What is the point of invading in Elden Ring?

I recently got the infinite Bloody Finger and have been spamming invasions to see what it's about. I win about 50% of the time. So far it seems like an awful mechanic.
>may have to wait several minutes until it finds a match
>by the time you have loaded in, the host may already have begun fighting the boss of the area, so you get instantly disconnected
>even in perfect conditions you are still fighting in a 1v3 and the only way is to play dirty
Just now I invaded a world that already had a Bloody Finger fighting the host. I used the "Rest" emote and watched them 1v1. After the host killed the Bloody Finger I got up for my turn. The host immediately summoned two Furled Fingers and 3v1d me. Frick this game.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Idiot put the ring on the wrong hand

    • 3 months ago

      that's her left hand moron

      • 3 months ago

        should have been the upper hand

      • 3 months ago

        I think anon was implying he should have put the ring on a hand controlled by spirit Ranni.

    • 3 months ago

      She got 4 hands,

  2. 3 months ago

    >only way is to play dirty
    That's the point. It's extra challenge. If you suck, don't use it.

    • 3 months ago

      So I have to make an entire build only for invasions? Frick this shit. As of now I'm running with the Rusty Anchor and still winning 50% of the time (because it is amazing how people somehow suck at this game even more than me). If I could use that gay attack that turns your head into a dragonhead and kills everyone within a 2mile radius I'd be winning 100%

  3. 3 months ago

    This will never happen to anyone here with a real women with normal hands.

  4. 3 months ago

    It's fun.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Just now I invaded a world that already had a Bloody Finger fighting the host. I used the "Rest" emote and watched them 1v1.
    Fricking moron. If there's another invader, the host is using the taunter's tongue. There's no telling how many phantoms that other invader had to gun down just so your dumb ass would show up and watch him die.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick now I feel embarrassed

    • 3 months ago

      >muh honorable 1v1
      what a fricking moron

    • 3 months ago

      Lol it makes me happy that this dumbass ruined some other redgays day AND then died anyway I hope the guys gave him the pointdown and a few teabags

  6. 3 months ago

    Invasions is not the best way to play PvP, you want the arena. It's not a good way to farm rune arc. It's a mechanic used in the Varré questline if I'm not mistaken, apart from that it's basically just a remnant of the Souls series. People who invade are either dumb or trying to troll, like I said it's not the best way to play PvP.
    If you insist on invading, use the Duelist's Furled Finger and activate/deactivate the Bloody Finger repeatedly, it puts you at the top of the matchmaking list.

    • 3 months ago

      >If you insist on invading, use the Duelist's Furled Finger and activate/deactivate the Bloody Finger repeatedly
      Huh? How does that work? You can use both simultaneously? Gonna try that

      • 3 months ago

        You acitcate one and then immediately activate the other and bounce between the two until you get an invasion.
        Put both on your hotbar in the pause menu. The two slots that dont use a button on the controller when you hold Y/Triangle. Then just menu>Bloodyfinger menu>Recusantfinger and so on until it forces an invasion.

    • 3 months ago

      i bought the whole game so i want to do pvp in the whole game's map, not just one big circle made specifically for it

      • 3 months ago

        Don't be one of those homosexuals who invade then run to the nearest runebear or some shit then watch your victims lose to PvE.

        • 3 months ago

          I made a character who does exactly that. But I never start attacking them. I just do the rest gesture and watch them fight everything in the level, then applaud when they reach the boss, or lament when they die.

        • 3 months ago

          That's how the devs expect invaders to act, that's the kind of playstyle the only PvP rune (Mohg's) encourages.

        • 3 months ago

          That's how you should invade duh

    • 3 months ago

      Invading is a hundred times more fun than dueling. Endlessly running around in a gay circle trying to poke each other with halberds and heavy thrusting swords is moronic, being able to use the environment around you and win against the odds is like crack cocaine. There is no feeling in gaming comparable to gank spanking a host and his overlevelled babysitters who think they're hot shit.

      • 3 months ago

        What’s better:
        >weaving in and out against a 3 man team until you finally get a moment alone with the host and just assassinate him, leaving the phantoms scratching their heads
        >systematically killing them one by one until only the host is left. Watching his demeanor change completely as he realizes you are about to kill him, too

        • 3 months ago

          The latter. I always try to kill the summons before the host, because killing 3 players is more gameplay than killing 1 player. Watching him try to scramble back to the grace as soon as his summons are dead is just an added bonus.

    • 3 months ago

      Do not listen to this fricking moron, holy shit. The arena is pure fricking cancer and filled with cheaters who CE in infinite consumables like drawstring rot grease and starlight shards because "everyone does it, so it's fair". It is 45% tryhards who have no idea what they're doing, 45% tryhards who know what they're doing, and 10% people actually trying to have fun.

      Everything in that post is terrible advice.

    • 3 months ago

      >you want the arena
      No I do not.

  7. 3 months ago

    the best dark souls to invade is ds2

    • 3 months ago

      It WAS DS1, back when I could invade as level one with fully upgraded gear and pyro flame and just sliw walk at players in the hallway before the gargoyles and firestorm them as they helplessly attack me. Now I just sling Darkmoonblades with the jelly shield and oneshot players who have 1200hp.

      • 3 months ago

        >tranquil walk of peace's you
        heh, nothing personnel kid

        • 3 months ago

          its weird to me they changed the name to "promised walk of peace" in ds2

  8. 3 months ago

    To have fun and style on morons

    • 3 months ago

      do you use controller or m+k
      actually is that video even yours?

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, it's mine
        Controller, i have never touched mouse and keyboard with souls games

      • 3 months ago


        >actually is that video even yours?

        • 3 months ago

          he says its his albeit

          • 3 months ago

            ah yeah nobody would make shit up on Ganker.org

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, it's mine
      Controller, i have never touched mouse and keyboard with souls games

      Dude you play brilliantly. This is not PvP, this is art. How did you learn all this? How can I become like you? I am at SL60 and only wear a Rusty Anchor, literally can't do anything else. How do I start using gay magic? It feels like a huge detour of stats to invest in arc/int, any way to dip my feet without too much of an investment?

      • 3 months ago

        For every single one of those invasions there's ten that go like complete garbage
        60 is probably the worst place to invade in this game because passworded phantom scaling becomes omega ultra cucked. Personally i would stick either to level 20 or 120+. Just make a run with a pure sorcerer and optimize your spell loadout.

        • 3 months ago

          Magic really brings out the Bloodborne gameplay. Its crazy and I wish we had some catalyst weapons like in DS2/3.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh yeah, i loved being a mad scientist in BB too.

            • 3 months ago

              >Only way to play is dirty
              That's intended
              >Fromsoftware puts arena and duelshit
              >Ganker cries that Souls games shouldn't be 1vs1
              >Fromsoftware enforces asymmetrical PVPVE gameplay in its intended mode
              >Ganker cries because they fricking suck unlike Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Dark Souls 2 where every invasion was always a 1vs1 aeound the corpses of npcs 90% of the time
              Fricking subhumans

              Not once weapon catalysts didn't suck ass. The very concept was also rendered obsolete by Ashes of War existing where you can just stick a spell in your weapon without actually nerfing your spellcasting scaling, and even mix the two or quickswap weapons

              • 3 months ago

                Fromsoft has objectively shat the fricking bed with ER invasion system. DS3 was nearly perfect. Instead we have this fricking abomination of a taunters tongue system that gives an already prepared host absolutely ridiculous degree of advantage and can be turned off, lower player limit, moronic spawn points, absolutely TURBOFRICKED passworded cooper scaling, and the activity dropoff thanks to coop only invasions is fricking insane.
                There's playing dirty and there's abusing everything you can to even score a win against massively overpowered force.

                t. more hours in ER than you

              • 3 months ago

                >see thumbnail
                >assume it's rot breath from an overleveled password phantom
                Elden Ring multiplayer is so fricked

                But yeah, they basically stripped out half of the gears that make the other gears in the multiplayer system turn and replaced them with... patching in wex dust. That's the only improvement they made. Meanwhile the multiplayer pool is fricked, there are no covenants, no PVP areas, the taunter's tongue is exclusively a tool for gankers, and there are several "quirks" about the multiplayer system that the overwhelming majority of people don't know about (dud invasion zones, hidden multiplayer priority) that make the experience that much worse.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't see much difference, I got my fair share of Taunter's Tongue and coop invasions in both because Dark Souls 3 already prioritized invasion of parties. Elden Ring gives you much more tools to deal with gankers, and overall better PVE support. My biggest gripe is having to select Taunter's Togue every time instead of it being a constantly active/toggle option

                Objectively right about invasions
                Objectively wrong about catalyst weapons and Ashes. The Ash system is a good beginning to a great system thats probably coming in the supposed “Magicborne” game theyre making but its still gimped as is and doesnt fill the gap of catalyst weapons left behind. Twin Blueflames were fricking great in DS2 and Demonscar for Pyros was heaven in DS3. I personally loved the Gold Ritual Spear once I realized how fun it was in PVP with Flashsword and I admire its weird stat requirements now.

                There's not "magicborne" game
                Also none of the weapons you mentioned are good at all. Ritual Spear was fun but utter garbage. In a game where you can swap weapons in 10 frames there's no reason to have bad generalist tools, and Ashes of War allow fun custom magic/melee combinations

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't see much difference,
                Then you're a fricking idiot
                DS3 allowed true solo invasions. It's why the game still feels alive despite having 3-4k people playing it. ER does not.
                DS3's dried finger could not be turned off and expanded multiplayer limit for reds. Taunter's tongue can be turned off so shitters can abuse it to lure a single invader into their world and then gank him essentially 5vs1 since blue backup arrives immediately.
                In DS3 you only invaded "legacy dungeons". In ER 50% of your invasions are in the empty overworld with NOTHING to support you for kilometers away. Compare pontiff's backyard with First Step, the most popular gank location in ER.
                And none of the previous games had anything even remotely approaching ER's projectile spam which frick the multiplayer balance entirely when we're talking about inevitable 3vs1 situations. Even the most brainless fricktards on the planet can just mash their moonveil while being protected by two bodies and there's nothing you can do about it.

              • 3 months ago

                >There's playing dirty and there's abusing everything you can to even score a win against massively overpowered force.

                Why do you believe you have the right to ruin other peoples gaming session because they are playing co-op? Do you not have friends to co-op with?

              • 3 months ago

                We're talking about a video game. Video game should be a hobby balanced for both multiplayer parties. I'm not talking about one-sided DS1 style shit stomps. But DS3's invasion system was nearly perfect for both parties. What we have now in ER is a fricking one-sided abomination in favour of the host.

              • 3 months ago

                >Video game should be a hobby balanced for both multiplayer parties.
                It is. The host can disconnect at any time. The invader has no power and it is balanced to make them seethe.

              • 3 months ago

                Disconnect from the host is the highest badge of honor from invader.

              • 3 months ago

                What matters to the invader doesn't matter. That is why people disconnect and move on with their lives.
                The invader sitting alone counting it a win doesn't matter, the host is already back to playing their game.

                Red men kvetch into a void, that is their existence.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, the invader literally gets back to their game faster than the disconnecter.

              • 3 months ago

                No one cares. People disconnecting are on voice chat with their friends laughing about it.
                Time spent doesn't matter, people are playing videogames as a pass time intentionally.

                Red men spend their time alone and miserable, and they are constantly reminded of how little they matter to the rest of the playerbase.

              • 3 months ago

                >No one cares
                You do.
                >People disconnecting are on voice chat with their friends laughing about it
                So...You're surrounded by equally stupid people and are jerking each other off about a completely false perspective.

                If you disconnected, you fricked over your phantoms AND yourself.

              • 3 months ago

                >You do.

              • 3 months ago

                But you purposefully fricked over your play session in favor of logging back into the servers and character rather than face a red man in a 3v1.

                You super care. You think you're fricking with my fun but you're literally just self owning.

              • 3 months ago

                >If you disconnected, you fricked over your phantoms AND yourself.
                People do it as a game at the expense of the invader. Everyone is in on it except the invader, that is the point.

                But you purposefully fricked over your play session in favor of logging back into the servers and character rather than face a red man in a 3v1.

                You super care. You think you're fricking with my fun but you're literally just self owning.

                >But you purposefully fricked over your play session
                Lol no, the play session is intentionally disconnecting on invaders with the homies for a few hours.

              • 3 months ago

                >trying to make red man happy and get yourself temp banned
                >a game
                Oh it's THIS moron again

              • 3 months ago

                The red man isn't happy though.

                You're funny. If you really did that you would get banned.

                Been doing it for 2 years no ban. I did it last night with the lads for hours shooting the shit talking about anime and ghost hunting shows.

              • 3 months ago

                No you haven't. You just have this idiotic scenario you like to trot out to try and make us seethe. It's hilarious though because disconnecting on purpose would literally catch you a temp ban in under an hour.

                Ifnyou wanted to make red man seethe, you would gank. But you're too bad at the game to even gank [most gankers are voice chatting and shooting the shit with their bros like you claim to be]

              • 3 months ago

                I do it almost every day I can show you a screenshot of my character having like 800 hours of playtime if you want. I've got max rune arcs from co-op I literally can't pick up more.

                I don't understand why people think paying for a Ganker pass is not worth it.

                It's like $1.50 per month.

                Assuming you spend more than 3 hours in this shithole, and that you make more than 50 posts per day, the pass is easily worth it for the captcha and post cooldown alone. The quality of life is immense.

                Being able to display the pass logo in every post is just an added bonus. I swear ever since 2018 I've gotten over 10.000 replies exclusively questioning why I have a pass. It's free (you)s all day.

                Posting costs 0 dollars.

              • 3 months ago

                >800 hours
                Proves nothing
                >maxed rune arcs
                Proves nothing.

                The fact is, the game will ban you if you have too many disconnections in a day. You might as well tell me your Dad works for Michealzaki

              • 3 months ago

                No the game won't ban you. Its obvious you are just upset hearing I do this as a game to frick with invaders and are tilting because of it.
                That is why I do it anon.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes it will.

              • 3 months ago

                Doesn't actually happen though. You can keep appealing to an outside authority as a cope it doesn't bother me. We both know what I'm saying is true. You have been disconnected on enough to know people do it wily nily and don't face consequences for it.
                People didn't even get banned for quitting ranked in AC6 it was always an empty threat.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah ACVI doesn't have that feature. Elden Ring does though; that's why I know you're lying.

              • 3 months ago

                Remember when the narrative was him caring too much and it counts as a win for you?
                That passed quick huh?

              • 3 months ago

                Nah both are true. He cares too much and takes action IRL in response to my game actions but ALSO he's trying to get banned.

                It's legitimate funny for and a huge L for him from every angle.

              • 3 months ago

                *funny for me

              • 3 months ago

                It looks like you are coping and malding over it hoping he'll get banned. Your narrative was you only saw it as a win, but you abandoned that to concern troll someone that knows they won't face consequences. It looks weak.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah it's simply that both are true. It's the ultimate W for me AND I get to rest easy knowing he's moving towards a ban

              • 3 months ago

                Sounds like copes on both parts.

              • 3 months ago

                Its massive coping. He's being met irl with evidence of what he's already suspected when watching the load back to his own world.
                He knows it happens to him, that is why he defaulted to wishing the other guy ends up banned. He has no power in the situation, he knows it, so he makes wishes.
                The anger is because he knows his wish won't come true already.

              • 3 months ago

                Sure thing dude. It ME who's coping lol

              • 3 months ago

                You're funny. If you really did that you would get banned.

              • 3 months ago

                >let me close the game and suffer through loading screens again
                >i surely owned that invader 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                Correct. It makes them seethe uncontrollably when they get next leveled.
                >playing pick up basketball
                >idiot everyone hates walks up
                >"can I play?"
                >"lol no gay"
                >"well you chumps lose then I wanted to be kicked out"
                It sounds like a cope in all settings.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh shit, someone get this delirious man some medicine, he's hallucinating and inventing fictional scenarios again

              • 3 months ago

                Its fine if you are upset anon.

              • 3 months ago

                No one cares. People disconnecting are on voice chat with their friends laughing about it.
                Time spent doesn't matter, people are playing videogames as a pass time intentionally.

                Red men spend their time alone and miserable, and they are constantly reminded of how little they matter to the rest of the playerbase.

                Your posts sound furious ngl :^)

              • 3 months ago

                That is because you are projecting. Red men having issues handling their emotions isn't a new phenomenon.

              • 3 months ago

                He is furious, he posts this in every invader thread. It’s become one of my favorite flavors of hostie cope, right next to
                >lol why don’t you just play a fighting game
                Or the classic

                >There's playing dirty and there's abusing everything you can to even score a win against massively overpowered force.

                Why do you believe you have the right to ruin other peoples gaming session because they are playing co-op? Do you not have friends to co-op with?

                >w-what gives you the right to kill me? I died in a video game this has literally ruined my day!!

              • 3 months ago


                >instant W
                >know for a fact the disconnecter is more inconvenienced than I could have ever made them be on my own
                >get to go back to invading right away
                >know for a fact they're one d/c closer to their temporary ban

              • 3 months ago

                >you have the right to ruin other peoples gaming session
                It's not a belief, it's a fact. Invasion as a mechanic is for that specific purpose. The game gave me the right.

              • 3 months ago

                Objectively right about invasions
                Objectively wrong about catalyst weapons and Ashes. The Ash system is a good beginning to a great system thats probably coming in the supposed “Magicborne” game theyre making but its still gimped as is and doesnt fill the gap of catalyst weapons left behind. Twin Blueflames were fricking great in DS2 and Demonscar for Pyros was heaven in DS3. I personally loved the Gold Ritual Spear once I realized how fun it was in PVP with Flashsword and I admire its weird stat requirements now.

        • 3 months ago

          Did they fix carian slicer in the left hand?

      • 3 months ago

        You can make use of magic efficiently if you have about 30 levels to invest in INT. At the 40 mark in INT and 25 in MND, you can use 80% of the spells and they're all very powerful and very efficient. Make sure to use the Meteorite Staff for your first run while you uprgrade the Academy Glintstone Staff, and in NG+ you'll be able to use the academy staff (arguably the best staff when fully upgraded although technically not the most powerful). You can even dual wield staffs to benefit from their status bonuses (better gravity magic on the Meteorite Staff for example).
        ARC/INT is an obscure build but there is at least one bleed spell, it's not incompatible with ARC melee and INT close-mid range.
        At level 60 you're still a little baby, there's not much you can do because you have to level up your VIG to 60 to not get instakilled in the late game. There's not much you can do until levels 90-100.

      • 3 months ago

        The proper way to play caster is to set up a spell rotation that you can just flowchart off of. You see the gavel spell? It made everyone frick off, then the aura went out to made them frick even more off. The explosion brings them back in and so on.

        • 3 months ago

          This. Press up to rotate, hold up to reset rotation. Getting it to flow as you play is a talent though.

    • 3 months ago

      I love INT and FAI builds when you play like this, but it's so fricking overwhelming in a 3v1 when the mongoloids just rush you and you're dropping your spaghetti trying to switch to endure Zamor ice storm. If people are scared of you, you don't even need to switch spells intelligently, just switching quickly is enough to cause chaos.

  9. 3 months ago

    To make sure everyone understands that you're a huge ass Black person. Just the biggest Black person.

    • 3 months ago

      Sorry I made this post without actually reading OP and I realize now he's a crying Black person

  10. 3 months ago

    Still better than ds3 with hosts who would infinity summon phantoms and somehow also constantly get blue help

    • 3 months ago

      Thats literally what happens in Eldy. Except now I have to run across an empty worthless map, fall two inches, and die. Or activate my bloody finger just to spawn in again a mile away no where closer than before, somtimes further. God I love open world invasions.

  11. 3 months ago

    What's the point of playing videogames?

    • 3 months ago

      >I am sure to win because my speed is superior

    • 3 months ago

      >I am sure to win because my speed is superior

      This shit has me dying. The absolute disrespect of the gummy flop one hit kill while he goes full omaewamoshinderu mode

    • 3 months ago

      This is very unimpressive. You had way too much health at the end. Your character could have been played by a horrible ER player and your character still would have won.

      This is why gays invade. Invaders b***h and moan when they have to play at a disadvantage because they only choose to invade where their made for pvp character can't lose (no matter how shitty you are) to normal pve people just trying to play the game.

      • 3 months ago

        >he doesn't realize a good PvP build is also simply a good PvE build
        Bosses die to the same things players do anon.

      • 3 months ago

        This has been the problem with every Souls games PVP. Every invader and summoned is twinked the frick out and scoffs at the community decided PVP levels. The normal people get shit on because they are building out their character as they explore. Chances are if the player is struggling and summons, it's because they are not reading a guide and have a shit ass build.

        • 3 months ago

          >bad build
          That's their fault. Not mine.

  12. 3 months ago

    >may have to wait several minutes until it finds a match
    I usually don’t bother unless it instantly finds invasions. When the dlc drops, it should be a lot more lively.
    >by the time you have loaded in, the host may already have begun fighting the boss of the area, so you get instantly disconnected
    That’s annoying, but still just a result of there not being that many people to invade right now.
    >even in perfect conditions you are still fighting in a 1v3 and the only way is to play dirty
    You’re at a big disadvantage, yeah. But that makes it more satisfying when you win anyway. I definitely prefer 1v3’s where the host will actually keep trying to progress through the level to “go find the host hiding at a bonfire waiting for you to kill him.”

    • 3 months ago

      People have been on due to the DLC news. You just need to learn how to use both invasions fingers to get invasions quicker. The devs are still too moronic or lazy to make a better way to queue invasions. It took them months to realize their fricking open world game needs to search the Whole map for invasions and not just the spot youre standing in. God what a shitshow.

  13. 3 months ago

    >>even in perfect conditions you are still fighting in a 1v3 and the only way is to play dirty
    That's EXACTLY how it should be you moron

  14. 3 months ago

    You're invading now

    I was invading when the game released, never had to wait more than 10 seconds for invasions, and I won like 80% of the time depending on the character used

  15. 3 months ago

    >>may have to wait several minutes until it finds a match
    stop playing on PC and get a ChadStation
    >>by the time you have loaded in, the host may already have begun fighting the boss of the area, so you get instantly disconnected
    yeah it happens, just go the the next one. stop playing on PC and the wait won't be so long when you get a boss send home
    >>even in perfect conditions you are still fighting in a 1v3 and the only way is to play dirty
    git gud
    >Just now I invaded a world that already had a Bloody Finger fighting the host. I used the "Rest" emote and watched them 1v1. After the host killed the Bloody Finger I got up for my turn. The host immediately summoned two Furled Fingers and 3v1d me. Frick this game.
    you're a homosexual known as an honor red
    invasions aren't meant to be duels, that red had just killed the hosts other two homosexual summons, was out of heals and needed help from another red when your homosexual ass came along and just sat down because you think theres some homosexual ass made up pvp ethics about 1v1 with a host
    I'm glad he ganked you and shit on you, if I see an honor red I immediately kill them over going after the host
    if you want homosexual 1v1s go to the goddamn coliseum you triple Black person

    • 3 months ago

      >you're a homosexual known as an honor red
      Is it bad to be an honor red?

  16. 3 months ago

    1. If you are an appropriate level and weapon level (20 +1/3, 40 +3/7, 60 +5/12, etc.) you shouldn't have to wait long for invasions. The trick is to spam both fingers over and over, because the game only searches a specific amount of "invasion zones" with each use of the finger, and using them repeatedly is much more efficient. Yes, this is fricking moronic and there is no way you'd know this other than experience and intuition.
    2. Occupational hazard
    3. Occupational hazard, but yes, it's bullshit. The best you can do is ensure every character you have is armed to the teeth, but adjust what you're using relative to the threat level of the opposing 2 or 3 players. 2 Soldiers of Godrick in Stormveil? Use a +1 heavy-infused lucerne with spinning slash. A 3v1 against 2 overleveled password phantoms? Use dual clayman's cold harpoons and throw down that night maiden's mist.

    Invading is purely for fun because FromSoft does not understand that they need to actually incentivize players to engage with their multiplayer system if they want the majority of them to have a good time. It is useless even for farming runes, because your runes arbitrarily drop where you died rather than where you invaded from, as they did in the past. You should only be invading if you enjoy the feeling of dismantling a 3v1 or trolling people by doing creative stuff like kicking them off of ledges or disguising yourself as an NPC.

    • 3 months ago

      >(20 +1/3, 40 +3/7, 60 +5/12, etc.)
      Huh? My weapon is +15 ever since level 50 because the game gives you level 4/5 smithing stones in that crystal tunnel you get trapped at in the beginning of the game.

      • 3 months ago

        It's too hard to account for weapon levels because a lot of players will go out of their way to get a strong weapon early. Arguably you'd want to go up to +4 somber at 40 because you can get multiple +4 smithing stones from Iji, but +3 still gets a lot of activity.
        Some people get a +9 somber weapon before even starting to actually play, which is like, why even bother playing the game.

  17. 3 months ago

    What is the point of paying to post on Ganker?

  18. 3 months ago

    I made a lvl 1 and constantly invaded Stormveil cliffside for months, having the ballista with exploding shots. You shoot the wall next to them as they go along the ledges, it knocks them to their death. I got like 2000+ rune arcs on that character just by doing that alone, I'm such a piece of shit and ruined so many people's fun and got so much hatemail lmaooo

    • 3 months ago

      I don't get it, you're killing them like 10 meters away from the cliffside site of grace, why would they be mad? I only get mad when people kill me after progressing a fair bit

  19. 3 months ago

    >whats the point of
    the point of everything is fun moron

  20. 3 months ago

    if you want muh honorabru duels go to the fricking arena moron. Invasions are all about trying to frick up the hosts playthrough. You use cheap tactics, items that let you blend into the environment, spells and weapons that help push people off ledges. Trust me you'll have fun.
    but if you're invading someone playing through the campaign and expecting them to give you a 1v1 fight then you're a massive moron.

  21. 3 months ago

    >pass user since 2018

  22. 3 months ago

    If you hate people

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much, invasions are the multiplayer mode of choice for sadistic friendless people who want to take their anger out on the world. I speak from experience here.

  23. 3 months ago

    >What is the point of invading in Elden Ring?
    There is none. It's one of the game's greatest faults. Dark Souls had the covenant system, which, albeit flawed, gave a progression mechanic to PvP in the form of Covenant items to gain unique gear and gave unique gameplay mechanics like pink phantoms, which doesn't exist in Elden Ring because they gutted the Covenant system with no real replacement (and it did seem like there were many NPCs who could've been Covenant NPCs like the turtle pope) so the only reason to actually run PvP is for Rune Arcs (which are probably irrelevant by the time you're doing PvP) and for fun (which you are not gonna get with this game's pvp meta)

  24. 3 months ago

    I don't invade but I'm sure it's a good way to gaining more runes

    • 3 months ago

      It's not, because when you die you drop your runes where you died in the host's world. Every time you lose, you have to go grab your runes, which entails running past enemies, which entails having to kill enemies so you can fast travel back to where you want to invade.

      The only time invading is profitable is when you get lucky and encounter extremely high level password phantoms who drop tens or hundreds of thousands of runes on death. I once farmed 1.4 million runes in a single invasion at level 9 because the host kept summoning his level 713 friends and I'd keep slapping the shit out of them with a fire-infused spinning slash warped axe. But that's the exception, not the rule.

      • 3 months ago

        >It's not, because when you die

        I hate having to share the board with shitters

        • 3 months ago

          Good luck winning every 3v1 against level 713 password phantoms all running dual bleed-infused naginata, bloodflame blade star fists, pure DEX raptor talons, moonveil, fallingstar beast jaw, star shower, rot breath, etc., etc., etc.

          • 3 months ago

            1000000% skill issue you fricking baddie

      • 3 months ago

        >because when you die you drop your runes where you died
        Who gives a shit? You're not supposed to care about them if you're just invading because you won't level and if you need to repair weapons or whatever it's not a big deal

        • 3 months ago

          Runes buy very useful supplies, and also buy upgrade materials to expand your arsenal of weapons

    • 3 months ago

      Hosting is better if you just want runes. I have a taunters tongue high level character (no rune arc, no blues, give me actual souls invasion experience) and he's like level 434 from several ng+ runs.

    • 3 months ago

      Let's be honest the best way to get runes is farming, but that feels like cheating. If I am just a few dozen thousands runes away from the next level I just co-op for a few minutes. Invading on the other hand is awful for runes because if you die you lose them.

  25. 3 months ago

    For me it's about the massive variety of interactions you can have.
    >Invading tryhards in meta gear where you either get obliterated instantly or you manage to outplay them and eke out a win
    >Gimmick invasions where you either cosplay as an enemy or you pick the weirdest fricking skills ever and try to get a win
    >Invading obvious newbies where you just chill out with them and show them secrets while killing any blues that show up
    >Finding good ambush spots that people don't expect
    >Invading impromptu duel arenas where people fight 1v1s and the others spectate
    Combine that with trying to communicate with people using only body language and emotes and it is quite addictive, it's a shame the systems themselves are pretty shit. They should put more focus on it for their next game or just skip it entirely.

    • 3 months ago

      It's really not very difficult to fix, I think they just didn't care about it in Elden Ring due to time constraints of misplaced priorities. Multiplayer is what keeps these games alive for much longer than they'd normally survive if they were just singleplayer ARPGs. I will be extremely disappointed if the DLC doesn't make any common sense improvements.

      • 3 months ago

        For me the worst part of it is and always has been the waiting game. Either the host or the invader should be incentivized to attack, otherwise you end up with the common situation of the invader waiting at the enemies and the host waiting at the bonfire. Maybe there could be different invader types, one that takes damage over time and therefore rushes the host and one that either damages the host or summons enemies that the host has to chase down.

    • 3 months ago

      good ambush spots that people don't expect
      This is another problem I have with the invasion system. The game always places me way behind wherever the host is. So I never have the chance to ambush, it's always about catching up with them before they reach the boss. It doesn't even make sense, the invasion would be way more logical if the game actually spawned you AHEAD of the host.

      • 3 months ago

        They intentionally do it in a way to infuriate the invader like all other things in the pvp system for er.
        Literally every design choice with invasions is to discourage invaders until they stop. I'm not joking.

      • 3 months ago

        >saying that when phantom fingers exist
        Elden Ring acknowledged that issue and gave you an item that rolls for a new spawnpoint. It's also super useful for disengaging from a group safely so you can try a new ambush.

        • 3 months ago

          Ah yes I, too, love losing 30 seconds of precious invasion time just to get an even worse spawn (that is still behind the host), then repeat this twice more until the host has already reached the boss.

          How the frick is this even a "problem" anyway? Why didn't they just make it so you spawn AHEAD of the host? I don't think the point of the fingers is to spawn ahead, it's just to get out of sticky situations

          • 3 months ago

            >30 seconds
            lmfao what are you on PS4?

          • 3 months ago

            >Why didn't they just make it so you spawn AHEAD of the host?
            Its designed so the host can ignore you if they want and then send you back home when they walk thru the fogwall.

            • 3 months ago

              No it is not, you are talking out of your ass and clearly don't know the design philosophy.

              • 3 months ago

                I get the design philosophy like other anons do. You really do spawn behind the host so they can keep going and ignore you if they want.
                People CHOOSE to turn around to face the invader and die there. Others CHOOSE to keep going and the invader never shows up. The invader is always behind the host though. If the host wants they can CHOOSE to not engage the invader and keep progressing, as if they weren't invaded.
                A single load in placement would change it but all invasion spots are the same and aren't changed to "fix" the issue we are talking about because it is intentional design just like making any standard invasion lopsided for the host, by intentional design.

              • 3 months ago

                >People CHOOSE to turn around to face the invader and die there. Others CHOOSE to keep going and the invader never shows up
                Wrong, wrong, wrong

                If you were trolling I would applaud you but you are not

                Did you even play other souls games? Because this spawn problem is particular to Elden Ring

              • 3 months ago

                How the frick is he right?

                How the frick can you possibly say that they made it so you only fight an invader if you want to?

                Then it wouldn't be called an "invasion" it would be called an "invitation" you fricking IDIOTS

                Wrong. Let me school you misguided frickers for the last time.

                The philosophy behind invasions is that you, the invader, is forcing the host into a PvP situation against his consent. The lore-wise reason for this is that the Bloody Finger faction wants to stop the player from becoming Elden Lord.

                The invader faces great disadvantages. He will probably face a 3v1, he won't have access to his Great Rune, he will have halved flask charges. His only advantage is being able to ambush the host and use PvE to his advantage.

                This is easily demonstrable with the variety of in-game items that allow you to disguise as a nearby object. Obviously this is because the invader is supposed to spawn AHEAD of the host, then DISGUISE as something and SURPRISE the host.

                There are exceptions to this philosophy that are, well, exceptions. There are two notable ones: first, you may be unlucky enough to invade someone that is already at the boss fog wall. Tough luck. Second one, there is the taunting tongue which means the host WANTS to get invaded.

                However, what isn't intended is the invader spawning behind the host. This is not natural. It is the product of From's awful multiplayer code, and perhaps the open world nature of Elden Ring makes it ambiguous where is "behind" and where is "ahead".

                Spawning behind the host ruins the entire point of invasions.

                When you spawn behind the host, it is the HOST who ambushes the INVADER. All the disguise items are rendered pointless (unless the host uses it, adding insult to injury). Lorewise it makes no sense either.

                You stupid fricking poorgay, stop playing on PS4 and you won't have this issue. Your problem is that you're playing on a DECADE OLD CONSOLE and wondering why the big long 30 loads keep spitting you out behind the host. The host ran past your chosen spawnpoint while you loaded on your fricking favellastation.

              • 3 months ago

                I am playing on PC at 4k60fps, stop assuming things you don't know about, the loading is still slow despite my great setup

                not sure why the morons are saying otherwise but spawning behind the host is not intended, what happens is that the game only has so many spawn points and it also has a huge loading time even if your PC is great, if the host is running through stuff they will inevitably run past your spawn point, no way around it unfortunately

                I see, thanks for clarifying anon

              • 3 months ago

                No you aren't. I'm playing at the specs you're pretending to be and my loads are far far far far shorter.

                So either you're in the third world and trying to connect from thousands of miles further away than most people or you're a PS4 moron coping and lying.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm playing at the specs you're pretending to be and my loads are far far far far shorter
                You don't even know what are my specs. Either way 30 seconds is an overstatement, but my loadings are still about 10 seconds. Either way it seems to be enough for the host to run past my spawn point.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah sometimes that happens. The phantom finger is there for you if that is the case but there's still some space in the level left between the host and the fog.

          • 3 months ago

            >it's just to get out of sticky situations
            You have to be unmolested for like 5 straight seconds or it interrupts

          • 3 months ago

            >I don't think the point of the fingers is to spawn ahead, it's just to get out of sticky situations
            The fingers are meant for re-invading if you are butthurt and lost.

            • 3 months ago

              No, that's what the description might imply if this is your first time hearing about them and just Google it but they simply let you "invade again" which really just means you can try to spawn in a new spot. You lose the phantom finger when you go back to your world.

          • 3 months ago

            That's a risk in using them sure. Them deciding to go face the boss instead of risk engaging you further is perfectly valid.
            You seem to be underestimating the value of a good ambush though.

            • 3 months ago

              What the frick is wrong with you homosexuals thinking the game was designed purposefully making it so the host can ignore the invader? Holy shit. I expected a little more cleverness from this website.

              The philosophy of invasions is clearly to place the invader ahead of the host so that they can be ambushed. Because invasions counter-acts how much co-op casualizes the game.

              It makes ZERO sense to design invasions as "hey we are placing the invader 500000 miles behind you so that you can calmly walk to the boss and avoid this altogether, only fight the invader if you want :)"

              From clearly fricked something up by making invaders consistently spawn way behind, it's as simple as that.

            • 3 months ago

              >You seem to be underestimating the value of a good ambush though.
              >Invaded in farum
              >host takes elevator down to side dragon fight
              >invader is now minutes away as he has to wait for elevators
              >put on host mirror, stand in corner
              >Giantflame him off the map
              A good ambush is a good ambush.

              >People CHOOSE to turn around to face the invader and die there. Others CHOOSE to keep going and the invader never shows up
              Wrong, wrong, wrong

              If you were trolling I would applaud you but you are not

              Did you even play other souls games? Because this spawn problem is particular to Elden Ring

              He's right though.

              • 3 months ago

                How the frick is he right?

                How the frick can you possibly say that they made it so you only fight an invader if you want to?

                Then it wouldn't be called an "invasion" it would be called an "invitation" you fricking IDIOTS

              • 3 months ago

                The things he's saying are correct, that makes him right.
                The invader does spawn behind the host, the host can just keep going to ignore the invader. Some don't, they stop and turn around to face the invader and win or lose. Most just keep going and hit the fogwall unmolested. I blue phantom 24/7 anon I see it constantly.

              • 3 months ago

                Wrong. Let me school you misguided frickers for the last time.

                The philosophy behind invasions is that you, the invader, is forcing the host into a PvP situation against his consent. The lore-wise reason for this is that the Bloody Finger faction wants to stop the player from becoming Elden Lord.

                The invader faces great disadvantages. He will probably face a 3v1, he won't have access to his Great Rune, he will have halved flask charges. His only advantage is being able to ambush the host and use PvE to his advantage.

                This is easily demonstrable with the variety of in-game items that allow you to disguise as a nearby object. Obviously this is because the invader is supposed to spawn AHEAD of the host, then DISGUISE as something and SURPRISE the host.

                There are exceptions to this philosophy that are, well, exceptions. There are two notable ones: first, you may be unlucky enough to invade someone that is already at the boss fog wall. Tough luck. Second one, there is the taunting tongue which means the host WANTS to get invaded.

                However, what isn't intended is the invader spawning behind the host. This is not natural. It is the product of From's awful multiplayer code, and perhaps the open world nature of Elden Ring makes it ambiguous where is "behind" and where is "ahead".

                Spawning behind the host ruins the entire point of invasions.

                When you spawn behind the host, it is the HOST who ambushes the INVADER. All the disguise items are rendered pointless (unless the host uses it, adding insult to injury). Lorewise it makes no sense either.

              • 3 months ago

                not sure why the morons are saying otherwise but spawning behind the host is not intended, what happens is that the game only has so many spawn points and it also has a huge loading time even if your PC is great, if the host is running through stuff they will inevitably run past your spawn point, no way around it unfortunately

              • 3 months ago

                >How the frick can you possibly say that they made it so you only fight an invader if you want to?
                >host standing at bosswall buffing party
                >invaded by xxxSephiroth_Uchichaxxx
                The host can go thru the fogwall or fight the invader, the invader has no say in which the host chooses. The hosts generally choose to go thru the fogwall.

              • 3 months ago

                Why the frick do you pay to post? I won a free lifetime pass in a contest years ago and didn't use the pass.

  26. 3 months ago

    >the only way is to play dirty
    > I used the "Rest" emote and watched them 1v1. After the host killed the Bloody Finger I got up for my turn

  27. 3 months ago

    Invading in dark souls was fun
    >undead parish
    >anor londo by the archers
    >the depths and blighttown as a dick ass thief spreading status
    >Sen's fortress with Force

    • 3 months ago

      I tried invading in DaSR and I swear something happened to modern hosts, they're all such fricking pussies. I can barely have fun in Sen's funhouse because most hosts just AFK at the entrance as soon as they're invaded.

      • 3 months ago

        why would i move to be baited into a trap?

      • 3 months ago

        I've had the opposite experience as of late, hosts in DSR are insanely suicidal if they don't immediately disconnect. They'll get hit for 90% of their health in a single trade and keep swinging like nothing happened. Can't do much fun against these guys either because they simply don't have the HP or defense to support their mindset.

  28. 3 months ago

    >3v1d me
    So? You have a massive build advantage

    • 3 months ago

      oh look

      • 3 months ago

        >newbies don't know it's not bait if it's true
        lurk more

  29. 3 months ago

    Sweaty, sloppy anal sex with Miquella.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        It's a fantasy world, so a spell that lets boys get pregnant isn't out of the question.

  30. 3 months ago

    Can you still get hosts to invade these days? All these threads about invasions are making me crave violence again

    • 3 months ago

      Very active on PC with dlc announcement

    • 3 months ago

      Whatever the most recent souls game is, there will always be people to invade there.

  31. 3 months ago

    Imagine going back to 2012 and invading noobs in sen's fortress

  32. 3 months ago

    Kys waifuBlack person

  33. 3 months ago

    red man seething

  34. 3 months ago

    red man winning

  35. 3 months ago

    OP here.

    This game keeps taking a turn for the shitter.

    My biggest grip with Elden Ring is how they put super high level areas right next to low level areas. I thought this would be over past Caelid but no, it keeps happening.

    I was trying to do the Renni quest because it seemed suitable for my level so far. Then she disappeared, I went to Renna's tower, got the Renni doll and started descending through several areas.

    I got to the Lake of Rot, only killed the boss because I was co-oping, then kept going downwards and downwards.

    At some point my character suddenly got into a coffin and now I'm stuck in an area having to defeat a boss of the void that seems completely impossible.

    Jesus fricking christ why can't this game just give the souls experience for 15 fricking minutes without going full moronic. I have no idea if I'm supposed to beat that void boss at level 70 and not sure what I can do to leave this area since there isn't even a site of grace.

    By the way if you get close to the void boss he instantly nukes everything around him. Doesn't seem like he is meant to be fought melee.

    Where the frick can I even go if I just want to play a normal souls game without the uber homosexualry of these areas? Maybe the capital?

    • 3 months ago

      >At some point my character suddenly got into a coffin
      kek no way, you have to press a button to get inside it

      • 3 months ago

        I was trying to read a message. Didn't even notice the coffin there now could possibly imagine it was interactive. I guess someone put a message right under it to troll people like me.

    • 3 months ago

      I am not even joking when I say this because you zoomer homosexuals need to grow a backbone. Get good.

    • 3 months ago

      bad news, there's no overleveled area there, you are just shit at the game

      • 3 months ago

        No way Astel isn't overleveled.

        My attacks deal no damage against him.

        He doesn't deal that much damage against me either, but it doesn't matter when I am doing even less damage to him.

        • 3 months ago

          you going in there with +0 bare hands or what?

        • 3 months ago

          it literally isn't though

          >I don't see much difference,
          Then you're a fricking idiot
          DS3 allowed true solo invasions. It's why the game still feels alive despite having 3-4k people playing it. ER does not.
          DS3's dried finger could not be turned off and expanded multiplayer limit for reds. Taunter's tongue can be turned off so shitters can abuse it to lure a single invader into their world and then gank him essentially 5vs1 since blue backup arrives immediately.
          In DS3 you only invaded "legacy dungeons". In ER 50% of your invasions are in the empty overworld with NOTHING to support you for kilometers away. Compare pontiff's backyard with First Step, the most popular gank location in ER.
          And none of the previous games had anything even remotely approaching ER's projectile spam which frick the multiplayer balance entirely when we're talking about inevitable 3vs1 situations. Even the most brainless fricktards on the planet can just mash their moonveil while being protected by two bodies and there's nothing you can do about it.

          It seems to me like you are coping for not being a good invader, if "projectile spam" gets you
          overworld invasions must be "near" some kind of enemies/field bosses
          you are right about the host turning off taunter's tongue though, like I said, it should have been a grace on/off toggle

          • 3 months ago

            >It seems to me like you are coping for not being a good invader
            I'm a significantly better invader than you and i have more hours in ER too. Funny how you don't have a single counter argument against what i actually said.
            Even the best content makers out there literally can't do anything against a heavy projectile spam but go on complete defensive. And i'm talking about actual projectile spam when another body is trying to bum rush you, not the morons on your webm.
            >overworld invasions must be "near" some kind of enemies/field bosses
            I already told you to compare pontiffs and fist step in that regard. I'm waiting.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      But why do you pay to post?
      I won a contest in 2019 to get a pass for life and I turned it down.

      • 3 months ago

        >But why do you pay to post?
        >immediately hides pass
        kek he's called goldcuck for a reason.

        • 3 months ago

          1) I did not hide pass at any moment in this thread.

          2) No, they do not call me goldcuck.

          • 3 months ago

            Why do you pay to post though Goldcuck?

      • 3 months ago

        >But why do you pay to post?
        Nta but I'm this close to pay for a pass.
        My apartment got range banned (I'm guessing there was a blacked poster near or using a VPN in my location) and it's bothersome to open a thread on my phone and turn on mobile data every time.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't understand why people think paying for a Ganker pass is not worth it.

          It's like $1.50 per month.

          Assuming you spend more than 3 hours in this shithole, and that you make more than 50 posts per day, the pass is easily worth it for the captcha and post cooldown alone. The quality of life is immense.

          Being able to display the pass logo in every post is just an added bonus. I swear ever since 2018 I've gotten over 10.000 replies exclusively questioning why I have a pass. It's free (you)s all day.

          • 3 months ago

            >actually internalizing the lolcow mindset
            jesus christ. She just explained how she likes to be bullied. It has to be an actual masochistic depressed lunatic.

    • 3 months ago

      >anime reaction image
      >reddit spacing
      >Ganker pass

  36. 3 months ago

    >What is the point of invading in Elden Ring?
    Watching the loading screens.

  37. 3 months ago

    Use the allahu ackbar physique in a moment where they can't see what you are doing for a sec and try to blow them up
    It's literally all you can do. And for some reason it works more often than not

  38. 3 months ago

    The point is to make a dedicated Twink character and go seal clubbing.
    If you want more of a challenge, go to the colosseum or do duels.

    • 3 months ago

      Literally nothing but jump attack spam

    • 3 months ago

      You will get more of an actual brain activity from using twink characters as opposed to wasting your time on passive aggressive whiff punishes on the arena.

  39. 3 months ago

    I'm late into NG+ and just discovered ironskin aromatics
    Holy frick
    I put off these perfumes as meh buffs that don't interest me but this is insanely useful against the more annoying high hp enemies that do physical attacks. They just bounce off you while you can stance break their ass. I know iron skin existed as a spell in Souls but those games didn't have stance breaking

    • 3 months ago

      ALL consumables and craftables in Elden Ring are really good

  40. 3 months ago

    invasions were only fun early on, when a meta hadn't developed and it was basically just using whatever you liked. dark souls pvp goes from amazing to dogshit after the course of a month or so, facing the same few builds all the time gets boring

    • 3 months ago


  41. 3 months ago

    >even in perfect conditions you are still fighting in a 1v3 and the only way is to play dirty
    That's the point, pretty much all enemies on the map are on your side so obviously you're not going to get a 1v1. If you want to 1v1 go play the arena.

  42. 3 months ago

    It's a leftover mechanic from a generation ago. From games have evolved past it.

  43. 3 months ago

    Update. I beat Astel, as it turns out he was easier than he seemed.

    Then I get into a deadend because the exit is locked by a seal.

    10/10 game design super fun.

    From should just go ahead and create a metroidvania already.

  44. 3 months ago

    It's fun and you literally just have to spam the invasion item to get action faster.

  45. 3 months ago


  46. 3 months ago

    I love the idea of pvp in these games but the netcode is so fricking dogshit that it's not fun for nearly as long as it would be otherwise, it's so frustrating.

  47. 3 months ago

    I love PvP but invaders are a special breed of autism. I respect what they do but I could never do it myself.

  48. 3 months ago

    Being able to universally filter out pass users is the best usage of this feature possible. All of them are attention prostitutes.

    • 3 months ago

      They're morons with safe opinions and posting styles too. The staff are ABSOLUTE troony fricking moronS nowadays and a single ban costs your pass.

  49. 3 months ago

    A lot of anger here

  50. 3 months ago

    If you find it fun, it's there. I like that there isn't any spell or equipment that is tied to spending time with the mode. If the game gets fricked by cheaters, the servers die or the community leaves the items don't also go. Monks Hood in Demon's Souls can be a total b***h to get sometimes and is completely unobtainable on legit PS3 copies without using an unofficial DNS.

  51. 3 months ago

    Invading has different purposes.
    When I get bored I like to drop end-game weapons on a level 20 character.
    When I just feel like fricking with people, I hop on my level 50 character and invade during the dragon tree sentinel fight to stop shitters from getting carried through the game by a level 300 phantom.

  52. 3 months ago

    Skill issue.

  53. 3 months ago

    >Just now I invaded a world that already had a Bloody Finger fighting the host. I used the "Rest" emote and watched them 1v1
    So you're a homosexual then? Invaders and duelists are two very different things. Stop pretending to be a duelist when invading.

  54. 3 months ago

    There is no fair in invasions

  55. 3 months ago

    Invadings been dead since DS3 killed it.

  56. 3 months ago

    I started I new character but I think I'm just gonna use the claymore and level vig instead of committing to a build before the DLC comes out. I'll probably stop playing after I get to Mohg and gather enough seeds/tears.

  57. 3 months ago

    Miyazacki ruined invasions starting with Bloodborne.

    DaS III at least gave you the ability to get a free 1v1 option every 15 minutes before locking you into invading people with phantoms only.

    To answer your question, From Software forgot the enjoyable dynamic of invading in DaS. It was no longer about challenging players in their own world, but challenging the invader.

    Elden Ring just makes it a little worse because none of the great runes are as useful as humanity, effigies, insight or embers were in prior games. I mean you could argue Morgott's is kind of useful I guess.

    • 3 months ago

      They realized the people that like invading are cancerous and a very small percentage of the playerbase. In turn they made invasions suffering for the invader and the invasion enjoyers suffer it.

      Wrong. Let me school you misguided frickers for the last time.

      The philosophy behind invasions is that you, the invader, is forcing the host into a PvP situation against his consent. The lore-wise reason for this is that the Bloody Finger faction wants to stop the player from becoming Elden Lord.

      The invader faces great disadvantages. He will probably face a 3v1, he won't have access to his Great Rune, he will have halved flask charges. His only advantage is being able to ambush the host and use PvE to his advantage.

      This is easily demonstrable with the variety of in-game items that allow you to disguise as a nearby object. Obviously this is because the invader is supposed to spawn AHEAD of the host, then DISGUISE as something and SURPRISE the host.

      There are exceptions to this philosophy that are, well, exceptions. There are two notable ones: first, you may be unlucky enough to invade someone that is already at the boss fog wall. Tough luck. Second one, there is the taunting tongue which means the host WANTS to get invaded.

      However, what isn't intended is the invader spawning behind the host. This is not natural. It is the product of From's awful multiplayer code, and perhaps the open world nature of Elden Ring makes it ambiguous where is "behind" and where is "ahead".

      Spawning behind the host ruins the entire point of invasions.

      When you spawn behind the host, it is the HOST who ambushes the INVADER. All the disguise items are rendered pointless (unless the host uses it, adding insult to injury). Lorewise it makes no sense either.

      The host will just go thru the fogwall though. I get why you are having a mental breakdown at the implication you have no power in the situation but that is all this is. You are losing your shit because you are powerless and know it. It doesn't bother me lad.

  58. 3 months ago

    So is it safe to say Elden Ring is a massive warning to not let a woman be in charge and dictate how the world is made and the laws that are laid down

  59. 3 months ago

    Elden Ring Lore-Lords, what is a Nightfolk? I'm staring at the character creation screen trying to figure out what race to base my new faith character around.

    • 3 months ago

      Night Folk are implied to be rare descendants of the Nox, the people of the Eternal Cities beneath the lands between. The only item alluding to them is Urumi, a pajeet sword that seems like a failure to imitate the Nox Flowing weapons.

      The Nox bleed silver like Albinaurics and thus are implied to be perfected creatures born of silver tears. As a night folk you are likely some dilutes descendant of artificial people. I suggest you do an arcane build or an int build, or go dex or str for flowing weapons.

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks, frick these other guys.

    • 3 months ago

      Their description in game explains them.

      Night Folk are implied to be rare descendants of the Nox, the people of the Eternal Cities beneath the lands between. The only item alluding to them is Urumi, a pajeet sword that seems like a failure to imitate the Nox Flowing weapons.

      The Nox bleed silver like Albinaurics and thus are implied to be perfected creatures born of silver tears. As a night folk you are likely some dilutes descendant of artificial people. I suggest you do an arcane build or an int build, or go dex or str for flowing weapons.

      This is the description explaining them.

      I guess that guy hasn't played the game.

      • 3 months ago

        To be fair very few people are even aware of the Nightfolk/Nox connection.

      • 3 months ago

        >I guess that guy hasn't played the game.
        Theyve played the game and know the answer to their own question.
        If the format is
        >loresomethings, what is [thing explained in the first hour of game]
        it is the same group.

  60. 3 months ago

    >black hands

  61. 3 months ago

    ds3 perfected invasions
    ER is a massive step back

  62. 3 months ago

    Is this another thread where seamless co-op cheater babbies whine about the big mean red?

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