What is objectively the best form of tabletop gaming?

What is objectively the best form of tabletop gaming?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Playing with friends, and playing a system that's not DnD.

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually kinda sad that you can't stop yourself from shitposting like this. You genuinely have a disease and it's even sadder it's not fatal.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine wishing death on someone because they don't base their entire life around sucking off the same lifestyle brand you do. Corporations are not your friend, there is no reward waiting for you because you spend your time white-knighting for them. DnD is a mediocre game at best and Wizards of the Coast is one of the worst companies in the hobby after Games Workshop. The only "disease" here are whatever delusions are leaving you thinking otherwise.

        • 8 months ago

          >takes literally any opportunity he can to spaz like a gay
          Won't stop people from calling you out as a gay though.

          You're a contrarian troll. The most basic b***h form of troll you find on any board. Trying to justify it to yourself just makes you reek of desperation.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not even the person you're originally replying to. I just find it amusing how booty-bothered DnDrones get when someone doesn't suck wizard dick as hard as they do. If it makes you feel better, Warhammer 40k fanboys are just as bad. Both y'all need to get lives.

            • 8 months ago

              lol, let's look at some hard facts.

              1. This is a traditional games board. You're supposed to discuss traditional games here.
              2. The most basic b***h trolls of any board will target whatever is the most popular thing to discuss on that board.

              That's really it. The entire genesis of why you rush in to threads just to complain about D&D. No one cares about you roleplaying as a cyberpunk fighting against the evil corpo, you're just a dumb troll with a mental disease. Hell, no one even prompted you and you still feel the need to shitpost, spam, samegay, and use all the other tools of trolling, because you are shameless and a homosexual, and no amount of pageantry can hide that.

              You're as basic as basic b***hes get.

        • 8 months ago

          Games Workshop didn't try to frick over the entire industry with draconian changes to Open Gaming Liscenses that were so greedy, patently illegal, and anti-consumer that they'd make EA executives blush. Games Workshop is bad, but WotC is definitely the worst.

          • 8 months ago

            >Open Game Liscense

            The OGL business was a joke, largely because the OGL was always just a largely meaningless document that didn't actually give people any legal rights they didn't already have. The recent outcry was actually about the changes in the 5e OGL that would impact the DM's Guild publishing platform, which for the most part no one on /tg/ actually bothered to use or publish through because you'd have to be an idiot to do so, considering the kind of rights you had to sign away.

            Basically, it was a whole big nontroversy, created by Redditors who were trying to break away from a publishing platform once they thought they were too big for it and its current structure was no longer to their benefit, primarily using twitter to try and stir up outrage with trolls on /tg/ jumping on the bandwagon because any D&D hate they could get their hands on was worth jumping on. All the proposed changes that WotC wanted to make only affected the publishing platforms they themselves controlled, and only impacted people making more than $750k, which meant only a handful of people, who had used those very platforms to make that much money.

            It's actually a surprising low percentage of people who understood the situation beyond "WotC is trying to copyright imagination!" and other similar nonsense. There's even people unaware that you can't copyright game rules and the 3.0 OGL wasn't some charitable donation, but a document that did little more than provide an alternative logo people could use on their books to indicate they were compatible with the system, since WotC wanted to protect the "D&D" name and brand. That's literally the primary reason behind the "d20" system logo and name, and the only thing the OGL actually granted.

            This wasn't /tg/'s fight, but the trolls on /tg/ didn't care. They were glad people were spamming WotC hate, and were glad to misinform people about the situation.

            • 8 months ago

              Does WotC's legal department have that as a copy-paste reply they distributed to all their social media contractors, or did you write that up yourself? Sounds like corpo-speak, definitely their legal department.

              • 8 months ago

                Why are you roleplaying as a cyberpunk fighting against the evil corpo? You know that makes you look like a dumb gay, right?

                You're not fighting against something like a Pharmaceutical corporation trying to monopolize insulin. You're b***hing about a toy company on a traditional games board for attention.

              • 8 months ago

                WotC's legal department would rather keep idiots like you believing that the OGL was some charitable donation, rather than an attempt to reframe the fact that they couldn't actually protect any more than a handful of IP items. It basically was the equivalent of you going around saying "I'm giving you the license to say whatever you want to me," and acting like you're giving out some magnanimous gift, when in reality anyone could always say whatever they wanted to you anyway, which is probably why you're called a dumb homosexual constantly.

                The sad thing about the whole recent OGL business is really just how easily idiots like you were manipulated into joining the redditor's private army, because all they needed to do was tap into your blind WotC hate. Yes, WotC is a bad company, but there's nothing sadder than fighting for some Redditors after they made hundreds of thousands of dollars through some corporation's program, and all because those Redditors convinced you that you were actually fighting against the corporation attempting to do something it had no possible chance of doing. WotC can't copyright imagination, you dumb homosexual, no matter what a Redditor tells you on twitter. Hell, they can't even copyright game rules.

                It's like looking at any dumb soldiers who honestly thought they were going to war in order to fight for freedom and liberty and all that jazz. You were fighting so some Redditor who wrote half-assed adventures about gay hobgoblins and published them on WotC's own platform and somehow managed to make more than $750k off of the dumb idiots who would buy that kind of trash could make more money.

        • 8 months ago

          Imagine that you could go an entire day without sperging over d&d lol

        • 8 months ago

          >Goes on a tirade about how companies arent his friend and games workshop bad, when using games workshop approved shill image #274931

        • 8 months ago

          DnD is gay dude everyone agrees

          Sorry guys, replied to the wrong post,

          It's actually kinda sad that you can't stop yourself from shitposting like this. You genuinely have a disease and it's even sadder it's not fatal.

          was supposed to be at


          What is objectively the best form of tabletop gaming?

          • 8 months ago

            Whoops, I fricked up again.
            God I'm such a moron, I meant to say that

            Playing with friends, and playing a system that's not DnD.

            is me and I'm a gay loser.

          • 8 months ago

            Whoops, I fricked up again.
            God I'm such a moron, I meant to say that [...] is me and I'm a gay loser.

            >DnDtard tries falseflagging for the first time

      • 8 months ago

        DnD is gay dude everyone agrees

      • 8 months ago

        people really shouldn't play D&D, though. or anything else WoTC makes since they went after the OGL, demonstrating that they're out of touch, irredeemably greedy, and grossly incompetent at the highest level. the company truly and honestly deserves to die. people truly and honestly deserve to play a better game

        • 8 months ago

          lol how fricking embarrassing.

          >Open Game Liscense

          The OGL business was a joke, largely because the OGL was always just a largely meaningless document that didn't actually give people any legal rights they didn't already have. The recent outcry was actually about the changes in the 5e OGL that would impact the DM's Guild publishing platform, which for the most part no one on /tg/ actually bothered to use or publish through because you'd have to be an idiot to do so, considering the kind of rights you had to sign away.

          Basically, it was a whole big nontroversy, created by Redditors who were trying to break away from a publishing platform once they thought they were too big for it and its current structure was no longer to their benefit, primarily using twitter to try and stir up outrage with trolls on /tg/ jumping on the bandwagon because any D&D hate they could get their hands on was worth jumping on. All the proposed changes that WotC wanted to make only affected the publishing platforms they themselves controlled, and only impacted people making more than $750k, which meant only a handful of people, who had used those very platforms to make that much money.

          It's actually a surprising low percentage of people who understood the situation beyond "WotC is trying to copyright imagination!" and other similar nonsense. There's even people unaware that you can't copyright game rules and the 3.0 OGL wasn't some charitable donation, but a document that did little more than provide an alternative logo people could use on their books to indicate they were compatible with the system, since WotC wanted to protect the "D&D" name and brand. That's literally the primary reason behind the "d20" system logo and name, and the only thing the OGL actually granted.

          This wasn't /tg/'s fight, but the trolls on /tg/ didn't care. They were glad people were spamming WotC hate, and were glad to misinform people about the situation.

          >they went after the OGL! A completely worthless document! HOW DARE THEY.
          You newbies' complete lack of understanding of what the OGL actually did or even what it could possibly do is so fricking embarrassing. I know it sounds incredible, but you can't actually copyright game rules, and the OGL didn't offer anything people didn't already have, nor could removing the OGL, even in it's entirety, do anything as long as you hadn't been dumb enough to publish on one of the WotC controlled platforms. If you had read the contracts for publishing on WotC platforms, and still decided the deal was too good to pass up, you kind of deserved to get assraped by Wizards in exchange for the easy money you were making off of the audience they had established.

          It's basically sleeping with the devil for several hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then having second thoughts and wishing you hadn't. At that point, not only are you a prostitute, you're a dumb prostitute, and getting braindead twitter gays and the worst trolls on Ganker to act as your personal army is pathetic, with the only thing more pathetic being joining that dumb prostitute's personal army.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah yes, it’s only since the ogl debacle that they’ve demonstrated that. Definitely not at any other point. Fricking newbies.

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Big games with lots of cards and minis

  4. 8 months ago

    With friends playing whatever system you want and putting more effort and creativity into it. Some of my best memories are situations where the DM had to make something up on the spot to let us roll for something silly.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally it. The soul of gaming isn't obsessing over borderline-antique minis that give you lead poisoning or any shit like that, it's playing games with your buds specifically to enjoy yourself and do fun shit. It's like people here forget that games are for entertainment, not to impress cave goblins on the internet.

  5. 8 months ago

    Depends on the setting.

  6. 8 months ago

    Given that people immediate rushed to sperg about roleplaying games and that miniature wargames are for people with more money than sense, I’d say board games are probably the best.

    • 8 months ago

      The further this thread goes, the more accurate becomes

  7. 8 months ago

    Hex and counter wargaming, all the game play, none of the hobbyist wank

    • 8 months ago

      >hold on I need to consult rule on page 459 to determine how the wind speed affects the trajectory of my bullets past 800 meters

      • 8 months ago

        >needing to consult the rules instead of knowing all of them by heart

      • 8 months ago

        You want realistic results right? Go play with your space wizards kiddo, leave serious play to the adults

        • 8 months ago

          There’s nothing realistic about hexshit

    • 8 months ago

      You want realistic results right? Go play with your space wizards kiddo, leave serious play to the adults

      You literally cannot get more realistic results than tiddlywinks.

      All of the gameplay, none of the hobbyist wank, .5 second setup.

      • 8 months ago

        3D printed custom tiddlers have ruined the tiddlywinks competitive scene

  8. 8 months ago

    Eclipse Second Edition

  9. 8 months ago

    I don't know the best, but I do know I probably want to avoid Dungeons and Dragons nowadays. Both the creators and the fanbase are cringe as frick now, and stupid zoomers have infested that corner of the hobby.

  10. 8 months ago

    >non d&d thread
    >"Let's better make it about d&d and mention d&d all we can guys!"

  11. 8 months ago

    I like 1v1 wargames, outside of tabletop I like 1 on 1 fighting games, my favourite sport to do as a kid was skateboarding (individual, non organised)

    2 is the best game group size, plenty of stuff to play 1v1. 3 player games can be okay but usually only european games even support 3 players properly. 4 is the ideal size for a board game or TTRPG. any more players than that it you are waiting too long for your turn because if you are being strategic and 2 other people are just winging it every turn you usually have your next 2-3 turns planned out with caveats and you are waiting for everyone else to make decision 1 on their turn.

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