What if the Skaven existed in 40K, but they werent a xenos species?

What if the Skaven existed in 40K, but they weren’t a xenos species?
What if they were descended from the rats of Terra?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Skaven arent xenos AFAIK. Back in times of Gotrek and Felix they were theorised to be heavily mutated humans. Besides that they are heavily intertwined with the skavenblight creation myth. Skaven that dont worship the great horned rat are difficult to call skaven.

    • 3 months ago

      You've got it slightly wrong. Beastmen are men who became like animals. Skaven are rats who became like men. It's a subtle distinction, but a meaningful one. OP is basically asking for skaven to be...themselves in 40k. I dunno what niche they'd fill, since 'chaos/genestealer cults' already fill the 'parasitic vermin in the underhive' quota.

      • 3 months ago

        >Skaven are rats who became like men
        Not really a proof of that, their origins are obscure, and theres a spell that turns humans into skaven

      • 3 months ago

        What if the Skaven are the result of Warpstone waste being excreted by the Golden Throne, making the race technically an accidental creation of the Emperor

        • 3 months ago

          That would be silly but also sounds like something that could happen.

          • 3 months ago

            Even sillier;

            What if the Skaven are the result of Warpstone waste being excreted by the Golden Throne, making the race technically an accidental creation of the Emperor

            What if the reason they worship the great horned rat is that from a certain angle, that's what the emperor on the throne looks like.

            • 3 months ago

              Consider the following: We know that underdecks of imperial starships are infested with horrifically mutated and evolved monstrous beasts that can trace their lineage back to the humble Rattus Rattus. We know that the official stance of the WHF Empire is that Skaven aren't real and don't exist. We know that any book from an Imperial everyman's point of view will necessarily be affected by propaganda and misinformation.
              Let me finish by reminding all that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

              Wouldn't it be fricked up if skaventech was equivalent to pre-heresy technology? Like these rat-beasts, completely inhuman, not only are fueled by the god-emperor but have kept the knowledge of his Imperium far better than humanity ever could. Only to use their knowledge against them.

      • 3 months ago

        >I dunno what niche they'd fill, since 'chaos/genestealer cults' already fill the 'parasitic vermin in the underhive' quota.
        As much as I like skaven, basically all of their gimmicks are taken in 40k already:
        >glowing green bullshittium rocks
        >ramshackle shitty tech
        >having the most advanced firepower in the setting
        >Tunnels and drills
        >Leaders throwing their lackeys in front of bullets and blades
        >Overcharging weaponry at a risk of damaging your own units
        Everything with a plasma gun and chaos space marine dark pacts
        >Disease mechanics
        >Frankenstein monsters
        >Poisoned weapons
        DE and both nid armies
        >Being the contrarian chaos choice who worships a special snowflake power instead of the big 4
        Cogs of Vashtorr, soon

        • 3 months ago

          oh and also
          >armies composed of fractious microfactions with their own gimmicks

          • 3 months ago

            Also to add that the Tyranids cover the "Hordes of Vermin" trope.

        • 3 months ago

          the contrarian chaos choice who worships a special snowflake power instead of the big 4
          Isn't that just the Black Legion?

        • 3 months ago

          I don't understand the niche argument. Why they can simply stay true to their Fantasy counterparts, and include everything you just listed as some sort of a unpredictable mixed bag? They don't really need to excel in any of those, either.

          • 3 months ago

            It's not necessarily a rule but I fear that it could end up like Votann where it's a weird mishmash blob that doesn't appeal to anyone

            • 3 months ago

              It would appeal to furries.

              • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          You've got it slightly wrong. Beastmen are men who became like animals. Skaven are rats who became like men. It's a subtle distinction, but a meaningful one. OP is basically asking for skaven to be...themselves in 40k. I dunno what niche they'd fill, since 'chaos/genestealer cults' already fill the 'parasitic vermin in the underhive' quota.

          Yeah, but you forgot the most important niche.
          40k has no space ratmen.

          • 3 months ago

            True and real

        • 3 months ago

          >having the most advanced firepower in the setting
          >no mention of LoV
          That's going in the book! The T'au literally bought their ion tech from the kin.

      • 3 months ago

        the old in universe legend speaks of human children mutating weird , and rats growing bigger.

        Its a open mystery and should stay that way.

        I hate when autists want hard facts in a fantasy setting.

      • 3 months ago

        >he takes creation myth as objective fact
        You're a fricking idiot.

        • 3 months ago

          It's not the Skaven's creation myth, it's the Tilean and Dawi accounts of their arrival.

      • 3 months ago

        Dwarfs believe that the skaven are the spawn of an exiled dwarf god who turned himself into a rat because he sucked at metalworking

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            >There's a legend that the Skaven are all descended from Skavor, the son of Gazul, cousin to Grimnir. Skavor, like Gazul, was younger than his brothers and lacked the skill for working stone or shaping metal. He was rightly exiled for this, so he went away into the deep-earth and learnt how to shape his flesh instead of shaping metal turning himself into a hideous rat-beast and swearing venegance on his blood-kin. And this is why the Dwarfs fight the Skaven as hard as we fight the Greenskins, though the Ratmen have wreaked far less damage upon us: because many of us believe that the Skaven come from our blood. We fight them not just to settle our grudges, but to shed our shame.
            >~ Thurin Strongblade, Runescribe of Karak Alnor .
            From Children of the Horned Rat, and later mentioned in TWWIII

            • 3 months ago

              >mentioned in TWWIII
              So, noncanon Gankerslop

              • 3 months ago

                What a stupid post. You worded this as if being mentioned in TWW renders previously canon things non-canon.

              • 3 months ago

                >From Children of the Horned Rat
                >From Children of the Horned Rat
                >From Children of the Horned Rat
                It's actually fascinating how illiterate people on this site can be

            • 3 months ago

              I don't recall any such theory from CotHR. There is one that the HR is/was a renegade Old One. 'Theory' is the key word here, because the the identity of the man from the Doom of Kavzar has never been confirmed.

      • 3 months ago

        Consider the following: We know that underdecks of imperial starships are infested with horrifically mutated and evolved monstrous beasts that can trace their lineage back to the humble Rattus Rattus. We know that the official stance of the WHF Empire is that Skaven aren't real and don't exist. We know that any book from an Imperial everyman's point of view will necessarily be affected by propaganda and misinformation.
        Let me finish by reminding all that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  2. 3 months ago

    They poke at this in some Necromunda fluff, with some of the rats being so big and mutated that some say there are humanoid ones out there

    • 3 months ago

      Seems like the best way to do it. Just make skaven abhumans. Find them in necomunda gangs, space pirates, imperial or tau auxiliaries, etc.

  3. 3 months ago

    Listen, I don't fricking care how they do it or what dogshit excuse they have to elaborate to make it happen.
    If Skaven officially become a thing in 40k, then I'd consider give a frick about the setting. Also I want to see redditoids seethe, so it's a win-win situation.

    • 3 months ago

      >Listen, I don't fricking care how they do it or what dogshit excuse they have to elaborate to make it happen.
      What about bringing back the theory that the Tyranids are fleeing from something and that something is the Space Skavens, with Tyranids being an out of control Space Moulder superweapon that blew up in their faces.

    • 3 months ago

      If you think anyone would seethe about it more than fa/tg/uys you're moronic.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, you're probably right.

        >If Skaven officially become a thing in 40k, then I'd consider give a frick about the setting
        Good thing the redditrats never will be a thing so we never have to deal with your redditor ass gayging up 40K

        seems to be the case in point, but I can see some redditoids malding even harder.

        • 3 months ago

          You ARE the redditoid, kid

    • 3 months ago

      >If Skaven officially become a thing in 40k, then I'd consider give a frick about the setting
      Good thing the redditrats never will be a thing so we never have to deal with your redditor ass gayging up 40K

  4. 3 months ago

    Already a thing with dogs in traveller.

  5. 3 months ago

    Ogres --> Ogryn
    Dwarves --> Squats
    Eldar --> Eldar
    Tomb lords --> Necron
    What's wrong with ratlings which already aren't a xeno species? If you're just cloning everything without modifying anything you might as well not even have two settings.

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't because of Ratlings being the direct equivalent of halflings?

      • 3 months ago

        You're absolutely right. I forgot halflings even existed in WH and that in 40k ratlings was the nickname and they were officially Halflings back in RT days.

  6. 3 months ago

    They'd probably just be beastmech that work for the dark mechanicum. As a skaven player, I'm telling you they really wouldn't be that interesting if imported to 40k.

  7. 3 months ago

    They'd probably still be treated like abhuman mutants and eventually turn to chaos.
    If you want to run a skaven army I'd recommend going with Mantic's Veermyn armies and playing them as GSC.
    I don't know any other serviceable space rat army proxies.

  8. 3 months ago

    You wouldn't be able to actually prove it and the difference may be semantics. I point to the Jokero in this case.

    Consider that the Jokero are *technically* this in the sense they are also orangutans and would be perceived as a Terran animal species. Until someone discovers the Jokero were as old as the War in Heaven at least.

    So then you would have ambiguity about whether Terran rats were xenos or not.

  9. 3 months ago

    i imagined that they would be artificial abhumans like beastmen

  10. 3 months ago

    moved from 'foul xenos' to 'foul mutants' category - response: 'exterminatus'

    • 3 months ago

      On Holy Terra?
      Let's fricking go!
      I want that for a Dark Heresy campaign

    • 3 months ago

      Rocks aren't free.

  11. 3 months ago

    If they could do space dwarfs why can't they do skaven?

    • 3 months ago


      >I dunno what niche they'd fill, since 'chaos/genestealer cults' already fill the 'parasitic vermin in the underhive' quota.
      As much as I like skaven, basically all of their gimmicks are taken in 40k already:
      >glowing green bullshittium rocks
      >ramshackle shitty tech
      >having the most advanced firepower in the setting
      >Tunnels and drills
      >Leaders throwing their lackeys in front of bullets and blades
      >Overcharging weaponry at a risk of damaging your own units
      Everything with a plasma gun and chaos space marine dark pacts
      >Disease mechanics
      >Frankenstein monsters
      >Poisoned weapons
      DE and both nid armies
      >Being the contrarian chaos choice who worships a special snowflake power instead of the big 4
      Cogs of Vashtorr, soon

      And you act like Votann aren't having trouble finding a niche of their own since GSC took the blue collar miner aesthetic.

  12. 3 months ago

    >How would you include/justify Skaven in 40K, specifically Necromunda, on a thematic level? How would you want them to differ from their fantasy counterparts?
    remove warpstone, use brutalist industrialist cyborg aesthetic rather than the magitech alchemy look they have in fantasy

    • 3 months ago

      >skaven clan gets lost in the great skitterleap at the end of the world, or perhaps it created a gnawhole in the wrong direction during the age of sigmar, ends up scattered on an imperial world and develops among the garbage of hive cities
      >eventually expand silently to other worlds and get in touch with the other forces of chaos, though contacting the horned rat is not as easy here, but his cult is growing strong even among the cultists of the underhive
      >skaven aid chaos cultists spread on various imperial worlds and prepare for rituals and uprisings, often arming competing cults so that they can scavenge on the imperial tech of the inevitable strike forces sent to stop them
      >though in possible cooperation cooperation with cargo cults, chaos cults and misbegotten sewer mutants, they're in constant opposition with the other forces of the underhives, such as gangsters, imperial patrols, genestealer cults and hruds
      >the smaller groups travel within imperial vessels or haphazardly built tubular spaceships worming stealthily (if it wasn't for their extreme length, the silhouette of a tubular ship is very small by 40k standards, not fit for void combat, either as a target or as a weapon platform, but it makes boarding actions easy as nestling within space hulks to build bigger lairs) their way into the void (artificial gravity created by the centrifugal force of the rats running in the corridors of the ship); sometimes their ships get tangled with each other and form a ball-like megastructure

      • 3 months ago

        >the winds of magic don't flow directly into the world like on the old world or the age of sigmar, so warpstone is extremely scarce, they have long consumed all the one they originally had when arriving into this galaxy to build the first gnawholes and from those they have found new ways to harvest energy sources: their interdimensional tunnels dig in the cracks between the webway and they have started to erode the material of that sub-reality with wild abandon, sometimes causing whole parts to collapse on themselves and let in waves of daemons, much to the horror of the eldar; others attach half-robotic leeches to the hulls of imperial vessels, where they scrape at the warp energy condensing like water on a glass on the gellar fields, of course in these cases too daemons are likely to follow.

        • 3 months ago

          use gene stealer cults rules
          mortian and mantic models

          there done

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Ngl this aesthetic would fit into 40k so well, would really add some horror to the setting. Bonus points if survivors of the steel swarm are subject to torturous experiments and turned into suicide chargers, like fleshpounds from killing floor.

        • 3 months ago

          That General Grievous Doomwheel makes my dick hard.

    • 3 months ago

      >skaven clan gets lost in the great skitterleap at the end of the world, or perhaps it created a gnawhole in the wrong direction during the age of sigmar, ends up scattered on an imperial world and develops among the garbage of hive cities
      >eventually expand silently to other worlds and get in touch with the other forces of chaos, though contacting the horned rat is not as easy here, but his cult is growing strong even among the cultists of the underhive
      >skaven aid chaos cultists spread on various imperial worlds and prepare for rituals and uprisings, often arming competing cults so that they can scavenge on the imperial tech of the inevitable strike forces sent to stop them
      >though in possible cooperation cooperation with cargo cults, chaos cults and misbegotten sewer mutants, they're in constant opposition with the other forces of the underhives, such as gangsters, imperial patrols, genestealer cults and hruds
      >the smaller groups travel within imperial vessels or haphazardly built tubular spaceships worming stealthily (if it wasn't for their extreme length, the silhouette of a tubular ship is very small by 40k standards, not fit for void combat, either as a target or as a weapon platform, but it makes boarding actions easy as nestling within space hulks to build bigger lairs) their way into the void (artificial gravity created by the centrifugal force of the rats running in the corridors of the ship); sometimes their ships get tangled with each other and form a ball-like megastructure

      Or give them genuine magic. Like an actual mage who isn't a psyker.

      • 3 months ago

        >magic that isn't the warp.
        >something that doesn't even exist in warhammer fantasy
        cringe OC faction shit

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >newbie try to lecture someone
          World Spirit magic like the Wolves use already exist, lorelet.

          • 3 months ago

            It's all but explicitly stated that it's a filter, rather than wholly unrelated, with an increasing body of cases where no-illusions Librarians click together perfectly with Rune Priests.

            • 3 months ago

              >My headcanon about a potential ongoing retcon should matter

              • 3 months ago

                Given that "World Spirit" is also used for Exodite work with more than a few functional similarities, who are sure as shit working with psychic phenomena as Eldar? No, you're just insisting on moronic snowflakism in gaps that have been closed for well over a decade.

              • 3 months ago

                >Given that something else that I decided is the same to cope and I pulled a headcanon to plug a 'gap' that doesn't exist because world spirits not being warp related isn't a gap, you have to stop laughing at me

              • 3 months ago

                You meet an Old One era World Spirit in the new Rogue Trader game and you're directly told it's not warp related, stop coping.

                3rd edition Codex: Space Wolves from the year 2000 gives the Rune Priest "Psychic Power - Storm Caller". Directly stating "These grim warriors have potent PSYCHIC powers based upon the native Fenrisian shamanic traditions".

                I'd be citing 2nd edition if I could find a PDF, but the "Rune Priests aren't Warp power" is either a retcon in itself or was always a matter of unreliable narration.

              • 3 months ago

                You meet an Old One era World Spirit in the new Rogue Trader game and you're directly told it's not warp related, stop coping.

              • 3 months ago

                no, you're told it's not chaos.

              • 3 months ago

                No, you're told 'it's not warp sorcery at all'.

  13. 3 months ago

    Skaven are just the Imperium of Man, especially Imperial Guard.

    • 3 months ago

      this will never not be the most moronic meme paraded around by furtrannies.

      • 3 months ago

        Eh, it's still better than "The Imperium are actually the good guys!" that some people sprout.

        • 3 months ago

          white dwarf magazine says they're the good guys so I believe them
          >but muh satrical facism parady ludonarrative dissonance
          nah homie if I wanted actual deep shit I'd read shakespeare stop trying to act smarter than you are

      • 3 months ago

        It make GW seethe so it's automatically good

  14. 3 months ago

    Make them the good guys unironically. The nice pet rat people who go around saving entire species and the only reason they can't win is because they're too nice and keep trying to tard wrangle the galaxy into safety instead of just killing them.
    Give them the cleanest most advanced tech and give them ships that generally go FTL in realspace with no warp, teleportation or webway bullshit.

    • 3 months ago

      Terrible idea. They should be an inadvertent source of good, their purely selfish motivations leading them to improve things for both themselves and any average human who happens to be dealing with the same problem. The concern is that while they make life more bearable, they harm humanity's overall war efforts, and if things start to actually properly improve, they'll quickly become a big problem.

    • 3 months ago

      So a variant of cat from red dwarfs backstory, in that they were originally pet rats that got stuck on a slow boat/extra galactic trip long enough to evolve and come back to find that things have gone completely to shit and everyone is a specieist butthole.
      Also make them a bunch of furry free love/collectivist innocents who keep somehow avoiding being genocided because the universe finds the fluffy rat people trying to be friends with the cast of arseholes that is 40k hilarious.

      Man I'm actually tempted to do a GSC cult army for these guys now.

      • 3 months ago

        That sound perfect.

        • 3 months ago

          GW hire this man

          Pathetic samegay necrobumping a dead thread

          • 3 months ago

            Nice reddit terms, homosexual.

        • 3 months ago

          no, it doesn't
          it's cancerous cutesy furhomosexualry

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Die mad motherfricker. The best part is the ratties would make people in universe seethe too, so you're already inadvertently increasing their integration into 40k by being assblasted.

            • 3 months ago

              the best part is that you'll have a nice day before any of your moronic suggestions find a single ear

            • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago


              Based indeed
              >Inb4 anon seethes and starts wailing about samegayging

              • 3 months ago

                Your boogeyanon has a point.

              • 3 months ago

                Methinks the ladyboy doth protest too much.

      • 3 months ago

        GW hire this man

  15. 3 months ago

    Way back there was a species name dropped in a story about Karandras that looks like it could have been a reference to Skaven, or something Skaven-ish, in 40k but nothing ever came of it.

    • 3 months ago

      That makes me consider if 40k Skavens should keep their name or have something different, just like Dwarves are Squats.
      Probably some wordplay with 'Rodent' or something, Idk.

      • 3 months ago

        They should literally be called Space Skavens

      • 3 months ago

        With the hard R.

      • 3 months ago

        skaven comes from scavenge
        take a random synonym and go through the same process

    • 3 months ago

      sasuga GW. sounds like they got exterminated though.

  16. 3 months ago

    Why would the fluff of where they came from matter at all

  17. 3 months ago

    to put skaven in 40k all you need to do is change all the wood to metal, getting rid of warpstone is the worst take, chaos crack rock tech would be one of the best things to give them there own schtick in 40k

  18. 3 months ago

    They do exist in 40k, though. There's a reason AdMech covers themselves with robes.

  19. 3 months ago

    Sure why not? It's not like the setting can get worse at this point.

    • 3 months ago

      That's the fun part. It always is.

  20. 3 months ago

    >muh hekkin reddit ratterinos!
    >so cute-cute!
    >much kawaii!

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