What is your BIGGEST letdown? something you were looking forward to for months, maybe YEARS, and it completely stunk.

What is your BIGGEST letdown?

something you were looking forward to for months, maybe YEARS, and it completely stunk.

bonus points: other people seemed to love it, but you couldnt believe how they massacred your boy

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    persona 3 reloaded

  2. 8 months ago

    Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

    The fact people pick that over any of the PS2 games is gross.

    • 8 months ago

      Normalgays see shiny graphics and marvel quips and think it's the greatest thing ever.

    • 8 months ago

      It mogs 2 easily

    • 8 months ago

      It isn't overall as good as any of the PS2 games but the core gameplay is good enough to be an 8/10.

    • 8 months ago

      Crack in Time isn't as good as the PS2 games. It is however, the best game SINCE the PS2 ones, even now.
      For the record Up Your Arsenal is my favorite game of all time. The real letdown was when I was fooled into thinking we were getting an actual remake of Ratchet 1 when instead we got this piece of shit.

  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    Doom eternal dlc

    • 8 months ago

      I thought pt1 was excellent, pt2 is typically agreed as being lesser. Unless you mean you dislike them both?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah both I was really into the music of the first and main game of eternal and when that fell through it put a bad mark on it too

    • 8 months ago


      Doesn't quite fit OP for me but yeah I expected better, for part 2 at least, part 1 was maybe rough in areas but part 2 was pretty fricked

  5. 8 months ago

    I know there was one game that shit on my expectations so hard that my brain erased it and all of my hype for it from memory.
    I wouldn't be able to identify what game that was even if it was right in front of me.

  6. 8 months ago

    I dont know how it got so much praise. I still get sad thinking about it

    • 8 months ago

      How so?

    • 8 months ago

      I was expecting it to be absolute dogshit so I ended up being pleasantly surprised at the things it did well rather than what it had missing. Tempered expectations are very important.

    • 8 months ago

      >we passed upon the stair
      >we spoke of was and when
      >although i wasn't there
      >he said i was his friend
      >which came as some surprise
      >i spoke into his eyes
      >"i thought you died alone,"
      >"a long, long time ago."

    • 8 months ago

      I expected little and got less, dropped it around the time the cyborg zombies or whatever showed up because I realized I'd been frowning the entire time since leaving the main menu.

    • 8 months ago

      There will never be another game that I get this hyped for until the day I die
      This shit was gonna be the game of the millennium.
      GZ comes out and it's literally everything you could've asked for, so you get even more hyped for how good TPP could be
      And then it comes out and it's literally nothing. No story. Half the missions are pointless filler. There's like only a single interesting setpiece like GZ's map, everything else is open world slop.

      • 8 months ago

        Not to mention like half of the "story" is all told through audio logs

    • 8 months ago

      imagine if they did some actual Big Boss story with Saladin's storyline.

      • 8 months ago

        is this AI frickery? Or did someone mod young solid into V?

    • 8 months ago

      Demons remake. shits ruined.

      i dont know if you guys are shitposting or not. the game is the absolute goat.

      • 8 months ago

        It's inferior to Peace Walker in terms of story and content

    • 8 months ago

      It's a good game but had a bad, and more importantly, a boring story in a franchise known for its crazy stories.

      • 8 months ago

        The best thing it has going for it is its gameplay and it has mission design that was built to have it overstay its welcome

    • 8 months ago

      The core stealth gameplay is good but basically everything surrounding it (story, open world) is empty and lacking.

    • 8 months ago

      The game that made me jaded towards the AAA industry forever.

    • 8 months ago

      This was easily the biggest disappointment of my life, and it killed my ability to get excited over things.

    • 8 months ago

      This and Cyberpunk 2077. Both of them had potential to be something truly special, but it was all for nought.

    • 8 months ago

      i think mgs fell off after 3 or 4

    • 8 months ago

      I delayed my suicide for this game and had lost my nerve by the time I realized it was shit. I'm still not sure if I should love it or hate it.

      • 8 months ago

        at least you didn't have a nice day

        • 8 months ago

          I mean, I guess.

          • 8 months ago

            talking about killing yourself like that is for women

            if youre a man either do it or dont mention it. nobody is going to feel sorry for you

      • 8 months ago

        Thank god Kojima saved your life, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      MGSV and FFXV both mind-broke me and caused me to remove hype from the equation when I see interesting upcoming video games, preferring to get hyped as I play the game. I do still thank both games for that in a way. Because when Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be garbage I didn't let myself fall to the same disappointment as everything else, whilst at the same time when a good game actually comes out I get hyped as I play it.
      Much better experience in the age of false advertising bullshit.

      I can understand the praise, since a lot of the people who went into the game never played a single MGS game before. But for people like you or me who were long-time MGS fans and expected it to be a culmination of all the good shit from the past games and to be the actual magnum opus of the series, of course we got disappointed.
      I still am glad that modders are getting closer to making the game better, but I think it'll take at least another 5 or 10 years for modders to have the tools to make the game closer to what our expectations intended it to be.
      Captcha: NTRTV (lol)

  7. 8 months ago

    Rome II Total War was what made me swear off pre-orders for the rest of time
    the original RTW was one of the games that solidified my love for pc gaymen so it stung pretty bad
    It's fine now (with mods), at least

    • 8 months ago

      >Rome II Total War was what made me swear off pre-orders for the rest of time
      >the original RTW was one of the games that solidified my love for pc gaymen so it stung pretty bad
      Literally me.

  8. 8 months ago

    Dragon Age 2
    Dragon Age Inquisition
    Mass Effect 2
    Mass Effect 3
    Pathfinder Wrath
    Dishonored 2
    Saints Row 5
    Deadspace 3

    • 8 months ago

      huh? Mass effect2 was trash to you? im super casual and played both - curious what didnt you like about part 2? more action and less rpg?

      • 8 months ago

        The beginning of the end for one of the greatest space opera games released to this date for me. It was style over substance direction, which completely pivoted the audience and series towards it's demise. Similar paradigm would be Resident Evil 3 and 4

        • 8 months ago

          >ME1 is a unique space opera RPG
          >ME2 is a generic action game wearing the first game's skin

          How is it an opera if there's no singing?

          • 8 months ago

            if you werent a shitskin, i would explain

          • 8 months ago

            >How is it an opera if there's no singing?

      • 8 months ago

        >ME1 is a unique space opera RPG
        >ME2 is a generic action game wearing the first game's skin

        • 8 months ago

          just realized I cant remember the diff between 2 and 2

          • 8 months ago

            Well, it's the same

        • 8 months ago

          This shit hit me like a brick with the legendary edition. Going straight from ME1 ending into 2 just made me think how the frick ever liked it.

          • 8 months ago

            >how do we reset Shepard in the sequel
            >uhhhh fricking drop him onto a planet from orbit

  9. 8 months ago

    Bioshock Infinite

    • 8 months ago

      Seconding this, I still get mad thinking about it.

    • 8 months ago

      This. if I hadn't gotten XCOM: Enemy Unknown because of my pre-order I would've been twice as mad.

  10. 8 months ago

    Resident Evil 5

  11. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      this honestly cannot think of anything being such a big let down.

    • 8 months ago

      This, and I bought the collectors edition when it released

  12. 8 months ago

    SMT V

  13. 8 months ago

    I didn't look forward to it THAT much but I guess I was hoping for Fallout 4 to learn from 3's mistakes and take up more storytelling cues from FNV but nope.
    There was this magical point in time in the 2010s where all the sequels I wanted actually turned out great instead though.

  14. 8 months ago

    Elder Scrolls and Fallout are two of my favorite franchises and fricking bethesda is making starfield in 2023. TESO and Fallout 76 ensure no title in either franchise will be released until every cent is milked. Additionally just look at starfield - if bethshit makes actual, single player releases they're going to be dogshit.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I unironically would have preferred if they went the Ubisoft route and just shat out a bunch of Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Maybe a few TES adventure games or something in between the big releases. They saw the success, they had and it’s clear what people wanted. By the time TES VI comes out everyone will be in different parts of their lives. Former fans will be in the 30s and 40s, Morrowind fans will be in their 50s and 60s. They won’t even give a shit anymore. Instead we got a space game, which never work out unless it’s based on hubworld.

  15. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 wombo combo. Should have seen the writing on the wall with ME2 - the increased focus on relationships and fricking, the soulless new party members, and the systematic gutting of the RPG elements...Watching BioWare's fall was like watching a close friend slide deeper into drug abuse.

  16. 8 months ago

    wc3 deforged, nothing comes close

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I refuse to give it legitimacy by calling it by its actual name.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, are you okay? No such thing exist.

  17. 8 months ago

    FF7 Remake

    • 8 months ago

      FFVII Remake

      >Wanted a remade version for years with cleaned up graphics, improved translation/clarity on the more wonky parts of the story, new boss fights and areas to explore, and otherwise keep what made the original good, almost akin to something like RE1 Remake
      >Remake is finally announced
      >Get super excited
      >Game finally comes out
      >Turn-based combat has been turned into wonky action combat where you only really control one party member at a time
      >Graphics are decent in spots, but the more modern graphical fidelity makes it where the spots that aren't good really stand out in a bad way
      >Filled with tons of useless padding that obviously wasn't there before because Midgar was originally only a few hours of somewhat linear, but fantastic worldbuilding and setpieces
      >Story now adds in the spirits or whatever, hints at some multiverse bullshit, possibly different versions of Sephiroth, and now makes it where Zach is alive kinda sort of?
      >Game only covers Midgar, yet still shoves in a fight with Sephiroth at the end because finishing up the game fighting that giant robot on the highway would (obviously) be a let down
      >Game is announced to be split into 3 parts now, in which they're already doing paid DLC as shown by Yuffie getting a prequel bit

      I just wanted the original cleaned up a bit and with some new fights here and there. I didn't want the game chopped up into 3 separate parts, dragged out over 10-15 years, it being a pseudo-sequel of sorts with the story frickery, and all mashed into a clunkier feeling Kingdom Hearts combat system.

      I know that people dump on the idea of remakes just being a redo of the original and not building on it, but there's a line between that and just absolutely butchering what the original was. And I'm seemingly in a strong minority with people bawling their eyes out watching the trailer for Rebirth or whatever it is. It's such a fricking bummer.

      I knew the INSTANT, the very second they had the Advent Children OST playing in the first reveal trailer that they were going to frick it up completely

      And I was fricking right

      • 8 months ago

        yep the moment I heard the ac music during the reveal is when I stopped smiling
        that being said rebirth looks much more fun at least

  18. 8 months ago

    FE Engage. I thought we were going to have another wild three years of rapid fire discussion and memes but the game itself was a meme and not in a good way.
    The slow slide in anger I did over the three days of the leak until I cancelled my preorder cannot be understated.
    Good DAMN. Even worse, everyone was sucking its balls for the first two days and then it seems like everyone woke the frick up.

    • 8 months ago

      Kinda curious.
      I know frick all about Fire Emblem, what about the leaks tipped you off about the game?

      • 8 months ago

        I played it. I have a good PC that can emulate Switch well so if the game runs better on emu than Switch I play it there (XC 3 for example). I had it preordered and figured "hey I'll just leave my copy sealed, that's cool"

        • 8 months ago

          The fact that you thought this image proved a point despite Fates' and Three Hopes having such high ratings means you're an absolutely brainrotted moron.

          • 8 months ago

            nah, it shows that even those games are miles above Engage. Frick off Engagetard, go cry about how unfair life is and your vtumor shit in your containment threads that die instantly

            • 8 months ago

              >EnGAYgebab doesn't like good games
              Many such cases!

              I haven't even played Engage, I just know that those two games were fricking dogshit and anyone trying to claim they're quality is a moron of the highest order. Fates was utter dogshit on ever front but gameplay (and even then it's gameplay was nowhere near as good as the morons who wienersuck it believe it to be) and Three Hopes dollied up trite, boring musou gameplay with a literal nothingburger of the plot that didn't advance anyone's stories or even provide a good alternate take on them because they were too scared to piss off the morons who self-inserted into Byleth too hard.

              • 8 months ago

                >I haven't even played Engage

              • 8 months ago

                My initial post didn't even mention it, so I don't know why you're acting so surprised.

              • 8 months ago

                ok so then you came to rant about a game you haven't played and you have no idea what you're talking about and got assmad at troll image ABOUT a game you haven't played

                thanks for clearing that up you fricking drooling idiot

              • 8 months ago

                >ok so then you came to rant about a game you haven't played
                Willkommen bei Ganker!

              • 8 months ago

                >ok so then you came to rant about a game you haven't played
                I came to rant about an image trying to prop up two dogshit games that happen to have high review scores, not defend one I've never played, which is why I didn't mention it in my post.

              • 8 months ago

                No, you missed the point because you haven't played the game in question and also because you are mentally slow. Anyone who has played the series would know the game scoring below Fates is hilarious.
                You didn't play the game. You're stupid as frick. Frick off, moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >Anyone who has played the series would know the game scoring below Fates is hilarious.
                Fates shouldn't have scores that high in the first place, which makes the entire point moot you fricking braindead gorilla Black person. Once again, trying to prop up dogshit by using their undeserved, inflated scores is moronation of the highest order.

              • 8 months ago

                You opened your stupid mouth about a game you haven't played. Frick off. End of story. You're a fricking useless Gankerermin piece of shit

              • 8 months ago

                >You opened your stupid mouth about a game you haven't played
                That's odd, because I don't recall mentioning Engage until you two morons took my insulting your shitty image as a personal attack on you by proxy of maybe kinda sorta not really defending a game you seem weirdly invested in disliking.

              • 8 months ago

                frick off moron
                this board is full of fricking homosexuals like you talking about shit they haven't played in an attempt to fit in. Just have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                >this board is full of fricking homosexuals like you talking about shit they haven't played in an attempt to fit in
                Once again, I talked about the (dogshit) games I had played, and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass (the latter one is (You), because at leas the first idiot stopped replying) took that as me defending a game I didn't even mention. Doesn't really seem like I'm the issue here, does it.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not reading your posts just like you don't play the games you talk about

              • 8 months ago

                >you don't play the games you talk about
                I did play the games I talked about, though. And for someone who didn't read my post, you sure seem sensitive to it's contents.
                Why are you so mad about me NOT defending a game you have such a hateboner for, anyways?

              • 8 months ago

                didn't read
                frick off

                Yeah Echoes was pretty bad

                And Engage was even worse. Maybe it's just a shit series.

              • 8 months ago

                Nah Engage was ludokino, had a blast with it. Best gameplay and visuals in the series

              • 8 months ago

                >if I'm contrarian as shit I'll fit in on Ganker

              • 8 months ago

                >didn't read
                Still felt the need to reply though, lmao.
                Anyways, it's getting late where I live, and I probably shouldn't be wasting my time entertaining a sperg anyhow. Seeya.

          • 8 months ago

            >EnGAYgebab doesn't like good games
            Many such cases!

      • 8 months ago

        He's a waifuhomosexual. What he's actually complaining about here

        FE Engage. I thought we were going to have another wild three years of rapid fire discussion and memes but the game itself was a meme and not in a good way.
        The slow slide in anger I did over the three days of the leak until I cancelled my preorder cannot be understated.
        Good DAMN. Even worse, everyone was sucking its balls for the first two days and then it seems like everyone woke the frick up.

        is that there are less characters mentally ill people can latch onto and post about sniffing whoever's farts for the next five years.

        Instead, we got a well made GAME that prioritized GAMEPLAY

        • 8 months ago

          shut the frick up you stupid vtumor troony chasing homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          >well made GAME that prioritized GAMEPLAY

        • 8 months ago

          >well made game

          • 8 months ago

            yes, and?

            • 8 months ago

              Good bait, almost had me.

    • 8 months ago

      Fire Emblem Engage is better than the garbage that FE3H was.
      If you got into a parasocial relationship a character tha looks deep but is shallow as a puddle is not nobody's fault.

      • 8 months ago

        garbage sales
        garbage user rating
        garbage IS trash
        have a nice day
        >b.bb.b.but I liked it
        nobody cares, get taste, vtumor shitter

  19. 8 months ago

    I was hyped for Cyberpunk for years eversince I saw the trailer in high school. After 10 years, it turned out to pretty much just be another open world game. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't what I was expecting after a decade of buildup. I'm just glad I played in on PC. I can't image how pissed I'd be if I played on console.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember /r/pcmasterrace going all "GUYS CDPR FILED FOR A PATENT WITH THE POLISH GUVERNMENT" like they're working on some groundbreaking technology the president is interested in.

  20. 8 months ago

    FFVII Remake

    >Wanted a remade version for years with cleaned up graphics, improved translation/clarity on the more wonky parts of the story, new boss fights and areas to explore, and otherwise keep what made the original good, almost akin to something like RE1 Remake
    >Remake is finally announced
    >Get super excited
    >Game finally comes out
    >Turn-based combat has been turned into wonky action combat where you only really control one party member at a time
    >Graphics are decent in spots, but the more modern graphical fidelity makes it where the spots that aren't good really stand out in a bad way
    >Filled with tons of useless padding that obviously wasn't there before because Midgar was originally only a few hours of somewhat linear, but fantastic worldbuilding and setpieces
    >Story now adds in the spirits or whatever, hints at some multiverse bullshit, possibly different versions of Sephiroth, and now makes it where Zach is alive kinda sort of?
    >Game only covers Midgar, yet still shoves in a fight with Sephiroth at the end because finishing up the game fighting that giant robot on the highway would (obviously) be a let down
    >Game is announced to be split into 3 parts now, in which they're already doing paid DLC as shown by Yuffie getting a prequel bit

    I just wanted the original cleaned up a bit and with some new fights here and there. I didn't want the game chopped up into 3 separate parts, dragged out over 10-15 years, it being a pseudo-sequel of sorts with the story frickery, and all mashed into a clunkier feeling Kingdom Hearts combat system.

    I know that people dump on the idea of remakes just being a redo of the original and not building on it, but there's a line between that and just absolutely butchering what the original was. And I'm seemingly in a strong minority with people bawling their eyes out watching the trailer for Rebirth or whatever it is. It's such a fricking bummer.

    • 8 months ago

      Japanese seniority culture remains fricking moronic, and somehow the breakaway success of the Resident Evil remakes isn't telling Square Enix that maybe the people responsible for fricking up Fabula Nova Crystallis who are now CBU1 are repeating history and have the reverse-Midas touch.

    • 8 months ago

      I bought it at full price never having played the original only to learn like half way through that it's a bullshit pseudosequel and I haven't touched it since

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder if they knew what they were doing when they called it Remake despite it being a sequel and not at all a remake. Or maybe they honestly had no idea when they came up with the Remake/Bizarro/Safer theme naming.

      • 8 months ago

        Remake=/=Remaster. You frick head.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, since the reveal trailer in 2015. Listen to what the narrator is saying.

      • 8 months ago

        >I wonder if they knew what they were doing when they called it Remake
        It's deliberate, and the fact that Square doesn't get called for false marketing at every single turn is the ultimate proof that they'll never get held accountable for any of their myriad frick-ups.

    • 8 months ago

      Also ruined arguably the best part of FF7: the music.
      It used to have tracks that were mesmerizing and unique sounding. Used to be that every song had a certain feel and theme to it.
      Now they go full try-hard and over-orchestra every fricking song to the point where it all sounds like the same generic shit with way too many instruments involved instead of emphasizing certain instruments.

      Not to mention how homosexualy and weebjap every character looks.
      Not to mention how voice acting has no place in this game where a huge portion of us made up the character's voices in our heads and want it kept that way because we actually know how to read unlike zoomers.

      Massacred the FRICK out of my boy like no other game ever.

      • 8 months ago

        >Also ruined arguably the best part of FF7: the music.
        Frick you. The Airbuster is objectively superior to the OG Boss Battle Theme. Underneath the Rotten Pizza in Remake is likewise a straight upgrade. All the transitions between normal songs and their battle versions are likewise phenomenal. You are just looking through rose tinted glasses here.

    • 8 months ago

      God, me too. The fact that the Snoys loved it makes it SO MUCH WORSE because it wasn't a flop.
      I fricking hate Snoys with all my heart because I was quite the Playstation fan back in the 90's so I see them as zoomer perversions.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah sorry man, but I'm 100% in the I don't want the old game with better graphics crowd. The change in story is really doing it for me to.

      At least you have the polygon graphics remake

    • 8 months ago

      This. Fricking all of this.
      So glad I cancelled my preorder after the leaks dropped.

    • 8 months ago

      no more heroes 3
      smt v
      diablo 3
      street fighter 5
      street fighter 6
      kingdom hearts 3
      skyward sword
      breath of the wild
      dark souls 2
      biowiener infinite
      final fantasy 7 remake
      demon's souls remake
      persona 3 remake

      metal gear solid V for being unfinished and the africa map being horrible

      kingdom hearts 3 for truly completely fricking up the finale of the "trilogy"

      callisto protocol

      Kingdom Hearts 3. I really couldn't have cared less that I wasn't going to be a fan of the gameplay since I had since Birth By Sleep to be resigned to it, but I was at the very least expecting a happy ending for the characters since it was supposed to be the big ending for the saga after so many years. I didn't get it. Now whenever I think about the series, it makes me sad.

      Kingdom Hearts 3 for coming out 14 years after KH2 and just being an advertisement for KH4

      Fallout 4 for not learning anything from 3 or NV.

      RE3make for being a bad remake.

      MGSV, RE3 Remake, Duke Nukem Forever, Kingdom Hearts III, Watch Dogs 1, Diablo 3, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Doom Eternal, Overwatch, Bayonetta 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Dark Souls II, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, The Outer Worlds, Dragon Age 2, Back 4 Blood, Zero Time Dilemma, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Street Fighter V, Bioshock Infinite, Skyward Sword

      >homies complaining about P3R
      It's not fricking out yet you fricking homosexuals
      >Muh English VOs
      Undub's been out for the OG for almost 13 years now

      based Kh3 haters

      Was so hyped for it

      Dropped it at the frozen world

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine being such a dumb zoomer, you not only didn't see KH:CoM as the beginning of the end of this series, you also didn't see KH2 as a huge red-flag of incoherent mess. Nay, you're such a zoomer moron, you actually enjoyed KH2.
        And imagine being so braindead that you had hope for KH3.

        My wise ass knew this series was toast after CoM.

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody asked homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          Dumb zoomers don't even know what CoM is

      • 8 months ago

        the biggest insult of this game was that it didnt even have the balls to assume you played any of yhe other games despite the whole series (minus the 3ds games) being on the ps4 at that point. alevery cutscene is just characters explaining shit that already happened. and then despite there being basically every battle mechanic from every previous game, nothing is nearly as effective as mashing X on everything. i know they added a harder difficulty later but the hard mode on release was piss easy.

        all that said riding the big thunde rmountain train up mount olympus to fight the stone titan was kino, its all downhill from there.

        • 8 months ago

          *ds games

    • 8 months ago

      The worst part is reading anons say the original game sucks and the remake is better in every way. Fricking posers.

  21. 8 months ago

    All they had to do was not make it shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Shit, if they didn't charge full price and made it clear it was an early beta it would have gone over better. Should have charged $15, maybe $20 at most for what they had.

      Also, I'm quite sure how to describe it, but the art direction went hard kiddie shit. Like the first one was cartoony for simplicity, but the second was explicitly for kids in mind.

      Oh, and they got rid of Wernher von Kerman because bluehairs think his real life namesake is too problematic.

  22. 8 months ago

    no more heroes 3
    smt v
    diablo 3
    street fighter 5
    street fighter 6
    kingdom hearts 3
    skyward sword
    breath of the wild
    dark souls 2
    biowiener infinite
    final fantasy 7 remake
    demon's souls remake
    persona 3 remake

    • 8 months ago

      oh, and how could I forget dead or alive 6, dear god what a fricking shitheap

    • 8 months ago

      >Persona 3 Reload

      That game's not even out dipshit and don't pretend like the original Persona 3 was flawless particularly on a mechanical level.

    • 8 months ago

      Complaining about DeS remake is just asinine. It's literally just a different coat of paint. Go play the original and you miss out on nothing.

  23. 8 months ago

    C Y B E R P U N K
    Oh and FFXV

  24. 8 months ago

    Dragon Age 2
    Cyberpunk 2077
    These ones were the worst, I had very high expectations

  25. 8 months ago

    The last guardian

    • 8 months ago

      OH really? i was about to play that next. not good?

      • 8 months ago

        The Last Guardian is alright in and of itself, it's basically Ico but Yorda is a giant flying dog. Why I found it very disappointing is more about what it wasn't, having been in development for what 10 years? I think I wanted something more like SotC.

  26. 8 months ago

    Elden Ring. The enemy recycling and boring overworld nullifies the joy I get from the lore and cool legacy dungeons. But people seem to love it, even though it's very obviously a watered-down souls experience, bloated with ass creed cancer. Same shit that has ruined zelda.

    • 8 months ago

      having just played AC Valhalla, Elden Ring isn't even close to AssCreed

    • 8 months ago

      This. I dropped the game when I got tired of fighting the same bosses over and over again.
      >gravity beast
      >magma dragon
      >those fat/skinny parasite monks
      It just became insulting.

    • 8 months ago

      I tried to play it multiple times and the open world is so bad it's almost insulting.
      I don't know the state of modern open world games, but if this shit passes as good, I don't even want to think about the bad one lmao

    • 8 months ago

      Equating it to actually bad open worlds is ridiculous. It was easily the best of that genre ever.
      And how has it "ruined Souls" when they won't be making more open world after the dlc?

      • 8 months ago

        Do we even know what their next souls game is?

        • 8 months ago

          No but Miyazaki said the success of Elden Ring has no effect on what he makes next, that he will continue trying out things that interest him instead of just repeating the open world formula because it sells
          Most based game dev alive

  27. 8 months ago

    re4r and marvel's Spider-Man.

  28. 8 months ago

    ME3, i learned to not by into the hype so at least somethng positive came out of it.

  29. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      overwatch was honestly good for me on release, i thought the game was great and cinematics/roster was amazing. then it started getting worse consistently with each patch kek. absolute shitshow. now its one of the most soulless garbage slop games ever created with the worst playable roster cast in vidya history

      • 8 months ago

        Literally everything you said is exactly how I felt. Release Overwatch for peak fun

      • 8 months ago

        the games rapid slide into wanting to appease esports players and no one else along with them adding more and more characters while they cant even decide what to do with mercy was upsetting to watch real time

    • 8 months ago


  30. 8 months ago

    metal gear solid V for being unfinished and the africa map being horrible

    kingdom hearts 3 for truly completely fricking up the finale of the "trilogy"

    callisto protocol

  31. 8 months ago

    Guild Wars 2

    Cyberpunk to a lesser extent, I checked out of the hype train on that when they revealed it was first-person

    • 8 months ago

      >Guild Wars 2
      You know what Dr. M? You're right. I said Engage, but I was so disappointed by GW2 turning into a shit WoW themepark that my mind blocked it out.

      • 8 months ago

        >tfw you believed his lies
        >made sure to fill out your Hall of Monuments
        >seeing what they did to Necromancer
        >seeing what they did to Mesmer
        it hurts

      • 8 months ago

        >tfw you believed his lies
        >made sure to fill out your Hall of Monuments
        >seeing what they did to Necromancer
        >seeing what they did to Mesmer
        it hurts

        all through the playtesting the pvp community gave them lists and lists of things that needed changing before launch. they chose to ignore EVERYTHING and launch it as is, leading to horrible balance at launch.
        The game still isn't balanced and my poor ele has been hit with the nerf bat over and over because literal morons can't deal with a high skill ceiling class. Frick i was so disappointed by this game.

        • 8 months ago

          >there was an infinitely spawning event at launch that wasn't fixed for several days
          >it had an easily-farmed spawn point
          >players would literally just afk with the auto-attack button held down and farm it 24/7
          >game's economy is still fricked because of it

  32. 8 months ago

    Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga. TCS is one of my favorite games and I immediately hated it. Thank goodness I bought it on Steam and could get a refund. I don't understand how it was well received, it was a huge mess.

  33. 8 months ago

    The first two. Ganon's always been low tier, but Sora's is damn near disrespectful

  34. 8 months ago

    smt v
    dark souls 2
    ff xv... stella...
    my life / career

  35. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Jesus fricking christ, this. I'll argue any day of the week on whether the RE2 or RE4 remakes were better or worse, but the RE3 Remake was just outright awful compared to the original and just as a game. They cut out so goddamn much, neutered Nemesis overall, ignored all of the choices you'd make in the original that gave the game replayability, and even somehow made the story more cheesy/idiotic.

      What a disappointment.

    • 8 months ago

      Frick, came here to post this.
      I'd been looking forward to a RE2 & 3 remake ever since the RE1 remake on Gamecube, with Capcom teasing it constantly going "oh yeah we'd really like to do a RE2 remake, we might still do it who knows lel" for the best part of a decade before we finally get the WE DO IT announcement and even then it's still another two and a half years until the trailer drops.
      RE2make was still pretty good even though the A/B scenarios were gutted to the point you fight the same bosses as Leon/Claire regardless of order, but RE3make was clearly just shat out in a few months to cash in on the hype, it's fricking atrocious.
      The fact that it never got a proper Mercenaries mode let alone even the arena shit from the later games while RE2 got Hunk & an expanded Tofu no EX battle though is galling.

  36. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      The worst part is seeing zoomers be nostalgic for it. They didn't know what it could have been.

  37. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3. It wasn't even really the ending shit. Not to say that wasn't a massive let down, but the game was a mess as a whole. Tons of characters got butchered, the entire story regarding the catalyst being an out of nowhere fix-it-all was awful, the fricking insane amount of fetch quests for arbitrary "readiness" points sucked shit, the atmosphere was all over the place since you struggled to enjoy much when you knew people were dying on earth 24/7, all of this combined with hundreds of shitty choices by the devs (talking with tons of crew members just having you stand there awkwardly, killing off tons of great characters in emails, a goddamn Prothean companion being locked behind pre-order DLC) just ruined what was one of the most anticipated games for me ever.

    The worst part about it all though is that I see this general sense of forgiveness for ME3 these days. People will readily admit the ending was trash, but then will essentially go, "Yeah, but everything else was great!" Hell, people will look at the Citadel DLC that seriously felt like shitty fanfiction (fricking sing-along-mode, never forget that) and act like Bioware made up for it.

    ME3 was genuinely the game that made me stop pre-ordering, stop trusting review sites, and always wait a few weeks before buying a new game. It burned me that hard.

  38. 8 months ago

    Resident Evil

  39. 8 months ago


  40. 8 months ago

    On some level it was on me because I was holding onto my childhood conception of mgs as a philisophical epic of import, instead of cheesy animes, mgs4 would have never met that bar, but still it was bad. As a 15 year old I almost immediately picked up on it being halfhearted fanservice obligation, besides mgs2 being an extremely questionable storyline to follow up. It was the "Oh." realization of entertainment media being shallow and unimportant.

  41. 8 months ago

    FF16. I had no idea how important the party dynamic was to the core of an FF game and this game seriously stomped all over it.

  42. 8 months ago

    aliens colonial marines.
    was a big sperg for anything aliens as a teenager and saw previews for it when it was in development for the fricking PS2, thats how long I followed it at 10/10 excitement levels.
    bought the collectors edition on launch obviously and got so pissed off I ended up smashing it to pieces after I finished it.
    that's why I have absolutely no empathy for how pathetic randy pitchfords life is, will forever dislike that man until the day I die.

  43. 8 months ago

    Diablo 2. It was so fricking caroony and they dropped my rogue waifu as a playable character and put in a broad shouldered man-grunting amazon. They fricking made every character a wizard with mana skills spawning 20 arrows out of their ass you LEARN arcane SPELLS from READING BOOKS.
    I tried to like it. I played for a couple hundred hours over 10 years.

    I'm still upset.

  44. 8 months ago

    Fricking Destiny.
    You have to understand, I played Halo CE at like 7 and had been playing every Halo and reading all its novels religiously since then, I was actively posting in all of the Destiny hype threads, discussing the lore, the meta stuff between Halo, Marathon, and Destiny, tracking down every piece of concept art I could. In my mind, Destiny was Bungie's magnum opus and I thought it was the greatest shit I'd ever seen.

    Then the game came out, and the story sucked, the free roam wasn't interesting at all, and you couldn't fly your goddamned ship. The gunplay was good, and I had fun with abilities, but before this game I was convinced Bungie could do no wrong. I didn't even bother with Destiny 2.

    • 8 months ago

      Guild Wars 2
      Diablo 3

      All had great foundations to stand on. Simply improve what came before. Instead just shit all over it.

      >when the achievements leaked
      >realize the game had no content

      D3(skeleton king) and Destiny(cosmodrone) both suffered from having such solid betas. Felt all the potential there and got excited.

    • 8 months ago

      Destiny for sure. I remember thinking bungie would finally deliver a halo experience to other consoles and we could all enjoy it together but I couldn’t even pass the tutorial I was that bored.

  45. 8 months ago

    cyberpunk edgerunner
    people said trigger has come back so I watched whole show at once and it was mediocre at best
    I've never had expectation before

    • 8 months ago

      kek my friends overhyped this shit so much i came into it expecting a masterpiece and it was literally just a shounenanimenumber999

    • 8 months ago

      kek my friends overhyped this shit so much i came into it expecting a masterpiece and it was literally just a shounenanimenumber999

      couldn't agree more

  46. 8 months ago

    Fallout 4 has destroyed my hope for the industry forever

  47. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >he was filtered by idols

  48. 8 months ago

    Fallout 3. Worst part is, all the new stuff I was looking forward to was in the game just as hyped. In that way, it didn't betray my expectations. I just wasn't expecting the new stuff to come at the expense of everything else I loved about the series.

    • 8 months ago

      I should have felt like that, but I gave FO3 a lot of credit just because I was expecting to never see a Fallout game again. Much less one in 3D that was actually functional and kind of decent. It had some neat ideas too like the radio, even if a lot of the game was moronic and awful in retrospect.
      Now, Fallout 4 on the other hand. It had none of that credit and was coming off of the high that was NV. None of the shit it did was new anymore, and it even fricking reused 3's music. Only Bethesda game I just quit out of disgust and never finished. I even liked Starfield more.

  49. 8 months ago


  50. 8 months ago

    The Division 2. I skipped TD 1 at launch because lol Ubisoft and it was a shitshow.
    A year or two later, I saw a MarcoStyles video talking about 1.6 and all the changes it did so I checked out the game on sale for a few bucks and wow, as a loot shooter enjoyer it had all the boxes ticked
    >lots of fun builds
    >fun sets and gear
    >decent PVP
    >fun as frick survival mode
    >lots of choices for end game activities to grind on, from survival, to the UG, to the world map, to levels, to that wave based mode
    >comfy as FRICK map with lots of reasons to walk around and take it all in

    then they announced TD2 and
    >no fun builds
    >no good gear
    >no endgame
    >shit setting
    >fricking goddamn WOW RAIDS

    because I want fricking WOW RAIDS in my rooty tooty point and shooty, amirite? FRICK

    • 8 months ago

      >>no fun builds
      There are plenty of fun builds to make, most peoples are nofun unimaginative fricks that go for the meta build that clear everything the fastest while i'm over here with a mortar, bleed, status effect, shield or skillspam builds
      >>no good gear
      The frick you talking about?
      >>SHIT PVP
      LMAO, stay mad, most PvPers are insufferable c**ts that finally got filtered out by forcing them to fight against each other rather than go seal clubbing in the DZ
      >>no endgame
      Raids, legendary difficulty, the invasion system, skyscrapper and simulation crawling, the NPP timed runs, the hunts, kenly college
      >>shit setting
      moron, take a hike around D.C. before you spout shit
      I'll only give you that the factions from 2 had really big shoes to fill, hyenas failed miserably at being more memorable than the rikers, the outcasts being fricking plague jihadists is funny but they conpete with the glorious cleaners, true sons are a bit too caricaturally "fascists in the military" compared to the desperate LMB, black tusk is just tom clancy's shadow government wankery
      The new rikers are even more of a menace and dragov is the goat, cleaners made a comeback but they are a bit more fanatical and ragged than their previous appearances and LMB survivors got folded into black tusk
      goddamn WOW RAIDS
      Destiny* raids you fricking mongoloid, they require way too much coordination and brain power to be WoW raids

      • 8 months ago

        your game sucks and killed the franchise. Part 3 will be a wasteland failure like 2
        frick off, mentally slow tasteless frickwit, easily pleased by jingling keys like a baby

  51. 8 months ago

    Fallout 4. Came home from college binged it all weekend watching the first Dota major, the lads in college were excited to hear about it. Played it for one day the next weekend and then never touched it again.

    • 8 months ago

      A chick I was dating at the time preordered the super ultra mega edition and was super hyped to play it, then it came out and she refused to even talk about the game. She and her friends basically acted like it had never happened.

  52. 8 months ago


  53. 8 months ago

    Halo Infinite. I knew deep down that live service would kill the game no matter how good it was and i don’t take any pride in being right.

    • 8 months ago

      For me it was realizing they were going to keep it on the Xbone as well as the new console. It needed a clean break from the previous generation and it didn't get one. Now everything they add has to run on a lastgen console.

  54. 8 months ago

    Paper mario sticker star

  55. 8 months ago

    MGSV. Control. Evil Within 2.

  56. 8 months ago

    As a teen who was really into both TF2 and Mirror's Edge, I was abnormally excited for this game. THIS is the game that forever killed my hype.

    • 8 months ago

      >completely addicted to the HL2 mod Dystopia
      >Brink looks like it took inspiration from it
      >hype it up to my friends
      >game comes out, is shit
      >me and all my friends don't get it EXCEPT one guy
      I'm so sorry Michael. Really though, I just wanted a good mainstream objective-based multiplayer FPS because I could never get them to play mods.

  57. 8 months ago

    >Fallout 3 or 4
    I rly don't know what people expected
    >2 already showed signs of dev moronation
    >BoS was shit
    >Tacbreasts was an interesting experiment, mediocre game
    >F3 was abandoned

    • 8 months ago

      I expected Fallout in 3D, with first person exploration and voice acting. Out of those, I got everything but Fallout.

  58. 8 months ago

    Smash ultimate. NO single player content, only 6 newcomers, dripfed DLC.

    • 8 months ago

      bro your World of Light?

    • 8 months ago

      this. It feels like the game is resting on the one laurel of "we brought everyone back, isn't that wild, bro?"

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody plays Smash Bros for the single player content fricktard!

  59. 8 months ago

    MGS V
    After that year's game awards and discovering that there was no trick or deception on Kojima's part I lost all hope.

  60. 8 months ago

    rome 2

  61. 8 months ago

    but fallout 3 mediocre as frick, i cant even imagine how bad was f4 that you consider it biggest let down ever lol

  62. 8 months ago

    NMH3, granted I don't hate it, just don't like it as much as 2. Also Payday 3 really fricking let me down.

  63. 8 months ago

    castlevania anime when it first came out in 2017

  64. 8 months ago

    Unreal 2
    Quake 2
    Blood 2

  65. 8 months ago

    >Batman: Arkham Knight
    I liked it but I expected much more from it.

    >Batman: Arkham Origins.
    I didn't had that high expectations with this one, but it dissapointed me even more than Knight. I hate when people say it's the best one in the series.

    • 8 months ago

      I fell through the floor a dozen times in AC Origins then after I got past that, I walked into a building and got a catastrophic save killing crash so I uninstalled

  66. 8 months ago

    Both Darktide and Payday 3 are shocking in how much the devs forgot learned lessons. Spore will always hurt. E3 BioShock Infinite being cut to what it was is depressing. Brink mindbroke a few friends. FEAR 2's console-ification bummed me out. Max Payne 3's writing is still a bit shit. Sly Cooper 4 was pretty ass as well.

  67. 8 months ago

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
    I'd enjoyed Rise despite it having drifted far away from the classic TRs I loved, and the trailers made Shadow look like it had great atmosphere so I was looking forward to it.
    It takes the worst aspects of 2013/Rise and elevates them alongside an absolutely dire storyline. It just gets worse and worse and I was hate-playing it towards the end. Total tyre fire.

  68. 8 months ago

    I don't look forward to stuff THAT much but Dark Souls 3. What a bland world. Found it less replayable and fun than DS2, and that game sucks

  69. 8 months ago

    If you weren't there you don't get it. Makes NMS and CP2077 seem like fulfilled promises in comparison.

  70. 8 months ago

    Starcraft 2

  71. 8 months ago

    >Was looking forward to Bayonetta 3
    >Bought it full price on launch day, ignoring my instincts
    >Couldn't even finish it
    I only have myself to blame.

  72. 8 months ago

    New Gundam Breaker and it's not even close. It could have been so fricking good, but no lets take the team that made 1-3 and shove them off on a mobile game and make the new western available one complete dogshit. I hate scamco with every fiber of my being. No bonus points because everyone realized this was a massive flaming turd that would put Operation British to shame

    • 8 months ago

      >MBON is an amazing as frick looking game getting praise all over
      >Arcade ports!
      >they bring over an Overwatch clone with shit balance, no content, and cheaters galore
      >and then bring over old as frick Battle Operation 2
      what the FRICK is going on at that company

      • 8 months ago

        To be fair, i can understand the whole EXVS.
        Arcade place really need their exclusivity, especially after coof.

      • 8 months ago

        I just want MSGO2 ideally with western release but I'll play it in moon runes again if I have to, nothing else can ever scratch that same itch

  73. 8 months ago

    Spyro: Shadow Legacy

    I remember hearing about it in spring 2005 and being hyped that a new Spyro game was coming out on the (then) brand new DS, and it was slated for release in the summer. But then it got pushed back to fall, and didn't end up releasing until October. That day I got out of school and ran straight over to GameStop, picked up my pre-order, and slapped it in my DS to play while walking home.

    ....the game fricking sucked. It was a very basic isometric platformer with absurdly basic combat. You could kill most enemies by just spamming one attack; all the others were pretty useless. There was almost no music in the game, especially in the "shadow realm". The boss fights had actual 3D to them but they also fricking sucked because the touch screen drawing mechanic barely even worked and you'd have to draw the shape like 10 times before it would register. The platforming was often awkward too because you could never tell if you were above or below certain platforms, and the view distance was pretty small too.

    I also ran into a gamebreaking bug that forced me to restart on a new file. The boss doors require a certain amount of items to open, but even if you don't have that many items, you can still go up to the door and it will say "(X) Open", and if you press X...grats, you just softlocked your save file, because the door will not bring up that (X) Open prompt ever again, even if you come back with the proper amount of items.

    It was the first Spyro game I played that was so fricking shit that I didn't care about 100% and just got through it as soon as I could, beating it once and then never touching it again.

  74. 8 months ago

    Tales of Arse. It's a real world example of Reddit's "it's a good game but not a good X game" stereotype. It threw out nearly all of the series' staples and casualized everything into a generic ARPG for a globalist audience. The sad thing is that it succeeded where FFXVI failed, and Crestoria, a turn-based Tales gacha, did a better job of being a mainline title yet it shut down. Instead of Bandai Scamco learning, "hey, actually ADVERTISE the Tales games," now they're going to conclude that Tales games should just copy CDPR games.
    FFXV too. It was essentially an asset flip given a huge budget.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not a good game at all

    • 8 months ago

      is Arise worth playing? I did not like Sorey's gay game or Beseria and come to think of it I've only ever enjoyed Phantasia on SNES and Abyss on 3DS.

    • 8 months ago

      Crestoria's failings definitely weren't a lack of marketing, they were quite relentless.

    • 8 months ago

      >Crestoria, a turn-based Tales gacha, did a better job of being a mainline title yet it shut down
      It shut down largely because of the horrendous bugs and various other poorly-managed issues. This thread explains everything that went wrong with it. (I know it's reddit, but still.)

  75. 8 months ago

    MGS 4. I bought a PS3 near launch just for it. I pre-ordered at Game Freak and was there at midnight to get my copy on release.
    And then they made that one guard from the first game with IBS a canon member of Fox Hound, Meryl’s love interest, and ruined the tone of every scene he was in with incontinence jokes.

  76. 8 months ago

    Years of silence and all the dumb kraut managed to do was ruin his own game.

    • 8 months ago

      This. He could have abandoned the game and it would have been better than what was eventually released.

  77. 8 months ago

    New World. Had everything to be a great mmorpg focused on pvp, farming, gathering and crafting but now is just another wow clone

  78. 8 months ago

    Rome 2 total war.
    It's the game that broke me. I don't really play games anymore because of it. It's a damn shame they trippled down with all the terrible design choices they made with warhammer.

  79. 8 months ago

    For Honor.
    With just a few changes, the game could've been goated, now it's a piece of shit infested with ugly chinese characters

  80. 8 months ago

    Bomb rush cyberfunk and Dragon Ball Kakarot

    • 8 months ago

      >Bomb rush cyberpunk
      This. After the hype wore off i was fricking sad man. At least future is there to comfort me 🙁

  81. 8 months ago

    Bannerlord. It lacks Warband's charm and there aren't even good mods yet.

  82. 8 months ago

    Final Fantasy XIII, my older brother got it for my birthday and I had yet to be dissapointed by the FFs I had played yet. I fricking loved FF12 and 13 seemed like it was against everything 12 stood for.

    • 8 months ago

      same here
      I thought all of them before were at least good enough to be excited about and enjoy after release
      this was the first one where I was let down
      and it really sucked
      the ending was pretty good though so it didn't sting as much as MGS5's fricking nothingburger

  83. 8 months ago

    The trailers were better than the actual game.

    • 8 months ago

      I tried getting into this and MD several times and I just don't manage, but people seem to love them.
      The gunplay feels like ass to me, and the immersive sim aspects too shallow.

  84. 8 months ago


  85. 8 months ago

    Skyrim and Skyward Sword.
    They released around the same time, and I only had enough money for one. I picked up Skyrim and didn't enjoy it, then I saw that Skyward Sword wouldn't have been a better investment.

  86. 8 months ago

    fallout 3,4, skyrim, and somewhat oblivion (though its still a gem)

  87. 8 months ago

    Thought it would be all I needed games wise. Turned out to be lego dlc with none of the problems fixed. Just a remix of botw.
    Biggest disappointment since master chef collection.

  88. 8 months ago


  89. 8 months ago

    I thought I did, but I didn't.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm so glad that he ate shit. Classic WoW has so many more players than retail does, it's absurd how incorrect his opinion was.

    • 8 months ago

      This has to be one of the least charismatic line deliveries of all time. What a smug moron. Who let this stupid butthole speak to the public?

  90. 8 months ago

    Spore. I’m still mad to this day.

  91. 8 months ago

    Halo 4. I was so excited to get more Halo...
    Last game I ever preordered. Never again.

  92. 8 months ago

    Pokemon sapphire, so many years ago. Expected to continue to be able to visit the previous game maps. Expected to be able to catch previous gen's pokemon.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate that you're right. Iwata set a standard with GSC that absolutely no one could follow. Hell, I was expecting some crazy timeskip where you find Giovani's grave and fight Red again as an old man.

  93. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3
    Yakuza 6
    Witcher 3
    MGSV (fool me twice)
    God of War 2016
    Plague Tale Requiem

  94. 8 months ago

    The shitposting threads were fun at the very least.

    • 8 months ago

      Yep definitely this for me too. Holy frick that was a slap in the face.

    • 8 months ago

      Life is simply unfair, don't you think?

  95. 8 months ago

    Ep 5 of Life is Strange

    • 8 months ago

      I can count on one hand the episodic games that didn’t shit the bed with the last episode at this point

  96. 8 months ago

    silent hills getting canned, hideo losing the fox engine in the konami split and then making Amazon package simulator instead of an obtuse horror game

  97. 8 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts 3. I really couldn't have cared less that I wasn't going to be a fan of the gameplay since I had since Birth By Sleep to be resigned to it, but I was at the very least expecting a happy ending for the characters since it was supposed to be the big ending for the saga after so many years. I didn't get it. Now whenever I think about the series, it makes me sad.

  98. 8 months ago

    Finally getting around to playing persona 3 (the fes version anyway). Previously I played persona 4 golden and 5 and had high hopes for it but damn was it a mixed bag. It had both some of the best and the absolute worst social links and it makes you really appreciate the qol improvements the later games introduced.

  99. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect Andromeda. ME3's ending was a big disappointment but I still enjoyed the game. Andromeda was when I realized that the good times were over and never coming back.

  100. 8 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts 3 for coming out 14 years after KH2 and just being an advertisement for KH4

    Fallout 4 for not learning anything from 3 or NV.

    RE3make for being a bad remake.

  101. 8 months ago

    >Fire Emblem Engage
    Fire Emblem as a series saw a lot of improvements in the gameplay department over the year, and 3 Houses was the first time I feel like they tried to make side characters actual characters with backgrounds and motivations and not just easily replaceable generics with a quirk or two. Then Engage came out and it is so overly anime (and not in a good way) that it's the first FE that I skipped.

    >Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
    I still enjoyed it, but it could have been so much better. Hopefully the DLCs and updates could fix it.

    >Fate/Samurai Remnant
    I didn't look forward to it since I fricking hate the Fate franchise with a fricking passion (at least the current state of it) but I'm a fan of Koei Tecmo and love Musou games, so I thought I'd at least get some enjoyment out of it. But from the gameplay to the story to the dialogue, nothing in this game is not shit. The fact that this game has 90% positive review on Steam, and Fatetards will deflect any criticism with
    >fricking secondaries
    >it's not a Musou
    >the story has no plot hole because the characters outright tell you about those plot points, moron
    makes me genuinely seethe with rage.

  102. 8 months ago

    ME: Andromeda was the first time I was truly, truly burned by a game I was looking forward to and spent full price on

    What a fricking piece of shit, I’m still pissed off

    >Full of bugs and glitches, animation was dog shit
    >Remove quarians, hanar, drell, batarians, vorcha, elchor, volus or geth
    >Only get ONE (1) new race in their place and the bad guys are different versions of the same race
    >All the characters are either boring or really fricking annoying
    >Choices don’t matter
    >”Open world” planets have absolutely jack shit to do on them
    >There is literally one type of boss encounter and you fight it copy-pasted like four or five times
    >Every enemy encounter either involves you defending a console or defeating waves of enemies
    >The final boss is literally that same boss you’ve fought five times except now you have to defend a console and defeat waves of enemies in the middle too
    >Game ends with a tease for content they never made

    >this type of release is now the norm in gaming all these years later

    • 8 months ago

      Why in the world were you looking forward to Andromeda?

      • 8 months ago

        It was definitely the last time I fell for manufactured hype for a AAA game

    • 8 months ago

      Forgot image

    • 8 months ago

      I'm still salty they went with the sci-fi cliché assimilation plot when already did that shit in ME2 and pulled it off fairly well. The story is garbage from almost every angle. Like why were the notoriously violent, anti-intellectual Krogan invited to colonize the new galaxy when common knowledge was that they were a dead species walking?

      Then there was Bioware shoving the companions and crew in the players face shouting "LOVE THEM, THEY'RE SO LOLQUIRKY!"

    • 8 months ago

      I don't believe you because it was simply impossible to feel excited for Andromeda. From the very first time it was announced it was already shit because it was gonna be in a new galaxy. That was before every single piece of media released making the game look like abject shit.

  103. 8 months ago

    Cyberpunk easily
    >b-but its fixed now
    No, it's still shit

  104. 8 months ago

    BRINK made me give up on multiplayer FPS's ever being good again

  105. 8 months ago

    such absolute fricking garbage, and to put more salt in the wound it was like the only thing to come out on PS5 this year

  106. 8 months ago

    MGSV, RE3 Remake, Duke Nukem Forever, Kingdom Hearts III, Watch Dogs 1, Diablo 3, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Doom Eternal, Overwatch, Bayonetta 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Dark Souls II, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, The Outer Worlds, Dragon Age 2, Back 4 Blood, Zero Time Dilemma, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Street Fighter V, Bioshock Infinite, Skyward Sword

    >homies complaining about P3R
    It's not fricking out yet you fricking homosexuals
    >Muh English VOs
    Undub's been out for the OG for almost 13 years now

  107. 8 months ago

    Spore. Will Wright did a demo showing so much that you would be able to do and the final game was literally nothing at all like the demo. It is the biggest failure in all of gaming.

  108. 8 months ago


  109. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3. I should have seen the writing in the wall when they removed all the original writers in order to put some rainbow haired whale as the lead writer.

  110. 8 months ago

    btw i never recover from this

  111. 8 months ago


  112. 8 months ago

    Dying light 2

    • 8 months ago

      going to be real, anyone who saw the dev hell that game went through and the peeks of it we got and still expected anything might just be brain damaged

    • 8 months ago

      Shit is it that bad? Enjoyed 1 and didn't even know that 2 was out.

  113. 8 months ago

    rain world, no doubt

  114. 8 months ago

    Dawn of War 2
    >removed base building
    >go from 7 factions with battles involving 15+ units on each side to 4 factions with 3-4 squads playing grab-ass with unfortifiable objectives
    >no chaos
    It had a good campaign, but was otherwise a total step down from DoW1

  115. 8 months ago

    my 30s

  116. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3.
    It was a dumbed down shooter with a dumbed down plot and the remade endings still sucked ass. I used to be a huge fan of ME until that piece of shit came out.

    Also, to a lesser extent Dark Souls 2. It was like the team behind it had no idea what people liked about the original and just thought "lol, people said DS1 was hard so maybe that was it. Let's put gank squads everywhere and ignore the worldbuilding."
    I've only just got back into Souls games years later because that trash put me off playing anymore for a long time.

  117. 8 months ago

    Dark Souls 2. I was a huge demons and ds1 fan. Turned that shit on, movement felt a little funny, jerky and clunky while turning, fought a giant shrek that just butt smashed the ground over and over, noticed how slow the end of the sword swing was like the wind up was put at the end of the swing, did some dumb walk through trees tutorial, got to new firelink shrine, spoke to current iteration of crestfallen warrior and he was so fricking depressing to listen to, fought some tiny pigs for some reason, went back to crestfallen warrior, looked around, turned it off and never bought a darksouls type game from fromsoft ever again. It still trips me out that the devs had two successful souls games and still fricked it up.

    • 8 months ago

      I know that pain. The worst part is how the pc port of 2 was much better than 1 but everything else was a catastrophe.

    • 8 months ago

      Well you really went full moron with that over reaction by not buying another Souls game ever again lmao
      BB Sekiro and Elden Ring all were great and DS3 was decent
      Why did you assume DS2's unfinished state would become the norm when it was already known before release Miyazaki didnt even direct it, it should not be surprising it lacked his vision

      • 8 months ago

        >Miyazaki didnt even direct it, it should not be surprising it lacked his vision
        This is probably why a lot of people prefer 2 over the others. Not everyone unwarrantedly sucks this man's dick.

        • 8 months ago

          He literally invented the most kino game genre ever, and practically everything in DeS, DS1 and Bloodborne were his design/ideas
          The praise is pretty fricking warranted and only an actual mental moron would prefer DS2, a game built from unfinished alpha version assets

    • 8 months ago

      it was the potential of demon's souls and ds1 that made the letdown of 2 so nmuch harder for me. i recognized the flaws in those two games but i fricking loved them for what they were and their philosophy. dark souls 2 was coming after the franchise was finally becoming popular and had a larger budget so i was thinking that dark souls 2 was going to just be a bigger and better ds1 overrall where it actually had a finished second half and fully polished and nice. it was going to be the perfect sequel and then when it came out it was not. it was so bad. have had a hard time liking souls games since, because none of them match the potential that i felt like demons souls and dark souls 1 showed.

  118. 8 months ago

    Starfield. Literally all they had to do was let me putter around in my ship, and they fricked it up.

  119. 8 months ago

    Mortal Kombat 1..

    WB have fricked this series into oblivion. Clearly rushed out the door. Tons of bugs, frick all content..Ed Boon should be ashamed

  120. 8 months ago

    Controversial opinion: Kirby.
    Return to Dreamland and the 3DS games were really good. Everything that's on Switch suck ass and it's actually worse than a Wii game

  121. 8 months ago

    Every souls game after Dark Souls 1
    Every assassin's creed game after Brotherhood

  122. 8 months ago

    Persona 5. No wonder the Kamoshida stuff was shown in the trailers for the most cause it literally goes downhill after that arc.

  123. 8 months ago


    >Every character speaks in weird ass metaphors like Confucius instead of talking like real people
    >Snake is old and shitty now
    >Snake never does any tacticool shit anymore and constantly makes errors/lets his guard down
    >Codec was nerfed hard and you have literally 2 lines to call, both of which are lame
    >First kojima game which doesn't model itself around a film so the pacing and aesthetic are shittier
    >That whole europe chapter
    >Game brings back every character from MGS 1-3 yet doesn't develop them, game also lacks any good new characters
    >Bosses a literal rehash of the foxhound unit from 1 (the decoy octopus fight was great though)
    >Worst plot in the series next to V
    >Retcons 3 to make it shittier
    >Only really remembered for a couple cool moments like the final boss & the metal gear fight

    • 8 months ago

      >That whole europe chapter
      Pretty much every moment of gameplay after the Laughing Octopus fight is shit. Shadow Moses would have been great but it's all drones with no actual guards so it's wasted potential.

  124. 8 months ago

    This. I wanted to be able to create anyone. Instead I just got a bunch of crap minigames with ugly bug-eyed bastards.

  125. 8 months ago

    Gaypex legends killing any new titanfall

  126. 8 months ago

    SimCity (2013)

  127. 8 months ago

    For me it's still Oblivion. I've never let my expectations and reality get so far from each other since that game.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh and dark souls 2 as well. Wasn't following the development much but I was fricking devastated playing that game.

    • 8 months ago

      Filtered. Best Elder Scrolls by far

      • 8 months ago

        It's also a happy medium between Morrowind and Skyrim. Skyrim was a let down for me. I wish it had been more like Oblivion.

  128. 8 months ago

    cyberpunk being a failure on every level

    being "fixed" after 3 years, except not at all

  129. 8 months ago

    The Xbox 360

  130. 8 months ago

    It'll always be MGS5 for me. Its my favorite series and I had been hyped af for it, just to end up barely able to believe how botched everything about it ended up being. Such a sad way to end Kojima's run on the franchise

  131. 8 months ago

    Fire Emblem Fates was disappointing to the point of making me much more decerning when it comes to games, even niche weebshit. I don't think I've been disappointed in the same way by anything since.

    • 8 months ago

      now imagine an even worse FE

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah Echoes was pretty bad

      • 8 months ago

        There hasn't been an FE worse than Birthright since and there will never be an FE as bad as Revelation again, even if Three Houses tried.

  132. 8 months ago

    The World Ends With You: Final Remix, I hopped on the TWEWY bandwagon waaaaay later than most people, I actually beat the game with Solo Remix just a few months before Final Remix was announced, and I was really excited becuase the trailer had the card system from the DS version, but with the remakes single screen combat, and I was super excited for the new story content, I was disappointed when they reverted to partner summon combat rather than having both characters at the same time, and A New Day was garbage for TWEWY standards, and if NEO didn't come out, it would have completely ruined the ending of the original game, which I guess it kind of did anyways, A New Day alone made me more concerned about the sequels quality pre release then anything, glad it turned out good

  133. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Unfortunately this game. Bioshock Infinite would be the safe choice, but I was really hoping I'd like this game. It just felt like a massive missed opportunity. At least when I Was bummed out about RE2, I adjusted my expectations for RE3 and wasn't as let down.

      • 8 months ago

        Remakes, reboots, remasters etc shouldn't ever spark your interest. There is no chance of them being good, especially when they are based on good games.

        • 8 months ago

          nta, but to be fair, REmake set the bar pretty high, RE2 should've been amazing for how long the wait was.

  134. 8 months ago

    Super paper mario.
    I'm still mad about it, and it only got even worse going foward.

  135. 8 months ago

    No More Heroes 3
    Bayonetta 3

  136. 8 months ago

    This question is actually exceptionally difficult, now that I'm thinking about it. I don't actually remember the last time I was disappointed by a game that came out.

  137. 8 months ago

    Skyrim but I tolerated it. Fallout 4 was just pure disappointment

  138. 8 months ago

    I feel like most people are over it by now. But ever since Hl2 people have wanted it

  139. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 2
    Civ 5
    Metal Gear Solid 3. Didn't play it at release but I loved MGS1 and liked 2 and 3 was supposed to be the best one but it was the worst one by far.
    Deus ex HR was disappointing but I didn't have super high hopes for it.

  140. 8 months ago

    Spyro: EtD. Probably the main reason I've always lowered my expectations on new releases ever since. Just crazy I learned that lesson when I was about 10.

  141. 8 months ago

    Minecraft got it so close but completely went nowhere in 10 years. Also a lack of alternatives

  142. 8 months ago

    Tales of Symphonia.

    I had played Destiny and Eternia when they came out, but missed the chance to play Symphonia because I didn't have a Gamecube at the time. Finally got around to it and was excited to play, especially after hearing about all the hype surrounding it, but ultimately found it to be disappointing

    While I don't think it's a bad game and I did like some of the characters, I definitely didn't come away thinking it was a "masterpiece" like so many other fans believe it to be. Hell, nevermind Abyss, even earlier games mog the shit out of it if I'm being honest. Can only hope the later titles are better.

    • 8 months ago

      >Mogging Symphonia

      Anon, I think it's time for bed.

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          >Le heckin poll I found with mostly zoomer votes whose first and last Tales of game was Abyss
          Who gives a shit?
          If you actually had good data with votes from every person in the world who has played a tales of game, I bet Abyss would be down near the bottom.
          Abyss sucked.
          Symphonia sucked even more.
          Phantasia was good because it was basically a classic D&D game with tolkien and Norse lore and mythology mixed together superbly with a storyline that actually made logical sense.

          • 8 months ago

            Take your meds, schizo.

  143. 8 months ago

    Can't believe I was ever excited for this garbage

    • 8 months ago

      Is it bad? I played 1 and 2 on PC. Haven't played 3 yet cause I've heard it doesn't run well on Yuzu or Ryujinx yet.

      • 8 months ago

        the story is really bad, the graphics are bad and the performance is bad
        there are so many minigames that you might as well be playing mario fricking party
        viola is also bad in every way

  144. 8 months ago

    Rome 2
    Rune Factory 5

    One of these

  145. 8 months ago

    Its easier to just list the games I haven't been disappointed by tbh. Elden Ring.. thats about it

  146. 8 months ago

    Elden Ring. Wanted a total unique experience in every nook and cranny. Got 1 great area and a bunch of mid areas and then copypasted mines/tomb garbage.

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't have a single copypasted dungeon, all side dungeons have unique level design
      Also the Legacy dungeons are easily among the very best dungeons FromSoft has ever made

  147. 8 months ago

    Guild Wars 2. They pissed away everything that made that game unique and worth playing in favor of a Tera-like that didn't even have hot bawds.

  148. 8 months ago

    Back in the day one of my countries biggest gaming magazines for some reason hyped up Shenmue as the second coming of Jesus. They had long articles about it every other magazine up until its release talking about all its new revolutionizing features like a huge town and you'll be able to enter every building and every appartment etc. As a kid it made me hype as frick. Then I got the game and it was the worst control scheme I've ever experienced. The town was small and 99% of doors were locked. I've come to appreciate Shenmue more today but man back in the day it was the biggest let down ever. Music was always absolutely top tier tough.

  149. 8 months ago

    Dead Rising 4
    Fallout 4
    Resident Evil 3 Remake
    Diablo III
    Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite
    Grand Theft Auto V
    Any new Half-Life after Episode 2
    A sequel to Guilty Gear Xrd
    Bridget coming back to Guilty Gear

  150. 8 months ago

    its not the worst, or even one i care a whole lot about, but people praising and talking about saints row 2, even to this day, when it was such a downgrade from 1 baffles me.

  151. 8 months ago

    Soul Calibur 5. Preordered it, special edition, etc etc. Have loved the series especially for all of the features the games had. The game itself though was bare bones, excellent gameplay though. Was fun enough, but seeing it had next to nothing outside of the Vs just made it boring for me.

  152. 8 months ago

    Tomb Raider Last Revelation as of late.

  153. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 3
    Red Dead Redemption 2

  154. 8 months ago

    Final Fantasy X, I can't remember anything else game dissapointment wise. Metal Gear Solid maybe.

    Silent Hill 2 is the opposite. It had nk hype except someone I worked with saying it was his favorite game. It should be in everyone's top ten.

  155. 8 months ago

    Spyro year of the dragonfly made me cry as a kid, I don't mean cry I mean sobbing.

    • 8 months ago

      Enter the dragonfly, my mistake*

  156. 8 months ago


  157. 8 months ago

    Probably best to make a new thread for this but:
    What modern games would TotalBiscuit have liked? What games and devs would he absolutely shit on for being terrible ports/ terrible dev practices?

    • 8 months ago

      Dead by Daylight because the community is cancer.

    • 8 months ago

      Who fricking cares, idiot.

      • 8 months ago

        >t. a massive illiterate moron
        you are unaware of just how much he changed the vidya industry for the better
        without him theres nobody for devs to take seriously

  158. 8 months ago

    Bioshock Infinite
    Skyward Sword
    Mirror's Edge 2

  159. 8 months ago

    Ah, Doom 4 definately. Downgraded, repedative boring environments, short, shit. Dishonored was just shit, blink wss stupid alongside the characrer design and everything else. Witcher 3 expected it to be shit after downgrades, but everyone claimed it was great so I played it and no it's the worst game ever made, killed my love of video games, had to force myself to play The Last Guardian after that and nothing since. Bloodborne is another contender for worst games ever, there is nothing good about it. Killer is Dead was worthless too, huge dissapointment and killed my faith in suda51. Armled core verdict day (5) was utter shit too, 4 and 4A were ok. Zelda Twilight Princess was shit and didn't use metroid prime 3's pointing to look controls. Just wasted them. Killzone 2 was ok for it's multiplayer, 3 was better than nothing, mercenaries was utter shit, shadowfall was an insult. Wipeout 2047 was terrible, but he last one I played before it was 3 so I didn't know the series was killed long ago. Getaway 2 was shit, 1 wasn't, 1 has some of the best graphics ever. It's a shame Sony ruined and then cancelled 3 but the ps3 was never good, released bad, at least The Last of Us came out of it, didn't play he dlc or 2 so it remains a great game to me. Silent Hill downpour ruined Sent Hill too. Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid get a lot of hype but both are shit, played them before hype though. Knew half life 2 was bad before I played it due to idiots talking about it, extra bad game and company due to killing troika.

    Wouldn't wish any game didn't exist though untill Sunles Sea (which is great). Every game made after that is completely worthless. Some good music (not from games) may not exist without them though. 8th gwn almost shouldn't exist. 9th killed games maybe forever.

    • 8 months ago

      >killed my love of video games
      >continued playing video games afterwards

      • 8 months ago

        Played The Last Guardian after it due to Ico and Shadow of the Colussus being si good, had to force muself too. I haven't olayed anything since. TLG wasn't good, but figuring out some of the puzzles was satisfying, some are bullshit eg holding them droppig barrwls when trico is down instead of putting them near it or throwing them to it. Fluked that. And beig caught on a treebranch seems like it's abut shaking it off. Looked around pressing buttons and apparently thats right, like telling trico to move up, spent half an hour probably trying to get off that branch. The immediate section after it is just yelling at trico unti it eventually does what you told it to the fist time, but has vines around it and nowhere to go so it not working makes you look around for another way. Graphics were shit. It wss made a little too easy too sometimes eg you can fall from high enough to kill you without a problem. Anyway, I haven't played games in years and probably won't ever again. Anyone saying the Witcher 3 is good is a cancer to games.

        • 8 months ago

          so why are you on Ganker

          • 8 months ago

            Why is anyone still on Ganker?

        • 8 months ago

          >so it not working makes you look around for another way. Graphics were shit. It wss made a little too easy too sometimes eg you can fall from high enough to kill you without a problem. Anyway, I haven't played games in years and probably won't ever again
          This is your average Ganker poster

          • 8 months ago

            I wish. Look at the catalog, bad games advertised constantly. I really wish Ganker was all about good games and in the absence of gkkd new ones: thinking them up, a combination of skills and co-operation either making what should be, inspiring other devs or prividing ai the material to build.

    • 8 months ago

      I agree with all of this, although I hated Half Life 2 the first time I played it and loved it when I tried it a second time.

    • 8 months ago

      >Every game I've played is shit
      Just get a new hobby at this point you miserable little prick.

  160. 8 months ago


  161. 8 months ago

    Sonic 2006. After Heroes had its stupid teamwork shit and Shadow had a shit ton of missions I really wanted SA3 and this trailer right here really made me think I was going to get it. I guess I did, like an alpha version of SA3.

    • 8 months ago

      And now we have zoomergays defending this piece of shit lol

  162. 8 months ago

    Diablo 3 was the biggest let down I ever saw. Just to remember finishing up the whole thing in 4 hs and then for e to repeat endlessly was such a fricking nightmare. I never go back to any Blizzshit game, except Starcraft 2 that I got cracked. I hope Bobby die the most gruesome dead ever known in the history of mankind

  163. 8 months ago

    Guild Wars 2
    Still mad

    • 8 months ago


  164. 8 months ago

    Sonic Heroes basically ruined my life. It was the first game I ever bought by saving my own money and it was so bad I never bought a game full price again, and I became deeply cynical of media in general.

  165. 8 months ago

    nier automata

  166. 8 months ago

    Demon's Souls remake, worst thing I ever saw

  167. 8 months ago

    SOCOM confrontation and to a lesser degree SOCOM 3/CA

  168. 8 months ago

    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus shits so incredibly hard on The New Orders legacy its not even funny and of course the normalgays eat it up like hotcakes. gays the lot of them.

  169. 8 months ago

    Final Fantasy XV. I was waiting for FF Versus XIII for 10 years. I always l iked Final Fantasy as a kid but I could never get the new games on release. I'm fairly disappointed that ever since I've been old enough to buy my own console and get games on release day without having to ask anybody the series has been fricking shit (FF13, then fricked even harder with 15). Final Fantasy going to shit is the main reason I never honored kid me's wishes, that I'd buy all the consoles each gen when I grew up. There's just no fricking reason to own them all anymore when entire flagship franchises are worthless now.

  170. 8 months ago

    Isaac being an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

    • 8 months ago

      speaking of, Dark Dawn fits the bill pretty well

  171. 8 months ago

    Motherfricking god of war.
    Like wtf dawg.

  172. 8 months ago

    RE4 remake.
    On it's own it's not a terrible game, and someone who has barely or never played 4 may not see anything wrong with it. But for a remake of 4 it is a complete and utter disappointment. It's like RE4 with all the soul sucked out and replaced with generic TPS gameplay, generic visuals, pretty much generic everything. It doesn't work as an action game or a horror game and is neither scary nor fun.
    Add onto that the ESG bullshit, censorship, horrible voice acting, and the fact that several segments of the original were removed and sold back to you as paid DLC in separate ways with nothing really of note added in their place. It's a complete travesty, a downgrade from the original, and has kind of turned me off gaming as a whole knowing that they just don't make games like they used to anymore. I'm also fricking tired of remakes in general, but as someone who played the original countless times I was looking forward to this game and let down completely.

    • 8 months ago

      Cope Crowbcat cringe.

  173. 8 months ago

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

  174. 8 months ago

    Gotta be Elden Ring. People were describing it as some kind of wondorous exploration adventure when it’s just copy pasted shit stretched out with artificial difficulty, poor design decisions, and a completely stupid quest design that made no sense causing me to miss entire plot lines or characters dying or disappearing before I could even interact with them. I pretty much had to search everything. There was this dude named Darius I never saw the entire fricking game. Or the black dog dude having an item to block him stuck with some random phantom you wouldn’t get unless you finished a completely unrelated questline.

    • 8 months ago

      the Malekith item is behind one of the most heavily signposted sidequests in the game tho

      • 8 months ago

        And then there’s always homosexuals like this that will defend it

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not saying all the side quests are done well but the big important ones like Ranni and the Volcano Manor are fine. The Volcano Manor "invasions" are even marked on the map.

        • 8 months ago

          Because there is always homosexuals like you who lie or are so genuinely moronic that you fail at basic things that were not a problem for us at all. Artificial difficulty? The game was fair difficulty all the way, and way too fricking easy. By far most casual souls game ever.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like you are just moronic
      Quest design was great
      It had zero copypasted areas every bit of the massive world was unique
      True though that a lot of the minibosses repeated many times, but wtf were any of you expecting, every single open world game repeats enemies a lot, and Elden Ring has 40x more enemy and boss variety than any game in the open world genre ever before
      The genre itself is faulty but seething at the best game in it is fricking weird

      • 8 months ago

        >artificial difficulty
        Is there a worse buzzword than this shit?

        You don’t need to do a quest to get to find the shield that block Maliketh blade.

        Look at these sheep jumping to the defense of Elden Shit. Can't say anything bad about the approved slop I guess. Have some shame.

        • 8 months ago

          If you gonna shitpost about the game, make sure your information is correct.
          There isn’t a character named Darius in Elden Ring, you Black person.

        • 8 months ago

          you had no rebuttal to the NUMEROUS things they listed other than

        • 8 months ago

          You are the one who should be ashamed, instead of taking this thread seriously you used it to lie about Elden Ring because you are one of those who has been doing that for over a year now in every thread. Pathetic.
          Every fan of the game has plenty of criticism about it, but actually honest criticism, like there are way too many fricking bonfires, way too much handholding and casualization. But you just went for the typical shitposter nonsense, "muh artificial difficulty" (git gud, the difficulty is designed to be fair in these games, people literally beat them as lvl 1) and "muh copypasted world" (not one copypasted location in the entire 150h game, even every single side dungeon is totally unique level design).

          This game really broke you shazamhomosexuals, lying for 1.5 years straight now, real pathetic.

    • 8 months ago

      >artificial difficulty
      Is there a worse buzzword than this shit?

    • 8 months ago

      You don’t need to do a quest to get to find the shield that block Maliketh blade.

    • 8 months ago

      It literally was the most amazing open world to adventure and explore ever
      I wonder if people like this played it at all, literally not a single copypasted area in the 150h game

    • 8 months ago

      Soulslike games need to change it up if they are going to continue to be made. That shit has ran its course. Not surprised FromSoft pivoted back to Armored Core. Souls was novel 10 or so years ago, but not anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        Undeniable truth, I fricking dare anyone to come up with something fresh for souls games that isn't pvp morons b***hing about balance

        • 8 months ago

          DS1, BB, Sekiro, ER
          Every single sequel to DeS Miyazaki made was very fresh, unique and different in so many ways
          You people are deranged, open your eyes

      • 8 months ago

        Every Miyazaki souls game has drastically changed things up each time, are you stupid

        • 8 months ago

          The only one that was notably different was Sekiro and if you can't see that you're a complete drone.

          • 8 months ago

            >DS1: first and only 3D metroidvania game world in existence, tons of smaller evolutions in addition
            >BB: very different combat, very different setting and atmosphere btw which has practically never been done in games despite Lovecraft being a popular author, trick weapons, chalice dungeons
            >Sekiro: very different combat again, only souls game with an asian setting, full on action game not an ARPG
            >ER: first open world Souls, massive evolution in the scope and length of Souls games, melee combat greatly evolved from what it was in the Dark Souls trilogy, boss fights evolved to better handle souls veterans legacy skill
            You are literally mentally moronic if you can not see how drastically different each Miyazaki game has been. You are just low iq, like really fricking dumb lmao.

            Complaining about DeS remake is just asinine. It's literally just a different coat of paint. Go play the original and you miss out on nothing.

            PoS5 buyers remorse
            Changing the coat of paint changes the setting of the game and the meaning of everything in its world because every single design in the original was exactly the way it was for an important reason

  175. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect 2

    Nothing will ever compare to losing complete faith in the entire video game industry in one game.

    • 8 months ago

      ME2 is easily one of the best games ever made, regardless of the story straying too far into filler territory. Egregiously horrible taste.

      • 8 months ago

        it's a firmly middle-of-the-road Gears of War knockoff

  176. 8 months ago

    Seems like the biggest hopecrushing studios are Bethesda and EA

  177. 8 months ago

    I expected a medieval fantasy game.
    I got (not) Persona 5, again.

    • 8 months ago

      This turned into that game with the sexy fairy right? So for me my disappointment will be if there's not much sexy fairy content

  178. 8 months ago

    Biggest in my life? Dark souls 3.
    Recently? Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

  179. 8 months ago

    pic related
    I remember playing it as a kid before most of the series and thinking it was alright. Replayed it like 20 years later and it was so disappointing, it kinda soured me on the next couple of games I played after. This was the improved Zodiac Age version too. For all the praise Ivalice gets, most of the games related to it sure are fricking dogshit and overrated as hell. FFT and Vagrant Story (if you want to count it) were the only ones I actually enjoyed. This is my least favorite mainline FF. It baffles me every time someone actually says they enjoyed the characters and story. More power to those anons, wish I could say the same but those were easily the worst parts about it for me

    • 8 months ago

      >It baffles me every time someone actually says they enjoyed the characters and story
      Fricking no one says that about FF12. Sounds like you ran into some easily amused outliers. 12 was the the beginning of the end of quality characters and stories in FF games. It was one of the first games where I felt absolutely nothing after beating it.

  180. 8 months ago

    Pokemon Ruby and Shaphire remakes. To this day I couldn't bring myself to finish it and I don't know why.

    • 8 months ago

      >Get three badges into the game
      >Teleported across the map and given a lv75 legendary
      >Don't even have to catch it, it just voluntarily joins you with no conditions
      Most pokemon games past gen 5 are obscenely easy but ORAS was almost a fricking parody.

    • 8 months ago

      Atleast you're not a Sinnohgay (me)

  181. 8 months ago

    I know its been mentioned a dozen times already, but Rome 2 really deserves its own special tier of frick you

    • 8 months ago

      I remember being absurdly hyped for it. I wanted so badly to pre-order it because I believed so strongly, but ultimately my common sense won out and wouldn't you know it, it was an unplayable mess. Never felt so bad to be vindicated.

  182. 8 months ago

    I was pretty hyped for FFXVI. Trailers were awesome, loved the music, the demo blew me away... then the final game was just poorly paced shit with nothing interesting. Conversely, I had no expectations for FFXV at all and was pleasantly surprised. I was also interested in AC6, not "hyped," but bought it on day one, beat it, and thought it was meh at best.

  183. 8 months ago

    FF Crystal Chronicles' remaster. It's pathetic how they couldn't get online multiplayer to work right (only the host gets to progress and get a story beat) or local co-op to even exist. They really could've made something wonderful by putting in more work, but instead they chose the path of least resistance and it flopped.

    People were legitimately excited for it as it was announced, but slowly more people realized that the marketing was leaving out specific confirmations of local co-op.

  184. 8 months ago

    So the consensus I'm seeing here is mostly anything Square Enix has farted out in the last 20 years.
    Why does that company still exist?
    FF14 trannies addicted to ERPing with each other keeping the company alive?

    • 8 months ago

      They make good trailers and trick us.

  185. 8 months ago

    Brütal Legend. I was really into the whole 'Zelda but it's with Jack Blck and metal' theme, and then the game came out and it was basically only 30% finished and the core gameplay some some RTS/TD hybrid shit

    • 8 months ago

      God DAMN. I forgot how amazing it felt first playing that game in the early stages, thinking it would be, as you said, a badass Zelda with metal themes.
      They threw the RTS at you and you're like "...the frick? Okay that sucked but I guess it was just a one time boss"
      Then they throw it at you again, and again, and again, and you just can't fricking be arsed to finish the game.

  186. 8 months ago

    Tears of the Kingdom easily.

    Thought they'd learn from what worked and didn't work in BOTW. Instead they decided that everything apparently worked fine in BOTW and they didn't make ANY big changes to the formula at all.

    It's still the same shrine loop you're used to, just with more bells and whistles.

  187. 8 months ago

    Xenoblade 2. I had just played X which mogged hard most of 2's mechanics, especially exploration. I managed to enjoy the game by what it was but even after playing 3 I still keep thinking about how the franchise peaked at X

    • 8 months ago

      >I still keep thinking about how the franchise peaked at X
      Couldn't agree more just never got over the character models
      What the frick is this

  188. 8 months ago

    Never gotten hyped for a complete turd tbh even as a child I could see bad games coming. I'm still extremely mad about Spider-Man 2 having no unlockable costumes although it was good aside from that

  189. 8 months ago

    Sim city 5. Fricking hell, modern EA can only corrupt everything they touch.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh and now that I think about it, add the Sims 4, Battlefield 2042 and Spore to the pile. I am so guillible.

  190. 8 months ago

    as a kid I never got to play new releases
    as an adult I don't have any expectations
    so to answer your question: I was never let down by any video game

  191. 8 months ago

    Halo reach. It didn’t hate it but something felt off about it. Every year after that game released has felt broken

  192. 8 months ago


    >I'm not even that guy

    • 8 months ago


      >I'm not even that guy

  193. 8 months ago

    Cyberpunk 2077, it's still shit btw
    Final Fantasy 15
    Final Fantasy 16
    Fallout 4 (wasn't bad, just very meh)
    Fallout 76

  194. 8 months ago

    Freedom Planet 2 for me
    First one was fun with great music. I expected the second one to be more fun with more great music, but it was just fricking BORING with average music
    What a big fat waste of my time

  195. 8 months ago

    diablo 4

  196. 8 months ago

    Mount and Blade Bannerlord

    How they managed to frick up their combat system despite developing over 10 years is just sad

  197. 8 months ago

    Bioshock Infinite and it’s not even close

  198. 8 months ago

    Valve fricking up both Artifact and Underlords. Yeah, let's half-heartedly start these two games, not support them with updates at all, get mad when the numbers drop then blame the players for not supporting. Complete breach of trust for a company which up to that point had great games and support for their releases.
    Frick Gaben, something I could've never said before.

    • 8 months ago

      >trust for a company

  199. 8 months ago

    Tears of the Kingdom but I didn't even like Breath of the Wild that much. TotK made me hate it all.
    Animal Crossing New Horizons
    Pokemon Sun and Moon and everything after was even worse

  200. 8 months ago

    This year, Baldur's Gate 3 was an actual let down.

    I really was expecting more of Act 1. No, that game dies after the Early Access content.

  201. 8 months ago

    As a kid, Spore was a big letdown for me.

    I remember getting excited over the GDC 2005 footage, and then this cartoony bullshit came out.

  202. 8 months ago


    When that shit was announced there was a small group of people I played pretty much every online game with.

    Over time we all lost touch.

    Then Cyberpunk was the one thing left from that time.

    Then it was all gone.

  203. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      the only value the series had was as a hybrid dating sim/breeder (making units OP in Awakening was fun)/strategy game
      without all three it's pointless. If I just wanted 'good gameplay' I would be playing Langrisser or Tactics Ogre

      • 8 months ago

        zoomers get the rope

        • 8 months ago

          Langrisser was made before your dad was 12 years old you fricking broccoli haired moron

  204. 8 months ago

    Dota 2. After TI6, I thought it was all good. But after wings got butt-fricked, OG winning twice, a bunch of hasbeens winning TI, and Tobi being forced out of the scene, I knew the game was garbage. Hell, I enjoy watching CSGO more than Dota 2 these days.

  205. 8 months ago

    nu god of war, when I finally played it on a ps4 it was like a slap to the face

  206. 8 months ago

    never got my hopes up for another game since

  207. 8 months ago

    fallout 76

  208. 8 months ago


    it seems to be popular among some younger zoomers. i remember when it came out i was very excited for it. the best way i can describe it is i thought it was going to be like no man's sky, but with species you create and populate with.

  209. 8 months ago

    Skyrim. Morrowind is in my top 3-4 games, and Oblivion was a big disappointment that nonetheless had some very good ideas buried under the very bad ones. Fallout 3 I thought was dire, but could explain that away as Bethesda not understanding a property that they had bought and not created themselves. After playing Skyrim for about 4 hours, I really thought they had pulled off the impossible and made a game full of wonder and uniqueness again. Then I played the rest of the game and found that it was the same 4 hours again and again and again, and that the end of the game was just as much of a draugr-hunting dungeon crawl as the beginning. I was so, so disappointed, and can't believe how many people have believed Todd's lies ever since.

    When is an indie developer just going to mechanically copy Morrowind, ffs

  210. 8 months ago

    Honestly? BG3. I wanted a deep CRPG sequel and what we got instead is a visual novel with cookie clicker gameplay.

  211. 8 months ago

    I dont have one to point out because theres always a new dissapointment around the corneer to frick things up even more.
    I dotn know what it is about all the games I look forward to or love someone ending up being horrible or dissapointing in one way or another.

  212. 8 months ago

    Right now, Forza Motorsport. How can you frick up this bad is beyond my comprehension.

    • 8 months ago

      Redpill me on the new Forza

      What's more infuriating is that it suddenly became okay to start acknowledging issues with BotW after TotK's first reveal at E3 2019, when beforehand you'd get the internet equivalent of the fluoride stare whenever you'd point out the exact same fricking problems that became kosher to bring up afterwards.

      Same thing is going to happen with TotK when the next game is revealed, but the amount and degree of bullshit that everyone willfully glossed over this time is going to actually make me goddamn scream when they get their arbitrary go-ahead to start admitting that they were in fact problems.

      Whats wrong with totk? If you breeze through the main quest and skip ~~*exploration*~~ its a solid game. The endgame teaches you more about the game than the entire main game though

      • 8 months ago

        >what's wrong with TotK?
        >if you skip exploration
        Frick you. Reusing the same world as BotW is exactly one of TotK's biggest missteps. And the Depths are a shitty bandaid fix blatantly meant to distract from that (and it really comes across as a panic addition, at least to the degree of stretching it out across all of Hyrule).

        • 8 months ago

          The boss fights are memorable and the shrines are well done. Vehicle building is fun as well. I dont think you understand how open world games work. You control the difficulty by how much you frick around. If you want to play on the hardest difficulty you stick to the main quest only. The boss fights have really good difficulty if you dont grind the open world. Traveling is fun too if you dont grind the depths.

          • 8 months ago

            Damn, anon. You can just say you like sucking wiener. That's way simpler than repeatedly typing out the onomatopoeia of a wiener in your mouth.

  213. 8 months ago

    It's a 6/10.

  214. 8 months ago

    MGS4, hands down. Bought a launch PS3 and HDTV for it. That's right almost 2000 euro dollars for that one game. The game that sucked so hard it cure me from my MGS fanboy disease. Looking at how the series turned out it was a blessing in disguise, imagine if i had remained a fan to experience Peace Walker or, God porbid, V as one. I shudder at the thought.

    Also thank God for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Oblivion and COD4 for making me get over the buyers remorse.

    • 8 months ago

      I wasn't around, how hyped was 4 ?

      • 8 months ago

        I was a fanboy on a dedicated MGS forum so my perspective of events is skewed but it can't be too far from the truth considering it was meant to be the PS3's flagship game. The thing that was gonna redeem the "no games machine".

        From my experience it was super hyped, even more so than V. That trailer with the PMC convoy and the geckos still gets me hyped today even after everything in it turned out to be a dud in the actual game. I watched it over and over back then. It gave me the same feeling of "this is the future :O" as MGS2 did. The ideas were so cool and interesting, the rise of PMCs, Metal Gears evolving into infantry level with AI that emulates animals in behavior (the scene where it scratches the ground and that music used to give me chills), Old Snake, etc. MGS4 literally made it to my country's evening news when it released. They talked about the game exploring the themes of PMCs (hot news back then) and how visionary it was lmao. Literally some Kojima gay in the team on a slow news day but that's unprecedented. Then in the actual game it all boils down to a couple of FMVs in the intro and Campbell droning on in the briefings, repeating the same things multiple times with different phrasing like me trying to reach the essay word quota back then. Frick I'm getting mad again.

        I'm rambling, it was extremely hyped.

  215. 8 months ago

    Tears of the Kingdom, easily. They fixed almost none of the problems from BotW (and some are actually made worse). It's disgusting and demoralizing just how well it's done critically and commercially.

  216. 8 months ago

    BotW. Easily by far the biggest disappointment for me in video games and it is batshit insane to me how hard it gets sucked off for all its issues.

    • 8 months ago

      What's more infuriating is that it suddenly became okay to start acknowledging issues with BotW after TotK's first reveal at E3 2019, when beforehand you'd get the internet equivalent of the fluoride stare whenever you'd point out the exact same fricking problems that became kosher to bring up afterwards.

      Same thing is going to happen with TotK when the next game is revealed, but the amount and degree of bullshit that everyone willfully glossed over this time is going to actually make me goddamn scream when they get their arbitrary go-ahead to start admitting that they were in fact problems.

  217. 8 months ago


    >Spore was not that bad of a game.

    Factually incorrect.

  218. 8 months ago

    Borderlands 3

  219. 8 months ago

    Shadow of War : the trailer was epic and promised a true banking on the Nemesis system. What we got is an uglier game with barely anything big enough to be called a step up and a moronic story pissing on Talion

  220. 8 months ago

    No More Heroes 3. I was so hyped for this game and it sucked.

    • 8 months ago

      I was out when Travis's VA got replaced over politics.

  221. 8 months ago

    When we were kids one of my friends became obsessed with the game Prototype pre-release. He was hyping it up to be the greatest game ever and then when it came out it was mid. My biggest disappointment was Project Hammer for the Wii because it never came out

  222. 8 months ago

    still Spore

    Maxis was a special company in a special way

  223. 8 months ago

    Elden Ring. I don't really get "hyped" like the kids do but it was a game I finished despite it being designed wrong just to get it over with.
    You know how I like completing quests and not look at a guide while playing game? yeah.
    It had awful music that I actually turned off. Fromsoft didnt give me a single good npc or story arc. Very lonely and miserable game. Once I cleared last boss I instantly deleted it and never want to touch it or any other FS title again.

    Cp77 was honestly something I got hyped for because w3 was one of the best games ever and I loved the marketing material. It being functional on pc but very bad on last gen consoles made the discourse around it very toxic which was not something I wanted. They even made a subreddit for non-ps4 owners to talk about the game. Good thing 2.0 made cp one of the best games ever and the anime made the discourse more positive. Prob the best music in any game ever.

    Mists of Pandaria
    Fricking dailies

    • 8 months ago

      >because w3 was one of the best games ever

      It's funny how you don't realize how shitty your opinions are and how they invalidate everything you say

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          your opinion comes from not playing the history of video games and not playing wide genres and varieties of games

          my opinion comes from doing that.

    • 8 months ago

      Dumb mutt
      ER quest design was objectively superior over every westoid games quest design lmao
      Its not the games problem you need hand holding and quest arrows

    • 8 months ago

      I thought Elden Ring was shit as well. The exploration was very lukewarm and even the castle that everyone jerked off had literally nothing going for it. I don't care too much for the quest design, but I will say that comparing it to DS1 it's way more needlessly obtuse primarily down to the size of the map.

      • 8 months ago

        >but I will say that comparing it to DS1 it's way more needlessly obtuse primarily down to the size of the map.
        yeah, its 100% designed wrong
        The design barely works in extremely linear ds1
        It doesnt in an open world game

  224. 8 months ago

    deus ex mankind divided
    no toggle aim option, unskippable cutscenes, more of an art project than a game, way too many details everywhere compared to the simpler human revolution, etc.

  225. 8 months ago


  226. 8 months ago

    Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild. Nintendo is never going to make the perfect open world Zelda game I have in my head, that's for sure.

  227. 8 months ago

    Disgaea 6

    Disgaea was basically presumed dead after 5 and 5 was probably one of the best games of all time and the absolute peak of disgaea(and still is), and then you get d6 announced after a huge hiatus and it looks like shit, plays like shit, and is extremely pruned.

  228. 8 months ago

    I will get one, Stalker 2
    Thats gotta be a disaster

  229. 8 months ago

    Tears of the Kingdom

  230. 8 months ago

    Bloodborne and Mortal Shell

  231. 8 months ago

    Golden Sun Dark Dawn
    >introduces a possibly world-ending threat
    >sent out on a quest to get some feathers to fix a flying contraption
    >that feather gathering quest gets thrown into a backburner for the most of the game when a new threat is introduced
    >that threat gets resolved, you get the feathers you were looking for
    >ending shows you going back home to look at the world-ending threat at the start of the game
    >it has gotten worse
    >cliffhanger ending
    And then the game sells like shit and that cliffhanger never gets resolved.
    There are also other things you could complain about (like points of no return), but narratively the game is such a disaster that the poor sales were fully deserved.

  232. 8 months ago

    Deadly premonition 2.
    Starts off bad. Ends bad. Dev bends over backwards to troons instead of telling them to frick off. Like first one had some problems but there was soul in it. 2nd felt like voldemort at the king's cross station.

  233. 8 months ago

    Paper Mario Sticker Star.
    Pokémon XY

    • 8 months ago

      Sticker Star isn't my biggest letdown but it was the game that finally opened my eyes and ended my loyal Nintendo fanboyism. Soon after I remember also trying to replay Skyward Sword, but (without any sort of outside influence to color my experience) I just couldn't keep going shortly after beating the second dungeon. I had an epiphany of "oh my god this game actually kinda sucks too", with Sticker Star still being pretty fresh in my mind. Something sinister happened to this company in the mid-late Wii era, and everything good by them since then has felt like an accident. Super Mario Odyssey in particular gives me this feeling; I'd go so far as to say it was great, but Nintendo proceeded to treat it like they're almost fricking ashamed of the 95% of the game that ISN'T Donkey Kong Arcade callbacks.

  234. 8 months ago


    we were robbed

  235. 8 months ago

    Clockwork Revolution.
    They've had everyone from the former great RPG studios and most of the former Arcanum writers to make a spiritual successor to 19th century fantasy only to make fricking STEAMPUNK WITH TIME TRAVEL. Frick this.

    • 8 months ago

      >steampunk but this time with Black folk
      You managed to get hyped for that?

  236. 8 months ago

    dead rising 4
    dishonored 2
    splinter cell conviction and blacklist

  237. 8 months ago

    I'm surprised no one said The Last of Us Part II with all the butthurt it caused here. More evidence that no one here actually played it. Thanks again to the guy who leaked that shit stain.

  238. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      What's a paladin?

  239. 8 months ago

    Starcraft 2
    What a shitload of frick

  240. 8 months ago

    Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    Although my hype died down when I saw the time jannies revealed in 2016 by Nomura.

    • 8 months ago

      Final Fantasy 7 Remake ironically comes off as a more cowardly project than if it was more straightfoward.
      >is a sequel, so in essence it's another spinoff for compilationpiggies
      >relies entirely on social conventions of what an FF7 Remake should've been to have any effect
      >wants to come across as "brave" and "daring", but not brave or daring enough to take these concepts into a new game entirely (again, because they're ideas that simply CAN'T stand on their own)
      I swear to fricking god, pic related became some sort of rallying cry philosophy for a ton of entertainment producers and consumers.

  241. 8 months ago

    Overlord 3, i cannot believe Codemasters did the franchise dirty like so.

  242. 8 months ago

    Yakuza 6

  243. 8 months ago

    Victoria 3, I waited almost 10 years for some crap that replaced one slightly annoying aspect (rebuilding dead armies) with another (political management), all the while sucking all the dry, matter of fact gameplay replacing it with RNG leaders who greatly influence what you are able to even do with annoying personalities and constant scandals

  244. 8 months ago

    gta 5. Loved the series until they turned it into an online hell hole.

  245. 8 months ago

    Paper Mario Sticker Star. I just remember seeing the E3 Demo screenshots of the game before the games release and not looking up anything about it and buying it digitally. Not only was the game so fricking shit that I stopped playing after like the 2nd area of the game... I couldn't trade it back in or sell it.

  246. 8 months ago

    fallout 4
    batman arkham knight

  247. 8 months ago

    Lets see:
    >Heroes IV as 10 year old. My heart & soul never truly recovered from it
    >Diablo 3
    >Every b*thesda game after Morrowind

  248. 8 months ago

    I only played a couple of years after it first released, but Dishonored 2 singlehandedly changed my mind about gameplay alone being able to carry a game. I really disliked everything about it apart from how it actually plays, and even then I think people exaggerate the absolute shit out of the small handful of minor net improvements it makes over the first game in that respect. Even to someone who at the time thought story/writing didn't matter in games, the discrepancy between how much respect the player's given mechanically which it's still not as good at as the first re: the order in which you can complete objectives versus how much it beats you over the head with definitive, often incredibly lame answers to anything that made Dishonored's world interesting or mysterious was distracting at best.

  249. 8 months ago

    I'll order it from biggest blunder to minor inconveniences
    Fallout 4 - Game that made me realize that the Bethesda worlds are now flanderized and that they want to make an RPG where everyone sees the same things. There's no beaten path to explore now.
    Borderlands 2 - I liked the atmosphere of the first game more, it was still slapstick with midgets and quest descriptions, but more measured and skippable since it's in text form and you get a way point anyway.
    Skyrim - My first Bethesda let down. I liked Oblivion and even played through Xbox Morrowind for a time. I didn't like how the dungeons always looped as a gameplay convenience, it made trekking through dungeons easier but it took away my suspension of disbelief. The quests just aren't that strong either.
    Dead Rising 2 - People liked this game a lot, but for some reason I never really got the appeal. I like being able to make combo weapons in theory, but XP gains for weapons were too much. There's also the issue of zaniness. It's too much exaggeration. The original game works because they play it straight and meet expectations for a classic zombie movie. It is subverted in ways like allowing you to customize your character, throwing pies in people's faces, and shoving (not killing) with joke weapons. Dead Rising 2 seems to think jokes should kill and that the story should match the optional subversive, humorous nature of the first, ironically making it weaker humor wise while knowingly making it worse story wise.
    Mortal Kombat 10 - They split every character up into variations for variety and nobody's head size matches their body. Also the time when fatalities became less cool because the gore was starting to get too real at points.
    Bannerlord - Enemies teleport on the map and Horse Archers are (intentionally) too strong. Probably still early access even if the devs don't say it is. Just a lot to live up to from Warband.

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