    was based, but now taken over by communist woke troons who hate the original playerbase

  75. 10 months ago

    >What game?
    all of them eventually. especially once they start making money. there a less than two handfuls of exceptions to the rule and even then it's only a prolonging of the inevitable

  76. 10 months ago

    Project moon

    Things started going down midway through Ruina and after the gacha announcement it went downhill extremely fast.

    Add the whole artist drama to the woodpile and you end up with a fanbase in which 90% don't even play at all and are in it for the drama

    What used to be the minority (game skippers) are now the majority.

    • 10 months ago

      I still need to beat lobotomy corporation. I got to day 49 or something. I fricked up two runs after around an hour of hell, and decided to stop playing.

  77. 10 months ago

    soon, Armored Core

  78. 10 months ago

    Monster Hunter

  79. 10 months ago


  80. 10 months ago


  81. 10 months ago

    irl real life

  82. 10 months ago
  83. 10 months ago

    How do we solve the zoomer/troony problem? Clearly they've proven to be failures in our current society, especially within the video game community.

    • 10 months ago

      Create a subgroup within gaming and police it like the fricking CIA. We would need a new chan though.

  84. 10 months ago

    i farted

  85. 10 months ago

    Literally the entire industry and pretty much anything that would've been considered nerdy 10-20 years ago

  86. 10 months ago

    /pol/cels telling you to "go back".

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