What is your favorite RE game and what is your least favorite RE game?

What is your favorite RE game and what is your least favorite RE game? Tied for favorite for me is REmake 1 and the original RE3. Least favorite is for sure 4.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Favorite is the first one. It's the most unique out of them all. The combination of visuals and music makes it stand out among the rest, most people think it's a 'vanilla' survival horror game but to me it's as unique as games like Silent Hill 1. The gameplay is also good but admittedly I prefer 2 gameplay-wise
    Least favorite /vr/ entry is 0 bar none, this game is just garbage. Don't want to make any compromises, the game is straight up shit with almost no redeeming qualities
    Non-/vr/ is obviously 6 but in all honesty as a video game it's a bit more enjoyable than 0
    1>2>4>REmake>3>CV>>>>>0 is my final ranking, love all of them except 0

    • 8 months ago

      Respectable ranking


      1 is the best for me. The branching paths are a good feature and there are a lot of details which makes the whole package come together really well. 2/3/CV are all good and I rank them pretty similar. I like CV more because of how technical it is throughout with items and shit. 2 is great but it kinda plateaus for me after the Police Station. 3 is consistent but I'd place it somewhere in between. REmake is okay. It plays nice and it's good looking but it has a lot of moronic stuff in it. Never played 0 but it's on my radar. Survivor was fun too.

      >CV better than 2 and 3
      Bro what the frick

  2. 8 months ago

    Re 1 is favorite. Least favorite retro Re is zero. But i like all main RE games

  3. 8 months ago

    That picture... where's Barry?
    Favorite is nemesis
    Least is umbrella corps

  4. 8 months ago

    Favorite: 1 GameCube, 4 GameCube, Mercenaries mode in 4/5
    Least Favorite: 0 (it was okay but I eventually got tired of it and didn't even finish)
    I haven't played any others and don't really care about them. I'm sure some of them are good, but "that GameCube game you loved, only far uglier and campier" isn't a concept that appeals to me at all so I haven't bothered.

    • 8 months ago

      (also for reference, in case somebody is itching to call me a zoomy zoozoo poopoo peeper: the reason I missed the early part of the series is that I'm too old not to notice how ugly PSX graphics were and drift over to PC gaming for a while, not that I'm too young to have even been alive then)

  5. 8 months ago


    1 is the best for me. The branching paths are a good feature and there are a lot of details which makes the whole package come together really well. 2/3/CV are all good and I rank them pretty similar. I like CV more because of how technical it is throughout with items and shit. 2 is great but it kinda plateaus for me after the Police Station. 3 is consistent but I'd place it somewhere in between. REmake is okay. It plays nice and it's good looking but it has a lot of moronic stuff in it. Never played 0 but it's on my radar. Survivor was fun too.

  6. 8 months ago

    Favorite is 3, least favorite is Survivor

  7. 8 months ago

    Probably 2. 5 if we don't count retro
    Code Veronica, easily. I'll play even 0 over CV again.

    • 8 months ago

      If we count non, I meant

  8. 8 months ago

    Re2. Least favourite would be 0 and then 3. Survivor does not count as a resident evil game.

  9. 8 months ago

    I dont know if I hate 0 or CV more when it comes to classic RE

    • 8 months ago

      0 has better art direction and music (both are basically nonexistent in CV for the most part) but CV is way more fun to actually play. The story is is less moronic in 0, I actually like how it expands the lore plus the main characters' interactions are pretty nice. You'd think I'm implying 0 is better overall but its gameplay is so shit I actually still prefer CV

      • 8 months ago

        Agreed on all points, especially 0 having good atmosphere and art direction but just being miserable mechanically

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >You'd think I'm implying 0 is better overall but its gameplay is so shit I actually still prefer CV
        CV could've been a nice offbeat detective type of game with Leon and Claire...it has this 'Don't Torture A Duckling' tone and flavour that might've fed into RE4. EGM presented Silent Hill 2 up as a giallo genre game, and I think Dreamcast had a lot of 'horror' that was really going for a colourful, inventive Giallo feel which was quickly dissolved by the Action-Horror genre.

        0 felt comparatively like an Edgar Allan Poe adaptation with Vincent Price. Enjoyed it once and that was enough.

        • 8 months ago

          >open /vr/
          >open this thread randomly
          >(You) minutes ago, anon mentioning giallo
          >downloading Profondo Rosso at this very moment
          what in the actual frick

  10. 8 months ago

    Fave: revelation 1
    Least fave: revelations 2

  11. 8 months ago

    >Favorite: 2 but actually 1
    >Least favorite: 6

  12. 8 months ago

    I really want to lime 0, but it always feel like a slog to get through it.

    My favorite would be 3 because it's the first one I played.

    • 8 months ago

      0 has a really stupid(anime) story but the gameplay is fine, the setting is atmospheric, the enemies are diverse, there are some cool guns, the puzzles are standard for RE, and Rebecca and Billy are a fun buddy team. I never understood the hate, unless it's the story or being so bad at item management that you NEED the box to keep track of things.

      • 8 months ago

        It's not hate, it's just the one I least enjoy playing from the retro ones.

        I want to like it more but it just doesn't click. I should play it again sometime and mix how I play it a bit or something.

    • 8 months ago

      0 is a slog because it is literally escort quest: the game

  13. 8 months ago

    The problem with 0 is that I can be autistic with how I organize my items in the box, but now I have to drop stuff on the floor like a caveman. One time when playing 0 it took me a good 60s to pick up the ink ribbons I dropped on the ground. My RE3 speedruns are about 1h10m and that is me losing time being an autist in the box. I understand wanting to give the ability to drop stuff, but god damn I still want the item box.

  14. 8 months ago

    >least favorite
    RE6 so bad I refuse to play

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