What is an RPG?

What is an RPG?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    your mom

    • 10 months ago


      Any game where you make a choice regardless of how much effect it has on anything


      real definition: a game with an overt emphasis on numbered statistics, almost always with some kind of story.

      get fricked morons. defining genres by aesthetics instead of mechanics is room temp iq tier.

      • 10 months ago

        No, I'm pretty sure visual novels are RPGs

        • 10 months ago

          no, they're visual novels, dipshit.

          • 10 months ago

            If a game identifies as an RPG it's an RPG
            END. OF. STORY.

      • 10 months ago

        >an overt emphasis on numbered statistics, almost always with some kind of story.
        So XCOM is an RPG

        • 10 months ago

          I played this one, I don't know why anyone wouldn't consider it an rpg.

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't know why anyone wouldn't consider it an rpg.
            Not being a complete moron.

            • 10 months ago

              Well yeah obviously a moron wouldn't consider it to be an rpg, what I'm wondering is why.

              • 10 months ago

                >Well yeah
                Then I'm glad we've established you're a complete moron. Goodbye, moron [-]

              • 10 months ago

                I look forward to your next reply.

  2. 10 months ago

    Any game where you make a choice regardless of how much effect it has on anything

  3. 10 months ago

    from the thumbnail i thought the yellow icon was a tampon applicator

  4. 10 months ago

    a female adult

  5. 10 months ago

    >What is an RPG?
    The RPG-7 (Russian: PПГ-7, Pyчнoй Пpoтивoтaнкoвый Гpaнaтoмёт, romanized: Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomot, lit.'Handheld anti-tank grenade launcher') is a portable, reusable, unguided, shoulder-launched, anti-tank, rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

    • 10 months ago

      objectively correct

  6. 10 months ago

    You know for a guy who kept drilling people on what an RPG is he didn't seem to have an answer himself. Makes the whole documentary seem stupid when you can't even answer the question in the title by the end. Then I saw some clips of him on Joe Rogan where he seemed to not even know the basics of what he was speaking about? I don't get why people pay attention to anyone this clueless about video games lol you'd have to be really stupid

    • 10 months ago

      I haven't even seen the whole thing but it's clear the point of the documentary isn't to outline the basic RPG biology you should have learned in school.
      it's a showcase on insane people and to ask them
      "what is an RPG?"
      for them to answer "an RPG is any game that identifies as one"
      but that can't possibly be the definition because then "what is it identifying as"
      It has to be a tangible thing that means something for a game to identify as it otherwise it isn't anything and that seems to be the point of the doco.

      • 10 months ago

        I get that he's criticizing their position but when he doesn't have an answer himself then his opinion is essentially worthless. The documentary doesn't accomplish anything verging on intellectual stimulation and it just seems like a way to virtue signal that you think people who can't define RPGs when put on the spot are stupid. At least have the guts to provide your own definition if you're going to be that slimy

  7. 10 months ago

    RPGs are anything based of DND's gameplay. If it functions exactly like or similar to DND it is an RPG, that means stats, classes and the likes. Nowadays we have games that have RPG-adjacent mechanics, but are nothing like DND in their gameplay presentation, so I wouldn't personally consider them an RPG, just like I wouldn't consider games with a stealth button a stealth game.
    >oh but muh RPG is le ROLE playing game which means any game where you're playing a role means it's an RPG
    Shut the frick up

    • 10 months ago

      Dungeons & Dragons is just a pen & paper RPG; there's wa~ay more than just Dungeons & Dragons, Anon. Attached has nothing to do with Dungeons & Dragons, and it's a pen & paper RPG.

    • 10 months ago

      there is the genre
      and then there is the simulation of the genre

  8. 10 months ago

    A miserable little pile of numbers.

  9. 10 months ago

    I don't know why you gays even play games.

    According to the conservative mindset/ideology, which is about preserving tradition, games are for children and adults shouldn't play them
    Playing games requires you to reject that idea and have a more liberal mindset. This is why games will always be a liberal medium
    So stop being hypocrites and stop playing games.
    Go make white babies instead since you gays are obsessed with race
    And also, hitler would have banned video games.

    • 10 months ago

      Well you can play a little bit of video games or tv or whatever if your responsible with it but don't make it your whole life

      • 10 months ago

        What is this picture meant to convey?

        • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          from what I understand the sharty had a bit of a rivalry with crystal cafe, much like Ganker vs reddit

          • 10 months ago

            so why are the /qa/ueers being depicted in a submissive position. Don't tell me that they were bested by a bunch of women / trannies. Although i wouldn't be surprised.

          • 10 months ago

            >russian zoomers with aids vs fat and/or old women
            How riveting

  10. 10 months ago

    a game in which you are supposed to play out a certain role in the story.
    they usually involve emphasis on freedom of character creation (in terms of skills/perks) to allow the player to tailor the player character to themselves.
    this does not mean that the PC has to be a blank slate, sometimes players might be expected to fill in an already established character.
    this causes me to believe that a flexible perk/skill/ability tree is much more important for an RPG game than impactful dialogue choices (choices themself should be present in the game, regardless of their impact on the overall story)

  11. 10 months ago

    >What is an RPG?
    It's a game where you roleplay

  12. 10 months ago

    >an RPG
    ESL moment.

    • 10 months ago

      Say 'RPG' out loud, anon
      You will find the first syllable is pronounced like 'ar'

    • 10 months ago

      You are the ESL.
      R is pronounced "aarr"
      and 'an' is used before any word with a vowel SOUND.

    • 10 months ago

      >He actually substitutes the whole words every time he looks at or says an acronym
      Bongtard moment

  13. 10 months ago

    an rpg is a game that identifies as an rpg.

    • 10 months ago

      So then what is the game identifying as?
      define that. what is an RPG?

  14. 10 months ago

    Was this guy a former male feminist, he looks like one

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