What level of intelligence is this?

What level of intelligence is this?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    >they're both dead


    • 3 months ago

      Nahh, both are still alive as Azur and Lusat personally hand you their signature spells when talked to

    • 3 months ago

      they're not dead, they're just too INT for this mortal plane. they've ascended, they're everywhere and nowhere. their JO-crystals are at max-charge and they're gooning with the cosmos now.

      • 3 months ago

        >they've ascended, they're everywhere and nowhere
        yeah that's called dead

    • 3 months ago

      Death is only another step to enlightenment dipshit.

  2. 3 months ago

    >when you are so smart your circle back to believing in crystals

  3. 3 months ago

    Anyone have the Elden ring art book pdf

    • 3 months ago

      That artbook is scam, I don't get why devs stopped releasing unreleased concept art(not handpicked illustrations), i would gladly pay 10$ for deluxe edition if those artbook actually contain real work instead of some marketing trash

      • 3 months ago

        Literally me.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I thought this was gonna be bait to some horsefricker comic or something, color me surprised.

      • 3 months ago

        >220 pages
        Isn't the book like 540 tho? Volume one anyway, the second is like 300+

      • 3 months ago

        >it's the actual artbook and not dolphin pussy pics

        • 3 months ago

          e-hentai is the library of babel in terms of artbooks
          It's why there was such a massive outcry when it was potentially going to go down. There are THOUSANDS of artbooks on there that simply do not exist anywhere else on the internet, and are out of print and obscure enough that they never will exist on the internet again if they should happen to be lost. It would be a terrible tragedy.

      • 3 months ago

        Why is FromSoft the only studio that can actually put their concept art in the game

  4. 3 months ago

    Simultaneously a 99 and a 0
    They’re so smart they’re stupid

    • 3 months ago

      99 int
      0 wis

    • 3 months ago

      Basically this
      They're so based they looped around to being cringe. It's like they touched the horseshoe together at the tip and just made a moronation circle
      >haha look at me mortal, I'm a bunch of crytals now. Jealous??
      >>uhh. No? *fricks roderika*

  5. 3 months ago

    Azur be looking like pic related so not much

    • 3 months ago

      >Have you got frogs legs?
      >Oui, Monsieur
      >Well then hop over to the bar and get us a pint

      • 3 months ago
  6. 3 months ago

    I loathe the fact that to play a sorcery build you need moronic hats.

    • 3 months ago

      You don't though.

      • 3 months ago

        hes probably talking about the stupid heads that all give int

        • 3 months ago

          They legitimately give frick all INT for a pretty hefty percentage based malus to a universally important stat. The only one that doesn't come with a malus still gives frick all INT.
          The only reason you should ever use them is for fashion or to swap in for spell level requirements.

    • 3 months ago

      hes probably talking about the stupid heads that all give int

      the glintstone crowns are all cool and interesting frick you tastelets, you want typical shit go pick up a sword and frick out the school

    • 3 months ago

      ranni big hat is cute, cute!

      • 3 months ago

        which way, ranni sisters?

        • 3 months ago

          There is a third way

          • 3 months ago

            >fat ass ginger giant

            • 3 months ago

              Imagine she made you rub her feet then she sits on you haha

        • 3 months ago

          my way is doing the ranni questline up until the part where she butchers the two fingers and thus exposes herself while painting a massive target on her forehead
          she needs to marry you so she can save herself and then discard you later
          instead what you do is get to that point where she's most vulnerable and smack her one
          she vanishes (because she wasn't actually real in the first place, just a parasitical entity attempting to posses you via a contract wrought in the shape as companionship) and is now most certainly completely fricked and will be caught and consumed by the greater will in due time
          meanwhile you get full access to everything that you could have gotten simply by shackling yourself to her anyway
          it's absolutely the best way to play
          it also takes care of the furgay and the disembowled troll reject as well as the weirdo pervert in the basement
          top tier galaxybrain strats

          • 3 months ago

            My man, kudos to you.

          • 3 months ago

            t. jilted fair consort

          • 3 months ago

            I fricking kneel

          • 3 months ago

            Tranni obliterated.

          • 3 months ago

            >*kills you with the moonlight greatsword*
            To be ranniless is to be LOST

            • 3 months ago

              >moonlight greatsword*
              Nope. I wonder if the actual Moonlight will end up in the DLC. We've got Dark Moon and Golden Order Greatsword, but not the real thing.

          • 3 months ago

            >she needs to marry you so she can save herself and then discard you later
            Two npcs outright say that Ranni cares for you, in Iji's case enough to be devastated by your betrayal (Iji and Seluvis)
            >The dead-eyed doll lets down her guard in your presence, rather remarkably. (Seluvis)
            >Cease this treachery at once. Lady Ranni will be devastated. (Iji)
            She gets all clingy with you when you're both alone until she realizes what she's doing and starts denying it
            >Ah, should I add thee to the list? Another one, kind of heart. As kind of heart as they. Ach, this form hath loosened my tongue. I've let slip too much. Forget what thou'st heard. Forget. (Ranni)
            Calls herself delusional for trusting you if you attack her after giving her the wedding ring
            >Hmph. So, this is the measure of my Lord? Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve. ...For surrendering myself to delusion. (Ranni)
            She refers to you as "dear consort" instead of "fair consort" if you talk to her doll form and know the true extent of her plans
            >Let us go, together. My dear consort, eternal. (Ranni)
            Seluvis, who was attempting to turn Ranni into a puppet and possibly rape her, refers to her as a gentle girl
            >Though she might dip her hands in the dirt, and feign that icy persona...she's a frail, gentle girl at heart. (Seluvis)

            I don't get how anyone can insist Ranni doesn't actually care about you in her ending. She isn't acting, Seluvis has no reason to paint her kinder than she actually is in a private conversation with you, especially when he insults her in the sentence right before that. Everything points to Ranni's affection being genuine.

            • 3 months ago

              >>Ah, should I add thee to the list? Another one, kind of heart. As kind of heart as they. Ach, this form hath loosened my tongue. I've let slip too much. Forget what thou'st heard. Forget.
              My absolute favorite line in the game
              My wife is so sweet

            • 3 months ago

              personally It was distasteful how she ditches blaidd and iji without even talking to us concerning them post death, unless I'm misremembering. Blaidd she couldn't help much I know since he's a shadow but iji was just in hiding, no reason why she'd let him fall into depression and kill himself (removing his own helmet letting assassin's find him). Rannis idea of affection might differ from ours, there's always going to be a power dynamic of her above you I feel especially with how she's the one communing with dark moon and not you, i opted for the straight and simple gold mask removal of godly machinations.

              I also hate how she leaves the land festering with the wormfaces and blight that she cause, no one is strong enough to bring people together and fix that, all the armies and generals are fractured, rennalas a broken shell etc, the only one left was you or ranni but you both leave everyone to deal with it as you leave for the stars. Rannis removal of gods and higher powers fiddling with the lands between doesn't resolve the still spreading blight wormfaces and plague running throughout roots under the entire land, we've seen blight take over entire forests, shit is going to rape the world if unchecked.

              Then you have the spirit bell explanation she gives which confuses me even more, I don't trust her at all tbh

              • 3 months ago

                You're not making any sense, speak clearly dumb frick, the hate boner you have against ranni made you forget that ranni ending solves death blight spreading and lets godwyn move on, he has a true death, play the fricking game, we only see wormfaces in 1 tiny area the forest at altus so don't assume they just spread anywhere dumbass, they're solved as well in rannis ending

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, I've talked to that guy multiple times and have told him each time that deathblight is solved because people are allowed to die again in the age of stars, since the thing that was causing immortality (and all the problems that come with it) which is the elden ring, is removed from earth. His argument is that there's "deathblight everywhere" which is simply not true, and that "no one can fight it" which is also not true. He doesn't care and simply ignores my arguments because he's predetermined to hate Ranni
                More Ranni for me, then

              • 3 months ago

                the Fire Keeper got eyeballs, which has a whole different context in ER

              • 3 months ago

                >yesss eat da grapes, tarnyim
                >find the tunnels and surrender your foreskin, tarnyim
                >may israel take the world!
                How did From get away with this??

              • 3 months ago

                They used some gypsy dogwhistles and everyone laughed instead of getting mad

              • 3 months ago

                People payed attention to the "nomadic" part and didnt notice the "merchant" part lol

              • 3 months ago

                turns out there's a yarmulke under the chapeau

              • 3 months ago

                They used some gypsy dogwhistles and everyone laughed instead of getting mad

                Damn and they really, ACTUALLY got away with baseing a faction off a israeli chaos demon that wants to destroy the world with chaotic fire. On top of that, those people are literally nomadic MERCHANTS. Fricking lmao

                People payed attention to the "nomadic" part and didnt notice the "merchant" part lol

                It was a little bit too on the nose if you know what I mean.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Why are you so pissed off? You guys always get so fricking defensive.
                >wormface only at altus
                There's wormfaces at farum azula, likely due to maliketh being there after eating deathroot, blight spread there just from that alone, completely physically separate from the land and godwyns roots yet still spreading so death roots may be self sustaining, or wormfaces can spread it themselves.
                >they're solved as well
                What??? Yes godwyns constant failed revival is fixed, how does that shit fix wormfaces and death root still embedded into the land?? We just saw that it can spread even without being tied to godwyn.
                If Ranni acknowledged the blight she caused at all, even in her ending before leaving them, it'd be fine but she just acts like its a typical thing and the people will be fine with their would be leader, hell their only possible leader around, going along with ranni towards the stars and ditching them. What the frick do you mean wormfaces are solved??
                >wormfaces are solved??
                explain this

                Yeah, I've talked to that guy multiple times and have told him each time that deathblight is solved because people are allowed to die again in the age of stars, since the thing that was causing immortality (and all the problems that come with it) which is the elden ring, is removed from earth. His argument is that there's "deathblight everywhere" which is simply not true, and that "no one can fight it" which is also not true. He doesn't care and simply ignores my arguments because he's predetermined to hate Ranni
                More Ranni for me, then

                You still haven't explained the above points, people like you who blindly assume any scheming character, let alone FROMSOFT characters are flawless paragons are fricking pests, you clearly jumped on the from wagon when elden released and don't want to actually discuss lore, just post little cute pictures, please frick off to /c/

              • 3 months ago

                I told you mutliple times in my posts in the past that Ranni ISN'T an innocent person and DID do fricked up shit. Yet you still claim that I think she's a "flawless paragon". I adressed your points and you ignored them, then claimed that I didnt adress your points. I will not adress them again because there's nothing I can say to change your mind. You're dug in and you'll never change.
                >you still havent explained the above points.
                I did, and you rejected that explanation
                Cry more about it, see if it helps.
                You don't want dialog or answers, you want to find others who already dislike ranni to agree with you

              • 3 months ago

                yep as I thought, funny the only wrong you want to attribute to Ranni is the ones she'll admit herself, as in you only fault her for the knives. Get out the thread

              • 3 months ago

                >ignores previous answers I've given
                >chooses to believe headcanon instead
                >I refuse to reiterate my points because I've given them in the past and they were ignored
                >>haha, just as I THOUGH.. you HAVE no arguments!!
                You cannot be this dense

              • 3 months ago

                So if you think ranni is extremely wrong for causing wormfaces and deathroots and leaving the lands to deal with it, why are you even fricking talking to me? Thats my whole point. Is some obligation to some blue pixels causing you to rile up?? What the frick what a waste of time

              • 3 months ago

                >that's my whole point
                Let me spell it out for you for the FINAL time
                >ranni causes deathblight
                >deathblight causes people to live in death (torment)
                >ranni takes the ER away, allowing people to die naturally
                >deathblight is no longer an issue because it doesnt cause you to live in death. It causes you to simply die. It's been reduced to a hazard akin to a fire or a wild animal or a plague
                >deathblight will be eradicated if the people work together, just like they could stop any threat
                >she literally cant, moron, she has to take the elden ring away
                >nepheli loux (I will call upon the storm to wash away the foul wind)
                >the entire academy of raya lucaria can just snipe the wormdogs from a distance
                >every land that had their lord slain will fall in line behind the strongest leader
                >>N-NONE EXIST! THAT'S HEADCANON
                >your word against mine. The game is literally over at that point. You saying no one will solve the deathblight problem is exactly the same as anyone saying someone will because there is equal logic and evidence for both
                >for example, multiple tools in game to combat deathblight (you conveniently ignore these and continue to say deathblight is a problem)
                Again, ALL of this was given to you in previous threads over the past week. Yet i STILL see you making fricking posts about how no one has given you an answer or arguments.
                Actually go frick yourself, shithead
                Stop fricking lying

              • 3 months ago

                >ranni has to take the ring away to reinstate natural death
                That's entirely her choice about gods and has nothing to do with natural death you actual moron
                Marikas rule and destined death being sealed away is why people don't die and why godwyns blight caused life in death. The fricking elden ring itself isn't the arbiter of eternal life, its the one whos RULING IT, this is obvious in the fricking endings where the ring is shaped in whichever rune you want, ranni could easily stay and clean up while death is reinstated, you're a fricking blithering idiot who can't even see clear plot yet you try to warp it just to further empower rannis ending. have a nice day
                >people can fight etc
                Ranni caused mass death and ruin, it is her responsibility to deal with it, yet she immediately ditches everyone to carry out her plan to distance gods without even a MENTION of anything blight, leaving you to assume she cares or has any kind of thought for the blight shes caused?
                Ranni is fricked up for what she did and if you can't see that you're a dumb c**t, and if you can then stop talking to me you ranni obsessed wanker, again, stay out of lore threads if you're getting shit wrong so hard

              • 3 months ago

                You literally just did it again you dumb as rocks fricking idiot
                >I pose arguments
                you are fricking deranged and I was right. You will LITERALLY never accept any answer because you WANT to hate ranni. Let me remind you also of another thing that happened in this thread
                >you say "ranni doesn't like anyone. She uses her 'friends' and doesnt care about the tarnished at all"
                >someone goes through your post, shows you evidence to the contrary, literally words directly out of the game and you reply with
                >you then dismiss/ignore the entire post that PROOVED you wrong and continued to say what you were saying before.
                Literally, LITERALLY the exact same thing that you JUST did with my post AND the same thing you've been doing for weeks.
                It's time for you to take a break from this game. The seething hatred you have for le blue girl is ruining your life and your ability to function as a person.
                Seek help and touch grass or whatever the zoomers are saying these days
                Rannichads stay winning

              • 3 months ago

                You literally just did it again you dumb as rocks fricking idiot
                >I pose arguments
                you are fricking deranged and I was right. You will LITERALLY never accept any answer because you WANT to hate ranni. Let me remind you also of another thing that happened in this thread
                >you say "ranni doesn't like anyone. She uses her 'friends' and doesnt care about the tarnished at all"
                >someone goes through your post, shows you evidence to the contrary, literally words directly out of the game and you reply with
                >you then dismiss/ignore the entire post that PROOVED you wrong and continued to say what you were saying before.
                Literally, LITERALLY the exact same thing that you JUST did with my post AND the same thing you've been doing for weeks.
                It's time for you to take a break from this game. The seething hatred you have for le blue girl is ruining your life and your ability to function as a person.
                Seek help and touch grass or whatever the zoomers are saying these days
                Rannichads stay winning

                >one moron who hates ranni and doesn't accept any arguments
                >one moron who loves ranni and doesn't accept any arguments

              • 3 months ago

                so where do you stand then

              • 3 months ago

                >Elden Beast inside Radagon
                Hah, gaaAAAaay

            • 3 months ago

              >I don't get how anyone can insist Ranni doesn't actually care about you
              I don't get how anyone can insist Ranni actually cares when everything you hear about her comes from her own lips or her three stooges
              She's just a desperate entity clinging to the first thing that comes along that can help her in her plans
              She's already fricked up the Lands Between beyond repair and killed essentially the only good super chad Godwyn just for her own shitty plans
              She can kill you without even touching you (no one else in the entire game displays being able to do this) if you annoy her
              What makes you think for a minute she's worth trusting and somehow you, a random Tarnished she's known for 30 minutes at most if we combine all of the dialogue and time spent with you, have broken her guard and made her become devoted and reliant on you?
              A few honeyed words and you turn into a complete simp, is that it?
              I just know the moment after the Ranni ending concludes and she's made it to her new plane or whatever the frick she will just disintegrate or enslave you into some other scheme
              Powerful beings do not share power, and she's completely fricking insane
              She might not have been close to any of her extended family and maybe she resented being Empyrean and part of the Greater Will plans, but she still acts like a complete unreliable psycho with a complete disregard for everything around her to accomplish her goals
              I can't imagine why anyone would see that and think the sociopathic high power hungry and oppressive force that she is would make the perfect person to just tie yourself to
              Is it like some "I can fix him!" shit when women want to date murderers in prison or something?
              I've been accused of being cold hearted or completely jaded but I just can't see how people willingly throw caution to the wind and think you're getting a happy ever after when there's pretty much zero romance or social build up between the two of you
              It's a Nigerian prince tier scam, that's what it is

              • 3 months ago

                >words words words
                You could just say "I hate ranni because I don't understand her"
                Not gonna read your wall of text
                Cry about it
                Ranni won

              • 3 months ago

                >kid ranni
                what a frick up delete this inaccurate trash

          • 3 months ago

            How does it take care of Blaidd and Iji?
            I don't get it. What happens to them?

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah they're not making sense, blaidd and iji get "taken care of" regardless, which us pretty fricked up, she just completely ignores not even mentions her supposed childhood friends as they're brutally killed kek

              • 3 months ago

                Ranni isn't omniscient. After you kill the baleful shadow she ask you to give her good byes to Iji and Blaidd, and to tell them that she loves them. Her plans were to leave them on the lands between as she embarked on her voyage through the stars alone. She was probably hopping that they could be free after she left. Of course we know that it didn't happen

              • 3 months ago

                Iji was a piece of shit for imprisoning Blaidd. He even says he made a mistake in the end.

                The “madness” that follows an Empyrean’s shadow is likely just their loss of higher thinking. The same way the beastmen lost their intelligence. It wasn’t a curse so much as a “we’ll take away your dog person’s intelligence if you don’t stay with us.”. The two fingers are capable of bestowing higher intelligence. Even Kenneth Haight alludes to this in his text. Strangely, the position Placidusax is in when you find him, is mirroring that of the two fingers, waiting for an answer from above, over aeons.

                Radahn’s halting of the stars, or fate, stalled this inevitability.

              • 3 months ago

                I think that "piece of shit" is going a bit too far. I don't think that he did it out of malice, instead, I think he did it as a way to protect both Ranni and Blaidd. They didn't knew how the Greater Will would react once Ranni truly escaped it's grasps after killing her two fingers, so he took a preemptive action.

              • 3 months ago

                I think that "piece of shit" is going a bit too far. I don't think that he did it out of malice, instead, I think he did it as a way to protect both Ranni and Blaidd. They didn't knew how the Greater Will would react once Ranni truly escaped it's grasps after killing her two fingers, so he took a preemptive action.

                >greater will gives dog men to its female agents
                >there is a statue of a women surrounded by wolves in farum azula

              • 3 months ago

                Isn't that just miquela?

              • 3 months ago

                Farum Azula presumably predates Miquella. The Elden Ring engraved there is pre-Erd, as it still has Destined Death incorporated into it. It was a different time.

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Who's the guy with Marika?

          • 3 months ago

            Excuse me, I meant Melina.

          • 3 months ago

            That guy got isekaid, yeah, they turned the elden ring manga into an isekai complete all the isekai humor and shit etc

        • 3 months ago

          Oh I forgot this manga, I should see how many chapters it's got now, keked so often.

    • 3 months ago

      I wore a gargoyle head for like 70% of my sorcery playthrough

      • 3 months ago

        Are you me?

    • 3 months ago

      >Caring about minmaxing
      Rogier's set is peak mage drip, just wear that.
      Speaking of magic though, anyone implying magic is easier than melee outside the use of Comet Azur is a lying homosexual.

      • 3 months ago

        There are too few actual wizard hats, and out of the three proper ones two are comically big.

        • 3 months ago

          There's no such thing as a wizard hat that is too big

      • 3 months ago

        night maiden's mist is a stronger carry than mimic tear for over half the game

      • 3 months ago

        Magic IS easy mode though
        >t. base vigour

    • 3 months ago

      My first character ever played in any souls game was a sorceress in elden ring and I wore the crow feathers cape and the demon horns hat cause it looked cool as frick. I can't image caring about stats lmaooooo

    • 3 months ago

      I hope in the dlc we get some cool wizard hats.

      • 3 months ago

        what is the SOURCE of this image these people look cool

        • 3 months ago

          Witch Hat Atelier. Basic summary is that a young girl that dreams of being a witch discovers the secret of magic That anyone can use magic as it only requires a pen and magic ink and has to become a witch to undo a spell.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm noticing a consistent cowboy theme here

      • 3 months ago

        The monk set with the Alucard hat in the trailer is some drip

    • 3 months ago

      homie you can't spare 3 fricking extra levels when youre already at 65?

    • 3 months ago

      >i need the int my hat gives so I can deal 488dmg instead of 455 without it

      • 3 months ago

        that giant snow hat for women buffs frostbite shit by 20% its absurdly strong

    • 3 months ago

      >moronic hats
      HoodChads rise up.

      • 3 months ago

        >slightly different shade of blue
        this shit pisses me off so much

    • 3 months ago

      None of the Glintstone hats are particularly good unless you really want to optimize for low level invasions and NEED the extra numbers for some gimmick. The downsides and weight just aren't worth it, the only wizard headpiece I'd say gives any real advantage is the Ice Witch hat, but not only is it Ganker as frick but it's only good if you plan on using a lot of frost spells anyway.
      I'll be honest I'm kind of glad that that there isn't a must use magic hat. Pic related was that for two fricking games and it's the ugliest fricking head piece in the series.

      >Caring about minmaxing
      Rogier's set is peak mage drip, just wear that.
      Speaking of magic though, anyone implying magic is easier than melee outside the use of Comet Azur is a lying homosexual.

      >Rogier's set is peak mage drip, just wear that.
      Ironically better armor than any of the glintstone crown, especially with how overpowered weapon arts are in ER.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I beat the game as a sorcerer while putting a dead deer's antlers on my head

    • 3 months ago

      I wore the helmets that recharged your life when you switched between them heh heh

      • 3 months ago

        I abused this on pvp so fricking much until it got patched
        fun times

    • 3 months ago

      Say that to my face say that to my fricking face

      • 3 months ago

        Why are magic users all blinding themselves in this setting?

        • 3 months ago

          Because madness, insanity, “Duuude, that’s so Lovecraftian”, etc, and all that.

          Blindness as a path to knowledge/power is very much a theme in George’s A Song of Ice & Fire too. So is fire and blood, and the fire monks and their blood sorcerers are obviously a nod to the red priests of R’hllor, enthralled by the flame.

          Glintstone sorcery also kind of reminds me of the Church of Starry Wisdom, an astrological cult.

  7. 3 months ago

    >brainlets who can't handle primeval current without turning into rocks
    should have listened to mommy's warning, your INT is too low to play around with that

    • 3 months ago

      why does she have comet azur anyway or is that ranni that has it? Either way seems weird

      • 3 months ago

        Carians try to keep the best stuff for themselves, same reason they didn't allow Thops into the academy because his spell idea was very similar to Carian Retaliation

        • 3 months ago

          You sure? Isn't the lore he just went out for a wank or something and the Academy closed its doors when the Ring shattered and he was left out?

          • 3 months ago

            he calls himself a bluntstone with no potential, he got gaslit into thinking he was a brainlet because they didn't want him to continue his research
            >Presuming you're interested, I can teach you sorceries, as promised. Only, none of them are particularly great..."
            >"Oh, did I not mention? I'm a bluntstone. I don't even have a pebble's worth of power. I'm sorry I'm so useless. I truly am."

            • 3 months ago

              And he's right because his sorcery is a useless clunky parry which is infinitely inferior to pressing the roll button or using Carian retaliation.

              • 3 months ago

                >infinitely inferior to Carian retaliation.
                That's exactly the point. CR was deliberately kept a secret to the Academy while pushing the narrative that any pursuit of defensive sorcery was to be ridiculed, so whenever they rebelled against the Royal Family, they could swiftly stamp them out

              • 3 months ago

                >they could swiftly stamp them out
                Debatable when Carian Retaliation is shit and a waste of a spell slot lul
                captcha: SHTY

              • 3 months ago

                Carians also worked to create armaments that also served as catalysts, and CR is the single best parry art in the game

              • 3 months ago

                >Debatable when Carian Retaliation is shit and a waste of a spell slot lul
                did you not play the game before it got nerfed? It was used for cheese in both PVE and PVP

              • 3 months ago

                Because of a fricking overlooked design fart you moron

              • 3 months ago

                >useless clunky parry
                that's not at all what it is. you're supposed to keep casting it. It was one of the great breakthroughs of the academy and would have earned him a mask in his likeness

              • 3 months ago

                also the only thing in the game that can deflect elden stars

              • 3 months ago

                I learned this, then forgot to take it into the fight lmao. The stars almost got me, but I got him (carried by MGS)

              • 3 months ago

                It also deflects Destined Death

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                I need to actually read this, the fact that it was a parody initially turned me off

              • 3 months ago

                Did it show the knight parrying and riposting the frick out of the tarnished? If not then whoever did this never played the game. Frick that knight man

              • 3 months ago

                Carian Retaliation… Eternal Darkness… Thops Barrier… Primal Glintstone Blade…
                There are a lot of counter magics in this game, even spells that the characters don’t get access to, like the magic constructs, teleporter spells, etc, that it makes me wonder just how different the magic is in actual lore…
                And yeah, it’s all implied to be connected. Carian Retaliation and Thops Barrier likely follow the same or similar principles. Sorceries and Incantations are the same thing seen differently.
                Primal Glintstone Blade is *ancient* and treats both sharing the same source.

              • 3 months ago

                I’d rather a quick teleport spell than Thop’s barrier to be quite honest…

                There’s desperately “oh god please work, please deflect, please-please-please”, and then there’s “lol I’m nowhere near that spell projectile of yours now”, which is just flat out superior.

                Consider Harry Potter. The ‘killing curse’ is unblockable, so wizards just resort to teleporting around them.

                Why the FRICK can’t my character blink ten meters? Why do players get the fricking Crucible Aspect Wings in the DLC, but I don’t get my Preceptor Miriam “lol I’m over here now” bullshittery? It’s not fair! Flying is gayer than teleporting even!

              • 3 months ago

                you don't know what you're asking, you have zero idea how janky a "teleport" spell would be

              • 3 months ago

                Don’t care. Give it to me.

              • 3 months ago

                >like the magic constructs
                Yeah, like what the frick. There are wizards conjuring fricking troll knights of all things. Don’t even get me fricking started on how bad Tibia’s Summons is as a spell.

                The only way to be a proper summoner in this game is going pure caster and using ashes all the time, but even then you can only use them in certain areas. Rennala uses summons in her fight too. She summons a dragon. If a plain wizard enemy can summon a fricking troll, why can’t I summon a few skeletons ffs.

              • 3 months ago

                Because From hates fun and they disallow anything that will make player go away from shit dex roll build.
                They provide opportunity for people to try other builds while not providing good utility for them

              • 3 months ago

                Counterpoint: Thops' Barrier can deflect Destined Death

              • 3 months ago

                Pour one out for Thops he's literally me

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, he says he's not good but I've seen nowhere in the game that it's said he was kicked out. There's a guy on Reddit who spoke of his own theory that he was kicked out, but it's actually just a theory. What we know for sure is he was out when the gates closed. Occam's Razor: dude was out for a jog and it closed behind him.

            • 3 months ago

              >"Oh, did I not mention? I'm a bluntstone. I don't even have a pebble's worth of power. I'm sorry I'm so useless. I truly am."
              This is in response to you trying to give him a scroll. He's not saying this because he was "gaslit into thinking he was a brainlet", he's saying it because he's a legitimate brainlet that doesn't know how to decipher the scroll you're trying to give him.
              >Presuming you're interested, I can teach you sorceries, as promised. Only, none of them are particularly great..."
              He knows three spells at the time you speak to him, two of which are the starting spells for sorcerer and taught by the other sorcery teacher you meet earlier in the game, and the third is a simple light spell.

              You sure? Isn't the lore he just went out for a wank or something and the Academy closed its doors when the Ring shattered and he was left out?

              Yeah, he says he's not good but I've seen nowhere in the game that it's said he was kicked out. There's a guy on Reddit who spoke of his own theory that he was kicked out, but it's actually just a theory. What we know for sure is he was out when the gates closed. Occam's Razor: dude was out for a jog and it closed behind him.

              He says himself that they just sealed the place up while he was out and not that he was kicked out.
              >When they cast the seals, I'd just popped out, and now I'm uprooted from my place of learning.
              This guy is just a brainless headcanoneer.

        • 3 months ago

          Please give the source for this my man, I feel like Azur almost gazing into forbidden knowledge. Let me see it

          • 3 months ago

            It's a weaker version, brief like the night and flame sword weapon art. It's the infinite stream, perhaps from truly tapping into the primal current, that comes from delving too deep. Not to mention that (you) can use it without succumbing to the crystal frickery. It's probably the research itself that destroys you, not necessarily wielding the power itself, so if someone else does the hard work for you the sorcery is risk free
            Artist is Nat the Lich

            Carians try to keep the best stuff for themselves, same reason they didn't allow Thops into the academy because his spell idea was very similar to Carian Retaliation

            Based and Blessed
            The forbidden milk.

        • 3 months ago

          >ranni abandoned her body and genetics of big massive cow breasts
          rannibros....I....I can't accept this....she needs to pay...

        • 3 months ago

          thops invented a sorcery which negated most other sorceries while requiring very low int : it's peak heresy

          • 3 months ago

            Why that thing is supposedly good enough to have warranted Thops making his own conspectus is beyond me. I never found a reason to use it.

            • 3 months ago

              I mean it's just lore
              pebble is stronger than founding rain of stars too in game

        • 3 months ago

          Radagon was a fricking fool

          • 3 months ago

            cut him some slack, he had that on one side and pic related on the other, literally two perfect extremes of sex goddesses, plus he had no choice anyway since the GW controlled him and forced him to Marika

            • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Azur did have a tower within the academy which has large crystals within as well. Presumably there must have been a time when the erudites of the primeval current weren't at odds with the rest of the academy at large. After all, imbuing glintstone within your mask where the brain would be, right above one's brain, is a practice shared by all the mages of the academy regardless of their discipline of choice.

        • 3 months ago

          He mightve made the comet before he went full moron

      • 3 months ago

        It's a weaker version, brief like the night and flame sword weapon art. It's the infinite stream, perhaps from truly tapping into the primal current, that comes from delving too deep. Not to mention that (you) can use it without succumbing to the crystal frickery. It's probably the research itself that destroys you, not necessarily wielding the power itself, so if someone else does the hard work for you the sorcery is risk free

        Please give the source for this my man, I feel like Azur almost gazing into forbidden knowledge. Let me see it

        Artist is Nat the Lich

    • 3 months ago

      Rennala’s brain is still wet and mushy, so her intellect cannot be higher than Azur or Lusat’s. Sad! It’s just a no brainer (lol).

      • 3 months ago

        Her funny hat raises her intellect so she doesn't need to turn her brain into glintstone

      • 3 months ago

        Those gems on her hat in the picture?, probably glintstone. Turns out you don't need to remove your brain to benefit from that shit.

      • 3 months ago

        Rennala being a depressed coomer has nothing to do with her intellect.

    • 3 months ago

      >The Woman Who Was Cucked To Death

      • 3 months ago

        >Marika assumes male alter ego Radagon
        >Marries and fricks Rennala, producing another group of demigod kids
        >Divorces her and has the male self marry herself
        >Tells Golden Order followers that the three R children are demigods by being stepchildren; the idiots actually believe it
        >Also has Rennala's wedding gift modified into a GO weapon because frick her
        Was all this really necessary

        • 3 months ago

          It's possible that they were separated people at the time radagon and rennala were married, and only got conjoined leter on. It's also possible that marika didn't know she was radagon, that he was the elden beast taking direct control of her to further its own goals. It may be that one of the reasons she broke the ER was because she realized she was being possessed and turned into a man by the elden beast. If they were always the same person and she intentionally became radagon to frick and cuck renalla, then she's kind of a chad, but also a massive c**t

          • 3 months ago

            >Radagon is the Elden beast
            Don't know how I feel about that theory. On one hand, given how much Ranni had to do to escape her fate it wouldn't make sense for Marika to be able to break the Ring. The idea of allocating the "control" placed on her to another personality makes a lot of sense.

            On the other hand, Radagon acts against the better interest of the GW. The GW doesn't care about the Golden Order it cares about any order which the Age of Fractures does not resolve. Radagon is fighting for a broken order. It only makes sense if the Elden Beast is always fighting for whatever the ER is composed of since it is the ER.

            • 3 months ago

              The biggest thing that implies they're the same is that theyre both described by separate characters to "have arrived at the head of a golden host" and also that the elden beast is the second phase of the bossfight. I cant think of any other boss fight where it's a different entity that you fight in the second phase than the first. It's not airtight, it COULD be different, and they honestly probably are. I more believe the separate, then conjoined, theory than the others

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah there is some support for it, but there is also the fact that the game has a lot of duality themes. the Twin D's, the Omen twins, the Twin Empyreans. Also the Two laws, Casualty and Regression.

  8. 3 months ago

    >being too intelligent is bad

    • 3 months ago

      just like real life

      • 3 months ago

        is this why they said frick it and got glintstoned?

  9. 3 months ago

    What did these two morons see that made them go mad? How do you go mad at seeing stars in the sky?

    • 3 months ago

      Lusat and Azur: *looking into the cosmos*
      Cosmos: BOO!!
      Lusat and Azur:


      What level of intelligence is this?

      that's it

  10. 3 months ago

    I bet these two are so far up the skill tree, they are existing in a different plane of being. Considering that Sellen projected herself to a different location, while being tortured, I think these two probably live a “life” someplace else, and only come back for a brief moment, when you inconvenience them. They aren’t there.

    It’s kinda like something out of Lovecraft, where one reaches a new plain of existence, but their bodies are nothing more but an empty husk. They’re no longer present.

    • 3 months ago

      they don't seem to be having a good time though, they're groaning and stuff.
      Lusats stars of ruin description says "he witnessed a great star exploding and in seeing that, he too was broken" that doesn't sound like a man enjoying astral projection through the stars like ranni,
      Azurs comet says azur was left bewitched and fearful from the abyss he finally glimpsed. These guys sound like they're fricked. If I had to guess I'd say they're in some kind of elden ring Cosmic "sleep paralysis" or locked in syndrome, just lucid enough to give you the spells but all in all just lost in their catatonic minds, lapsing in and out of the stars as the rock transfixes their brain

      Unfortunately Sellen falls to this as well for FRICKS SAKE

      • 3 months ago

        Azur accepted his fate, Lusat probably didn’t. Both were expelled intentionally,
        possibly voluntarily in the case of Lusat. There’s reason to believe Lusat sealed himself away from people like Sellen, while Azur went out of his way to interact with them to pursue graven research, and is surrounded by fellow Karalos scholars by the time you find him—his staff is even located in the graven research room at the academy, further implying he had a hand in it.

        There are also -no- Karalos heads in graven masses, implying a sort of contempt for the others conspectuses.

        • 3 months ago

          Great piece of lore you have there, mate.

        • 3 months ago

          >There are also -no- Karalos heads in graven masses
          How did I not notice this wtf

          • 3 months ago

            There’s two versions of the twinsage crown too!

        • 3 months ago

          There’s two versions of the twinsage crown too!

          >There are also -no- Karalos heads in graven masses
          How did I not notice this wtf

          Great piece of lore you have there, mate.

          >Using the Erudition emote (Gesture) with any Academy Glintstone Crown equipped will make the glintstones glow brightly, with the exception of the Haima and Hierodas Glintstone Crowns.

          • 3 months ago

            No glintstone crown in either of them. Both are covered in cloth. They physically can not glow

          • 3 months ago

            Lusat and Azur crowns don’t have a gesture effect either

    • 3 months ago

      >they needed to get smart and become rocks
      >hunter manages going to new planes by getting a blood transfusion

    • 3 months ago

      >and only come back for a brief moment, when you inconvenience them
      the mental image of their giving you powerful sorceries being a "here, take this and frick off" kind of thing is hilarious

    • 3 months ago

      You know what's worst than ER lore?

  11. 3 months ago

    Mirroring the Raya Lucarians trying to emulate the old sorcerers of the past by wearing stone heads/faces of their likeness, my own personal headcanon is Azur transcended being a sorcerer, and became sorcery itself, emulating (wearing on his head) the primeval current.

    Azur -is- Comet Azur. Perhaps that’s why there are no stone heads of Rennala to wear. The very practice is primeval and forbidden. Preceptors don’t wear them either.

    • 3 months ago

      >The very practice is primeval and forbidden.
      This is obvious. The Olivinus, Karalos, etc, heads all have glintstone on the inside of them. The current academy has embraced the Current, and the debate hall even shows this—the patterns on Azur and Lusat’s robes are seen draped over the main seat.

    • 3 months ago

      >The very practice is primeval and forbidden
      Then how come all the low to mid level mages wear the stone masks with rocks on their brains?, seem like the first folk that would be banned from wearing those if it were indeed a forbidden practice, specially for those still residing at the academy.

      • 3 months ago

        Because the current academy has regressed back into its old roots?

    • 3 months ago

      >The very practice is primeval and forbidden
      Then how come all the low to mid level mages wear the stone masks with rocks on their brains?, seem like the first folk that would be banned from wearing those if it were indeed a forbidden practice, specially for those still residing at the academy.

      Yeah no, glintstone magic isn't forbidden, it's actually where all the sorcerers get their powers from (that's why the Academy is built on a massive source of glintstone), but tapping into it to uncover deep ancestral secrets (or something) is forbidden. That's why Selen was kicked out and that's why she speaks of "going beyond physical taboos", b***h was studying primitive sex magic.
      Primitive magic that turn its users into braindead masses of magic stone if they get mindbroken by the incredible power of glintstone. Glintstone is stone, but stars are magic. Imagine seeing the stars through the eyes of stone. Or I guess the lore is intended that way.

      • 3 months ago

        >glintstone magic isn't forbidden

        Nowhere is it said it is forbidden. They are referring to the primeval current. The true, raw, cosmic source.

        Only the golden order likely considered glintstone sorcery heretical, at one point, and probably still does in areas (see Wilhelm).

        • 3 months ago

          The term ‘sorcery’ denotes or overlaps with heresy in real life.

      • 3 months ago

        >sorcery downsides
        >become rock

        >incantation downsides
        >become dragon or melted eyes
        Yeah I think incantations won.

        • 3 months ago

          Becoming a dragon is excruciating, and presumably your eyes leaking and eventually bursting is also rather horrible.

          • 3 months ago

            >and presumably your eyes leaking and eventually bursting is also rather horrible
            You don't really care by that point, both due to insanity and not needing eyes to see anymore.

        • 3 months ago

          You don't even become a dragon. Just some lame copy power. If a character could really become a dragon that would've been cool. But instead we only get some shitty illusions.

          • 3 months ago

            >You don't even become a dragon.
            You do in lore, magma wyrms are all guys who ate too many dragon hearts.

            • 3 months ago

              Right, and magma wyrms aren't dragons. They're like goofy moronic salamanders.

            • 3 months ago

              Why is mitsubishi-san so obsessed with people wanting to become dragons

        • 3 months ago

          what the frick made you look at wryms or the gorey krokodil using dragonkin soldier and think "incant bros we effin won!!!"

        • 3 months ago

          Sorcery also has bleed and black flame and gravity, it doesn't just turn you into a rock. It's only the glintstone that does that.
          Incantations are based on lies, either you become a lizard or you go so mad your eyes turn into jello. And there's the pyro stuff but I guess it's just madness too.

          Never have I done a FTH build and I'm won't start this NG+.

          • 3 months ago

            >Sorcery also has bleed and black flame
            I think you're getting black flame confused with death. Related but not the same.

            • 3 months ago

              Possibly, because they're related. Right now I'm trying to understand what the frick is death like I'm 6 years old again lol.

              • 3 months ago

                If I remember right before death was just a cycle, you die return to the erdtree snd get reborn. Then Ranni pulled her woman moment and now no one returns to the tree.

              • 3 months ago

                Destined Death is the dark red and black flame that Maliketh uses, it is the power of the Rune of Death, it can kill even Gods. The Black Flame is a diminished version of Destined Death that the followers of the GEQ use because they have no access to real DD.
                Death Blight is an unnatural state of death/unlife. Godwyn was murdered by a fragment of the power of the DD in such way that that his soul was destroyed but his body remained not quite dead but not able to die. This affliction, those trapped to live in death, has been spreading because people are dying but none of the traditional forms of death are operating, but the Erdtree reincarnation doesn't seem to be operating either outside of the few Tarnished that haven't absolutely disappointed Marika yet.
                My point is that Destined Death and Godwyn's fishy Deathblight Death are related, but not the same thing.

              • 3 months ago

                He's also mixing up Ghost Flame. Death sorceries mix Godwyn releated spells with death hexes derived by the Twinbird and her children.
                While not directly stated, it's at least implied the deathrites are aligned with Godwyn and those who live in Death possibly in a sort of messiah relationship.

              • 3 months ago

                My interpretation is that Godwyn as death blight is essentially a disease that is infecting other forms of death. You've got the Twinbirds, the Mariners, mausoleum stuff, all these psychopomps and death rituals that have been robbed of purpose by Marika are now sort of driven into this aggressive undeath state by the influence of Godwyn's fishslop.

              • 3 months ago

                Godwyn is being hailed as a lord of Death. Whatever "outer god" the Twinbird served, or whomever originally represented DD (depending on loss interpretations of outer gods the Gloam Eyed Queen might have been it) is no longer relevant.

          • 3 months ago

            >Incantations are based on lies
            Not the way I use em.

            • 3 months ago

              The fact that a golden order incantation is needed to reveal the biggest lie of the golden order doesn't really help your argument.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a secret, not a lie.

          • 3 months ago

            dragon incantation bros... we're all a lie?

            • 3 months ago

              Just stop eating hearts before you turn into a magmawyrm. You aren't even using dragon incantations Messmer I'm pretty sure your flame is destined death bullshit

              • 3 months ago

                >just stop eating hearts
                Weak shit. Get the FRICK out of my face with that crap
                You dont know power
                You dont know the crave
                Next time it'll feel like the first time only better
                Last time was the last time it felt bad
                I will NEVER stop eating the hearts

              • 3 months ago

                >Dragon Slayer builds just use the spinny swords because everything else is mohg or Albinauric themed.
                They really should have included Dragon Slayer weapons that scaled with arcane. The Scalesword being faith was bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                Atleast the one weapon that matches the drake set feels fun to use and has a red glow like the DC seal lol
                Generally /dragonbros/ don't need weapons tho because we just bite and maw our enemies to death after theyve been rotted/frostbitten/set on fire/set on magic/etc.

              • 3 months ago

                >dragon build
                >needing weapons
                Just spam rotten breath and frick shit with the dragon maw

          • 3 months ago

            Incants have bleed with bloodflame dude. They even have more spells for bleed. Also black flame is incant only. Youre thinking of ghostflame(which there are less of than blackflame lol) fromsoft literally hates sorcerers and will do anything at all to get people to not play them

          • 3 months ago

            >Sorcery also has bleed
            Not only do thorn sorceries suck, but they require heavy faith investment so it's not even a viable option for most builds
            >Black Flame
            That's incantations
            You can throw rocks, congrats. Incantations can do that too.
            >Never have I done a FTH build and I'm won't start this NG+.
            You're missing out, between the two I had a lot more fun with my Pyro centric FTH build than I did with my INT build. Sorceries are just really boring and samey when you get down to it, most of them are either melee spells or lock on and fire. Incantations have some really nutty AoE shit.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah after doing both, the problem is that the majority of INT stuff comes down to different shades of le blue projectile damage. There is some variation, but it's not enough. Fth on the other hand has basically an even split between holy/fire, with several subclasses of each, ontop of also having dragon shit, which, although it's technically arcane, is still fth based incantation. Honestly i do think they should've split arc stuff even further away and have a separate third class of magic instead of draconic stuff being the arc/fth hybrid. It would have lead to more opportunities to reply and greater build variety. Things like briar sorceries, dragon incants, potentially even dragon cult incants, etc. All should've been a third class with a different set of tools for casting

              • 3 months ago

                To expand on this further, it would be like a 3 circle venn diagram
                >pyromancy (most forms)
                >holy spells
                >dragon cult
                >draconic communion
                >bestial (probably fits better in pure fth, I'm just trying to move stuff around to fill gaps and illustrate my point)
                >those magma spells or whatever
                >briars spells
                >glintstone everything
                >frost spells
                Finally, you could have a 3 way split that has blackflame. It would make sense in the lore that fire to kill gods or souls or whatever is powered by the 3 different types of magic all combined.
                There already are hybrid spellclasses, but this would be a cooler way to do it imo. It would require more work, though

              • 3 months ago

                They could've done A LOT different with magic. I feel like 99% of it was just holdovers from Dark Souls and them going "eh whatever". Except it's actually downgraded a little since there are no combo casting tools or sub-types (chimes vs talismans) like there were in DS3.
                And I can't be the only one bothered by the fact that Force is still a miracle and not a gravity spell.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah I don't like this at all. Arc isn't just a magic stat, it's a weird stat that sits between a melee stat and a magic stat that fixates on basically every auxellery build up, balanced only by a select few weapons that scale with it or applying occult to a bleeding weapon that would be crap otherwise.

                Faith Pure faith has basically every damage type except magic while int has only magic and physical, which is a valid criticism. Magma Sorceries except for Rykards all have very low Fai requirements though so to say that int is cucked of some fire damage is a lie.

                I think to balance shit out, Magic should have gotten access to lightning damage, like perhaps expanding the Nox school of sorceries beyond bubbles to include the ability to summon those lighting spirit things.

                I honestly believe the only reason the game didn't give Fai lightning weapons is due to it already being stuffed with holy and fire scaling shit.

              • 3 months ago

                I understand that youre saying what arc IS, but what I'm saying is that it should have been built differently from the ground up in order to make a more reasonable and concise organization for magic, while also allowing for hybrids to feel like hybrids, instead of feeling primarily like fth or int, but you have to invest some stats in the other. And yeah that thing about sorceries getting fire via low faith stats- sure, they get it, but to me it genuinely feels like an afterthought. But if it was built at a venn diagram system like I proposed, magma sorceries (and any spell classl) that blend the line between stats would feel more real and cool
                >all things can be conjoined

              • 3 months ago

                The only one really lacking is int/arc which has all but two spells that are really just slow hamea cannon.
                Everything else isn't oddly fricked up, you merely removed int/fai spells while changing Golden Order out of int/fai for some reason

              • 3 months ago

                What I'm saying is that the way it is now is a half baked system because arc isn't fully its own discipline. It piggybacks off of fth mostly, so it's in weird system where you're either fth or int, with a secondary of arc sometimes. There is no primary arc because even arc spells like draconic communion have higher fth req. Than arc. I just think the system feels weird. Also, i didn't remove it intentionally, i just forgot. I was naming them off the top of my head
                My main issue is that if there were a casting tool for arc and it was a fully separate skill, it would be more organic

            • 3 months ago

              Thorn Sorceries were actually passable with int/arc. Not great, but functional. This was because the Albinauric staff has arc scaling which improved the inherent bleed aux much like how the Dragonblood Seal improves Poison, Bleed and even Madness build up of spells used through it.
              Someone at From Software thought this was wrong and seemingly wanted Thorn Sorceries to function based purely on faith, to justify the dumb staff as if the "Faith scaling catalyst" wasn't useless in every From game. The bleed aux improvements were nerfed pretty hard. So the sorceries remain as a weird thing Pure faith gays can use I guess but ultimately can't anyway because SoG doesn't drop till late game and overall the spells are shit and the bleeding isn't improved by faith.

              Strangely, it seems they either never coded or never wanted Frost to benefit from Arc as it isn't improved by the albinauric staff nor is the frost improved on an oiled up Ripple weapon like sleep is. There is no reason it shouldn't particularly since ice mages have no staff of their own. If they didn't want arc to improve basically all aux effects then they shouldn't have let it and probably shouldn't let Madness scale if they wanted people to use the Frenzied Catalyst.

              • 3 months ago

                Frost not scaling was intentional, it's why frost generally has more base build up than bleed or poison. Scarlet rot and death blight also don't scale to arcane, though sleep does.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't see why it shouldn't particularly if the means to get frost to scale with arc would be limited to the albinauric staff. I also think madness scaling with arc is an oversight, there is no reason to use the FF Seal when you can hit like a truck and make eyes explode a lot better with the dragon seal.

        • 3 months ago

          Becoming a dragon is excruciating, and presumably your eyes leaking and eventually bursting is also rather horrible.

          Frenzied gays aren't insane, their eyes explode because they see the truth.

        • 3 months ago

          more like become a shitty salamander

        • 3 months ago

          There's like a gorillion I can't schools. You don't need to dargon or insane in the membrane, you can just chill and grow crucible body parts at will with no downsides

  12. 3 months ago


  13. 3 months ago

    Theyre so smart they see through the illusion of ego and return to the living the rock.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Sellen calls Azur a good judge of character
    This whole quest line is surreal as hell

  15. 3 months ago

    Any lore gays around?

    Did the ancient astrologers / primeval sorcerers predate the Nox?

    • 3 months ago

      Mountaintop goatfrickers most likely predate everything.
      The real question are if the Nox predate the Carians, or if its the other way around.

    • 3 months ago

      Mountaintop goatfrickers most likely predate everything.
      The real question are if the Nox predate the Carians, or if its the other way around.

      I think so. Like I said in the other thread.


      The Nox were both Numen and a population of perfect Albinaurics that made up the majority of the population and possessed very old glinstone magic, some of which forgotten such as clay man sorceries.

      • 3 months ago

        Why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the useless mist, though? Were the night sorceries invented after their banishment underground? Why are some silver tears unable to take proper shape while others can? Did the Nox all turn back into silver sludge? Is that why the cities are empty?

        The size of the two giants sitting on their thrones reminds me of the size of Phillis, Latenna’s giant sister. Since life in the underground works differently than the surface, perhaps they were desperate and used silver tears to procreate and survive? It seems their silver tears were similarity imperfect in ways, as their Dragonkin soldiers lost the use of their legs… similar to the first generation albinaurics…

        • 3 months ago

          >Were the night sorceries invented after their banishment underground?
          >Why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the useless mist, though?

          I think the founding rain of stars happened post banishment, when the mountaintops were raised to the stars while the eternal cities were buried beneath them—both areas share elements like the petrified trees, spirits, ball lightning, ancestral worship, etc, away from the Erdtree. The Sellians created their own variations of existing glintstone sorceries based on Raya Lucarian research that came after the original astrologers migrated to Liurnia.

          • 3 months ago

            >The Sellians created their own variations of existing glintstone sorceries based on Raya Lucarian research that came after the original astrologers migrated to Liurnia
            Or maybe it’s sorcery that predates primeval “glintstone” sorcery, by an earlier people that came to similar conclusions. Staff of Loss doesn’t require glintstone. Perhaps there’s even a night version of Comet Azur?

        • 3 months ago

          >why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the mist
          You're really only fighting their swordsmen. It's clear that sorcery brought the false sky to them, but the city went through some unknown calamity at some point so perhaps their actual sorceries perished as a result.

          The Clay Man spell symbol shows an older version of the Carian emblem showing that they indeed have a history with sorceries.
          >Why are some silver tears unable to take proper shape
          It may have something to do with purity. Most silver tears in the city can barely transform while others are powerful shapeshifters. It's clear the Nox worked to give the tears the power to become permenant forms. These are the Albinaurics, Flowing weapons or the tear balls.

          But in achieving a stable form there is still imperfection, Albinaurics lose the ability to walk and their feet begin to fade.

          The Nox of the city do not melt into silver upon death but bleed silver like an Albinauric, attributing a connection to them and the Night Folk on the creation screen which were said to bleed silver once. This is where I speculate that most of the Nox population was form of perfect Albinauric with a small Numen population.

          I also agree, the giant corpses are likely some sort of Mother Albinauric like Latenna's sister who could automatically produce a population of silver people.

      • 3 months ago

        Why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the useless mist, though? Were the night sorceries invented after their banishment underground? Why are some silver tears unable to take proper shape while others can? Did the Nox all turn back into silver sludge? Is that why the cities are empty?

        The size of the two giants sitting on their thrones reminds me of the size of Phillis, Latenna’s giant sister. Since life in the underground works differently than the surface, perhaps they were desperate and used silver tears to procreate and survive? It seems their silver tears were similarity imperfect in ways, as their Dragonkin soldiers lost the use of their legs… similar to the first generation albinaurics…

        >Were the night sorceries invented after their banishment underground?
        >Why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the useless mist, though?

        I think the founding rain of stars happened post banishment, when the mountaintops were raised to the stars while the eternal cities were buried beneath them—both areas share elements like the petrified trees, spirits, ball lightning, ancestral worship, etc, away from the Erdtree. The Sellians created their own variations of existing glintstone sorceries based on Raya Lucarian research that came after the original astrologers migrated to Liurnia.

        >The Sellians created their own variations of existing glintstone sorceries based on Raya Lucarian research that came after the original astrologers migrated to Liurnia
        Or maybe it’s sorcery that predates primeval “glintstone” sorcery, by an earlier people that came to similar conclusions. Staff of Loss doesn’t require glintstone. Perhaps there’s even a night version of Comet Azur?

        >why do the Nox not use any sorceries besides the mist
        You're really only fighting their swordsmen. It's clear that sorcery brought the false sky to them, but the city went through some unknown calamity at some point so perhaps their actual sorceries perished as a result.

        The Clay Man spell symbol shows an older version of the Carian emblem showing that they indeed have a history with sorceries.
        >Why are some silver tears unable to take proper shape
        It may have something to do with purity. Most silver tears in the city can barely transform while others are powerful shapeshifters. It's clear the Nox worked to give the tears the power to become permenant forms. These are the Albinaurics, Flowing weapons or the tear balls.

        But in achieving a stable form there is still imperfection, Albinaurics lose the ability to walk and their feet begin to fade.

        The Nox of the city do not melt into silver upon death but bleed silver like an Albinauric, attributing a connection to them and the Night Folk on the creation screen which were said to bleed silver once. This is where I speculate that most of the Nox population was form of perfect Albinauric with a small Numen population.

        I also agree, the giant corpses are likely some sort of Mother Albinauric like Latenna's sister who could automatically produce a population of silver people.

        I really think there’s evidence that the Carians, and perhaps even the Raya Lucarians, mingled and collaborated with the Eternal Cities, since the older ruins are larger and all over the place while the actual Eternal Cities are smaller and intentionally built into the ceiling, and even share architectural style with that of Sellia and Raya Lucaria. Also, how else do you explain those explicit elevators to the underground? The wizard tower elevators are not unalike. What about the portal gates? The balls the Raya Lucarians (this one isn’t actually a silver tear, but it’s the same portal) and Sellians use (these ones are actual silver tears) in their traps? There are also Nox guarding Lusat’s staff, on the surface!

        Sellen even refers to sorcerers as the fallen children of the stars, or something like that. I really think the era of sorcery was stalled by the greater will, and sorcerers are amidst a sort of revival or renaissance of sorts. There’s too much interaction between the old and the new.

        • 3 months ago

          Ulh Palace is a mystery, it was either the first Nox city or an older inhabitant. The Clay Men sorceries still utilize a similiar but slightly different icon so I feel that it was the original city before the Nox established the three eternals.

          Of course, there is the question of the Ancestral Followers and why they are there.

          • 3 months ago

            >there is the question of the Ancestral Followers and why they are there.
            People who returned to their roots? Their horns/buds belief thing is suspiciously similar to the horned existence of the omen. If the ancestral worshipers exist away from the influence of the erdtree, then perhaps the omen are a result of the conditional nature of the erdtree.

            • 3 months ago

              You mean Misbegotten, Omen are cursed by the Formless Mother as implied by Mohg's gear and Omen horns appearing on cessbloods.

  16. 3 months ago

    99, literally galaxy brained chads

  17. 3 months ago

    It takes high INT to cast Stars of Ruin but I'm not so sure the guy who actual slots it is very intelligent

    • 3 months ago

      why? It's one of the best spells in the game

      • 3 months ago

        Star Shower is better than Stars or Ruin, at least in PvP, since the nerf. The former now has better tracking than the latter, and each individual projectile does more damage, I think.

        • 3 months ago

          I do not believe shower does more damage than ruin, even if less of ruins stars hit, and pvp is a side factor no need to discount the entire spell because people roll spam through it or you don't know how to pressure with it, ruins got me tons of kills in pvp. It isn't a bad spell so as to disregard ever using it

          • 3 months ago

            At least in PvP, Stars of Ruin does frick all damage now. It's not hard at all to believe that Star Shower does more damage, since that one still hits pretty hard.
            Stars of Ruin got hit with the nerf bat pretty hard at some point because people would just sit back and spam it, it's nowhere near the train of pure ass frick it used to be.

            • 3 months ago

              Frick, I'll jump on pvp then I need to see this shit for myself, It was great last I used it which albeit was a while ago

      • 3 months ago

        For pvp maybe because of the tracking. It has a horrendous damage to fp ratio for pve and there are much better tracking spells.

        • 3 months ago

          Most enemies it's worth using it don't dodge it, they eat almost up to the entire spell, that is if you're casting it properly and not when their running around then expect all projectiles to zip and hit on
          And come on let's not pretend like the kind of person who actually uses ruin, has any issue with FP

          • 3 months ago

            I just think it's pve niche is done better by night spells.

            • 3 months ago

              Night spells actually deal less damage. Star Shower actually beats out Night Comet in damage for around the same FP cost, and in PvE Stars of Ruin beats out Star Shower in damage.

  18. 3 months ago

    Carian/moon sorceries being safer than plain glintstone/academy sorceries makes complete sense, since the moon is closer to home, and not so alien and distant like the stars.

    • 3 months ago

      The moon is EQUAL to the stars you loon

      • 3 months ago

        Rennala gave more importance to the moon than the stars, but most sorcerers in the Lands Between didn't give a shit about the moon. But technically it's true.
        Ranni is a moon goddess as well but I don't know to what extent (didn't do her quest as an INTgay lol).

        • 3 months ago

          I thought Carians and Lazuli treated the moon and stars as equal? Like the Nox the Carians descend from? Their coming “age of stars” and all that. Some sorcerers are star purists, while others choose to recognize different celestial bodies like the moon, or other cosmic forces like gravity.

          • 3 months ago

            It's possible, I have a hard time remembering where I got this from that the Carian family was shunned for observing the moon while most of the sorcerers gave more importance to the stars. I could be wrong, but that's the memories I have.

          • 3 months ago

            I hate how the only sorcerers we see using gravity magic are the moronic apprentices Rennala keeps rebirthing. Sellian sorcerers don’t use gravity magic OR night magic. That one serpent mage (the one wearing the egg on his head lmao) doesn’t use lava sorceries either, what the hell.

  19. 3 months ago

    Why is sorcery so much cooler and more interesting than incantations lore wise

    • 3 months ago

      Sorceries all have a common source, Incantations come from all over the fricking place.
      I think Sorceries just have a more coherent theme to them.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm still not fully sure what incantations are. It was easier in dark souls where the three magic types had clear cut sources and methods.

        • 3 months ago

          Incantations seem to be basically any form of magic that isn't derived from glintstones.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, I miss the flavor of Miracles being literal stories you memorize and use faith to recreate the effects of. And Pyromancy being its own thing although I guess the idea was kinda lost when they added the stats to it and there was really no avoiding that.

          • 3 months ago

            Isn't glintstone only one type of sorcery though? You don't exactly see Radahn sporting much glintstone, but the guy is the most proficient gravitation wizard in the lands between. Hell he was anti-glintstone since he held back the stars.

            • 3 months ago

              All sorceries outside of death comes from glintstone what depends is how removed. But in the end it all leads to the stars.

              • 3 months ago

                Compare to incantations which draw on various sources usually great ones or other such entities.
                >gloam-eyed queen
                >fell god
                >frenzied flame
                >formless mother

              • 3 months ago

                Don't forget rot god

              • 3 months ago

                I suspect that the Crucible is more representative of a theme or period of Erdtree power, same as Grace. You can see from the Incantation symbols that Crucible, Erdtree, Ancient Erdtree and Golden Order are all built on the same magical theme with the Elden Ring motif slapped in the middle. It seems to me that there's a clear distinction between Erdtree/GW-based-incantations, and the variety of shamanish/pagan pantheon/outer god type incantations. I like that the Crucible magic is, in some ways, very much a part of that more naturalistic tradition, but you see it adapted until it reaches a much less natural and more mathematic representation in the Principia

              • 3 months ago

                My understanding is that crucible was what came before the erdtree and is the cradle of life, so the incants are a mishmash of various forms of life. Big tail, rhino horn, the breath doesnt look like a dragon since it's got a big pouch thing more like a frog, etc. Plus the wings and spikes were gonna get in the dlc. I think you're definitely right about it being more "pagan" than golden order stuff

              • 3 months ago

                The Erdtree and the Golden Order are like a refinement of the Crucible era/civilization. You've got this chaotic, nature-based Crucible Greater Will/Golden magic and the Golden Order, through the Erdtree, take that more wild magic and extract from it a mathematical representation.
                Radagon is such a strange character. He's the Isaac Newton of the Land's Between and we never hear him speak.

              • 3 months ago

                He isn't, he was an unga warrior that learnt magic and incantation from his wives and the one spell he came up with was rejected by his genius son. You're thinking of Goldmask.

              • 3 months ago

                Radagon wrote the Golden Order Principia. He's more Goldmask than Goldmask is, the ultimate Elden Lord for the Golden Order. His absence from the story is what makes him fascinating because he is the Elden Lord of the Shattered Age. His trellis rune is the one holding the shattered remains of the Elden Ring together, and his trellised vines block access to the Erdtree so we are unable to remove him.

              • 3 months ago

                >woman ruins the world
                >man tries to fix it
                A tale LITERALLY as old as time

              • 3 months ago

                radagon is isaac newton, goldmask is martin luther

              • 3 months ago

                Radagon wrote the Golden Order Principia. He's more Goldmask than Goldmask is, the ultimate Elden Lord for the Golden Order. His absence from the story is what makes him fascinating because he is the Elden Lord of the Shattered Age. His trellis rune is the one holding the shattered remains of the Elden Ring together, and his trellised vines block access to the Erdtree so we are unable to remove him.

                Nah, just becaue it has his Rings of Lights in it doesn't mean that the whole thing is written by him. Marika is 100% the one who kick started the whole Fundementalism thing based on the Church dialgoues but its not known how much Radagon exactly contributed. He certainly knew jack shit naturally on his own, before marriage since he is most famous for his unggah skills.

              • 3 months ago

                Radagon took his Moonlight Greatsword wedding present and reforged it into a model of the Elden Ring made to represent the Golden Order itself. He was a zealot and a warrior, but also a scholar and teacher. He taught the young prodigy Miquella the way of the Golden Order until he had learned all there was to know and he realised that there wasn't a way of saving his sister there. Radagon isn't the unga bunga guy, that is Hourah. Radagon is the guy holding the Elden Ring together, holding Marika captive inside the Erdtree, maintaining the Golden Order. There is no one who takes it more seriously than Radagon, even Goldmask is just mad at the Priesthood

              • 3 months ago

                My understanding is that crucible was what came before the erdtree and is the cradle of life, so the incants are a mishmash of various forms of life. Big tail, rhino horn, the breath doesnt look like a dragon since it's got a big pouch thing more like a frog, etc. Plus the wings and spikes were gonna get in the dlc. I think you're definitely right about it being more "pagan" than golden order stuff

                Cruicible is just an older form of the Erdtree, but it's also described in a way similiar to the Primeval current in that things can become "close" to it and become chimeras.
                Mechanically speaking all erdtree and cruicible spells share the same school.

                Golden Order incants most likely derived from the power of the Elden Ring itself. Holy Damage is strong against enemies that are not accepted by the Golden Order, such as Albinaurics and Those who Live in death. The Golden Order exists as a principle of the Elden Ring.

              • 3 months ago

                Just tell me which one is based and which one is cringe, my guy

                >recently learned you can hop over the wings move
                >it's super easy, much easier than dodging it, haven't fricked it up a single time
                >plus it's fun. The knights literally have no response to it

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, the Golden Order is the religion of Marika's Empire, and Leyndell is her Constantinople. In the same way that old pagan holidays like solstice and harvest festivals were incorporated into Christianity, I think we're supposed to imagine a similar transition of pre-Marika/Erdtree/Golden Order power, and post Marika/Erdtree Golden Order power, when things are recontextualised for the benefit of the regime. It isn't Crucible incantations anymore, they aren't even Erdtree incantations anymore, we've reached the point of beautiful, mathematic Golden Order incantations that'd make Goldmask's dick hard. But even that isn't enough, Miquella had to go searching for something beyond even the height of the pre-shattering age.

              • 3 months ago

                So you're saying the crucible is the retvrn to monkey path? I guess fracture ending would be the closest to that. Figure that's what I'll go with on my crucible knight run

              • 3 months ago

                I think that the Erdtree was destroyed down to a stump at some point, and this was the final blow to the world order of the time. The tree then regrew a bunch of new shoots from the stump, like when you coppice a tree, and that is the Age of the Crucible. You've got life going into overdrive and spilling over as the Erdtree bleeds and repairs itself, and it is in this context that the succession wars are taking place that Marika will ultimately win. You could think of the shoots growing out of the stump as each representing some claim on Godhood, eventually all contenders but one will be pruned and the remaining shoot, which will grow into the Erdtree, represents Marika.

              • 3 months ago

                I remember arguments regarding this based on the art on the Erdtree door. Looking back on it now though the tree growing out of another tree that is below it could be referencing the chewed up tree/trees in the Shadow Lands which is in the shade "below" the Erdtree

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                I remember arguments regarding this based on the art on the Erdtree door. Looking back on it now though the tree growing out of another tree that is below it could be referencing the chewed up tree/trees in the Shadow Lands which is in the shade "below" the Erdtree

                How do the dragons fit into all this? At one point plucidusax was elden lord, right? And his dragonwife had the elden ring? Was that at the same time the Crucible was in "power"?

              • 3 months ago

                I'm in two minds about this, I like the idea of the Erdtree burning down before, and the Crucible being instigated as this reflexive outpouring of life. I think it fits with what we know about Melina being burned before, about Marika running around with Godfrey and the Crucible Knights (probably?) winning her war as Empyrean and claiming Godhood for herself. In this interpretation the prior age that had faded would be the Age of Dragons and Placidusax, it is said that Placidusax's God just up and bounced, so perhaps they were manipulated or assassinated or exiled somehow by the new generation of Empyrean vying for ascension.
                However, the way the crucible is mentioned in some item descriptions, especially the incantations, makes me think the crucible was a bit of a longer run thing than the intermediary state of transition between two ages. The Dragon Elden Ring shown in Farum Azula has the big root pattern in the background, suggesting natural life and growth, and the citizenry that Placidusax was lord over were primarily beastmen, who are crucible/misbegotten adjacent I think. So perhaps the Crucible is simply what they called the Erdtree during the Dragon Age. Maybe the dragons used the crucible to create the beastmen, or to elevate them to civilization, and experimentation or seathe-esque imitation created the misbegotten later?

              • 3 months ago

                So youre basically saying it's hard to tell, but it looks like either
                The chronology goes
                >age of dragonrule -> age of the crucible -> age of the erdtree
                >the crucible IS the erdtree but in a unrefined, raw state as it was in the dragon times
                Am I getting that right?
                Man one day I really have to go through and just read all the item descriptions and stuff. I hardly ever do it
                I think my problem is that they mix the lore in with the information about what the item does, so my brain just kinda turns it off when it's a spell or weapon I'm never gonna use

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, I think it is likely one of those two. Either it specifically represents the period of civil war that concluded when Marika was victorious, or it is simply the name of the Erdtree in the prior era (potentially more than one prior era? Or perhaps each age has their own spin on the mythology that fits their customized Elden Ring). Marika's Erdtree is definitely different to what came before, removing Death fricked with the Elden Ring, fricked with the Tree and fricked with reality, and I suspect the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is going to give us some context on how/why Marika made that decision.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah I hope shadow gives us more insight into what happened in the deep past. There were atleast two crucible spells shown off in the trailer, so hopefully we'll get more understanding of the whole thing. I just started a Crucible Knight wannabe run with the intention of getting it ready for the dlc around RL120 or so. I wanna pet that big frickin hippo thing and learn the apsect of the crucible:porcupine spines from him.
                I really like the idea that was mentioned earlier in the thread about the crucible being a pagan age compared to the GO's orginized religion

              • 3 months ago

                I think that is very much Elden Ring is about, I think that in the pitch for ER the setting must have been described as: dark fantasy apocalypse set in the christian eastern roman/byzantine empire. You have this long history of pagan religion, the festivals and temples and statues and all this stuff, which all now have to be sanitized into pro-christian stuff. So temples and changed into churches, holidays are replaced and statues that were once of heroes or gods are now reimagined to be martyrs.
                The Golden Order is (roughly) Christianity, you'll note that Marika's symbol is a cross and she is literally crucified on that cross with a spear in her side. Leyndel is Constantinople. There was some pagan pre-history involving beastmen and dragon elden lords and death existing but we don't talk about any of that anymore. Godfrey is the FIRST Elden Lord, this whole thing began with Marika don't acknowledge everything that came before (says Marika). Now there's a bunch of statues of old greek dudes and cities underground and we don't know anything about them because that is barbarous paganshit and we only like Gold stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                Damn and they really, ACTUALLY got away with baseing a faction off a israeli chaos demon that wants to destroy the world with chaotic fire. On top of that, those people are literally nomadic MERCHANTS. Fricking lmao

              • 3 months ago

                >yesss eat da grapes, tarnyim
                >find the tunnels and surrender your foreskin, tarnyim
                >may israel take the world!
                How did From get away with this??

                Given the roots of Christianity in Judaism, I wonder if we'll see more of the Frenzied Flame/3 Finggas/Chaos/Shabiri etc, and a connection to Marika and the Golden Order in the DLC.

              • 3 months ago

                I want more FF spells. There's really only 2. Out of the 5, 1 is an upgraded version, 1 is only for player character models, and 1 is basically just a buff. All you're left with is the aoe and the snipe

              • 3 months ago

                >1 is only for player character models
                The eye flame does decent damage to non-human enemies though, I think the description is just saying the madness buildup only works on humans

              • 3 months ago

                To be fair that's better than 90% of spell schools.

              • 3 months ago

                I feel like the Elden Ring is only as strong as its writer and it's obvious Miquella was more "literate" than Marika.

                But the empyrean couldn't hope to succeed her, so he tried to recreate the religion manually.

            • 3 months ago

              Gravity sorceries are stated to be glintstone based.

              • 3 months ago

                The meteorite staff also uses purple glintstone. Rennala’s sceptre uses a blue glintstone known as a ‘Carian blue’, so perhaps there are different grades of glintstone, possibly ones associated with the moon.

              • 3 months ago

                I think there’s a relation between gravity sorceries and night/moon sorceries. Eternal Darkness and Ranni’s Dark Moon both have a black hole effect to them.

              • 3 months ago

                Ranni's Moon doesn't draw in sorceries, it just dispels sorceries that hit the moon.

              • 3 months ago

                Huh. The wiki says it does.

            • 3 months ago

              I thought his swords had glintstone engravings in them.

            • 3 months ago

              His swords are made of meteoric ore and have gravity engravings, so they are his catalysts for gravity magic even though the player cannot use them for such.

              • 3 months ago

                but the aow on them does have a gravity skill that scales with INT
                source: I'm playing with them

          • 3 months ago

            Glintstone and Erdtree amber are interchangeable, though. Glintstone is a nod to real life physics, in the sense that we all came from stardust (glintstone), and we all return to the earth (the Erd).

            The amber of the Erdtree is similar to glintstone, almost as though it were filtered through itself, as you see blue, green, even red amber medallions, or just the prince of death staff, which uses yellow amber for sorceries.

            What happens when you sacrifice life? The blood turns to red glintstone.

            If gods are stars, then glintstone might be the stuff of a shattered god/intelligence, and sorcerers are unknowingly/knowingly piecing it back together.

            Everything meets in the end. The Laws of Causality and Regression.

            • 3 months ago

              Abbarent sorceries are also casted from ones own blood instead of Glintstone, as Alb's clothing is actually made of blood that became glintstones.

              it's why the Bloodstar likely isn't a real celestial body but the realization that mortals and stars aren't that different, hence blood magic using your own blood to create weapons.

            • 3 months ago

              The Elden Beast was just another falling star from someone's perspective

      • 3 months ago

        They’re all coherent in the sense that magic is “alive”. Even glintstone has a cosmic intelligence to it.

    • 3 months ago

      Because Miyazaki is an Int chad.
      Ranni is his waifu, not Malenia or Miquella.

      • 3 months ago

        boys can't be wives!

        • 3 months ago

          Not with that attitude.

    • 3 months ago

      Its always been that way, hell bloodborne doesn't even have faith as a stat.

    • 3 months ago

      Incantations teach you about the local gods and workings of the elden ring while sorceries teach you about cosmic space aliens and magic rocks.

      Sorcery being tied to an ending that is basically telling the GW to frick off cements it as the pro Ayy Lmao school.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago



      • 3 months ago

        Yes, but rocks, swords and parting the red sea are always too fun.



        If rolling magma actually did something when you land a direct hit I'd actually mess around with them. As it was, I spent most of my int/faith build throwing freebees

      • 3 months ago

        Anyone who makes images like this is dishonest form the start
        both incantations and sorceries have very unique things
        of course you can minimize it just the same

      • 3 months ago

        I'm a sorceror player and i can say that incantations are way more fun and Sorcery doesn't even come close to the utility and types incantations have to offer.
        The vast majority are just a blue projectiles, which works maybe half the time with most of them being useless or too expensive.
        Aside from spamming mist and kamehameha out of fun, i ended up going INT warrior with wings of astel and scav curved sword. I had a much better time.

  20. 3 months ago

    Isn't this just the Gamer Gear™ equivalent of wizard kits?
    I bet all the other wizards view them as annoying posers

  21. 3 months ago

    Miyazaki loves this trope too much, characters that delve too deeply into cosmic powers. I'll let it slide for now, but if he doesn't come up with some new concepts in his next game we have a fricking problem. Immortality being le bad is also something that is especially way too overused by him..

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know if you should count bloodborne since that's the entire genre.

      • 3 months ago

        Isn't knowledge seen as vaguely positive in Bloodborne though? If anything a lack of knowledge is the root of most problems.
        All the problems of Yharnam began with people rushing trying to become old ones.
        Without insight you can't level up. You become more suceptible to frenzy and you get a few more enemy spawns with more insight, so it might be a wash but I say that it leans positive.
        Taking over from Gehrman, arguably the worst fate for the hunter, is achieved by not understanding how the dream works or the Moon Presence's deal. You just want to continue the hunt. Just getting to wake up or to become an old one both require more understanding and temperance.
        I was going to say that the only character I recall being too knowledgeable rather than not enough was Micolash, but then I recall that he and his followers stumbled into creating a nightmare and didn't know what to do after that.
        I suppose everything is knowledge without understanding, intelligence without wisdom.

        • 3 months ago

          >Isn't knowledge seen as vaguely positive in Bloodborne though?
          By itself, certain knowledge can destroy you because your brain was not made to hold it. This is what happens in the second ending. You need to change yourself accordingly to truly know.
          >As you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes, grant us eyes. Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy.

          • 3 months ago

            I'd argue that that's too little knowledge rather than too much, or perhaps not enough surrounding understanding for the knowledge you have. More or less what I meant with the last sentence that I seemingly had a stroke while typing.

            • 3 months ago

              No, the entire point in Bloodborne is you need knowledge and evolution.
              Evolution alone, turns you into a beast.
              Knowledge alone turns you into a glowy abomination.

  22. 3 months ago

    0 since only madmen would go that far.

  23. 3 months ago

    So if I understand correctly, glinstone is just an allegory for drugs, right? These guys seemed to be high as frick.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah it's le "interdimensional horrors beyond ur comprehension" but instead of turning you into a cool squid like BB you turn into a shining rock.

    • 3 months ago

      You can prooobably snort glintstone in powdered form...

  24. 3 months ago


  25. 3 months ago

    >DLC didn't seem to show off any sorceries
    How much INT support are we expecting? Can we at least get Ranni's staff?

    • 3 months ago

      I want more primeval sorceries. I want higher faith required incantations.

      • 3 months ago

        I want something that actually utilizes arcane, be that a third type of cast or just good weapons. It just feels useless as it stands. I suppose it's just luck with a different name, but then it should have stayed luck as it's more descriptive. (This has nothing to do with me being annoyed because first playthrough I put points into arcane thinking that sorceries were either int or arcane due to early bubble pick-up, not at all)

        • 3 months ago

          Arc/int isn't useless like idiots claim. You have access to high bleed weapons and frost spells at the same time. The Big bubble also isn't shit, it's got the same damage and impact a Hamea Cannon but it's slow and tracking, good for fights like Malenia who end up on the other side of the map a lot.

          Technically speaking, it's more of a justified combo than Int/fai because the Albistaff isn't total dogshit like Mt. Gelmir or PoD staff is for int/fai.

          I know people wanted more categories to justify the combo and we might get that. Me personally I would have loved more Nox spells.
          Arcane is all about silver tears and stealing power from entities (Formless Mother and Dragons). It would be cool to perhaps have another entity to steal magic from in that way.

          • 3 months ago

            >it's more of a justified combo than Int/fai
            Eh, not really. Even just a few points in FTH will get you a shitload of extremely good utility options / buffs and you can dump most of your stats in INT for actual damage dealing, it's not like the INT spells are any worse for it than INT/ARC.

            • 3 months ago

              If you're doing a magma mage build that doesn't give a frick about Rhykard's Rancor (even though that is a really good spell tbh) then yeah you can cap your Fai at like 16 or some shit and dump everything in int and get a working build because Magma Spells have pretty good damage and some fun utility (I.E using gravity tricks to blow people up with roiling magma).

              But GO incants and death spells are all extremely niche and need a big buff to compensate for the huge amount of investment required to get them "on par" with either pure int or pure faith incants. The catalysts are also intentionally weak with the only good one only mattering at a high RL.

              So yeah I guess you can get access to a diversity of lower and stuff which is cool and all, but you're going to be shittier than pure int or pure fai at the same RL. Trust me I tried being a cool int/fai gay for a while and someone had to mathmatically explain to me just how moronicly underbalanced int/fai was even with access to all the benifits of lower category spells.

              On the otherhand. The Albistaff isn't the best spellscalling wise but having access to high arc weapons while being able to keep up with sorceries is a game changer.

              • 3 months ago

                Roiling Magma is such an amazing spell for hitting through walls or around corners. I’ve had so much fun using it in the sewer pipes, both in pvp and pve (those slug clusters).

              • 3 months ago

                >But GO incants and death spells are all extremely niche
                Discus of Light is very good even if you're just casting it with GO Seal because of its top-tier FP efficiency, very long range and double-hit. You can use it to clear most non-boss mobs at super safe range and extremely good efficiency so you don't have to waste blue drink on trash, it's way better than pretty much any other spell for this. If you're using some of the FP-on-kill items too then you will pretty much never run out of FP with the Discus.

                Ancient Death Rancor is straight-up super good. It deals solid damage when just casting it with a good INT staff, the tracking is pretty good too and the slow projectile speed can be used to your advantage by stacking shitloads of them in the air at once, which will make it poise break things just by sheer number of projectile impacts. I completely shat on Malenia with this spell. If you're using it to fight normal enemies, you can again stack so many projectiles in the air that if you start casting on an unaggroed enemy by the time the first wave hits you'll have so many on the way already that you effectively one-shot the target and it doesn't even get to fight back.

                In terms of damage, if you put in the points (25 IIRC) to get Golden Vow the 15% multiplicative boost you get will almost certainly outscale the 9 INT point difference that you'd have if you stopped at 16 FTH. If you're using gravity spells you can benefit from another 20% extra, also multiplicative, from Flame, Grant Me Strength and these will definitely outscale the extra INT, especially at higher levels where the scaling from stats alone tapers out. I don't think you're losing out on damage compared to pure INT at all. Debatable whether a pure FTH build would deal more, but dmg incants tend to be more difficult to use and less efficient or more situational in general, plus you lose out on the huge Terra Magica buff.

              • 3 months ago

                >It deals solid damage
                Stop lying on the internet.

          • 3 months ago

            Big bubble is good, but it's just one sorcery out of two to use Arc (and not with a high requirement either, as is the general trend for Arc). Same with Albenauric Staff. It might be good, but it's the only staff. I don't know the feasibility of a bleed or frostbite Int-Arc build, but it sounds a bit forced to me.
            Regardless of if any of this works or not, it's a very small pool of options and Arc needs more incentives to invest.

            • 3 months ago

              >It sounds a bit forced
              You dump enough points to get a few major frost spells and then use a weapon like Mohg's spear that is almost exclusively powered by arc for the bleed. You can also put enough faith to use Abbarent but From was so mad people were using it "wrong" they nerfed the bleed scaling with those spells because it has to use muh faith or something.

              Think of it as being sort of like int/str or int/dex. The Arc becomes your physical stat mostly but also scales with your spells. You can literally use reduvia or something with it.

        • 3 months ago

          The posterboy is using Dragon Communion, there is at least a non 0 chance of getting something like a sorcery branch of Dragon Communion since there can't be a dragon head or limb popping out for Messmer's casts

    • 3 months ago

      Dont worry next dlc will be called
      "The dark of the moon" and will focus on int stuff primarily. We'll have to literally go to the moon to find the shard of the ER that Ranni hid there. This dlc is about miquella's lost shard, the next one will be about rannis'

  26. 3 months ago

    >Xbox vs Playstation
    0 INT

  27. 3 months ago

    Fellas what’s a good colossal weapon like a big fricking mace

  28. 3 months ago

    They've just leveled on the imaginary axis for Int.

  29. 3 months ago

    For me, it's the hierodas glintstone crown
    Walking around looking like an armored Diogenes is something I didn't know I needed

    • 3 months ago

      I seethe about the fact that it lowers your FP
      It's a mage-themed mask that only gives you small stat boosts in return, why the frick did they do that

      • 3 months ago

        I'd guess it's meant to serve the same niche as Lusat's staff. Trade in how many casts you have for more powerfull sorceries.

  30. 3 months ago

    Why does Ranni never mention you kicking the shit out of her mother during her questline?

    • 3 months ago

      This bothered me too. Obviously the Ranni illusion could have been a pre-recording.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd guess it's because Rennala could be beaten her at any stage in the quest line prior to requiring the ring, making it a bit harder to account for in terms of dialogue.
      What I find weirder is the reverse. It's a bit binary if you are in Ranni's service or not, so a different intro for Rennala stage 2 wouldn't be that hard to make.
      Now it makes me wonder if you can beat Rennala before meeting her at the church with Kalé when she goes by Renna.

    • 3 months ago

      do seluvius' questline and feed ranni the amber shards betraying her, then go kill her mom. Afterwards go back down into the academy and take the portal to the church and cleanse yourself with celestial dew, then go to caria and continue ranni's quest.

    • 3 months ago

      phase 2 is ranni's answering machine tape

    • 3 months ago

      It was an automated booby trap in case the sorcerers felt like getting especially uppity. Ranni is also remarkably indifferent to any schemes that don't directly threaten her. She doesn't care if you lie to her or if her allies have their own agendas, if anything she respects it, but she dumps Seluvis' creepy ass the second he tries to chloroform her.

    • 3 months ago

      This bothered me too. Obviously the Ranni illusion could have been a pre-recording.

      It was an automated booby trap in case the sorcerers felt like getting especially uppity. Ranni is also remarkably indifferent to any schemes that don't directly threaten her. She doesn't care if you lie to her or if her allies have their own agendas, if anything she respects it, but she dumps Seluvis' creepy ass the second he tries to chloroform her.

      It's actually her (Ranni) asking the player to keep up the charade. That Rennala isn't in a pathetic current state.

      “Foul trespasser, send word far and wide…"

      The lethality of the fight/illusion is even brought into question from this one line. How else would Ranni expect you to spread the word?

  31. 3 months ago

    Rock on head moronic

  32. 3 months ago

    A crystal clear show of inteligence

  33. 3 months ago

    the primevil current is this unknown lovecraftian thing that we know nothing about. All we know is that once you let it into you it takes over and you lose everything and grow the crystals from your head like in their cases. So intelligence is both infinity and 0 at same time

    • 3 months ago

      >the primevil current is this unknown lovecraftian thing that we know nothing about.
      It's literally the cosmos
      One of the sages saw a star die and went insane because of it

  34. 3 months ago

    >people bring up how Sellen is using a Carian staff
    >yet nobody ever acknowledges how Vargram somehow has a fricking Godslayer Greatsword

    • 3 months ago

      >According to the old legends, wolves are the shadows of the Empyrean. Vargram aspired to such a state himself.
      It's pretty obvious Vargram was a GEQ fanboy, but we get nothing on him so who cares

    • 3 months ago

      ER has such an issue of cool/important items being obtained in the lamest way possible.

    • 3 months ago

      >Vargram somehow has a fricking Godslayer Greatsword
      He is THE John Eldenring

    • 3 months ago

      >Vagram is a furry that wants to be a loyal wolf to an Empyrean
      >he has the Godslayer Greatsword
      >which belonged to the Gloam-Eyed Queen
      >who was an Empyrean
      >and probably Melina
      I hope, given that we're getting Marika backstory, we get some Melina stuff as well. It is so sad how she got shafted in the main game.

    • 3 months ago

      >don't remember the name
      >do a quick google search
      >click fextra since it's the first result
      >see this
      this wiki is a gift that keeps on giving

    • 3 months ago

      Sellen is a secret Carian. She’s the bad apple of the Carian family. She was a rebellious girl who ran away from home to learn from the totally cool Azur. The Carians haven’t forgiven her actions since. It’s possibly also why she’s stubbornly immortal (Iji’s words) due to Radahn’s halting of the stars, just like the Carians. Her fate cannot progress.

      >don't remember the name
      >do a quick google search
      >click fextra since it's the first result
      >see this
      this wiki is a gift that keeps on giving

      While it’s said Vargram imprisoned his old friend Wilhelm in the Roundtable Hold for pursuing the primeval current, it is implied that by the time you fight them, they have settled and became friends again.

      • 3 months ago

        Vargram is Miyazaki
        Wilhelm is George

        “George-sama, my old friend, you’re looking too far ahead! Your eyes!”

        “You don’t understand. Where we’re going, we won’t need eyes to see.”

        • 3 months ago

          I believe this. Wilhelm even looks like George under the crown.

    • 3 months ago

      Assassination questline is just a EXTREME of that.
      >Some scaled armor homosexual who refuses to leave Limgrave
      >The homosexual with the Crepus Vial, elemental bolts and the fricking Rot God stinger
      >John Godslayer Greatsword Eldenring and his sorcerer buttbuddy
      >Juno Nobody Hoslow
      Then again ER is GRRM as frick, which means Vassals and followers everywhere. Nobody is really in it for themselves, which is a core strength of its posture.

  35. 3 months ago

    magic is fricking gay as frick

  36. 3 months ago

    I wish we had more single projectile stock spells for death and rot, like the (scythe skeletons and rot worshipers) enemy casters

    • 3 months ago

      I would love a ghost flame bolt that built up frost or something.

    • 3 months ago

      you want to fire a single skull? I feel like the death spells do that part well enough, the real issue is they don't do anything else of value
      t. made that character and it sucked, death's poker by itself is better than all of the crazy faith requiring spells

    • 3 months ago

      Would certainly be nice to have a standard projectile spell which applies scarlet rot. Hell, maybe it would be TOO nice, which is why we don't have one.

  37. 3 months ago

    Smacking Rannis tiny blue ass!
    I wish her ingame personality was similar to the manga

  38. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Ngl, they do be interested in some sus "stones" out there.

      • 3 months ago
  39. 3 months ago

    that guy is yakubmaxxed

  40. 3 months ago

    Miquella is cool and all but I really wished for content that explored the stars and all that carian moon bullshit with Ranni. I want to see weird moon and space monsters.

    • 3 months ago

      >I want to see weird moon and space monsters.
      Damn do I have a very strong game recommendation for you

      • 3 months ago

        frick it alright, I'll get a ps4 for this piece of shit game and return it immediately afterwards

  41. 3 months ago

    Will we get another true INT/FTH weapon

  42. 3 months ago

    >Carian royals were against extreme primeval current sorcery
    >dumbasses like Lusat, Sellen,etc did it anyway
    >turn into a rock after being mindfricked
    Just more evidence Ranni is right

    • 3 months ago

      ??? Ranni clearly uses it as Rennala (azurs comet) she just has no risks since she's a DEMIGOD EMPYREAN who's actively communing with the moon and stars

      Ranni isn't "right" she's just the exception. Hell considering we can use forbidden azur lusat sorceries without being mindbroken I'd bet the "danger" is in discovering the power and not using it, so Ranni/Rennala mightve just disregarded primeval sorceries then gone up to Azur and taken his teachings anyway much like we did lol

      • 3 months ago

        Rennala doesn't use it, Rannis mirage spell of Rennala uses it

        • 3 months ago

          That's why I said Ranni uses it, fricking read dumbass

          • 3 months ago

            >fricking read dumbass
            My apologies
            I ate too many albinaurics

  43. 3 months ago

    Can someone link me where can I buy Elden Ring / Dark souls conceptart books? All the volumes, rereleases, and all printed souls shit like that. PRETTY PLEASE

    • 3 months ago

      Cmon anon, the other dude posted the ER one, use your brain a little and you will find more.

  44. 3 months ago

    Lade how do I get to 60 int for the comet, once you get to the higher levels it becomes so hard to lvl up and all the side dungeons don't drop shit

    • 3 months ago

      Dawg youre using goldfoot on all bosses major bosses after morgot, right?

    • 3 months ago

      if you're having a hard time hitting lvl 150 before getting anywhere close to the end of the game then you're either just skipping enemies or dying constantly
      either that or you're low lvl and shouldnt have it yet OR you fricked up your build and should respect to:
      20-25 end
      60+int (up to 80)
      git gud

      • 3 months ago

        I personally stay around 45 with spellcaster builds. The distance you get generally allows you more saftey and leeway for mistakes, so I'd rather shobe those extra levels into something else
        60 is pretty important for melee unless you're very very good.
        What level do you usually end the game at? My last two playthroughs have ended at around 150, although on one of them I burned all my rune items to pump some levels to fight malenia.
        Also a quick question does anyone else think it's a little weird that the game kinda wants you to kill malenia and mogh before maliketh? You dont get gideons reward spells if you dont do it that way, but if you do, the final boss rush ends up feeling easier since malenia and mogh were harder than them

  45. 3 months ago

    Anyone else played the game with its release and when you finished it feel such a fatigue that you haven't played it again up to this point?

    I don't know why but I am ok with replaying other DS games but when I think about ER I just feel like I don't want to because just how bothersome it is.

    • 3 months ago

      ER is the perfect game to take big meaty bites out of for a month and then not play again for 2 years. Nothing about it has reolayability in mind. It's just a juicy single playthrough experience.

    • 3 months ago

      If you go in with the intention to do everything, yeah, it gets tiring. On my first playthrough, I took a several month long break once I reached mountaintops because I was burnt out. I ended up ruining the game for myself because I saw the rest of the bosses. The game is honestly just too big for its own good. Eventually I came back and finished it. Plus I started a new character, but this time what i would do is, when I would explore(and I would explore) every place that I found I looked up on the wiki to see if there was anything in there to help my build or my roleplay, if not, I would skip that minidungeoun, cave, fort, etc. The playtime ended up being a little over half as long by the time I finished, and I had more fun with it because I never felt like my time was wasted by finding an item I was never gonna use after a half hour or more cave delve. I recommend you give it a try this way, my guy. Think of a build you wanna go for and play the game centered around doing only what you want instead of trying to see everything (which you will eventually see if you do other playthroughs with different builds anyways)

  46. 3 months ago

    Is it possible to end the game somehow without fighting Maliketh or just skip him?

    • 3 months ago


  47. 3 months ago

    Intelligence is stored in the balls.

  48. 3 months ago

    I used to do so much shit with every type of build in souls games, now I just end ujp with a full STR grug shitter build. Whenever I try a mage, I either try to branch into melee and have to stop myself from being a magic grug or just go full int bullshit oneshot cannon which cheeses the game. And even then it is a chore to pick every single fricking trinket and talisman buff for your meme too intelligent magic man.
    Hybrid builds always fall flat on me because I'm a shit multitasker so I mostly use one setup.

  49. 3 months ago

    Just did a playthrough so what happens to Iji? I finished Ranni's questline and happened to stop by Iji and he was dead and covered in black flames.

    • 3 months ago

      He took off his helmet and got 2 fingered.

    • 3 months ago

      >blaidd dies because he went crazy when the two fingers made him try to kill Ranni. He fought against it and still didnt betray her, but lost his mind and ended up being put down out of mercy by the tarnished. F in the chat for /ourdog/
      >when iji hears about his death, he says he will join him soon because he doesn't want to live without him (a true bro) and he knows he cant follow ranni on her dark path, so he would rather die
      >he takes off his mirror helm(which hid him from his enemies) and baits the same group who killed blaidd into coming to kill him. He takes down as many as he can, but ultimately dies as a warrior, fighting the enemies of his lady
      Some people claim that ranni sent them to kill the two because she conspired with the black knives to kill godwyn. The black knives were mercenary assassins and did as they were hired to do, but their entire organization ended up being fricking destroyed by that night. They were scattered into the wind and their leader was imprisoned (most likely by ranni herself) in an evergaol in ranni's home turf. They obviously have a bone to pick with her and her crew, so they went after them either of their own voilition(most likely) or at the behest of the two fingers, who just saw one of their own kind get fricking killed to death by ranni.
      Long story short, Iji didnt want to live without Blaidd because he's a ride or die homie. He would have chosen to stay alive if he could have followed Ranni into the night, but that's only possible for the tarnished because of the rules set in universe, I guess, idk

      • 3 months ago

        Neat, thanks

        • 3 months ago

          Np my dawg. take care of ranni for him.
          Iji is a based lad

  50. 3 months ago

    I'm so tired of dude le cosmos man you just don't understand dude it's all beyond your comprehension dude plot points

    Can we go back to having a down to Earth dark fantasy one day? Not everything needs to be tied to the Eldritch unknown

    • 3 months ago

      But people won't be able to enjoy their slop unless every piece of media escalates to marvel tier cosmic entities

    • 3 months ago

      >why can't from do this and that
      Why don't you just go play something else? Leave these games alone for the people who enjoy them.

  51. 3 months ago

    >tfw no man sized rats under Aldorf plateau

  52. 3 months ago

    This is what happens when you don't have sex for 60+ years. You ascend past grand wizard and turn into a rock.

  53. 3 months ago


  54. 3 months ago

    I'm entering Liurnia and my stat spread is bothering me. Should I just level to meet the minimum requirements for my weapons, and put the rest into vigor and endurance for now, or should I be increasing my offensive stats? I constantly feel like I can't wear any armor and am constantly vulnerable to two taps.

    • 3 months ago

      >Should I just level to meet the minimum requirements for my weapons, and put the rest into vigor and endurance for now, or should I be increasing my offensive stats?
      It depends a bit on what weapon you're using. But generally speaking weapons see the biggest damage increase from upgrading them, and scaling won't matter as much until they are upgraded a fair bit. So going for min weapon/spell requirements and then maxing your HP/Stam/Equip load will typically get you a lot more utility and survivability while also having respectable damage.

    • 3 months ago

      what stats do you have right now?

      • 3 months ago

        22 vig/20 end/18 int/18 str/16 dex, which is the minimum to use the claymore.

        • 3 months ago

          The frick do you have int for?

          • 3 months ago

            your claymore is magic infused right?

            It's to use the meteorite staff. I don't plan on investing into magic for a while so I'm using that staff to shore up that area of damage.

        • 3 months ago

          your claymore is magic infused right?

  55. 3 months ago

    Why do you see a second moon at the moonlight plateau in southwestern Liurnia? But nowhere else?

    • 3 months ago

      that's rannis God the dark moon

    • 3 months ago

      I think that's how you acquire full moon sorceries, by gazing at a celestial body, or something no one else can see?
      Similar to Dragonlance wizards, with the red, white and black moons, and only wizards of their respective moon can see them.
      But then it gets a bit silly once you consider how dumb it would be if the moon was always invisible to everyone else, so...

      • 3 months ago

        >But then it gets a bit silly once you consider how dumb it would be if the moon was always invisible to everyone else, so...
        I mean not everyone can see the Erdtree apparently, and now with the DLC, there's this world hidden in plain sight so I guess crazy things like that are accepted as normal in Elden Ring world.

  56. 3 months ago

    >you'd be wise to join MY school of magic

  57. 3 months ago

    Wizard bros I'm worried, I didn't see any blue magic in the DLC trailer...

    • 3 months ago

      I want yellow glinstone/amber sorceries, tbqh
      I bet Miquella is both a sorcerer and an incanter like his father too

      • 3 months ago

        >amber sorceries
        soooo just imcantations

        • 3 months ago

          NO! The prince of death staff uses golden amber instead of typical glintstone! you also have amber starlight shards!

          >more fth shit

          Could be both. Or just pure intelligence like Law of Regression! I see no reason why this can't be the case.

      • 3 months ago

        >more fth shit

  58. 3 months ago

    "Divesting himself of his flesh, his strength, his lineage. Of all things Golden. And now Miquella awaits the return of his promised Lord."

    Okay, so it's more or less confirmed Miquella isn't someone to fight, is closer to a ghost, and is taking up Melina's role as player guide.

    • 3 months ago

      No. Nothing is confirmed since the game isn't out.
      You fricking dumbass.

      NO! The prince of death staff uses golden amber instead of typical glintstone! you also have amber starlight shards!
      Could be both. Or just pure intelligence like Law of Regression! I see no reason why this can't be the case.

      Amber is just glintstone from the elden beast.

      • 3 months ago

        >Amber is just glintstone from the elden beast.
        Amber is glintstone filtered through the erdtree in fact

        • 3 months ago

          No amber starlight is already amber before it gets to us, the elden beast is truly autistic.
          Root resin is people filtered thru the erdtree and root resin is seen as a goodness because of it's relation to amber starlight.
          Amber starlight is just normal blue shit you find at astrolabes, just the elden beasts version. It's all basic sorceries pulled from the primeval current and the beast is moronic.

          • 3 months ago

            >No amber starlight is already amber before it gets to us
            Yes, because all sorts of stars exist. Yellow stars are royalty. The amber you see in the various medallions are clearly repurposed amber/glintstone, derived from the colored sap of the Erdtree.
            >It's all basic sorceries pulled from the primeval current and the beast is moronic.
            The Elden Beast uses primeval sorceries in its fight. It's all connected. All stars. Life comes from stardust and is filtered through the earth.

            • 3 months ago

              The beast is just sorcery yeah. He's a tulpa made the same way the 3 fingers are made he is just representative of order in his autism.

          • 3 months ago

            >Root resin is people filtered thru the erdtree and root resin is seen as a goodness because of it's relation to amber starlight.
            lmao, Root Resin has zero relation to amber starlight. Root Resin is just Greattree Sap.

  59. 3 months ago

    Very low int. You find one of them blitz out of his mind in a crystal opium den.
    The other one found nirvana.
    Do do crystal drugs kids, keep it to herbals.

    • 3 months ago

      >do do drugs
      Already on it boss

    • 3 months ago

      >Do do crystal drugs kids
      Then whats the point of collecting crystal buds?

  60. 3 months ago

    where is the STR or DEX equivalent of this?
    >STR equivalent is just a giant walking hulking stinky musky veiny mound of muscley flesh that was once a Man
    >DEX equivalent is
    idk what DEX is. i'd say something like a DEXgay that transcended Human limitations and became Wind or something. also i can't wait to use that Avelyn again bros. Gunnerchads we're so back.

    • 3 months ago

      Malformed dragon for strength
      Zamor/bloodhound for dex

  61. 3 months ago

    Bros...I want to be them like you wouldn't belive

    • 3 months ago

      you will never be a rock

    • 3 months ago

      You will never return to the Current.

  62. 3 months ago

    Why do late game sorceries have higher intel requirements than incantations, which have lower faith requirements?

    Elden Stars requires 50 faith while Comet requires 52 intel lol. Is this implying that Comet > Elden Beast? Comet Azur would rape the Beast, is that it? (It already does in-game I guess). Shouldn’t Full Moon spells rape it even more? I guess not…

    Why does Comet Azur require three spell slots while Full Moon spells, which require 8-10 more intel, only require two? Why does Scarlet Aeonia, which only requires 35 faith, take up 3 spell slots? These are the only two spells which take up three slots, and yet their stat requirements have huge gaps between them.

    Is this simply implying that Scarlet Aeonia and Comet Azur are much more potent and disastrous spells, despite the lowwr stat requirements? If that were the case, then why don’t the big ass meteor sorceries cost three or even four fricking spell slots, for being the biggest damn spells in the game?

    If Founding Rain of Stars covered the Lands Between, then shouldn’t Full Moon spells be a literal fricking moon? What?

    God I hate mechanics muddying up lore.

    • 3 months ago

      I really don’t think From thought about it much

    • 3 months ago

      Scarlet Aoenia has only been done a handful of times according to the lore.

    • 3 months ago

      >founding rain of stars covers the land between
      wut, it covers the length of my backyard at most, what do you mean?

      • 3 months ago

        Read the description:
        —The eldest primeval sorcery, said to have been discovered by an ancient astrologer. A sorcery of legendary status.
        —Summons a dark cloud of stars overhead. Shortly after, the cloud will release a violent deluge of star rain.
        —Thought to be the founding glintstone sorcery. The glimpse of the primeval current that the astrologer saw became real, and the stars' amber rained down on this land.

        Glintstone is located all over (and underneath) Liurnia and Caelid, two known sites for sorcery, Raya Lucaria and Sellia respectively. This implies sorcerers may have migrated at some point. Both locations are also above the eternal cities of Nokron and Nokstella. Likely the two collaborated, as survivors of a previous age, and there are even Nox on the surface defending Lusat’s staff (Lusat may have been of the eternal cities). Glintstone sorcerers are rediscovering their past, which was interrupted by the greater will. A renaissance of sorts.

        Sellen even says:
        —“With the bodies of Masters Azur and Lusat returned, the academy can hone the primeval current.”
        —“So that we, fallen children of the stars, shall beam with brilliance once again.”

        Perhaps the current was embraced by the Nox / eternal cities once. There is a shadow war happening underground against the greater will, and sorcerers both old and new aren’t sitting idly by. Raya Lucarians and Sellians even have suspicious access to eternal city technology.

        • 3 months ago

          >Lusat may have been of the eternal cities

          Makes sense. Azur and Lusat are both thin and elongated bodies just like Rennala, who is herself a descendent of the original dynasty of moon worshipers.

          Anyone else find it funny how worship in these games doesn’t actually require faith? Look at the Grand Archives in DS3. Seath, the mythical ‘Pale Drake’, has become a religious figure, same with Logan, except it’s a religion of intellectualism, rather than faith. Faith in intellectualism, perhaps? They even crystallized a faith weapon to cast both miracles -and- sorceries.

          Very much similar to how Golden Order Fundamentalism is pure intellectualism. Or how Aberrant (bloodthorn spells) Sorceries are miracles/incantations in-disguise.

          • 3 months ago

            Sorceries and incantations are spooks. Facets of an incomplete whole.
            Same way modern science deconstructs/reconstructs everything to meet in the end.

        • 3 months ago

          >rained down on this land
          why assume it means the entire damn land?? It's raining down on "this land" every time we cast it. It's a big assumption to believe something so incredibly grand from a very non direct line, the simplest explanation seems to be the most obvious here. That's all I really have to critique, the rest of your post is interesting

          • 3 months ago

            Where else did the glintstone embedded in the Lands Between come from then? It’s literally the stuff of shattered stars; the “amber of the cosmos”. Life out of space.

    • 3 months ago

      Elden Stars is also garbage, as is Scarlet Aeonia. Incantations in general are shite, apart from a handful.

      • 3 months ago

        Pic rel was the only reason I invested in incantations, it's crazy how they go from avoid at all costs to dying in 2 heals schmucks

        • 3 months ago

          Fricking hate that spastic attack they do where they just start swinging all over the place

        • 3 months ago

          These things give me so many wedgies, nuggies and wet willies I hate it
          Literal school ground tier bully enemies

          • 3 months ago

            you must've been in a pretty fricked up school anon

          • 3 months ago

            heal yourself and stagger break them at the same time anon.

        • 3 months ago

          What’s the lore behind these things anyway? Someone told me they are the vacant bodies of Carian royals who resort to soul hopping, but I thought the blue mana sucking zombies in the academy were those? The vacant bodies of glintstone sorcerers I mean.

  63. 3 months ago

    Reading these threads always feels like schizo babbling. We all played the same game yet there's people convinced that this game somehow has characters and lore.
    It's just lazy expecting your players to piece things together while being invested. I don't give a frick about Lord Robert's incantations, I never met him.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm an ignorant moron!
      Good for you. Go get another COVID booster and don't click on another lore thread ever again.

      • 3 months ago

        Get some help, anon.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm perfectly fine anon, I'm not the ignorant fricking cattle who played Elden Ring and thought to himself
          So again, if you're that moronic and ignorant, you MUST be a vaccine enthusiast. So just go get another jab to keep grandma safe and stop posting in Elden Ring threads.

          • 3 months ago

            ye, there's really no reason for me to post here tbh
            have a good day


          • 3 months ago

            >Can't even T-bag properly
            Two hand your weapon, hold block, and then mash crouch. Moron, you T-bag way faster

            • 3 months ago

              >He knows how to optimize his tbags
              I literally don't care about speed. I only care that they feel the BM.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm perfectly fine anon, I'm not the ignorant fricking cattle who played Elden Ring and thought to himself
        So again, if you're that moronic and ignorant, you MUST be a vaccine enthusiast. So just go get another jab to keep grandma safe and stop posting in Elden Ring threads.

        >le epic emotes
        >le trolling crouch

        • 3 months ago

          Yes anon. The build is designed to be the biggest c**t imaginable. Did you even read the file names?

          • 3 months ago

            I can never get anyone to stay still long enough to crossbow them how do you time it?

            • 3 months ago

              It's a whiff or heal punish and a super good deterrent/reaction to casters. Bleed bolt some homosexual mage the next time he tries to shoot you with a spell. He'll either learn the lesson or let you bleed him every time he casts.

            • 3 months ago

              It's a whiff or heal punish and a super good deterrent/reaction to casters. Bleed bolt some homosexual mage the next time he tries to shoot you with a spell. He'll either learn the lesson or let you bleed him every time he casts.

              See? I read him and predicted his flask and as a result he eats shit.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a whiff or heal punish and a super good deterrent/reaction to casters. Bleed bolt some homosexual mage the next time he tries to shoot you with a spell. He'll either learn the lesson or let you bleed him every time he casts.

                I'm perfectly fine anon, I'm not the ignorant fricking cattle who played Elden Ring and thought to himself
                >THERE'S NO CHARACTER OR LORE!
                So again, if you're that moronic and ignorant, you MUST be a vaccine enthusiast. So just go get another jab to keep grandma safe and stop posting in Elden Ring threads.

                >I'm an ignorant moron!
                Good for you. Go get another COVID booster and don't click on another lore thread ever again.

  64. 3 months ago

    Can't tell if I prefer dual cleavers or two-handed Longhaft Axe for STR
    dual axe moveset goes hard

  65. 3 months ago

    I bet royal revenants give amazing hole

  66. 3 months ago

    Okay, but can we marry Miquella, like the cut content suggested?

    We deserve male waifus.

    • 3 months ago

      Boys can’t be wives. Wives aren’t supposed to have penises. I’m sorry to have to tell you this, anon. From will never allow you to be gay. Miyazaki forbids it.

    • 3 months ago

      You need to be flayed like Daedicar, vile thing

      • 3 months ago

        Daedicar was Rykard’s “paramour” in cut content too. Most likely, they were bdsm freaks just like Mohg.

  67. 3 months ago

    I wish I was an empyrean so I would have had a hot wolf man assigned to me.

  68. 3 months ago

    can someone explain how magic in elden ring works? i'm not talking about its origins or anything like that, but how you actually CAST these frickers. what is MP lorewise? what do you use to cast outside of catalysts? do the spells have any somatic or verbal components?

    • 3 months ago

      This has been discussed several times already in this thread. Scroll up. It’s all related to will, and how it translates into faith and intelligence, etc.

      • 3 months ago

        no it hasn't?
        they just talked about its origins, which is what i specifically said I DON'T want to talk about
        i just wish to talk about how these things are actually cast outside of having to use catalysts

        • 3 months ago

          You’re not reading thoroughly enough.

          Stuff like

          >Lusat may have been of the eternal cities

          Makes sense. Azur and Lusat are both thin and elongated bodies just like Rennala, who is herself a descendent of the original dynasty of moon worshipers.

          Anyone else find it funny how worship in these games doesn’t actually require faith? Look at the Grand Archives in DS3. Seath, the mythical ‘Pale Drake’, has become a religious figure, same with Logan, except it’s a religion of intellectualism, rather than faith. Faith in intellectualism, perhaps? They even crystallized a faith weapon to cast both miracles -and- sorceries.

          Very much similar to how Golden Order Fundamentalism is pure intellectualism. Or how Aberrant (bloodthorn spells) Sorceries are miracles/incantations in-disguise.

          The actual casting processes are left ambiguous, and possibly even redundant, or just ironic, the same way the sciences of the past were.

          It’s all the same thing viewed through different and incomplete facets of understanding.

          • 3 months ago

            >The actual casting processes are left ambiguous, and possibly even redundant, or just ironic, the same way the sciences of the past were.
            this just seems like an excuse to actually explain spellcasting in your game

            >It’s all the same thing viewed through different and incomplete facets of understanding.
            i have something similar to what you assumed in my own fictive world, but it's actually explained: you replicate the process of primordial creation with every spell you cast, emulating the very gods, but on a lower level

            • 3 months ago

              to not actually explain********

            • 3 months ago

              >this just seems like an excuse

              This excuse has been used since Demon Souls. It’s all about that mystery. Magic is as mysterious as it is wondrous.

              Sage Freke:
              — “That witch Yuria is quite a compelling woman. She uses a different type of magic than I. Hers is powered by emotion; a lesser type of miracle. I wonder if it is related to her gender? I still have much to learn.”

              You also have catalysts that utilize faith, and talismans that utilize intelligence, or both, in all three Souls games.

              The ambiguity has always been a theme.

            • 3 months ago

              The real answer? Magic in Elden Ring is carried over 1:1 from Dark Souls, but they didn't bother giving an explanation and tied it to stars instead since there aren't souls anymore.
              My guess? Elden Ring takes from a bunch of vague alchemy concepts. I would say they probably had something similar to Elder Scrolls magic in mind, where "stars" aren't really "stars", they're pinpoints of aether bleeding into the world from elsewhere. And you need intelligence to know how to grab it and use it.

              • 3 months ago

                Alchemical whatnot is very pivotal to Elden Ring lore

              • 3 months ago

                >since there aren't souls anymore
                Soul stuff does exist--ancestor spirits, death hexes, and wraith calling items--and it all still runs on Int or Int/Faith

              • 3 months ago

                The Omen are filled with wraiths/spirits, possibly as a consequence of the Erdtree forcing lifeforce in its own specific direction(s). The horns grown over their bodies are much more erratic/painful than the more normal “budding” antlers of the ancestral spirits and worshipers, away from the influence of the Erdtree.

                It’s life/spirit going in different directions. The Erdtree likely can’t suck up the spirits of animal life because they’re too far from its roots, be it underground or on the mountaintops.

              • 3 months ago

                We already know what the currency of Elden Ring is anon.
                Its stated plainly: Runes are secrets. And secrets are insight.

                Such is the will of Wodin.

            • 3 months ago

              >Whining about HOW the spell is casted
              That's really autistic.
              If you want an actual answer. Most staves have Glintstone or something serving as Glintstone.

              Mages keep masses of different crystals around their studies and glintstone items talk of the difference between low quality glintstone scraps that have a single use "detonation" and high quality cuts.
              So basically a high quality stone seems to be used as a repeatable "focus" to craft spells.

              How is this accomplished? Well judging from how your character casts and the fact that mages wear the things on their head, where erudition cause them to glow, it can be safe to say that there is a psychic connection between you and the rocks. Like the green lanterns and their magic rings Glintstone seems to be able to form constructs from the users will if they hold contact with them.

              New spells are created through cosmic observation of celestial phenomenons, so intelligence increases the power of these constructs by the mage comprehending the physics of the known world.

              Incantations seem different. By definition an incantation is a vocal prayer towards some force to perform supernatural tasks. You use seals that are effigies or perhaps even fragments of a higher power. You have a faithful reciting of some tale or feat regarding that power and your faith determines how much that force lends its power to you.

              Arcane seems to be an inherent supernatural property of the user and incants involving it seem to be more about directly stealing power from other beings without asking, hence why the Dragonseal makes note that communion is hardly an "incantation" and The formless mother is directly being stabbed to make use of her blood.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's really autistic.
                you've never played a ttrpg in your life

              • 3 months ago

                No, but most people hate when magic gets too scientific or some shit. In like 90% of fiction it's either
                >"I have an object that allows me to generate fire, the only way I can explain to you how the action is performed and how it feels to have this fire ball floating in my hand is for you to do it yourself"
                >The same thing except the mage "just has the power"
                >Magic is performed by performing a ritual sometimes involving symbols or spoken words (which is for the most part what IRL magic was)
                >Chemistry with made up rules.

                There really isn't much else. You can make some snowflake shit like "He's using the fragments of a god" or "He has a contract with a demon" but it's basically only those listed things.

                The concept of magic power in human history was mostly quackery medicine from the perspective of uneducated people who were given religious explanations for supposed cures by shamans or some shit, with rituals involving prayers, effigies and consumption of unusual "medicines".

                That's magic in human history, the fantasy is when that shit actually has clear results.

              • 3 months ago

                my own system, as i've previously said, is inspired by judaic cabbalah, where if you begin to understand the process of god's creation, you can begin to replicate it yourself.
                the easiest example of this in action is a golem, which is created by basically reverse-engineering the creation of adam

              • 3 months ago

                That's a cool idea, but the anon was asking the process. So in your case, repeating a golem is just fantasy engineering of sorts where creating a ritualistic effigy of a man with clay and applying holy symbols with perfect penmanship will result in an animated man.

                That's what he was trying to get, HOW the feat was performed.

  69. 3 months ago

    First Radagon, and now Messmer
    What’s with all the stupid sexy red heads?

  70. 3 months ago

    Everyone should get a free Ranni doll when they purchase the DLC.

    • 3 months ago

      So I can blowtorch it? Nah, gimme an Alexander or diallos and jarbairne mini model

  71. 3 months ago

    God I love Elden Ring

    • 3 months ago


  72. 3 months ago

    Why do you guys eat slop? Does it actually taste good?

  73. 3 months ago

    Was there a pre Elden Beast era, or is all life sourced to the Elden Ring?

    • 3 months ago

      There was an in depth discussion about this some time ago in this thread, scroll up and look for the crucible and dragons talk, fren

    • 3 months ago

      I’m still unsure. Maybe there are different ‘phases’ of the Ring, like when it was the Crucible (?) for Placidusax, and when it’s (currently) the Erdtree for Marika.

  74. 3 months ago

    what the frick are runes exactly? they don’t exactly look like runes…they look like irises, or the slices of tree trunks
    only great runes look like runes…

  75. 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      Yeah I believe it. Marika the Eternal, as in of the Eternal Cities. She is Numen. Her intellectual approach to the Golden Order is because she is from a society of moon/star worshiping intellectuals.

      Marika was the great betrayal. She was meant/made to be the Lord of Night, but she rebelled and sided with the Greater Will, changing the landscape forever.

      She probably asked the Greater Will to bury her people—or at least the people who refused to side with her. The Numen who remained on the surface were blessed with gold, while the Numen who remained below became/stayed the Nox.

      The Nox culture was alive on the surface, once.

  76. 3 months ago

    All magic is alive in these games, be it souls as the source of all life in Dark Souls, or the connected nature of glintstone/runes/amber/etc in Elden Ring’s wider cosmology.

    There’s a cosmic life/intelligence to glintstone (good lord, Lusat’s brain turned into something staring back), just like souls/humanity explicitly seek out life—which is why they home in on targets to begin with.

    • 3 months ago

      >which is why they home in on targets to begin with.

      Yeah, soul arrows and such are living things.

      Homing Soul Mass:
      — ‘Life originates in the soul; no wonder the soulmass draws toward it.’
      — ‘This sorcery is a window into seeker Logan's methods.’

      — ‘Grant a fleeting will to the Dark of humanity, and volley the result.’
      — ‘The will feels envy, or perhaps love, and despite the inevitable trite and tragic ending, the will sees no alternative, and is driven madly towards its target.’

      — ‘This black sprite is called humanity, but little is known about its true nature.
      — ‘If the soul is the source of all life, then what distinguishes the humanity we hold within ourselves?’

      It is possible crystals are solidified souls.

      • 3 months ago

        They're the "vitality of the stars".
        The Bloodstar is likely the realization by prisoner mages that mortals are no different than stars and thus they discovered how to use their own blood to create constructs. Though, a lot of people seem to believe it's an actual entity.

        • 3 months ago

          It could be both an entity as well as an internal realization. I say this because there’s a lot of overlap between the blood star, thorns, fire, blindness, and the formless mother. Mohg incantations allude to reaching into the formless mother. Perhaps they’re reaching into a celestial body, but that celestial body is also within us all. Not sure.

      • 3 months ago

        Will is a big part of it too, since otherwise the souls/sorceries would hurl themselves at the caster, being the nearest living thing to them.

        A will to direct. A soul directing souls.

        Glintstone is itself the stuff of shattered stars, which are equated to aliens/gods, and there is definitely an intelligence to the material to direct. It is also contagious/cancerous.

        Glintstone sorcerers are likely piecing back together a cosmic mind/intelligence. Such is the pursuit of the primeval current.

        • 3 months ago

          >and there is definitely an intelligence to the material
          Lusat’s brain literally turned into a giant eyeball lmao
          I wonder what it really belongs to

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