What happened?

How did this flop so hard considering it had so much funding?

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  1. 2 years ago

    i reached level 60 and there was nothing to do, i'm not a pvp guy netiher are 99% of people playing the game

  2. 2 years ago

    incompetent devs, and I don't use that loosely.
    every bugfix created more glaring bugs to the point where the game was at times unplayable
    players figured out how to link viruses in global chat
    no end game
    must grind resource/board missions to level
    rampant bots
    lackluster events that were mainly excuses to sell house cosmetics
    economy isnt stable enough to afford a house long-term
    even when stable, it takes an entire guild to afford one on the nicer houses AND YOU CANT FRICKING SHARE IT, FRICK
    the list goes on

    • 2 years ago

      also it became a meme to claim that players were getting banned for PvP and being a dick in chat. It caught on and players were all over steam and Reddit sharing "you've been banned" screenshots along with "I literally got banned for saying I will get banned". Proof was never substantial beyond "dude believe me I posted a screenshot of a banned screen"

      • 2 years ago

        Those weren't memes. The automated banning system literally bans innocent people on a whim.

    • 2 years ago

      literal fricking moron who spouts bullshit he heard online, frick off
      >incompetent devs, and I don't use that loosely.
      ok sure
      >every bugfix created more glaring bugs to the point where the game was at times unplayable
      unplayable is hyperbole, yeah there was annoying bugs but it never was unplayable
      >players figured out how to link viruses in global chat
      blatant fricking lie. you can link images in chat but it only referred to internal image assets from the game. that's why the most common meme was the linking of the sausage. the html bug never applied to external links
      >no end game
      wars, trains, mutation dungeons, opr, etc. are you even trying?
      >must grind resource/board missions to level
      it's an mmo, grind is inevitable
      >rampant bots
      not anymore
      >lackluster events that were mainly excuses to sell house cosmetics
      wrong, turkey event and xmas event gave out free stuff
      >economy isnt stable enough to afford a house long-term
      >even when stable, it takes an entire guild to afford one on the nicer houses AND YOU CANT FRICKING SHARE IT, FRICK
      houses are cheap as frick now
      >the list goes on
      probably outdated list you have

      • 2 years ago

        >unplayable is hyperbole
        stopped reading here, good morning sir

        • 2 years ago

          D-d-doesn't count!!! T-they patched that out a year after you stopped playing!!

          • 2 years ago

            no cap ON GOD bruh new world be bussin frfr

      • 2 years ago

        Here is your extra hour of Amazon Plus, comrade.

  3. 2 years ago

    PVP focused game where PVP is entirely opted in. Should have had PVP realms where its always on.

  4. 2 years ago

    What do you mean what happened, it's making a comeback right now.

    • 2 years ago

      its had double digit percentage loss in players every month since release (except april when it was free for a week)

      its possible the population stops dying out by end of summer but at that point what are you left with? 5k people for an mmo?

  5. 2 years ago

    >Amazon Games
    that should have been your first sign for the flop, really

  6. 2 years ago

    It's almost like money is only a requirement of a great MMORPG and nothing more.

  7. 2 years ago

    It flopped BECAUSE it had so much funding. Adversity creates soul.

  8. 2 years ago

    They immediately handed it off to incompetent poojeet coders to go work on lost ark.

    What followed was some of the funniest, most broken patching for an mmo that has ever taken place. They'd remove one dupe bug and introduce two more every few days. They turned off the auction house and disabled trophy trading for weeks meaning anyone legitimately borrowing or lending their trophies was bonezoned.
    People were losing wars to people clipping through forts and standing on the final point.
    Numerous skills did not work or had no interaction with their gear traits, some gear traits had effects wildly different from their description.

    Also the game is apparently being overseen by John Smedly, the man who destroyed planetside 2 who likely had a hand in some of the more nonsensical directions New World took.
    Specifically, as the upper tier of the playerbase was nearing the end of the watermark grind, a feature was introduced to the game called expertise, which prevented these high end players from being able to distribute their high score gear to boost players in their war roster, requiring that everybody grind through weeks of looting useless gear to push their maximum equipped gearscore up.

    The game had real potential, the moment to moment game was wonderful, but it's been mismanaged as much as is possible. No one could have done a worse job had they tried.

    • 2 years ago

      lost ark is a korean game, they just did the localization not development

  9. 2 years ago

    As someone who observed the birth and death of /nwg/, which was basically just a shill general, I find the sudden influx of new world threads suspicious. Probably preparing for a callback campaign or some garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      No one should play the game while expertise is a feature.
      It's just proof that the direction the game wants to go is a cynical time-hog.
      You can excuse them bumping the max gs to 650 the precise week everyone hit 600.
      You can't excuse them from putting a huge treadmill on it.
      The game was good because you could take a major town and slush fund the tax revenue into spam crafting, then equip a roster in acceptable but not perfect gear.

      They really just want to follow the modern world of warcraft model where you have to do chores all day, rather than just having fun killing people in the open world.

      • 2 years ago

        basically when I stopped playing. I had friends that played way more than me but I was never much behind because I could just use extra gear they had.

        then all the sudden they updated and it was like "yea that 580 gs armor you have is only 510 now because you didnt grind enough"

      • 2 years ago

        Expertise is trash and is probably one of the biggest barriers for any returning player. They're trying to do everything to attract old players besides reworking expertise, and it's not going to work.

        I'm curious, what was so bad about /nwg/? Never bothered to check it out.

        It was beyond dead. Hit page 10 constantly, only to be necrobumped by a shill asking garbage questions, even repeating the same questions across multiple threads. I knew it was full of newbie shills because I sabotaged the OP by entering words that triggered the autofilter, and they would copypaste it to make new threads without knowing why the thread was autosaging. Kek.

        • 2 years ago

          >I knew it was full of newbie shills because I sabotaged the OP by entering words that triggered the autofilter, and they would copypaste it to make new threads without knowing why the thread was autosaging.
          based anon but also wow, this game really is astroturfed as frick then. I'll just continue to enjoy the dumpster fire from afar.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm curious, what was so bad about /nwg/? Never bothered to check it out.

  10. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Are you illiterate and moronic zoomers to articulate yourselves without relying on these even more moronic YouTube influencers? Have you had an original thought in your head ever?

      • 2 years ago

        you are needlessly rude for an anonymous person who posts in a Vietnamese basket weaving forum

        • 2 years ago

          Being rude online is my entire personality which I think is very funny, I'm sorry.

          • 2 years ago

            nah, you're alright

        • 2 years ago

          Needlessly rude? What would be the right amount of rudeness in this case?

          • 2 years ago

            possibly 20%

      • 2 years ago

        Actually, it's the easily impressionable moronic zoomers who bought New World in the first place because their favorite streamer was paid to advertise it.

  11. 2 years ago

    >employees never worked on good games
    >woooow why did the game suck

  12. 2 years ago

    as someone who plays this regularly the amount of dogshit bugs is still funny, here's a new bug making the rounds in pvp circles.

  13. 2 years ago

    used to work at AWS as a networking engineer, you don't understand how bad it is at the games team. a teammate was on it for a while before coming back to our team, it's a complete dumpster fire and the people in charge of it are incomprehensibly moronic.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Design a game 100% centered around PvP
    >find out zoomers and normalgays don't like PvP
    >redo the entire game the last 5min
    >combine this with the fact most of the devs working on it were just bad
    gee I do wonder

    • 2 years ago

      >zoomers and normalgays don't like PvP
      Gross generalization, PvP games are fricking popular as shit. Is this the cope full-loot players make when nobody wants to play their games?

      • 2 years ago

        Instanced PvP isn't real PvP.

      • 2 years ago

        Zoomers and casuals only like PvP if it's simple enough. Like MOBAs (dumbed down RTS) or FPS (point-and-clickers.) Granted, MMO PvP is simple enough as well.

        MMOs are one of the most casual genres in existence, tailored for brainless masses.

    • 2 years ago

      >Design a game 100% centered around PvP
      This doesn't describe a single souls game

    • 2 years ago

      Actually, one of the biggest complaints is how hard the game makes it for you to PvP. You grind to max level, then just when you think you can finally PvP you still have to grind PvE shit just so your gear isn't arbitrarily nerfed.

  15. 2 years ago

    They were so focused on monetizing that they forgot to finish making a game to monetize. It should have stayed a survival sandbox ie Minecraft or Ark instead of becoming an mmo.

  16. 2 years ago

    Sniping with the musket was fun as frick but the great hammer and great axe meta was annoying as frick

    • 2 years ago

      it's still around

  17. 2 years ago

    >boring setting
    >supposedly based on the colonization of South America but none of the interesting visuals are used
    >can only play humans
    >Ugly graphics aiming for photorealism that will age like milk and look boring as shit

  18. 2 years ago

    I played it with my friends when it released and it was a blast despite its issues. Nothing special but definitely not the worst MMO to come out lately. One day we just decided to move on to something else and none of us ever played it again.

  19. 2 years ago

    Where did the money go? The entire game was copy pasted shit with no identity.

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