What is the central thesis of DND?

What is the central thesis of DND?

The central thesis of The Godfather is the juxtaposition of the profane and the sacred.
The central thesis of Full Metal Jacket is the duality of man.
The central thesis of Seven Psychopaths is peace through violence and vice versa.
The central thesis of Counter-Strike is the military–industrial complex.
The central thesis of World of Darkness is the inner torment of a person in the modern world.

So what is the central thesis of DND?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >"morons will buy anything."

    • 9 months ago

      >Takes a look at the DnD 5e community
      Yup, checks out, 100%.

  2. 9 months ago

    enlightenment through genocide

    • 9 months ago

      The central thesis of DnD is that there are creatures over there, we will not call them people although they are usually humanoids, and your wealth (GP) and success (XP) flows from violence towards them.

      According to a Muster: A Primer for War, D&D is about being a chauvinist freebooter putting native peoples (dungeon inhabitants) to the sword and seizing their wealth and property

      Good to see we’re in agreement, D&D is a reenactment of the conquest of the Americas and the PCs are conquistadors

      • 9 months ago

        Those are a bit early. D&D is about the US frontier, with the dangers, land and riches to be found and PCs as frontiersmen going west to find their fortune, especially in the early days, with 4e attempting to return to its roots with Points of Light.

      • 9 months ago

        I was thinking more of the eastern Baltic sea during the late middle ages.

  3. 9 months ago

    Your examples are dumb as frick.

  4. 9 months ago

    Those are themes, not theses.

  5. 9 months ago

    depends on the module I guess. thats like asking what the central theme of a war movie or mob movie is without specifying which one

  6. 9 months ago

    Depends entirely on the players, the setting and the version. Any game can vary and isnt a single story like in your examples, it's more of a vehicle for telling a wide varety of stories. Asking what the central thesis of an RPG is like asking what the central thesis of all music is.

  7. 9 months ago

    Stop being a pseud

  8. 9 months ago

    You write like a midwit.

  9. 9 months ago

    the reader becomes the author in the ultimate form of play about the will to power.
    if the main theme to books is the meta narrative.
    then the main theme to dungeons and dragons is the meta game.
    which imho is about structured play centerterd around imagination with an emergent narritive developed by the dialectic of the dungeon master and the players with the dice as a built in confounding variable.

  10. 9 months ago

    people with magical powers are mostly dicks

  11. 9 months ago

    The central thesis of DnD is that there are creatures over there, we will not call them people although they are usually humanoids, and your wealth (GP) and success (XP) flows from violence towards them.

  12. 9 months ago

    Life after the apocalypse. D&D takes place in the future.

  13. 9 months ago

    According to a Muster: A Primer for War, D&D is about being a chauvinist freebooter putting native peoples (dungeon inhabitants) to the sword and seizing their wealth and property

  14. 9 months ago

    >juxtaposition of the profane and the sacred.
    >duality of man.
    That's a theme you frickwit
    >peace through violence and vice versa.
    Didn't watch whatever the frick that is but this is also a theme
    >military–industrial complex.
    This is a theme
    >inner torment of a person in the modern world.
    A theme
    OP did you fricking pass high-school literature? None of these are a thesis for their respective media. You didn't even make a wrong thesis statement.

  15. 9 months ago

    "Being a a murderous bastard and getting loot is the definition of an hero."

  16. 9 months ago

    There is none, it's just a random clusterfrick of races

    I would call it the star wars of fantasy but even soi wars has some sort of a corruption theme going on

  17. 9 months ago

    Depends on the setting, because the mechanics alone are tools used to tell a story.

  18. 9 months ago

    >What is the central thesis of DND?
    The central thesis is that D&D is a product and WotC wants you to buy as many D&D products as possible. Playing is optional, but WotC would advise you not to play, in case you accidentally realize what a mistake it was to buy so many WotC products.

  19. 9 months ago

    >The central thesis of Counter-Strike is the military–industrial complex.
    LMAO.You aren't talking about some boomer TV show are you? D&D actually has stronger themes than Valve's shooter game. It's about enforcing order. In Classic D&D the forces of chaos and/or evil are fair targets with a lot of wealth, and the game is about killing them and taking their stuff. Later, there's an emphasis on stopping Big Bad Evil Guys, perhaps in service of the king, you're basically cops or at best counterterrorists. Most D&D campaigns vary on themes like that. It bothers liberals, because the entire point of liberalism is to deny the ideology that Law, order, and/or an objective quantifiable Good should be forced on the world with extreme prejudice. Hence the alignment debate, you can't reconcile the alignment chart with a liberal worldview. WotC has been trying to reconcile D&D with liberalism and turned it into a mirror of American foreign policy, liberal imperialism. All of this was done with neagative self awareness of course.

    If you believe in democracy, human rights, and some form of open market you're a liberal by the way. You probably think of a specific type of liberal first but it's a broad spectrum.

    • 9 months ago


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