What is the most powerful being in your game that the players have actually met or have a chance of meeting?

What is the most powerful being in your game that the players have actually met or have a chance of meeting?
(i don't want to hear about some random political figure, deity, or cosmic entity that they will never meet or even learn about)

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  1. 8 months ago

    Everyone meets their god when they die. The arguments as to why they should be brought back to life can be very entertaining.

  2. 8 months ago

    this dude

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Once they insulted a statue of a dwarven god so I had the god come down and scold them and threaten them. Later I decided that this was stupid and that it was actually a dwarven bard altering the party's memories. I wasn't very good at this stuff but my players had fun somehow.

    • 8 months ago

      Not stupid at all. Dwarves being tempermental and prideful would make it very possible that their gods are MORE so. I could see a dwarven god in a conversation with another god all of a sudden hearing the insult and stopping his conversation to go and lay down the dwarven law on the party. A "hold my ale" moment.

  4. 8 months ago

    God or rather, the host for His consciousness after a botched assassination attempt by the illuminati.

  5. 8 months ago

    The DM's wife.

  6. 8 months ago

    celestial gods, they can become devout followers of them and be granted space-time abilities, but it comes at the cost of living with tremendous virtue

  7. 8 months ago

    Currently that's the CEG (chief executive goblin) of Bonkers INC.

  8. 8 months ago

    I hate this homosexual. He's said to be so epically powerful and never did shit. He's one of the most overrated characters in fantasy. If the dude who wrote him wasn't Tolkien they'd think it was moronic too.

    • 8 months ago

      >I hate this homosexual. He's said to be so epically powerful and never did shit. He's one of the most overrated characters in fantasy. If the dude who wrote him wasn't Tolkien they'd think it was moronic too.
      There's a crazy in-universe reason for why Tom doesn't fit into the rest of the story. He's actually a character from an older Middle Earth story that got grandfathered into LOTR.

    • 8 months ago

      >t. Barrow wight

      • 8 months ago

        >t. barrow wong

    • 8 months ago

      He handled the ring and just... Didn't give a shit.

    • 8 months ago

      When's the last time you went outside and helped one ant colony beat another one?

  9. 8 months ago

    He is the pumpkin king and the harvest lord, who blesses the lands every year with a week of limitless edible gourds. Children dress up as fairies and spirits and roam the countryside pranking travellers and harassing hearths for goodies, and he who gives nothing can expect a year of poor harvests and miscarriages.
    Woe to him that breaks the pumpkin king's peacen the Treskvesknait; any who commit violence, be it war, crime or the slaying of an animal will be dragged into the earth by the wrathsome ghouls of his levy.
    I love Halloween so much bros I'm so excited to spring this on my players

    • 8 months ago

      You. I like your lore.

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks, me too. The pumpkin king is my personal favorite but I'm also proud of my queen of the sea, Lepithrica. She's a massive lobster resting at the bottom of a trench whose songs direct most of the currents. She took a leagues-tall giant as a lover and populated much of the seafloor with benevolent lobster people who sadly I don't currently plan for my players to meet.

  10. 8 months ago

    A terrestrial demon. This can mean a bunch of things - i.e. dragons are an example of this, all the old ancient fey are this, certain idol-bound 'gods' of the dead elder civilizations are this, etc. 'Terrestrial' is a distinction from Abyssal, who were those that lost all purchase on the physical world and gradually seeped down into the darkest, most desolate layer of reality, and Voidborn, who are a completely different type of creature that were never part of the world to begin with.

    All are examples of celestial creator beings that either fought on the self-destructive side or just noped out of the fight entirely during a divine conflict at the start of the world. Some (dragons) are, robbed partially of their divinity, trapped in their monstrous war forms. Some hid in secret sanctums after their loss and became objects of worship for the fledgling human race. Some, out of grief or apathy, vanished into the land and gradually became more and more interlinked with the natural world, to the point where they're part of it. Many don't even remember what they originally were.

  11. 8 months ago

    In one minicampaign the players met the incarnation of the world's end. Given that it wasn't time yet, it was terrifying but generally rather chill.
    In my Dark Sun game, meeting one of sorcerer-kings is definitely on the table, so I'm going with one of those.
    In my other game, it's a tossup between the Last Titan, who is also a tree, or one of the two alien robot enforcers running around the continent.

  12. 8 months ago

    There's some cosmic entities in my setting that the players can absolutely meet before they should but here are some characters the players have actually met:
    >Bronze dragon that runs his own private city-state up in the mountains. Wayward humans and other folk pledge their loyalty to the dragon to become citizens of his carefully-managed community, and are rewarded with security and comfort. Traitors and thieves are vaporized by his lightning breath.

    >The Ogre Kings are the biggest, meanest, strongest ogres of them all. The players have only met one so far but he was about a hundred feet tall and his air support blasting at the PCs was the Parhelion 2 from MtG (The ogres do a little multiverse raiding, as a treat)

    >Time Machine is an extremely advanced golem made by a time wizard hiding out in the final act of the adventure. Nobody has met the wizard directly but he sends Time Machine out to detain characters when their players aren't at the session. It also sometimes attacks players retroactively during the session recaps because it's funny to gaslight my players

    • 8 months ago

      >time machine
      Fun, my excuse for missing players is usually dysentery or other camp diseases.

    • 8 months ago

      >attacks players retroactively during the session recaps
      Holy Shit this is fricking great.

    • 8 months ago

      >attacks players retroactively during the session recaps
      Holy Shit this is fricking great.

      Legitimately inspired stuff.

    • 8 months ago

      >attacks players retroactively during the session recaps
      holy based

  13. 8 months ago

    We played in the Dragonlance setting for a bit and hung out with a pretty cool dude who had a pretty sweet hat that one time

    • 8 months ago

      Froshbing the Furburbulous

  14. 8 months ago

    >if only he gave a frick

  15. 8 months ago

    Old-Scratch of The Ungrateful Dead

    cute little goblins of the setting, sugar skulled imps, malicious but not always hostile, extremely difficult to reason with
    the ungrateful dead, when people die unfulfilled one of these little gremlins is poofed into existence somewhere in the world
    small even for Home standards, each one has a sugar pattern like a palm/fingerprint, rattle like maracas/castanets when they laugh/talk
    the imps will live like the gremlins from the movie the gremlins, about the gremlins that act like funny little people
    hedonistic little trogs, they riot and party and carouse until they are satisfied or "popped"
    you might take a bite of steak so good that you spent your last owed enjoyment and literally die, showering your dinner guests in candy and tickertape
    when the sugar skull is destroyed enough, the color goes out of the markings, and after a tastefully somber pause they pop into confetti and candy
    if they lose too much candy their skulls will fade, they usually don't wake up from this if candy isnt put in them
    they will often gather together to cause greater mischief and throw bigger ragers, concentrations of calaveras causes them to magnetize others
    calavera never direct their hostilities toward one another, while they will playfight prank and roughhouse, they see all other calavera as kindred souls
    some have found whole ghost towns that appear to have popped at once, perhaps due to a legendary rager that left everyone satisfied
    particularly tough calaveras have been popped multiple times (Numeruno Deperados And Treyende), but have too much vigour or were so jilted in life
    usually calaveras get their fill and move on shortly, some that have overstaid their revelry get a little "off", they are called "burnouts"
    these calavera are so dangerous that other calavera fear them, and even THE MAN to deal with them
    old scratch is the most dangerous of the burnouts, everyone in the DoS do what they can to avoid crossing paths with him

    • 8 months ago

      Old scratch has been "popped" a thousand times.
      He has grown tired of returning to the same party every night.
      He was burned out the first time around, but something in him cannot let go.
      Over and over and over, he has spent centuries popping himself.
      While other Calavera have only vague notions of their previous lives "that they embellish", Scratch remembers every moment of every spawn, and in time, the spawns of those around him.
      The trails of stardust (water margin setting) were visible to him.
      He found he could follow these young stars to their crib and snuff their light, one by one.
      "Light Pollution"
      Now his kin? Just looking for their next big rager, easy to manipulate, easy to organize.
      Hates himself, hates his kin, hates what he used to be, hates existence for persisting.

      He also hold 3 of the 7 pieces of the DEMON ENGINE, which the big bads are after, and the tankstars are out to break.
      The DEMON ENGINE will turn any tank into an unstoppable machine of destruction, he has half of everyone's cards.
      His goal? Spoil the party for everyone.

      His brother, keeps coming back too, the legendary smith who made the DEMON ENGINE, his brother cannot die until he builds a weapon to surpass the "DEMON ENGINE" and actually because a calavera after being dead for a long time, Scratches greatest shame, and the only hope of beating Scratch

      • 8 months ago

        But he's not even the main concern.
        The Delegation of Subjugation, the HoA, the malicious Badlands Scientists, the Clown Mafia, the Funguys, and Railpeople all have something to gain by taking control of Smelter Springs.
        Nobody has time to worry about the Imps.
        Especially stupid legends like Old Scratch.
        They've been firebombing mailtrucks, jaywalking and drowning themselves in whiskey since time began, nothing ever changes.

        The honest to goodness antagonist is "THE MAN", who sets out in his TerrorTank "WAR PIG", straight up undefeated worldbeater.
        The Man fears old scratch, and treats his "favors" as edicts.
        Think of a Morden from Matamoros and you have Scratches Vibe.
        He has a tank, but it isn't on the terrortank bounty board.....it's in your kid's history book.
        "The Gilded Cage"

  16. 8 months ago

    Our DM got rid of all the resurrection magic, and if you want somebody to come back, you have to go ask Death.

  17. 8 months ago

    I played a PC so long that he got upgraded to NPC. He's a super nice guy, but every once in a while, someone pisses him off and his wrath is terrible.

  18. 8 months ago

    The ten immortal martial artists and demon sorcerers who stand at the pinnacle of the setting's power scale. By the end of the campaign, there will probably only be nine of them.

    • 8 months ago

      >ten immortal martial artists
      I had a monk make it to twenty who got to participate in the totally not Tenkaichi Budokai.

  19. 8 months ago

    A wizard called Antemano. He lives in a tower in one of the highest, most inaccessible mountain ranges in the world, well above the point where you'd need external oxygen, but will receive anyone who manages to reach him. He's made a public, standing offer to teleport anyone (who can find his tower and ask him in person) to the lunar megadungeon and back in exchange for an upfront fee and the chance to buy anything they bring back before they show it to anyone else. He's thousands of years old and about as powerful as a fundamentally mundane being can get, but his main strengths are in artifice and ritual magic.

  20. 8 months ago

    The last elven king, buried deep within his ancient underground citadel, alongaide his horde of the dead
    Thel'doraeon, blood of Sariel

    He should have ressurrected by now, but It seems something is playing in favor of humanity's survirval

  21. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        is that candlej

  22. 8 months ago

    Magically? A Spirit. Think minor Kami or ATLA Spirits. There's no such thing as a Spirit of the sea, storm, moon, or the like though.
    Socially and militarily? The Emperor.

  23. 8 months ago

    The archivist who manages the largest library on the continent. Said library is built within a fragment of a fallen god, and the archivist actually became its Genius Loci long ago, puppeting their millennia-old corpse around inside it.

    They're the strongest "mortal being" (in this case meaning "anything that's not a god") around, but they also can't leave the library since, well, they ARE the library.

  24. 8 months ago

    >What is the most powerful being in your game that the players have actually met or have a chance of meeting?
    the queen of the fae, who is the world's greatest narcissist to the point her "children" are all clones made by marrying her own reflections because none but her own visage is worthy of her love. Compared to random cosmic tier bullshit they won't encounter the fey are relatively approachable and take more interest in the world than extraplanar entities.

    She's literally a million goddamn years old and has never stopped pursuing perfection in all aspects. Anything that's merely a quantitative matter of skill and time and effort to succeed at she can be guaranteed to have mastered it to the point she essentially doesn't need to actually roll for anything in her ability to attempt, she simply succeeded at it. However, there's still plenty of things that QUALITATIVELY she's simply not capable of. Fey aren't dragons, they don't get bigger and grow harder scales and sharper teeth simply from existing, her physical specs are still bound to reality. She could win a 1v1000 swordfight melee a thousand times out of a thousand but still not have any solution to a meteor the size of Texas smashing into the planet, for example. Anything she can try she'll succeed at but there's still lots of things she can't attempt, think of it like always getting to Take 20.

    Players have encountered her in the past but mostly indirectly, she's simply too fricking autistic to care about most events. Her "daughters" are essentially parthenogenic clones with aspects of whatever reflection she did selfcest mitosis with and are much more involved in the world

  25. 8 months ago


  26. 8 months ago

    Escher is an infinitesimally small fragment of the Great Machine that not only oversees reality, but might BE reality itself.
    Escher herself despite being described as merely the smallest and most insignificant of pins detached from the Great Machine's gears, is still effectively indestructible, dense as a black hole and capable of manipulating local reality as she wishes. Her only limitation is that she has a limited "battery life", and once that runs out, she'll wither away and die.

    The party caught a glimpse of the Great Machine when Escher accidentally dragged them along in a trip across the universe because she felt homesick.

  27. 8 months ago

    So far a Gold Dragon shapeshifted into an old kung-fu master monk. He's the backstory mentor of one of the PCs though the player doesn't know that yet. Took him in as a kid, saved him from genocide - classic Obi Wan. Still need a reason for him not to instasolve the party's problems but I'm thinking he just wants to grill and enjoy life as silly little humanoids fight over silly little things.

  28. 8 months ago

    One of my players found out they were supposed to be stillborn until a pair of elven goddesses blessed them with a soul as means of giving their awful parents the finger

  29. 8 months ago

    If they REALLY frick things up, a dude that's basically Algalon from WoW will show up. His job is to watch over the planet and, if things get too out of hand, reset the planet and end all life.

  30. 8 months ago

    Cap'n Rodgers. A tall, muscular man with fiery red hair and a gregarious personality. He's the captain of a mid sized pirate fleet, and is mostly friendly to the PC's. He wears an eyepatch and has a hook left hand.

    VERY normal guy. Extremely human and very much alive. Never dabbled in any dark arts and does NOT have a phylactery. Just a good ol fun lovin', rum drinkin', booty stealin', pirate captain

  31. 8 months ago

    Luminous Man.

    He was originally presented as an Omni-Man pastiche, showing up to curbstomp a parade full of capes then flying away. Cleaning up his messes every time he appears and dealing with villainous schemes that boil down to "trick Luminous Man into killing this guy for us" have been large focuses of the campaign, and one of the players lost an arm for getting too snippy with him. Luminous Man flicked it off with one finger.

    • 8 months ago

      Does he glow in the dark?

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