What is that thing that REALLY triggers your character?

What is that thing that REALLY triggers your character?
The thing they really get mad about if mentioned, insulted with or done in front of them
Like Marty McFly when being called "chicken"
Bonus if it's a petty or mundane thing

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  1. 2 months ago

    My character is a survivalist type who joined a group of mercs because we had similar goals and I saw them as a means to an end, he’s grown to like the other characters but there’s a DMNPC who is a friend of the group I joined and my character has grown to hate him because he’s a goofy, clumsy, incompetent who is constantly getting himself in trouble, requiring us to save him, despite all this the other players continue to RP as if they like having this liability around but my character has decided he hates him and will subtly try to get him killed. Last session the npc wandered into a minefield in the dead of night, we couldn’t indenting who it was due to the darkness and it was too far away to hear him but the GM gave us hints it was the NPC. He had ran into a few small toe popper mines and was severely wounded. my character just ran forward and just started taking shots at him as if he didn’t know who it was and assumed it was an enemy. The other players ran forward to stop me because they too suspected it was the NPC and managed to stop me from killing him. They eventually got him out of the minefield but he was wounded and needed medical attention. I was the only one with a medkit and had the best medical skills but I pretended my medkit was out of uses so the GM just GM magic’d him back to life. Oh well. I’ll try harder next time.

  2. 2 months ago

    Magic users.

  3. 2 months ago

    Rats. The group rogue has a chronic issue with rats. He once stabbed a rat through a 3cm steel hatch. He kills rats in his spare time. He never seeks them out but they come to him. He insists the rats are conspiring against him(he's unfortunately right on that front as well)

  4. 2 months ago

    When someone badly fricks up and outright refuses to take responsibility for it. Especially if someone got killed over it.
    He also really hates people dying on his watch. Basically, anything that reminds him of the circumstances that brought him to his Fathomless Patron. Including Cannibalism.

  5. 2 months ago

    My character has no personality and doesn't care about anything.

  6. 2 months ago

    my character has been reincarnated so many times that anytime someone makes an appeal to the sanctity of life I try to to convince everyone around me to kill them just to make a point.

  7. 2 months ago

    Kind of vanilla, but the unlife, as in corpses animated with negative energy. Be it a skeleton or a lich, as far as he is concerned, that shit is whack.
    That's mostly due to the time he spent in the fort that separated his country from the undead ridden blasted lands where a lich rules and is supposedly trying to ascend to godhood, standard high fantasy fare.

  8. 2 months ago



  9. 2 months ago

    Fatalism boils his piss like nothing else.
    >If you want to lay down and die, here's an assload of morphine. Go find a ditch.

    Hard to think of anything especially petty though. He's had a pretty rough time of it; if he couldn't put up with small annoyances he'd probably be dead already.

  10. 2 months ago

    Animal cruelty or any kind of disrespect for nature or killing for pleasure/sport

  11. 2 months ago

    Gypsies and gypsy apologists/sympathizers.

  12. 2 months ago

    My Werewolf character has spent most of his life learning to control his temper, to focus it away from violence. But if someone were to insult his mother, that person would probably die.

    After his mom succumbed to cancer, he thought of her like a personal saint. Everything right in the world is related to what she taught him. Everything wrong with the world is a reflection of her cancer. And that was before he learned that she and his dad were badass monster hunters, and her cancer was inflicted on her by agents of the very real spiritual cancer that is killing the world.

    Oh, and pic related is from a Curse of Strahd game. My character was the son of Rahadin, and tried to convince his dad to do the smart thing for once in his gods-damned life and walk away. You can see how that went; a few turns later and son sent father to hell, and felt barely any remorse.

  13. 2 months ago

    Any form of mind control to a lesser degree, but particularly anything that changes alignment. What is that if not killing a man twice? Horrific.

  14. 2 months ago

    >giant worms
    there is only so much BS you can take before you break

  15. 2 months ago

    Selling someone out to avoid personal harm. If you're going to get hurt or die, you might as well do it with your dignity and honor intact

  16. 2 months ago


  17. 2 months ago

    >What is that thing that REALLY triggers your character?
    Blatant content farm threads.

  18. 2 months ago


  19. 2 months ago

    >having their status called into question (they are from the dregs of society)
    >having their wealth called into question (they are poor and in debt)
    >having their authority called into question (they rule over a squalid gang and nothing more)
    >fricking ELVES (they run society and have everything my PC doesn't)

  20. 2 months ago

    Attacking defenseless opponents. And people with whips.

    The defenseless opponent thing almost lead to me dueling another pc who attacked and maimed someone who my character had just pinned down and posed no direct threat. The whip thing is.due to two things. First being her background as a slave and her whipping scars so she will be hostile to anyone who even owns one. The second reason being that the whip is the favoured weapon of the evil god of the setting that her godess is opposed to

  21. 2 months ago

    She is extremely angry towards slavery after some Duregar not only attempted to make slaves of the party, something she fundamentally despises, but also killed one of the party members and kidnapped another.

    So yeah, any individual who does that kind of stuff makes her violently angry, and it only gets more violent the longer the story goes on. To the point where she wants to genocide duregar for what they did. It's a good trigger to turn her into a frothing ball of rage.

    Pic very related

    • 2 months ago

      Barbarian or just angry?


      >Your DM's campaign is just TF2 MvM


      Drunken master or just drunkard?


      What is that thing that REALLY triggers your character?
      The thing they really get mad about if mentioned, insulted with or done in front of them
      Like Marty McFly when being called "chicken"
      Bonus if it's a petty or mundane thing




      • 2 months ago

        a rogue sorcerer, so just really fricking angry

  22. 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    crabs... crabs.
    the demons of the sea
    born in bloodstained plate with swords for hands, foul, disease-riddled brine-breath, fully equipped to kill from the second hell spat them out. their only purpose is to slay and destroy and defile
    undying, ever growing nightmare creatures infesting, violating the beauty of the endless ocean
    soulless black eyes on ugly stalks that stare uncaringly into the souls of those it condemns to death with its hellish pincers
    delicious flesh that tempts inexperienced sailors to a crushing demise
    minions of the devil true, they be

  24. 2 months ago

    Magic that touches the mind. If the wizards want to try and blast him with a fireball, so be it. It's the equivalent of a weapon to them. But shit that touches the mind creeps the hell out of my character, and he will try to murder any who attempt any sort of charm on him. Yeah he was going to kill his enemies anyways, but there are slower ways to kill someone who really pissed you off. Maybe it's more about sending a message to the rest of them. (This fear also likely rests on this character doing something that he hates himself for, and doesn't want magic frickers rummaging in his mind and stumbling upon it)

  25. 2 months ago

    Mogojyan, calm down!

  26. 2 months ago

    no particular reason he is just racist and misogynistic

    • 2 months ago


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