What killed the MMORPG genre?

What killed the MMORPG genre?

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  1. 4 years ago


    as in you growing older and realizing they're shit because they've always been shit

    • 4 years ago

      videogames are made for children. how can a man impress another man? we're meant to be creators; not consumers.

  2. 4 years ago


    any "MMO" with instanced shit is not an MMO

  3. 4 years ago

    Social media

    MMOs were fun because communication on the internet was primitive. Now that the gimmick is gone, all that's left is gear treadmill shit and recycled assets out the ass to justify a subscription

  4. 4 years ago

    MMOs are not dead. Small MMOs are dead but not the big ones, IIRC the vast, VAST majority of revenue for Square Enix is FFXIV. Blizzdrones still pay for WoW subs, and even OSRS is doing well. The MMO genre is not dead it’s just not as strong as it used to be, probably because the generation that played them when they were younger grew up and got jobs/married/kids. The ‘modern’ MMO truly is the only reason the MMO genre is still alive. If all current MMOs were a grind fest that requires you to dedicate your life to it (like Classic) MMOs would be dead as frick overall. The modern style of MMOs is more casual which better fits the audience these days.

    IMO xiv walks the line between casual and hardcore perfectly, definitely much better than mythic dungeon simulator WoW.

    • 4 years ago

      classic has a literal endgame though and every reward is meaningful. on retail they constantly move the goal post and drown you in rng gear. i feel like classic is much more rewarding for casual players. I play it off and on just for the <60 world pvp and handful of players i meet every time i run dungeons. on retail the world is dead and dungeons don't have any worthwhile rewards you can put to use and change your game. the players also give no fricked about each other unlike on classic when everyone is after connections with good players on their server.

    • 4 years ago

      XIV isn't an MMO.

    • 4 years ago

      >ffxiv is fine
      >looses 25% of their playerbase in one month

      • 4 years ago

        It's the usual "I've cleared all the content and they removed the lockouts so I've got all my gear, time to unsub and play something else until February" phase.

        • 4 years ago

          they couldnt even hold 1 mio subs for one year man

    • 4 years ago

      Classic is unironically more casual friendly than retail. Unless you are a mog troony then at that point you are not even playing the game

    • 4 years ago

      Every MMORPG has a prescribed way to be played to maximize gains
      Ignoring the best path is essentially a waste of time since skill is never involved

  5. 4 years ago

    c**ts just got sick of it tbh

    • 4 years ago

      this, our generation put thousands of hours into them and realised they are just garbage now..good memories but garbage that i will never play again

  6. 4 years ago

    Raids and try hards

    WoW was a simple casual experience till people got too serious about end game gear

  7. 4 years ago

    dungeon finder

  8. 4 years ago

    Wow, but mostly convenience gays. The more they pushed towards convenience the less complex social mechanics became. Now everything is geared towards people who want singleplayer story and multiplayer is an afterthought only done with groups on discord and guilds rather than forcing any socialization between peers.

  9. 4 years ago

    Appealing to casuals. MMOs slowly turned from being rpgs to tab targeted hack and slashes

  10. 4 years ago

    Nothing killed the genre. It isn't dead. WoW's success was freakish, a result not just of quality but of the time in which it released. Everyone wanted that WoW money so they all made their clones, suddenly blowing the genre up to massive size when it was never that big before. Then they all died off quickly. Then WoW started to downsize as other online games (not necessarily MMOs) arrived.

  11. 4 years ago


  12. 4 years ago

    Why even ask a question when you already posted the answer?

  13. 4 years ago

    I recently just started WoW again and I'm enjoying it

    t. 25yo

    • 4 years ago

      me2. I like to get drunk in the weekends and just spam dungeons on retail

  14. 4 years ago

    bad MMORPG's (all MMORPG's)

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