what makes code veronica a bad resident evil game?

what makes code veronica a bad resident evil game?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I dunno anon I just reached the Chris Redfield part and while I have mostly fond memories of the game from when I picked it up on launch on Dreamcast it's just not my favorite RE. I think it's less fun than 0 and that one had it's own series of issues.

  2. 12 months ago

    I thought it was great

  3. 12 months ago

    It's better than 0, which isn't saying much since 0 goes out of its way to be annoying.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah anon here i played cvx and i thought it was fine but all i heard and seen that it was a weak entry. Like the other anon said 0 was honestly not so great and personally i had a hard time of it specially considering re1 remake is my absolute favorite.

      What makes it lackluster?
      Point out the problems
      That's what the thread is about

      • 12 months ago

        To name a few things:
        The guns sound like toys
        Few healing items
        Moth room
        Tyrant on a plane
        Start of the anime crap in Resident Evil
        Ugly environment

        • 12 months ago

          then they do in the other game
          skill issue
          skill issue
          skill issue, there's a planter there you fricking shitter
          skill issue
          you never played a resident evil game
          It's fine
          He's hilarious

          • 12 months ago

            No you sad CV fanboy, the guns sound particularly bad in this game, and the only skill issue here is how you can hardly swallow my entire dick.

  4. 12 months ago

    Its the best classic game.

  5. 12 months ago

    Yeah anon here i played cvx and i thought it was fine but all i heard and seen that it was a weak entry. Like the other anon said 0 was honestly not so great and personally i had a hard time of it specially considering re1 remake is my absolute favorite.

  6. 12 months ago

    anybody here watch resident evil challenger on youtube back in the day?

  7. 12 months ago

    Lazy outsourced trash game. The shovelware devs who made it couldn't even hack out some pre rendered backgrounds so they just used ugly 3D environments with basic b***h camera angles instead.

  8. 12 months ago

    3d instead of pre-rendered (aged like milk, less charm, poorer visual framing)
    not structured around a multi-layered, inter-connected, maze-like mansion which is the true essence of RE design (instead, structure is a complete mess, wtih 2 main acts, both with mediocre mostly linear and flat level design and padded with alternate POV segments, they tried to tack on a couple of mini mansions but there's nothing interesting there)

    there are the two main design ones, but also the smaller aspects:

    shit tier enemies like the bandersnatch and most of the bosses (with tacked on gimmicks like first person sniper)
    blatantly amateurish game design mistakes (the fire extinguisher, letting players get softlocked with the plane tyrant, forced unannounced character switches fricking up your inventory choices)
    abysmal writing, even by RE standards (steve being an utterly tonedeaf character, all the wesker shit going full matrix shonen for the 12yo moronic fanbase)

    having said that, I appreciate it for embracing going in a much weirder pulpier direction with norman bates flamboyant alfred and the island being a pseudo nazi prisoner camp, sadly the second half loses what made the first half enjoyable and just becomes generic

    • 12 months ago

      >3d instead of pre-rendered (aged like milk, less charm, poorer visual framing)
      If it was on PC someone would've made a third person or first person mode and made it playable. That's the advantage of 3D environments over 2D.

      • 12 months ago

        Someone made it already to my surprise. Game is instantly better now.

        • 12 months ago

          It couldn’t have been hard. There was a first-person perspective option in the battle mode for CVX on PS2. It wasn’t very good IMHO.

      • 12 months ago

        there's a billion fps and tps games out there, why can't you let us have the one series with fixed angles, frick offffffffffff you're everything that ruined the series

        • 12 months ago

          >Muh image backgrounds
          RE hasn't been a fixed camera series since forever. It's been FPS or TPS for longer than it was fixed camera even. Also no one is taking away fixed camera games away from you with modding them into TPS or FPS games.

          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              this but unironically

              • 12 months ago

                i was being serious anon. i was having a drunken fit. but im serious. re1 is the perfection of what re is and what it shoudll FEEL like. it's soul. Re1 remake is the greatest. but ima be real i do enjoy the other resident evils obv i even play 5 to this day. i played em all. but re1 is peak because IT'S THE ORIGINAL VISION.

              • 12 months ago

                You're a drunk savant.

              • 12 months ago

                That's the most praise i've gotten in my entire life anon.....

              • 12 months ago

                play Alisa

              • 12 months ago

                No thanks

              • 12 months ago

                uhh holy frick anon thanks. I will give this a go. this feel just right....damn anything else like this? the re1 vibe? Thanks m8.

              • 12 months ago

                Not anon but I got that vibe from Alisa and Signalis. Although Signalis is all top down no neat camera angles like Alisa.

              • 12 months ago

                i know this is random but i also like the orignal re1 for what it talks about. like how bioenginerring is done by secret orgs and how maybe the devs are based and knew some shit cuz irl could be resident evil you know? i know im moronic but maybe bigfoot or the weird shit is bioenginnering and shit. yeah.....just a morons theory. but it's just one reason i love the resident evil sieries and weird as it is because i think irl something like it could happen and already maybe has? hehehe......nervous chuckle maybe im too moronic. haha

              • 12 months ago

                I loved Signalis and people who like old school RE should definitely check it out, but it’s way more RE2 than RE1 in terms of the vibe and the gameplay. S-23 Sirpiensky is just as, if not more, haunting than the RPD.
                I actually just replayed Leon A/ Claire B and Claire A and I did not remember how generous that game is with ammo. People said that Signalis was really liberal with ammo drops but it has nothing on RE2.

              • 12 months ago

                you can try these also, I recommend alone in the dark 1 and 4

                alisa is I think the only one with proper pre-rendered backgrounds, others either use full time 3D or pseudo pixel art/RPG maker style
                there's also a small modding scene for RE2 that's still trying to make new campaigns with new screens

              • 12 months ago

                Not drunk anon but thanks for the lists. Did you ever try Nightmare of Decay? What'd you think if yes? It reminded me of a more polished Half-Life map based off Resident Evil 1. Something you'd play in Sven Coop.

                i know this is random but i also like the orignal re1 for what it talks about. like how bioenginerring is done by secret orgs and how maybe the devs are based and knew some shit cuz irl could be resident evil you know? i know im moronic but maybe bigfoot or the weird shit is bioenginnering and shit. yeah.....just a morons theory. but it's just one reason i love the resident evil sieries and weird as it is because i think irl something like it could happen and already maybe has? hehehe......nervous chuckle maybe im too moronic. haha

                Yeah the "bioenginerring" done by secret buttholes was a fun draw for me as well. I just liked imagining a world where pharmaceutical companies were run by mad scientists was a fun idea cause that's crazy. Super crazy. So crazy it could never happen. Don't forget to drink more.

              • 12 months ago

                yes I enjoyed it a lot for what it was, it does feel like a cheap/unpolished mod that just recycles RE tropes but it's super short and fun

                >Half-Life map based off Resident Evil 1
                it does have that feel, like RE remake campaigns in L4D

              • 12 months ago

                hehehehehe drunk annon here. yeah i understand. i could neeeever happen. anyways cheer mate. hope the best for ya. Buy ya a beer sometime no homo.

    • 12 months ago

      >shit tier enemies like the bandersnatch and most of the bosses
      The monster design was outsourced to some random freelancer and it's fricking abysmal. The same guy did the enemy designs for 0. That's why they both have moronic looking booger monsters with stretchy arms.

    • 12 months ago

      The island was supposed to be an actual Nazi prisoner camp because the Ashfords were escaped Nazis named the Kruegers until very late in development. That's also why Alfred has the Tiger tank and U boat and all the random German militaria lying around like the gold Lugers. The twins were supposed to be linked to the Nazi obsession with twins, the Antarctica base was an old Nazi facility, the USS guys were supposed to have uniforms based on SS troopers, and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting.

  9. 12 months ago

    Remember that you're a certified moron if you ever soflock yourself playing this game.

    • 12 months ago

      I know you're trying to sound cool on the internet, but no. This game has many bullshit moments that first time plays have no idea of knowing or expecting.

      • 12 months ago

        Remember that you're a certified moron if you ever soflock yourself playing this game.

        What were the softlock moments? The only one I might have experienced was the first time I played it when it came out I got to the Tyrant on the plane fight with complete shit for ammo and health. After a half hour I figured out how to dodge it enough to kill it with the crate launcher or whatever. Nosferatu isn't one is it? You always have the sniper rifle and that alone can kill him.

        • 12 months ago

          Tyrant plane like you mentioned.
          Steve is the other one. If you're not full health or don't have a healing item on you, you'll always fail. People figured out to run towards him and loop around so he gets stuck for a second, which I suppose if you keep dying you might eventually try, but it's certainly not your first instinct.

          Tyrant one can be ez if you kept your BOW rounds, but the game never tells you what they ACTUALLY do, which is percent-based damage. 50% of their health is removed per grenade. Shoot all 3 at the plane Tyrant and launch the crate and he dies right away.

      • 12 months ago

        >This game has many bullshit moments that first time plays have no idea of knowing or expecting.
        Ok first of all, this is part of what makes RE games fun to me, It wouldn't be the same if you know exactly what to expect all the time.
        Secondly, Code Veronica does not have something really extreme when it comes to these moments, in order to soflock yourself you need to make terrible choices like recklessly waste resources, ignore items or hints given to you, or leave one of your characters completely unarmed.
        Finally, I think you're expected to die a few times while you play these games, learn from your mistakes, repeat and improve. And ALSO you're expected to make multiple savefiles in order to go back to a previous point of the game if you ever wasted all your ammo and health items like an idiot.

  10. 12 months ago

    I enjoyed it for the most part. It has one of the best soundtracks in the series at least.

  11. 12 months ago

    It dumped the corporate biological experiments premise in favor of a weird aristocratic plot involving crossdressing, implied incest, Agent Smith, anime-tier monster transformations, and Steve.

    Aside from that, the real-time backgrounds were soulless compared to pre-rendered backgrounds, the character switching was implemented horribly, the new enemies were annoying, and the backtracking was too long.

    Still better than RE0.

  12. 12 months ago

    Who said it was bad to begin with?

  13. 12 months ago

    >what makes code veronica a bad resident evil game?
    Wesker and Chris don't have sex

  14. 12 months ago

    Awful puzzles, awful pace, terrible bosses and combat system that loses to re1

  15. 12 months ago

    Better than 0

  16. 12 months ago

    Backtracking, overly goofy villains even by RE standards, Chris is bland, Steve, way too long. Other than that, it's pretty good.

  17. 12 months ago

    another "RE in HL" is Afraid of Monsters
    I'll play any game with a spooky mansion

  18. 12 months ago

    It's a bad game but a good Resident Evil game

  19. 12 months ago

    i like the ashfords as antagonists. besides, code veronica has the best OST of all RE games, which is quite a feat.

    • 12 months ago

      As kids my friend and I used to run around doing Ashfords laugh. We did it a lot. Then we both got a job in fast food and did it there too. The OST is really out of the park.

  20. 12 months ago

    I don't like how compared to RE3, CV looks less polished despite being launched in better hardware. Also, I don't like how it has less gore.

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