What games did you play with your father? Was he any good at them?

What games did you play with your father?
Was he any good at them?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Will be amazed if anyone here actually had a father considering how brown this board is

    • 12 months ago

      Everyone has a father you silly goose!

      My dad was a drunk, so no— I did not get to play vidya with him.

      • 12 months ago

        My father was a fiend

      • 12 months ago

        Mine was also a drunk but he played stronghold and starcraft with me.

    • 12 months ago

      sorry chud
      there are no differences between the races, except blacks are the best

    • 12 months ago

      spics have father, it's the nogs that have none, and white boys who grow up to be gays

      • 12 months ago

        you are a chink chong?

        • 12 months ago

          Chicano (American)

        • 12 months ago

          They're never Asian, you moron. Ganker always takes the wrong shot (probably because Ganker is mostly Chi).

          • 12 months ago

            whenever flags get revealed, it's almost always aussies, canadians and SE asians

            • 12 months ago

              Don't bother with SEA monkeys. Calling them Chinese will only flatter them.

  2. 12 months ago

    None. But you since you asked…
    Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.

    • 12 months ago

      What’s this from?

      • 12 months ago

        Seems like anon's own rendition of the Dr. Evil backstory from Austin Powers

  3. 12 months ago

    Some COD4 and MW2, despite having worked in Silicon Valley and being a high-level developer in some big tech companies he didn't play video games that much outside of flight simulators when he was younger.

  4. 12 months ago

    He was way into PS1 era games and I fondly remember playing Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1/2 with him. Being scared but having him as a guide. He also liked racing games, dirt bike/offroad especially. Somewhere along the way he stopped caring about any games that took thought. Occasionally he would play racing games, or ask me to get some for him. One time I caught him playing God Hand on my old PS3 but I'm pretty sure it was just a quick thing. He also asked me to load up Fallout New Vegas for him but he became disappointed when he realized it would take time to get to New Vegas/it wasn't all about gambling. He's a big gambler.

  5. 12 months ago

    I regularly download cheat trainers so he can play survival/action horror games with infinite ammo and god mode. He wants to replay Half Life with console commands for like the 8th fricking time now.

    • 12 months ago

      >you're being awful weak during your growth period
      is this really the best troonslators are capable of?

    • 12 months ago

      >bad habit of making retorts
      Christ, my dad is like this a lot too. If he's in a decent mood then he doesn't do it as much but if he's in a bad or even neutral one I think he just disagrees with everything on impulse. And no, it's not like it's just me, he does it to everybody, even more extended family.
      He'd fit in well here.

  6. 12 months ago

    Before my dad lost his mind from paranoid schizophrenia, we used to play a lot of Command and Conquer and Diablo 2 together as a family.
    Fun times. I feel like he had the potential to be an amazing father. Shame he lost his mind though.

  7. 12 months ago

    Online poker, and mobile slot machine games, but mostly massive amounts of online poker.

  8. 12 months ago

    I watched him play Majora's Mask and Final Fantasy X-2, that's about it.

  9. 12 months ago

    You guys think my children will hate me when they grow up and realize I’m a transphobe racist? Or will they think their Dad was based?

    • 12 months ago

      Most likely they’ll hate you until they’re older and see the wisdom in your hate.

    • 12 months ago

      Why are your children being programmed by someone besides you.
      Why do you allow it?

      Absolute state of sperm donors.

  10. 12 months ago

    My dad loved Pogo games like turbo21 and popit
    also big into golf games and we play PGA2k21 every once in a while. One thing stood out was when that JFK Reloaded game came out he saw me playing it and wanted a copy, he still has it on his Windows 10 PC to this day.

  11. 12 months ago

    My dad was a monster.

    But he loved Morrowind and half life, really went apeshit on oblivion and Skyrim. Also really liked battlefield 2142, which I totally agreed with.

    • 12 months ago

      that sucks anon, but those games aren't so bad at all. What did he do if you don't mind me asking?

  12. 12 months ago

    Apparently I deleted our SSBM save file after he stayed up late unlocking all the characters

  13. 12 months ago

    My father was never around

    • 12 months ago

      wow what a surprise

  14. 12 months ago

    Shit yeah, he'd kick my ass at Tanks on the 2600 and still liked Pacman even though that version was fricking awful. He lost interest once the NES hit but I was hooked for life.

  15. 12 months ago

    My father didn't like playing video games. My mom loved them till the Nintendo 64 came out, then she said she didn't see the point in playing the newer games and stopped playing completely.
    I didn't see myself becoming her decades later. Now I don't play any video games but b***h about the new ones on here.

  16. 12 months ago

    no. He never gave half a shit about what I was interested in.

  17. 12 months ago

    >Playing Max Payne as a kid, shitty PS2 port
    >Get to THAT scene where there's a fat guy and some moaning girl under the counter
    >He starts laughing his off and yelling for my mother to come in and he tells her what's happening while the in-game guy is mentioning strangling people with gamepad cables
    >She goes to turn it off but he tells her to leave it alone, he wants to watch me play more
    >Only figure out why the laughter 8 or so years later on a replay

    Anyway, it's a kino game. The Jack Lupino boss gave me nightmares.

    • 12 months ago

      >mom wants to stop filth
      >he tells her
      >she obeys

      He had real parents...bless

  18. 12 months ago

    Mechassault, Chromehounds, XIII, Halo 1-3, Indiana Jones And The Emperors Tomb, Katamari, Medal Of Honor Frontline, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Gran Turismo 3, Burnout, Splinter Cell, Lego Star Wars, Animal Crossing Wild World

    Pretty fricking based, I love my dad

  19. 12 months ago

    >7 years old
    >pops bought red dead redemption
    >he lets me ride the horse to each mission
    >even bought me fake revolvers to play at home

    Good times

    • 12 months ago

      God take me, Im ready.

  20. 12 months ago

    >be me idk like 6 years old
    >sega genesis breaks
    >dad opens it up and fixes it somehow
    >doesn't know much about electronics, was a carpenter
    >works perfectly fine for another decade
    i miss the shit outta him, passed away about 15 years ago

  21. 12 months ago

    My dad was super into Mario 3 on NES and Super Mario World. He would teach me to read the different 'lands', which drove me to try and read more. Apparently, I couldn't pronounce the word 'land', so I'd say things like 'Pipe Yand'. It's a nice memory of my dad since he died when I was like 15.

    He was a super old dude (78 when I was 15), but I do wish he'd got to see the graphical changes that've been made in vidya since it always seemed to blow his mind. I remember him thinking that Mario 64 was 'too' realistic, and giving him motion sickness the first time he saw it.

    Now, I'm 35 and have an almost two year old daughter who likes watching me play vidya. I hope I can teach her not to be a disgusting casual homosexual.

  22. 12 months ago

    None because different generations had different hobbies and I'm not trying to get a boomer into gaming the same way they don't try to get me into some moronic boomer hobby.

  23. 12 months ago

    My father is too dumb to do anything but drink in the backyard in front of a fire. Some people say “you’re wasting your life playing games”, but is doing the same damn thing every friday night your entire life any less of a waste of a life? He’s the kind of moron that watches tv his whole goddamn life but still doesn’t understand how his own tv remote works. Video games may as well be rocket science to him.

    • 12 months ago

      my dad has no hobbies or interests and doesn't know what to do with himself when he's not working

      my whole life he's just watched NFL or re-runs of Seinfeld, The Office, or whatever shitty sitcoms are on now

  24. 12 months ago

    the only game my dad ever played with me was melee and he would play link and spam down airs

  25. 12 months ago

    We would make cities in Caesar 3 together, he beat all campaign maps on his own too

  26. 12 months ago

    A few but really just Halo, I think I got him to play through Gears 1.

    Absolute CBT at first but the idea of playing with him was novel. A decade later I heard he made it through all 3 on Heroic alone in like 2 weeks, very surprising. I think he binged one in 2 days. Hes no gamer but he had the capacity to be one, he just uses work as an outlet for his/our autism.

  27. 12 months ago

    Golf games. Every golf game imaginable.

  28. 12 months ago

    This is the stealth Sopranos thread, isn't it?

  29. 12 months ago

    Nobunagas ambition on NES he was good. NHL hits on Xbox we were about the same level. Age of empires 2 old man wisdom beat me everytime. Beat his ass at teller a ton though

  30. 12 months ago

    Played lots of games with him growing up. He wasn't the best unless it was a FPS, but that didn't matter because he just wanted to play.
    We played Diablo 4's campaign together, it was great despite it being Diablo 4.

  31. 12 months ago

    I never played any games with my father, because my parents divorced when I was 6 years old. He used to buy me obscure PS2 games sometimes though. I remember when he bought me Onimusha Warlords and I loved it. I've had a rough relationship with my father, but it's a long story. I am a depressed 27 yo who is still trying to figure it out. I only recently saw him again after 10 years of not talking. We are like strangers now. It's very sad.

  32. 12 months ago

    >play super mario kart with dad
    >stomps me horribly
    >talks mad shit, laps me, lets me pass just to hit me with a red shell
    >get so mad I just quietly stand up and unplug the tv from the wall before he hits the finish line
    >fueled me to get better and never let him beat me in vidya again.
    >doesn't matter he never let me live down that one rage quit.
    >no matter how many times I beat him from super mario kart up to wii it's " lol member that time you got beat so bad you unplugged the tv from the wall?"

    I'd love to have continue the tradition of trying him at newer mario kart titles but he just plays pool and faux gambling games on his phone now.

  33. 12 months ago

    mario kart
    he sucked at it and didn't like it but did it because i enjoyed it

  34. 12 months ago

    My father left my family when i was 2.
    I tried to contact him when i was 20, to see if he would be interested in knowing his son, and he just insulted me over a 45 minutes long phone call.
    I am 32 now.

    • 12 months ago

      how'd he insult you? I'm curious. but also frick that anon who cares what he thinks.

      • 12 months ago

        He called me worthless, useless and pretty much admitted he wanted mom to abort me, and he told me to kill myself.
        And he disowned me, too.
        10 years have passed since then, i'm a different man now but i can't really help it but get a bit sad when people mention their childhood with their fathers.

    • 12 months ago

      >picrel, the only game my father owned. I never saw him play it.

      That's kino. You're now in the latter half of your character arc.
      Reminds me of my own father, although I wish he'd left our family entirely. He never really did.
      I'm also curious what he had to say.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah i'm just curious if anyone had a similar experience.
        My father just left one day and became extremely hostile towards me and my mother, for no reason.
        There was no fighting, no marriage problems, no divorce, nothing but him leaving one day.
        Maybe one day i'll know.

        • 12 months ago

          My parents divorced when I was 1 because he was an alcoholic, cokehead, and abusive malignant narcissist (still very much the latter). The "final straw" was when he got his cokeprostitute girlfriend pregnant while my younger sister was 4 months old in the womb.
          In my late 20s / 30s I decided to cut off contact not only with him, but the rest of the family.
          Not entirely similar to your experience, but roughly similar origin.

          • 12 months ago

            >he was an alcoholic, cokehead, and abusive malignant narcissist
            and yet that's who your mom married

            • 12 months ago

              I know, that's why I don't speak with her either.
              In her defense, she was severely abused in childhood as well. But it was on her to fix her fricking head and raise a family right.
              She can't even accept this responsibility now, only makes excuses for herself.

  35. 12 months ago

    marathon, sim games, warcraft 1 and 2, diablo 2, mario kart, halo

  36. 12 months ago

    he said we played super mario world when I was four, said he beat it for me. I have no memory of this or pictures. I wanna say never.

  37. 12 months ago

    My parents divorced,
    and a while after that I became homosexual and a neet.

  38. 12 months ago

    My dad liked Marathon.
    He couldn't make the switch to console games though. He never got used to the controllers.
    But he liked watching some of my stuff and seeing how the hobby was evolving.
    Eventually when I got my PS2 he showed a lot of interest in NFS MW, He'd always turn on the Home Theater to show-off to other dads how cool it was during the intro, and he'd also make some horn-dog comments about Mia.
    After that he tried playing a few WW2 plane games and SOCOM, but he just couldn't be bothered with getting used to the controllers.
    After that he fell deep into depression and stopped caring much about it. My parents also developed a dislike for gaming due to all the news bad mouthing it and me being shit at school.

  39. 12 months ago

    My late father played medal of honor ps1 with me back then

  40. 12 months ago

    I used to play a lot of catch and chess with him during my childhood now we barely see eachother i miss old days so much

  41. 12 months ago

    my dad couldn't care less about games or anything else that I'm interested in. but the feeling is mutual, so not really a big deal

  42. 12 months ago

    My dad loved playing Civilization but he especially liked to play James Bond games. He only ever would play with me and my friends and uncle with explosives, I have very fond memories with him playing Goldeneye and Nightfire.

  43. 12 months ago

    My dad doesn't play any games except pinball.

  44. 12 months ago

    Rally Dakar 2018, Euro Truck Simulator and he was spectating LiS2 and Beyond: Two souls with me

  45. 12 months ago

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon for PS2. he made a custom character to antagonize my mother(a she-hulk knockoff)...
    It went over my head back then...

  46. 12 months ago

    Me and my dad used to play need for speed most wanted and I couldn't drive for shit

  47. 12 months ago

    Sled Storm on ps1. My dad would always wait through the whole intro cinematic because he knew I liked the song Dragula. He would almost always win but would play the game up to the point of getting the snowhawk and then let me play afterward. He's a good dade.

  48. 12 months ago

    Dad is a boomer so he can't use the controller but he always enjoyed watching me play Zelda. He also enjoys sexy video game ladies.

  49. 12 months ago

    Dad always smoked me at Wii baseball. But he couldn't touch me in boxing and always insisted that I was cheating.

  50. 12 months ago

    my dad always consdirered games to be a childish hobby, so i never bring up the topic of vidya when with him

  51. 12 months ago

    My dad loved the original Lego Star Wars games. He also used to play Commander Keen with me.

  52. 12 months ago

    Never played anything with my dad, got my mom to play Diddy Kong racing with me once

  53. 12 months ago

    my old man played a few games with me over the years, but the big one I remember was Gauntlet Legends
    it was a lot of fun, he wasn't great, but we had a good system going, calling out powerups and such and deciding who would get what
    beat the whole game with him
    miss you, old man

    • 12 months ago

      Human skull
      Human skull
      Human skull
      I like food
      Blue warrior has lost a level

  54. 12 months ago

    NBA JAM on sega genesis.

  55. 12 months ago

    Dad got really good at subway surfer, Like top 10 in the world good. Never played anything with him but when i played red dead 2 he loved Arthur's voice and would always do impressions

  56. 12 months ago

    My dad was the classic boomer geek. Collected comics and believed video games would dominate in entertainment and people laughed at him because they only had games like pong back then. Taught me to play silly by burning people with a taser in Syphon Filter and baiting enemies with rice balls in Tenchu when I was around 4. He passed me a bunch of new-game pluses with complete items or loaded up gameshark for me to make games easier. Was kinda forceful into making me a gamer, and I was kinda resistant till WoW. Played WoW with him near-simultaneously at 11 y/o, and he was buds with my in-game best friend's dad.
    >Was he any good at them
    He was good when I was like below the age of 10, getting SS ranks in Tenchu, doing self-made MGS challenge runs, getting so far in Diablo 2 hardcore that he treated his characters as trophies that he showed off online. After that his age seems to have caught up in his 40s. He sucked at MGS 4, he sucked at WoW, overall had a hard time at grasping new stat systems, calculating stats, making builds, etc. He played less after getting tired of WoW. Last game he played was BotW.

  57. 12 months ago

    he didnt have much interest in my interests
    i dont blame him

  58. 12 months ago

    Not really just random ps1 games here and there, then when I went to live with him in my teens he'd have me whip his work friends asses in cod4 while he shit talked them on the mic

  59. 12 months ago

    No but I tried teaching him how to play games like Dark Souls and GTA V

  60. 12 months ago

    >implying my father ever cared about me or spent time with me

  61. 12 months ago

    When i was younger, i would try to get him to play lego starwars with. He would always forget which button is which. He generally stopped playing games when he reached a point in max payne 2. I think that’s the one with a flamethrower guy? Anyways him and my older brother would try and beat him but never succeeded, even got a guide just for that part. Still no luck. Until me and my sister where popped out into the world, where he’ll maybe play a game or two with us; just to make us happy. Before he started a family, he played arcade games and Atari. Mainly he watched us play until it was ready for news or football

  62. 12 months ago

    When I was young we used to play Mortal Kombat Trilogy on PS1 and he would always kick my ass. We also played heaps of Road Rash.

    We were estranged for 11 and when I came back in his life I still had the same Mortal Kombat game and kicked his ass in it 🙂 he was actually still pretty good too, he wasn't a gamer or anything, don't think he ever really played games since I left.

  63. 12 months ago

    Uncharted Waters and Dai Senryaku. He was as good at Uncharted Waters as one could technically be for a game with no real skill involved and he could beat me nine times out of ten in Dai Senryaku.

  64. 12 months ago

    I remember my dad played pokemon with me when I was kid and first got frlg, i also remember playing red alert 2 with him through a lan connection and I guess he was a bit of a pc gamer in the mid 90s, now whenever we talk about video games he just asks me if im a level 2000 mage warlock paladin god or something stupid like that

  65. 12 months ago

    I didn't get to play as many as I would have liked, honestly. He basically quit playing video games with me after I beat him in Yoshimitsu mirror match in Tekken 2 when I was around five years old.
    My relationship with him has had its ups and downs. His marriage fell apart when I was seven and my mom cheated on him, and when he remarried a little over a year later he married a woman that abused me and my siblings for the rest of my childhood. We had a horrible relationship when I was a teenager, but I'm 27 now and have had all of the hard conversations with him. He's a good guy, and I love him very much. He's just not neurotypical and a bit of a doormat when it comes to women. His third wife seems to be a keeper; she's great.

    My stepdad is the man my mom cheated on my dad with. He's also a great guy, and although I didn't figure out that he was the "other man" in my parents' marriage until just a few years ago, I still have a huge amount of respect for him. He moved here from the UK to be with my mom, and I have no doubts that he did that just as much for me, my sister and my brother's sake as he did to be with my mom.
    I never got to play many games with him growing up since the custody situation following my parents divorce only saw me at my mom's place on the weekends. On the few occasions I did, I played Third Strike with him. He plays Remy in that game since Guile isn't in it. He's a monster in Super Turbo with Guile.

  66. 12 months ago

    My dad always thought I was a failure for being into video games and computers rather than cars or drinking. He still calls me a failure despite him being a drunk and now drug addict who has been to jail several times and had to bail him out every time. I hate him but he did play NFS Hot Pursuit (I think) on the PS1 one time with me.

  67. 12 months ago

    Harvest Moon on PS1 he always told me to avoid girls like Karen and should aim for Ann or Mary. I'd always thought he's cheating when calling harvest sprites for help because I didn't know how to do so.

  68. 12 months ago

    The only game I've ever seen him playing was Time Crisis. He was hooked to it and was pretty good.
    One day I beat his record score and he got so bitthurt he never played again.

  69. 12 months ago

    my dad loves quake 1 and 2 to death. he doesn't really play anymore as he is pretty busy and kind of old now, but he loves talking about those games and constantly references the quake 2 shotgun sound by emulating the sound. when i was young though he loved playing luigis mansion with me and thought clicking A to make luigi go "maaarioooo" was the funniest thing in the world.

    • 12 months ago

      your dad sounds cool as hell

  70. 12 months ago

    My dad got me into vidya. He played a lot of NES games when I was little, and then when we got a PC, we spent years playing shit like Diablo/Diablo 2, Tribes 2, Quake 3/UT99, Counterstrike, and eventually he got obsessed with F1 racing games and I thought they were lame, and we both just kinda moved off into playing with other folks we met online. But we still watched tons of movies and TV together.

    My dad was a pretty stand-up guy. My mom was addicted to painkillers.

  71. 12 months ago

    >played road rash 64 with grandpa all the time
    >he could never figure out how to make the motorcycle go
    >only ever played with one hand on the controller
    >played battle tanx global assault multiplayer and co-op with dad
    >played a ton of co-op games with dad, goldeneye, perfect dark, some racing games
    >would watch me play single player games like ocarina of time and mario 64 and banjo kazooie and so on
    >liked to play resident evil 2, wasnt too good at games but he still liked playing them every now and then
    >sometimes would beat me mercilessly other times he would let me win
    >played a lot of halo co-op and multiplayer
    >would sometimes hang out with my buddies and if they where over and we where playing online games
    >used to play the terminator 2 arcade game on SNES, would take turns with my little bro, dad and grandpa
    playing N64 games at night in the basement or living room with my dad, especially during the winter if it was snowing, or summer if it was storming, was always maximum comf

  72. 12 months ago

    I hate myself for showing my father video games, he is like the sterotypical boomer that discovered computers aren't just about spreadsheets... and decided to turn gaming into spreadsheets. He is big fan of football, so I showed him Pro Evolution Soccer and FIFA. He ended playing with soccer managers. He teaches physics, so some nice shooter gamers like Half-Life might be for him, he would appreciate the realism... but no, he has now Stellaris, with possibly every single mode installed, he is like the whale that pays Paradox for all their new packs. Same for flight simulator. And he also plays with minis and when it has Warhammer label on it all I hear is "hey anon, have you seen this Vermintide game, it has coop".

  73. 12 months ago

    my dad was a local pinball champion back in the 70s in the city I grew up in
    he got me into videogames with an atari 2600 when I was 4, but he mostly enjoyed classic arcade games like galaga, galaxian, arcanoid, tetris, and some war games like operation wolf, or 1942
    he doesn't play anymore though, not since I was a kid

  74. 12 months ago

    Only ever saw my dad try Mario Bros once for like 30 seconds and that was it.
    Mom on the other hand loved Mario.

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