What is the appeal of Battletech?

What is the appeal of Battletech? It's a very whacky setting that doesn't take itself that seriously, but it doesn't have a lot of the fun stuff that settings like Warhammer 40k do. It takes a lot of the mech designs from Robotech, but it doesn't have a lot of the things that made Robotech so fun. So what's the main draw of the setting?

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  1. 9 months ago

    > It's a very whacky setting that doesn't take itself that seriously

    I'm not sure why you say that. The fans take it as a bit of a joke, but the setting largely takes itself very seriously.

    >but it doesn't have a lot of the fun stuff that settings like Warhammer 40k do. It takes a lot of the mech designs from Robotech, but it doesn't have a lot of the things that made Robotech so fun.

    Would you mind listing some of the things that 40k and Robotech have that BT doesn't?

    > So what's the main draw of the setting?

    I think that most people who play BT are more interested in small-scale Mech combat that veers towards the autistic than setting stuff.

    • 9 months ago

      >but the setting largely takes itself very seriously.
      I mean not really, the whole concept of the setting is "giant robots knights punching each other in the face!" and most of the lore is just background noise to make that happen, you're not supposed to think about it too hard.

      >Would you mind listing some of the things that 40k and Robotech have that BT doesn't?
      40k has bigger mechs with more variety in aesthetics, while Robotech has more interesting enemies ranging from giant aliens to hive minds, as well as more of a focus on what Battletech would call LAM's.

      • 9 months ago

        >you're not supposed to think about it too hard
        *queue catatonic ramblings of those unable to just accept the FASAnomics*

        >as well as more of a focus on what Battletech would call LAM's.
        Transforming robots in 40k? Where?

        • 9 months ago

          >Transforming robots in 40k?
          No, I was talking about Robotech for that.

          • 9 months ago

            How's the Robotech game going?

      • 9 months ago

        >40k has bigger mechs with more variety in aesthetics,

        Bigger, sure, though I'm not sure what that gets you. But I disagree that it has more variety in aesthetics.

        And 40k isn't a Mech game, so that's a bad comparison to make. It has Mechs, but it isn't a Mech game - just like BattleTech has infantry and vehicles, but those aren't the stars.

        Hard to argue having a wider array of diverse enemies, but I think that especially for a war game, there's a lot to be said for battles between "near-peers". Like, yes, Mech vs bug is fun, but Mech vs Mech is much more straightforward, and usually more balanced and simpler. 40k's melee fighting makes the game completely different anyway.

        Anyway, all we've learned is that you don't like BattleTech. Which is, you know, fine. I'm not sure why it's worth making a thread about.

        • 9 months ago

          >40k isn't a Mech game
          Now it is. GW made this just to blunt the appeal of BT.

          • 9 months ago

            6/10, workable bait, needs a bit more meat to make it look like you're actually that moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            Lets compare the two sets, shall we?
            >Six robots of various sizes, no infantry, tank, artillery or aircraft model lines to use with it. >Incompatible scale and rules with previous 'Epic' scale games - adeptus Titanicus, Space Marine, etc.
            >Will only be supported for a couple of years before being dropped for yet another different incompatible version.

            For around the same price, you can get all this.
            >Many more robots, all of different design and includes a mech design system so that you can modify the mechs, vehicles and fighters yourself in a consistant way.
            >Has stuck with a compatible scale and the same rule system for the last 40 years, so can be lplayed with earlier versions.
            >Game includes rules for infantry, artillery, vehicles, fighters, bombers and dropships.
            >Buying expensive figures isnt the aim of the hobby, its playing the game, so you can use card standees, paper chits, 3rd party models or your own 3d printed models with no problem,

            • 9 months ago

              To be fair Netepic exists. Actually a good alternative, BT is pretty gritty and in-depth while epic is focused more on formations and general control as opposed to dealing with heat sinks and the armour of a specific location and direction.

            • 9 months ago

              Meh I tried that exact set didn’t think it was very impressive, game feels very stiff, having switched to heavy gear blitz is the best choice I could have made.

          • 9 months ago

            And at that price tag I'm sure it did a great job.

      • 9 months ago

        >"giant robots knights punching each other in the face!"

        They don't punch each other, and honestly I feel like BT does as straight a job as is possible with that premise. It has a whole "after the fall of the Roman Empire" thing to justify the existence but rarity of Mechs (in the early game), plus dark forces keeping everyone backwards, and then ramps up to something more Napoleonic and then like modern militaries as technology and industry marches forward.

        You might think that the premise is silly, but BT's lore very much takes itself seriously. Far more seriously than 40k's, in my opinion.

        >The setting doesn't try to go for any sort of realism, technologically or politically.

        It goes for way, way more realism than 40k (or even Robotech, to be honest). Aside from magic armor, magic spacecraft engines, and fusion engines exploding, everything in BT is consistent and mostly based on hard technology (FASA devs didn't know enough science or technology to do it well, but they tried). There's reasonable explanations for why the states are all monarchies, with histories for why they were either founded as monarchies or degenerated to it from more democratic systems.

        I find myself wondering how much you actually know about BT's setting and lore besides "lol giant robots punching each other in the face" (especially because the face-punching is very rare and not really a core part of the gameplay or lore).

        • 9 months ago

          >doesn't kick at height elevation to use the punch table

        • 9 months ago

          >They don't punch each other
          I mean...they do. And they stomp each other too.

          >You might think that the premise is silly, but BT's lore very much takes itself seriously. Far more seriously than 40k's, in my opinion.
          Eh, they're about the same. They both go for the whole "grimdark" angle but it's sorta tongue-in-cheek, very silly kinda stuff.

          >everything in BT is consistent and mostly based on hard technology
          You forgot the jump jets, FTL, magic laser weapons, and magic neurohelmets.

          >There's reasonable explanations for why the states are all monarchies
          Which when you look into how they actually became that way the answer is always "don't think about it, it's about robot knights punching each other."

          • 9 months ago

            >Which when you look into how they actually became that way the answer is always "don't think about it, it's about robot knights punching each other."

            I'm really sorry that I briefly mistook you for someone who actually wanted to have a discussion instead of just repeating the same mantra over and over.

            I'll leave you to it!

            • 9 months ago

              >btfo so bad they have to Good Day Sir! on an anonymous image board

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but when someone gives the same "counter" verbatim 3 times, they aren't interested in discourse.

              • 9 months ago

                Saying battlemechs don't punch each other is a flat out lie though. either that or the person doesn't play the game.

              • 9 months ago

                In the vidya they don't.

              • 9 months ago

                Mechs have punched each other in every Battletech game release in the last decade

              • 9 months ago

                Then go to Ganker about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Missing the point this badly

              • 9 months ago

                You don't have a point. You're pointless.

            • 9 months ago

              Okay. Let’s start with the basics then. How did the Terran Hegemony form? The USA just decides to give up its nationhood and autonomy because Europe was going to embargo them otherwise? How does that make any sense? Why was Europe so unified? Since when do nations just agree to cease their existence over an embargo? Your answer is going to be “don’t think about it, it’s about giant robots punching each other”.

              • 9 months ago

                It might not make sense to you, but you're discussing events nearly a millennium ago, at minimum, from an IC perspective. Do you want to know what Tikonov had for breakfast the day he died too?

              • 9 months ago

                You got the timeline wrong here. It was the western hegemony first which didn't remove the nations autonomy, but it did have an independent military from said nations. So when a coup happened the nations were forced to capitulate.

        • 9 months ago

          They most certainly DO punch each other. And kick. As the game is a GAME, ranges are gameified so that you can play on reasonable areas, instead of needing a goddam tennis court to play on.
          Which means you WILL end up in a slugfest, eventually in most games

        • 9 months ago

          >They don't punch each other
          [Angry Charger Noises]

      • 9 months ago

        >40k has bigger mechs

        Not really. The Warlord Titan isn't that bigger than an AT-AT from Star Wars. All those book covers and art of Titans being hundreds of meters tall aren't canon amymore.

        • 9 months ago

          > All those book covers and art of Titans being hundreds of meters tall aren't canon amymore.
          No, they are, it's just that not all of them have official models or playable stats. Warlord-class titans belong to the mid-range "MBT" type of battle titans, they're the third smallest titan type. There are still two (much bigger) titan types above them (heavy battle titan and emperor titan), and then there's the Chaos-exclusive chaos titan type that's by far the largest of them all.

          • 9 months ago

            Nah, that's been retconned.

          • 9 months ago

            Imperitors and Warmongers have a canon height of 50m. The Castigator and Abominatus are bigger, but one only appeared in a story and the other has been MIA for a while now.

  2. 9 months ago

    Big stomper mech goes
    >thud thud
    >thud crunch boooooom
    There's a bunch of fiddly mechanics that some people like too. Has a specific 80s granular chrunchyness mixed with rpg/narrative campaigns that isn't in much else anymore.

  3. 9 months ago

    Well for starters it isn't WH40K. Not bashing 40K, but there is the price of models when the games came out. It isn't like Robotech either. Yes many of the original mechs took the form of the artwork of Macross but the storyline wasn't anywhere close. As for appeal it is one of the granddaddies of mecha games. When it first came out there wasn't really any others. The lore built up as the game grew with some fantastic authors providing excellent background. I don't know why you consider the setting "whacky". Isn't humans going into space and bringing their problems with them a bit more likely than them going there and meeting demons and undead?

    • 9 months ago

      >I don't know why you consider the setting "whacky"
      Because it's about knights in giant robots punching each other in the face? The setting doesn't try to go for any sort of realism, technologically or politically. The setting has monarchism as the mainstay of the setting because it's cool, the setting uses giant robots because it's cool, trying to question why is missing the point.

      • 9 months ago

        I don’t see how that’s any wackier than say Infinity with space knights and assassins and shit or 40k with chainswords and even gianter fighting robots.

  4. 9 months ago

    Age. It was there long before anything similar in the west, and runs off of sheer inertia and people fleeing 40k.

  5. 9 months ago

    >What is the appeal of Battletech?
    very much stuck in the past, yes
    >It's a very whacky setting that doesn't take itself that seriously, but it doesn't have a lot of the fun stuff that settings like Warhammer 40k do.
    thats right, super lame huh?
    >It takes a lot of the mech designs from Robotech, but it doesn't have a lot of the things that made Robotech so fun.
    yeah total ripoff
    >So what's the main draw of the setting?
    nothing. its dumb

    this means you will stay away, right?



    • 9 months ago

      Hello games workshop PR management

      • 9 months ago

        Keep huffing copium, boomer

        • 9 months ago

          Keep spending money paypiggie

  6. 9 months ago

    Didn't battletech using the gerwalk and battroid mode Valkyries as seperate units?
    Aside from some shared mecha designs, Dougram and Macross don't really have anything to do with battletech.
    Robotech is a mangled imitation of it's source material. Harmony Gold can get bent.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not into macross/robotech.dougram so I don't know all the specifics, all I rem,ember is that the valkyrie is what became the Phoenix Hawk (45 ton scout mech) and the armored valkyrie design became the Crusader (65 ton missile boat)

  7. 9 months ago

    Well first off that picture is not a battletech. And secons, there's plenty of fun in the setting, you just have to look at it for more than 5 seconds, take SAFE for example, they're an intellegence agency but in the RPG every member has the slow learner train. But I do believe most of the fun to be had emerges in the actual game, so much crazy shit has happened to me and I don't even play all that often. A mechs will stroll up a hill and headshot some mook and then get pushed off a ledge next turn, fall on it's head and die. Or a 100 ton machine with a proportionally sized axe will chop a lighter mech in half, Btech certainly isn't for everybody but there is much fun to be had in it.
    My draw to the setting was a bunch of the stuff it did share with 40k, vast eras of endless war, degradation of knowledge and irreplaceable technology, techno-cults. But BT has a lot more of what I like about those things compared to 40k. And of course once you start looking deeper each faction has tons of depth, although I mostly choose who I like based off of what "their" mechs are, there is nigh infinite possibilities for /yourdudes/ with mercenaries. And of course it is far cheaper than warhammer

    • 9 months ago

      >And secons, there's plenty of fun in the setting, you just have to look at it for more than 5 seconds, take SAFE for example, they're an intellegence agency but in the RPG every member has the slow learner train.

      what the FRICK made you think that's a good example of "fun in the setting"

    • 9 months ago

      >take SAFE for example, they're an intellegence agency but in the RPG every member has the slow learner train
      slow learner does not equal dumb

  8. 9 months ago

    The Clan Invasion

  9. 9 months ago

    Cool robot fighting. That's it, the setting is completely boring, the fiction is written to an even lower standard than warhammer fiction is, and the game rules are some of the worst on the market.

    • 9 months ago
  10. 9 months ago

    Giant robots are cool.

  11. 9 months ago

    Battletech has managed to become a very carefully arranged house of cards that lets people enjoy big anime mecha robots while maintaining the illusion that it's a dead serious political thriller tactical wargame. They will lash out at you like an alcoholic at an intervention if you break this illusion.

  12. 9 months ago

    Beats me, the game is terribly boring. I guess it's just lore autists.

    • 9 months ago

      I think the game reached a sweet spot with Level 2 tech - so Clan Invasion and immediately after. The Jihad and beyond stuff just ends up being very fiddly to play with and slows down an already slow game.

      The cluster hit table is an abomination.

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    >What is the appeal of Battletech?
    Stealing artwork from both the Japanese AND from Kevin Siembedia. Both of those deserve to have everything nice taken away from them. The more people who play Battletech, the sadder they get.

  15. 9 months ago


    >The Compact Fusion Engines and Myomer Fibers would like a word...
    You mean the two fictional technologies?

  16. 9 months ago

    By '"fun stuff", do you mean "fricking stupid superhero tier crap only kiddies would accept" and enforced powercreep and obselesence of successive models and rule systems to make consoomers buy more? Yes Battletech avoids all of that.

    • 9 months ago

      I wasn't sure if you were describing warhammer or battletech until you got to the last part because jihad, dark age, republic of the sphere and ilclan are all exactly that kind of crap. The Republic is so dumb it died on the way back to its home planet and Ilclan is about an ultra special super smart boy genius destined for greatness winning the greatest prize while beating an evil cartoon baddie.

      Also acting like CGL are somehow morally superior to GW based on their business practices when all of their models are made in China and they sell every model either in arbitrary bundles or blind buy is honestly embarrassing. We also know as a fact from both leaks and the expressed opinions of CGL staff that they actually consider Alpha Strike to be the primary ruleset, which is not shocking when you see everything that's wrong with Total Warfare.

      You're just coping.

  17. 9 months ago


  18. 9 months ago

    I love it when GW shills try to compare their dumpster fire games to Battletech. It screams of cope.

  19. 9 months ago

    >What’s the main draw of the setting?

    You come for simple, nuclear powered giant robot carnage. You stay for the study of human nature. There are no aliens. There is no magic, no gods. Conflict is driven solely by humans being humans.

    • 9 months ago

      >stay for the study of human nature
      If you think that any work of BT really tackles the topic of human nature to any meaningful extend, then that says more about your understanding of humans than BTs, garbage bin quality of, writing.

  20. 9 months ago

    Cost to field a 1000pt 40k army: $200-250 USD
    Cost to field a 4 mech lance: $25 USD

    • 9 months ago

      Not even. BT is a Hex and Chit game. You can field a 4 mech lance for free with a borrowed rulebook.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah but let's be honest, everyone plays with minis.
        Speaking of which, the GW minis are noticably superior in quality to the BT minis.
        Does that mean I'd rather play GW games and be subject to their arbitrary rule changes to drive sales, their goofy-ass art style, and steep pricing? No thanks.

  21. 9 months ago

    Imprinting and group pressure.
    Like a chick that assumes the first being it sees after hatching is it's mother and just like that BT was the first Mech TTG in the West.

    Now it's a bloated carcass, of which people will still argue that it's the best, simply because it was the first and will meet any change or new idea with the mindset of an American witch hunter in Salem
    The books are mid at best
    The Vidya games are okay to good.

    It's a game for crusty ass grogs who are terrified of the idea that they would be able to lord about newcomers, or, Kerensky forbid, even be one of those in another system.

    It's a game for people who will argue that moving like an arthritic old man feels more powerful that moving like Usain Bolt.

    • 9 months ago

      The BT "fandom" is just a bunch of old farts suffering from lead poisoning due to their shitty bricks they call miniatures.
      Huffing copium 24/7

      • 9 months ago

        This might be a troll but someone who came into Battletech fairly recently (last two years) I find the "3025 only, Clans ruined Battletech" grogs insufferable.

        We have a split off group at my LGS with those of us cool playing across all the eras and it's way more enjoyable for it.

  22. 9 months ago

    I like the battletech aesthetic of (original) x-box style big military equipment. My favorite mechs are the Catapult variants and the Hollander. The lack of aliens and the feel of big crunchy mechs sniping each other makes the hard scifi nerd in my head shut the frick up even though it's not hard scifi. Also I adore Comstar and Word of Blake as factions. Also I hate wh40k's catholic look.

    • 9 months ago

      Dude the Adeptus Sororitas is the coolest faction BECAUSE of the Catholic feel. IDK what to tell you.
      I'd say the stupidest look in 40k is the space marines, honestly. They just look goofy and chidlist next to the rest of the molds GW has.

      • 9 months ago

        The Sororitas do look kinda cool but I hate the purity seals and cathedral looks of the vehicles. I can't be assed to care much about infantry

  23. 9 months ago

    I don't know what the appeal for other people is, but here is what appeals to me.

    -I like the setting, which takes itself quite seriously for the most part. Military sci-fi mixed with space feudalist politics is my jam.
    -I like big stompy robots since I played the Mechwarrior PC games back in the day as a kid.
    -Good business practices, good community. The game is not designed around around maximum monetization and it shows.
    -Consistent ruleset that has been slightly improved and supported for 40 years. No new editions shaking everything up just to sell a bunch of books.
    -Hyperautistic simulation style rules for me to play narrative games by myself, streamlined, modernized alternative ruleset to play quick pick-up games with my friends.

    • 9 months ago

      >Good business practices, good community.
      meanwhile, over in shadowrun: The Porch

  24. 9 months ago
  25. 9 months ago

    anon I'm sorry but you're moronic

  26. 9 months ago

    Anon, is this really you being irritated that Battletech exists or is it because the Robotech games keep falling flat on their faces and failing before they even get off the ground? That, or that no Gundam miniatures game has taken root.

    Well, Dream Pod 9 tried to handle that last market with Jovian Chronicles. At the end of the day, if you like a game fricking evangelize it. Make some demo materials, go show it off at a con or your LGS, and try to get people interested.

  27. 9 months ago

    >What is the appeal of Battletech?
    A) Not being 40kshit
    B) Seeing shit like picrel happen in a way that's completely supported by the game rules

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago

            I sure do love it when our futuristic mech game turns into napoleonic line combat!

            • 9 months ago

              it's very clearly a special event game, and they're playing with alpha strike, so it's still way less moronic than apocalypse parking lots

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, WTF is going on here? I mean yes, I can see what's literally happening, but how and why is a nuke going off in a battletech game where missiles can't even blow through armor and MGs have a range of less than 100m?

      • 9 months ago

        Word of Blake laughs at your Ares Accords.

  28. 9 months ago

    I am a relatively new casual player, since I mostly get to play a little bit of Battletech at conventions. For me the appeal is the combination of fast enough play (when you have ancient greybeards who know all the rules by heart), but interesting tactical decisions coming from the directional armor. Every round you have to move (distance from each enemy, to-hit modifiers, terrain), choose your facing (what armor and weapons point at which enemy) and decide which weapons you fire (ammunition and overheating). Sure the game has a lot of silly stuff in it as well, but I don't know of any other game with meaningful directional armor and actually playable rules.

  29. 9 months ago

    I just think it’s neat

  30. 9 months ago


    >The Vidya nerfs the shit out of what BattleMech Agility SHOULD be due to the technical limitations of Gaming Hardware.
    Sounds like cope.

  31. 9 months ago

    >What is the appeal of Battletech?
    It's a future history setting that's halfway serious about the "history" part, though its writers suck hard at Polsci.
    They set up and maintained content limitations in a reasonably strict manner in order to keep a consistent feel across the setting.
    It comes with a full set of construction rules for all unit types.
    It covers most of scifi's pew-pew machines.
    It's also basically Mobile Suits Variations : The Setting.

  32. 9 months ago


    >what really break the balance, but Clan Tech exasperated the Energy Boat/Cross Map Sniping issues.
    What made the game unfun were the introtech situation of mecha Black Knights kicking each other with no arms. XL Engine crits remove mechs from the fight much faster and incentivize retreat better than the possibility of an ammo explosion. The extra firepower also means that positioning becomes more important, and that mechs die faster.

    Level 2 tech was one of the best things to happen to BT.

  33. 9 months ago

    It does ham right by having things be taken seriously in setting while being insane and badass from the outside. The giant robots are stompy and punchy with a good mix of different tones being used. You have the noble space knights alongside military units both tacticool and napoleanic alongside space trucker mercs who smoke cigars and kick ass.

    Game is crunchy and engaging, with continuity of gameplay for decades and scalable game complexity. Bonus points for RPG mechanics, campiagn rules, strategic operations, and pseudo-historical arrangements.

    Sorry its not weeby and embraces a more classic sci fi than 40k has recently.

  34. 9 months ago

    Are there any rules for Gundam-type mechs for Battletech (specially the rpg)? Zekus, Tallgeese, etc... ?

    • 9 months ago

      No. You need Mekton Zeta for that.

    • 9 months ago

      No. Battletech mechs are not zero G fighter/bombers and they can't be per the rules.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Retconned out. Too Macross-y and not consistent with Battletech's tech level.

          • 9 months ago

            Not retconned, just considered old tech

      • 9 months ago

        But even if they weren't zero G. Ain't there any adaptations of what those mech would be under Battletech rules?

        • 9 months ago

          BT space battles usually are running battles and zero g maneuvering units don't have the power or fuel to push a mech from the jump point to the local planet in a reasonable timeframe.
          Aerospace fighters are meant to do that, but ton by ton, they also will carry equal or greater firepower, be armoured at tank levels and not struggle with being vac'd in any location.

          Gundam space battles usually are classic ship-of-the-line encounters around fixed locations, where small crafts can indeed play an oversized role. BT space battles are not. The first time a dropper released from the jumper will stop is when it touches grass.


          LAMs struggle with their fuel capacity. They're basically fancy amospheric re-entry vehicles rather than space fighters. They also literally have to surrender the ability to kick and punch in order to badly cope with aerospace fighters in their own weight class.

        • 9 months ago

          >Ain't there any adaptations of what those mech would be under Battletech rules?
          Yes, it's an old discussion in the community. To approximately simulate what is happening in the cartoon, you'd have to represent these machines as light mechs with outdated, substandard armour systems. BT's ablative armour meta and Gundam just don't mix.

  35. 9 months ago

    Battletech's setting fills the Armored Core niche of "I'm a space merc, I want to get paid 200 dollars to kick an orphanage into a river, because they're Capellan children."(Naturally, I play Capellans half because it makes the local Davion player angry, and half because there's nobody else that likes them enough to paint anything green)
    I personally really like the system, I got into it a couple years ago and I don't feel any desire to play Alpha Strike. Tables are fun, and I like the process of deciding exactly how close I want to be before I hunker down and start facerolling my guns. Also, I know that most people aren't stoked to play Inventory Simulator, but something magical goes off in my brain when I boot up MekHQ and I see my warehouse tracks each individual Shadow Hawk replacement hand.
    The minis are also cool. I just think they're neat.

  36. 9 months ago


    This is really not an excuse. CGL have a huge amount of money from kickstarters and there's no indication that they've even attempted any kind of effort to cut a deal on it while the person with the exclusive rights for it is presently e-begging for money for his wife's cancer treatment, and they *just so happen* to be perfectly happy to continue to sell models in the most anti-consumer way possible and raking in money. Their only saving grace is that their products are cheap.

    The only scheme GW has come up with that tops them overall is members only models. That is models that you have to have a warhammer+ subscription in order to be allowed to buy, which is pretty next level.

  37. 9 months ago


    It's bad in that it provides CGL an easy excuse for being shitty.

  38. 9 months ago

    >It's a very whacky setting that doesn't take itself that seriously,

    I don't know what gave you that idea. It's got gaint robots but it's drier than desert sand.

  39. 9 months ago

    >CGL is le good company
    reminder that CGL pressured wolf's dragoons into writing into their unofficial community-made game format rules, that it only be played with official, licensed models and dictating in detail exactly how much of a model is allowed to be converted or scratch built. Not event rules, the actual format.

    They're deranged and people defend them as if they're a loved family pet.

    • 9 months ago

      A. literally no BT fan thinks that CGL is a good company (there's Porchgate if nothing else)

      B. >pressured wolf's dragoons into writing into their unofficial community-made game format
      rules, that it only be played with official, licensed models and dictating in detail exactly how much of a model is allowed to be converted or scratch built. Not event rules, the actual format.


      • 9 months ago

        This happened. All their rulesets now contain a page like this.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm sure this highly specific set of instructions entirely designed to protect profitability is something an independent, not-for-profit group came up with spontaneously.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know who Wolf's Dragoons are, or why they're making rules.

          I also don't believe you, since CGL has historically not minded if you play with little cardboard counters.

          • 9 months ago

            Wolf's Dragoons is an independent group that make several rulesets for organized play and organize tournaments at gaming conventions.

            In 2014 the person who runs it became an official demo agent for CGL and since then their rulesets all contain this kind of statement. This is literally on their website.

            • 9 months ago

              They're independent in so far as they aren't directly paid by CGL, but they're effectively CGL by proxy pretending to be independent. Also theirs basically the only battletech events with consistent event presence and show up in different conventions in different places. So it's even gayer than you think.

              Fortunately competitive battletech isn't much of a thing because the game is so badly suited for competitive play.

        • 9 months ago

          Oooh, AS350.

          Ok, there's 2 problems here
          1) it's an Alpha Strike rule set, and not a Battletech rule set. Alpha Strike is not Battletech and never will be. The situation you are putting forward is analogous to saying that because 40K doesn't allow something that means you aren't allowed to do it in Mordheim games.
          2) that entire rule set and group are sponsored by Ares Games, a major distributor of IWM and CGL products, and they have a direct financial stake in ensuring that you only purchase official product and shun 3D printed anything whenever possible.

          tl;dr? Those rules don't mean anything to anyone but the cucks who insist on using them, and nobody anywhere is going to police your miniatures for non CGL-approved bits. Die in a fire for implying that these rules actually applied to real people.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes, these are tournament rules. They are also literally more draconian than GW's own warhammer world event rules.

            • 9 months ago

              >They are also literally more draconian than GW's own warhammer world event rules.
              Good. Pirates get what they deserve. 40k was always too lenient with IP thieves.

            • 9 months ago

              As far as "official" goes, this is the entire list of proxy rules for the format they actually use at CGL events.
              But of all the events I've played at, none of these rules were ever involved. I've never once seen a rule about proxies, unseen, or third party models at any store I've been to. I did see one rule about 3d printing, but it was a rule the store itself tried to apply to every single game played there for whatever reason.

        • 9 months ago

          Most of these I can almost understand. The decal one though is absolutely ridiculous.

          Imagine being kicked out of an event because your mechs have third party decals

          • 9 months ago

            How would you even check that? You can go to sarna right now and grab any graphic you want, scale appropriately, and print on transfer paper

          • 9 months ago

            >Imagine being kicked out of an event because your mechs have third party decals

            How the frick would they know?

            • 9 months ago

              If the decals are printed well and are either readable or show sexy women.

    • 9 months ago

      >CGL pressured wolf's dragoons into writing into their unofficial community-made game format rules, that it only be played with official, licensed models and dictating in detail exactly how much of a model is allowed to be converted or scratch built.
      What the frick are you talking about? re you high?

  40. 9 months ago


    >because the court decided
    I understand that they did the police thing - they audited themselves and found that they didn't do anything wrong. Also they all found American Jesus and their family supported their crimes in these trying times, so their sins were forgiven.

  41. 9 months ago

    What is the appeal of Battletech? It's a very whacky setting that doesn't take itself that seriously.

    I really don't see how you got the impression. It's dry, it's drier then the Sahara desert. Yes they are giant robots but that really is about it.

  42. 9 months ago

    >People have different tastes than mine, how it could be?
    So you're 5 yo or just severely autistic?

    • 9 months ago

      Infinity, 40k, KDM, freebooters fate, those are different tastes.
      BT is the absence of it.

      • 9 months ago

        nta but an appropriately trite line for such a list - very obvious freebooter's fate was put in to that list of normshit so you'd seem more sophisticated

        40k, really, with the state of the game? mashing together two armies with huge centrepiece models with shrinking tables and shrinking turn counts, how outré

  43. 9 months ago


    >le heckin epic urbanmech memes again
    just stop, I beg you

  44. 9 months ago

    How come there's been a recent increase in anti-battletech posts ever since it became known that Battletech sold more than Age of Sigmar in the last quarter?

  45. 9 months ago

    People being confused by titan's height is really babbys first canon discrepancy. Its like being confused by comic artists drawing expended cartridges as whole bullets.

    There is art of Titans walking higher than mountains, or a novel where one is brushing the ceiling of a 1000m high chamber. They're also goblin sized in other stuff.

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