What is so exceptionally bad about picrelated that doesn't apply to the other games in the series?

What is so exceptionally bad about picrelated that doesn't apply to the other games in the series?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Razor's Edge isn't exceptionally bad, it's just not as good as the first two. NG3 vanilla is apparently exceptionally bad but I wouldn't know because I never played it.

    • 11 months ago

      I find it better than Vanilla 2 to be honest.

  2. 11 months ago

    There is no essence for one. Story mode was also forced by the devs pre-release where as it never was with the first two games. They even had the audacity to release the original vanilla 3 with only 1 useable weapon.

    • 11 months ago

      Story mode is so fricking moronic too. It's no fun to play with god mode on. I'd rather have an easy mode than a god mode, god mode is just a youtube video

    • 11 months ago

      They tried to make it story focused

      awful enemies, story that went for
      >MUH FEELZ
      instead of interesting demon shit, boring level design. that's enough.

      Enemy design. It takes the flaws of sigma 2 and amplifies them x10. Enemies will randomly parry, dodge, and super armor mid combo and it's a pain in the ass. It's also a massive step down from ninja gaiden 2 (xbox 360) just like sigma 2 was.

      Ridiculously versatile Ryu though, best he's ever been in any game. And the girls are good too which was a surprise to me. It's just that they're stuck in a game with such shit enemies and bosses.

      Horrible monster variety, feels like entire encounters repeat over and over and over again with same exact waves of enemies. I just couldn't handle it after a while and quit

      >enemies... fight back
      >i cant spam UTs
      These seem like positives?

      • 11 months ago

        The level design is boring, the bosses are bad, and the story is embarrassing, which is all stuff they had to carry over from a less-than-ideal base NG3.
        As for RE, I think its big problem is balance. The game's too easy to cheese and too hard to play normally. SoB was a terrible idea, being rewarded so heavily for playing a boring reaction game is incredibly unfun.

        You can though. That's the problem. Look at the alchemist enemies as an example: giant pain in the ass to try to fight them normally because they can charge superarmor and can choose not to be comboed. But you can also just spam scythe UT and they're trivialized because they get stunlocked. That's terrible.

      • 11 months ago

        How new are you that you are actually taking this thread seriously?

        • 11 months ago

          >taking this thread seriously
          I really dont. It's insane how much misinformation and hypocrisy there is regarding the game though.

          • 11 months ago

            As if the resident schizos were not enough now there's:

            >I played this game once. Here's my expert opinion on it

            At least that's normal discourse i guess.

            • 11 months ago

              Why Ninja Gaiden of all series? Why must every single series have a resident schizo that kills all game discussion? This board keeps surprising me with how worse it can still get.

              • 11 months ago

                To shatter any illusions about the size of a fanbase being correlated to its quality.

              • 11 months ago

                Because nu-team ninja mind broke everyone with how they fricked up not only the ninja gaiden series but dead or alive and also all their new IPs by being utter trash

            • 11 months ago

              I suppose you're the anon who taught me how to use shurikens to buffer "while running" moves a few weeks ago? Thanks again, it's really satisfying to pull it off with BOTA.

              • 11 months ago

                I think i remember talking about that. It's something i got from watching a guy on youtube. Yeah, it's very satisfying to do because of the timing but i usually brain fart on what to do afterwards in BOTA's case lol

              • 11 months ago

                Learnt a lot of cool stuff there myself. Most recent thing I picked up on was that you can buffer a 360y or >X after XXXXY with bota (only works in the Sigma version). NG2 by far has the best arsenal in action games imo, with TDS, Bota and Talons being my favorites in terms of moveset and animations

                Try it with the Eclipse Scythe anon. It has lot's of strings that take you into the air in the middle and the while running moves are both excellent.

                That's something i miss with the scythe in RE, more strings and more air stuff. It's air game is kinda weak as it doesn't even have a guaranteed launcher. It has a running attack launcher that i love the look of and should be great on paper but unfortunately the tracking on the launch part is borderline broken (i tried to make it work consistently but i am out of ideas). Landing 360 is nice though.

                I will, thanks anon. I've also been trying to get better with BOTA and Talons in 3re but neither seem to click as much as 1kat did in 3RE or their counterparts in 2.

              • 11 months ago

                >Learnt a lot of cool stuff there myself. Most recent thing I picked up on was that you can buffer a 360y or >X after XXXXY
                HAHA yes! Another thing that's hard to not try and do all the time after you learn it exists. I actually found this one on my own while trying different landing state stuff so i am pretty proud!

                I think BOTA and Talons are better in S2 than they are in RE, but they are still good weapons in RE. A lot of people consider BOTA in RE to be the weakest moveset in the game and even weak period. I would not say the latter but it definitely is a big discrepancy compared to the previous game.

              • 11 months ago

                The only remotely cool thing I had found on my own was that tilting the left stick in any direction after dashing in 3RE resets your state to neutral. It's not that useful or stylish but it lets Ryu throw one shuriken instead of multiple.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh? What do you mean anon? You might be about to teach me something.

              • 11 months ago

                I meant this.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, i know. It's something i know exists but never figured out how to do. How do you do it exactly? Do you let the stick go back to neutral and then tilt it again? RE has some (potentially bugged) properties when it comes to shuriken canceling in regards to certain weapons. Sword and Talons can cancel into shuriken throw in a y direction but if i remember right the other weapons can only cancel into throwing a shuriken into the closest target. Something like that.

              • 11 months ago

                >Do you let the stick go back to neutral and then tilt it again
                Yeah or (checked it just now) you can also just input dash, keep holding the stick in that direction and then immediately throw shuriken.
                Clip: https://imgur.com/a/gXDbtCQ

                Bump for the anon worth talking to

                Sorry for taking my time, was trying to convert the clip into webm but it was too big

              • 11 months ago

                Thank you so much anon! I'll give it a try later today! That's very nice of you to go through so much trouble with the clip and all!

                Since you're here. I am wondering if you know how to do the Talon teleport UT tech in RE. In case you don't know what i am talking about, unlike other UTs, Talon UT lets you freely teleport to different enemies while it's going. Very useful if the one you are attacking dies. You can also teleport after each single hit but for the life of me i have never gotten this to work 100%. Ryu always breaks the string and misses the enemy at the same kick every time. I am starting to wonder if this is a game version issue.

                Alternatively if you speak Japanese maybe you can tell me what this guy is saying in the instructions. I thought you do it by spamming X but maybe that's just half of it and why it always fails.


              • 11 months ago

                So off some quick testing it seems the trick to this is to be holding the left stick when you press the button. I tried letting it go to neutral and pressing again and it's not consistent: Just dodge and keep holding the direction until you press circle. Wow, all these hours and it was this simple. It's the little things. Thanks again anon lol

              • 11 months ago

                Try it with the Eclipse Scythe anon. It has lot's of strings that take you into the air in the middle and the while running moves are both excellent.

                That's something i miss with the scythe in RE, more strings and more air stuff. It's air game is kinda weak as it doesn't even have a guaranteed launcher. It has a running attack launcher that i love the look of and should be great on paper but unfortunately the tracking on the launch part is borderline broken (i tried to make it work consistently but i am out of ideas). Landing 360 is nice though.

              • 11 months ago

                How do I do this?

              • 11 months ago

                Im really not good at explaining so I'll just describe the inputs:
                >XY to launch
                >Shurikens to keep the enemy in the air and also buffer the running state
                >Running YY (the second Y is actually an OT move that acts as a relauncher in this scenario)
                >forwardY XXX Y
                From what I've noticed it's very tricky to pull off since the enemy needs to be at a specific height, has to miss an arm AND (could be wrong) it only works on the grey ninjas. At least I could never do it against IS guys

                Thank you so much anon! I'll give it a try later today! That's very nice of you to go through so much trouble with the clip and all!

                Since you're here. I am wondering if you know how to do the Talon teleport UT tech in RE. In case you don't know what i am talking about, unlike other UTs, Talon UT lets you freely teleport to different enemies while it's going. Very useful if the one you are attacking dies. You can also teleport after each single hit but for the life of me i have never gotten this to work 100%. Ryu always breaks the string and misses the enemy at the same kick every time. I am starting to wonder if this is a game version issue.

                Alternatively if you speak Japanese maybe you can tell me what this guy is saying in the instructions. I thought you do it by spamming X but maybe that's just half of it and why it always fails.


                Not sure if I did it right? https://imgur.com/a/bBYXgYR But at least in the MC version of the game you just need to use the left stick and the jump button while being in UT animation. I've seen the tech a few times but never bothered to try it out myself, I'll see if there's anything more to it.

              • 11 months ago

                all the enemies died before you got to the part where the chain breaks for me. I never used the analog stick though. You know, I'm gonna give some if these things a try right now.

              • 11 months ago

                Oops my bad.
                Tried it a few times more and I was able to do the full UT in most attempts. It did break a few times though and I am not sure why. I'll keep trying to see if there's something that plays a factor.

                So off some quick testing it seems the trick to this is to be holding the left stick when you press the button. I tried letting it go to neutral and pressing again and it's not consistent: Just dodge and keep holding the direction until you press circle. Wow, all these hours and it was this simple. It's the little things. Thanks again anon lol

                You're welcome. I've learnt a lot of useful things from you so I'm happy to be helpful for once too

              • 11 months ago

                WAIT A GODAMN MINUTE! Does the UT tech not work with Blood Rage specifically? I very rarely just charge a dry level 3 UT so when i tried it right now it worked perfectly and all i had to do was mash X like i always tried to do, but when i tried it with blood rage, which is how i usually get lvl 3 UTs in the middle of a fight it did not work. I tested this several times and it was consistent every time. Pressing the analog stick made no difference. Holy shit, i actually learned two new things today and both were right in front of me the whole time. Thanks yet again anon! Ah. it's wonderful the things that can happen when people who play video games actually talk about video games. Very interesting that it's only for normal UT only.

                By the way i actually never considered that BOTA OT during a combo so make that 3. I don't know if you were that anon, but that's another example of secret tech. OT moves used that way. the most well know example is the DS kick but the Kusarigama kick for legless enemies is another. I can only hit that one if the enemy is against a wall though and don't really know of a cool followup for the relauncher since it's pretty low.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh yeah sorry, left stick doesnt matter at all. My bad. I assumed it did by mistake and didnt correct myself after further testing. Glad you figured it out though! Also this tech works with the manually charged level 2 ut as well but not with level 1

      • 11 months ago

        Essence wasn't a flawed mechanic anon. It gave you health, money to use in shops and upgrades, and it gave you ninpo flames for your magic. It also imo is a very cool video gamey thing that enhanced the visuals of the way the combat looks. It felt rewarding to get huge chain combos and get rewarded with big essence drops because of it. Yeah UT ended up being quite spammable but I'm sure there had to be a way to fix it had they been allowed to do the following:

        1. Actually let Itagaki finish and balance NG2
        2. Keep him obviously and find a way to balance it for the third game

        • 11 months ago

          If they ever do a new NG, I expect or at least hope essence will be the biggest thing they improve upon. It's a really cool and fun concept but it's not executed that well since it heavily encourages the player to just spam UT. I think a balance between a universal meter for special abilities and essence could work pretty well.

          • 11 months ago

            I think what could work actually is levels or layers to the essence and UT that works on a metter of some sort. So when the meter isn't charged up you do a weaker UT whenever you absorb the essence. How this should look I guess you can fill in the blanks. Then when the meter if filled up you can unleash a fully powered UT that functions and looks like those cool ones from prior games. That way its still in the game and you get rewarded but there is at least more of a barrier to it to assure you don't constantly spam them.

            I guess if I could expand a bit more on this idea, the weaker UT's can be countered by some of the greater enemies and bosses. To prevent those being spammed. While the greater UT's are as good as you'd expect them to be. This way you'd have it so sometimes you just want to combo normally instead of UT all the time.

            • 11 months ago

              It would be improved by having it be as simple as NG3RE's meter system for ninpo/healing/etc but it's only charged up by essence. Essence can still be absorbed for instant UTs but this doesn't charge up your meter and UT kills don't drop essence. So you have the trade off of UT being strong but has to be used sparingly, in the right spot, or as a panic button.

          • 11 months ago

            Goddamn that is a satisfying as frick webm to watch. No action game out there has combat that looks and feels that good and impactful. Its a huge fricking shame we don't have more and better NG games.

            • 11 months ago

              Its also the only good boss in the game

      • 11 months ago

        both of those are contrived points that don't exist outside your shitposting, so they can't be positives

    • 11 months ago

      Good, now you have to actually use all the games mechanics in every fight. Even in NGB's Master Ninja your better off just killing one guy and chaining that one essence to kill everyone else

      • 11 months ago

        >Even in NGB's Master Ninja your better off just killing one guy and chaining that one essence to kill everyone else

        that shit never worked.

        • 11 months ago

          It does if they aren't ogres and berserkers which arent even that prevalent anyway until the end of the game in which then you just mindlessly forward y dabilharo them

          • 11 months ago

            >land a UT
            >Essence pops out while more enemies spawn with full health already attacking you
            >Lucky if you got a level 3 UT
            >Lucky if they dont dodge
            >Lucky if some one dies
            >Shit out of luck if they dont die after the UT because of full health or it was a level 1 charge.
            >Get mogged because all you know how to do is spam UTs.
            >Get Ninja Dog after taking 3 hrs to beat a chapter cause you had to wait till you were in a safe spot to spam a UT vs the guy who is already a chapter ahead.

            • 11 months ago

              NGs ranking systems literally favors brainless UT spam lmao and like half of the enemies can be easily one shot with a dragon sword decap up

              • 11 months ago

                It doesnt favor your time. as i said, struggling to find a safe spot to spam a UT. Takes up too much time.

  3. 11 months ago

    They tried to make it story focused

  4. 11 months ago

    awful enemies, story that went for
    instead of interesting demon shit, boring level design. that's enough.

  5. 11 months ago

    Enemy design. It takes the flaws of sigma 2 and amplifies them x10. Enemies will randomly parry, dodge, and super armor mid combo and it's a pain in the ass. It's also a massive step down from ninja gaiden 2 (xbox 360) just like sigma 2 was.

    Ridiculously versatile Ryu though, best he's ever been in any game. And the girls are good too which was a surprise to me. It's just that they're stuck in a game with such shit enemies and bosses.

  6. 11 months ago

    Horrible monster variety, feels like entire encounters repeat over and over and over again with same exact waves of enemies. I just couldn't handle it after a while and quit

  7. 11 months ago

    Sigma 2 homosexuals are just mad that they can't spam juggles and inazuna drop for eternity.
    2 homosexuals are mad that they can't spam UT until everything dies.
    Sigma 2 and 2 homosexuals ruined the franchise.

    • 11 months ago

      you might have brain damage but that's okay. Nothing a little ninja gaiden 2 (not sigma) won't fix, you should play it on MN now!

  8. 11 months ago

    Oh did PaceBlack person get upset about his boyfriend being made fun of in the DMC thread? Boo hoo

  9. 11 months ago

    lack of essence and a shitty healing system kills the flow. I will say it forces a more master ninja approach since you cant heal as readily, but essence acted as a difficulty slider where you could bounce back if you fricked up and provided incentive to keep fighting for that blue orb. Relying on bloody rage was garbage since enemies were mostly killed off by the time it activated and steel on bone also didnt help much with regaining health and mostly served as an alternative to counter and UTs.
    Level design was far more hallway focused than 2 this go around. really boring.
    Ryus move set was good though. A small step above 2.

  10. 11 months ago

    Itagaki didn't direct it so when something feels like bullshit I don't get the satisfaction of having him on my shoulder calling me his little ninja pupper.

  11. 11 months ago

    I like both trilogies a lot. Razors Edge feels smooth as frick, dashing to make a soldier stumble then start juggling him is one of the most responsive control feedback I've ever felt

  12. 11 months ago

    The game is not "exceptionally bad" and it has by far the best combat in the entire series, but man is it flawed in so many areas that it sours the entire experience.

    >Items are gone, instead you rely on using Ninpo, the Steel on Bone mechanic and the scarce save points to recover health
    >This becomes an apparent problem when, if you die, you're taken back to the last checkpoint with the same health you had when you reached it, which becomes a huge problem against bosses
    >Speaking about Ninpo, it's now tied to the Ki bar which fills extremely slowly and can only be used after it's filled, then it empties completely, reason why spamming the gravity ninpo becomes your best choice as soon as you get it
    >Rocket spam up the ass, in almost every encounter you have to fight enemies while trying to dodge rockets, many times shot from platforms above so even if you get close to them to take them out with arrows, the auto-aim will prioritize the ground enemies as they're closer
    >The game includes a stealth mechanic which is introduced in the first level. You kill one enemy with it and it's the first and last time it will come to play in the entire game
    >Upgrade system is ass, it's now tied to Karma because there are no health or money drops anymore. Unlike in past games where you could upgrade everything if you were smart with your resources, here you'll end with several slots inactive because the game doesn't give you enough Karma

    1/2, post too long.

    • 11 months ago


      >Muramasa is gone, so weapon buying and upgrading is gone too, instead you get them after reaching certain parts of the game or when collecting certain amount of Golden Scarabs, so you might end missing on weapons
      >The first mission gives players a terrible impression of the rest of the game, with enemies being spammed, constantly blocking, parrying and grabbing while they shoot you with guns and rockets from afar. The first boss, the spider tank, is also a massive filter as there's no save point beforehand to fully heal you and it spams rockets and electric fields, so if you arrive to it with low health (like I did) it will become a massive pain in the ass
      >The final boss is horrendous, having to fill the biggest Ki bar in the game to reach the next phase while being attacked by fiends and the final boss slamming her giant arms on you.

      That's on the top of my head and my experience from my first playthrough, which I did on Hard. Still, I'd definitely put it below Black and OG2, the combat was just that good and the bosses overall were fun as frick to fight against. Personally, I also liked the story, it was nice seeing the callbacks to the previous games, including Genshin making an appearance, and Ryu considering fatherhood between all of the bloodshed he's usually around.

      • 11 months ago

        >How many skill issues are you gonna point out?
        > ^
        >Holy shit it keeps going lol

        >That's on the top of my head and my experience from my first playthrough, which I did on Hard
        So why are you here making green text like your opinion is worth a dried up dog turd?

        >play action game once on training wheels mode
        >get filtered
        >Here's my opinion of it
        It keeps happening,

    • 11 months ago


      >Muramasa is gone, so weapon buying and upgrading is gone too, instead you get them after reaching certain parts of the game or when collecting certain amount of Golden Scarabs, so you might end missing on weapons
      >The first mission gives players a terrible impression of the rest of the game, with enemies being spammed, constantly blocking, parrying and grabbing while they shoot you with guns and rockets from afar. The first boss, the spider tank, is also a massive filter as there's no save point beforehand to fully heal you and it spams rockets and electric fields, so if you arrive to it with low health (like I did) it will become a massive pain in the ass
      >The final boss is horrendous, having to fill the biggest Ki bar in the game to reach the next phase while being attacked by fiends and the final boss slamming her giant arms on you.

      That's on the top of my head and my experience from my first playthrough, which I did on Hard. Still, I'd definitely put it below Black and OG2, the combat was just that good and the bosses overall were fun as frick to fight against. Personally, I also liked the story, it was nice seeing the callbacks to the previous games, including Genshin making an appearance, and Ryu considering fatherhood between all of the bloodshed he's usually around.

      Only thing I don't like about RE is that you can't unlock the Dragon Sword for any new game plus runs.

      • 11 months ago

        On the other hand, Ryu borrowing the Blade of the Archfiend and later having a dream scene with Genshin made me smile like an idiot, I love those kind of callbacks.

    • 11 months ago

      Holy shit, get filtered.

      >Literally get good. Nothing else to say
      > ^
      >The only time there is "rocket spam" is when Tactical Ninjas with rockets are present, which is actually decently rare. Learn how to deal with them instead of crying. You can block every single rocket in the game. Ranged weapons literally prioritize ranged enemies and hat's not even how you deal with the Rocket Tac Ninjas unless they are out of reach.
      >it's literally not the last. The mechanic is there for fluff, NG is not a stealth game. Also it's an actual mechanic in the PVP mode you never played
      >"be smart". You mean spam UTs and get infinite money? Upgrade system is perfect. Want more money? Get Good.

      >1/2, post too long
      I'll say

      • 11 months ago

        But I got gud, I persevered, I beat the game for my first time on Hard and I loved it, but I'm not going to pretend that the game was horribly flawed and filled with cheap deaths. If they had ironed those flaws even more, it would be by far the best NG in the trilogy and even then, I still put it as the third best one if you consider all versions because the combat was that good.

        • 11 months ago

          This game has some zealous fanboys and you're not going to get through to them

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, I just noticed that I was replying to the same schizo that frequents these threads.

      • 11 months ago

        >How many skill issues are you gonna point out?
        > ^
        >Holy shit it keeps going lol

        >That's on the top of my head and my experience from my first playthrough, which I did on Hard
        So why are you here making green text like your opinion is worth a dried up dog turd?

        >play action game once on training wheels mode
        >get filtered
        >Here's my opinion of it
        It keeps happening,

        Oh nevermind, it's you again. Here's your (You)

        • 11 months ago

          This game has some zealous fanboys and you're not going to get through to them

          Yeah, I just noticed that I was replying to the same schizo that frequents these threads.

          Good job outing yourself, again.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't get hit.
      Don't get hit.
      Holy fricking dumbass. Ki meter fills moderately enough by obliterating an enemy. If you're hamhanded enough to need them, see point 1. Only point you made that has some validity is how unbalanced the ninpos are. Fireballs(useless), Wind(useful only when maxed), Vortex(useful), True Inferno(sometimes useful)
      Dodge aim R3 to slomo. You didn't even fricking learn how to play the game. Get good. Especially when the game has one of the most sticky and lax aiming system.
      Oh wow. A shit system is used once. As if that's exclusive to this game and not almost all games of its ilk like Metal Gear Rising.
      Holy shit, get good. Do the hidden skull challenges(also fills your health completely even if you fail and quit it midway) and you'll have enough karma to upgrade the shit you want. Even the bonus karma you get at the end of a chapter is more than enough.


      >Muramasa is gone, so weapon buying and upgrading is gone too, instead you get them after reaching certain parts of the game or when collecting certain amount of Golden Scarabs, so you might end missing on weapons
      >The first mission gives players a terrible impression of the rest of the game, with enemies being spammed, constantly blocking, parrying and grabbing while they shoot you with guns and rockets from afar. The first boss, the spider tank, is also a massive filter as there's no save point beforehand to fully heal you and it spams rockets and electric fields, so if you arrive to it with low health (like I did) it will become a massive pain in the ass
      >The final boss is horrendous, having to fill the biggest Ki bar in the game to reach the next phase while being attacked by fiends and the final boss slamming her giant arms on you.

      That's on the top of my head and my experience from my first playthrough, which I did on Hard. Still, I'd definitely put it below Black and OG2, the combat was just that good and the bosses overall were fun as frick to fight against. Personally, I also liked the story, it was nice seeing the callbacks to the previous games, including Genshin making an appearance, and Ryu considering fatherhood between all of the bloodshed he's usually around.

      You can get all Golden Scarabs by the first difficulty you have to start on easily. Even then, only 30/50 are enough to unlock all of the weapons. You're a dumbass that can't find a little over half of something that are hidden in the most obvious of spots.
      blablabla, you had a hard time with the easiest boss in the game that spends most of its time circling to catch up to you.
      Get good.

  13. 11 months ago

    RE has the best combat in the series. Anyone who disagrees is a nostalgia gay.

  14. 11 months ago

    Have you played it? The glow red instakills chain shit is fricking awful and kills the gameplay. Turns the game into dark souls/sekiro instead of ninja gaiden

  15. 11 months ago

    >exploding shurikan spam
    based god itagaki outdoes hiss elf
    >rpg rocket spam
    miyazaki why did you failed us

    • 11 months ago

      Again, there isn't even rocket spam. There's literally more rockets in vanilla 2 than this game.

    • 11 months ago

      oatmeal cookie fans are moronic yes

    • 11 months ago

      nice strawman. most people hate the projectile spam in NG2.


      What is so exceptionally bad about picrelated that doesn't apply to the other games in the series?

      Fundamentally bad game at its core. Terrible boss fights, maybe ten different enemies in the whole game, no shop, Ninpo is now how you heal, SoB is imbalanced, extremely linear, etc. The story is complete ass and the game shoves it down your throat. The story in Black and 2 was paper thin, but it never got in the way of the game. RE can be fun sometimes. I beat it twice. Playing as Momiji and Ayane are the best parts of the game. 3 is just complete shit at its core; you have to throw it all in the trash and start over to make it as good as Black and 2.

  16. 11 months ago

    Enemies randomly escaping mid combo was probably the dumbest thing about the game. Also they made a lot of your abilities like Guillotine Throw, Flying Swallow, Counter-Attacks useless, locked the projectile weapons to the coombait characters and ninpo is now something you really only want to use to regain health. Plus the environment and level design is really lame compared to NG2. It's a decent button masher though.

  17. 11 months ago

    It's literally wo long but with ryu. Frick nu-team ninja. All fricking moron hacks that probably couldn't even beat NGII on mentor.

    • 11 months ago


  18. 11 months ago

    If you ignore the original release and story, then it comes down to the game being VERY hard, to an excessive degree. Enemies have a frick ton of health, they block and dodge your moves to an extreme degree, lack of healing options, lack of "I win buttons" like previous games, red attacks are obnoxiously designed as they can be awkward to perform and are extremely moronicly beneficial when fully upgraded that you feel like you're meant to manipulate AI to use them. Probably some other shit i'm missing.

    • 11 months ago

      See look at this. The enemy just starts blocking and dodging mid combo out of nowhere. Never liked it.

      • 11 months ago

        >mid combo
        >player literally interrupts the string with a shuriken, taking the enemy out of stun and back to neutral

        RE filters vanilla 2 tards very easily.

        • 11 months ago

          They escape regardless of any shuriken cancels you do. It's built into the game that they only become more vulnerable once they become "bloody", so it's just a process of wearing them down.

          • 11 months ago

            Don't talk about things you don't understand.

        • 11 months ago

          Shuriken cancels was how you kept combos going in the previous game. Jumping off heads would also always stun enemies long enough to get a guaranteed grounded hit in when in that webm the enemy dodges an immediate arrow after jump.

          It's a bull busting design decision to not only give enemies more health than previous games (except maybe some of the tougher ninjas in sigma 2) but also lessen the combo options from before and make enemies spam dodge/block and cancel out of recovery constantly. It's not fun design.

          NG already had some of the most dynamic combat you could get in an action game so the decision to remove true combo options just doesn't feel good.

          • 11 months ago

            >Shuriken cancels was

            Should have stopped reading here.

            Against the most defensive enemies, shuriken stun and Wind Path no longer gurantees anything but you having the initiative (so advantage), which is extremely important in non baby mode difficulties by the way. Though RE has less secret tech than the second game they did not removed MUH COMBOES, they just changed things. The biggest use of Shyriken cancel besides floating enemies was literally to STOP combos so you can do an OT in Vanilla 2 or stun another enemy that's coming to interrupt you, don't try and bullshit me. You can still do that, the first hit of the DS just happens to have very poor stun. Some light attack string moves do not have good stun.

            • 11 months ago

              Nta but what is considered a tech? State manipulation?

              • 11 months ago

                Well, technically a lot of things are tech, like the different move properties, the stun system or even the different strings but when i say secret tech i mean something that i honestly find pretty unique to NG in the genre that harkens back to it's fighting game influences. That is moves getting different properties under different contexts, some moves making other moves guaranteed, things that put you in different states from which other moves can be accessed, etc.

                Here's some examples.

                In NG1, the Lunar's forward light twirly move is an unlisted grounded launcher if ended after just one rotation. That's kinda secret tech. The Lunar most basic light string is very unassuming, someone might even write it off as a left over from when the weapon was at level 1 after it gets it's followup. Well it just so happens that the moves in that string all put humanoid enemies in stun states that make following up with the forward light unlisted launcher 100% guaranteed. That's definitely secret tech.

                The way some DS moves re-float enemies in 1 is secret tech.

                Forward light with the VF launching enemies if they are in a grounded state in the second game is secret tech

                Heavy with Talons launching enemies if they are in the special grounded state (and what puts them there) in the second game is secret tech.

                You know that string with the talons in the second game that has Ryu launch an enemy and then do 3 crossing, teleport air flying kicks on them? The first and second kick leave you in while running state, the third kick leaves you in instant UT state if you keep pressing it. That's secret tech.

                Tiger Fury (Sword) in RE leaving enemies in a special grounded state that makes any first touch launcher guranteed is secret tech

                Neutral jump Lunar in RE scooping up enemies is secret tech

                This is most definitely extremely cool secret tech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhAIQ4ENQa0

                and etc.

              • 11 months ago

                I see now. Was aware of some things but not the others. Thank you

              • 11 months ago

                That's just some examples, there's a lot of it in these games. Some of it i still don't know how to do.

        • 11 months ago

          the beret does get hit by the sword slash following the shuriken. what happens is that he guard cancels the second hit of the string and dodges the third

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, read the thread (or don't, it's mostly trash).

    • 11 months ago

      Goddamn I just had PTSD after watching that, that variation of enemies were annoying as frick to kill and had massive health, even when trying to cheese them with Izuna Drop they'd just escape mid-combo.

    • 11 months ago

      The problem is that there are "I win" buttons, the 360 attacks.

      • 11 months ago

        There's only one broken 360 attack in RE and it's not a "I win" button, it's a "I cheat" button if used in any context but how every 360 move is used or as a normal attack. Most of the 360 moves were actually heavily nerfed from the previous game.

        • 11 months ago

          How dare you reply to me.

    • 11 months ago

      Your entire comment can be boiled down to "I suck and hate it doesnt coddle me like the previous two games" lol.

      • 11 months ago

        Most of what I said is objectively true though, pointing out what it does different from previous games. You fricking autist.

  19. 11 months ago

    The Vanilla version only had 1 weapon and most combos were interrupted by a QTE. It was a disaster. 3/10 game.
    Then Razor Edge came out but no one gave a shit. The original version already ruined its reputation.

  20. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      A quirk of the claw ninja AI is that they can dodge out of attack rotation so another enemy becomes active in their place. When they do this, if the player keeps trying to attack the same enemy they will just keep doing the dodge over and over until they get away. Just attack a different enemy. Claw ninja's dodge is overturned though, that's true.

      Laughed out Discord gay with name starting with X, is this you?

      • 11 months ago

        Imagine the feeling of sex with her

      • 11 months ago

        You understand that it's bad design that an enemy can effectively make themselves invulnerable until the player does what it wants them to do, right? That's not fun.

        The problem with NG3RE is balance, and a complete lack of it. NG2 had balance problems too, but it was mitigated in lower difficulties by making the combat still feel good. Here, the combat doesn't feel good because the player isn't in control much of the time, and has no means of wresting that control back.

        NG2's MNM is another discussion.

        • 11 months ago

          >You understand that it's bad design that an enemy can effectively make themselves invulnerable until the player does what it wants them to do, right?
          No. It's not genius game design but it's not the end of the world either. There's a billion enemies to fight.

          You are not in control because you don't fully understand how to play. It's that simple. You think you do because you press the buttons and the guy does the things, but you don't. Also the essence of NG is to always be 50/50 on the offense and defense, it's always give and take, you are never meant to be in control.

          RE went a little overboard with the properties of some enemies and claw ninjas are the most extreme example but I'll take that a million times over the opposite like in NG2.

    • 11 months ago

      This seems rather excessive. That is some very clear input reading to the extreme.

  21. 11 months ago

    1. The visuals are utter ass because it was originally released as a WiiU title. Even the levels it brings back from NG1 and NG2 look worse than they did in their original games because they basically removed all the lighting to make it work. The game just looks garish.
    2. Enemies in NG3RE, much more so than previous NG games, are very heavy on input reading and auto-dodging. Now, this doesn't mean that you can't counter or shut down enemies (there's plenty of videos of people who have mastered the combat and can completely style on enemies), but it does make a lot of fights more frustrating.
    3. The missions feel way too long. Each "Day" should have been cut down into 2-3 missions each. The very last day in particular is incredibly poorly paced and feels insanely long.
    4. The traditional way of absorbing essence in order to instantly get UTs or ETs is gone. You can still do ETs and UTs, but you do so in a much different way.
    5. In fact, a lot of traditional things are gone in this game. Healing used to be done with potions. Now you basically share your healing ability with your Ninpo meter. It's sort of like Hollow Knight's magic system (though it came out years before Hollow Knight). You even also have to stand in place in order to heal.
    6. The Eclipse Scythe has a broken move that was never patched out. Obviously, you aren't forced to use this move, but because of the high skill floor (even for NG veterans), a lot of less experienced players will be tempted to use this move over and over again and burn themselves out.
    7. The Steel on Bone system is very divisive. A lot of enemy waves can be beaten by simply waiting for the equivalent of a Mikiri Counter and killing 4-5 enemies in one hit each. Again, even though you're not forced to use this, it basically means that most players who simply want to beat the game will spend most of their time just baiting Steel on Bone red moves so that they can Mikiri Counter it.

  22. 11 months ago

    Xbox fans gaslit the entire action game community into thinking vanilla NG2 is the greatest game ever and not an unfinished 7/10 game.

    NG3RE > NG2

    • 11 months ago

      RE has better combat, but 2 is better balanced.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          yeah, and ill say it agian.

  23. 11 months ago

    Thread is getting 100% samegayged by paceBlack person by the way. You can tell because the homosexual has tried shilling his schizo lies more than once already. Like pretending RE has bad enemy variety when it literally has the highest enemy variety in the series, a literal mathematical fact.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh Boogeyman

      You are a schizophrenic.

      • 11 months ago

        Cope with your mental illness however you want. Suicide by my preference.

    • 11 months ago

      >when it literally has the highest enemy variety in the series
      Technically true because it reuses old enemies and bosses exclusively for the ToVs in the campaign but if you were to look at the enemy variety in the campaign outside of those, it's pretty low. The ToVs are long as frick and even harder than the normal level so most people aren't going to botehr doing them on a first playthrough.

      That's why people will say it has low enemy variety.

  24. 11 months ago

    People say the bosses suck despite the fact that the bosses have always sucked in these games. TN is like the opposite of itsuno in that sense cause they know how to make actually good enemies that fight back but how shit like worm, t rex, and water dragon go made i dont know

    • 11 months ago

      >People say the bosses suck despite the fact that the bosses have always sucked in these games
      You obviously never played ninja gaiden since bosses are way worse in 3 than before

      • 11 months ago

        Behold one of the worst boss ever in vidya
        Even the chapter select skips it, hilarious

  25. 11 months ago

    Doesn't have Rachel.

    • 11 months ago

      Serious question, outside of DOA and the boomers who have played the NES do people actually like the NG girl side characters the same way people fondly remember characters like Lady and Jeanne? Cause unless your a hardcore DOA gay i dont get it

  26. 11 months ago

    Kunai climbing is moronic. Wall jumping naturally accomplished the same thing except was way faster, fun, and didn't feel like its own separate minigame.

    • 11 months ago

      >it's a moron parrots Vanilla 3 complaints like they still apply to RE episode

      • 11 months ago

        kunai climbing is in RE, also the qte's and forced walking sections. Also stealth sections. This game is filled with bad decisions.

        • 11 months ago

          >It's a moron does not know what a QTE is or how Kunai climbing works in RE episode

          • 11 months ago

            Please be specific about what he got incorrect.

            • 11 months ago

              RE does not have QTEs. It has context sensitive actions. If you have button prompts still on after the first level teaches them all to you, you are playing the game wrong,



              he is pretending it's the end of the world and any different form any other action you can do to traverse the levels because it used to be different and significantly slower, but he does not know that.

              • 11 months ago

                Wall jumping and running were fundamentals to Ryu's moveset that naturally lend themselves to traversal. Kunai Climbing is its own minigame that you'll never incorporate into combat and can only do when the game arbitrarily puts a kunai climbable surface in your path. It's slow and betrays the whole feeling of being a ninja in the first place when any rock climber could easily do kunai climbing. The people who made this game had no idea what Ninja Gaiden is supposed to be. All you have are excuses and cope. Did I act like it was the end of the world or did I just say it was moronic, because it is.

              • 11 months ago

                Why am i even tallking to a homosexual like you? You are not interesting in learning, just spouting your homosexual drivel. NG1 and 2 is fricking LITTERED with opposing walls you cannot BIRD FLYING FLIP up because the games arbitrarily disable this feature when it's not part of the level traversal design. have a nice day already, seriously.

              • 11 months ago

                No actually he is right. That t-rex part in the webm posted is very jarring and more akin to something from like God of War. It completely strips control from the player and forces a gameplay scenario that the developers themselves want from the player. This is completely anti-NG for obvious reasons. The previous games never strip control from the player like that. It may have led to frustrating moments when you had to platform and the camera may get in your way but you are always in control of Ryu's moveset/controls. Yes this also includes when you had to run from the boulder in NG1.

              • 11 months ago

                Why are you still talking to me?

              • 11 months ago

                You a schizo? That was my only reply to you. There is no "still talking to you" here.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                lol most sane ng3 fan

              • 11 months ago

                >most sane DoA gay

                Where are all your schizo avatars? Do you have the mods living rent free on your gaping butthole now as well?

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not whoever you think I am. I just see you acting really strange and thought I'd point it out.

              • 11 months ago

                Ah i see. Lucky for you that you met your soul mate on anonymous video game board then. I am assuming he is your soul mate because you say the same things in the exact same way over and over all through out this thread.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't know about that, but since i have your attention and you love ng3, I 've been playing the game and I get kind of annoyed that I can't fight enemies like I can in 2. Most enemies that aren't just terrorists with batons and smgs parry or dodge stuff while I'm waling on them.

                I really like Ryu's new moveset but can't help but feel like there's something I'm failing to grasp mechanically. Is there some strat beyond just launching whenever I can

              • 11 months ago


                >Shuriken cancels was

                Should have stopped reading here.

                Against the most defensive enemies, shuriken stun and Wind Path no longer gurantees anything but you having the initiative (so advantage), which is extremely important in non baby mode difficulties by the way. Though RE has less secret tech than the second game they did not removed MUH COMBOES, they just changed things. The biggest use of Shyriken cancel besides floating enemies was literally to STOP combos so you can do an OT in Vanilla 2 or stun another enemy that's coming to interrupt you, don't try and bullshit me. You can still do that, the first hit of the DS just happens to have very poor stun. Some light attack string moves do not have good stun.

                and understand the enemy state mechanic.

                Rarely enemies like the ninjas can escape from actual combos and when that happens it seems to be a glitch due to uneven terrain, like a sudden shift of elevation. This seems to reset their state for a split second. But again, this is rare and I've seen them do it in the second game as well, particularly the Dark Sect ninjas.

              • 11 months ago


                I notice in that post, you say that light attack strings on dragon sword don't have good stun. By that do you mean that there are strings that don't actually combo and that's why enemies can act out of what looks like hitstun?

                I don't mind messing around to find out what strings actually work but even in the gameplay videos I see with people much better than me enemies interrupt them, alchemists especially.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't say that. I said the first hit of the DS has poor stun. If you are mashing light attacks only on an enemy with high defence and in healthy state then for some weapons some moves can be blocked. Assassin's can block AND dodge so after he blocked the followup to the first DS light hit he was free to move out of the way. Hit stun is just hit stun not actual stun state.

                Alchemists are not normal enemies, they are mini bosses and as such are not subject to normal enemy rules. Alchemists are designed specifically to counter mindless string spam. You fight Alchemists by breaking their shield and making them vulnerable for the next couple of hits, which can include a guaranteed launcher if properly setup and with the right moveset. You can fight alchemists normally in between or from start to finish but fighting them normally means a true fight of back and forth between you and them, it's not just pressing the string buttons and YOLO. You need to know the enemy, your moves, how to not overextend yourself and have the reactions. It's classic NG design.

                Here's a good player fighting alchemists:

                and here is with a different weapon:


              • 11 months ago

                Thanks anon, I'll play the game more. Starting to seem like my complaints mostly come from the game being different from ng2 more than it being unbalanced or something like I thought a few years ago when I played on hard.

                Glad I saw this thread. Before I dip though, is there some repository of information for RE? Theres a lot of stuff here that the game doesn't plainly tell you. Guess I'm asking if there's a supercombo.gg but for ninja gaiden at this point.

              • 11 months ago

                Expecting the game to play like NG2 is the one reason (non new players) get filtered by RE and vanilla NG2 gays especially (not a dig at you). There are several so called NG2 "UT Talon >Y" """""""""""""Pros"""""""""""" that cry buckets of tears over getting filtered by RE. Some of them even make videos and it is the funniest shit.

                Yes, you cannot play RE like NG2, they are diametrically opposed when it comes to NG. The game is not perfect, some enemies got a bit too buff (fricking claw ninjas), but nothing that detracts it from being the best action game of the past decade and an excellent third entry.

                There is no repository that i am aware for anything NG. It's all world of mouth stuff. Yes i am including NG1 because a lot of what's out there it is karma and speedrunning autism.

                Speaking of claw ninjas: On the highest difficulties never try and initiate offense on them without stunning them with a shuriken or Wind Path first. This is good practice in general but especially for them and ESPECIALLY if they are actively engaging you. You might get lost in the flow and think it would totally cool and ok to walk up to that crab walking c**t and just press an attack button and it might even work once in a while but just don't do it. You don't want to get dodge and countered by their bullshit i-frame, high crushing and low crushing light speed counter attacks. You don't want to eat a point blank bomb to the face. Just don't do it. Around Claw Ninjas, never relax.

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks bro. I'll dig around, maybe i can find some sorta discord or something. Either way I feel a bit more enlightened after looking at a Ganker thread for once.

                But yeah you're absolutely right, it's definitely because I played ng2 first that I can't grasp 3. My expectations were very off.. Like with ng2 you can hop in that and bash your head, eventually learn a couple things that cheese the game even in master ninja. you can tactically use healing items and spam UT and just manage to scrape by. NG3 definitely asks a lot more, even with stuff like steel on bone spam it's a lot lot lot harder than hopping on ng2 and spamming Tonfa or 360 Lunar UT, or art of wind blades.

                I'm gonna give ng3 a much more honest try. Btw, if you haven't tried it, you should play Nioh 2. I bet you'd really love that game. cheers.

              • 11 months ago


                also, saw this video a bit before you posted.

              • 11 months ago

                >most sane DoA gay

              • 11 months ago

                You can technically turn the QTE's off.

                Renaming them doesn't change the functionality. It's a moment where the game pauses the action and you have to press a specific button within a small window of time. That's a QTE. I know you're going to be a pedantic butthole and say "Well that's just what you have to do when you're playing the game!!" but you know exactly what we're referring to and why it's a QTE. The prompt being on screen is irrelevant.

                Kunai climb is a pain in the ass because it's not nearly as fluid or fast as the wall jumps and requires button mashing in a way the other mechanic doesn't. Yeah, neither are the end of the world but they're emblematic of the kinds of changes NG3/RE made that made it less pleasant to play than the earlier games.

                >You understand that it's bad design that an enemy can effectively make themselves invulnerable until the player does what it wants them to do, right?
                No. It's not genius game design but it's not the end of the world either. There's a billion enemies to fight.

                You are not in control because you don't fully understand how to play. It's that simple. You think you do because you press the buttons and the guy does the things, but you don't. Also the essence of NG is to always be 50/50 on the offense and defense, it's always give and take, you are never meant to be in control.

                RE went a little overboard with the properties of some enemies and claw ninjas are the most extreme example but I'll take that a million times over the opposite like in NG2.

                >not the end of the world
                Weird you guys keep using this phrase. Criticism doesn't need to be the end of the world to be valid. The point is that all of these small, shitty decisions make the game much less fun than NG1 or 2.

                As for the rest of your response, you're missing the point. I understand how the game wants me to play and can do what it asks, but the kind of non-interactivity that the game enforces to make me play the way it wants isn't pleasant. That's the point. It's like the color coded enemies in DmC or half the fricking enemy roster in DMC3 or DOOM Eternal's DLC where they negate or block everything but specific attacks. Rock-paper-scissors style gameplay is never good design in action games.

              • 11 months ago

                I am not reading more of your drivel. Go frick yourself if you are not interested in being a human being.

              • 11 months ago

                Why are you posting in a thread discussing the criticism and merits of a specific game if you don't want to have that discussion?

          • 11 months ago

            .>i-t's not qtes
            >they completely changed kunai climing
            what the frick game did you play than?

            • 11 months ago

              What's weird is they don't even tell you what you need to do during these if I remember correctly. Or maybe if you turn off tutorials or something? I don't know but I remember it being a pain.

              • 11 months ago

                >why does the game not tell me to do a slide when it wants me to do a slide?

                gee, i wonder. Really makes you think.

            • 11 months ago

              lol what a strange looking fail for a qte. One's gotta ask why

        • 11 months ago

          You can technically turn the QTE's off.

        • 11 months ago

          Imagine what she must smell like

  27. 11 months ago

    When you replay ninja gaiden games do you add extra restrictions to your playthrough (e.g. not upgrading weapons)? Or is winning on master ninja enough of a challenge and you just try to play a bit better each time?

    • 11 months ago

      The latter. I find these games hard as frick on VH and MNM. Normally, I finish MNM once and stick to Normal since it feels the best. In NG2 I'll play Acolyte on occasion.

      Not upgrading weapons in particular feels nuts to me since the whole appeal of these games is the combat and you're taking away a ton of your moveset not upgrading.

  28. 11 months ago

    I don't like the delimb mechanic.

    • 11 months ago

      Frogs gonna frog

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe DMC is more your thing. Its got punching bag enemies.

      • 11 months ago

        How can your response possibly connect to the post before. delimb mechanic is press y to awesome

  29. 11 months ago

    Isn't this the one that went overboard with QTEs?

    • 11 months ago

      Not overboard per se but it introduced QTE's when the previous two games didn't have them.

  30. 11 months ago

    NG3RE Black when?

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think we'll ever see a Ninja Gaiden in this kind of style ever again, Team Ninja is a shadow of its former self and I haven't seen oatmeal cookie in forever.

      • 11 months ago

        Why do morons like you parrot the same shit over and over again without any good reasoning? NG3 is the first NG without itagaki and while the original version is obviously stupid, RE is the most balls to the wall cracked out NG out there. Being the fastest and hardest of the entire series. While the Nioh games obviously don't match the speed and movement of the NG games it is extremely well made. Great player controls and moveset, great enemy and boss design (being hard and fair), and it has actual level design which only NG1 had. Nioh just kept getting faster as the DLC and sequels were made. Wo Long is overall more simple than Nioh and NG, it's still a push forward with giving the player more movement and freeflow combat.

        I have 0 reason to believe TN can't create a fantastic new entry in the NG series. Pointing out NG3 literally doesn't count as they admitted it was a failure and 3RE is literally the best they could've done to salvage all of the assets and is a much bigger and better effort at fixing a universally disliked game than most devs would do. That's not even mentioning modern TN games keeping the tradition of cool monsters and hot babes.

        • 11 months ago

          Because he's a schizo with no personality.

        • 11 months ago

          >NG3 is the first NG without itagaki and while the original version is obviously stupid, RE is the most balls to the wall cracked out NG out there. Being the fastest and hardest of the entire series.

          Shame that's all it has when the rest of the game is infuratingly bad.

        • 11 months ago

          RE was easy and I don't think just being faster is all that important. 1 and 2 did everything better.

          • 11 months ago

            I wouldn't say it was easy but it was on the bullshit side of hard, when the game is so hard you have to counter the BS with exploits, that's NG3RE
            2 was peak yeah

      • 11 months ago

        Why do morons like you parrot the same shit over and over again without any good reasoning? NG3 is the first NG without itagaki and while the original version is obviously stupid, RE is the most balls to the wall cracked out NG out there. Being the fastest and hardest of the entire series. While the Nioh games obviously don't match the speed and movement of the NG games it is extremely well made. Great player controls and moveset, great enemy and boss design (being hard and fair), and it has actual level design which only NG1 had. Nioh just kept getting faster as the DLC and sequels were made. Wo Long is overall more simple than Nioh and NG, it's still a push forward with giving the player more movement and freeflow combat.

        I have 0 reason to believe TN can't create a fantastic new entry in the NG series. Pointing out NG3 literally doesn't count as they admitted it was a failure and 3RE is literally the best they could've done to salvage all of the assets and is a much bigger and better effort at fixing a universally disliked game than most devs would do. That's not even mentioning modern TN games keeping the tradition of cool monsters and hot babes.

        and how could I forget the games itagaki has been involved with since leaving team ninja, they're all ass. Even that Samurai Jack game just felt like off brand ninja gaiden (which was boring). Team Ninja has genuinely gotten better and better as time went on, they're clearly talented and also care a lot about the actual players and listen to feedback pretty well (though sometimes this backfires).

  31. 11 months ago

    Bump for the anon worth talking to

  32. 11 months ago

    Does the master collection run well on switch or should I wait until I can afford a steam deck?

  33. 11 months ago

    ng3 plays like a western game with forced wii combat
    the story is ass bad
    ryu takes his mask off
    the main villain is some gay assassin creed guy
    you literally just mash the x button and ryu does obligation techniques with the same button. its auto pilot garbage and laughably bad

    ng3 razor's edge however fixes a shitload.
    all the new weapons and they even altered the story, but you can only fix so much without redoing the entire game.
    however they kinda dropped the ball when it comes to weapon balance.
    gay mages want to get hit by certain weapons (like the dmc reboot), it and makes solo weapon runs a chore.
    the 360' scythe spin is 100% broken and makes you full invincible. this wasn't patched and you can yolo mission mode with it.

    its ok as a stand-alone game, but a shitty ninja gaiden when you're coming from black and ng2 xbox.

    • 11 months ago

      >Mystery homies still filtering in 2023
      You love to see it

    • 11 months ago

      Like they made RE super fricking hard but then you have a free 5 kills on every successful counters and there are a lot of them and you can bait them, and then a free instant UT and ninpo, it's wierd balancing for sure. I never used the scythe spin even when I knew about it and beat Master Ninja
      I still like it but it's no masterpiece

      • 11 months ago

        >You can cheese video game

        Stop the presses!

      • 11 months ago

        yeah, the steel on bone mechanic was weird/bad
        you get rewarded way too hard for dodging in an encounter and then can fricking chain it
        i'd like to see a ng4 do something else that fundamentally adds to the combat
        maybe just give ryu more throw options

  34. 11 months ago

    which version of ng 1,2 and 3 am i supposed to play.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        i meant the 3D ones but i guess i'll play 2 nes since i already beat 1.

    • 11 months ago

      ng1- black on xbox(backwards compatible)
      ng2- xbox 360(backwards compatible)
      ng3- razor's edge on ps3 or xbox 360(master collection removed the multiplayer)

      even though sigma 1 is worse than black and every version of it has issues, its worth playing through as a replay for dual swords.
      sigma 2 and ng3 vanilla should be avoided unless you're autistic and love spotting differences

      • 11 months ago

        i was hoping there was a mod or something for 2 because that purple mist and less blood is lame. the blood bath after the first fight in the demo was sweet. i'll just buy a xbox i guess.

        • 11 months ago

          there's a mod that brings back enemy counts but the modded gore is recolored purple mist and doesn't really match the original gore

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        i was hoping there was a mod or something for 2 because that purple mist and less blood is lame. the blood bath after the first fight in the demo was sweet. i'll just buy a xbox i guess.

        You are either replying to yourself or a moron.

        I know it's both

  35. 11 months ago

    When are we going to get some new news on this shit? I want my Team Ninja action game fix.

    • 11 months ago

      Here some shit leaked, doesn't look great to me but I only want to be wrong.

      • 11 months ago

        Just from the first bullet point I can tell this is either fake and gay or the person leaking this is extremely moronic. I'm leaning on both

        • 11 months ago

          It's not fake, here's a leak of the map.

          • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              Skill tree

              • 11 months ago

                It's not fake, here's a leak of the map.

                >More soulsbourne-creed western pandering garbage
                And I bet there's a fricking character creator with a pronoun selector and everything, too. I'm fricking so sick of these types of games I could vomit. I just want a decent linear action game from them, it doesnt even have to be Ninja Gaiden at this point, just mak something simple with deep stylish combat thats fun. Please let this open world shit die already.

          • 11 months ago

            Skill tree

            doesn't match the style of anything TN has done. I'll wait for more news before I believe anything in this leak.

      • 11 months ago

        >Mix of Asses creed, Ghost of open world meme, and Dark lulz
        Unquestionably, completely, utterly fricking DROPPED and hype dead. I just want another fricking Ninja Gaiden. I miss old team ninja when they made cutting edge action games instead of trend chasing garbage.
        >b-but muh nioh!
        Frick you and your soulsbourne shit. I want Ninja Gaiden back.

        • 11 months ago

          >Unquestionably, completely, utterly fricking DROPPED and hype dead.
          It literally doesn't mean anything. This guy would probably use those exact words to describe nioh

        • 11 months ago

          I like Nioh but same man, apparently making bloated open worlds nobody asked for is ok but there's not enough budget for a simple, straightforward but well designed NG4?

      • 11 months ago

        >Planned romance options
        They're gonna let us bang not-Fuku and all the descendants of the Nioh girls bros

  36. 11 months ago

    Every single boss fight is miserable, unfun garbage and it has the absolute worst healing/health system in any action game ever made. Could have been a fun game otherwise.

  37. 11 months ago

    Combat system is great, everything else about it is booty buttcheeks.

  38. 11 months ago

    Give it a fricking rest paceBlack person.

  39. 11 months ago

    Nothing, but combat is the only good thing about this game, almost everything else is either whatever or bad
    Overall it is enjoyable and the combat experience is quite different from 1 and 2

  40. 11 months ago

    I dont like 2 either due its linearity

  41. 11 months ago

    Nothing bad about Razor's Edge gameplay wise, though again they force you to play the girls in some segments like with the Sigma, but the game is really good to play on everything that isn't UN, then it's fricking dogshit.

  42. 11 months ago

    For me:

    >the enemies are too repetitive and damage spongy, encourage to spam ultimate techniques instead of fighting fairly
    >all fights are arena types, they should have alley type fights like in 1 and 2
    >the rocket spamming homosexuals are present in every fight, they should be saved for the master ninja autists, I can't have fun tearing people apart with these rocket launcher gays annoying me in every moment
    >the attacks feel less impactful, in this regard I love how meaty NG2 is comparing it with 1 and 3

    Also, a more personal gripe is that in the story mode I don't get to use the dragon sword, I love that katana, I want to buy me a replica as decoration. I guess they did that " the DS fused with Ryu's hand" to not recycling the same "get the dragon eye at the end" plot of 1 and 2.

  43. 11 months ago

    Ninja Gaiden 4 is not happening, right guys? You should've bought the master collection just to vote with your wallet. Then again, it wouldn't have been the same without the cookie oatmeal man.

    I imagine his NFT game fell apart.

    • 11 months ago

      Is there even any sales numbers on the master collection? And yeah I am positive the cookie mans shitty NFT game will fail. They should have just reverse engineered the Xbox versions of Ninja Gaiden then if they wanted more sales. Calling it a master collection is an insult when it is the inferior versions of the games.

      • 11 months ago

        Couldn't they made a tailored version of Xemu and Xenia?

        I recall some studio(s) quietly used emulators to resell some old games.

        • 11 months ago

          Those buttholes hate Itagaki. Its never happening. They'd rather his games be buried into the dustbin of history forever.

  44. 11 months ago

    can any ng3re stans tell me how to make fighting enemies that parry/dodge out of hitstun bearable? I feel like there has got to be something I'm missing.

  45. 11 months ago

    >half this thread
    "made it too easy, story focused, i-win-button gameplay, uninteresting"
    >other half of this thread
    "enemies are bullshit, no weapon variety means no options, combat is way too hard with giant health pools"
    which is it

    • 11 months ago

      Anybody who says any of the games are easy either didn't play on master/ultimate ninja or cheesed the game instead of playing it properly.

    • 11 months ago

      I had to beat it in hero just to see the ending. And I finished the original (04) in Very Hard, so it's not like I suck hard.

    • 11 months ago

      RE on Ultimate Ninja is not just objectively the hardest game in the series by good margin, it's one of the hardest games ever made. No one has beaten RE in UN and maybe even MNM and think it's "easy" unless they cheated. It's just plain simple. As for this thread, it's literally resident schizos samegayging with the same lies.

  46. 11 months ago

    Onimusha has more in common with Ninja Gaiden than Razor's Edge does. RE feels like a cheap arcadey game that is shamelessly linear and abstracted (no shops, no items, just upgrade everything from a menu) and it's also frustrating and annoying to play because of the repetitive encounter design and overtuned enemy block/parry behavior.

    • 11 months ago

      >arcadey game
      Why is that said in a negative light? Sounds like a positive for anyone who actually likes playing video games.

  47. 11 months ago

    >"You dont look very asian for a ninja.."

    • 11 months ago

      DOA4 or Dimensions?

      • 11 months ago


  48. 11 months ago

    Replaying these again has me enjoying RE about as equally as 2, sometimes even more.
    I think RE has more enjoyable movesets to use, and the essence charging being removed I feel was actually a good idea. UTs are kino, and doing them off any random landing was so satisfying, but they absolutely destroyed ng2. I'm someone who tries to vary what I do but it's quite hard to with ng2.
    At some points of a fight, randomly getting blood crazed was a decent idea. You could technically still do UTs but not spam them. And blood craze would come often enough that you got to do it a lot. The base gameplay felt more like you had to weave through enemies, make combos and keep track of things more. Steel on bone becoming a way to punish grabs and big attacks if you were fast enough and dodged the right way to still be close was a good change and I liked it a lot.

    The enemies suck ass mostly though unfortunately. The alchemists are just garbage. They dodge every launcher, block every light and can only be guard broken or hit by standing heavy attacks or flying swallow. The only way to make them manageable is flying swallow to guard break, followed by an immediate launcher into izuna. Those frickers SUCK.

    2 overall is a better game. More weapons, better enemy variety but essence charging is so broken I see why they changed it up. I did hear a smart fix however, I'm surprised they didn't think of it.
    >enemies killed by a UT won't drop essence
    easy peasy. RE is definitely worth a play though.

    • 11 months ago

      >implying 2's enemies were any good

    • 11 months ago

      I think Alchemists are the best enemies introduced to NG since Van Gelfs. I don't know how they can cause so much seethe but it's pretty funny.

      This does not include sword alchemists, which are some of the worst enemies in the series thanks to their NG2 ways.

  49. 11 months ago

    >eбaнaшкa cидит в пoлyмёpтвoм тpeдe в oжидaнии нoвых пocтoв oт cвoeгo ocнoвнoгo ёбыpя
    кcтa c лицoм вcё нopм пидopaхa? https://twitter.com/cuhrayzeee/status/1677688912569856005?s=20

  50. 11 months ago

    I have a love hate relationship with the alchemist.
    Favorite enemy to fight, but also most frustrating

    Whats your favorite enemy?

    • 11 months ago

      I think alchemists are a great enemy but i am fine with them being minibosses and as such, not a constant presence. I dunno what my favorite enemy to fight in RE is, i like most of them and think each offer really varied approaches. I can tell what my least favorites are though: Sword Alchemists and Stealth Cammo Soldiers. God, frick those enemies.

    • 11 months ago

      The spider clan ninjas.

  51. 11 months ago

    Did you know that DS actually has infinite SOB in RE? If you keep spamming the light attack button to chain, Ryu will keep the chain up for as long as he hits enemies with it it. The caveat is that it has really short range so getting more than the usual four enemies is very situational (and luck based). Useful for early game New game UN runs as every bit helps.

    • 11 months ago

      Interesting. I suppose brutes, snakes and berets still break the chain?

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, regular humanoids only not counting assassins with the counter.

        • 11 months ago

          By the way anon, do you know any uses for the XholdYY string for 1kat when the enemy doesnt get launched? Ryu just gets behind them.

          • 11 months ago

            You can do a while landing 360 launcher or while landing 360 hold or just a while landing hold. I don't use that string often, doing it to get the somersault no launch state might even be the main reason to use it because it's not very good at getting the Flame Wheel Drop. If you want to guarantee Flame Wheel Drop do > Hold T after Tiger Fury. You can also do it after while running SS (as in part of the string). It's not guaranteed but it's the next most consistent and while running SS is very strong, often cutting their legs off or putting them in wounded state, facilitating it.

            There might be some other cool followup to that string i don't know, can also probably cancel it with forward light i guess. I've seen it used in conjunction with while landing hold a lot to cheese Lovelace.

            • 11 months ago

              Understood. Thanks anon. Running SS is crazy good indeed, hands down my fav sword move across all NG games

  52. 11 months ago

    What's with all the Ninja Gaiden threads not that I'm complaining?

  53. 11 months ago

    SOB is a garbage mechanic and the whole game revolves around baiting it
    they tried to fix UTs but forgot to remove manual UTs which can still be easily abused
    humanoids are hardcoded to escape hitstun during certain strings. how about you give enemies more health instead of artificially extending fights like that
    Ryu is slow as shit and cicada surge is a weak bandaid solution
    every single boss sucks ass
    most enemies and bosses revolve around abusing something broken

    • 11 months ago

      Keep posting it schizo

      • 11 months ago

        do you call everyone that disagrees with you a schizo?

  54. 11 months ago

    It has the best kusarigama. I played 3RE when the collection came out and mainly used that weapon a lot.

  55. 11 months ago

    every Ninja Gaiden thread is a forced discussion thread made by the same autists from gamefaqs

  56. 11 months ago

    So are the Xbox exclusive ones emulatable yet? No, I'm not buying an Xbox, ever.

    • 11 months ago

      I can emulate Black fairly decently on my I7 4core laptop. Haven't tried Vanilla 2 yet, but I heard there is an emulator tailor made to emulate NG2 specifically.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, but I guess it depends on your toaster. Xemu gets updated fairly frequently. Don't know if they fixed NGII for good, but there's at least one old version of Xenia Cannary that can run it.

        Sounds good, thanks, lads.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, but I guess it depends on your toaster. Xemu gets updated fairly frequently. Don't know if they fixed NGII for good, but there's at least one old version of Xenia Cannary that can run it.

  57. 11 months ago

    What was the shittiest boss in the entire series? I'd vote the exploding armadillos. It was really cheap how the game tries pulling a fast one on you with an exploding boss after you defeat it.

    • 11 months ago

      That one and the eyeless gorilla dude. There are many others though, but they are similar to other games where you fight giant monsters. You attack them like a dog nipping at the heels of sheep.

    • 11 months ago

      Either that, the face worm thing in the NY level or the worm thing in the South America level. Non humanoid NG bosses suck for the most part.

      • 11 months ago

        >Non humanoid NG bosses suck for the most part.
        Its probably because of the combat system. The giant type of bosses seem to work better when you have to do QTE on them. I think GOW got it right in regards to huge bosses in action games tbh. If your game isn't DMC then it probably should just have QTE for the huge bosses. If anyone disagrees I guess you just want to play SOTC then instead of a hack n slash action game with a combo system.

        • 11 months ago

          Frick off DMCuck

    • 11 months ago

      The worst boss in the series was the Amazon worm in vanilla 2, Now that it's been cut it's the Armadillo(s). Doesn't matter which version, absolutely putrid boss, thank frick the double fight was replaced in S2. Second worse is probably GigaDeath since it's just a slightly less shitty version of the worm.

      • 11 months ago

        The worm was awful, but the armadillos were fine.

        • 11 months ago

          >Boss everyone beat by spamming Incendiary Shurikens because it was a shitshow to fight
          >IT WAS FINE!

          • 11 months ago

            That's how I did it the first time, but on subsequent playthroughs (path of the mentor) I actually learned the fight and it wasn't so bad.

    • 11 months ago

      How were you supposed to avoid the instakill explosion if you didn't had nippo?

      • 11 months ago

        Move to the other end of the arena. It's not as big as it looks.

      • 11 months ago

        you hold block. It's honestly kinda trial an error, I know it killed me a few times when I first played.

        What was the shittiest boss in the entire series? I'd vote the exploding armadillos. It was really cheap how the game tries pulling a fast one on you with an exploding boss after you defeat it.

        EASILY base ng2 Gigadeath. The worst boss in the entire series.

        • 11 months ago

          He looks kind of cool but what were they thinking though?

          • 11 months ago

            probably that it'd be funny if they made a really annoying boss lol.

          • 11 months ago

            Something cool and more than just a filer boss according to the concept art.

            • 11 months ago

              Also i don't understand how concept artists even work. Are these literally the most creative homies on the planet?

      • 11 months ago

        Psst, hey kid! C'mere! I got something that might interest yah!

      • 11 months ago

        Move away or block. I remember blocking worked.

    • 11 months ago

      The tank and the chopper in Sigma made me stop playing.

  58. 11 months ago

    Razor's Edge pretty much fixed 3, but people hated 3 so much that RE never really stood a chance of recovering that initial reception.

  59. 11 months ago

    Finally managed to clear Day6A on UN in chapter challenge.

    • 11 months ago

      Good job anon! Imperfect Goddesses are a huge pain and it does not help that they are preceded by such a huge and brutal encounter.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks! Was lucky to have enough Ki bar for Void at the start of the fight which made things much much easier than they should've been.
        Not looking forward to getting filtered by day7.

        • 11 months ago

          As Ryu the double spider tank in Day 7 is free if you can get to it with True Inferno full. The last stretch of Day 7 before the boss is pretty brutal though.

          • 11 months ago

            I am mostly worried about the vangelf + crow (?) fiends encounter followed by another fight against imperfect goddesses. Had to save a health upgrade for that fight on my UN playthrough. I actually still have one more upgrade available just in case day7 or 8 happen to be harder than they were in campaign.
            Spider tanks are tough but manageable with Void and a few retries for me. Worst case scenario I'll just spam bow like a scrub

            • 11 months ago

              Against Van Gelfs and Celsus Fiends it's best to put the Van Gelfs out of screen run to the other side of the map and then let them (preferably just one) come to you, which they will probably do with the running punch attack (can be countered). If there's one isolated with no enemies around it and doing nothing you can go to it. Gonna have to be very defensive in the fight otherwise you will just get blended by all the attacks stacked on top of each other and then pounced on. As for the Celsus Fiends they are a target of opportunity while the Van Gelfs are actively engaging you. If there isn't one next to you or coming and the fiends are there first you can nab one or two. Remember they are very vulnerable to counter attacks (the light, non launcher kind) and you can stop them in their tracks with a shuriken.

              • 11 months ago

                You've been a great help, thanks!

              • 11 months ago

                My pleasure. Hope i am not remembering things wrong lol.

              • 11 months ago

                Nut inside Momiji

              • 11 months ago

                Momiji sexo.
                That's all I wanted to say.

              • 11 months ago

                A few words mean a lot when they are the right ones.

          • 11 months ago

            Actually even with just Void you can take off 3 legs of a tank instantly if you aim it right. Get next to one of the front legs (a little past it) when the tank is standing still and aim it at the space between it and the next leg. Momiji has the hardest time with this fight for sure but she can also spam Sun, Moon and Stars.

            • 11 months ago

              Right. I think it's possible to take 3+2 legs in total

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah you can line the tanks up. With True Inferno you just skip the fight altogether.

  60. 11 months ago

    is sigma 2 that much worse

    • 11 months ago

      Its basically a different game from the original. I've never played it but its probably not awful. It is still NG2 after all. Its just definitely a very different game. The censorship of the gore sucks plain and simple.

  61. 11 months ago

    NG2 > NGB > NG > NGS > NGS2 > NG3RE > NG3

  62. 11 months ago


  63. 11 months ago

    The only good thing about 3 were the online missions and the lazy pc port removed them

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