What makes people seethe so much about RTS? Is it really that hard to get into the RTS genre?

What makes people seethe so much about RTS?

Is it really that hard to get into the RTS genre?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Too much multitasking
    Its not that micro is hard
    Its the fact you need to do a billion things at once
    I already have a job

    • 6 months ago

      >click button
      >build building
      >follow tech tree
      Stick to call of duty games, kiddo

    • 6 months ago

      >Its not that micro is hard
      >Its the fact you need to do a billion things at once

      I love how gamer egos can be so colossal that they don't realize how much and often they contradict themselves.

      • 6 months ago

        You realize dota and lol are based around single unit rts micro right? And not the multitasking aids that is competitive rts?

        • 6 months ago

          you realize nobody who plays rts respects mobas right?

          • 6 months ago

            >nobody who plays rts respects mobas

        • 6 months ago

          >single unit
          I get none of these gamer terms are recognised in any official dictionary but you're using them wrong.

          • 6 months ago

            He is using them correctly. Micro is about maximizing unit efficiency by giving individual specific commands instead of relying on lazy group commands and automated behaviors. MOBAs were originally derived from WC3 custom maps, meaning that DotA was literally players just microing a single hero unit in WC3's engine.

    • 6 months ago

      The only reason you need to do a million things at once is because RTS games, almost universally, have shitty pathfinding and order queuing which most moronic asiaticcliker players consider "skill issue" if you can't deal with blatantly obvious mechanical flaws.
      Make unit AI be not moronic and you'll make RTS games 500% more bearable as a start. AoE2 is one of the best in this regard and is why it's still currently one of the most popular RTS games on the market.

      • 6 months ago

        >AoE1 gets a remake
        >they keep the absolutely atrocious pathfinding

  2. 6 months ago

    compgays, esportsgays, relatively high barrier to entry, and it's measurably not as interesting to watch as fightan

    • 6 months ago

      Playing StarCraft 1 campaign was awesome when I was 10. Now games are designed for sponsored Koreans and white people without jobs or dicks. I just want to have fun telling my doods to kill the bad doods.

  3. 6 months ago

    Personally, what I hate about RTS games is when the higher difficulties in PVE basically involves allowing the game's AI to cheat more and more.
    I want a nice and challenging RTS game that is also fair. I don't want the higher difficulties to just be more difficult because the AI starts off with way more resources or can actually see where you are (but you can't see where the AI is on the fog of war map).

    • 6 months ago

      compgays, esportsgays, relatively high barrier to entry, and it's measurably not as interesting to watch as fightan

      Too much multitasking
      Its not that micro is hard
      Its the fact you need to do a billion things at once
      I already have a job

      moba and fps itch is stronger

      Play Beyond All Reason
      BARbarian AI is pretty good

      • 6 months ago

        Is the game available on Steam? If not, meh.

        • 6 months ago

          It's gonna be """soon""" but it's playable and healthy right now
          Kinda wild that it's so good. I have this dread that they will frick it up somehow along the way, because even Relic fell off grace once.

      • 6 months ago

        My fellow BAR shiller. Everyone who enjoys RTS should give this game a shot, amazing game, 100% free.

        • 6 months ago

          I've been seeing people shilling BAR as well here, that's nice
          I really want that ingame editor they've talked about. I want to make custom game modes and maps and shit. I really like how diverse the base gameplay can be, 1v1 to 4v4 is NOTHING like 8v8, and the game just adapts and gives your the units and mechanics to make it work flawlessly. Units that don't work so well in big matches are such a great shit in smaller matches like Gremlins

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, game is already crazy, ingame editor would be insane in how much it would add to the package.
            I want autoque of 1v1s, but I'm worried the team game formats will suffer. As it right now, I might try to learn more 1v1, but its' just a bother and not fun.
            Not a huge problem though because I could play 8v8s all day.

            • 6 months ago

              I love this lil bastard like you wouldn't believe

              • 6 months ago

                CORTEX for life, kill all Armada

      • 6 months ago

        Interesting. How alive is the player base?

      • 6 months ago

        >this gets popular and zero-k dies
        worst timeline

    • 6 months ago

      AoE II DE's AI at its hardest doesn't rely on cheating and also takes up some typical moves from competitive play from over the years. It's not like a high level player by any means but it doesn't always hilariously die to things the old AI would struggle or can't deal with.

      >play thousands of hours of dota
      >fall in love with moving units for dodging and spacing the same way I fell in love with dodging and aiming in FPS games or Fightan
      >start to only play micro heroes so I can DOOODGE more
      >want to ditch the moba pretense and just play a top-down click'em up that focuses entirely on this aspect
      >find out it doesnt exist

      Isn't that just something like endgame PoE? Completely different genre but a lot of the boss fights will need manual positioning.

  4. 6 months ago

    moba and fps itch is stronger

  5. 6 months ago

    >you don't NEED apm
    >have 0 apm

    • 6 months ago

      >have 0 apm
      Zero actions per minute? Are you a corpse or something?

    • 6 months ago

      >you dont NEED to have apm
      >starts game, walks out of room
      >come back to a "You Win!" screen
      frick im good

    • 6 months ago

      >play C&C
      >hide stealth tanks all over the map
      >go to bed
      >come back to victory screen

  6. 6 months ago

    I would make an RTS where setting rally points and swapping between units doesn't count toward your APM just to see the confusion when veteran players suddenly have 50 APM.

  7. 6 months ago

    they feel some bizarre need to ALWAYS play against another human and thus get trapped in the toxic SBMM shitfest and feel overwhelmed at the amount of shit they have to do to be "competitive"
    comphomosexualry is poison, literal poison for the soul unless you have the requisite autism to cope with it
    the optimal way of enjoying RTS is to play through campaigns or just regular matches against AI at a difficulty you're comfortable with and just take it easy or try out goofy tactics with silly units

    • 6 months ago

      >the optimal way of enjoying RTS is to play through campaigns or just regular matches against AI at a difficulty you're comfortable with and just take it easy or try out goofy tactics with silly units


      Also, What's the best modern RTS for someone who loved Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander, and Sins of a Solar Empire?

      • 6 months ago

        Beyond All Reason
        FAF is still alive
        Zero K
        Planetary Annihilation TITANS

    • 6 months ago

      What's a good strategy game like settlers or cultures lads?
      gives me that kinda vibe.

      • 6 months ago

        You mean where you play in realistic setting, but more historical one? Yes that game (Age of Empires) is really good. But I don't know of the others. Maybe Tzar: The Burden of the Crown? But that's medieval fantasy.

    • 6 months ago

      >the optimal way of enjoying RTS is to play through campaigns or just regular matches against AI at a difficulty you're comfortable with and just take it easy or try out goofy tactics with silly units
      This was boring to me even when I was 15 years old
      How fricking bad are you at video games

      • 6 months ago

        Shouldn't you be busy memorizing build orders and working up that APM instead of shitposting? Hop to it, tiger, you've gotta prove yourself! Chop-chop!

        • 6 months ago

          There is no other genre in video games subject to so many mongoloids who take such a gleeful tone as they tell you they play the game in the most boring way possible.

          • 6 months ago

            Memorizing build orders takes like one day. And if all you can do is execute a build order flawlessly you'll never be better than mediocre.

            Here we see the poisoned compgay mindset in all its "glory". The mere notion that not everyone wants to subject themselves to the same bullshit they do sends them reeling. The fact that not everyone is a slave to their ELO is inconceivable to them.
            It's this very mindset that drives people away from the genre. The obsession with competitive balance and metagaming. The elitism and inability to understand other people's perspectives.
            It's just sad.

            • 6 months ago

              >tendie image
              >cannot fathom improving

            • 6 months ago

              You just sound like you're scared of effort. Build orders, far from limiting you, open up the strategic possibilities of the game at a higher level. There's no point in even talking about it with you because you're so closed minded and convinced of your own superiority despite being so terrible at this game you have to justify your lack of skill with these whiny posts.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not claiming to be superior or inferior to anything, you cretin. I don't care that people play the games for reasons different than me or that someone's a higher rank or has a bigger e-peen number than me.
                That's the problem with your types: it's all about skilled/unskilled as if that's the only metric by which to judge these games by. People get convinced by you that there's one, and only one, valid way of enjoying an entire *genre* of games and get turned off by them entirely, leading to questions such as the one OP posted.
                But go on, keep posturing, keep strutting about like the peawiener you think you are.
                You impress no one and have completely missed the point of my posts.

              • 6 months ago

                You evidently care a lot because your posts are filled with butthurt. It's fine if you're bad at the game, just acknowledge that you don't actually know how to play.

              • 6 months ago

                It's less butthurt and more frustration at trying to drive the idea into your thick skull that not everyone plays games for the same reason. But the brainrot seems to have taken its toll on you. What a shame.

            • 6 months ago

              It has nothing to do with glory and everything to do with not being bored playing the game. Turtling for 40 minutes to fight moronic AI is boring

              • 6 months ago

                No one's gonna force you to play that way. But ranked PvP should not be promoted as the -only- way to play.
                There's also custom maps and playing against friends in a relaxed setting. The versatility of the genre is one of its greatest strengths.

              • 6 months ago

                I would agree. I just think it’s odd that basically every RTS has a single player and skirmish and easy AI, and yet the more casual players still tend to ignore these games (and no, it’s not because the devs trying to push esports. That was only really true with DoW3).

                Now, the loss of custom games is *significant*, but I think it’s more that most people aren’t satisfied with traditional linear campaigns anymore. Everyone wants some big nonlinear strategic campaign or branching path crap. Like CoH3’s campaign is pretty bad but i totally understand why they attempted to make a big strategic campaign. It’s the only thing people want out of strategy games these days.

              • 6 months ago

                i do think that company of heroes 2 is pretty good for playing vs AI or Coop. the AI will organize push from points to points together, and try to flank/use indirect fire frequently
                esport shits are less fun too in multiplayers, 1v1 is boring af. and many people love bigger battles with 3v3 or 4v4 matches

            • 6 months ago

              Shouldn't you be busy memorizing build orders and working up that APM instead of shitposting? Hop to it, tiger, you've gotta prove yourself! Chop-chop!

              I love this cringe false dichotomy that if you aren't a comp stomper then you're some tryhard compgay who memorizes build orders

        • 6 months ago

          Memorizing build orders takes like one day. And if all you can do is execute a build order flawlessly you'll never be better than mediocre.

      • 6 months ago

        I find roleplaying games fricking boring, but there are people who played thousands of hours into them and still have fun. Maybe people just enjoy different shit, eh?

        • 6 months ago

          RTS skrmish / campaign modes are extremely easy, they have no depth, if you don't get bored of them quickly then you might have a learning disability

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >the optimal way of enjoying RTS is to play through campaigns or just regular matches against AI at a difficulty you're comfortable with and just take it easy or try out goofy tactics with silly units
      How can anyone enjoy this? Are you mentally moronic? You're not even "playing game" against AI because AI can't even use tactic and basically moronic.
      Jesus Christ what do such creatures play now? I can't imagine you playing FPS or RPG game because too much buttons to press and too much multitasking. Neither roguelikes/lites or even 4X

      • 6 months ago

        >Such creatures
        ESL phrasing spotted.
        What third world nation are you from?

        • 6 months ago

          EOPs lack eloquence, we know that, you didn't have to make this post.

          • 6 months ago

            Such creatures is technically right.

            • 6 months ago

              EOP anon was complaining about ESL anon using slightly less unorthodox English than what he's used to hear.

    • 6 months ago

      God thats so damn cozy.

  8. 6 months ago

    it's pretty difficult, yes

  9. 6 months ago

    why do you keep spamming these threads?

    • 6 months ago

      Shitposting is the only way to have discussions for real

  10. 6 months ago

    because they have a high skill ceiling, and casual gamers for some reason don't like high skill ceilings in games even if they supposedly like the game itself

    • 6 months ago

      asiaticclickers babs cope.
      Any PvP game has infinite skill celling.
      It's just multitasking game desing build to overload player with actions is inherently toxic and uncomfortable design.

  11. 6 months ago

    Some people get really upset that niche games don't cater or pander to them when their audience is perfectly happy with the way they are

  12. 6 months ago

    It's hard to get into the COMPETITIVE RTS area, yeah. Just playing the game for fun against AI isn't a big deal though. I never bother with competitive 'cause it's almost always going to be people who are such veterans that I'll get stomped and it will not be enjoyable for either of us.

    It might actually be funny to go into ranked AoE II and III just to play around like a moron so my opponent has no idea what's going on, with no actual desire of my own to be victorious... Omg I think I know what I want to do this weekend.

  13. 6 months ago

    i think dividing the game into "macro" and "micro" as separate turn and battle phases is a good idea, but games like total war get it all wrong where the battles should be closer to the tempo and scale of regular RTS, and the turn phase should be closer to a city builder where you're actively sculpting the nations and battlefields, rather than like a 4X.
    and that adding more mechanical complexity to the units and battlefields would be a good thing; company of heroes was probably the last major innovation on that front.

    • 6 months ago

      Played lots of RTS, played Total War
      Total War games suck wieners in both 4x and as RTT games. They're all flare, no substance. Battles are stupid shit plain as frick and the 4x is plain too. It's not greater than the sum of its parts, it's just Epic Battle Simulator for geriatrics, and does it poorly as well there.

  14. 6 months ago

    >play thousands of hours of dota
    >fall in love with moving units for dodging and spacing the same way I fell in love with dodging and aiming in FPS games or Fightan
    >start to only play micro heroes so I can DOOODGE more
    >want to ditch the moba pretense and just play a top-down click'em up that focuses entirely on this aspect
    >find out it doesnt exist

  15. 6 months ago

    >Is it really that hard to get into the RTS genre?
    I don't think that it is but i started back in the day with C&C:Red Alert.

  16. 6 months ago

    No people to play with
    Devolves into cheese
    Too much strenous multitasking (pic related
    Same build orders every game
    Some RTS have devolved into MOBA (Supreme Commander) where each player takes a single role
    It's not fun at all, in other games I can enjoy making my own build or play the variety of different combinations, but in RTS the player who asiaticclicks more marines wins the game.

  17. 6 months ago

    You know all the memes people spout about fighting games?
    They're actually true about RTS, if you don't have decades of experience you literally cannot compete at all

    • 6 months ago

      why not just enjoy the single player experience?

      • 6 months ago

        gets old quick

  18. 6 months ago

    the RTS genre has room to improve or at least innovate.
    The starship troopers game did something unique with lines of fire but it has one playable faction and no multiplayer.
    Personally I want a co-op RTS where one person handles resource acquisition and another person handles the fighting. People already tried to do this in age of empires 2v2 but they banned slinging the cowards

  19. 6 months ago

    Expectations vs reality. When people think about RTS they expect something where two people try to beat eachother by thinking outside the box, then when they look at actual games it's just more complicated mobas

  20. 6 months ago

    I played RTS all the time as a young kid, it's not hard at all to get into. Granted I only played campaigns and against AIs and used cheat codes whenever I started to lose. I still had a blast though, spent countless hours playing AoE1, AoE2, Starcraft, C&C, WC2, Battle Realms, etc. Then I tried WC3 online and that changed things.

    Playing against other people is pretty hard, and you will definitely hit a wall if you're not willing to study and practice. That said, games like WC3 had tons of custom maps which were way more fun than the base game, and I spent years playing those custom maps. I went back and tried doing some AoE2 online as well, and that was also really fun with the custom maps people would come up with.

    TL;DR it's all about how you choose to play the game. If you're hyper-competitive and want to play against people, then you'd better not have a fragile ego or you will get butthurt when you start losing games (which will be your first few matches online until ELO places you where you belong).

  21. 6 months ago

    >Ganker attempts to discuss an actually hard genre
    Reminder this is the board that thinks fricking Monster Hunter is the pinnacle of difficulty

  22. 6 months ago

    I don't hate it, I just realize I'll never be good at it. Just makes me feel like playing chess which I'm also bad at, I try to steamroll early rounds and end up steamrolled in return as I never plan ahead/predict the enemy's moves.

    • 6 months ago

      There's a pleasure in learning and getting a bit better day by day
      If you don't get at super top level it's alright, you get your wins at your level and feels awesome when you do. No other genre can give you that feeling, maybe fighting games. It's about improving and knowing you outplayed the enemy player for once. APM and micromanaging isn't really that super important until high levels, and even then it's super overblown how important it is over pincer attacks, timed attacks, guerrilla warfare, harassing, or eco booming. Those are actual game winners, not moving Stalkers back and forth in Starcraft 2 (read: don't play SC2, play anything else)

      • 6 months ago

        I definitely see the appeal since I'm a fightan gay, but I'm talking about even just casual play againt friends. I'm not sure I've even won a single game. It's not for me and I'm okay with that.

        • 6 months ago

          Actually i've always wanted to get into fighting games because I saw the similarities but FGs are faster in short bursts, but never could because kept my ass kicked in every game i picked or the online always sucked ass, until I discovered Potemkin in Strive. Now I can't stop playing it. Got SF6.

          • 6 months ago

            That's awesome, grapplers seem like a good entry point for a RTS player (probably since a friend who played a bunch of SC2 also does Potemkin). Is there a game/playstyle that appeals to the dick-ass zoner/yolo mindset?

            • 6 months ago

              In RTS? Rush oriented factions or tactics are for YOLO, but they're actually risky if you try to pull it off against people that know what they're doing

              Dick ass? Backline harass and guerrilla. It's impressive how well they work, it's more about the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE you apply to the other player

              Zoner? Defensive advancing. You place fortified advanced positions near Points of interest and start sniping and choking the other player, while eco booming at the back

              RTS have a lot of ways to do stuff. People that play them know this, but rarely post about the playstyles here because Ganker doesn't actually play these videogames lmao

              • 6 months ago

                >Dick ass? Backline harass and guerrilla. It's impressive how well they work, it's more about the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE you apply to the other player
                This sounds right up my alley, thanks anon

  23. 6 months ago

    Buy an ad.

  24. 6 months ago

    BW vs 2 for 1v1 online? Genuinely which is better?

  25. 6 months ago

    Does Ganker not realise build orders are only used for the first minute or so of gameplay? It's almost like Ganker doesn't actually play games or something

  26. 6 months ago

    I've never played an RTS game online, they're way too sweaty.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        sweat inducing. I'm decent against hard AI but thats not the same thing as playing a human

        Only ones I've done alot were Steel Division and BAR

        thanks for reminding me to try BAR

        • 6 months ago

          >sweat inducing
          I'm guessing this means the game makes you actually think and work in REAL TIME and it makes you sweat?
          I don't understand lazy twittergays

          • 6 months ago

            Stop playing dumb anon, or stop being underage, one of those two since this is a super old term. If you are trying hard, I think RTS is the most stressful genre bar none, just because you can always be doing more and multi-tasking is genuinely very difficult.

            • 6 months ago

              >trying hard
              I don't understand twitter homosexualry, I just get good

              • 6 months ago

                >December 5, 2007

          • 6 months ago

            internet has poisoned your mind. That's an english phrase. RTS is way more challenging and hectic than an FPS.

    • 6 months ago

      Only ones I've done alot were Steel Division and BAR

    • 6 months ago

      Play AoE4 team matches or solo, it's fun and you will always be paired with people like you

  27. 6 months ago

    Any RTS recs for the sale?

  28. 6 months ago


    >Nice, my dude. I fricking love RTS. I used to play AoE2 4v4 in LAN with friends all the time. Standard, quickstart, Deathmatch Post Imperial, whacky mods, you name them.
    >I love strategy. I love Starcraft's pacing even though I'm not that fast. I love SupCom design. I fricking love every AoE, every Relic game, even gave DoW3 a chance, too bad it wasn't what we expected.
    >Deserts of Kharak? i'm up to it
    >Come on bro, why you shy?
    >You like Campaign modes? I can point you into some awesome ones if you like, it's a great way to learn the MP
    >Nah, man, don't be shy, everyone starts slow. It doesn't matter if you lose your first matches, whats important is that you learn and have fun doing so
    >Ladder anxiety is real, no denying it. Can you imagine? I still got that feeling too sometimes! but it's part of growing up. It's a game, a training of mind and soul. The real enemy is within, not the other player, he's just testing himself too. So give it all you've got!
    >Cities Skylines is cool, but that's not an RTS, senpai.
    >Actually, yes, I have a copy of The Art of War right here. It's incredible how it actually can be applied to any vidya too. I can lend it to you if you like.
    >Yes, see, I'll teach you the pacing and why build orders are important, but mostly to think like your enemy and be 2 steps ahead.
    >Never give up! I won so many games with pincer attacks or guerrilla warfare behind the enemy production, outnumbered and outclassed. Scouting is vital! You see, you might have foresight, but it's better to actually have true sight
    >Pushes, defenses, turtling, rushes, eco, micro, macro, cheeky infiltrations, offensive maneuvers, defensive tactics, tech domination, they're all valid, as long as you try your best
    >Wanna hit me up at AoE4? I play RUS right now, eco boom is interesting
    >Let's smash some bots in BAR next!
    >Next we hit the gym and then some work. Healthy body and a healthy mind!

  29. 6 months ago

    for me? its starcraft 2

  30. 6 months ago

    It's because there are 1000s of people who have been playing RTS games for 25 years and they move like locust to every single game. So there is no real entry point for anyone to actually git gud with others at similar skill levels. It all just geta dominated by the same group of people who've been lording over it for the past few decades.

    • 6 months ago

      god fricking damn homosexual that's not true and you don't play

      • 6 months ago

        It is true, I've been playing for a decade now. It's just something I noticed and you have similar problems in fighting games or quake-like shooters. The people interested in these games tends to be small and they're dominated by a very dedicated group of veterans who make sure everyone know this is their club
        Typically they might all know each other too and actively team up to curb stomp newbs or are hostile to them

        • 6 months ago

          For a decade? Then post your fighting game handle and tourney proofs along with your RTS handle and tourney victories

          • 6 months ago

            No RTS games I've been playing for a decade, lol and I was providing other examples I noticed over the years too.
            Cry about it.
            Alot of the old guard have a vested interest in people thinking this isn't true so they have more people to curb stomp because often they get bored of playing against people at similar skill levels.

            • 6 months ago

              Also that's not even true
              The only thing you need to do as a new person in any scene, games or irl, is show up, be humble, leave your ego aside and be friendly
              I've done all sorts of random shit and people are nice and you know the magic secret? Literally just saying "hey I'm new but I'm really interested, can you help me out"

              >doesn't post proofs
              Of course

        • 6 months ago

          Lmao what a shitter copout

          • 6 months ago

            How is this a cop out when it's literally just true? New players don't really have a chance to git gud in an environment that curates their skill at a reasonable pace.
            (Outside of a games initial launch) so if they want to actually improve they'll have to dedicate time to experimenting and learning strategies offline, practicing constantly instead of learning naturally through gameplay.
            You might say "well against veterans they can git gud" but often they curb stomp noobs so hard that players have a hard time learning anything beyond "this guy is way above my skill level" and I know this might seem crazy to you guys but a David and Goliath scenario isn't appealing to a lot of people, especially people new to the genre

            • 6 months ago

              Except in fighting games there's tons of beginner channels and new people, which you'd know if you actually played or went to locals
              And in RTS it auto-matches you with people your skill level, but you don't play either, hence your lack of proofs

              • 6 months ago

                Why are you crying so hard about this, you know those aren't enough either because noobs don't want to have to be in a "playpen" to just have fun while the veterans play the "for real"
                Also "RTS matches with skill level" well yeah, that's great! Except it means shit outside of a games launch because there's a massive drop off of people so really the only ones left are their veterans and anyone trying to get in at that point is forever wienerblocked.

              • 6 months ago

                >when i've literally played fighting games for 5 years with all sorts of people
                >had a fun time
                >meanwhile you're here actually whinging because you've created some weird reality
                When you actually pick up fighting games you'll see
                Also if you actually did play RTS you would've replied to my post

                Well does anyone want to play something

                but you didn't, proving yet another non-player in Ganker

            • 6 months ago

              Most people who play RTS games are casual single player gamers
              Comparing them to fighting games or arena shooters is ignorant

              • 6 months ago

                I'm comparing the phenomena of a "curated class of veterans who dominate every game in the genre" to each other so yes, arena shooters and fighting games are a fair comparison when they exist there too. Just like people who have been playing doom since it's launch, there are people who've been playing since fricking Dune and they tend to be very dedicated and move from game to game. I don't know why everyone is having such a hard time comprehending this? ESLs perhaps?

              • 6 months ago

                The point is that RTS games are mostly played single player
                So you saying that old games develop a small insular playerbase who are really good at the game (which happens to every single game) is irrelevant

              • 6 months ago

                I'm saying this is particularly unique because they don't just stay to one old game. The old guard actively move from new RTS to RTS. I always see the same old players, same clan/group leaders ETC who move to new ground to stomp plebs.
                So effectively there is no "in" because the people who do this are so good they effectively gatekeep new players out and frustrate them.
                Again, you people here have a very poor reading comprehension and don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying? If this was just contained to the single game they hyperfixate about then I wouldn't complain but it's the entire genre.
                New RTS games get dominated by players who've been in the game for 20 years or more and make sure to kill any new community that might grow.

              • 6 months ago

                I understand what you're saying
                But no, there isn't a group of RTS gods who travel from game to game stomping all noobs in their path and preventing them from playing

              • 6 months ago

                >Just flat out denying it
                Yeah. I can't help the ignorant.
                Keep dreaming buddy.
                If you don't believe me frequent RTS forums/discords and start comparing top players across games. You'll notice a pattern like I did.

              • 6 months ago

                There aren't even any new RTS games for pros to migrate to. It's a dead fricking genre. People who are good at the games are going to stick to the ones they already play
                Yes you'll see the same people playing different RTS games, that doesn't mean there aren't new players aswell (we're talking in hypotheticals here because again, dead genre)

              • 6 months ago

                If they’re top players they’re not being matched against noobs
                You’re moronic

              • 6 months ago

                No, because I am an RTS demi-god and crush the RTS god forum hoppers

              • 6 months ago

                >there are people who've been playing since fricking Dune and they tend to be very dedicated and move from game to game.
                Just reminder that if you older than 30 you can't compete in asiaticclickers.

            • 6 months ago

              >so if they want to actually improve they'll have to dedicate time to experimenting and learning strategies offline, practicing constantly instead of learning naturally through gameplay.
              It's so patently obvious that you've never actually played an RTS and have only thought about playing an RTS, because it's totally fricking backward. Literally the only way you improve is by actually playing other people. AI do not play like humans, and no amount of theory can replace actual gameplay experience against people. The only stuff you learn not in game is stuff like build orders, but these are a form of supplemental knowledge that are useless if you do not have the basic skills in the game to execute them. In fact it's far better for new players to just play online exclusively until they hit a wall where they can't improve anymore due to reaching the limits of their intuitive knowledge. At that point they should probably start looking up guides and build orders to help them figure out what they're not getting. That or just content themselves with their current level.

              • 6 months ago

                >Blah blah blah
                Most of the skill in RTS is build orders and having high APM. You can 100% practice being lighting quick with your build orders and actions offline. That's what you have to do anyway to remain relevant against the old guard

              • 6 months ago

                The skill in an RTS game is responding to and playing around your opponent
                You don't need to "pracitce" build orders

              • 6 months ago

                You do if you're slow like a new player. All that other stuff comes later but to get in you need to be quick. Quicker than your opponent or just as fast as them. So you need to learn to juggle workers, unit production, etc in a streamlined/fast manner

              • 6 months ago

                >Most of the skill in RTS is build orders and having high APM
                See this right here tells me you've never played RTS. You think build orders are like some magical solution to strategy and that if you follow them you just automatically win. You have no clue what they even are or how they work. You also have no clue what APM is.

              • 6 months ago

                >>Most of the skill in RTS is build orders and having high APM
                APM is just how fast you click things. Lots of players have insanely high APM and 90% of is wasted / redundant orders. Build orders are also not hard to learn, they're actually very simple. That's the point of them, really, it simplifies complex systems into easily repeatable steps. Any aspiring player will usually learn all of the major build orders for this reason. Truly gifted players are able to improvise on the fly or invent new ones, because the real skill in RTS is adaptation. Being able to read your enemy, think ahead of him, and get ahead of him.

            • 6 months ago

              >How is this a cop out when it's literally just true? New players don't really have a chance to git gud in an environment that curates their skill at a reasonable pace.
              Holy shit did you even see how low ratings play in any video game?

        • 6 months ago

          Just read a guide and learn build orders and you'll discover you're now ten thousand times more efficient than you used to be.

  31. 6 months ago

    >be bronzie in sc 2
    >attack some homosexual terran with my lings at his ramp
    >while he's dealing with that i send off a group of banes around his back
    >feel like a tactical genius

  32. 6 months ago

    What I don't understand is if something is hard, why do zooms just deem it "for sweaty tryhards" instead of just learning, and even if they fail, to keep trying?

    • 6 months ago

      Self improving is a right wing mindset

    • 6 months ago

      There are better games for that.
      Arena shooters for example.

  33. 6 months ago

    We are having a similar discussion here:


    • 6 months ago

      I'm in that thread too, but let's be honest, SC2 did more damage to the community and the genre than good. It's not a good example of a good RTS, it's just Starcraft.

      • 6 months ago

        Filtered, SC2 is genuinely amazing
        Now it did have massive rough spots, but now, it's incredible

        • 6 months ago

          I mean it's a game you like or don't like
          Personally, I don't. It has lots of annoying shit more than I enjoy. I did enjoy it for awhile, but comparing to others, eh.

          I mean I get what you like about it. I wish it was polished around what i didn't.

  34. 6 months ago

    people see that the genre has "strategy" in it and midwits think they will naturally be good at it without any practice or even learning basic game concepts. then of course they get btfo which makes them seethe. they can't believe it was their fault so obviously it must be a problem with the game.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't forget them not realising the real time part

  35. 6 months ago


    Even SC2 has a fairly popular co-op mode. I would think that RTS is generally at its best when it can successfully appeal to players of all kinds of skill levels

    • 6 months ago

      >Even SC2 has a fairly popular co-op mode.
      that ain't the main mode
      That's like saying you play Motor Kombat only

      • 6 months ago

        It isn't, but neither is CBA for AoE II, Last Stand for DoW II, etc. And those games have pretty good competitive followings as well, those are just different avenues between everything else.

  36. 6 months ago

    Well does anyone want to play something

  37. 6 months ago

    >show up to new hobby
    >loudly yell that everyone already here is gatekeeping me by being better at the hobby
    >complain there's no point trying
    >don't leave
    >don't get good
    >just cry
    Imagine if you did that irl at a hobby, you'd be laughed at, if nothing else.

  38. 6 months ago

    Getting base-rushed within the first 2 minutes of a match isn't fun.

    Getting squashed by a turbo-autist who spends 10 hours a day doing nothing but playing this singular game isn't fun.

    The only cure for RTS games is to turn them into Real Time Tactics games, so turbo-homosexual autists can't base-rush and can't micro as efficiently and need to rely more on lateral thinking and utilization of their resources better. Games should pivot AWAY from autists towards what's FUN.

    • 6 months ago

      >getting base-rushed
      >le anyone better than me is a turbo-autist
      RTS games matchmake you with your MMR, and for less populated games you can ask in the discord for other beginners

      • 6 months ago

        >matchmake you with your MMR

        I have never once in my entire life played a match-making RTS. All the RTS games I play use lobbies.

    • 6 months ago

      Prime example of a shitter.

    • 6 months ago

      >Getting base-rushed within the first 2 minutes of a match isn't fun.
      Defend yourself asshomosexual

    • 6 months ago

      >Getting base-rushed within the first 2 minutes of a match isn't fun.
      Your defense?

  39. 6 months ago

    RTS games themselves are fun.

    What isn't fun is the multiplayer. No one likes getting ass fricked rn away because some turbonerd has learned to minmax a game to the point where it isn't fun.

  40. 6 months ago

    Do zooms genuinely not comprehend that to get better at something you must fail first?

  41. 6 months ago

    Yeah anyone better than me is a turbo-autist sweatlord incel and anyone worse is a filthy casual

    • 6 months ago

      Correct. I'm glad you agree.

  42. 6 months ago

    >start going to gym
    >can't lift 800kg
    >proclaim anyone who can as a no life turbo nerd virgin autist finnish incel
    >refuse to improve little by little

    • 6 months ago

      >make up strawman
      >proceed to assume you're correct because your strawman was made up deliberately to refute another's argument and nothing else
      >have a false sense of correctness

      • 6 months ago

        >when it's literally what's happening ITT
        New people are complaining they aren't instantly good instead of just learning and improving
        I started getting into shmups recently, do you think I'll say jaimers is a no-life hyper autist because he's better than me so there's no point? No, I'll just improve myself little by little.
        Why this is a hard concept for zoomoids to grasp is beyond me

        • 6 months ago

          I've been playing RTS games since the original Age of Empires and most of what people are saying ITT is 100% true.

          If you disagree, well, okay, have fun with your dead genre.

          • 6 months ago

            >i've been playing rts for a decade bro
            >i've been playing fighting games for a decade bro
            >it's just that i have the same complaints as a 10 minute newbie and refuse to post proofs or see anyone ITT in a 1v1
            >but trust me bro

            • 6 months ago

              Fighting games are also a borderline dead genre with only 3 franchises keeping it alive, each one seeing a new release every 3 or 4 years.

              Not helping your point.

              • 6 months ago

                >refuses to post proofs or handle
                >refuses to see me in either RTS or a fighting game
                Keep digging your grave homosexual

              • 6 months ago

                This is my STEAM strategy library, and Fighting Game library.

                >refuses to see me in either RTS or a fighting game
                Congrats, you defeated me in 3rd Strike and Company of Heroes, now go back to watching your genre die.

              • 6 months ago

                >steam library
                Doesn't mean shit, post handle, proofs and or square up in a lobby of a game of your choice provided I also have it

              • 6 months ago

                >proofs and or square up in a lobby of a game of your choice provided I also have it
                Why? So you can refute anything anyone has said here with a non-sequitur? How about instead of "getting good" at video games you "get a good argument"?

              • 6 months ago

                >no proofs
                >no squaring up
                >his library doesn't even have anything installed
                >but we're supposed to believe you've been playing for 10 years

              • 6 months ago

                You think someone has all their games installed all the time for 10 years?

              • 6 months ago

                Well if he played them for 10 years yes

              • 6 months ago

                >Well if he played them for 10 years yes

                Where are you getting this from you absolute gorilla Black person moron? God, will you shut the frick up already?

              • 6 months ago

                Read the thread homosexual

                It is true, I've been playing for a decade now. It's just something I noticed and you have similar problems in fighting games or quake-like shooters. The people interested in these games tends to be small and they're dominated by a very dedicated group of veterans who make sure everyone know this is their club
                Typically they might all know each other too and actively team up to curb stomp newbs or are hostile to them

              • 6 months ago

                Obviously he's not gonna be playing the same games over a 10 year period

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah. I mean, I have some of my favorite RTS games installed on every computer I've owned for the last 20+ years in some cases. Literally have had AoE2 on every comp I own almost continuously since 1999. Why would I stop installing and playing games I like?

              • 6 months ago

                Normal people tend to get bored of playing the same thing over and over and move onto different games

              • 6 months ago

                >no argument
                >continues talking like a sperg

                And here we have evidence numero uno of the fact that there is an autist infestation that needs to be squashed in the RTS community.

              • 6 months ago

                I don't understand, if you've been playing for 10 years you'd have some kind of accomplishment to be proud of right or want to show off your skills?
                Or hell I don't know, something even more crazy like play videogames?

              • 6 months ago

                >I don't understand, if you've been playing for 10 years you'd have some kind of accomplishment to be proud of right or want to show off your skills?

                Playing video games is not an accomplishment. I have a house, a wife, and a kid, those are my accomplishments. Maybe it makes more sense to me now that people who are that good at video games considering winning a match in an RTS an accomplishment. I don't.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                SAME AS IT EVER WAS

              • 6 months ago

                >Playing video games is not an accomplishment. I have a house, a wife, and a kid, those are my accomplishments

              • 6 months ago

                It's not surprising that you're saying you're seeing the same players when you basically own 20 copies of the same fricking game

              • 6 months ago

                Fighting games are multiplayer only
                Most people play RTS single player

              • 6 months ago

                Just reminder that most successful recentl RTS title, Warhammer Total War was proped by SP campaign and it removed asiaticclicking from RTS with the combat pause.
                >Nooooooo! Cried asiaticclickers
                >APM doesn't matter!
                >No! You can't pause the game ! Your must play on fastest speed!

              • 6 months ago

                Friendly reminder that the highest difficulty level in total war games doesn’t allow you to pause

          • 6 months ago

            >hello fellow rtsers

        • 6 months ago

          >New people are complaining they aren't instantly good instead of just learning and improving
          Again simply there are better games for that.

          • 6 months ago

            >better games than pure gameplay focused skill based 1v1

            • 6 months ago

              >asiaticclicking gameplay

  43. 6 months ago

    >comparing getting healthy and fit to a worthless hobby
    whoops, she mad lol

  44. 6 months ago

    RTS games aren't the kind of games that people want to improve though, morons. Literally only fat incels and/or asiatics care about those.

    • 6 months ago

      I've been playing RTS games since the original Age of Empires and most of what people are saying ITT is 100% true.

      If you disagree, well, okay, have fun with your dead genre.

  45. 6 months ago

    Wait wait wait
    You cannot be serious
    I think what's happened, is that zoomies genuinely believe someone beating them is deliberate gatekeeping and exclusion
    That cannot be right

  46. 6 months ago

    I remember playing plenty of bad rts back then.
    I wonder if the market became oversaturated and never recovered.

  47. 6 months ago

    >play aoe at my own chill place
    >make some gay on Ganker mad because im not good

  48. 6 months ago

    Wgrd and faf are the only good mp RTS games
    Everything else is a clicker

  49. 6 months ago

    >mfw zoomies hate RTS because they don't know how to use a mouse

  50. 6 months ago

    >Play for a week to get to your estimated elo
    >Sandbag down about 200 elo
    >Play games where you can comfortably use fun units and strats
    is this viable?

  51. 6 months ago

    >here's my steam library of games i totally play
    >uhhh just ignore the fact none of them are installed

  52. 6 months ago

    >it's fricking Steel Division 2 and KOF HUE HUE

  53. 6 months ago

    Once again this video

    BTFOed Ganker

  54. 6 months ago

    I regularly play fighting games and I see a lot of insane complaints from people who clearly do not play fighting games or have a basic idea on how they actually play. Do RTSgays suffer the same problem?

    • 6 months ago

      >Do RTSgays suffer the same problem?

      Let's just bring this back:

      >But only in single player. I don't want MP of any kind cuz it's stressing.
      >Also I want a good story like the epic Red Alert
      >Also I play in easy mode
      >Also I don't want to really learn the game, I just want to build my dudes for an hour and then stomp the easy AI
      >And turtle
      >And I want to build bases, houses and decorate them
      >And I don't actually want the tactics, build strats or think in the game cuz that's for tryhards. I want a relaxing game that is ACTUALLY strategy like turn based games.
      >I actually want a turn based game
      >I don't want to deal with other players
      >And le epic Warcraft story too!
      >Is Cities Skylines an RTS?
      >If you tell me to git gud I will call you a tryhard and a blowout

      >What you mean RTS are dead then?

      Every RTS thread. Why are so many guys like this? Why not play a tower defense then?

      • 6 months ago

        >Why not play a tower defense then
        Because tower defense doesn't come with a full package, they are also incredibly limiting in its scope and frankly fricking shit for the most part. Closest thing that come around to what casuals want is probably They Are Billions. Everything else barely fricking tries to engage with non mp crowd and as such delegated to 1k discord autism playerbase. Eugene abortions are the best example of it, moronic frogs still don't understand how to make a good single player campaign to at least try to recapture World In Conflict feel or why everyone wants map designer.

        • 6 months ago

          >Closest thing that come around to what casuals want is probably They Are Billions.
          Fuuny because no casuals seem to be interested in this game

          • 6 months ago

            It was very popular when it was new hotness, obviously it is too dated now for any kind of mass appeal. Same with SC2 coop, it breathed new life into the game but blizzard were too fricking stupid to keep updates rolling out so it died with a whimper.

            • 6 months ago

              >obviously it is too dated now for any kind of mass appeal
              All the RTS games people actually play are much older than TAB

              • 6 months ago

                And they are kept on life support by crab bucket mp playerbase.

    • 6 months ago

      >do rtsgays suffer the same problem
      Have you read the last 200 posts

    • 6 months ago

      Most of the arguments about RTS center around complete fricking casuals who only play single player arguing with comp nerds

      • 6 months ago

        >arguments about RTS center around complete fricking casuals
        It's hard to call them casuals. They're somewhere in negative dead zone. Casuals can paly games. But anons in RTS thread are journo tier.

        • 6 months ago

          It does boggle my mind that there are people who enjoy playing against the AI for more than 30 minutes

          • 6 months ago

            That's how I enjoyed the game as a kid. I just liked to make cool looking armies and smash them against other armies. It's similar to how other kids played with action figures. I played with digital army men instead.

            • 6 months ago

              That's also what I did as a kid
              Then I grew up

          • 6 months ago

            It's how anyone with a full time job plays RTS games.

            • 6 months ago

              I can maintain a full-time job without being a brandead casual who wants a toy instead of a video game

              • 6 months ago

                Video games are toys. Only societal rejects think they are meaningful in any way.

              • 6 months ago

                They are games
                Games provide a challenge for you to overcome, you have to use your wits and skills to beat it, that's where the fun comes from
                Toys don't have a challenge for you to overcome, you just play around with them and use your imagination, it's goalless and unstructured
                When you grow up you tend to move on from toys to games

              • 6 months ago

                It's how anyone with a full time job plays RTS games.

                This so much this! Games should be accessible!

          • 6 months ago

            I remember a lot campaigns in ancient rts were pretty tough. Full of cancerous missions. So how can current Ganker posters from shitty RTS threads even beat them?

            • 6 months ago

              They might be hard but they're not challenging. They're pure trial-and-error as you try to figure out exactly what the map designer intended for you to do to beat it

              • 6 months ago

                So like almost every other singleplayer game?

              • 6 months ago

                Not really, other single player strategy games like RPGs tend to give you options and you can learn the mechanics and learn how to build your character and actually think about what you're doing

              • 6 months ago

                So just like an RTS game in singleplayer...You just fire up a solo lobby and go to town.

              • 6 months ago

                No, RTS games have dogshit simple mechanics which you understand immediately after picking the game up, unless it's your very first game perhaps
                So the campaign is pure trial-and-error with basically no thought on the part of the player
                99% of RTS campaigns are like this

              • 6 months ago

                >99% of campaigns are like this

                Every single RTS game that features a dynamic campaign isn't like that.

                Also, I said "solo lobby", not campaign.

              • 6 months ago

                Whats a dynamic campaign? Is a solo lobby skirmish, like a match against the computer? The AI in RTS games is not good enough to provide a challenge to a human player in a skirmish game

              • 6 months ago

                The things you read in these threads.
                As if building your character in RPGs isn't an extended trial and error.
                As if learning mechanics in games in general isn't trial and error.
                You just open the game and magically know what everything does.
                I know this is bait but it's so idiotic that I feel obliged to reply to it.

              • 6 months ago

                Read my post carefully. I said PURE trial-and-error. All learning is trial-and-error, but you also need to do some thinking along the way. In an RTS game, you don't

              • 6 months ago

                I'd like to see you try to take Pig's castle by pure trial and error. Or go through terran final mission in SC2 on brutal. No thinking at all, just try random shit until it works, yeah.

              • 6 months ago

                I put SC2 in the 1% of RTS campaigns that don't suck ass because there is a timer on all the missions therefore it actually demands execution skill from the player
                But All In on Brutal is still pretty much just trial and error, even though it's a good mission, you have no way of knowing Kerrigans weaknesses or what the attack waves are going to look like ahead of time, you can't really do much planning for the mission

              • 6 months ago

                You're moving the goalposts at this point. Yes, you can't plan some shit ahead of time, but are you implying that you don't need to think at all to get through this mission? Because depending on approach it can be either almost trivial or ballbustingly hard, which is, I'd say a matter of thought put into how you play it.
                Same as in RPGs where most skills and abilities are initially obscure in description and you have no way of knowing how good they are in practice, or how well they fare in lategame because you have no idea how the endgame will look like.

              • 6 months ago

                >are you implying that you don't need to think at all to get through this mission?
                Pretty much
                I used the defensive strategy that I already knew worked, I had to try a few times and adapt when I learnt a few things about the mission, I wouldn't say I actually had to come up with a strategy to beat it. A standard defense line is enough to beat the mission

              • 6 months ago

                I see you're determinded to think that people are born with knowledge of underlying mechanics of every RTS game and can figure them out at a first glance.
                Not that this mission is that hard in a mechanical sense, but it pushes the player significally harder than anything prior, and the standard defense line, which I assume consists of blocking enemy hordes with production buildings, may not be so obvious to newbie players, not even because it's hard to figure out, but that common logic dictates that civilian structures should be well protected.
                Your problem is thinking that those nuances are "obvious to everyone" when in fact they have been indeed solved for years by the others and you left the process of learning the game so far behind that you can't fanthom someone not as invested as you.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                The standard defense line is seige tanks and bunkers full of marines. This has been a thing since SC1, and they fricking teach it to you during the campaign. Use these, along with the defensive structures you unlocked, and react appropriately to Kerrigan, and you will win the mission. It really is all in the execution

              • 6 months ago

                My memory might be hazy, but if you simply use tanks and bunkers, Kerrigan will easily chew through your line with AoE taking tank shots like mosquito bites, unless you build like 20 bunkers on each side maybe.

              • 6 months ago

                That's why I said you have to react to Kerrigan
                There's numerous ways to deal with her, none you can actually plan for and strategize around, because they're surprise bullshit abilities that come out of nowhere. I assume most players would learn to bait out her strongest abilities so she doesn't tear up your defense line, which I would call reactionary play

              • 6 months ago

                So it's a bit more than "just" standard defense line, eh?
                >surprise bullshit abilities
                I can't imagine how you felt meeting Duriel for the first time.

              • 6 months ago

                It's standard defensive line + react to Kerrigan, which really means just baiting out her blade swarm with a pack of marines and not letting her implode your BCs if you're using them. The first time I played the mission it was definitely hard but I was also not thinking about what I was doing, I was just reacting, and that was enough to pull me through on hard and brutal. I think the final Protoss mission asks more of the player because you're given a lot more abilities and units to choose from
                I don't know Duriel

              • 6 months ago

                Well the point is, it gives you something new to figure out and work around. Of course once you know exactly what to do, it becomes simple. And though I agree that final protoss mission is more demanding, it doesn't exactly bring anything new to the table.

            • 6 months ago

              Campaigns were often totally different from multiplayer experience, entirely different set of skills. Single player campaigns are like puzzles that are designed to be beatable under specific conditions. The scenario never changes, so if you're patient you can simply try again and again until you figure out the puzzle's win conditions. Multiplayer isn't like that at all, there's no guaranteed solution that will let you beat your enemy because he's not a pre-programmed scenario. Every game is different, some players are way more skilled than others, even the same player won't necessarily do the same thing every game. People who can beat campaigns are fine failing because they know it's theoretically possible to win if they just figure it out. They probably get easily discouraged when they lose badly in multiplayer because they can't just endlessly repeat the same game until they figure out how to beat their opponent.

              • 6 months ago

                >They probably get easily discouraged when they lose badly in multiplayer because they can't just endlessly repeat the same game until they figure out how to beat their opponent.
                But that's exactly how it works. Only instead of it being literally the exact same scenario, it's about learning the basic mechanics of the game and how they work. You have to learn to extrapolate general strategy from individual experiences. I guess if you're the wrong kind of autistic and can't think abstractly it's too difficult.

    • 6 months ago

      The problem is that there is an inherent skill differential in people who play longer vs people who play casually.

      In FPS games, a lot of the competition is strictly based on talent and hand-eye coordination. In Fighting Games, it's all about memorization and familiarity with an individual character. In RTS games, it's all about knowing the specific stats of units and how they counter-contrast with others. These are things that require hours upon hours upon hours of time investment, just to know, and then you have to actually get good at them.

      • 6 months ago

        >. In RTS games, it's all about knowing the specific stats of units and how they counter-contrast with others.
        Objectively wrong.
        In asiaticclickers it's all about asiaticclicking. Scientifically proven. Literally "stare time" (delay bettwen switching POV and start of the action) is the best objective measure that can predicts players rank.

        >there are people who've been playing since fricking Dune and they tend to be very dedicated and move from game to game.
        Just reminder that if you older than 30 you can't compete in asiaticclickers.

        • 6 months ago

          Just waiting on your tourney proofs to qualify this opinion

          • 6 months ago

            Just waiting on your tourney proofs and your stare time to qualify your opinion.

            • 6 months ago

              >uh clickspeed is all that matters
              >not accuracy
              >not scouting
              >not game knowledge
              >not map knowledge
              >mere click speed that can be easily inflated

              • 6 months ago

                >nooo it's not clickspeed, but effective clickspeed that I will give several names so it sounds cooler!

              • 6 months ago

                >>mere click speed that can be easily inflated
                It's not just click speed it's effective click speed
                >.This means that StarCraft 2 players must choose where to allocate their view-screen, which is important both for giving commands to one’s units, and also for assessing the current game state. This has allowed researchers to define a self-initiated response time measure (Looking-Doing Latency) in terms of the latency to an action after a new ‘‘fixation’’ of the view-screen [1]. Players typically have about 300 looking-doing cycles per game, and in the present work we consider each player’s mean looking-doing latency. The game also imposes dual-task constraints, which are thought to become more problematic with aging [4,5], as players must extract resources to build units, forcing players to constantly shift between economic and military tasks at regular intervals.

        • 6 months ago

          >Literally "stare time" (delay bettwen switching POV and start of the action)
          This doesn't even make sense. Correct usage of hotkeys means you won't have to move your camera to use buildings or units.

    • 6 months ago

      >or have a basic idea on how they actually play.
      Well maybe if fighting Black folk weren't so uppity and didn't assume that everyone played this shit as a kid you'd see less people like that??
      Literally any genre's community, especially niche ones will shower you in guides of all levels and will help you to start, except fighting players who hate newbies.
      Maybe rhythm games share similar audience, but at least rhythm games general idea isn't hard to grasp, unlike fighting games.

      • 6 months ago

        >except fighting players who hate newbies.

        Pretty much every community I encountered in fighting games will give you a full rundown and links to various guides and basic tips. If you don't come in acting like a homosexual, they won't treat you like a homosexual.
        Like do you expect random people online to figure out you're new and go easy on you?

  55. 6 months ago

    >psh bro im a hardcore veteran 10 year fighting game and rts player
    You got btfo liar
    >uhhhh i mean i don't have time for that shit I have a wife and kids definitely

  56. 6 months ago

    Because the vast majority of RTS games try to be the next starcraft and force the EPIC 1V1 RANKED LADDER EXPERIENCE where the only thing that matters is whatever rank you are
    Forgetting that if you placed in bottom tier BRONZE you were a higher rank than 99% of starcraft 2 players because ranked 1v1 isn't what people want in an RTS

    • 6 months ago

      But muh asiaticclick
      How will Asians enjoy my game if they can't click 10 times per second

  57. 6 months ago

    The fact Ganker thinks APM matters when it can be inflated massively, and never even use the term EPM says it all

    • 6 months ago

      Ganker also thinks camera movement and selecting different hotkey groups increases apm in sc2 when it doesn't

      • 6 months ago

        >Ganker thinks camera movement increases APM
        oh come on there's no way
        not even Ganker is that dumb

        • 6 months ago

          Never played Starcraft 2, so I wouldn't know.

        • 6 months ago

          I'd just assume most of them don't play it, or at least don't look into this part specifically
          Hell I never knew it until it came up in a pro game cast I watched to learn something I struggled with
          The extent of my sc2 gameplay was hitting very low masters sometime back in WoL and I'd be trash at it now going back

  58. 6 months ago

    Just only got into the genre a year ago. I'm going to keep playing campaigns and having fun. Get fricked

    • 6 months ago


  59. 6 months ago

    >have full time job
    >come home
    >play a few matches
    >maybe an hour to an hour and a half
    >do other shit before sleeping before work the next day
    In the time you spent being dumb in this thread you could've had some matches

  60. 6 months ago

    Why is that in every RTS thread there's a group of hyperactive autists dedicated to protecting their precious genre at any cost? It's like they're struggling to get new players to curb stomp and have to resort to these desperate attempts so some moron will download aoe2 and get stomped.
    Dead genre
    Dying playerbase
    Cry about it

    • 6 months ago

      >why are there knowledgeable people trying to stop the flow of bullshit

      • 6 months ago

        Dead genre
        WC3 custom games are dead
        Cry about it

        MOBAs are better

        • 6 months ago

          Do you need someone else to help frick your wife too homosexual

          • 6 months ago

            WC3 was the most fun with versus team play. Cry about it.

      • 6 months ago

        >stop the flow of bullshit

        We're already doing that. We're killing the RTS genre.

    • 6 months ago

      Again, good players do not get matched with noobs
      Good players do not want to get matched with noobs

    • 6 months ago

      >It's like they're struggling to get new players to curb stomp
      If you played any skill based games you would know that this "curb stomp" shit is only interesting for underage morons (the one who play FPS).
      People literally kick new players from Wargame lobbies because no one want to waste their time against shitty player. The guy who PERFECT you in fighting game has 0 enjoyment doping this.
      So don't worry, no one want to curb stomp you. Or even play against you.

      • 6 months ago

        Actually curbstomp is necessary step for making champions (among other necessary steps).
        But they don't teach this ugly truth in schools because it is "problematic"

        • 6 months ago

          >Actually curbstomp is necessary step for making champions
          No, the better your opponents are the better you'll get by facing them, noob stomping doesn't make you a better player

          • 6 months ago

            That's what he's saying but from the perspective of the person getting curbstomped

          • 6 months ago

            Read the book. It's not only thing for making champion. But for chads beating the living shit of the underage weak babies is a good training on top of the other training

            The book begins with the observation that a disproportionate number of elite Canadian hockey players are born in the earlier months of the calendar year. The reason behind this is that since youth hockey leagues determine eligibility by the calendar year, children born on January 1 play in the same league as those born on December 31 in the same year. Because children born earlier in the year are statistically larger and more physically mature than their younger competitors, and they are often identified as better athletes, this leads to extra coaching and a higher likelihood of being selected for elite hockey leagues. This phenomenon in which "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is dubbed "accumulative advantage" by Gladwell, while sociologist Robert K. Merton calls it "the Matthew Effect", named after a biblical verse in the Gospel of Matthew: "For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him, that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."

            • 6 months ago

              I'm not going to read a fricking book to reply to your post
              Beating weak players is the worst training
              Losing to strong players is the best training

              • 6 months ago

                >Beating weak players is the worst training
                >Losing to strong players is the best training
                Yeah it's official political correct myth, proped by media etc.
                Ugly toxic problematic reality is different. People who get it easy become top (getting easy is not only part, hard trainings and dedication is must too).

                Again read the book.

              • 6 months ago

                What are you whining about exactly, that you never will be able to reach the top 1% because you weren’t there when the game launched? Neither were Reynor or Clem and they still somehow made it

              • 6 months ago

                Who said about complains? You are strawmaning.
                I am dispelling popular myth that chads dunking on babies is not a good training.
                Relative age effect is real

              • 6 months ago

                You are not debunking shit, do you think Chad keeps training against 7 years old on his way to the top?

              • 6 months ago

                It's not only thing for success. It's the one part of the many. Obviously completing against peers (and also dedicating all time to training) is important too.
                Popular myth is the hard competition makes people stronger and it is wrong. In sports privileged people (larger stronger more mature because of the relative age effect) get on top. People training from behind (at disadvantage because of their younger relative age) doesn't become extra stronger because of extra hard competition, quite the opposite they stay behind as training bags for chads.

              • 6 months ago

                >People training from behind (at disadvantage because of their younger relative age) doesn't become extra stronger because of extra hard competition
                Yes they do

              • 6 months ago

                Now anon it's time to read Guns, Germs, and Steel and post more shit online.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not about getting to the top
                It's about being the better version of yourself

              • 6 months ago

                Why don't zooms get this?

              • 6 months ago

                Education prepares people for wageslaving, not critical thinking
                People learn the bare minimum to earn whatever they need. Everyone just looks for money or "to win", not self improving for the joy of it. Few people realize that martial arts, sports, art and competition is about testing yourself against a match or against yourself, not to humiliate others.

                So of course, a game that has actual rules and winning conditions are the bane of the lame.

              • 6 months ago

                Even then just being reasonably competent takes you pretty far.

              • 6 months ago

                I got to low Platinum in SC2 back then with an APM of 30-40 lol
                Still felt the wall hitting me. I'm ok with that tho. SC2 kinda sucks.

                People saying RTS are too hard for them are just shitters scared of a modicum of challenge. Its always (mostly) about game knowledge and creative strategies (things that Starcraft don't let you apply because it's all about fast deathballing Mutas or other clown unit)

              • 6 months ago

                >Again read the book.
                "In an article about the book for The New York Times, Steven Pinker wrote, "The reasoning in 'Outliers,' which consists of cherry-picked anecdotes, post-hoc sophistry and false dichotomies, had me gnawing on my Kindle."
                Steven Pinker (Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author, and public intellectual) vs Malcolm Gladwel ( English-born Canadian journalist, author, and public speaker, the c*ck)

              • 6 months ago

                Is that zoomer fashion? Read the book and decide about it's arguments yourself.

              • 6 months ago

                >Is that zoomer fashion?
                Shilling shitty book? For sure.

              • 6 months ago

                >Yeah it's official political correct myth,
                No, it's the fricking truth, you'd know this if you were actually fricking good at anything
                The quote you posted is an example of selection bias and has nothing to do with actually being good at something - the hockey players get selected because they're the older than the rest of the people in the their team. You're confusing status with actually being good. We're talking about playing video games, you don't have fricking status, only your skill at the game

              • 6 months ago

                >- the hockey players get selected because they're the older than the rest of the people in the their team. You're confusing status with actually being good
                Point is myth is people who get it easy become soft but it doesn't work like that. Eventually they play against peers in championships when ages level up... and they perform the best. Living in easy mode doesn't make them soft.
                And playrrs who get it hard doesn't become stronger quite the opposite they stay behind forever even when ages level up.
                Winners learn how to win
                Losers learn how to lose.
                And it's very problematic.

                BTW in top sports it very known effect and people cheat with age if can. Famous Soviet hockey team that played against Canadians all had couple year shaved off during their youth. African soccer players routenly shave off years, Chechen martial arts athets all have age record reduced by couple years. They set life on easy mode ... and it works.

              • 6 months ago

                If you played video games, and you were good at playing video games, you would observe that that people who played against stronger opponents got better, and the people who stayed in their comfort zone remained at the same skill level
                You're conflating this with people who get awarded status in real life based on unfair advantage, this has nothing to do with the fricking conversation at all, nobody is handpicking you for a video game team

              • 6 months ago

                >Humans are born with some innate
                Feature that makes them better
                >This can't apply to videogames
                >Because videogames don't have specific real life skills that are called upon
                >Even though humans play it and real human skill matters

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah you can be born with genetics that make you better or worse at video games, but it mostly boils down to your skill
                You will find absolutely zero pro video game players who are just natural prodigies and don't play the game

              • 6 months ago

                >game players who are just natural prodigies and don't play the game
                You really should read the book. It covers
                >don't play the game

              • 6 months ago

                You should learn to use your fricking brain
                Everything you've quoted from the book has nothign to do with skill or ability, the topic we're discussing, and everything to do with privilege
                You have no privilege when you're playing a video game, you don't get selected for the the DOTA team because you were best in your age group, it's your fricking skill or nothing

              • 6 months ago

                >but it mostly boils down to your skill
                it's just autism : people play the same game and genre for years and years to get where they are
                I have no clue how they don't get bored after a while

              • 6 months ago

                But natural prodigies do play the game, they're just more successful because of that?
                What the frick are you talking about honestly lmao.
                It's like how in the Olympics no one is going to compete or be better than someone who's just born with a certain trait that makes them better at the sport. Same thing happens in RTS you cannot climb to the top because there are innate skills you cannot overcome

              • 6 months ago

                Genetics play a far bigger role in sport than they do in video games, for obvious reasons
                Being good at a video game is 90% on your choices

              • 6 months ago

                >Being good at a video game is 90% on your choices
                This is why performance of the e athletes declines after 24 and falls of the cliff after 30. Nope.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, that's the 10%
                You think you'd have a chance against a 30 year old CS pro just because you were 23? lmao

              • 6 months ago

                >t Shroud

              • 6 months ago

                Flash is 31

              • 6 months ago

                you're equating age with skill but it's more about time spent on the game and skill : 30+ people spend less time on vidya in general
                the reaction time issue is grossly exaggerated

              • 6 months ago

                >the reaction time issue is grossly exaggerated
                It's most accurate single measure predicting asiaticclickers players performance

                >there are people who've been playing since fricking Dune and they tend to be very dedicated and move from game to game.
                Just reminder that if you older than 30 you can't compete in asiaticclickers.

              • 6 months ago

                >It's most accurate single measure
                its the only thing that has been measured so that means little

              • 6 months ago

                I have doubts about this data being isolated from other variables, as in, on average, 30+ year olds have a completely different lifestyle and did live a specific life for years which could have impacted their reaction time
                that doesn't mean reaction time gets worse with age as prominently, just that people in our society on average do

              • 6 months ago

                There is no such thing as prodigies.
                Kids just found their passion at the age of 7 and did nothing but that till they became adults and surprise surprise they are world class.

                Just look at any F1 driver and Pro soccer player.
                The truth is not genetics. It's starting out when youre a toddler as that stage is super crucial to developing skills in any endeavor. The reason it's so rare is cause most of us don't know shit what we wanted to be or wasted time playing around with toys or video games at that age.

              • 6 months ago

                >There is no such thing as prodigies.
                Yes there is
                Talent exists and skill matters
                Anyone trying to deny either of these is a moron

              • 6 months ago

                Nope. It's developed.
                Anything else is a cope for failures who can't deal with the fact they missed their window by the time they hit puberty.

              • 6 months ago

                I am world class in my field and I started at an early age
                I met people who started when they were teenagers who were better than me
                Saying talent doesn't exist is cope

              • 6 months ago

                Just cause your uncle didled you as a kid doesn't mean you're a world class homosexual

              • 6 months ago

                >If you played video games, and you were good at playing video games, you would observe that that people who played against stronger opponents got better, and the people who stayed in their comfort zone remained at the same skill level
                Citation of statistical study pls.

              • 6 months ago

                What a fricking moron.

              • 6 months ago

                Jesus fricking Christ
                Your book is shit and was written by random journo
                Hockey is uugaaa bugaaa sport where people are constantly beating each other on the field while being enraged 24/7. Literally apes. Curbstomping is shit and only good for apes

            • 6 months ago

              the greatest rts player of all time became a pro when he was only 15 and got the nickname "child labor" for carrying his team who was all older than him. at his absolute peak when he was considered unbeatable he still lost 1 out of every 3 games he played.

    • 6 months ago

      All your complaints just show you don't actually play RTS. Skilled players doing ranked matches go up against other skilled players, noobs go up against noobs. Skill mis-matches are not satisfying for either player. Noob gets destroyed before he can do anything, and the skilled player doesn't get any sort of challenge from beating him. The real pain from being up against a significantly weaker player as a skilled player is that you have to handicap yourself severely to make it even halfway interesting. Back in AoE2 lobbies with ELO disparities we did this by having the advanced player not be allowed to move his units until a certain amount of time had passed. A simple, crude method, but it only cost the experienced player a few minutes of boredom in exchange for a slightly interesting game instead of a boring one where he doesn't even get to castle age before the noob surrenders.

      • 6 months ago

        Dead genre
        Dying playbase

        • 6 months ago

          AoE2 is alive and well, has more active players now than it ever did at any point.

          • 6 months ago

            Dead genre
            Dying playerbase
            Cry harder

            • 6 months ago

              Peaked at 20,000 people today on Steam 😉

  61. 6 months ago

    Calling Olympic gold medalists sweaty tryhard no-lifers that need to stop gatekeeping me just because I can't run

    • 6 months ago

      RTS games are not Olympic sports.

      • 6 months ago

        You're right, they're better
        SC2 has sexy alien babes and the olympics has none

        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            How do I use my Ganker skills to be an olympic cameraman

  62. 6 months ago

    Are there any RTS with procgen maps? Static maps are the main reason why RTS games are braindead, second reason is camera that is too close to the ground, but there are many games that fixed that

    • 6 months ago

      Aoe2, supcom faf

    • 6 months ago

      AoE2's primary ranked mode is random map. Maps are all randomly generated following different generation patterns themed on geographic locations, i.e. "islands", or "coastal", "arabia", etc. The amount of resources on the map are always the same, and with enough experience you become familiar with how the maps tend to array players on the map in relation to specific resources, but sometimes you can get really weird generations that throw players off.

  63. 6 months ago

    So what RTS games have come out in the last 10 years that actually try something new?
    The biggest thing that bothers me is that dungeon keeper, impossible creatures, WC3, battle realms, warlords battlecry etc. had more variety in them 20 years ago than what we've had in the last 10+ years. Seeing the most hyped new release (stormgate) literally just be sc2 version 0.4 is embarrassing to the genre as a whole.

    • 6 months ago

      I have high hopes for Homeworld 3

      • 6 months ago

        Wait a minute Deserts of Kharak isn't Homeworld 3?

        • 6 months ago

          We're getting a new one sometime early next year iirc

          I am so fricking ready

    • 6 months ago

      The genre can't change because they're appealing to the old crowd of RTS gamers so anything that does something interesting like Grey Goo, Universe at war or AOE3 is dead in the water because not all the skills that they developed in SC2 or AOE2 are immediately transferable. So for it to be a successful game you have to make sure all the things they've learned are applicable in the new game too. Simple as that.

    • 6 months ago

      >So what RTS games have come out in the last 10 years that actually try something new?

      • 6 months ago

        why the frick didn't they call it total warhammer

      • 6 months ago

        >The first of the series, Shogun: Total War, was released in June 2000.

  64. 6 months ago

    Rome wasn't the first TW game?

    • 6 months ago

      CA have always been weebs.

  65. 6 months ago

    >simply scout enemy
    >he hasn't built detection
    >build two DTs

  66. 6 months ago

    asiaticclick simulators
    No actual strategy
    Dead genre

  67. 6 months ago

    >I want an RTS
    > But slow paced
    >In fact turn based
    >And wanna make my dudes and fight in epic big battles like im a general
    > Different units comp? That sounds tryhard
    >Techs? That sounds like build paths and i dont wanna learn that
    >Pincer attacks? Lmao what a tryhard babble
    >Disruption of economy? Lmao thats some tryhard words, im a general not an economist
    > I want the biggest tank, and i want it now
    >Building costs? Boring shit for tryhards
    >I dont wanna hear "scouting", means nothing to me
    >MP? Thats a solved building path and I... No I dont wanna play against a person who solved the game or me
    >I wanna play against an AI that plays always the same so i can solve the game
    >I wanna fight in my "own terms" and whenever i like, not when my enemy forces me to because i wanna be the one forcing, just dont know how
    >And if you beat me youre a tryhard korean in age of stratcraft i played that game all the time as a kid and was a god i know what im talking about but dem evil koreans made it bad

    Ugh. Is it so hard to understand?
    Anyways, what RTS game lets me roleplay as a good general? Without those -pesky- mechanics in the way
    I main Protoss btw

    • 6 months ago

      I love pincer attacks, so simple and effective

      • 6 months ago

        Hammer and anvil always works in every strategy game. It's the secret to beating every single Total War game on legendary difficulty too.

      • 6 months ago

        Hammer and anvil always works in every strategy game. It's the secret to beating every single Total War game on legendary difficulty too.

        I love advancing with fortifications

        Slowly but surely claiming ground that I can defend. Takes knowledge of the game though, as the other player could run around to you and you're burning money into your strongholds. Works on CoH with Wehrmacht freakishly well, and in AoE2/AoE4

        • 6 months ago

          >and in AoE2/AoE4
          In a limited capacity maybe. Siege weapons are so powerful in both games that fortifications are at best a speed bump on their own, they work as supplements for your army and give you a staging position. AoE4 especially, since infantry can simply build rams in a forest then suddenly emerge and rush down your fortifications.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah you can advance with fortifications to an extent but you certainly have to know when to push and when to wait and defend, as well to identify a good spot to sit on

            • 6 months ago

              For AoE2 I favor maps that have lots of natural chokepoints for that reason. Black Forest, obviously, but also Highlands and other maps with river crossings. Now and then somebody will think to make navy on a river map and that always makes things interesting. They usually lose, though, since there's a reason people don't go for navy on river maps as a general rule.

            • 6 months ago

              For AoE2 I favor maps that have lots of natural chokepoints for that reason. Black Forest, obviously, but also Highlands and other maps with river crossings. Now and then somebody will think to make navy on a river map and that always makes things interesting. They usually lose, though, since there's a reason people don't go for navy on river maps as a general rule.

              I dislike Starcraft so much because of this. In any other RTS the map makes or breaks the strategies you develop, while SC has none, just a fricking ramp, and deathballing. Maps make no difference, and the game offers no room for creativity.

              • 6 months ago

                deathballing wasn't as prevalent in sc1, but I'm not sure if it was a matter of control groups being limited to 12 units, stronger aoe effects in general or what

              • 6 months ago

                Units couldn't deathball in SC1 because of bad pathing and 12 unit selection

    • 6 months ago

      Although tosschad, me too

  68. 6 months ago

    This is your typical lowest low player

    It's literally your wet dream AI match. There is nothing to fear.

  69. 6 months ago

    PvP RTS suck
    Singleplayer RTS are fun as frick

  70. 6 months ago

    you have to do a lot of shit at once because economy simulator. RTT are easier to get into because lol no economy

  71. 6 months ago

    RTS games are the only genre I see this demented assault and proselytizing towards single-players, desperately trying to get them to become seals to be clubbed. Not been finding any matches, comptards?

    • 6 months ago

      Looks like the opposite to me, single player shitters whining about “compgays” and asking for the games to be causalised further

  72. 6 months ago

    Frick shitters
    Frick secondaries

    Always be improving
    Always be learning
    Always be kings

    • 6 months ago

      Never be afraid of failure or trying to new things

  73. 6 months ago

    So many demented compgays ITT
    they can't find enough seals to club apparently. 20k players mean nothing if they can't find fresh noobs to humiliate

  74. 6 months ago

    will there ever be a good AoE2 sequel, with unit asymmetry, sprite graphics and custom sprites for every single civ ?

  75. 6 months ago

    nobody is seething about your dogshit genre
    go play league you fricking fossil

  76. 6 months ago

    Don't let schizo to derail thread.
    His original statement was
    >Actually curbstomp is necessary step for making champions (among other necessary steps).
    >my book said so
    He's a moron. Even worse: he's moron who doesn't play video games

  77. 6 months ago

    >I'm bad at video games because I'm 24 yo+!

  78. 6 months ago

    200 ELO 30 yo zone
    300 ELO 25 yo zone
    400 ELO is 20 yo zone

  79. 6 months ago

    non-RTS gay here, I realized the problem when I was trying to learn how to play a 4X game with a turn timer for multiplayer. The core of the fear is that the player's attention is a resource they must divide across their entire empire/army/whatever, and raising your APM effectively increases how much of that resource is at your disposal. The problem is that people don't like the disadvantage that comes from being up against high APM players, and raising your APM is really difficult because it requires both increased dexterity with the controls and an ability to intuitively know which of your options will accomplish what on a second-to-second basis.

    • 6 months ago

      In RTS you're supposed to click shortcuts on KB instead of clicking building/icons with your mouse. Even 4X enjoyers are using shortcuts all time. You do it naturally in all video games (FPS, RPG, action games) without thinking. Except for RTS because you don't have basic RTS skills. Because you don't use keybinds you can't successfully learn how to multi-task. This is why normal people and low reaction boomers have issues with RTS gameplay

      • 6 months ago

        I include familiarity with hotkeys in "dexterity with the controls", but even if I was that dumb, it wouldn't take away from my point of trying to articulate why they SEEM scary.

  80. 6 months ago

    I read about some study they did several years ago where they hooked up a starcraft pro to a brain imagine machine while he was playing. I think it was nada or xellos. they also scanned some amateur players to compare him with. they found that the amateur players' brains were most active in the area responsible for vision, while the pro was most active in the area for memory. basically the shitters spend all their brain power just looking at the screen, while the pro is comparing the game he is currently playing with his memory of the hundreds of games he has played before. I think they found similar results with pro chess players.

    • 6 months ago

      being experienced with game means you play by muscle memory. being new means you are looking and trying to figure things out while you go. its not that interesting. RTS games should be less about rote memorization imo. starcraft and its fans are a stain on the genre
      t- played brood war for 2 hours today

  81. 6 months ago

    >be too scared to play 1v1 because if i lose its my fault
    >do a 2v2 match
    >teammate blames me for losing because I dont know what im doing
    >feel bad
    >play mobas instead
    id bet the farm this is the most popular experience for someone new getting into rts.

  82. 6 months ago

    I played Red Alert 2, AoE II and Warcraft 3 as a kid because everyone did, but I ditched RTS as soon as I discovered Rome: Total War and Europa Universalis III. They just scratched my strategy itch much better.

  83. 6 months ago

    It's similar to arena shooters. It's just full of oldgays that absolutely tear your butthole a new one every game which isn't fun at all. There are so few players that you can't learn the basics and it's just not fun.
    Even as a seasoned RTS player I don't enjoy the matchmaking. There are people out there that have perfected their build they have ran for 10+ years down to every single click and it's not fun vsing.

  84. 6 months ago

    I'm not seething, I'm just not buying most RTS games. Total War is fun with it's pause button, but ultimately I'm just not that good at videogames

  85. 6 months ago

    I wish more RTS games went with simpler base building like in BFME1&2.
    Less econ micro, but you still have to pick building comp, train units and such.

  86. 6 months ago

    Dead genre

  87. 6 months ago

    APM gays are moronic. It's moronic shit to impress young kids and feed your ego. Same shit happens on FPS games with "YY" spam that people literally macro for...
    My APM is between 100-180 depending on what is going on. I couldn't imagine spamming keys for the lulz.

  88. 6 months ago

    How many RTS games have there been that tried to recapture the magic of old RTS like Starcraft, C&C, Homeworld, Dune, WH40k DoW, etc, and somegow missed the mark? Grey goo, 8 bit armies, and others who have ultimately failed. What'd they miss?

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