What is this place? We first see Sora and gang there at the end of KH1 chasing Pluto.

What is this place? We first see Sora and gang there at the end of KH1 chasing Pluto. At the beginning of CoM, they reach a crossroad with one path leading to Castle Oblivion. Where do the other roads lead?

It's such a mysterious place that I've always wanted to explore.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    The Land of Departure from Birth by Sleep.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I know that because it's Castle Oblivion. But where do all the other paths go?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Since you want spoilers... that's a place where Keyblade wielders are trained and participate on an exam for The Mark of Mastery. In BBS this test was ministered by Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't think you read what I said anon. I've played pretty much every KH game. I just want to know what else is out there in that grassy area Sora travels in.

          Yes, one path leads to the Land of Departure, but there are other paths that we don't know where they lead to.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So you want to know something that literally no one knows? You can google Nomura's address and send him a letter. Couldv just posted a picture of Aqua's breasts if you just wanted to talk about KH. What a stupid thread, man.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >So you want to know something that literally no one knows?
              I mean, yeah? That was the point of this thread. To talk about it. Do you also act this way when someone makes a thread discussing what worlds might be in KH4?

              • 4 weeks ago

                This guy

                So you want to know something that literally no one knows? You can google Nomura's address and send him a letter. Couldv just posted a picture of Aqua's breasts if you just wanted to talk about KH. What a stupid thread, man.

                is another anon.

                I'm this:

                I don't think you read what I said anon. I've played pretty much every KH game. I just want to know what else is out there in that grassy area Sora travels in.

                Yes, one path leads to the Land of Departure, but there are other paths that we don't know where they lead to.

                and this

                Well, so far only mountains, the main Castle and this trail. It's world between the two realms, so I take it's just a secret place with a secret castle.


              • 4 weeks ago

                >I'm this:

                I don't think you read what I said anon. I've played pretty much every KH game. I just want to know what else is out there in that grassy area Sora travels in.

                Yes, one path leads to the Land of Departure, but there are other paths that we don't know where they lead to.
                meant this:

                Since you want spoilers... that's a place where Keyblade wielders are trained and participate on an exam for The Mark of Mastery. In BBS this test was ministered by Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort.


                It just feels like the most mysterious place in the series, since we don't know anything about it other than one path leads to Castle Oblivion.

                I guess it's just mountains and nothing more. Kinda like a Jedi temple or something.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I figured that was another anon, but

                I don't think you read what I said anon. I've played pretty much every KH game. I just want to know what else is out there in that grassy area Sora travels in.

                Yes, one path leads to the Land of Departure, but there are other paths that we don't know where they lead to.

                is me.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well, so far only mountains, the main Castle and this trail. It's world between the two realms, so I take it's just a secret place with a secret castle.

            • 4 weeks ago

              It just feels like the most mysterious place in the series, since we don't know anything about it other than one path leads to Castle Oblivion.

          • 4 weeks ago

            There's more to worlds than what we have access to in gameplay segments. Like how Destiny Islands has a whole ass regular town on a larger island, or Deep Jungle implicitly containing its own London.
            Land of Departure can logically be assumed to have other locations, if not an entire planet, outside of the keyblade master castle. Which would include this field and crossroads.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    When the heart of the worlds unfused from that mess and went back to their places, Sora didn't go back to the Destiny Islands, he stayed on another land that seprated from Kairi. Kairi went back, Sora didn't. He went to this place, which, in the future, you will learn that it's called The Land of Departure.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I think it's a mix between Land of Departure and Keyblade Graveyard (the path is the same shape, where the keyblades went I couldn't tell you).

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I dunno but i bet there are cute frogs there

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Alright this seems like a good thread to ask. Is the overall story fo the Kingdom Hearts franchise actually good and worth it? I've playe KH1 and 2 and the story always seemed extremely convoluted and moronic to me

    • 4 weeks ago

      >actually good and worth it?
      yes, but it's unecesseraly convoluted. KH3 was kinda rushed, so you will need to buy the DLC.

      Play every game in order, there is no "KH1, KH2, KH3". Every game is a main entry, even the mobile. Skip one and you will be lost in the next.

      After you get to KH3, watch a video summarizing everything and read the logs. They are all important. There is nothing that's unimportant.

      • 4 weeks ago

        so after getting to KH3 watch a recap video of everything I just played?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes. It is very convoluted, there is a really good recap that will explain everything in order. It will also clarify some of the convoluted stuff that will happen. After beating 2, watch a video explaining the Nobodies/Somebodies stuff to make it very clear.

          I don't know why he writes in this convoluted style. The story is actually very simple.

          • 4 weeks ago

            its not that convoluted if you play all the games

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yeah, but for example, the ending of KH1 is kinda nonsensical. You only get it in the future entries, when the worlds are explained better. These little details keep adding up until it's convoluted. There is a lot of text dumps too, so you need kinda connect stuff, if something is not clear it'll cause a lack in comprehension.

              So it's important to make very clear of stuff like the realm of darkness/light, hearts, nobodies, sigils, norted stuff, digital realm and so on.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not him but what exactly is nonsensical about the KH1 ending?

              • 4 weeks ago

                To this day I still don't understand why Kairi's kicked back to Destiny Islands while Sora's stuck in EotW.
                Or why Kairi's even there at all.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Closing the door to the Realm of Darkness, Mickey with a keyblade, the worlds going back to their original form after having been fused, Sora getting separated from Kairi, Ansem incarnating on Riku... it's kinda nonsensical while it's happening. If you don't resolve all this stuff right there, it'll make harder to understand things in the future. It's more convoluted than hard to understand, but you need to make the connections and read the logs.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Maybe I just didn't really understand it too well but I always wondered how it was possible for the rest of the series to happen after the ending of 1.
                Like isn't the whole point of that game that having all the worlds be connected is bad and it's what you fix at the end? That's why you say goodbye to Leon and stuff.
                So why is it fine now for all the worlds to be connected?
                How did Sora even get out of the weird hell place he was in if (supposedly) you couldn't travel between worlds after he defeated Ansem.

          • 4 weeks ago

            thanks anon

    • 4 weeks ago

      frick no lol
      i played them all, ds games, 2 hour long cutscene, paid demo
      narratively they're worthless. absolute nothing has pay off. romances don't bud, deaths get reversed, all problems are solved in the laziest way possible.
      things are meant to have visual effect but you're not expected to think about them. if it's the point in the story where the characters are supposed to be in trouble, they're in a spooky environment and there's DARKNESS everywhere.
      then, when the plot demands the emotion shifts, LIGHT shoots out and the problem is solved and they go to happy fun place. don't ask why. yes they could've solved the problem any time and just waited until it was most dramatic. don't think about it.
      the worst part to me is that it dips its toes in interesting ideas. people get their souls torn out and their memories rewritten and a guy turns into 2 guys. those are interesting ideas that get explored in classic sci-fi: star trek or phillip k. dick or whatever. but kingdom hearts is intentionally shallow so they pick the laziest sinplest answer every time and deus ex machina all problems away.
      it's bad. skip the cutscenes.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's convoluted but soulful. cringe kino and funny at times. The perfect videogame story.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Is the overall story fo the Kingdom Hearts franchise actually good and worth it?
      NO NO NO NO NO

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's fine, it's more about vibes than like actual plot.
      Like what's actually important is the emotional journey the characters go through and not like, the physical events that are happening, which are mostly kind of ridiculous and not really tangible a lot of the time.
      If you're someone who can't handle that you probably won't like it, but if you like good character work you might enjoy it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >playing for the story
      lol no. It's fine if you're not taking it too seriously but if you're looking to really break it down and analyze it, absolutely not.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >ITT: young'uns come to understand in real time that Nomura makes shit up as he goes without any particular thought or foresight into the greater plan
    It's just an empty field meant to represent the anime-esque trope of, "Heroes beginning their NEXT big adventure!" and literally nothing more. The fact that Chain of Memories starts with that dirt path inexplicably turning into a dead end where Castle Oblivion sits should have tipped you off that Nomura trying to tie the ending of KH1 into CoM was complete nonsense meant to expediently move the plot forward.

    He doesn't put any effort into his storytelling, so neither should you.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >He doesn't put any effort into his storytelling, so neither should you.
      he clearly does

    • 4 weeks ago

      he puts in effort, hes just shit
      some other people wrote kh1 with nomura but everything after that was just nomura

      nomura is all autism plot points
      he cant write characters and drama

    • 4 weeks ago

      Which begs the question, how much shittier does the story need to become before Kingdom Hearts fans stop buying this shit? I deeply resent Kingdom Hearts fans for buying this shitty series that stopped being good many years ago. So much bad writing that has turned what used to be likable characters into shit incarnate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >writing story writing
        Kingdom Hearts is a video game and most people buy video games for the gameplay.

      • 4 weeks ago

        But it’s fun.

        However, KH2 is the official ending in my headcanon. The games after that I still play just for fun but I don’t take it seriously.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Anon, the story is super fun, how come you don't like it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Because death has no meaning in Kingdom Hearts and Xehanort has always been a heroic good guy. And that's merely two flaws for the story. It's so unenjoyable. And don't worry Xehanort is reincarnating remember there is NO DEATH.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why is death so important?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Walt Disney's personal policy for death is that when it happens it must be final. This is why Walt Disney made his own niece cry because he refused to keep Bambi's mother alive.

              Nomura is the anti Disney because his views on death are the opposite and it's an insult to reality worse than Super Hero shit where death is meaningless. Nomura manages to make it worse.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Splitting yourself into a heartless and nobody being an infinite 1-up hack is one thing, but a soul reincarnating as a different person doesn't mean death is meaningless, brainlet

          • 4 weeks ago

            What's on the stake is not being alive or dead, you just become a heart, after all. It's the future of the Hearts, if Xehanort had succeeded he would have rewritten everything and would have created the perfect world. Everyone would be erased. Actually he would create a world without these concepts at all. Like a completely new thing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Honestly I love how ridiculous the story is at this point, every time I think im out, nomura finds some insane way to pull me back in

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Kingdom Hearts story is ebola after 1

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I always thought that was somewhere along the outskirts of Disney Castle.

    • 4 weeks ago


      What is this place? We first see Sora and gang there at the end of KH1 chasing Pluto. At the beginning of CoM, they reach a crossroad with one path leading to Castle Oblivion. Where do the other roads lead?

      It's such a mysterious place that I've always wanted to explore.

      >Disney castle: epilogue

  9. 4 weeks ago

    How do real-world locations work in Kingdom Hearts?
    >Deep Jungle has Jane from England
    >Neverland has a section in London
    >Alice from Wonderland is from England
    Are all of the Worlds in KH carbon copies of Earth?
    Can Jane actually return to England?
    Do the world's boundaries in Neverland extend beyond London?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Are all of the Worlds in KH carbon copies of Earth?
      Yeah, the Heart of the World creates this worlds.
      That's how they are going to explain multiple Santa Claus if they ever use more.

      >Can Jane actually return to England?
      Yeah, but Tarzan England, not Pirates of the Caribbean England.

      >Do the world's boundaries in Neverland extend beyond London?
      It's as big as the animation, so there is London and the islands.

      Maybe I just didn't really understand it too well but I always wondered how it was possible for the rest of the series to happen after the ending of 1.
      Like isn't the whole point of that game that having all the worlds be connected is bad and it's what you fix at the end? That's why you say goodbye to Leon and stuff.
      So why is it fine now for all the worlds to be connected?
      How did Sora even get out of the weird hell place he was in if (supposedly) you couldn't travel between worlds after he defeated Ansem.

      The worlds are still locked if I understood correctly. What happened in the end of 1 is that Ansem was trying to summon Kingdom Hearts, which is a place where you can reshape the Hearts the way you want, so he created this messed world without light, since he believe in the darkness. Dark is not evil though, so it would be a world without evil. All the worlds merged into one. In the end the worlds came back to their original form, thus that crazy scene of Sora and Kairi splitting. Sora was dragged into the Castle Oblivion though, or purpose, it was an Organization XIII thing.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >A major theme throughout KH1 is that Sora must open the door to light
    >He finally opens it at the end of KH2, or rather it opens up by itself
    >All it does it take Sora and Riku back home
    What the hell was the point?

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