What made you quit League of Legends? If you still play, what is wrong with you?

What made you quit League of Legends? If you still play, what is wrong with you?

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  1. 12 months ago

    i reached 1000 coop vs bots matches, it was time to stop
    think it was around the time blue samurai dude was released and i started when lux came out

  2. 12 months ago

    All the constant remakes. All the characters I loved (Yorick, Xerath, Swain, AP Alistar, Graves) were eventually ruined

  3. 12 months ago

    soraka needs more fanart

    • 12 months ago

      post more then if you're so great

  4. 12 months ago

    The average player became so piss-fricking-poor dogshit and they melted down for 30 minutes after they fricked up ruining the game.

    It was like I supervising a daycare for emotionally damaged pre-schoolers every game. It got to the point where I just said at the start of the game "All muted, don't attempt to communicate with me." that was actually worse because pings are very important so I just stopped entirely. I felt great afterwards so I never came back. The last champ I remember being released was that Jojo reference anime puncher guy.

  5. 12 months ago

    All of the toxic players flaming, I just wanted to play Zoe

    • 12 months ago

      >I just wanted to play Zoe
      Yeah, it's totally "toxic players", not that your nickname is something like "ilovezoesfeetsmellToT"

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Love is love!

        >I just wanted to play Zoe
        Yeah, it's totally "toxic players", not that your nickname is something like "ilovezoesfeetsmellToT"

        I wanted to go with "I lick zoe feet actually"...

        • 12 months ago

          >I wanted to go with "I lick zoe feet actually"...
          Let me guess, it was already taken?
          Zoe players deserve the fricking rope.

          • 12 months ago

            It was!
            Hey that's not very nice, they sound like an alright person

        • 12 months ago

          based zoe feet appreciator

  6. 12 months ago

    I tried it out when I got good enough at dota, but I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, also everything looked and sounded kind of unappealing, like a cheap clone of dota. Some characters were paywalled too, IIRC.

  7. 12 months ago

    Balance issues and rito doing nothing to fix that.
    You picked a champion that isn't in the top tier? Get fricked lmao.
    Also, because of this, game gets extremely boring since you see the same matchups every game. All this talk about MOBA games being deep because of character and item variety is bullshit because people tend to run the (more or less) same build all the time with minimal deviation.

  8. 12 months ago

    I couldnt care less about the opinions of people from this board.
    I still play because i have friends.
    Ahram is fun and makes you play all champs.

  9. 12 months ago

    >What made you quit League of Legends?
    Playing mages sucks when assassins are meta. The mage items suck. The community is too angry. I'd rather play dramatic games with dramatic people, or chill games with chill people.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm with you on this one
      I want to play cool spellcasters but it's absolutely impossible when you're laning against some homosexual that can 100-0 you on lvl 6 sometimes even earlier

  10. 12 months ago

    I sucked at the game but was really just enjoying doing co-op bullshit with my bro vs AI, but then they removed account exp or whatever it was in those games so I couldn't get those global spells, like flash and shit.
    Do miss the big mecha cho'gath on occasion, they were good times.

  11. 12 months ago

    >What made you quit League of Legends?
    Camille, Kindred, Zoe, among others
    still want an S4/5 legacy server

  12. 12 months ago

    Honestly, I just can't really commit the time time to a league game anymore, haven't been able to for a while now. My mother is bedridden and I usually need to deal with whatever she needs, randomly, at the drop of a hat. I imagine my teammates probably didn't like playing with me when I have a tendency to randomly and repeatedly go afk, and it was rather frustrating myself, so it was for the best that I slowly just stopped playing.

    I tend to play games where that's less of an issue, either (typically) bite sized quick missions with other people, or just standard single player games. Cassette Beasts has been pretty fun.

  13. 12 months ago

    >be support
    >adc is alright
    >enemy botlane is alright
    >we're doing our best and the lane is even
    >catarina comes botlane
    >she's 7/0 already
    >gets a double kill under our tower and E out

    Hit alt-f4 and uninstalled right there.
    There is a reason why most new team games now are you vs the environment or games where your team's performance doesnt matter too much.
    It doesnt feel great when you do your best but you team is made of liquid morons anyway.

  14. 12 months ago

    LoL specifically, because MOBAs are shit because they enable reductionist mindsets despite shilling otherwise.
    >Characters like Galio and Swain gets killed off instead of making a blue gargoyle more buff or an old crow tactician more threatening
    >Lore gets retconned every month or so
    >Constant pandering to basic b***h champs
    >Making shit like human Thresh canon, fricking up the dynamic between him and Hecarim
    Volibear, Thrundle and Warwick were the only good VGUs because you had both Ice Thrundle and Swamp Thrundle, and for the others you can at least headcanon they evolved from lightning/drugs.

  15. 12 months ago


  16. 12 months ago

    Never played it or any other MOBA. Genre looks like MMO PvP from the outside so I will never try it for that alone.

  17. 12 months ago

    got a dota2 betakey

  18. 12 months ago

    >lore killed
    >visual design got worse
    >tryharding is not fun because of moronic design choices
    >still no new maps or game modes, not even winter or fall SR coming back, even killing off Dominion and Twisted Treeline
    >favorite champions getting remade into overdesigned crap

    But ultimately its the realization that its a stupid timesink with the "wait, I've seen this exact game already" feel setting it. I don't want to waste 3-4 hours of my adult life on a game where maybe 1-2 in ten matches are genuinely a fun experience. Time can be spent so much better on literally billions of other things, rather than trying to grind out ELO on games where a 12 year old is pouty because he didnt get a gank while he was spamming pings and now trying to throw or something. I even got banned for realizing those games are fricking pointless and just leaving them. It was literally like getting zen enlightened or released from a prison, realizing I DON'T have to waste away my limited adult waking hours on something I don't fully enjoy, that I can just start up another game, go out for a walk, meet some guys IRL, go hiking, work in the garden, maybe even talk to a girl and pretty much anything I enjoy.

    I would still frick Kindred in the ass though.

  19. 12 months ago

    I was on my way out, but the recent item update in the mid season totally killed my interest.
    Prowlers was a fun item. It added skill expression. So of course it was removed. Brainless champions overbuffed to try to appeal to new players. Mid lane is worthless. ADC meta is never ending.
    The durability update in season 12 was a fricking disaster as well, and had already cut my interested pretty significantly. Hate the playerbase. Hate Riot. They spread all their talent to their doomed to fail side projects like the mobile game, FG, and MMO. The result is modern league. An absolute fricking tragedy of game design propped up by sunk cost autistics addicted to their inflated LP. Which is another hilarious problem they've done nothing to remedy. Diamond today means almost nothing. LP really only represents skill after cresting Master, which then ballons into the 2K LP rank 1 players abusing whatever Riot has favored in the current patch. Remember that homosexual 15 year old? Sniper or whatever? Rank 1 Camille top in S11 when Sunderer was at its most unbalanced. Now totally forgotten. Epic.

  20. 12 months ago

    homie I love your art but you have 3 (three) watermarks, wtf

    also I quit like 3 years ago, came back last week with friends and they gave everyone ivern passive where they can share buffs?
    wtf does he even do then

  21. 12 months ago

    I want to breed that deer.

  22. 12 months ago

    i still play and it's only because there really isn't any other multiplayer game out there that both gives the same feeling and runs on my shitty machine as well as league does so it is what it is

  23. 12 months ago

    too much change for the sake of change without any support for legacy characters/items or proper custom game options (ie simulating a Season 3 match with URF rules where one team can have nu-Gangplank and the other team can have old Gangplank) because everything has to funnel people towards SR and eSports bullshit. i just hop on to play URF sometimes now when it's in rotation. game has an immense untapped potential if it weren't such a closed loop of monetization and pushing the pro league shit.

  24. 12 months ago

    dota 2 came out, so I could finally stop having to choose between playing a literal mod or a badly balanced game with a bad client and could just play a good game that actually functions

    shame about what happened after though
    but I guess every single game in the genre got worse and worse over time

  25. 12 months ago

    how can I find more of this guys artwork? for free...

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