What made Halo 3 so fun?

What made Halo 3 so fun?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Jason Jones, Joe Staten, and Marty o'donnel.

    • 3 months ago

      Jason Jones had frick all to do with Halo 3, and Joe Staten did very little himself. It's why the story is so weak compared to the first 2.

      • 3 months ago

        the story of 3 had almost no weight and didnt seem to take itself seriously. the flood hitting earth was a footnote.
        And if you didnt see the announcement trailer and forgot about the ship chief hitched a ride in, the player has almost no explanation for how chief got to earth and where the ship is even going. it required ODST to explain it years later.

    • 3 months ago

      are people making new Cortana art?

  2. 4 months ago

    right people in the right place at the right time

  3. 4 months ago

    I just got a no scope

  4. 4 months ago

    This game is what's convinced me graphics have basically stagnated for about a decade now, hell it's regressing

    • 4 months ago

      This, do t know why people mention crysis like parrots when this game looks 100 times better and has way more variety.

      Also the amount items/vehicles and the attention to detail is one of the highest of any videogame. Really a once in a lifetime, tech was going forward.

      • 3 months ago

        >This, do t know why people mention crysis like parrots when this game looks 100 times better
        it doesn't look 100 times better. it AGED 100 times better! important distinction.

        first of all, the lighting and shadows are all baked. the occasional dynamic object gets to have a canned projector shadow. note how in OP's shot the sniper rifle has a shadow but none of the corpses do. when you, the player, die your corpse has a shadow IIRC. any way, the dynamic shadows don't align with any light source correctly, but they are more detailed than real-time shadows in COD 4 would be for comparison, so that's the tradeoff.
        nowadays the old baked lighting looks almost contemporary to us because 1) many games still use it today and 2) other games have real-time GI solutions that at best replicate the fidelity of Halo 3's indirect lighting, visually you just can't beat ray-traced GI.

        Crysis had other strengths such as real-time shadows, real-time ambient occlusion (first game ever with SSAO), high quality motion blur (Halo 3 had a cheap camera-blur, still cool for a console game), nice ocean waves (Halo 3 had the water physics, Crysis had the water graphics), super high polycount and the most dense forest areas in any game up until that point.
        Crysis did many, many things that were mind-blowing BACK THEN and aren't any more now.
        Halo 3 did few things graphically that were impressive BACK THEN, really only the HDR / bloom trickery stands out. but Halo 3's look was masterfully "complete" in a way that still looks pleasant to us today. even original sub-720p shots can look kind of nice. meanwhile Crysis has obvious flaws like a complete lack of indirect lighting and the ever-present, horrific aliasing in all foliage. but up the resolution on Crysis and maybe add some mods and it still looks impressive NOW which is crazy and not something Halo 3 could ever do.

        • 3 months ago

          Thank you for this post, I mean it

          • 3 months ago

            why, because it kept the thread alive when it was about to die?

            The Penetrator alone is a better weapon than all of the weapons in every Halo game.
            And that's a mid tier weapon, the pistols are on par with Halo 1 with how good the pistol is.

            You've never playee F.E.A.R and for that you will always be a queer, just like every Halogay.

            it's just the fricking crossbow from Half Life 2 which released two years earlier, but with a higher firerate and less power. you also get to carry like 20 weapons at the same time in HL2. why aren't you arguing that FEAR is a garbage casual copycat of the great HL2? people who look down on Halo really should hold this opinion but alas, HL2 was more successful than FEAR so the contrarianism kicks in and any pseudo-rational rules like "more weapons better" go out the window.

            also the pistols suck in FEAR, and that's good, that's how pistols should be. Halo 1's pistol was OP because Bungie sucked at balancing back then. Halo 2 had good weapon balance in theory but the button combos broke any semblance of balance in practice. Halo 3 then finally fixed the balance.

            >FEAR has less weapon variety AND less enemy variety than any Bungie Halo.
            Halo doesn't have dismemberement, giblets, or a functioning A.I that can open doors.
            The Repeating Cannon makes every weapon in Halo look like a fricking joke.

            >dismemberement, giblets
            I don't care about gore. I think it's because I was never bullied.

            >functioning A.I that can open doors
            first of all, while very cool, in practice FEAR's bots never actually do any of that fancy shit. no FEAR bot ever goes to retrieve a key to then unlock a door with it. that is just an academic example of what action planning AI can enable dynamically while other methods need more manual preparation.
            Halo's AI is very "functioning" and could absolutely be instructed to search for a key to then open a door with it. this would merely require a little more foresight by the AI designer. it wouldn't emerge dynamically like it theoretically can in a planner.
            look into "behavior trees", that's the name retroactively given to what Halo 2 pioneered with its AI, and it has become THE industry standard to the point where Unreal Engine offers it natively. yes, BTs aren't as dynamic as FEAR's planner was, more designer intervention is needed but on the flipside performance is better so you can have more bots in bigger maps etc.

            • 3 months ago

              I'm not reading all that shit
              F.E.A.R shits all over Halo, cope

              • 3 months ago


                Ganker shitposter attacking multiple threads evading capture

        • 3 months ago

          I couldn't give less of a shit about dynamic lighting when it sacrifices so much just to render shit. Prebaked lighting with good shading is all I want

        • 3 months ago

          Don't get me wrong, I know what crysis did back in the day and all the crazy tech it introduced.
          It's just that in a game visuals, tech is not that important, but using the right tools the right way. Overall I think halo has more variety and a more pleasant image, specially with the improved settings in mcc.

      • 3 months ago

        >when this game looks 100 times better and has way more variety.
        consolegay cope
        Only Halo 1 was good by the way

      • 3 months ago

        >Also the amount items/vehicles and the attention to detail is one of the highest of any videogame

        • 3 months ago

          Halogays are delusional and usually Xboxfavs, they're like Snoys in the way that they only play AAA shit and think that's all that exists.

          • 3 months ago

            >you have to reload your weapons!
            >you can aim up and down AND side to side!
            >Dual weeewding!
            >Some guns shoot fast others hit hard!
            >Vehicles in a shooter!
            >Different types of enemies!
            >this is the first last and only game to do these things!
            I remember hearing all of this non stop back in the day but fricking hell I can't believe there's anybody who still believes this.

            • 3 months ago

              Like I said, Halogays were the CODgays of 2001-2007.
              Never played anything else and thought their extremely marketed game was the best ever and that nothing else existed.
              You told them to try out somethibg like C&C Renegade or Crysis Wars and they would shut you down.

              I'm glad it's dead, and that CoD is next, these casuals are a fricking blight to the industry.

              • 3 months ago

                Go to bed grandpa

              • 3 months ago

                You think you're young or something?
                Gaylo is 23 years old homosexual and it's fricking dead.

              • 3 months ago

                t. seething 40+ year old man

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not even 30
                I was 12 when Gaylo 3 came out

              • 3 months ago

                >balls didn't drop when halo was in its prime
                >acts like he has a valid opinion

              • 3 months ago

                Halo was made for 12 year olds

              • 3 months ago

                In addition to it dying itself, i'm glad the godawful tropes it and cod forced onto the industry.
                >Two weapon limits regardless of whether it's a pistol with 5 mags or an LMG with 2 100 round belts.
                >Recharging health meters.
                Frick both of these things in the ass and frick every dev who forced them into their games just to cop this ass. Been seeing a lot less of this lately.

            • 3 months ago

              Like I said, Halogays were the CODgays of 2001-2007.
              Never played anything else and thought their extremely marketed game was the best ever and that nothing else existed.
              You told them to try out somethibg like C&C Renegade or Crysis Wars and they would shut you down.

              I'm glad it's dead, and that CoD is next, these casuals are a fricking blight to the industry.

              halo is the mcdonalds of video games and if you enjoyed you are a hamburger yourself

              this isn't something you can fix, its what you inherently are

              the level of incoherent contrarian butthurt Halo still triggers 20 years later just shows how popular it really was.

              also lol at the COD comparison. by that logic COD should have died some time around BO2 when they messed with the core formula for the sake of changing shit up. instead COD is bigger than ever (unfortunately) despite the fact they kept messing with the formula and at this point it's not even recognizable. if you showed the current COD to someone in the 2000s he would think it's a Battlefield game. he would also be shocked that Battlefield fricking died one pathetic death after another while COD just keeps winning every year for decades. people already thought COD was on its way out any day now in the early 2010s, and Battlefield was the likely successor. depressing to think about. but what cheers me up is remembering that before COD 4 things were actually alright in the FPS space, as Halo, a very casual but well-tuned arena shooter, reigned on Xbox and PC was still getting exclusive games with some production value. those are nice memories and reminders that things can be better than they have been for so long now.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                moron-kun, pls

              • 3 months ago

                Halo is dead and you worshipped Microsoft lmao

              • 3 months ago

                I don't get this continuing vitriol toward Halo. Like I get it, two weapons limit and the regenerating shield which carried over to other games when the series was popular, but other than that, it's an okay series that offered plenty of good stuff with varied environments, a varied selection of weapons and vehicles, and of course, there's the Forge mode. It's not like the cancerous aspects of the series survived nowadays now that FPS games are more varied atm with boomer shooters bringing back multiple weapons and fast, twitchy gameplay. Not to mention that Halo was dead a long time ago so the prevailing butthurt over it is just sad really.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's not like the cancerous aspects of the series survived nowadays
                Every single AAA FPS game takes from Halo

              • 3 months ago

                >it's an okay series that offered plenty of good stuff with varied environments, a varied selection of weapons and vehicles
                Yes perfectly true and reasonable statement. What set us off was

                This, do t know why people mention crysis like parrots when this game looks 100 times better and has way more variety.

                Also the amount items/vehicles and the attention to detail is one of the highest of any videogame. Really a once in a lifetime, tech was going forward.

                Halo just does presentation and feedback better than any other multiplayer shooter. You dont need hitmarkers because shields light up when you're hitting someone, you know someone is close to death because their shields flicker, you know they're recharging, you know what weapon someone switches to because they all have unique equip sounds, etc.

                and this is what has always set us off. 20 years ago, and now. If it had been talked about as you put it "an okay series" I would agree and maybe even say it's better than okay. But that wasn't and isn't the case, it was given 10/10 scores and had a zealous fanbase that constantly credited it with innovations that had been done 10 years before and better.
                >It's not like the cancerous aspects of the series survived nowadays
                And yay for that, but this cancer killed several titles, turok, bond games, fear, riddick. The success of Halo killed all innovation among first person shooters and if you weren't there and seeing this as it happened you just won't get it.

              • 3 months ago

                You're getting mad about nothing

              • 3 months ago

                Are you the "my $5000 pc is better than a $300 console" guy in the meme?

                >muh dick
                halo fans resorting to ad hominin when they're proven wrong. two decades and nothing has changed.

              • 3 months ago

                >Like I get it, two weapons limit and the regenerating shield which carried over to other games
                you're pulling on the root of it all. three observations:
                1. the people who claim to hate "Halo" the most are always people who never fricking played Halo at all and instead are angry over Halo's perceived influence on other games. and this is moronic. I used to be this way about COD but it's moronic. you can't blame one game for decisions made by other devs on other games.
                2. there is absolutely nothing wrong with a shooter restricting your weapon selection to 2 dynamic choices and 3+ static attacks (2 grenade types + melee).
                3. Halo didn't invent the 2 weapon limit. "realistic" shooters already had you carrying a main rifle and a sidearm, see Counter Strike (PC, 1998) and no doubt earlier entries but perhaps not so famous ones. also another famous one: I don't know off the top of my head how many guns you can carry in GoldenEye but functionally that's a one weapon shooter. you use the pistol until you get the AK, then you use the AK until the level ends. lmao

                >It's not like the cancerous aspects of the series survived nowadays now that FPS games are more varied atm with boomer shooters bringing back multiple weapons and fast, twitchy gameplay.
                as somebody who plays QC almost daily, I have to disagree. only nuDoom and nuADHDoom had a budget and made money. every other so-called boomer shooter either cost nothing to make to begin with, or flopped. often both. that's not a genre revival, it's one niche franchise surviving a little longer. and its comeback happened 8 years ago. if a revival of the genre was going to follow it already would have. some devs tried to bring it back. some pretended to but then made lawbreakers instead. they all came and went without impact as shooters continue to resemble COD more than anything else. normies continue to want "realistic" shooters.

              • 3 months ago

                >there is absolutely nothing wrong with a shooter restricting your weapon selection to 2 dynamic choices and 3+ static attacks (2 grenade types + melee).

              • 3 months ago

                This board jerks off FEAR which has 3 weapon limit "woah!" and all the weapons are basically the same with one enemy type they're all pretty good against. It's just Halo derangement syndrome from pc nerds who never had friends.

              • 3 months ago

                >and all the weapons are basically the same
                >one enemy type
                You've never played F.E.A.R

                >he played Reach
                >he even continues to play it
                >he played Halo CE back in the day and he still plays other Halos today but pretends that the Halo formula is just "okay"
                terminal contrarianism, likely infectious

                you have to buy the goypass and the grind 50k XP to unlock one of those. but don't worry, you can buy a goybooster to make XP accumulate 5 times as fast so it's really only 10k XP you need, if you think about it!

                >This game did all these things and it's da BEST EVAH
                >No it isn't
                >Why do you hate Halo 🙁
                Man, you fricks sad

              • 3 months ago

                >You've never played F.E.A.R
                here we go what i say..fricking lol

              • 3 months ago

                The Penetrator alone is a better weapon than all of the weapons in every Halo game.
                And that's a mid tier weapon, the pistols are on par with Halo 1 with how good the pistol is.

                You've never playee F.E.A.R and for that you will always be a queer, just like every Halogay.

              • 3 months ago

                >more contrarianism
                don't you ever get tired of it?
                dumbass, FEAR has less weapon variety AND less enemy variety than any Bungie Halo. there are about three guns worth using in FEAR, and two enemy types (regular dudes and big dudes). I'm not going to count the ninja frickers because they only appear twice in the entire game and one of those times is in the god awful final level that I won't even bother with next time I play through FEAR.

                FEAR is a great case study in minimalism. you don't need a dozen guns, you don't need a dozen enemy types, you don't need more than the PC FPS staple environments (industrial, office, sewers basically), you don't even need the fricking SUN. no doubt if FEAR had inspired lots of copycats including the COD franchise Ganker would shriek that it's somewhere between a bad game and a mediocre game now.

              • 3 months ago

                >FEAR has less weapon variety AND less enemy variety than any Bungie Halo.
                Halo doesn't have dismemberement, giblets, or a functioning A.I that can open doors.
                The Repeating Cannon makes every weapon in Halo look like a fricking joke.

              • 3 months ago

                FEAR cant even be bothered to combine what little enemy types it has. So you literally have the "ninja guy" section where you fight nothing but him. There's zero sandbox interplay with the arsenal and enemies. But this board will jerk off that 3 weapon limit shooter because it's pc.

              • 3 months ago

                Replica > Every single Gaylo mook

    • 4 months ago

      Halo 3 was the first game I played in HD, and it blew my mind.

      • 4 months ago

        Worst thing is that back then we where used to see crazy improvements in all areas even multiple times in a year.

    • 4 months ago

      I think it looks better than literally all of the following Halo games. ODST looked good and atmospheric too, but Halo Reach and beyond had awful player model aesthetics.

    • 3 months ago

      Halo 3 had a perfect blend of art direction, color grading and a good physics engine. nothing else looked as good.

    • 3 months ago

      >hell it's regressing
      No matter how you feel about modern games this is objectively moronic and wrong.

    • 3 months ago

      you were 12 and had friends over for splitscreen

      most games today just look blurry af,
      modern games can have all of the texture res and geo in the world but you can hardy see anything underneath the post effects

  5. 4 months ago

    the people who worked on it were passionate and they loved creating video games

  6. 4 months ago

    You were a child.

    • 3 months ago

      out of 117

  7. 3 months ago

    A development team almost entirely composed of autistic nerdy white men.

  8. 3 months ago

    Online avatars disconnected from ideas of progression in the real world

  9. 3 months ago

    The times. 2007 was still in the modern era of when games were fun and good.

  10. 3 months ago

    Only a handful of minorities outside of Asians could afford to play it

  11. 3 months ago

    Nothing. It was a shit game. 4 was ok.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm trans btw

  12. 3 months ago

    halo is the mcdonalds of video games and if you enjoyed you are a hamburger yourself

    this isn't something you can fix, its what you inherently are

  13. 3 months ago

    It was a massive downgrade from 2 which was already a downgrade from 1.

  14. 3 months ago

    Very little cheating, custom game modes made with rules in mind, trash talk, respect, a little trolling, xbox voice messages, shitty mic quality, and good players actually played non-ranked.

    Shit just felt natural back then.

    • 3 months ago

      >Shit just felt natural back then
      Because it is natural. All this censorship is ruining the video game industry. We need open mic lobbies and proximity chat. We need a little bit more cleavage and euphemisms. We need less Black folk and trannies. If they keep releasing shit after shit, it’s over. I don’t think we will get a video game as complete and rich as Halo 3 ever again.

  15. 3 months ago

    Halo just does presentation and feedback better than any other multiplayer shooter. You dont need hitmarkers because shields light up when you're hitting someone, you know someone is close to death because their shields flicker, you know they're recharging, you know what weapon someone switches to because they all have unique equip sounds, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      >Halo just does presentation and feedback better than any other multiplayer shooter.
      This is what Halodrones actually believe lmao

    • 3 months ago

      lack of hitmarkers is bullshit.
      cant check corridors by throwing a nade in there etc.
      and i think your brain makes microadjustments to aim based on hit markers that you wouldnt normally make

      and i cant stand how pick up guns are just laying on floor where you can barely see them. infinite does it much better, they are on clearly visible pads on groudn on wall and you can scan to find them if you havent memorised them. hud is also much harder to read

      infinite is my first halo so im not blinded by nostalgia

      • 3 months ago

        Is this a troll post

        • 3 months ago

          movement speed is too slow to not have sprint.
          pick up weapons other than sniper are garbage, no one uses them isntead of default br75.
          melee weapons are a joke because of no sprint, thrust or grapple or any movement boost.

          im glad you had fun with it back in the day when you were 12 though, but sorry the game aint all that

  16. 3 months ago

    the troony basedjak gaming culture of today didnt exist yet

  17. 3 months ago

    Custom games was fun, the actual multiplayer was shit due to how fricked the balancing was and tryhards ruining the game for every one.

  18. 3 months ago

    How many other FPS games during Halo 3's era had creative modes similar to Forge?

    • 3 months ago

      Every single FPS game on PC had mod tools and easy to use map editors.
      Operation Flashpoint had a fricking mission editor which was literally drag and drop.

      • 3 months ago

        >He doesn't know about RTS game replays which is where Bungie got the idea from in the first place
        Bungie had tons of great people working in it and the worst of fricking fanbases.

        >it's an okay series that offered plenty of good stuff with varied environments, a varied selection of weapons and vehicles
        Yes perfectly true and reasonable statement. What set us off was
        and this is what has always set us off. 20 years ago, and now. If it had been talked about as you put it "an okay series" I would agree and maybe even say it's better than okay. But that wasn't and isn't the case, it was given 10/10 scores and had a zealous fanbase that constantly credited it with innovations that had been done 10 years before and better.
        >It's not like the cancerous aspects of the series survived nowadays
        And yay for that, but this cancer killed several titles, turok, bond games, fear, riddick. The success of Halo killed all innovation among first person shooters and if you weren't there and seeing this as it happened you just won't get it.

        Are you the "my $5000 pc is better than a $300 console" guy in the meme?

        • 3 months ago

          I'm the frick who fricks your mom for 40 instead of 20 because I get to do her raw.

    • 3 months ago

      Games still dont have the feature set of theater mode or saved films even though photo mode has been a popular thing for 10 years now.

      • 3 months ago

        >He doesn't know about RTS game replays which is where Bungie got the idea from in the first place
        Bungie had tons of great people working in it and the worst of fricking fanbases.

        • 3 months ago

          No i dont, homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            Ah yes, the fanbases of Halo and the general RTS community, perfectly overlapping. Why would anyone playing Halo 3 have even heard of whatever games you're talking about? Don't blame someone for ignorance when they couldn't give a shit about the product to even know.

            >I'm such a big Halo fan I don't even know Bungie were big RTS fans and that Halo was originally conceived as an RTS game
            This is why plenty of people give Halo shit, community is nothing but ignorant arrogant casual homosexuals who only do shit because it's popular.

            • 3 months ago

              Nobody whose anybody gives Halo shit but nerd homosexuals. It's beloved and recognized as one of the greatest series ever.

              • 3 months ago

                You're a nobody who sucks Halos dick and you're on an enthusiast board wasting your free time on the internet with other nobodies.

                Bitching about Nerds when you're a loser yourself, lmao.

                Yes, by the time of Halo 3 it's community was a generic normie bro gamer audience, and? You do not have to know that they were going to dev for Mac and that halo was going to be an RTS early, early on in development to be a fan of the game. Knowing that this stems from them being generally large RTS fans and getting inspiration from some ancient RTS is even more obscure and more irrelevant. This is another level of autism to be mad that people don't know this.

                >It's irrelevant
                It's very relevant for this discussion considering you said no other game but Halo did X.
                It didn't, I'm proving you wrong and you're getting mad about being wrong about your precious sacred cow of a franchise, lol.
                >It doesn't matter notbing matters but my own b***h feelings about my precious franchise
                lmao, literal fricking manbabies

              • 3 months ago

                How many years have you been holding in this rage, anon?

              • 3 months ago

                What rage?
                I was playing Halo Custom Edition while and having fun CTF Blood Gulch matches while mocking moron dudebro Halogays with half a braincell on the internet.
                That still hasn't changed except now I'm playing modded custom Halo 3 and Reach matches while mocking the same morons for thinking an ok game is a 10/10 masterpiece GOAT that pushed the industry to new horizons ala Snoys and TLoU.

                Guess some things never change, lmao.

              • 3 months ago

                >he played Reach
                >he even continues to play it
                >he played Halo CE back in the day and he still plays other Halos today but pretends that the Halo formula is just "okay"
                terminal contrarianism, likely infectious

                But what about the hecking wholesome emoticons?

                you have to buy the goypass and the grind 50k XP to unlock one of those. but don't worry, you can buy a goybooster to make XP accumulate 5 times as fast so it's really only 10k XP you need, if you think about it!

              • 3 months ago

                It makes more sense to suck Halo's dick in a thread called "why is Halo 3 fun" than you wasting your time looking for things to seethe about and getting into nothing arguments.

              • 3 months ago

                >Wasting my time
                Seeing you homosexuals seethe is pure entertainment, more than I get from aying Halo, I'll tell you that much.

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, by the time of Halo 3 it's community was a generic normie bro gamer audience, and? You do not have to know that they were going to dev for Mac and that halo was going to be an RTS early, early on in development to be a fan of the game. Knowing that this stems from them being generally large RTS fans and getting inspiration from some ancient RTS is even more obscure and more irrelevant. This is another level of autism to be mad that people don't know this.

        • 3 months ago

          Ah yes, the fanbases of Halo and the general RTS community, perfectly overlapping. Why would anyone playing Halo 3 have even heard of whatever games you're talking about? Don't blame someone for ignorance when they couldn't give a shit about the product to even know.

    • 3 months ago

      Forge helped bring a modding experience to console but now nugames even on PC don't have extensive modding/community creation
      not even frickin Counter Strike anymore
      dedicated servers helped kill that kind of culture

      • 3 months ago

        Removing dedicated servers*
        Frick matchmaking

      • 3 months ago

        Removing dedicated servers*
        Frick matchmaking

        not even matchmaking, games just don't have UGC culture anymore, like Fortnite creative modes barely get any support
        The belief is that if you can make something good as UGC then why not just make a $2 game and sell it on steam for a couple thousand copies?

      • 3 months ago

        Matchmaking is cancer

      • 3 months ago

        CS lost it because of skins
        HL/2 still has a strong modding community despite not getting a proper game since 2007

  19. 3 months ago

    something about this thread made me realize in new AAA FPS games you NEVER just load into a game and start playing. you always have to have an "intro" that wastes everyones time

    • 3 months ago

      emphasis on cosmetics to drive players towards the goycoins and goyboxes.

      • 3 months ago

        But what about the hecking wholesome emoticons?

  20. 3 months ago

    Console matchmaking with friends. Literally nothing else. Poor consolegays just catching up to online gaming generations later basically.

  21. 3 months ago

    Nostalgia and you were a kid back then and market isn't infested with multiplayer shooter as much as today

  22. 3 months ago

    >What made Halo 3 so fun?
    it was nothing but a disappointment compared to 2
    >dude bubble shields

    • 3 months ago

      Halo 2 is literally the worse Bungie Halo game.
      Completely broken

      • 3 months ago

        worked on my machine

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, Drones and Brutes on tight corridors, and driving in a straight line, truly the peak of Halo gameplay.

          • 3 months ago

            >he plays the campaign

            • 3 months ago

              >He played for online multiayer
              >He paid for map packs
              >All to play some slow ass arena shooter with shit netcode
              lmao, of all Halogays, Halo 2 morons are the worst for sure.

            • 3 months ago

              Spotted the XBR gay

              • 3 months ago

                i did the zanzibar super bounce

              • 3 months ago

                For every inch you superbounced upwards in real games, you will plummet twice as deep into hell.

          • 3 months ago

            not him but in terms of variety the halo 2 campaign has always felt like the most diverse in terms of what you fight who you play as, what areas you're in, etc and is the one i actually replay most often.

            Halo one has a good campaign but got a little repetitive at points but it gets a pass in some ways for being the first one. halo 2 i where they had their most ambitious varied ideas in terms of levels and new setpieces. Halo 3 is mainly just reusing concepts and ideas from the other 2 titles.

            Cairo station by itself is a peak halo level and its just the first level. Halo 3 starts out in some generic jungle level that no one cares about. Halo 1 had the pillar of autumn, halo 2 had the cairo station, and halo 3 just has you running around in the jungle fighting brutes as well. i dont hate halo 3 but its definitely not as enjoyable to some people as halo 2 was.

            • 3 months ago

              >Halo 2
              It's all linear corridors with different skyboxes and worse weapons than 1 in both DPS and sound design.

              You kill the same Covenant and Flood enemies in the same tight corridors over and over and over.
              Not even Halo 1 did that shit.
              How many fricking gondolas, elevators and purple corridors do you want me to shove in your face?

              How about that section where you're in a tiny room with 2 Hunters?
              How about that section where you're stuck in a room and Flood just spawn?
              How about that section where you fly around and the same 2 banshees appear and you kill them, wait 2 minutes for the Chieftain to talk and then do it again?

              Halo 2 is atrocious

              • 3 months ago

                i could criticize a lot of the level design in halo 3 as well, seeing as how, ive only played it to completion maybe 2 times in my life. Isnt as fun to play. It has high points but it has alot of levels i would consider boring and empty.

              • 3 months ago

                Halo 3 has tons of levels where you can approach it from different sides with differemt outcomes.
                Halo 2 either boxes or funnels you in, it's fricking awful.

                Halo 3 isn't some masterpiece of grand design, but it has open ended maps and gives you enough agency to play them how you want.
                Halo 2 just throws in a linear level filled with bulletsponges and shit weapons and expects you tonhave fun.

              • 3 months ago

                halo 2 gave me fun, halo 3 didnt give me as much fun. you cannot refute this. your response?

                My overwhelming impression of halo 3 is that it just feels like a more empty bland game. it just is what it is. also despite it not being part of the game, halo 2 lets you jump and climb on so much shit that you can essentially play the level in weird ways that werent intended which also is worth another play through or two in of itself. Halo 3 as the first halo came to put in stuff to block players from getting "out of bounds" which was another signal of it being the start of the decline in how fun the games were.

              • 3 months ago

                spot on

              • 3 months ago

                halo 2 gave me fun, halo 3 didnt give me as much fun. you cannot refute this. your response?

                My overwhelming impression of halo 3 is that it just feels like a more empty bland game. it just is what it is. also despite it not being part of the game, halo 2 lets you jump and climb on so much shit that you can essentially play the level in weird ways that werent intended which also is worth another play through or two in of itself. Halo 3 as the first halo came to put in stuff to block players from getting "out of bounds" which was another signal of it being the start of the decline in how fun the games were.

                It almost seems like both games have good and bad points

  23. 3 months ago

    halo3 was okay. in some weird way though i always thought it was a step back somehow from halo 1 and 2. It might just be the new graphics engine but ironically i think the game looks more cartoony in halo 3 than it did in halo 1 and halo 2

    i also didnt like the way halo 3 starts out with you on earth already when halo 2 ended with chief in space on a ship. I remember that bothered me when the game came out and it bothers me today.

    I think the game was decent but it definitely felt different. for every good smart choice they mad like new weapons or new armor they made weird stupid choices like getting frequently interrupted by cortana in weird ways, or making so many objects look and feel like glossy plastic, overusing light bloom, and making certain scenes look or feel pixar inspired somehow.

  24. 3 months ago

    Being a teenager who never knew the glory of superior PC shooters, same reason why Half Life was so fun.

  25. 3 months ago

    Halo and Marathon are from a different subgenre of shooter, comparing them what was common and typical on PC at the time is simply you playing them wrong, so you getting upset at level design or movement speed or enemy AI is just you not understanding.
    The Doom and Apogee guys came from sidescrollers and Ultima RPGs, whereas Bungie came from tank simulators and dungeon crawlers. Every game Bungie made up until about Halo was pitched as "dungeon crawler but a first/third person x" Resource management, slow movement that forces you to position yourself against enemy fire, none of this was "console constraints", it was conscious design choices.

    • 3 months ago

      >Resource management, slow movement that forces you to position yourself against enemy fire, none of this was "console constraints", it was conscious design choices.
      Resource management = ammo for two guns and two kinds of grenades that are basically identical. You're really going to claim resource management as a core part of a game that had recharging health by its second installment?
      The fact that you guys are still trying to claim this was a conscious design choice rather than bungie dumbing it down for console apes is absurd. The irony is that halo actually could have been really fricking cool if it wasn't gimped to console controls and the fact that bungie knew you animals couldn't keep track of more than two guns.
      The setting and weapons and enemies in halo are cool. Lots of options for great game mechanics there.
      But no, this massive guy in power armor who can drag bombs through the vacuum of space can carry two guns and 8 grenades and whack people. Riveting fricking power fantasy.

      • 3 months ago

        the two grenades couldn't be more different

      • 3 months ago

        Bungie never thought about power fantasy as giving the player everything they thought they wanted right away. They thought about limiting the player in ways that would force them to expand their skills in other areas and then the catharsis came from said skill expression. Why do you think Halo players think about enemy encounter compositions? Weapon combinations? Why do you think Halo has a huge speedrunning community? Why do you think flying traffic cones killing enemies is something that goes viral? Complaining that Halo isn't Doom is about as worthwhile as complaining that Serious Sam isn't Doom.
        The reality is that the "consolization" that Halo had was really just a happy accident, a coalescing of Bungie's previous experiences with shooters, a formula that at the time lent itself better to consoles than the traditional shooter because modern shooters weren't invented yet. But now that modern shooters exist, we know now that traditional shooters like Doom can still work on console with modern aim assist technology. Halo is free to be its own thing, and really, it always was.

        • 3 months ago

          >Bungie never thought about power fantasy as giving the player everything they thought they wanted right away.
          Halo 1 gives you the pistol right at the beginning and that's the best game of the trilogy.

          • 3 months ago

            And? Who expects the pistol to be the best gun in a game, at least on the first playthrough? You immediately pick up an AR two seconds later.

            • 3 months ago

              I don't give a frick about your homosexual expectations, the Magnum was a handheld small frame cannon and that's the best thing about Halo.
              Every other pistol sucked in comparison and only Reach came close and still half assed it.

              halo 2 gave me fun, halo 3 didnt give me as much fun. you cannot refute this. your response?

              My overwhelming impression of halo 3 is that it just feels like a more empty bland game. it just is what it is. also despite it not being part of the game, halo 2 lets you jump and climb on so much shit that you can essentially play the level in weird ways that werent intended which also is worth another play through or two in of itself. Halo 3 as the first halo came to put in stuff to block players from getting "out of bounds" which was another signal of it being the start of the decline in how fun the games were.

              >your response?
              You're braindead

              • 3 months ago

                >the Magnum was a handheld small frame cannon and that's the best thing about Halo

                The magnum is the piece of shit peashooter in halo 2. Halo had the pistol.

  26. 3 months ago

    >no pay-to-win
    >no Marvel Avengers Skinpack DLC for $19.99
    >no season pass
    >no loot crates
    >no daily rewards
    >no constant tinkering/changes

  27. 3 months ago

    why is this guy kvetching so hard 20 years later?

    • 3 months ago

      He got t-bagged one too many times

  28. 3 months ago

    Snowbound... Home...

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Man, people fricking HATED this map for some reason.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        It was just a meme. I loved Snowbound, and it was the first map my brother and I played on together 🙂

        • 3 months ago

          wasnt a meme to me it was probably my least favorite map in h3. I dont dislike snow maps because containment or whatever on halo 2 is a lot of fun. Snowbound was just structured in a weird way where the map felt big enough you didnt know where anyone was, but small enough it also felt cramped somehow with the tunnels and bases people would use to hide in behind shield walls. it just had a weird layout that i think turned people off.

          • 3 months ago

            then they made Boundless, which removed one or several of the shields. it just made it so nobody ever wanted to be inside the cave any more since you would always get sandwiched there. I think removing the barriers was not the right change. personally I would have removed the sniper(s). that way there wouldn't be such a strong incentive to always be inside the buildings/cave (unless you have the sniper yourself). people could use normal mid range guns outside without worrying about getting sniped. it wouldn't get cramped in the cave, hence nobody would spend all his time spamming grenades into the cave etc. etc. imo the main or only problem with Snowbound was the OP control snipers had on the outside. the entire map was one fairly flat terrain with the two buildings and couple rocks as the only cover. there was no maneuvering outside without getting sniped.

      • 3 months ago

        Very little cover and no real gimmicks- it's a great competitive map but when you had a million players online at once the majority of them are there for the fun of playing instead of the fun of winning and Snowbound was a map that was impossible to enjoy if the enemy team was even slightly better than yours- spawning in the open, not enough power weapons, vehicles or alternative options other than click on enemy heads before they click on yours.
        I love Snowbound but it caters to a very specific player

      • 3 months ago

        >Man, people fricking HATED this map for some reason.
        It was because the original version back in 07 just had everybody run down and camp in the central underground area with shotguns behind the shield walls. The version where they removed the shields made the map great.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      stupid fricking snowbound veto this shit u buttholes god damnit every 1 press x this map is fricking gay if u dun press x it means ur gay fricking press x u homosexuals press it motherfrick frick frick frick frick frick frick frick omg

    • 3 months ago

      I routinely had a 10+ killing spree going if I ever got my hands on the ghost on this map. Honestly the real piece of shit in the map pool was pretty much any playlist version of Sandbox, I enjoy at least something about all the other maps even the kinda weird ones, but the versions of Sandbox they had on official playlists were dreadful. Sandbox was only good for crazy customs and forge shenanigans with buddies.

      Also lmao all the buttblasted CoDgays ITT

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I do miss being able to veto maps tho another feature they should of added back in MCC

  29. 3 months ago

    It was just everything. Satisfying sandbox, vehicles, a good campaign with fun AI. It's funny that the Halo killer ended up being Halo(343) itself.

  30. 3 months ago

    The only place Halo 3 looks noticeably dated is the close-ups of human faces.

  31. 3 months ago

    lack of alternatives. you were pigeon held into liking it.

  32. 3 months ago

    Graphics weren't too great yet.
    Meaning maps were simple, based on geometry and ideas.
    And Spartans were easily identifiable running around.
    And it was before sprint.
    So the game wasn't necessarily slower, but it was the opposite of a run n gun that the later games tried to be to be like COD

  33. 3 months ago

    It probably had a lot to do with Theatre Mode, wacky physics, machinima, people getting broadband Internet en masse, everyone having a mic in matchmaking, and it being the first major Xbox 360 release

    • 3 months ago

      Gears of War came out a year prior

  34. 3 months ago

    It wasn't made by porn addict janitors, virtue signalers who got in via nepotism and blackmail, or a half dozen outsourcing companies filled with contract workers who barely understand what they're doing.
    Basically, you have to remove homosexuals if you want anything nice.

  35. 3 months ago

    It wasn't. It was an effort to play with the frustration you would get knowing you are playing a dumbed down halo 2

  36. 3 months ago

    the music


  37. 3 months ago

    playing this shit for the first time in MCC.
    janky as hell, Call of duty was always better those games still hold up

    take off your nostalgia goggles

  38. 3 months ago

    >What made Halo 3 so fun?
    The physics. I do not need to expand on my answer. Just think about it.

  39. 3 months ago

    There hasn't been a single good videogame since tbdesuqh.

  40. 3 months ago

    it wasn't? i came from majority pc gaming: the extreme TTK, aggressive auto-aim and tiny fov made it entirely unenjoyable for me
    the 'my first fps' meme was always true

  41. 3 months ago

    for me it was the "permanent" bodies and debree littering the floor after a battle, you could throw nades and see shit flying all over the place, I think that kind of shit defined halo, something even destiny lacks


  42. 3 months ago

    custom games, not even gmod, cs, tf2 had that same feeling, halo was just unique

  43. 3 months ago

    Halo was just another IP microsoft wanted to sabotage for whatever god awful reason, it was old so ruin it and push it out.

  44. 3 months ago

    Halo 3 was accessible. it is the Skyrim of Halo games. the campaign waypoints everything, all the soldiers are yelling at the player to move through the levels, and the levels are simplified wide lanes.
    If you were a child getting destroyed by Magnums in Halo 1 and found Halo 2 environments to dense and chaotic, Halo 3 was your game.

    Multiplayer is the same. Bungie put enough anti vehicle weapons on the map to make vehicle combat almost impossible. The maps were also simplified and sparsely populated with cover to make the BR the dominant weapon. As a result combat was heavily simplified to two teams standing 100m apart in boring firing lines, peppering each other with BR fire and spawn grenades. It was like handing the unconnected spare controller to a toddler so they could pretend to help, but that was basically the actual game. It was great at making bad players feel like they were helping since they never had to actually get into combat.

  45. 3 months ago

    baby's first massively mutiplayer experience

    • 3 months ago

      >massively mutiplayer
      You are too moronic to live.

      • 3 months ago

        ...yet....somehow....hes in here...intelligent design bros...how the frick do we explain this one??

  46. 3 months ago

    friends and Xbox live really taking off

  47. 3 months ago

    anyone here remember el dewrito?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not Mexican.

  48. 3 months ago

    Having developers that gave a damn.

  49. 3 months ago

    They perfected the graphics and PvP multiplayer. 3's campaign was the worst of the OT though. CE will always be the all-around best in the series.

    • 3 months ago

      >2 not the worst campaign
      Boy I sure do love waiting for the next wave of enemies to spawn before the platform can start moving again or the door opens.
      Glad half the game I get to fight the least fun incarnation of the flood besides pure forms and bulletsponge brutes that invalidate 90% of the weapons.

      • 3 months ago

        2's campaign is messy and the game is the ugliest of the OT, but it was also more innovative and ambitious. 3's campaign is just missions from 1 and 2 but poorly cobbled together with a shitty phoned-in story on top of it. CE is the clear winner and it isn't close, it looks great, plays great, has a great story, everything.

  50. 3 months ago

    You imprinted onto it. It was the first big, major online game they played, that's why.

  51. 3 months ago

    I never had a problem on pc with MCC it's a decent port, the only problem I had with it was on halo 2 with the cairo station skull not spawning

  52. 3 months ago

    it wasn't that fun. I quit playing as often because it was such a step down from 2 in game mechanics

  53. 3 months ago

    >What made Halo 3 so fun?
    You were 15 when it came out
    >Nooo it was actually a great ga-
    Yeah, and that's why when H3 rereleased on modern Xbox and PC a few years back, everyone b***hed and seethed nonstop and it ended up flopping, right? You liked it because you were 15 and are expressing your nostalgia. The moment you play it again as an adult all you do is complain probably about the very things your kid self loved.

    • 3 months ago

      >it ended up flopping
      How can you possibly be this moronic? I still play Halo 3 every day. It has full BTB lobbies within a minute of matchmaking. Please don’t be such a homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      People b***hed about MCC because it didn't fricking work.

    • 3 months ago

      halo 3 being released on xbone was because of 343 being terrible at fixing the servers and them being shit for months newbie

    • 3 months ago

      >Yeah, and that's why when H3 rereleased on modern Xbox and PC a few years back, everyone b***hed and seethed nonstop and it ended up flopping, right? You liked it because you were 15 and are expressing your nostalgia. The moment you play it again as an adult all you do is complain probably about the very things your kid self loved.
      I play Halo 3 on MCC to this day.

    • 3 months ago

      Buck broken moron

  54. 3 months ago

    It was a step down from 2 imo in both campaign and multiplayer. I dropped it pretty quick.

    • 3 months ago

      Why are Halo 2 fans so moronic, what do you like about that rushed out piece of shit?
      The literal corridor level design, the long waiting times, the nerfed to hell weapons that only make the headshot weapons viable, the annoying and bulletsponge enemies, the recycled level design, the shit narrative that makes the Covenant just religious humans, the complete lack of atmosphere compared to Halo1, the shit netcode, the paid online, the clausthrophobic small levels?

      Frick is there to like about that garbage?

      • 3 months ago

        shit bait

    • 3 months ago

      also shit bait

  55. 3 months ago

    nothing as it was a completely shit game in comparison to counter strike and quake

  56. 3 months ago

    fun romp shooting ayys with an interesting plot and fun weapons, lots of little eastereggs and love
    overrated garbage and nostalgia, playing it today on MCC makes me realize it wasn't that good and a huge downgrade from the arena shooters it apes. horrible "weapon sandbox" as not a single halo has good balance
    yes it has cool maps and fun meme gamemodes but it was only good for being a discount gmod on console

    • 3 months ago

      I think the multiplayer is fun, despite the "balance" and other technicalities still quite fun and surprising, specially with friends.

  57. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


  58. 3 months ago

    I don't remember if they fixed this, but I remember in the MCC version of H3 the projectile speed of the BR was tied to the framerate and this ended up massively slowing it down on MCC since it was set to 60 fps instead of the original 30 fps. A ton of people whined about having to lead their shots but I think it added a huge amount of depth to the gameplay. It wasn't like H2 -- since you're on MCC you can switch instantly back and forth -- where the BR is true hitscan and becomes an incredibly obnoxious weapon to deal with in pvp. Needing to lead the BR kind of balanced it out and forced a dynamic where you couldn't plonk at people from range that really wasn't there in the 360 version.

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