What made you drop a gacha?

Name a game and explain why you dropped it.
Totally not a datamining thread btw

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  1. 2 years ago

    Epic Shit
    It was shit

  2. 2 years ago

    >no gameplay whatsoever
    didn't even started playing these shits in the first place

  3. 2 years ago

    Epic Seven, because they shilled the jabs and I felt like paying money & time to kill people.

    • 2 years ago

      Is that real?
      Dropped Epic Shit because of Konosuba taking too much time, but being better game

  4. 2 years ago

    I actually want to drop some gachas I'm playing but I dont know how to.

    • 2 years ago

      Name them

      • 2 years ago

        Azur lane and touhou lost word. I also play granblue and fire emblem heroes but I want to keep those two. I would replace AL and TLW with blue archive if I managed to drop them.

        • 2 years ago

          Why do you want to drop them?
          What keeps you from dropping them?

          • 2 years ago

            I dunno, I just dont play them so actively anymore, I just do the dailies and dont even progress the story. Especially azur lane has been on "dailies and nothing else" mode for atleast couple of years now. Lost word I play bit more actively but I still dont progress the main story, I just do the event stories.
            And its hard to explain why I cant drop them. There's just some primal fear of falling behind in them if I dont do the daily tasks. In both games I also have a ton of resources that would go to waste if I dropped the games. And for azur lane specifically I like collecting the boatgirls so I know if the fan art I see is from AL.

            • 2 years ago

              for azur lane, you don't have to worry bout dropping it. if you were saving and know where you put your cubes you'll probably not gonna miss a single thing

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean there?

              • 2 years ago

                game's one of the most gracious gacha out there. what i meant is that if you do leave the game, you ain't gonna miss much. your mail storage ain't gonna expire (but it do have a limit of 1000), and like i said if you can manage your cube, you can come back into the game whenever you want and still get a UR character on rate up.

  5. 2 years ago

    Finally being able to get out of idol hell

  6. 2 years ago

    I saved up some money for some real games and never looked back on those f2p grindfests. Kid me must have had way more patience to put up with this crap, too.

  7. 2 years ago

    Grubble. The grinding required is up there with shitty f2p korean mmos.

  8. 2 years ago

    My favorite girl getting a rabi edit

  9. 2 years ago

    I have dropped and picked up again Puzzle and Dragons several times, generally I drop it when I don't have too much time in my life (either because of work or other games I'm playing)/have streak of bad luck and pick it up again when I'm bored. Right now I'm playing it again.

    Heavily considering dropping World Flipper, it requires too much grind to max characters and the end game gameplay loop is kind of boring, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I can just auto most of the game and that I have a pretty great account despite not dropping a single cent in the game.

  10. 2 years ago

    Epic Shit because of having to auto hunt 13s for the whole day during hot time instead of just adding a skip feature like every decent gacha

  11. 2 years ago

    If the game doesn't give me at least one free pull everyday I'd drop it.

  12. 2 years ago

    Dragalia Lost because it died

  13. 2 years ago

    it's when games become a fricking daily chore, I can't stand repeating the same thing day after day, having to do it or I miss the rewards.
    Sometimes I just want to do something else but I constantly feel like I need to sacrifice time from other games to do the daily shit, until I drop it

  14. 2 years ago

    I drop a lot of games when it dawns on me that I'm not even reading the story or anything and just playing out of habit.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Castlevania Grimoire of Souls
    It wasn't even released for real. I miss it daily.
    >Battle Cats
    I found it repetitive even for a gacha. I was just not enjoying it anymore
    >Saint Seiya Awakening
    It took a massive amount of space, and it was either stop playing it or the gacha I still play nowadays (SMT Dx2).
    >Contra Returns
    Fun game, but doesn't actually feel like Contra gameplay-wise, and I felt there was nothing else for me to do.
    >Rockman X Dive
    It annoyed me how what should have skins for the units where completely different units. Also, probably the one (1) game where it's user base has directly affected my enjoyment of the game. I wish I had never found out Megamangays were absolute morons.

    • 2 years ago

      > I wish I had never found out Megamangays were absolute morons
      Explain, I was eyeing that game but the fact that it had mandatory pvp for rewards turned me away.

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't checked if that changed, but when I played there was no form of repository of information for the game besides having to join its "community"-run discord server, which was plague by filthy, moronic, unfunny people, and you -had- to keep a number of posts per time in order to not be kicked.

        To paraphrase in case the explanation is confusing: You were literally forced to shitpost non-stop in a discord server if you didn't want to get kicked and banned from the only known place to find information about that game.

        I hate discord so much it's unreal.

  16. 2 years ago

    Like others in this thread I drop a game as soon as it stops being fun and starts becoming a chore. I dropped Azur Lane, Priconne and most recently Blue Archive for this reason

  17. 2 years ago

    Disgaea RPG.
    It's too watered down compared to the main series. I used a macro for the item world because it was a chore, and that's coming from someone who maxed out Etna's stats in Disgaea 5 and D2 . A shame because I like the characters.

  18. 2 years ago

    Recently came back to E7 because I missed the art style of the game... despite being tired of all the gear hunting. Close to dropping again because I noticed my Captain Rik was getting cleaved too easily and his S3 wasn't stripping... just to find out they completely removed his tanking and self-sustaining abilies in exchange for slight buff to offensive stats and a shittier version of cleanse.
    All if his defense and health boosts got replaced with a very minor attack buff... on a unit with already shit attack (who still has shit attack). They literally turned a niche unit for PVE and PVP into unusable garbage that is awful in every game mode.

  19. 2 years ago


    >Despite having easily the hottest character designs of any gacha
    Not even close, Last Origin still blows out of the water any no porn gacha in terms of sexy characters and the story actually makes sense, also the fact it cant stop sucking self insert dick at any given time while still not reaching the point of being annoying.
    I played AL like 2 years and i still didnt know what was happening in the story

    • 2 years ago

      holy shit is that from Last Origin?

      • 2 years ago

        ah yeah, girls are literally semen demons, i havent seen any gacha going as far as LO does, no porn gacha of course.
        Young looking units are have cute skins in contrast.

  20. 2 years ago

    had fun with it for a time but in the end there's nothing to do unless you're a pvp sperg and the meta was ass when i played. they really should have just added a skip function or something for hunts and labyrinth too maybe.
    sandbox is trash. f5 + orange button is stupid and completely souless. game still has a dogshit ui after idk how many years.
    like many people i just got really bored after doing whatever the latest story/event was at the time and so eventually i lost momentum with it.
    >monster strike
    played this one for a bit and had quite a lot of fun, don't really remember why i even quit honestly.
    >fgo jp
    pretty much the same reason as monster strike it's been so long i don't really remember.

  21. 2 years ago

    rate % are abysmal
    >action taimanin
    it became a borefest after a while

  22. 2 years ago

    When every event is the fricking same thing

  23. 2 years ago

    >Brave Frontier
    Got bored of re-releasing events.
    Quit twice. Once before AASBs came out because I didn't want to deal with another tier of powercreep. Second when Labs came out. Too fricking boring. It's dead now lol
    Quit twice. First time was because it took up too much space, second was not getting 2 9S or 2B/A2 on the first Nier collab.
    >Chain Chronicles
    I was really sad that I was too stupid to beat and recruit the hot demons so I quit. I still miss it.
    Quit once during Season 1, came back until EoS.
    Wow! I got a -Atk +Spd Ike!
    Co-op is gay and I missed Golbeza when he first came out
    >Drag Lost
    It took too long for me to realize the male dragons are furry bara bait. That and I played when the grind was at its worst.
    Rage 2 was a shit guild and ruined the game for me. I should have joined Rage 3
    The game was too generous and good. It felt like a trap and I wanted to only retain good memories
    >Pokemon Masters
    Furries started getting meta so I got out
    >Nier Rein
    Optimal Raid strats are stupid, Arena is luck-based, everything is auto-grind that releases at a trickle
    F2P btw

  24. 2 years ago

    i dunno it's so boring. the waifus are amazing but it's so god damn boring

  25. 2 years ago

    Need for all those dupes was too annoying, iirc some back to back Fateswakening banners were the final straw

    Realized I was no longer excited for rolling new units, gameplay was also starting to feel too easy

    >various asiatic gachas
    I come for the cute designs and inevitably leave in disgust at the autistic gear grinds

    Events starting feeling too repetitive and I just didn’t have the time for it anymore. I still have it installed though, I played tbh and I’m not going to caught without the summoning app in a coming apocalypse.

  26. 2 years ago

    After 2 years Playing, i dropped Mario Kart Tour

    - Didnt like the new Battle Update
    - They removed the Gambling. You can now buy the Drivers
    - less rewards
    - hate the shitty fotoshooting "minigame"
    - I had Luck and got King Mario in 1 Ten Pull. Too bad i need around 10 High End Level Up Ticket to make him usefull. So you kinda NEED the Gold Pass, alone for the Ressources.

    And the fricking Grind, Holy Shit. Driving the same fricking course to get 2x Partytime and not getting fricked by Blueshell or Lightning. This is your second Part Time job everyday for 2-4 Hours. Frick this.

  27. 2 years ago

    King's Raid
    No content due MUH season 2
    I heard they killed the heroes now

  28. 2 years ago

    too much gay Black person shit in gbf

  29. 2 years ago

    lost interest in the story after idk shinjuku
    i played until the 3rd eor i think

  30. 2 years ago

    >Chain Chronicle
    Constant powercreep.
    >Grimms Notes
    Insane amount of grind, impossible to beat weapon event except if you camped for the event to start and play nonstop in one sitting.
    >Kirara Fantasia
    Very limited amount of character on release, buggy.
    >Alternative Girls
    Lost my account because I couldn't link it to google play.
    >Azur Lane
    UI update make the game stutters, insane amount of grind.

  31. 2 years ago

    >Azur Lane
    Cute designs, boring as hell game
    >Alchemy Stars
    Cute designs, took too much time grinding materials to evolve characters. After staring at countless autobattles waiting to finish while I watched YT I had enough. Rates were nice though.
    >World Flipper
    Horrible rates AND horrible gameplay. Autobattled, collected all the gacha currency I could through the story, rolled for event exclusives I really wanted, did not get a single one, uninstalled 5 seconds after.
    >Duel Links
    Just too expensive to have fun. Spending $100 easy on every new set to try and pull 3 copies of cards when I could build the whole deck irl for half of that money is just moronic. Plus the game lagged and needed to be closed after playing it for a half hour straight. Takes you out of the fun mindset.
    The most israeli gacha I've ever played. Rates are terrible, event rewards are terrible, the feedback I give is never taken into consideration, it's just all "SPEND SPEND SPEND ON THE NEW CHARACTERS, YOU NEED TO BEAT THE TOWER TO GET ALL THE MONTHLY "FREE" ROLL CURRENCY, DON'T MISS OUT"
    Uninstalled and is the only one I will never ever consider going back to no matter what even if they give the whole character roster for free despite loving Tevor to death

    Kind of feel the same about dropping Arknights to be honest but for now it's fine. I just don't find it interesting anymore. It's just "beat stage, get reward". There's no excitement in the gacha for me, either I get it or I don't but there's no actual emotion in it for me. I don't care if I don't get it. I think that's the worst thing in gacha.

  32. 2 years ago

    >why you dropped it
    Mostly comes from spending most of my time on /vg/. Once i stopped visiting them religiously my gacha experience increased dramatically.

  33. 2 years ago

    >Genshin Impact
    Hate artifact RNG and climbing all over the place for paltry primos, also Inazuma's story was dogshit.
    >A Hero's Bonds
    Runs terribly, not very interesting.
    >Another Eden
    Don't give a damn about the waifus, game balance is out of whack, Future Mythos sucked.
    >Guardian Tales
    All the modes are too tiring.

  34. 2 years ago

    Too many to lists, those gachas lacks interesting big events and/or way too repetitive to endure with daily chores. Even the best gacha in the world becomes daily chores > log off so after a while only those big event matters
    Still looking for a gacha that does big events equal to GFL in quality

  35. 2 years ago

    Too israeli with needing the multiple SSR copies back then

    Became too big brain for me. Was way too out of touch with the story too and didn't want to reread it all.

    Realized that I didn't actually care about any of the girls enough to save up for them and roll them. So why play the game?

    >Action Taimanin
    Hated all the vanilla FUUMA stories and lost interest. Gameplay gets stale eventually too.

    Dailies way too much effort. As is the grind for all the high end shit. And the characters, besides some exceptions, really aren't interesting enough either.
    The continued censorship on top of that? Didn't make me want to return very much.

  36. 2 years ago

    I just uninstalled epic shit.
    RNG was shit so was the game. I might pick up another kusoge or maybe I'll just go back to deresute.

  37. 2 years ago

    If there's shit other than what I want in banners
    like stupid card bullshit
    stupid dragon bullshit
    stupid furniture bullshit

    uncreative events that are just every dumps
    slow ui
    no good account system
    required gacha to progress
    any game that requires more than an hour of active play per day

    and most importantly ugly girls, forced furry shit, and shit gameplay
    I hate furries
    I hate males
    I hate uggos
    and I hate unfun

  38. 2 years ago

    Game was dying

  39. 2 years ago

    >Brave Exvius
    7*. And locking it behind dupes. That was where I drew the line.
    >Epic Shit
    Controversy after controversy, bad decision after bad decision, shit no one wanted or asked for and the focus on """""e-sports"""""
    >Dissidia OO
    Actually dropped early on, mainly because the rates felt like the most ass thing imaginable, couldn't get shit that physically barred me from doing anything of note in the first big event and was basically unable to use characters I liked, might go back to this one day to see if it's any better

  40. 2 years ago

    Valkyrie Connect. played it cause of collabs, but dropped it because of how insanely tedious the grind is, and how fricking p2w of a game it is.

  41. 2 years ago

    Too expensive, way too grindy, literally unplayable without an emulator to macrofarm
    Cool premise but the gameplay was so boring I fell asleep multiple times when playig
    >Azur Lane
    Gameplay is beyond snooze inducing, fell asleep multiple times when playing
    >Artery Gear
    Global rushing content far too quickly, required me to sort out my inventory for multiple hours, not a big fan
    >Dragalia Lost
    Boring grind, unrewarding gacha pool bloated with garbage. Not a single 4* dragon update since day 1
    Not a fan of playing the same F2P deck for months before the new F2P deck dropped, dropped 50 dollars for a T0 deck that got banlisted within a month (Sylvans)
    >Another Eden
    Slow and boring, okayish main story but the grind up there was too fricking boring. Fell asleep multiple times playing it

  42. 2 years ago

    >gachas without daily free pulls. what's the point of playing a gacha if you can't pull everyday?
    >gachas where you're basically saving pulls between collabs because they don't rerun the collabs
    >gachas where the progression is too RNG so there are weeks where you've made no progress due to bad RNG

    • 2 years ago

      where the progression is too RNG so there are weeks where you've made no progress due to bad RNG
      now this is a rare specimen. what game was it?

  43. 2 years ago

    Girls frontline
    Live a poor life, my hardware couldn't keep up, so did i with my phone bill
    Fun while it lasted, i hope limbus does me better

  44. 2 years ago

    >Pokémon Masters
    >Dragalia Lost

    Not sure what it is with Nintendo-adjacent gachas and the need to be tight-fisted israelites with their rolls.

    >Destiny Child
    File size more massive than the breasts.

    >half a dozen h-gachas
    Google Drive

    >Battle Cats
    Was sorta fun. Not sure why I quit.

    >Star Wars: Galaxies
    5v5 is a fine format but I do need some breasts in there before I’m coerced into spending cash

    • 2 years ago

      How is the filesize ever a problem???

      • 2 years ago

        space aint free and people who gaym on $300 chinkphones cant just pull a 512gigs device out of their assess

  45. 2 years ago

    Quit not because of inherent game mechanics but because its story was soulless, especially when I just got into FGO's LB series.
    Too much shit, too much numbers, literally hell.
    >Brave Nine/Brown Dust
    OK PVE trash PVP and it's a heavily PVP game: every one runs the same team with 1-2 unit difference, Taunt mechanics went rouge for too long, pussy ass 1 line formation aren't punished enough
    >Gems of war
    Game got stale
    Grind spike OP
    I cleared the PvP challenges and quit. Already knew from the start the game is heavily p2w

  46. 2 years ago

    >Name a game
    genshin impact. the first and only gacha ive played and i stayed for a while just because i threw a bunch of money in at some point
    >explain why you dropped it.
    shit game.
    >save for a month for pulls
    >no luck, didnt pull what you wanted
    >save for another month for pity
    >get what you wanted
    >farm 3 months for good gear
    >no good gear
    >daily limit on how much you can farm
    >predatory as shit, just like any other gacha
    >repetitive as frick
    >log in, do the same few tasks again and again and again
    it has its redemptive qualities like graphics, fun combos with characters, not a small map that's still in development and will grow further, and one of the best music ive ever heard in any game.
    its good untill you reach the "endgame", then you have basically nothing to do other than very boring daily tasks and limited daily farm.

  47. 2 years ago

    Crash Fever because it became ridiculous. I don't remember what update exactly that I just said frick this game and uninstalled it completely

  48. 2 years ago

    It doesn't have enough Rabi edits.

  49. 2 years ago

    i think i got filtered by gameplay? or was it dumb? i don't remember. but also writing was moving real slow.
    loading times exceeded battle time
    >action taimanin
    super abrasive ui, grindy, not enough interactions with girls, posing sucked
    it's a job.
    filtered by gameplay. too much usin my noggin. i still log in to pat heads tho. and i read events on youtube.
    >rise of eros
    abrasive ui, grindy, sex scenes fully nude only, some other dumb things
    giant hair and giant lab coats

  50. 2 years ago

    FFBE WotV
    Became too blatantly cash-grabby with their FOMO garbage

  51. 2 years ago

    W40K Space Wolf
    when they introduced the new currency last year cripling the cards pulling or something i miss the PVP matches
    god like action (stylish looking) gameplay but the story is shit and i was just doing daily without anything to look for after Vera-Rozen dropped, i could go back one day though, i'm not thrilled by wattering wave

  52. 2 years ago

    Pokemon masters EX
    I dropped it a few months ago
    I got sick of these battles
    >raise stats
    The music is alright but I can listen to it online
    I was lucky to get a few pokemon I liked so it wasn't all bad

    • 2 years ago

      And I forgot to say but reading those events was mind numbing
      >female character = lets play dress up, eat and/or cook
      >male character = let me tell you how much I like "thing"
      >oh no team evil is doing evil activity
      The main story had some nice character moments but it was not worth it

      I haven't checked if that changed, but when I played there was no form of repository of information for the game besides having to join its "community"-run discord server, which was plague by filthy, moronic, unfunny people, and you -had- to keep a number of posts per time in order to not be kicked.

      To paraphrase in case the explanation is confusing: You were literally forced to shitpost non-stop in a discord server if you didn't want to get kicked and banned from the only known place to find information about that game.

      I hate discord so much it's unreal.

      >you -had- to keep a number of posts per time in order to not be kicked
      I'm there right now and you don't have to do anything, but it is full of morons
      Even in game, but at least you can turn off the built in chat

  53. 2 years ago

    I dropped the mario kart gacha
    This was before they removed pipes
    The game felt too slow, even with that pass, you can't fall off in most tracks
    It's too easy

  54. 2 years ago

    I picked up Nikke and dropped it in 2 days because my phone is old as shit and it lagged so hard it made some battles unwinnable(even on auto with a somewhat overleveled team because apparently damage is tied to FPS).

    It was my first gacha, I kinda enjoyed it otherwise, having something on my phone to fiddle with when I'm bored is neat. Rec me some gacha? I'm a coomer so cute girls and lewd content are big selling points for me.

    • 2 years ago

      I am sorry anon, Nikke is one the greediest gacha on the market. Half the roster is bugged, bloated SSR pool and no pity are designs from the last decade. Not to mention the dev has history of rate manipulation and the asiatics are accusing them of doing it to Nikke

      If you are willing to put in the effort, Last Origin can be played through DDM PC launcher and has EN option. You can also play it on android but you gonna need to put it much more work (VPN, redownload APK)

      If not, Azur Lane is a mainstream coomer.

      • 2 years ago

        I was thinking of giving Azur Lane a try, since someone else recommended it to me before, so I think I'll start there.

        • 2 years ago

          Buy an account if you must, since you will be very far behind and miss out on a lot of collab limited characters. Also Azur Lane designs are very tone down in coom compared to LO. If you like e-girl, try Blue Archive

          • 2 years ago

            if you feel the gameplay is too braindead even for gacha standards (thats my experience during the 2 years i played 5 years ago) you can try LO, there your girls could be owing completely in one map and then getting rekt in the next one so you are never using the exact team for everything, in the hardest content at least.

            From the picture posted in this thread at least LO seems to have a bit too much generic cowbreasts for me, korean mmo style.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, LO is mostly MILF theme. There are e-girl too but nothing in between. They are either A cup or Z cup

            • 2 years ago

              actually there are sizes for everyone, its just the big girls always stand out more, but i understand you

              • 2 years ago

                now that looks more reasonable but HOLY SHIT that bottom row is hilarious

        • 2 years ago

          if you feel the gameplay is too braindead even for gacha standards (thats my experience during the 2 years i played 5 years ago) you can try LO, there your girls could be owing completely in one map and then getting rekt in the next one so you are never using the exact team for everything, in the hardest content at least.

  55. 2 years ago

    FGO like two years ago. I like the characters and the story way more than the current gacha games I play now but I never recovered from saving more than 1000USD worth of free SQ and NOT pulling my waifu when she came out. The existence of pity/spark systems and overall just better visuals basically pulled me away from it.

    Currently playing Genshin and Blue Archhive but I'll most likely ditch Genshin to the sidelines once ZZZ comes out.

  56. 2 years ago

    Anytime I had a streak of bad rolls I just kinda don't feel like playing anymore.
    Spending so much time farming and tending to the game only not to be rewarded feels like a slap to the face.

  57. 2 years ago

    Took too much time. Would still play them otherwise, but I don't want my entire vidya just to be gacha games.

  58. 2 years ago

    I dropped GBF when I stopped being a NEET since it is physically impossible to spend 'enough' time grinding in that game.

  59. 2 years ago


    when i was reading the min/max strats and realized how much i had fricked up my 2 months of playing, all the censored waifus in the world couldn't compare to my frick up. *DROPPED

  60. 2 years ago

    >the number of currency required for a roll is some inane number only meant to obfuscate shit and maximize slatny-eye israelite profits
    immediate drop
    no, I will not roll for 1435 gemeralds

  61. 2 years ago

    >Game markets itself as having tons of hot anime ass
    >It comes out and most of the asses are covered
    Plus the Gacha rates are a scam

    • 2 years ago

      yeah, probably the last one is the furthest they will go at least in the bob department


  62. 2 years ago

    Uta Macross, the pause button is way too small and missing is unforgiving unlike Starlight Stage

  63. 2 years ago

    Digimon, FGO, Blue Archive, Touhou, Blue Archive, Nikke, Pokemon Masters, Azur Lane, Arknights
    I dropped them all cause of Gacha. Gacha mechanics inevitably suck the fun out of every game.

    >Why keep playing gacha then?
    You know why. There's frick all games on mobile that aren't gacha. They're either shit, short, or just emulation.

    • 1 year ago

      >You know why.
      I do. You're too lame to look for worthwhile games and too horny to pick up something without bawds all over it.

  64. 2 years ago

    Genshit. Artifact drops are like 6 layers of shit that can make everything worthless even for casuals. Also no skip button, idc about the story i just wanna kill things

    • 2 years ago

      >even for casuals
      The overworld and most events are toddler's play though, you only need good artifacts for later abyss floors and the occasional battle event where you can choose how many buffs/debuffs come into play for you and the enemy.

      I do agree that the story is fricking boring and the lack of a skip button is painful.

    • 2 years ago

      >even for casuals
      The overworld and most events are toddler's play though, you only need good artifacts for later abyss floors and the occasional battle event where you can choose how many buffs/debuffs come into play for you and the enemy.

      I do agree that the story is fricking boring and the lack of a skip button is painful.

      I dropped Genshin because the English translation is unbearable ESL gibberish.

  65. 2 years ago

    I've dropped tons for have shit gameplay (whatever that yoko taro thing was) or being 2 greedy (too many to list).

    If I cannot get the cute boy I want without paypigging I will not keep playing. If I can get him I will get invested and paypig. It's that simple.

  66. 2 years ago

    GFL and AL are the two I've only ever played, and dropped them both in 2019. I can't really say why I dropped them, I just think gacha burns me out fast.

  67. 2 years ago

    Dropped epic garbage because RTA is fricking awful and there's literally nothing else to do besides that and autistically grind for gear 24/7

  68. 2 years ago

    Epic Shit!

  69. 1 year ago

    >Azur Lane
    Gameplay. Have to play a stage 4 times to clear it. Becomes really time consuming.
    >Counter side
    Nothing to do, also no flirting with the girls.
    Stingy and too grindy, need to farm for years to get a character.

    There were others than I quit after a short while mainly because of gameplay.
    Thinking about dropping nikke because there's already not much to do and the dailies feel like a real chore to do. Also stupid censorship

  70. 1 year ago

    >Gundam Breaker Mobile
    show signs of dying, bored of gameplay, data hogging
    >Honkers, Genshit,
    shit story, stingy gacha, and too much time needed to do dailies,
    shit gameplay, israelitery.
    too much time needed to do dailies,
    >Rockman X Dive
    PVP, shit story, insane power creep
    >epic shit
    guild mode, pvp
    >Guardian Tales
    >arknights, azurlane, gfl
    too grindy, dull.
    >Kancolle, Another Eden, DragLost (RIP)
    burnout. Still love the games' OST though
    boring. units barely have any personality

    haven't felt the need to get back at any of these except PGR. Dropped FGO for over a year too but I picked it up earlier this year and haven't burned out since.

    • 1 year ago

      oh shit I left out
      >Final Gear
      absolute shit publishers
      >Action Taimanin, DOAXVV
      Boring gameplay
      too grindy, had more fun playing a certain text based pornographic fan game.

    • 1 year ago

      All megaman games have a shitty story
      But I agree
      I still can't stop playing that damn gacha
      I dropped the asian version just for the awful ping

  71. 1 year ago

    >Alchemy Stars
    the first collab was surprisingly, dragon maid which i was hyped for. AS has great story and so, i expected not an amazing collab story but not trash, which was what we received. the mechanics are also brain dead simple

  72. 1 year ago

    >Another Eden
    Early (week 1) account got lost because of some Fæcesbook linking problem

    >Gundam Breaker Mobile
    boring gameplay loop; P2W PvP; development seemingly de-prioritized in favor of newer Gundam games

    >Pokémon Unite
    terrible playerbase; boring gameplay loop; seemingly sales-based game balancing

    >Final Fantasy Ⅶ: The First SOLDIER
    most decent-looking cosmetics are locked behind the paid gacha; questionable events/modes; EoS announced

  73. 1 year ago

    >dropping a gacha because there's not many dailies
    What the frick is this moronic mentality?

    • 1 year ago

      People with too much free time

  74. 1 year ago

    girls frontline
    furry skins, battlepass, based intern-kun that was one of /us/ and genuinely gave a shit about global server (got us shit early, direct line to the devs) left (respectably, starting a family, good guy) and the new guy sadly is a reddit/discord gay that just does the bare minimum
    waiting too long to release SF capture and made it a cash grab
    for all that shit i still consider it one of the better gachas i ever played
    i might come back someday

  75. 1 year ago

    >Priconne, Arknights
    Missed login for a few days and just quit
    Grindy but no end game. Also shitty censorship
    >Epic Seven
    Burn out
    Burn out
    >Another Eden
    Played for a day and got bored out
    >Brown Dust
    Bored out
    >Fate Grand Order
    Shit rate, no skip function
    >Girls x Battle
    Literal play the longest for whatever fricking reason but quit eventually due to raising standard
    > Mirage Memorial
    It was shit
    Don't know if this count as a gacha. 1000 hours, reached Rank 1000 GM once, quit due to life.
    >Ash Arms
    Most invested but quit due to content drought, came back after 3 years. I'd say it still has one of the most unique gameplays in the market, though unfortunately it also gated casual players making it more niche.
    >Memento Mori
    Currently playing

    Sometimes I felt like I have no commitment to anything and just jump whenever. This hurts my self-esteem a bit but idc enough to change.

  76. 1 year ago

    Gameplay became boring, i was f2p but the worst was how boring the SR designs were.
    S rank units are cool and different, spacing from plasma demons to huge mechas, while SR units are samey anime guys/girls just with different hair colors

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