What killed this game?

What killed this game? The remaining english playerbase have all congregated around 3-4 servers and the only active gamemode is DarkRP

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  1. 2 years ago

    This is one of the few multilplayer games I have more fun playing singleplayer mode.

    • 2 years ago

      Am I a homosexual for never having touched singleplayer?

  2. 2 years ago

    DarkRP killed it.
    RP homosexuals are unbearable and are the reason why the game died.
    The rest of the non-rp servers are either full or russians, turks or poles.
    What's worse is when RP gays branch out to other gamemodes, they ruin them just by being there.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do they all congregate around the same 2-3 servers though? Why do new servers just not get players anymore?

      • 2 years ago

        A good chunk of the playersbase is on DarkRP, I just opened up the server browser to check, and on DarkRP alone, there is 7499 players for 1418 servers, and that is JUST DarkRP.
        You got many RP servers like StarWarsRP (Somehow their community is the worst out of all RP servers), Military RP, HL RP, etc etc.
        TTT has around 535 players for 1333 servers, and most of those servers are full of sensitive admins/mods who will mute/ban you for even the simplest of jokes.
        As you go lower, you will notice gamemodes that have around 1-3 players.
        Worst ones are the russian fake gamemodes on the list that got around 1000+ players on 10 servers, all filled with bots.
        You know, Ruskies can't touch anything without ruining it.
        /VM has it's own gmod server, but it's dead most of the time, as it's hosted in the US, I'd kill for an EU server, but what can you do.
        As for your actual question, why don't people go to new servers, well, there just isn't enough new/fresh people coming into the game anymore.
        The game was full of people when youtubers advertised it, however the game has largely fallen off, and 95% of the community is dedicated on certain servers (Most being RP servers).
        Scroll down the list of servers and you will see MANY dead gamemodes that used to be max pop, now dead and on display as such.
        God I fricking hate modern gaming, it ruined everything.

        • 2 years ago


          these homosexuals give the outside world such a negative view of gmod, to the point where the game is indistinguishable from some shit powertrip boomer cesspool like second life. The whole current narrative is that gmod is shit, full of powertrip admins and p2w, and while that is true for the popular servers, it still remains a fun game when you avoid these bad apples, but since the game has fallen off so much since the golden age where there were more new and popular servers, its now almost impossible to avoid, causing a knock on effect to the population of the game. All thats left now is zoomer homosexuals who crawl the most popular servers.

          • 2 years ago

            They didn't really paint it that badly, what they did good was bring in more people.
            One thing I can guarantee you, if anyone here was autistic enough to set up an EU vm gmod server, it would have people fairly often.
            And well, if you can freely be based, the server will attract the people we want, not the homosexuals who stay on DarkRP.

            • 2 years ago

              >brought in more kids*

              • 2 years ago

                We got more players in the end, plus we can bully.
                Now it's pretty much just twitter gays and russians.

        • 2 years ago

          >/VM has it's own gmod server, but it's dead most of the time, as it's hosted in the US, I'd kill for an EU server, but what can you do.
          do tell about this vm server

      • 2 years ago

        You wouldn't want to play on an empty server?

        • 2 years ago

          but if you try to join an empty server to play some chill gamemode with just your friends, you quickly get invaded by 40 thirsty russians, BRs and literal 12 year olds joining because like this guy

          A good chunk of the playersbase is on DarkRP, I just opened up the server browser to check, and on DarkRP alone, there is 7499 players for 1418 servers, and that is JUST DarkRP.
          You got many RP servers like StarWarsRP (Somehow their community is the worst out of all RP servers), Military RP, HL RP, etc etc.
          TTT has around 535 players for 1333 servers, and most of those servers are full of sensitive admins/mods who will mute/ban you for even the simplest of jokes.
          As you go lower, you will notice gamemodes that have around 1-3 players.
          Worst ones are the russian fake gamemodes on the list that got around 1000+ players on 10 servers, all filled with bots.
          You know, Ruskies can't touch anything without ruining it.
          /VM has it's own gmod server, but it's dead most of the time, as it's hosted in the US, I'd kill for an EU server, but what can you do.
          As for your actual question, why don't people go to new servers, well, there just isn't enough new/fresh people coming into the game anymore.
          The game was full of people when youtubers advertised it, however the game has largely fallen off, and 95% of the community is dedicated on certain servers (Most being RP servers).
          Scroll down the list of servers and you will see MANY dead gamemodes that used to be max pop, now dead and on display as such.
          God I fricking hate modern gaming, it ruined everything.

          says, all the good old game modes are dead so if someone sees the only Murder/vanilla/melonbomber/deathrace or that boat building mode open they all join it

      • 2 years ago

        A good chunk of the playersbase is on DarkRP, I just opened up the server browser to check, and on DarkRP alone, there is 7499 players for 1418 servers, and that is JUST DarkRP.
        You got many RP servers like StarWarsRP (Somehow their community is the worst out of all RP servers), Military RP, HL RP, etc etc.
        TTT has around 535 players for 1333 servers, and most of those servers are full of sensitive admins/mods who will mute/ban you for even the simplest of jokes.
        As you go lower, you will notice gamemodes that have around 1-3 players.
        Worst ones are the russian fake gamemodes on the list that got around 1000+ players on 10 servers, all filled with bots.
        You know, Ruskies can't touch anything without ruining it.
        /VM has it's own gmod server, but it's dead most of the time, as it's hosted in the US, I'd kill for an EU server, but what can you do.
        As for your actual question, why don't people go to new servers, well, there just isn't enough new/fresh people coming into the game anymore.
        The game was full of people when youtubers advertised it, however the game has largely fallen off, and 95% of the community is dedicated on certain servers (Most being RP servers).
        Scroll down the list of servers and you will see MANY dead gamemodes that used to be max pop, now dead and on display as such.
        God I fricking hate modern gaming, it ruined everything.

        you guys are leaving out that GTA5 RP and RDR2 RP got huge in the past few years. both much better experiences if you want to legitimately RP.

  3. 2 years ago

    I miss deathrun so fricking much bros

  4. 2 years ago

    So let's be real here, have you ACTUALLY roleplayed correctly in gmod or was it just a powertrip simulator for either you or the other person involved? Most people don't even have conversations in DarkRP.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember the glory days of revolutionary war RP. It was Americans versus the British, with linebattles every half hour on a timer. The linebattles were intense, and had all sorts of autistic maneuvering like fire and advance. After the battle, the next half hour would be spent fricking around doing hoodrat shit at the barracks, being "trained" (told what to do by a powertripper, though sometimes they actually did teach cool maneuvers), and trying to sneak into the enemy camp undetected.

      Progression could be bought or earned through bravery in battle and playtime. I started playing in May, and by August I was a high ranking officer without paying a single cent, simply because I loved playing on the server so much. My favorite memory is of the day they added cavalry. They were still working out how to restrict cavalry to only officers, so when the admins spawned them in for battle I managed to gather the goons and steal the horses right under the noses of the admins and officers. We rode straight into the enemy camp right as the linebattle started and pvp was enabled. We slashed down those dirty yankee doodles left right and center, and they couldn't stop us because we were just too fast. Eventually the admins put a stop to our rampage, but it was all in good fun so they didn't ban anybody.

      Unfortunately, despite how good they were for gmod admins, they were still eventually corrupted by greed. One day it was announced that officer roles had become too filled up, and as a result demotions would be handed out to the lower-ranking members of the officer corps (aka the ones who had earned their rank rather than payed for it). So many regulars had played and ranked up that paypig officers were becoming naturally outranked, which obviously pissed them off. They could no longer boss around the people that used to be their subordinates! Naturally everyone affected by the demotion was outraged, and there was a mass exodus from the server.

      • 2 years ago

        By the time of the exodus, I had attained the rank of Colonel. My full title was Colonel Cummingsworth of His Majesty's Armed Forces. My greatest and most loyal friend was Lieutenant Colonel Pepe, long may he dab on His Majesty's enemies. He was the Patrick Harper to my Richard Sharpe; Pepe, I hope you're doing well, wherever you may be.

      • 2 years ago

        Some of the most fun I've had in this game was on an old Star Wars RP server. The trick I found is to pick the right unit to join. I joined and eventually became head of the base police force and it was a lot of fun. I was basically living out COPS everyday on the server, busting shit heads and doing investigations. It was a small unit and I was able to hand pick the right kind of people. Had some decent role play going on and even ended up doing a server wide event where there was a spree killer lose on base and it ended up being one of my troopers who was planning to leave and sacrificed his character for the story. Absolute mega dimes.

        • 2 years ago

          was it mafia rp and it was cause there was a black dude running for mayor sounds like something i was part of years ago.

  5. 2 years ago

    I wish there were better servers in Gmod in general bros...

    It's all DarkRP or StarwarsRP, I miss the older Zombie Survival servers the most. Feels like it's so much easier to get gagged or banned by the troony admin for not agreeing with everything they say. good luck finding a single server with a decent bunch of people.

    If anyone has a good server, I'd love to hear it.

    • 2 years ago

      Go on Zarpgaming TTT server.
      I've been playing there, as it's one of the few EU servers where it's not all sensitive homosexuals.
      Server isn't always full, usually around 8-16 people, but it's comfy.
      Come and join me fren

    • 2 years ago

      deathlegends zombie survival is semi active and based

  6. 2 years ago

    >only activity is a bunch of groomers and spergs turning what was once unique content into glorified chatrooms
    it's definitely a pattern

  7. 2 years ago

    I miss Jailbreak

  8. 2 years ago

    >What killed this game?
    >join server
    >takes 20min for it to download 400 custom taunt mp3s
    >everything's purple missing textures despite having literally every source engine game installed
    >repeat 3-4 times
    >finally find a non-cancer server
    >friends and I alone on it
    >having a good time playing Murder or something
    >after 5min a half dozen randoms fricking join even though we dont want them here
    and the punchline
    >Gmod Tower was actually good
    >good variety of minigames
    >only pay2win shit is cosmetics, which you can grind for anyway
    >eventually leaves Gmod and becomes it's own somehow worse standalone game on Steam

    Gmod wouldve lived longer if you didnt have the constant missing textures shit, unable to just host your own lobby with friends and ridiculous load times to download custom content/taunts/hats you dont want.
    just frick off so my friends and i can do our annual 2-3 rounds of Gmod Murder or MelonBomber or maybe Spacebuild if we're feeling spicy

  9. 2 years ago

    Prop hunt is the only fun game mode and it gets annoying having to farm points on multiple servers just to unlock skins you want.

    • 2 years ago

      If your desperately in need of attention, unprivate your account.

  10. 2 years ago

    2013 was peak gmod for *me

  11. 2 years ago

    >What killed this game?
    Garry Nigman breaking all of the addons for the 10000th time and removing toybox
    i'll never forgive him for breaking spacebuild addons

  12. 2 years ago

    SFM, Rust, Minecraft, and "creative mode" mods in general

  13. 2 years ago

    Last time I launched it was to play Temporal Assasin

  14. 2 years ago

    Powertripping admins for one killed a lot of servers. They've been there forever, just look up bobjimjoejackson if you ever want an example. Buyable for instance is an insane series of a troll somehow not being the biggest butthole of a situation.

    Personally I played on a north korea rp server and when I said I was on skype in ooc they told me to get off of it and on their teamspeak or they'd ban me. I told them this wasn't in their rules and then the mods started getting confused at eachother asking wtf was going on. Then I called them nazis to which they started going "Oooh" like they just owned me and saying shit like "you really want to get banned" and banned me.

    Otherwise like others said a big issue is all the addons on every server. Many of which are just player models. Back when I ran servers I tried to keep this to a minimum and it was actually effective and I had maxed out pops for the servers.

    This plus pay to win shit has infected even TTT. Last time I tried playing a public ttt server they had lootboxes and modded guns with tiers of upgrades like silencers, rate of fire, damage, etc which is obviously op ans counter to the design of ttt. This kept me off the idea of playing it again, sadly.

  15. 2 years ago

    Toxic admins

  16. 2 years ago

    I tried playing some servers recently. I like Sunrust's Zombie Survival (although my current computer has a weak ass CPU and struggles to run it) but that's about it.
    The majority of the game modes are roleplay, split up into semi-serious and serious roleplay. Semi-serious roleplay is essentially just sandbox with extra steps and obnoxious admins, the gameplay parts of it are pointless and you'd have more fun playing regular sandbox. Serious roleplay is what happens when you try and run a D&D game but do it out in the middle of the street and invite every drunk hobo nearby to come and join, most people have an extremely poor grasp on English and since your fun is dictated by others you're less likely to make interesting characters with flaws and will instead just powergame as much as possible, making your flaws personality quirks at worst. You're far better off playing any tabletop game or roleplaying in private groups if that's your thing.
    The large majority of non-RP gamemodes are shovelware-tier at best, and it'd be hard to dedicate any significant amount of time to them alone. TTT is mostly trash like every other Maifa/Werewolf-inspired game, and I remember a lot of old but simple gamemodes being able to be ran properly on Fretta Multigames servers, but those seem to have died out entirely.

    Add most servers not being worth joining to the absurd amount of content most servers will shove down your throat and force you to download, since if you try to disable it the entire server will just be a bunch of missing textures and errors at best and will be impossible to play at worst, and also adding on that this absurd amount of content includes shit you'll never see like dumbass VIP content, and you have a lot of people just not wanting to play the game anymore. Maybe if stuff like multigames was brought back it'd put smaller gamemodes into the spotlight and add enjoyable and varied gameplay, but that probably won't happen.

  17. 2 years ago

    The transition to Gmod 13 broke a lot of the addons and gamemodes and the game hasn't recovered since.

  18. 2 years ago

    anyone here looking forward to s&box?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. If "Garry's Roblox" manages to attract an audience a bit more mature than the real Roblox it mite b cewl

      • 2 years ago

        I'd say it depends on whether or not s&box becomes f2p. If it does become free then it's probably gonna have the same audience as Roblox, maybe even have some stupid shit like Garrybux too. Either way I'm looking forward to the gamemodes being made on Source 2. That boomer shooter one they made recently looked pretty cool.

    • 2 years ago

      frick no, roblox is pure cancer (just head over to the roblox thread on here and ask) and garry wanting to copy that is the biggest, brighest red flag there could be.

      but there is a lot of people working on their own source 2 gmods, i am looking forward to those.

    • 2 years ago

      It's an entirely different beast from Garry's Mod so who knows what might happen with it. When it got announced a lot of people were excited at the prospect of Garry's Mod 2 or VR Garry's Mod but it's very clear that S&box has a very different goal than Garry's Mod does. Garry's Mod is sort of lightning in a bottle, it was the right thing in the right place at the right time and there's no way in hell S&box is going to end up like it. I have my own hopes for what the game could be, among them the possibility that it could replace VRChat which I've thought was utter shit for half a decade now.
      From the Alpha footage I've seen there's not a lot of high hopes for the actual complexity of the gamemodes, a lot of them are very shovelware-like and there's nothing that would capture the attention of people for very long (almost like a lot of Gmod gamemodes!), either way I expect that this game will not be quite as popular as Garry's Mod but it remains to be seen if people will actually enjoy it for what it is.
      Also penishead or whatever his name was supposed to be is so extremely ugly and I fricking hate his design. Why Garry chose the ugliest abomination pulled out of the uncanny valley to represent his game I'll never know.

  19. 2 years ago

    >What killed this game?
    homie it's been like 15 years, people move onto new things. It's like asking why CS 1.6 or why Newgrounds died. Like yeah there's still a player/userbase in all three but it's fallen out of the collective spotlight because new things come out constantly and new people rarely revisit older things.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean those two died because of newer variants and flash in general dying, respectively. Also, flash games were never that good anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      probably the best answer here

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